Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Rape and Sexual Abuse in Language

Most Americans do not know what impact rape has upon a woman and upon society in general.

If they did, they would be incapable of tolerating anyone who claims the Koran is a "holy" book.

Rape is the single most invasive crime within human experience.  It is the deliberate taking of that designed for intimacy, gentleness and life, and destroying it.

Few understand the ramifications.

I have an entire Statement Analysis instruction on the language of sexual abuse, including women who were sexually assaulted in childhood, pre-speech, which means that they must attempt to describe that which has no language.  This is why special training is needed. The language has its own chapter and study.  

Rape is to come close to murder as one can, with the body still alive.  The impact to science is still unknown.  I believe that advanced genetic testing will one day reveal how many women died of cancer due to rape, from the suppressed immune system that came from the rape.

The rape, of which for the purpose of Statement Analysis, I include all childhood sexual abuse, is such that the analyst must learn:

1.  Did it happen?
2.  Did it happen when the subject stated it happened?    Or...
3.  Did the subject perseverate from a past sexual assault?

Statement Analysis successfully makes the discernment. 

There are examples of linguistic indicators of veracity on the blog, including an analysis of one of Bill Cosby's victims, while there are examples where the subject was deceptively claiming rape, due to emotional anger.  This includes Jameis Winston.  This particular analysis is difficult to read because Winston is revolting in his view of women, but he did not rape her. Here is one you should look at with a claim of her own:   College publication.  Those who use "fake rape" claims raise suspicion levels which impacts victims.   

In any list of "signs of sexual abuse of children", there is the risk of rushing to judgment.  No single indictor is conclusive.

The lists often include bed wetting, urinary tract infections and obsessions with hand washing.  The language will often follow the activities noted.

Here are some possible effects of child abuse in which language follows
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Dissociation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Academic problems in school-aged children and adolescents
  • Withdrawn and/or difficulty connecting with others
  • Flashbacks
  • Increased hypervigilance
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Move into adolescent ages and multiply this adding in all the things that teenagers can do including promiscuity, substance abuse and suicide and STD.

  • I have even had children bring their own feces to school with them.   
  • Eating disorders
  • Drug use
  • Risky sexual decision-making
  • Self-harm
  • Troubled sleeping
  • Discomfort with physical touch
We look for the signs, yes, but in training, and the aftercare, the language that is associated with these things.  
Does she mention the location of sleep?
Does she make jokes about self harm?
Does she use sensory language or show distancing language about loved ones?

I do not have enough data built up on the language of male victims.  This is not to minimize impact, it is simply that the volume of statements is insufficient to be able to determine if there is a "special language" spoken by male rape victims as there is with females.

I hope no such volume develops.   I know that Sweden, the "rape capital" of Europe, has had so much rape that it is called "epidemic" and that, conservatively, 1 of every 4 Swedish women will be raped, but they have now opened a rape center exclusively for men and boys, as rape has exploded in their country due to the Koranic teaching on rape.

Finland does not know what to do with its own epidemic with rape by Muslims up 100% from 2014 alone.  

We have childhood sexual abuse in our country sans Koran, we do not need an ideology that praises as its "perfect man" a pedophile, or a book deemed "holy" that calls rape of the infidel a reward, or actually uses religion to 'reward' eternity with sexual violence.  Please consider the impact psychologically that this has upon the male, who has been raised to believe woman are "one half the value of man" and have seen their own mothers assaulted under commandment of their god.

Whenever we consider signs, or even ramifications, listen carefully to the language.  This will sometimes become 'universal' language.

When a woman is sexually assaulted in childhood, the repercussions are life long.  This is not meant to remove hope, but it is quite the opposite:  it not only stands as a warning to parents for diligence, but women are most helped by truth.  I have been repeatedly told: "at least you told me the truth.  I thought I was going crazy."

A.  Childhood Sexual Abuse Pre-Speech

The childhood assault is so contrary to nature itself, that the child can disassociate while being molested.  This is the passivity that is so closely related to acute damage:  the brain remains in a hormone induced heighten state of emergency or crisis.  The imprint, whether or not the words exist, is left. 

Those abused before speech have the same damage to the brain, but without the ability to "linguistically process" the trauma.  The trauma to the brain can show itself at any time, including childhood illnesses that may be related to the depleted overused immune system.

But, linguistically, there are two distinct periods of time in the life of the female sexual assault victim where this shows up:

1.  Adolescence
2.  Mid-Late Adulthood

1.  Adolescence

The child was sexually abused as an infant, pre speech.  The same trauma exists but without the capability of expressing it.  The brain seems to respond positively to linguistic processing.  One man in a Soviet prison camp was kept in isolation for long periods of time between interrogations.  The interrogator used the Russian word for "death penalty" which terrified him and caused him to stumble during the interrogation.  His body, literally, reacted to this word:  quickened pulse, sweat, blood pressure increase, etc.

He used Statement Analysis principle of familiarity to combat its affect:  he spoke audibly to himself in sentences repeatedly using the single word that so caused his body to react.  He did this for several weeks and when it came time for the interrogation, he used the word, himself, (in Russian, to the precise accent and accentuation of the interrogator) boldly, finding it no longer held the physiological power over him that it had previously.

The child of whom sexual abuse has taken place pre speech has no words of which to communicate what is within them.  In statement after statement, they all sound the same:

Like crazy people trying to describe what cannot be described.

They halt repeatedly, their frustration can explode, and the fear of not being believed can re-traumatize them with hormonal rush.

Even for those who have no unexplained childhood illnesses (I will touch upon this coming up) the adolescent period can be a major crisis in the life of the victim.  As new levels of hormones reach the brain, the 'perfect storm' arises.  This is where the "good girl" her entire life suddenly becomes a depressed, sullen, promiscuous drug using rebel.

The innocent parents are baffled.

What is behind the behavior is a desire to be punished.  The self loathing becomes its own bizarre statistic.  In the statistically safest of lands, this teen can report being raped....twice or even more.

To this, police and school officials have said, "What are the odds?  This cannot be true."

They fail to see:  the inner desire for punishment (and cleansing) causes the victim to put herself deliberately in harm's way.

While most male victims take their aggression outwardly, the female mostly turns her rage inward.  In interviewing such, it is key to learn if there is any specific anger towards a family member, for unknown reasons, as the victim sometimes reveals the identity of the perpetrator unknowingly.  It is crucial...crucial, for the professional to understand the sensitivity of repetition.  The language must be followed because "the brain knows what it knows", which is a principle of Statement Analysis that covers so much.

The victim's brain may know the perpetrator's identity.  This often is easily missed by professionals because the description, itself, is childlike.

One victim reported repeated nightmares about a "man with a large nose" entering her room and woke up screaming.

Note that the nose and ears continue to grow and it appears more pronounced the older one is, and the younger the victim.  This description did, in fact, reveal the perpetrator who, unpunished, did not deny the abuse; instead, spoke of his own abuse.

What he did not recognize is the life long suffering of the victim and every one who loved her.  More on this coming.

If the adolescent's language is followed, pieces of the puzzle can be carefully instructed.

If enough of the puzzle comes together, the purpose of it is not simply justice, but something far more important to the sufferer:  the chance to process through and mitigate the pain.

This means that the professional must note repetition especially within words that seem innocuous and unimportant.  Currently, I am in training with some experts in this field who will work towards the topic of leakage, almost exclusively, who may be able to bring more relief to victims than ever thought possible.

2.  Mid-Advanced Adulthood

Some victims of early pre-speech childhood sexual abuse seem to have healthy normal childhoods and go on to college, marriage and...


There are two major triggers that I have found among victims:

*naturally declining hormones

There is much hormonal activity in childbearing but in language, I have found a sudden preoccupation with the child's safety that borders on, or crosses into, hyper vigilance.  This is where a woman begins to question why she is on such high alert for her child and is puzzled.

A woman may take her beautiful daughter, and deliberately cut off her hair and make her as 'boy like' as possible.  What is behind this?

Careful interviewing is needed.

There are some who do this to 'protect' their daughters and once this realization comes upon them, the proverbial floodgates open up, and the same adolescent speech patterns emerge where sensitivity indicators must be seen.

All parents must protect their children and infants are not viable nor capable of self protection, making protection, nurturing, caring, etc, "unnecessary" words.  When the unnecessary is spoken and it is spoken repeatedly, the sensitivity must be explored.

For some women, having a child is the very trigger of the past trauma and symptoms often arise.

For others, they do fine with child raising, but it is something else that triggers them and unlike the actual dated event of giving birth, this one appears subtle, but also often have a single 'day' of crisis.

Here is what happens and how it enters language:

The woman is fine.

She had a decent childhood, college degree, and is a wife, mother and professional and in reasonably good health.  Her children are content, do well in school and give the appearance that all is well.

Inside, something begins to emerge.

It has been trying to emerge for years but has been held back by something that is easy to understand:

Human growth hormones...natural energy and health.  She is energetic and strong.  If she falls off a bicycle, for example, she is shook up, but gets up, and keep riding.

But depression, which comes upon us all, is, for the first time in her life, staying longer than usual, or it comes without any recognizable reason.

If she falls, she gets up again, but not as quickly and the bruise lasts longer than it used to.  The need for Advil is evident where just a year or two prior, it was not needed.

Her "strength" is beginning its natural decline due to aging, and the wall of protection against the injury done to the brain in early childhood is beginning to show itself stronger and stronger.

At first, she fights off the depression including being busy, exercise, etc. But then the depression begins to couple with anxiety; anxiety without reason.  A trip to the doctor, a Rx and she tells herself she feels better; for awhile.

The Rx masks something and helped for a season but the natural aging that we all experience continues but in her case, the injury is now 'gaining more strength' in the sense of the ability to fight it off, even as it is unknown, is weakening.

Suddenly, at age 40,45 or 50, she comes apart at the seams.

Her husband is baffled and her children, older now, are afraid.  The consummate professional on the job is now a basket case of insecurity, tears, depression and fears.

This is where she must be heard.  

The brain will find a way to tell us, but we must be listening. 

This is also a terribly dangerous time for her because she may not be believed.  This is to re-victiize.

B,  Childhood Sexual Abuse Post-Speech

This is where "passivity" in language is most seen and sometimes misunderstood as deception.

We have a good amount of sample to work from and I am grateful for the many works done where they have included direct statements or transcripts of adult victims who have bravely donated their words for study.

Statement after statement, they all sound the same:  as if they are making it up.

They are not, and this is where specific training comes in.

Passivity is used in concealing identity or responsibility.  "The gun went off" is an example.  If this is in a crowd where the shooter is unknown, it is appropriate passivity.  If it is in a domestic homicide, it is a signal that the perpetrator does not want the identity of the shooter, or the responsibility of the shooting to be seen.

Darlie Routier's 911 call is a perfect example of one who worked diligently at concealing the identity of the assailant in a 911 call.

Due to disassociation, the victim uses her imagination to 'escape' the sexual abuse and uses language as if:

She was floating above the room watching the abuse from afar.  She can see it but is not impacted by it. 

We all use disassociation to escape.  I used to play 'blindfold chess' with a friend while listening to boring conversation.  As a boy, if lectured, I could picture myself at Shea Stadium making a diving catch.  We all do this, but we "return" to normal.

Have this happen enough times, in lengthy periods of time, and this can lead to a type of disassociation that mimics having another personality.  (This will be for another address)

The language can appear deceptive but it is consistent in adult victims of childhood sexual abuse and the sample size is large.  Another major signal that is almost universal, is the trigger of rage of not being heard, or believed.  This is in communicative language.  They all speak often of "hearing" or "speaking" in many ways.  This is due to:

a.  frustration of being incapable of articulation
b.  The threat made by the perpetrator for silence
c.  The notion that if I speak, my loved one goes to jail and my family will disown me
d.  If I speak, I destroy others
e.  If I speak, people will lose their income, homes, etc.

The list goes on and on and its one common denominator is this:

The victim must be silent. 

This means that she not only has the brain injury of the abuse, but the very means of alleviating the suffering is forbidden to her.  

The victim of childhood sexual abuse, like rape, is a life sentence of pain that can be mitigated, but not cured.

Since many are threatened or emotionally coerced into silence, the trauma is not only 'unprocessed' but continues to impact her, each and every time she fears not being heard.  

Depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, a myriad of unexplained medical illnesses along with triggers that are unpredictable, such as at holidays, leave the victim feeling afraid, alone, and incapable of coping since she cannot address what happened. The professional woman you see may be the same one who is falling apart at home, with family left bereft of comfort, doctors puzzled and all who love her, suffering with her.

All from one moment's of perverse pleasure in exploiting another.  To consider this is enough to cause any anger, but to consider this as a result of a "religion" is almost beyond comprehension.

When professionals are deeply trained in Statement Analysis, going well beyond:

Lie Detection
content analysis,
profiling and anonymous author identification,

She or he is able to use this base of training to move to "leakage", or the inadvertent release of information.

This is highly subjective work and cannot be effectively used unless all base and advanced techniques are learned.

Recall when Baby Ayla went missing and the father said, "Contrary to rumors floating around out there" when the analyst said to me, "Tell police to search water; that baby is in water and he is afraid she will float to the surface and he be arrested...'

It takes years of training to reach this point.

But what if the trained professional gets to this high level of analysis and is able to help just one single victim of childhood sexual abuse?

It is all worth it.

For parents who have seen their child self destruct, or a husband who has witnesses his wife happy one day, but making blistering attempts at self harm, or the woman who concusses herself, or...

it speaks not to 'a cry for help' but a concerted effort to punish self. 

The parent grieves and it is coupled with intense fear and guilt. 

The spouse does not know if tomorrow's holiday will be joyful, or he will take his wife to the ER for x-rays.

The professional who must maintain professional boundaries still may struggle to sleep as she or he considers what the victim may, unpredictably do, on any given day, for any given reason. 

It is a life sentence imposed upon the victim and all who love her.  These, too, suffer trauma through what they must cope with each and every day of their lives, also imposed upon them against their will. 

For formal training go to Hyatt Analysis Services and contact us.  

How angry are people in Europe about this prescribed sexual assault ideology?  This is the angry reaction to judges, police and even social workers in Europe who have been afraid to protect their own people lest they be called "Islamophobe", which only emboldens the criminal ideology that degrades women.  


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  5. OT:

    James Deen breaks his silence to address rape claims - insisting the ex-girlfriend who first accused him has ulterior motives and other alleged sex attacks can be refuted with video evidence

    Nine women have accused porn star James Deen of rape, including ex-girlfriends, fellow adult actresses and Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham
    In his first interview since the scandal, Deen said he was 'honestly shocked' by the sudden barrage of claims
    He says he has always respected a woman's right to consent both in his work and in his personal life
    Deen said the first woman who accused him may have been motivated by financial gain or out of jealousy
    He claims other women have been offered $5,000 to join the backlash against him
    Many of the allegations, Deen says, can be refuted with video evidence

    Read more:


  6. Peter, again, thank you for this analysis! As the mother of sexually abused children, I know first-hand the devastation of rape.

    I wonder if you'd be interested in analyzing a statement from a local case in my city. A 19 year old male was convicted of super aggravated sexual assault of a 4 year-old boy at the in-home daycare that he lived in with his friend for several months. (The friend's mother was the daycare owner.) In a shocking twist, the community has rallied around this convicted felon, refusing to believe that he is capable of the crime because "the only evidence was the word of a 4 year-old," though the 4 year-old's testimony was very detailed, even down to the yellow lotion that was used. The community is currently fighting to free this man, who accepted a 25 year sentence and waived his right to appeal. I have spoken with the family of the little victim and they are devastated by the community turning against them.

    Here's an excerpt from on of his two post-trial interviews that aired here: http://www.kvue.com/videos/news/local/2014/07/31/12973078/

    Reporter: “If you had an opportunity to speak to the families of these children who accused you, what would you say?”

    GK: “First thing I’d say is I’m sorry that your son is uh THINKING [emphasis given by GK] that something happened to him. Um. But…I think he’s being very untruthful in his testimony…and if something did happen to him, you just have the wrong guy. And…look…bottom line, I’m sorry but you just have the wrong guy.”

    Reporter: “Were you a role model for them? Were you a friend for them?”

    GK: “I felt like I was. Um… Cause I was really the only one that would uh interact with them. I didn’t want them to think of me as…just a big stranger. Uh, you know, I lived there and I wanted to get to know everybody that I was around.”

    Reporter: “Was there anything that you believe was potentially borderline inappropriate that happened?”

    GK: “In my point of view, there was nothing inappropriate going on.”

    Reporter: “Was there anything potentially inappropriate that could have been seen in somebody else’s point of view?”

    GK: “No.”

    I would be forever grateful for your opinion and can send you the entire interview if you'd like, but I understand you probably have a lot of folks asking you to analyse stuff.

  7. OT:

    Paige Yore Denies Lying In Viral Video About Walmart Cashier


    What I am doing is not about the fame. It’s not about the money. It’s not about being on ABC. It’s about touching people’s lives in a world where we all forget what the meaning of Christmas is.”

    We note anything said in the negative as sensitive. When someone says it's "not" about this, it's "not" that. It usually is, just that.

    Read more




  8. OT:

    Walmart customer hits back after company accuses her of lying about her encounter with a cashier


  9. Anonymous said...
    Please research Dissociative Identity Disorder with medical journals before writing a SA entry on it. The vast majority of psychiatrists believe this is schizophrenia. Hippocampal and amygdala volume reductions are found in DID patients and in schizophrenics. Even the most famous "victim" of DID, Shirley Mason, admitted to her psychiatrist that she lied to him. Her psychiatrists was so invested in the new diagnosis he created, he couldn't admit it was bogus and face his colleagues. I've cared for inpatient psychiatric patients in one of U.S. News & World Report Top 10 Hospitals for 11 years and I've never seen a patient with a DID diagnosis. DID is schizophrenia. (Yes, childhood abuse is a common finding in schizophrenia patients.)
    December 8, 2015 at 3:18 PM


    I'll reply to this assertion when you post it again with your name.

    Peter Hyatt

  10. Bravo! @4:01 & 4:03. ABB

  11. Peter, she was a janitor in 11 hospitals in 10 years where they have US News and World Report magazine in the waiting room. Even her need to pump up her creditails fails the smell test.

  12. Peter,
    Did you ever read this transcript of Davey's Grill story sermon? He seems to be quite sincere during this segment:

    "Now listen (claps hands), that’s my grill story. But I wonder, in here, how many of us, that’s our life story. I wonder how many of us, who would be honest. Now, I know you’re not used to being honest in church (makes face & sighs – time 8:19), but I wonder how many of us would say, hey man (claps hand), somebody did something to me, or somebody said something to me, that caused pain in my life and it dented me up, (time 8:32) and it hurt, and every time you think about that person, and every time you think about that situation, every time you look back on that, or you see the person at the grocery story, it reminds you of that pain. The feelings of that pain well up inside of you. And listen, I get it. There, there’s probably not one of us in here who have not been hurt at some point in our lives.

    And I want, I want to talk about, like, like, legitimately, how do we get over that pain? This is not going to be one of those messages where it’s just like (angry coach voice? Time 9:09) “You gotta get over it. You shouldn’t feel that way.” Because, I mean (claps hands), seriously, it’s real. There are some of us in who (9:16), here who have experienced pain, that, like, if you were to, tell us the story we wouldn’t believe it, because it’s so unfathomable how much pain you’ve had to endure from other people."

    My amateur analysis:
    Someone abused him while he was face down (like the grill)
    It was someone he saw at the grocery store
    An authority figure disregarded his feelings

  13. DID and schizophrenia are not the same thing.

    There have been studies that have attempted to link them, but DID, with various classifications, is different.

    Some accuse researchers of shilling for drug manufacturers in the studies, so that DID sufferers will be medicated instead of dealing with the personal trauma.


  14. Peter, can you elaborate on SA, linguistics, and dreams? Apparently the linguistics are in our language of dreams as well? I have not heard you mention SA association with dreams that I can remember in all these years.
    Someone close to me told me about his dream the other day where he and his wife were trying to find a bedroom they could have sex in. Every time he opened a door, there was a bathroom of some kind,and another door to go through that led to another bathroom. They were all different, one had a shower stall, another a bathtub, another a whirlpool, one was full of towels. One door after another, a different bath setup. They never got to the bedroom.
    My jaw hit the floor, and I hoped I didn't look as shocked as I was.

  15. Vicki,

    There is not a lot on it: Here is how we view it, though limited:

    Dreams are " a multitude of thoughts" that the brain triggers during sleep and often can reveal the thought process of the brain during the day. If the person can remember the dream, they are asked to try to write it and from there, we look for repeated words, etc.

    2 interesting cases:

    1 was a rape case in which the accuser's word revealed it was a dream. This was by having her write exactly what happened. Because she was honest, she just wrote and the analysis showed physical impossibility. She had been raped in childhood and had some mental health issues. She was relieved, as were her parents.

    1 was a man dreamed about a murder case and he was asked to do the same thing. The analysis showed "experiential knowledge"...

    he was arrested.

    When someone writes out, to the best they can, the dream, it may help give insight.

    My area that I hope may one day benefit is in those women who were sexually abused pre-speech. This is tough. The body knows, the body reacts, but even during speech development, the woman has no real linguistic connection.

    It frustrates her terribly, so if she has a dream, we have her write it out. Then, examining language (as you pointed out, with doors), repetition, sensitivity indicators, etc...

    does this help?

    Thanks for interesting question.


  16. Reporter: “If you had an opportunity to speak to the families of these children who accused you, what would you say?”

    GK: “First thing I’d say is I’m sorry that your son is uh THINKING [emphasis given by GK] that something happened to him. Um. But…I think he’s being very untruthful in his testimony…and if something did happen to him, you just have the wrong guy. And…look…bottom line, I’m sorry but you just have the wrong guy.”

    Reporter: “Were you a role model for them? Were you a friend for them?”

    GK: “I felt like I was. Um… Cause I was really the only one that would uh interact with them. I didn’t want them to think of me as…just a big stranger. Uh, you know, I lived there and I wanted to get to know everybody that I was around.”

    Reporter: “Was there anything that you believe was potentially borderline inappropriate that happened?”

    GK: “In my point of view, there was nothing inappropriate going on.”

    Reporter: “Was there anything potentially inappropriate that could have been seen in somebody else’s point of view?”

    GK: “No.”

    In child abuse, minimization is expected, even in admissions.

    1. Note "I'm sorry"
    2. "very untruthful" is not "untruthful"
    3. His sorrow is his son thinking something happened to him. This is to say the memory of what happened is something he may be sorry for.
    4. He does not deny sexually abusing him.

    The subject molested him. He does not feel that what he did was"inappropriate" by becoming no longer a "stranger" to him.

    This is the justification and for law enforcement:

    NEVER ask "Did you molest?"

    He might even pass a polygraph with this question.

    You must ask according to his own language. If he touched the boy then this should be his question.

    In this case, the deception is obvious but the lesson should not be missed by polygraphers.


  17. Peter, thanks for the answer to the dream question... I haven't heard any similar wording in his speech, so I am hoping it is a dumb dream with no significance .

  18. Does Indy police usually release 911 calls?

    this has been a long time!

  19. Vicki,

    you're welcome. I am limited in this, so I hope this helped.

    Everything I encounter needs lots of volume before we can build data. There is not much to go on.


  20. Anon@8.12


    Prosecutor’s offices can withhold recordings under the Access to Public Records Act if it they are involved in a crime investigation.

    Has media requested the call be released, though? Idk. Sometimes calls are not released if the public will react badly, make a fair trial seem unlikely, etc.

  21. Peter,
    It is difficult to read your articles on prespeech rape victims. Thank you for what you do.
    Can you give specific examples of what they say that make them sound like "crazy people" unable to describe what cannot be described? This is heart breaking.

  22. This was an extremely interesting article.

    Peter, I invite you to explore the clinical psychological literature that indicates that:

    1) Women tend to "suck it up" until they are comfortably in a place of safety (for example, in a supportive marriage, in the 40s or 50s, whatever) at which point they psychologically fall apart PSTD-style.

    2) Somewhere around 20-25% of high school girls (and presumably more as they continue to stay alive and encounter sexual predators) report having been sexually assaulted.

    3) Somewhere around 1% of non-criminal, non-litigation patients report psychotic PTSD or other cognitive impairment symptoms which could be considered "malingering."

    Fun fact: My eldest daughter is due to give birth to my first grandchild this coming January. My evil exhusband who was prevented from murdering me by the brave Garden Grove police officers has inquired whether I will be present at the birth (he has continued to stalk me during the 20+ years since our divorce, including driving all the way from Minnesota to San Francisco to drive past my house


  23. Is that a real giant sign in Finland?

    WHY ? That is encouragement ! Crazy !

  24. thanks, Katprint.

    the "suck it up" is consistent with the natural strength of higher hormones, too. I think busy life and success postpones it too.


  25. John mcgowan said...


    Paige Yore Denies Lying In Viral Video About Walmart Cashier


    “What I am doing is not about the fame. It’s not about the money. It’s not about being on ABC. It’s about touching people’s lives in a world where we all forget what the meaning of Christmas is.”

    We note anything said in the negative as sensitive. When someone says it's "not" about this, it's "not" that. It usually is, just that.

    Read more



    December 8, 2015 at 2:23 PM

    Hi John
    Yore is standing by her claims.

    She said her experience “just happened to go viral.”

    “Did I plan on it? Absolutely not,” she told KRDO News. “Did I want that? Probably not.”

    I love statement analysis.

    “Did I plan on it? Absolutely not,” she told KRDO News. “Did I want that? Probably not.”
    Absolutely not doesn't mean no.

    This is close, that is distancing.

    Probably not doesn't mean no.

    “Did I plan on it? Absolutely not
    The expected answer would be NO.
    She does not make a strong denial and when she tries to deny it was planned, she weakens an already weak denial by asking a question first (making it sensitive).
    Who is she asking, herself or the interviewer?

    She knew and wanted her video to go viral otherwise why post it in the first place?
    When you post something be it a video or even a comment, you do so to get people to see it.

    Did she want the video to go viral?
    She tells us probably not which is weak.
    The expected would be NO.

    I would ask her now, What say you to the to CCTV video evidence showing the incident you claimed happened, did not happen?

  26. Peter, if one was abused pre-speech but has no visual memory of it, isn't there a greater risk to their emotional health to think about it or try to remember it? After decades of suppressing memories to make the pain manageable, what happens to the woman who opens that door? I don't see anything good coming out of revisiting childhood trauma.
    I know someone who dreamt about being underwater as long as she could remember. The dream isn't frightening; she's actually breathing and safe there with the sea animals approaching her and welcoming her to stay. This dream repeats every night and she looks forward to sinking into the water when she goes to sleep.
    Later, maybe late teens, she has nightmares of being in a circle, surrounded by heavy wood doors and she has to choose which door to open. There's a terrible sense of what's behind the door she mustn't go through but she never gets to choose; one door (and they all look the same) always opens violently and she is sucked into the room with a wind that takes her breath away. Inside the room that is empty but for a dark closet she feels the wind swirl around her and the door slams behind her. She's in the presence of the devil, and then she wakes up.
    Two very different dreams. One includes water and the other includes doors.

  27. Anonymous 10:40, please choose a name.

    This is a good question.

    Years ago, I felt that it was best to not awaken that which is dormant. In fact, I felt strongly about it.

    I dealt with some puzzling cases that told me otherwise. The last of these was a Presbyterian pastor. Of his three children, two were professionals and one was an addict with schizophrenia diagnosed.

    The difference was that the one was adopted who had been sexually abused as an infant, removed from the home, etc.

    The next case that made me think was a fantastic girl who was A student, well behaved, and so on, even as a teen, yet, once a teen, every year at a certain time, she would turn into the proverbial 'monster' of which so much testing and investigating was done by parents, medical doctors ,school officials and psychologists. Eventually it went to criminal background. She had been sexually molested by her bio father and the season corresponded with the season of acting out, only to return to normal after. (SAD was ruled out).

    These are not conclusive and only 2 cases, but it inspired me to not only research but to keep records of interviewing in sex abuse cases.

    Often, I had the psych eval while typing the transcript of the interview....over and over and over...hundreds of cases over the years.

    The statement analysis training met with those who insisted that "the brain remembers" and "the body knows" warnings.

    I look back many years ago and ache when I think of how a victim's processing was cut short in therapy because of the belief by the therapist to "let sleeping dogs lay..." I had agreed with her. The suffering continued and what I have heard recently has inspired me to make contact with the victim after all these years.

    I am not in favor of trying to force someone to remember, which suggestion alone, is powerful, but if and this is a big "if" :

    If there is some evidence of possible childhood sexual abuse, I think journaling is invaluable. This same "journaling" verbally, with a trained professional who may pick up the sensitivity indicators may help.

    But as you point out, I am open to those who feel to not remember is better....I am more addressing those who have expressed that "something is wrong" AND there is a growing body of literature (not studies, but books in which transcripts and/or quotes are) showing certain patterns emerging in language that may help.

    I know more about this than I wish I did, and have dealt with those who have various forms of DID. As the pedantic anonymous stated her "wish" that I would research before posting, as if she is an anonymous expert lecturing, I have dealt with too many who suffer from DID; not 'multiple personalty, or schizophrenia with "alters" but times of disassociation where the victim is plagued with intrusive thoughts--

    this is what I have found:

    those who suffer from this (not the schizophrenia or mimicking it with alters), in various ways, in which they literally feel a disconnect from reality and are hit with thoughts that absolutely intrude upon their lives, have found:

    these thoughts, like all thoughts, come from some where.

    Those who have processed these thoughts that I have dealt with, including working with their therapists and doctors, have all found improvement!

    Having said all of this, there is so much we do not know, and human nature is so very complex, that I remain open to your concept. Perhaps there are times where it is best left unsaid ;

    Life is troublesome enough without looking to find trouble where there is none.

    Does this make sense?

    Dreams are a multitude of thoughts, and they come from somewhere. If S/A can help, great, though I have high suspicion of "dream interpreters" who know so little about the sufferer: they often feed into selfishness, while padding their bank accounts.

    Those who do this type of intense work must keep very detailed records and note repetition, note symbolism and so on.

    1. Wow, Peter! I didn't see your response until after I posted about dream interpretation and answered my own question.
      Thank you.
      Yes, I will get a google account and post with my name shortly.

  28. Water and doors (or Windows) are linked to sexual abuse in SA. But featured in dreams is probably a different matter. After all, people have continuous dreams about fire, running, and any number of other things and activities and the only people who seem to tack on meaning are dream interpreters.
    I answered my own question.

  29. Peter...this teaching was excellent! As a mother of a child who was repeatedly molested at the age of 2 1/2 or so, maybe the following info will be helpful to you or someone in the same boat.

    The moment I found out, IT STOPPED, THE POLICE CALLED, and he was arrested.
    My daughter was DEVASTATED. He was her FRIEND. He could no longer be her friend because she told.
    We immediately went into therapy and I was vocal about not hiding this and that it was not her fault. (I don't think she ever believed me)
    She had to testify in front of a grand jury at age 3 to get the indictment for aggravated rape. He was also molesting a 4 year old boy who would not, and could not testify.
    He went to prison for the max at that time.
    My daughter continued therapy, sometimes a few times a week for a period, sometimes, once a month, but she was consistently in therapy for 10 years.From 3 to age 10 (in therapy) she seemed to do okay, popular, funny, played well with others, polite, respectful, everyone loved her.
    About the age of 10 or so, she convinced herself that I was not her "real" mother. She didn't trust me, and she thought her real mother was dead. She believed that ME, her mother, after she would go to bed, would take off my "mask" and become this ominous entity. This went on for some time and was also accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations. Usually of "seeing" people that were not there, in the dark, hearing their voices, they always wanted to do her harm. She had nightmares quite often.
    Her therapist began to worry that she had an undiagnosed mental illness and that her behavior was not all due to the sexual abuse. We went to one of the top child psychiatrists, noted for her work in child sex abuse, to either obtain a diagnosis of a mental illness, or to find an explanation.

  30. continued...

    Diagnosis was PTSD from the abuse. No mental illness. The psychiatrist had her drawing and showed me one. It was a rainbow like object. Not curved like a rainbow..straight. It was a penis. The shaft of the penis she had colored all the colors of the rainbow. The "head" was all black. It made me cry.
    At age 13,(he is released from prison) she refused to go to therapy anymore and there began a life of promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, school failings, all the "usual". She ALWAYS has low lifes for boyfriends. She has had 2 children out of wedlock, a boy and a girl in that order. No fathers involved. She has at times sacrificed the son for her own needs. Drugs, procession of different men, feelings of complete worthlessness. She needed to be punished and she was damn sure going to make that happen. Losers, abusers. She then would "deny" with drugs/alcohol. Her antagonism towards her little boy was palpable. It was like she hated him and he knew it. When her son was about 6, she seemed to get her life together, going to college, working, making her bills..she had met a man that seemed to be kind and treat them both well. He was employed. She had her daughter at age 31 with this man ( later it was found he was dx. bipolar) Her daughter turned 3.
    MY daughter fell totally, completely, apart. Emotional basket case to the point where I thought she would need to be committed.
    The trigger was HER daughter becoming the age SHE was when molested. She saw herself in her daughter and how truly horrifying it was because she could see how tiny and helpless her own daughter was being only 3. It took over a year for her to pull out of that and get back on her feet. She recently obtained a good, full time job, and appears to be doing well. She will not or cannot verbalize the abuse, if it is brought up, or she is questioned, her eyes fill with tears but she does not speak of it.
    This is what I know..
    She is 35 now.
    DID is NOT schizophrenia...NOT EVEN CLOSE. It's moronic and dangerous to label them the same thing.
    To deny, let sleeping dogs lie, etc. is NOT the answer either. It affects them whether or not they "remember" or not. Looking back, I feel it was helpful because it was not just her and I, we had someone that could talk us thru stuff, that cared about her, that worked very hard FOR her. It kept her alive instead of committing suicide.
    He murdered her. He murdered my daughter. He murdered who she was becoming, or meant to be. He murdered what "was" our family. She was dead inside for most of her life because of him.
    He murdered all my memories that I didn't have with my only child because of her PTSD, anxiety, hallucinations, nightmares,etc.
    We (society and the legal system) minimize what has happened by calling it molestation instead of RAPE. She was raped when she was 2 1/2. ALL children are raped. Molesting sounds pretty "soft" to me. I loathe it but I use it myself because people can't take hearing the word "Rape". Maybe if we started calling it what it really is, something would change. We wouldn't have "towns" supporting the rapist and shunning the victim.
    I don't know what the answer is, even after all these years. All I know is that she is a walking murder victim, and in a different sense, so am I.
    Keep working Peter! You're doing great things for these little ones. I pray that you can save JUST ONE because that WOULD be worth it.

    Sidenote...when he was released from prison (it was before the registered sex offender laws and such) I went to the prison to see him release, followed where he went so I knew where he lived. Very small, rural town. I went up and down his street knocking on doors, the library, the grocery store, people on the street, telling them that a child rapist just moved into their neighborhood. Many were uncomfortable with me talking about it. It was something I felt i had to do. His new home's backyard was part of the elementary schools playground.

  31. He only did 10 years for raping a toddler? Geesh! What state is this? I would have thought life, but if generous at least 25-30 yrs.

  32. Anon @ 9:27

    10 years was the maximum sentence for gross sexual imposition at the time. He was indicted for aggravated rape but the prosecutors pled it down to gross sex so my daughter wouldn't have to testify in court and face him again. 2 psychiatrists had told me that if she was made to testify while looking at him, she may be lost to me forever because of trauma. So I agreed. There was no videotaping testimony or "shielding" of the child. This was in 1984 in Ohio. The maximum sentence NOW in Ohio for gross sex is TWO, yes 2 years. You go to jail longer for stealing a car here than raping a child. It's disgusting.

  33. Lynda, you speak from the heart - my heart goes out to you, and to your daughter:

    'He murdered her. He murdered my daughter. He murdered who she was becoming, or meant to be. He murdered what "was" our family.'


    Reading that, I thought that those who do not know any child victims of rape, might find what Lynda says to be hyperbolic, especially because she is blessed, inasmuch that her daughter is alive - but it is not hyperbole. Some victims appear to fare better than others, but where child rape is so destructive that parents reaching for adequate words can only describe it as 'murder', I think (whilst acknowledging there is no likelihood of it) that it should be recognised as a form of murder, as it is life-taking. It sounds crazy because the victim is alive, thus the ongoing underestimation, in some minds, especially of perpetrators, of the life-long effects of the crime.

    The parents may feel terrible for thinking as they do (it seems a derogation of the life of the brave, struggling child who remains, to think of her as also being somehow dead), but when so much of the life which previously was has gone, and when there are only occasional hopeful glimpses of what was, and what was meant to be, 'murder' becomes the only appropriate word, despite that it does not 'fit' the reality, as generally understood. It can be harrowing and guilt inducing for parents to find themselves considering their beautiful, violated and struggling son or daughter in such terms, but it is the most fitting term for those who know it - so much of the child's life and light has been taken away, 'snuffed out', and so much of the mind damaged that it is heartrending, yet even if the rape itself was prosecuted, for these further non-prosecutable crimes, which all too often end in the premature death of the victim, there is no 'justice'.


    Kudos, Lynda - and for alerting his neighbours - you have been through so much.
