Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Crime Wire: The Murder of Amanda Blackburn

Peter Hyatt on "Crime Wire": The Murder of Amanda Blackburn 

February 23, 2017, Peter Hyatt will be a guest on "Crime Wire" live broadcast, and will be taking your calls and questions at 9am to 1030AM EST.  

Amanda Blackburn was a victim of a sexual homicide in which arrests have been made. 

Questions, however, remain in one of the most bizarre 'solved' murder cases of recent years. 

Peter Hyatt will share analysis of the case, including deception detection techniques, and what this may mean for justice.  

Imagine Publicity Blog  :  broadcast of the show on Madeleine McCann 2016.  


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Bobcat said...

"Kenneth Wagner also heard that "it happened last night" and then he said "that's impossible, I just talked to Davey this morning"."

^ That's not exactly what he said. Here's the transcript:

"I got a phone call, that explained what had happened to Amanda, and they had said it happened last night and I said it's impossible, because I talked to Davey this morning. It's impossible. I began to hope, and pray that it was impossible, that it wasn't, reality. The texts begin to flood, the calls begin to flood and I realize that it was the truth."

Bingo said...

Davey and Kristi are full-time grifters. They have still not been able to materialize anything from NIW ministries. It appears to be just another podcast among 100's of thousands of podcasts. What ministry? What do they actually do to help people? Davey was always about to do HUGE things at Resonate and claimed to have tens of thousands watching his sermons online. He was going to turn Indy upside down. God needed Davey so bad that he connected the dots to have Amanda killed to breathe life into Davey's church yet Davey never actually did anything at Resonate except hurt people. I think maybe they raked yards about 5 times total which any church should and does do little projects like that. Otherwise, he left a lot of people with broken promises, debt to settle, no jobs and hurt. I can't believe he is still asking people for handouts. At least, try to do Something! He runs a podcast once a week. That is all he does. I have several friends who run podcasts for fun, hobbies, etc. It is not super time-consuming. Davey doesn't even read the books of his guests. The people I know who run podcasts also work full-time and don't ask people to send in money. I sure hope people will remember that Davey had a huge insurance policy on Amanda (he brags about it), he took donations set-up by himself for years ( I think he finally took it down when he was planning he and K's super expensive wedding) and could easily work full-time. He is a healthy, young man. I sure hope people won't give them more money. They just play and vacation all of the time. Most of us with children can't do that. He is has vacationed more this last 6 months than I have in 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Well, Bingo, if you start saving now, you just may be able to afford to travel with Davey to Israel in 2020. But he will be up in first class. Davey no longer does coach, thanks to Amanda.

Kate said...

The seats they had at the Carrie Underwood concert were nosebleed seats, as high up as they go. No VIP/backstage treatment. The money, the sympathy and the attention are fading for ole Davey boy. Instead of focusing on the upcoming trial, he is throwing up as many distractions as possible and has done so since Amanda's execution.
1. Hits media outlets and talks about everything EXCEPT the murder of Amanda.
2. Relentless talk of forgiving the "killers".
3. His worthless book "Nothing is Wasted".
4. His album released that tanked miserably.
5. His engagement and she said "YES".
6. His wedding,
7. Closing the "church" and leaving them tens of thousands in debt.
8. NIW & Podcast relaunch.
9. Announcement of new addition on the way.
10. Trip to Israel.

These are the top ten, but there are many more distractions he offered along the way. Anything and everything to avoid talking about Amanda, her death, the trial, justice, etc. Sadly, Amanda's family isn't much better. From time to time, there is a post penned by Amber, proclaiming how golly gee great the world is and how much she misses Amanda, but that is it. Phil's only mission in life appears to be that of bringing a revival back to the streets. In his latest sermon, he takes a page out of Daveys preaching style and brings a knife/sword on stage along with more nonsense about Braveheart and how men need to lead and women were not meant to lead, but follow their men and support them. The passion he displayed is what I thought we would see in regards to Amanda, but Phil seems to be almost as selfish and ego driven as Davey is, cut from the same cloth. Amanda and her legacy didn't stand a chance while surrounded by this pack of cowards.

flightfulbird said...

Yeah it really does seem like Davey and Kristi would have been so much closer to the stage in the super-expensive seats for that concert - they were WAY up there. I bet it destroyed him to have to be sitting with the regular people instead of Carrie Underwood bringing him backstage - OR ONSTAGE ! ! ! - look who is here tonight finding purpose in his pain alongside his replacement wife who is so much better than Amanda in every.single.way, The exact person who Amanda would have *handpicked* for Davey and to raise Weston.

I can't even.

And they stayed in that Airbnb (instead of the Four Seasons or such) and had to DRIVE - instead of flying - on that vacation the four of them took recently - someone commented then that it was a huge change for them, that they were maybe unable to be as extravagant (not even close to exact words but that's the idea) - that was awhile ago already.

The insurance money is running out. . .they are desperate to get more contributions so they can continue to live the luxurious lifestyle Amanda provided for them.

And that trip to Israel is a long way off.

When the truth is revealed about what really happened to Amanda and once everyone who had a part in it is exposed - - those two might not get enough people to sign up for this trip to even make it worth doing. If Davey is free to leave the country at all.

flightfulbird said...

Bobcat thanks for the exact transcription from Kenneth Wagner! - I shouldn't have put it in quotes. That long paragraph from him with his exact words is even more revealing. Combined with all of the other Facebook posts and statements and texts, it does sound like the call to prayer went out way sooner than we are meant to know.

Praying that it was impossible - saying it was impossible. What is impossible to believe is that Davey actually said onstage that he was praying that God would put brain matter back into Amanda's . . . .brain right now. Seriously?

That one statement - even without all of his other statements but especially along with them - confirms that he has been spinning a web of lies from the start about what he honestly saw and thought - when he walked in and saw that Amanda was facedown in a pool of blood.

Nice job again, Davey, for being the poster child for "how to disturb a crime scene 101" - - by NOT telling 911 everything you saw and by giving the indication to everyone including 911 that Amanda had just gotten lightheaded, fallen, passed out, hit her head, maybe something is wrong with the baby - - so IMPD didn't arrive at your house until medics were "carting" Amanda from the home.

IFD Engine 12 might have taken photos along with treating Amanda on the scene but their priority would have been caring for her and stabilizing her as much as possible for the trip to Methodist.

If there were actual crime scene photos of an undisturbed scene taken with everything exactly as it was when Davey walked in, that would reveal the truth for sure - - that there was NO WAY Davey could have walked into that living room and thought it was a miscarriage and that nobody had been in his house.

And Davey called 911 as soon as he could - his exact words - he was doing something between walking in and finding Amanda and calling 911. We know it wasn't checking on Weston, from what he has said - yet there was some delay in calling 911 - so an undisturbed crime scene is highly unlikely and especially after IFD Engine 12 was there.

Fortunately - Davey keeps talking and explaining and sharing. And in his excitement and confusion, he changed his story yet again onstage. Saying he prayed to God to please put brain matter back into Amanda's. . . brain right now. Wow.

And that changed "maybe it was a simple bullet entry wound hidden by hair and hard to recognize - not everyone can recognize a bullet wound" (as a poster on this board said) and "I had no idea there were bullets" (as Davey said) -- to -- an open skull fractured from a bullet with brain matter visible - not only visible, but needing to be put back in according to Davey's prayer?

As much CSI and as many movies as Davey has watched, he knew what he was seeing. The APC said Amanda Blackburn had sustained severe head trauma. He KNEW ! Knowing what we know now, it is actually a miracle that she was still breathing at the point when he walked in.

If Amanda had regained consciousness enough to speak for even a minute or two, I still wonder what she would say and reveal about what SHE saw and who hit her and who caused the bruising on her face and neck and who split her lip and knocked out her teeth - who she scratched -whose DNA is under her nails from two separate sets of scrapings - what happened.

It's not a given that whoever pulled the trigger on Amanda also inflicted all of her other obvious injuries. . . .

flightfulbird said...

Think about Davey actually PRAYING that God would put brain matter back into Amanda's brain (his words) - which is impossible in the first place but also indicates that he would have seen that when he walked in and knew very well that this wasn't just a fall.

It's completely obvious to everyone that there's NO WAY Davey saw and honestly thought Amanda miscarried the baby but she'd be ok if we just got her to the hospital in time. Yet he has said that over and over and over and over. And texted Perry Noble about a head wound. And told Robin maybe she fell from the decorative ladder and hit her head. And told someone else maybe she got lightheaded and passed out.

Amber, Phil and Robin, Ashley and Derek, Megs, Liz Enfield Henderson, Perry Noble, Clint Dupin, Levi Lusko - if you are reading this - please use your heads and realize the inconsistencies in Davey's story and appearances and stand up for your sister, daughter, friend. You are complicit in this if you know things and don't push for answers.

This goes far beyond a tragic story of a pastor losing his wife to masked intruders who entered a random house. The fact that Davey has to hide the truth about what happened indicates involvement, knowledge, if not even orchestration.

Davey desperately wanted to be a global phenomenon like Levi Lusko, widely-sought speaker, author and video recording artist, famous and wealthy. He needed Amanda to sacrifice herself for the good of the church and so Jesus would be glorified. Without her story (along with "Evie" the unborn daughter), it was never going to happen.

Actually even WITH her story, it's still not happening. He's having to use priority registration for a trip to Israel that isn't until October 2020 as an inducement to get people to sign up for even a $5 monthly contribution to Nothing is Wasted. Always on Instagram asking people to swipe up to sign up for a monthly pledge. So sad.

You would think that KRISTI would wonder and be seeking the truth too ! I wonder if she has seen the transcripts, watched the videos, heard Davey's words, read the message boards.

If she has, she KNOWS in the back of her mind (and especially with medical background as a Physician Assistant) that her husband's story about the morning of November 10th is full of holes and a web of lies. She knows he is hiding the truth, that at the very least he didn't tell 911 that there was an obvious severe skull injury.

How does Kristi sleep at night in the same house much less the same room ? - how does she let Natalia sleep in the same house !

Then again, she looked totally gleeful dressed in her burglar costume for Halloween along with Davey.

DW said...

Someone on Datalounge commented that Megs knew sonething about the murder. Now that she is no longer forced to purchase Davey's jockstraps or keep Davey hydrated during his sermons,maybe she can come forward with info.

flightfulbird said...

Yeah he sent Megs out to buy a bib and a jockstrap for him - and she tweeted that he had asked her to do this and then wrote thank you for making this internship as awkward as possible.

Why the hell would he ask Meg to do this for him and not do it himself - or ask his WIFE to ? Ewwwwww.

Megs so carefully prepared the green room for him every Sunday, brought him water onstage, was their nanny, was at Davey's beck and call.

And then he threw her away like yesterday's garbage - along with Emily and the Berry family and Ashley and Derek and who else.

Davey only cared about these people when they could DO something FOR HIM. That's not friendship. No need for people to remain quiet and "loyal" any longer.

Megs especially should have a great deal of insight because she lived with Davey and Amanda before the murder. I bet you could cut the tension in that house with a knife. .

Anonymous said...

Davey is all talk. He posted a Q & A session to FB, you know because the world can't live another day without all of his wisdom. This one is a freebie but next month it is going to cost you $20 a month to listen to him blab. I just started watching but they are talking about how they are so wisely teaching their kids about money. You have to work chores to make commissions and you have to save money to go to Panera, etc. I mean, reallllly? These two should know that Kids watch parents more than listen to parents. The kids are learning to scheme and poach vulnerable people for money. They are learning to Sit around and find ways to have people donate so you don't have to ever actually work. They have also learned to go into church debt and dump it in somebody else's lap to clean up. Unbelievable that they can even say they have one thing to teach about dealing with money.

Anonymous said...

That Q and A session you guys should watch. They talk about the trial etc.

flightfulbird said...

Latest Instastory - about the Facebook Q & A session that was *supposed* to be only accessible to $20 and up monthly contributors. . .

Davey totally cuts Kristi off while she is reading a question - she says "is asking. . . " and is reading from the screen - and Davey jumps in and begins his nonstop pleas for people to jump over to Facebook and they will take questions live, ask us anything.

Kristi gives the camera this look (almost like can you believe this guy) and a little half-smile and then looks down the whole rest of the time Davey is giving his pitch to come over to Facebook. She looks sad, or hurt, or marginalized - or all of the above.

Get a clue sweety, this is your life with Davey. HE is the star.

He talked over Amanda, when she was talking in Q & A session, too.

Anonymous said...

WOW If you look at the bookshelf behind them on the fb chat, you can see a book that has the last name of HYATT on it. I can't read what else is says but HAHAHAHA what karma.

Bingo said...

Davey and K did a very boring and useless, live Q & A this week. Davey in his blatant narcissism thinks everyone needs his advice on life, marriage, and money. Especially after putting his church in debt and his first wife dying in a very suspicious way and being married to 2nd wife just over a year, so yeah, I think everyone should follow his advice on love and money! LOL

They were asked if they work to keep Amanda's memory alive for Weston. This was Davey's exact answer, word for stuttering word.

"um, yes we do, uh, we are trying to let him do that in his time, so one of the things we have actually done is to have created a ma-memory chest, um, and we have put so much of like Amanda's stuff and things, uh to be able to share with Weston one day when he is ready for that, but we're trying to let him and this was some counseling advice we got from a child psychologists, a biblical psychologists who, um, uh is very good, uh, at understanding children when it comes to trauma and especially displacement of, of nurturers and and caregivers and that was the piece of advice he gave us was is allow him when he is asking questions don't shy away from those questions but allow him at his pace to do that."

K was like replied "yeah, for sure" as she reached over to look at the next question as quickly as she could. She was soo ready to move on. The next question was planted by their producer, Taylor Carlier as most of the questions were so they could focus on each other and how awesome they both are. Kristi and Davey need to both quit saying they both love Amanda. It is so obvious they have stuffed her in a box, literally, saying when that when Weston asks, they may blow the dust off the memory box, but NOT until he asks. SO, what they are saying is "No, we are not keeping her alive to him right now. If he wants to know something, he will have to ask the questions."

I am sure they are lying about someone giving them this advice but if some psychologists gave them this advice, they need to lose their license. What a horrible thing to do to Weston and to Amanda's legacy. They should be ashamed of themselves.

DW said...

Anon @ 12:38, just looked the book up. It's "Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less" by Michael Hyatt. As if this lazy ass needs more free time.

Anonymous said...

DW- I had to look that title up to see if you were kidding or not. LOL dang if that isn't some sort of Karma or Synchronicity, I don't know what is. I didn't think the book was Peter's but that's just hilarious.

flightfulbird said...

And like clockwork, anonymous at 2:31pm comes out of the woodwork in response to Bingo's (extremely spot-on) post about the Facebook live Q & A. It looks like Davey or Kristi didn't like that post perhaps ?!

It has been awhile since one of Davey's minions appeared on here. No worries, it won't affect any of us.

About the Facebook live Q & A - it was entertaining to say the least, watching Davey say "we're live. . . . !" at the beginning, like expecting cheers from the crowd and confetti to fall from the ceiling of the library in the mcmansion - but it was only himself and Kristi sitting there and nobody cheering.

And then crickets while they were waiting for people to start commenting and asking questions. He actually had to ask Kristi what they were having for dinner to fill the empty airspace. And he had to "jump over to Instagram" to beg for people to ask questions, ask us anything, while Kristi was trying to read a question.

There were quite a few silent moments and quite a few lapses in questions - especially toward the end. And some of the lapses were because questions came through that Davey and Kristi didn't want to answer so they just . . . ignored them.

To be continued. . . ..

flightfulbird said...

The question about keeping Amanda's memory alive for Weston - if Davey and Kristi were even remotely sad for him, were concerned for him - that would’ve been the perfect chance to, like, EXPRESS THAT ?! - say yeah it has been a rough time for him, it’s terrible that he lost his mom at such a young age and of course we are doing everything we can to keep her memory alive for him.

They could even point out that AMBER has birthday parties for Amanda and Evie where they put handprints on papers and tie them to balloons and then send the balloons into the sky to Amanda in heaven.

But no.

Grace said...

Bobcat took all her transcriptions down when her real name was exposed but she is excellent at transcription. Give her a shoutout!

flightfulbird said...

Posters in the private chatzy room were watching the "impromptu", "we just thought we'd hang out with you guys tonight" Facebook Live Q & A - here are some things we noted about it -

Davey and Kristi totally ignored these questions -

Hi! 👋🏻 Are you still living in Indiana and if so do you plan to stay?

Where are you living now

Maybe I've missed this question already? However, do you know when the trial will be completed?

They also (and quite obviously) sidestepped the question about how they met - sidestepped it more than once - - they referred immediately to the blog post “I Just Popped the Question. . .and She Said Yes” and to the Nothing is Wasted podcast - - which was smart considering that every word is being analyzed and stories are being compared. They were wise not to take a chance on their stories in this live chat on Facebook not agreeing 100% with the blog post and the podcast.

They were asked again later, “do you guys have a podcast that tells your story of finding each other” to which both of them quickly responded “Jared answered that” and Davey says "thank you Jared” before they immediately moved on. Jared did answer in comments “Yes. Nothing is Wasted Episode 61”.

And some of the comments and questions were deleted for sure because with 17:05 remaining, Davey and Kristi are quiet, scanning the screen reading what to answer next. Kristi seemed annoyed by “Charla” - she said “well it looks like Charla has a lot to say. . .” to which Davey responded “Charla has a lot to say. . .thanks Charla” - both of them sort of laughing, both of them ignoring the question or statement.

Looking at the comments and questions that are still attached to the Facebook page with the video, there were no questions/comments for anywhere close to user name Charla or Sharla. I bet they were deleting questions as soon as they came up or else immediately after they finished.

For an “impromptu” live chat, it definitely seemed staged or scripted in parts. As in, the person who commented this - -

A lot of what Davey has talked about tonight is a part of the NIW video course. Having gone through it, I highly recommend it. The coaching is SO worth it as well.

If you look on Facebook, that individual is super young and obviously planted to plug the video series.

- - to be continued - -

flightfulbird said...

Then at 15:30 remaining - crickets again - Davey says “two new comments” but does not read them out loud - - nor does he thank the commenters like he was thanking some previous commenters, which leads me to believe they were negative comments toward Davey and Kristi - sort of like when they ignored "Charla's" questions or comments.

Then someone asks “have Amanda’s killers grown to know and love Christ?”

Cue the discomfort. Cue the stammering and stuttering. For both of them. All of a sudden, it’s not so easy to talk.

Davey responds “We don’t have any interaction with . . .(appears to be choosing and deliberately spacing these next words very carefully now) . . . the men who are on trial, um, an update on that, the trial is set to be September 9th. Um, you can go and, read some of these things in uh news articles and uh other places where this is publicly, um, documented - but two of the men have arranged plea agreements with the prosecution to testify against Larry Taylor who is the, alleged shooter, and um, I do not know the, the state of any of their spiritual, uh walks.

Kristi immediately jumps in to say " So we did mention before that before Davey and I, uh, even like knew each other, that my stepdad was the chaplain at the, uh, Marion County jail and had regular conversations with th- those three men. (Davey nods and says “mmhmm”) Um, after we. . . met each other, started dating, uhh, we were advised by the prosecutor that it just wouldn’t, it wouldn’t be great that he continued to meet with them, just to make sure that it did’t look weird or anything like that. And so, um, my stepdad stopped meeting with them, but, I mean he ha-. . . .

Davey quickly cuts her off and jumps in “ so now ANOTHER chaplain in the organization (Kristi says “yeah”) is the one that’s assigned, ta, to them."

Kristi says again “Yeah” - and continues on “and so BEFORE we even met, the one thing like that, uh, one of 'em for sure has continued to ask to meet with him on a continuous basis. And so, um, they had great conversations and I got to hear about some of those conversations and it was really exciting to see like, what steps he wanted to take, but again, other than that, we don’t really know much an an again like, I don’t know what the rules are about like HIP-, like HIPAA for health care, but like for, when you’re a chaplain in the jail, and they’re like, you can’t really say like, who you met with or what y-, was really said, my, my stepdad just gave me like a general, um, general up- like, thing that “one of them met, and he’s doing great”, and that and that and the other and again like, you can’t really mention too much about that.

With 13:28 remaining when Kristi starts talking - LOOK at Davey’s face, it seriously looks like he’s thinking “will you PLEASE shut the f up !” - 13:20, 13:19, same thing. That whole sequence is GOLDEN. His face is tight, his lips are pursed, his body language is tense.

The Facebook video is archived in several locations around the country now so if it disappears (or “lives on” in the $20 month contributor’s area but is inaccessible to those who choose not to fund the lavish Blackburn lifestyle each month), it is still available for future analysis.

flightfulbird said...

So Davey jumps in as soon as he can find an opening “yeah, we um, I mean that’s a sensitive topic, uh, as, can, you know, as you can understand. .. . I . . .feel. . that. . part of the trajectory of this story that God has us on, um . . . . "

And then he totally changes the subject to talking about one of his heroes growing up - and healing and loneliness - that his responsibility right now is to pray for these men and their spiritual walk and that’s not an easy thing to do. That we have to recognize that these men are not the real enemy. That cancer and death and everything that’s bad is because of a fallen world that Satan has led mankind into, the master of darkness. And that if God puts them in the situation where Davey can speak to them, he will, but they are waiting for God to arrange it (this paragraph is NOT exact words)

Waiting for God to arrange it - maybe I should go back and look at exact words. This phrasing is very different than Davey's platform appearance with Perry Noble where he was saying that he intended to minister and share Christ with these guys and what a kick in the nuts it would be to the enemy when he did that.

And at that time, he said more than once that he “had no idea” how he was going to do that, that he HONESTLY had no idea. He DID know how he could do that though, because Kristi’s stepfather was the link to them and he already knew Kristi !

Kristi was desperate to convince that it was before she and Davey ever met (that her stepfather was talking to the accused) - she said it three times at least. And Davey immediately called them "the men who are on trial” - after the person who asked the question had referred to them as “Amanda’s killers”. He couldn’t even refer to them as “them” - as in, “we don’t have any interaction with ’them’ or 'those guys', which would refer back to “Amanda’s killers”. No, they aren’t Amanda’s killers to him - they are simply now “the men who are on trial”.

Because of his choice of words one might think that “the men who are on trial" are not "Amanda’s killers", considering his self-correction and inability to connect those two descriptions.

Davey also calls Larry Taylor “the alleged, shooter” - when in at least one previous appearance onstage he had helpfully pointed out “Larry Taylor, who’s the guy who actually pulled the trigger on Amanda”. . .

ALOT of backtracking going on suddenly, it seems. Alot of dots being connected.

And Kristi's stepfather being a prison chaplain should be bound to some type of confidentiality - to even be acknowledging to Kristi that he was TALKING with them should be a red flag.

Sort of like how the "friend of Kristi's" in the medical field who was "on the hallway below Amanda's room" that night when Amanda was in the ICU on the vent should not have acknowledged that Amanda Blackburn was a patient in that medical center or discussing what the family was and wasn't doing.

HIPAA and all, Kristi, right? Tell your friend. And your friend in the medical field would have said "on the FLOOR below Amanda's", not on the "hallway" below. I think Davey wrote that part of the narrative.

flightfulbird said...

About the last paragraph of above post - -

Copied/pasted below the line from this blog post - - -

This is the post in which Davey had to desperately write paragraph after paragraph to explain exactly when and how he met Kristi - - even though we know for sure that they knew each other from LA Fitness on Shore Drive for MONTHS and months before he SAYS they met.

The words from the blog post are in italics with Davey and Kristi's words in quotes - - it reads like a very-carefully-crafted STORY, not an accurate retelling of words exactly as they were spoken.

But yet it's in quotes, which usually means exact words.

Davey is quoting Kristi here -

“It’s truly amazing how you guys have walked through this, Davey. Obviously I’ve been following your story since it happened considering you guys were friends with my old pastors. Also my good friend is a Physician Assistant and she was on duty on the hallway below you in the hospital the night you were there with Amanda. She texted our whole small group saying, ‘You wouldn’t believe this family! They’re praying and worshiping right here in the hallway! It’s like a revival breaking out here!’"

Davey replies back to Kristi -
“Wow. So you’ve been closely connected with our story for a while then, huh?”

I peered at her with a new interest. You see, several months after Amanda passed I wrote something in my prayer journal:  Lord, if you ever bring me another wife here’s what I ask for, that she loves you more than she loves me, that she loves me, that she loves Weston, and that she loves Amanda. 
I knew that was going to be crucial because much of my life to come I’ll be sharing Amanda’s story and our journey through trial and tragedy. It would take a special woman to step into that calling, a secure woman, someone who was grounded in her own identity with Christ and who wouldn’t merely be okay with me carrying the story but who would be able to help me champion it.

Kristi answers him -
“Um yeah. I’m connected in some other ways but I don’t think you’ll want me to tell you this.” She shuffled her feet a little and looked around the room. 

Davey says -
“What is it?” I was intrigued.

Kristi says -
“Well. Um. Davey, my stepdad is one of the Chaplains for the Marion County Prison System.” She paused as if to let what she said set in for a second. “And he has regular conversations with the men that killed Amanda.”

I felt all the blood rush out of my face and the room began to spin. "What?!" I was dumbfounded. What are you doing, God? This girl that I’ve been interested in for a couple months has this close of connection with my story?

end of copied/pasted blog post (bolded by me)

-- continued next post --

flightfulbird said...

-- continued from previous post --

Storytelling. Kristi is shuffling her feet, looking around, pausing to let things she says sink in. Davey is creating an image.

"Also my good friend is a Physician Assistant and she was on duty on the hallway below you in the hospital the night you were there with Amanda."

Davey wrote these words supposedly quoting Kristi - so it wasn't Kristi's friend, it was Kristi the Physician Assistant-in-training who actually described the hospital floor as a “hallway” -- or -- Davey used those words when carefully crafting his story for the blog and perhaps (it's quite possible that) Kristi never said it at all.


It’s not normal language for a medical professional / someone in the medical field (or even someone in transportation or housekeeping who works in a hospital/medical center) to use that term "hallway" when describing an inpatient floor, as Kristi supposedly used "the hallway below" instead of "the floor below" Amanda's room.

For example -

we'd say "the lab is down this hallway, second to last doorway on the right"

- but -

we'd say "he's (the patient is) still up on the floor, transportation can't bring him down until after the orthopod rounds on him"

- or -

"MRI is on the floor below this one, take the elevator down to 2 and you'll see it straight ahead as soon as you exit".

I know it doesn't seem like much, one word. The "hallway" below - vs - the "floor" below.

But my first job in an inpatient hospital/ medical center setting was in 1981 and I treated patients at seven more different sites after that - and it's a second nature thing - it's just not right. Like the choice of words of police or attorneys or runners or those who participate in any other profession or sport - - the medical field has its own language and it's easy to tell if someone doesn't know the language but is trying to use it.

Davey's writing about Kristi telling him about her friend on duty on the hallway below - - and what he and the family were allowed to do in the hospital and the ICU while Amanda was on the vent - - really just doesn't ring true at all.

Maybe Kristi was so new to being in a hospital that she didn't know the terminology yet. Or maybe Davey was telling a story and didn't know the language.

But I cannot imagine the ICU staff allowing a veritable CIRCUS and all of the noise and singing, both out in the hallway surrounding Amanda's room and also inside of it - - out of courtesy and consideration to the other patients and families on the floor and also considering themselves and the other medical staff having to care for all of these patients in such an atmosphere.

Don't get me started on how the dots were connected so neatly - how much more cool of a story is it that KRISTI was connected with AMANDA'S STORY through Kristi's stepfather having regular conversations with the men who killed Amanda (who are now merely "the men who are on trial" instead of being "Amanda's killers"). . . .

Bobcat said...

Transcripts are not "down" but moved to a new blog and reverted to draft.
I can republish if anyone is interested in reviewing them.

flightfulbird said...

I would LOVE to review transcripts.

And certainly as the trial grows closer, surely there will be other interested parties (tm Raiders of the Lost Ark).

It would be wonderful if you would post a link.

Anonymous said...

I had a young friend in ICU last summer with head trauma. They only let 2-3 people back at a time and only at certain hours. Even his parents were forced to sit quietly in the waiting room for the majority of the time. His condition was serious, near death. Even so, no way would they have let us go back and sing and no more than 3 people. That just does not add up to me. Unless Amanda had the entire ICU trauma center all to herself.

Davey had such a need to make this all seem like some wonderful, glorious event with God as the orchestrator. Davey knows this was a purely, evil scheme and God was not in on it. He needed to sell his story as one of triumph and Christian faith. It won't end that way and hopefully sooner than later, so no more people are hurt.

Anonymous said...

We know Davey wasn't in the room, singing the whole time. He was napping when Jono showed up. Napping. It had only been a few hours and davey had supposedly got a good nite's sleep but he needed a nap while his wife lay dying?

Anonymous said...

And don't forget that Kristi worked at the bridal store that was owned by someone that hired Davey to coach her nephew. There is no way Davey and Kristi hadn't met before she suddenly decided to join his Crossfit and leave her church and small group that she seemd to like (according to the Life Story about her and Andres) and join Davey's church in a bad part of town.

Bobcat said...

Bobcat said...

^^ There's only one transcript there at the moment.

flightfulbird said...

It's a good thing I have a VPN in place then - I clicked on that link earlier and found that it was BAIT. Bobcat said there was only one transcript there at the moment - - actually there was NO transcript there at the moment.

It's definitely a ploy to gather information.

Bobcat, once the trust is gone, it's gone. And it's gone.

flightfulbird said...

And this is why the private Chatzy room remains a private Chatzy room.

For all we know, "Bobcat" with the fake transcription blog could be Davey and/or Kristi posting under Bobcat's name, attempting (and failing) to locate us.

The original Bobcat with all of the excellent transcriptions and timeline in the Blackburn Discussion blog appeared to be united with us in our quest to find out the truth behind what happened to Amanda. Careful orchestration by individuals other than those "on trial" for the crime, included.

This Bobcat is rogue - either Bobcat has turned on us or it's not the real Bobcat. Either way, we cannot trust.

ANYONE on any board could be Davey and/or Kristi under any name. But in the private room, we know and trust each other.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

So what exactly is "Amanda's story"?

Because all Davey ever talks about is how he left early for the gym, came home, found Amanda, Weston doesn't miss Amanda at all, promoting his business, and how happy he and Kristi are in their new blended family with a "sealer" baby on the way.

Where does Amanda, as a person fit in the story?

Amanda was only relevant to Davey in his writings and sermons, as she supported his dream, his vision, his goal to become a relevant mega-church pastor like his mentor Perry Noble and his idol Steven Furtick.

His own language and writings suggest he's using her death as a vehicle to promote himself (verbal change from "Amanda's story" to "my story") because he needed a vehicle, a gimmick- he wasn't cutting it on his own. It also reveals he has no problem using her in death, just as he used her and her faith in life. His story was that Amanda had to die so that God could grow the Church. The Church failed; therefore Amanda died in vain. So, Davey's story morphed into how "God" working in them allowed them to "triumph over tragedy". The reality is that if Davey had worked as hard at actually developing a relationship with God and ministering in his tiny Church, as he has at promoting, networking and marketing himself, Resonate would not have failed and Amanda would not have had to die. Amanda did indeed have to die to grow the Church because Davey needed the insurance money to pay back NewSpring for planting the Church (see Resonate's Articles of Incorporation, Filing History tab at bottom right Filing date 11/29/2011). Even after the insurance payout and all the donations funneled through Resonate for Davey and Weston (including a college fund for Weston), Davey bailed on "their Church"(his and Amanda's), leaving it $36,000 in debt. Insurance payout, years of donations, years of speaker's fees from Churches and big conferences, and it still wasn't enough money. Yet somehow Davey took on a wife and a another child and got capital somewhere to launch his newest business with Kristi (who's not working outside the home) and they're adding another child.

Anonymous said...

The Larry connection from the private chat:

He met the Kilt gang through his cousin (actually a niece but she is 26) Teresa Sims. She knew Alonzo, Big Kev, Rodney "Timmy" Wallace, Diano and Jalen. She also went to North Central High School. Larry’s parents believe that Davey set this up. The gang got Larry high that morning. As stated, Larry is afraid to tell on anyone, and doesn’t know many of the details anyway.

Here are a few FB posts of Teresa:

August 3, 2018 ·
I’ll NEVER forget when the boys ran up in my MA👏🏾MA’s 👏🏾 HOU👏🏾SE for the fact that the POL👏🏾LI 👏🏾CE! pulled they gun on ME! While I was HO👏🏾LD👏🏾ING 👏🏾MY 👏🏾 S👏🏾ON! 🗣 I remember turning around was RIGHT in MY 👏🏾FA👏🏾CE!
Underneath is a picture of Jalen from a news article about him being sentenced
Rodney commented: Free Watt and Dlocgee

She also posted this:
May 23, 2018 ·
Smh 😢 that's all I can do is smh 😢 I know they sit down there like damn I should've did whatever else they may had planned to do that day the shit went down. Smh 😢 can't even say "free them" cuz that'll have one left out... So I jus hope they do as best as they can to keep their heads up#💯 smh
Underneath was a picture of Diano and a news article about him accepting a plea

Cryptic reference to they must be thinking they should have done whatever else they had planned to do that day.

Rodney Wallace is an original Kilt gang member. He’s tall and lean (6’3”). Right after the murder, he write a song about Jalen and Diano, calling them his “soldiers”. He posted:
December 20, 2015 ·


He also posted:
December 4, 2015 ·
Underneath was a picture of a guy with a gun to his head and the caption “When n****** snitch on the homie"
Someone commented to call him and he replied: “Damn my bad it been a whole lot goin on”

December 3, 2015 ·
Free lil watt

November 21, 2015 ·

November 11, 2015
The funeral hustle. Go fund me
(This was the day Davey set up the gofundme page)

January 14, 2016, he posted a link to the news article of Diano getting arrested.

January 7, 2016 ·
Fuck a 🐀and 🐀bitch

He lived at 38th & Rookwood, where Jacola’s car was dumped. He also at one time lived at the Candletree apartments, where Rolando Gonzalez-Hernandez was murdered.
One of the other original Kilt gang members is getting sentenced this week for other crimes. He was convicted because Big Kev took a plea to testify against him. Big Kev also apparently discussed other crimes the Kilt gang did (he began cooperating in January of this year). The Kilt gang have posted several FB posts about Big Kev, calling him a rat and saying they will set a trap for him when he gets out in 2 ½ years.

More to come…

Res$ said...

Wow, good job private chat. I’m assuming this info was given to Larry’s attorney. I have a friend with connections to Greenville where Davey lived before coming to Indy. She knows people there who thought something isn’t right about him. They want a newspaper article down on him there. I will try to dig deeper on that.

Also, there is someone who protects the gangs in Indy. I will research who it is. It’s some type of government official.

flightfulbird said...

It is interesting that the glindanorth link is supposed to link to a "new" transcript blog but that a poster at 11:38am (since removed) wrote "I've been checking it out for months" and talks of having had no problems of IP exposure.

An anonymous poster yesterday afternoon wrote a post speaking straight to flightfulbird and said the link was working and there was more than one transcript there now ! I did not visit the site - I do not trust. And I am curious as to why there is such a need to convince those who post here that it is safe to visit the site.

A post that was removed overnight indicated that you can trust that Davey and Kristi are reading here. It's not certain that Bobcat is the bobcat who created the original "Blackburn Discussion" blog with all of those transcripts and videos.

Whoever it is, the link to transcripts but with no transcripts in it does look to be an attempt to gather IP addresses.
Please be careful.

flightfulbird said...

On another subject, it is even more interesting that the post above from anonymous at 10:05am June 24th speaks about a Kilt gang member who lived at 38th and Rockwood, which is where the Sebring getaway car was dumped.

Davey has pointed out in at least one appearance that the car was dropped off on the exact same street where Amanda's ex-youth pastor lived.

I think he might've even clapped his hands and said "listen" in the middle of the sentence - - while he was saying that the getaway car was dropped off on that exact same street - - yet ANOTHER link to Amanda - - along with then saying do you see the DOTS that God is connecting here? - I need to find the video of that appearance.

Davey's need to craft such an intricate story has turned out to have far too many "neat" coincidences and random cool situations where "God worked" to ever believe this could have all happened by chance, without a master orchestrator of all of it.

We know Davey has gang connections through his Facebook friends and the gym - the getaway car was dropped off in front of a friend of a friends house - really? Did he, or did he not, sub at North Central High School as well?

Bobcat said...

The original "Blackburn Discussion" blog was started by "Rella" and it is still there.

I am curious why there is a new need to convince posters that it is UNSAFE to visit blogger pages.

Bobcat said...

Interestingly enough, "Bingo3" was the first to share a link to "Rella"'s blog.

flightfulbird said...

Larry's attorney has a mountain of information - ever increasing. The Facebook live chat was helpful to say the least. SO MUCH need to persuade (from Kristi) that her stepfather being the prison chaplain for "the men who are on trial", as Davey called them, was before she and Davey "even like, knew each other" and that he was no longer their chaplain once she and Davey started dating.

She says it three different times in 39 seconds -and doesn't her inclusion of the word "even" make it more sensitive somehow?

- before Davey and I, uh, even like, knew each other
- Um, after we. . . met each other, started dating, uhh
- so BEFORE we even met

Kristi's need to stress that we really didn't even know each other at the time, oh no we di'int - - while Davey was freaking out on the inside, it was written all over his face - - makes me think this - -

We know for sure that the timeframe when Davey and Kristi actually "met each other" -- is a different time than when they "started dating" and revealed their relationship to the public. We know they knew each other from LA Fitness on Shore Drive for months before they ever were photographed training at Crossfit together - - and those photographs were taken months before they said they knew each other.

Megs wrote something like - it's real, it's happening and it's time for the world to meet this couple ! - that implies that SOME PEOPLE - but not the WORLD - had already met this couple. Had she already known about them?

Nobody lives in a vacuum. No matter how careful the couple might have been. But Meg LIVED with Davey and Amanda up until really soon before Amanda was attacked.

Might she be at least one person who can corroborate that Davey + Kristi knew each other / were a couple for a very long time before they said they met? This is important because if Davey + Kristi were seeing each other behind Amanda's back before Amanda was killed, that creates motive.

As if there wasn't already enough motive with

- the millions of dollars of life insurance money

- the NOTwanting another child, with the resulting demands that a newborn would cause on Amanda's time and energy and interests - along with it affecting her interest in "adult night activities"

- the clear hostility between the two of them on video and in his conversations with her and about Amanda - it was obvious that he loathed her and she didn't look smitten in the least by him either.

And there is an added bonus of - - whether Davey and Kristi did or didn't know each other while the stepfather-conversations-with-the-men-who-killed-Amanda were happening - - repeating that storyline reinforces the "wow isn't it cool that before we ever even knew the other person existed, my stepfather was talking to the SAME guys that killed Amanda ! - look at the dots that God connected" - without using those words at all.

Whichever way, it bothers me. There was a reason she had to keep repeating it and emphasizing it. And Davey REALLY did look like he wished that Kristi would just. . . stop talking PLEASE for the love of all that is good and holy, just stop. NOW. (as in, you're going to ruin everything?)

flightfulbird said...

And why would a RANDOM Kilt gang member post this, see the bold print (credit to anonymous poster at 10:05am above for linking all of these posts by this gang member)

November 11, 2015
The funeral hustle. Go fund me

(This was the day Davey set up the gofundme page)

Seriously, how would this random gang member know about a pastor's wife's funeral with a gofundme associated with it
no less, and post about it on November 11th . . .

. . . when said wife was still in Methodist Hospital ICU on November 11th, on the floor above Kristi's friend (who was texting Kristi and the rest of the "small group" about this family in the hallway) ??

Why would this gang member be following Davey's Facebook or his social media or be searching the web or *something*- to somehow come across a gofundme for Amanda Blackburn. . .

. . . and then actually POST about it being a funeral hustle ? ?

flightfulbird said...

These are probably dots that were never meant to be found and connected.

Anonymous said...

FFB, The questions from Sharla on the Q and A that were up when I was on it were: “Can you do this with Amanda’s killer not truly identified?” And “Did Amanda get a spouse perfectly crafted for her?” There May have been more, but those are the only ones I saw a couple of days after the video. I have a screenshot if you want it.

Anonymous said...

Good for Charla! I am sure there are a few of us that would have loved to ask some questions but they didn't advertise the Q & A Live because last time they did, Watchkeep was ready and waiting. LOL I am surprised he ever did it again. I guess they knew they had the producer and the other "planted" person there to ask questions. I am sure they had someone deleting as well. Surprising that they even mentioned Charla since she asked the questions many of us are wondering. Since God only had Davey in mind when he created these women to be custom-designed for him at every season in his life, what about Amanda? Also, the question about talking about the defendants? Should they be discussing them when there hasn't even been a trial? 4 years later, there is obviously more going on than meets the eye and they are actually talking about K's Dad having conversations with them? I would love to see the screenshots, please

Kate said...

"I really hope I get the opportunity to share the Gospel with these guys," Blackburn said. "Imagine if these three guys met Jesus. Imagine the kick in the nuts that would be for the enemy."

Davey's intentions with the "guys" was set in stone almost immediately. He wants to follow in the footsteps of Jameel McGee and Andrew Collins. Davey's story with Amanda failed to reach the millions because of Davey's disgusting deliverance and his deliberate "forgiveness" story that was immediately put out to msm and the public. His follow up story with Kristi, a story of "mercy and grace" failed miserably, again because of his deliverance and the speed in which he turned around and remarried. He dumps Resonate and once again, uses God to state he is following God's calling. Now he is banking on his story of forgiveness with the 3 alleged killers and/or a story on the new baby and what the huge impact is. Interesting that he stated on numerous occasions that he never thought anything was wrong with Amanda, he just thought they were going to lose the baby, according to him, everyone around him, Amanda and the church, knew they were anticipating a season coming up that would not be pleasant. Yet, when Kristi is violently ill with morning sickness, not a word is mentioned or even a thought stating he was worried they would lose the baby or anticipating a "season of pain". Amanda was in her 20's and pregnant, Kristi is in her 30's which raises risk factors. Funny how all the premonitions or conversations with God Davey was having when married to Amanda, seem to no longer hit him. Only stories of "mercy and grace" and how awesome life is with his instafam.

Kristi does a lot of babble speak when discussing her stepdad counseling the three men. Especially when dodging back and fourth regarding how much Lee shared with her. In one breath she states he told her he was speaking with them and she was sooo excited, the next breath she states he didn't tell her much, so which is it? What is there to be excited about if he's not telling you anything? How does she know that one of them wrote a letter and requested to continue? If they were told it wasn't a good idea, why continue with the one?

The relationship between Davey and the prosecutor/prosecuting office is interesting and one to follow closely. The prosecutor is not his personal attorney, yet he seems to get a great deal of advice from the prosecutor(s). Almost 4 years worth. Davey has stated the trial should last for a week to a week and a half. Let the games begin, let the 911 call be released, let the surveillance videos be viewed, let the cell phone records unfold, let everything, all evidence come to light. He will soon see the true meaning behind "nothing is wasted", including DNA and criminal evidence.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Kate. The surveillance video will be gold. We will see the mysterious black SUV, davey rushing to the gym, the stolen sebring, someone dropping larry off, the stolen sebring again and davey casually returning from the gym.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

I'm quite surprised about the whole Kristi's step-dad sharing inmate counseling sessions/religious conversations with her or anybody else. In my state, there's a serious 10 page application (complete with numerous character referrals required) to go into a facility to minister to anybody and all kinds of legally binding confidentiality agreements. You violate and you lose your security clearance to go back inside, period. The prison ministry I worked with kept everything close to the vest, it was need to know basis only. If there questions about any inmate or situation, you went to the Director, who then arranged a meeting with the appropriate person to handle the situation. Anybody violating the policy (usually it was a new worker) was quickly schooled by a fellow worker or the Director. It's not easy to get clearance into a facility to minister (at least in my state), so nobody wanted to lose their clearance. Every facility has had abuses in the past, people claiming to minister and actually inflaming prison rivalries, starting an inside cult, or smuggling contraband.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else find it odd that when asked if he would speak at Perry Noble’s church, his answer was that he doesn’t know. He didn’t say that he would love to get the chance to speak there. So who ditched who? Perry or Davey?

Bobcat said...

Davey spoke at Echo church on 5/19/19, and again he mentions praying for brain matter to make its way back into Amanda's head.

Like Indy PD, he NEVER speaks of the "bad" beating she "took" except as hearsay in Jono's blog.


flightfulbird said...

This is the YouTube video which Bingo linked on April 11th - - the appearance in which Davey actually said this at 29:45 into the video (transcribed, not paraphrasing) -

"God, I believe there's a revival that's supposed to sweep across this hospital, would you guide the doctors' hands, give 'em wisdom, would you begin to put brain matter back into Amanda's (pause) brain right now and heal her so supernaturally that everybody who doubts or is skeptic in this hospital would put their faith and believe in You".

So we have Amanda reported to 911 as "injured and unconscious on the living room floor" - Davey saying his first honest thought was a miscarriage - yet he's praying that God would replace brain matter ?

It was strange and unwise enough that he said this even once, if he was really expecting the "I honestly thought it was a miscarriage / maybe Amanda got lightheaded and fell) stories to hold up over time.

BUT HE SAID IT AGAIN in another appearance !

- - continued next post - -

flightfulbird said...

- - continued from previous post - -

The part below is from the link from Bobcat's post above - transcription courtesy of glindanorth blog, acquired with VPN in place and copied/pasted tonight.

The transcript is revealing - it would have been really cool if it had just been posted here without needing to access the blog - but it's yet another nail in the coffin so to speak - - for Davey's continual need to talk and explain (augmented by Kristi's very helpful rambling explanation and rendition of her stepfather meeting with the accused) is very helpful in the case that is being built.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019
5/19/19 Echo Church

10:40  I’ll never forget.  Um, I had my phone and my, my earbuds in from coming in- gym and I just, dropped everything and rushed to her side.  (X) Had no idea what was going on, my mind was taking snapshots of everything around me.  I don’t know if you’ve been in a moment that’s that traumatic, but everything seems to be going fast motion and slow motion all at the same time.  I grabbed my phone and I, I called the paramedics and it felt like it took three hours for them to get there.  I found out later it took three minutes.  And they started, attending to, Amanda. I went and grabbed Weston.  He was in his crib the entire morning.  (X) Grabbed him and we followed ‘em to the hospital and we, sat in the waiting room and I just hel- held him on my lap and I was shaking, him and it felt like one of those out of body experiences where you kind of watching yourself in that moment of shaking.  I was saying Weston, we’re going to be OK.  Everything’s going to be OK.

After a little while some doctors and investigators came in and I said, can I, can we see her.  She’s doing OK.  I expected her to just be propped up in her bed and, she’s, you know, fine.  They said, Davey, um, she has three bullet wounds in her.  One is, in her arm.  One is, grazed over her back and one is through the back of her head.  The bullet’s lodged behind her eye, and um, it doesn’t look good.  If the, swelling, if the swelling goes down we might be able to operate but, it doesn’t look good.

Can I tell you.  We were not in that situation because of a lack of faith.  I don’t know if it was faith or denial or, or a mixture of both of them but I grabbed the doctor’s hands.  And I remember praying this big bold prayer of faith.  I said, god if, if you, if you are, trying to, help people in this hospital who don’t know you, meet you, then you need to use us as a, as a miracle testimony to do that. 

12:15  God, would you begin to, replace brain matter in Amanda’s head right now.  Would you, would you, cause a miracle to happen so that people who don’t believe in you who are skeptical they would look on and see this and, they would sweep a revival across this hospital.


SO - now in this appearance - stammering and stuttering yet again -

- Davey has covered the earbuds on the floor - of course he had them when he came in from the gym "and I just, dropped everything" . . . .

- Again, he says he had no idea what was going on. And again, he says he was taking snapshots of everything around him.
Why ? ? - if he really thought it was a fall from the decorative ladder or a miscarriage ? ?

- And he again feels the need to say that Weston was in his crib THE ENTIRE MORNING. How does Davey know this ??

- And he says "She's doing ok. I expected her to just be propped up in her bed and, she’s, you know, fine."

- Yet he's praying that God would "replace brain matter in Amanda's head right now" - and his own brother's blog shed a ton of light on Amanda's true condition and exposed Davey's untruthfulness very early on.

flightfulbird said...

He knew she wasn't going to be fine. Again, when he walked into that living room after languishing in the car on the driveway for so long, he thought she was going to be dead.

Never forget the "she was still breathing" quote. Almost as if it was a surprise.

Anonymous said...

FFB, wouldn’t Davey have learned that Amanda had been shot at the time that he prayed for her brain matter? Maybe I’m missing something here.

Anonymous said...

Anon ^, he said the doctors told him that a bullet was lodged in her head and they needed the swelling to go down before they could operate. No mention of brain matter and according to Davey, he thought it was a small head wound. He should have been praying for God to reduced the swelling. Unless he already knew what really happened to Amanda.

Anonymous said...

So, Davey explains the earbuds that were laying on the floor. Can he please explain the ductape? The suspects did not have ductape at Jacola's. Maybe they stopped to shop on the way to Davey's and that is why they were so late?

Bobcat said...

Amanda should have been treated immediately after her severe head injury, which Wesleyans far and wide had begun praying for on Monday the 9th. Maybe she was but it was clear her best recovery state would tarnish multiple 'perfect' evangelical families.

So, with the direction of people who are to be feared and NEVER questioned, a coverup ensued, while Amanda's damaged brain continued to swell and her wounds festered. But her brain stem STILL commanded her to breathe. Death does not come as quickly or quietly as movies show.

IMPD homicide detective Dan Kepler (using the name Daniel Robert) stated on Facebook "She was not beaten".

So, (not counting the earliest media reports of torture and all the leakage at chatzy) before Davey leaked about brain matter, the only other person who mentioned how horrifically Amanda had been beaten was Jono - and in Jono's report, also Davey.

Amber and Robin said she looked beautiful.

So, the narrative was set, with Amber leading the way on 11/13/15 minimizing Amanda's horrific death into an Evangelical homecoming story WHILE killers were on the loose.

Big evangelical is not to be trifled with.
And Amanda wanted out of her adulterous marriage.

Anonymous said...

So, FFB, he only went and grabbed Weston before heading to the hospital? He had 5 minutes from when he hung up the phone with Kenneth and then called 911 (as soon as "he could"). He thought Amanda had fallen off the decorative ladder whilst cleaning in her PJs, so why wouldn't he go get Weston? It was 8:30am and Weston was up, according to Davey's strict schedule with him. It has also been reported that Weston was crying upstairs when Davey first walked into his house. His story just doesn't add up.

Bobcat said...

Very, very few people have not been completely silenced (or constrained) in any criticism surrounding this case. No one except "Bobcat" will dare question 11/9/15. Well, ffb gave it a halfhearted attempt on chatzy last year, but that is it.

11/9/15 is verboten - except for Amber's not-enough-time-to-run-all-those-errands-after-jumping-in-leaves incongruous stories and the "timestamp" on the "Trader's Point video" and all the "last night" leaks.

However, one blogger 'Amir Larijani' at the 1st Feline Battalion, who is connected to Big Evangelical (patriarchal and fundamentalist terrorists a la Newspring 'Pajama Pages' henchmen included) insiders criticized Davey, but he is also very careful to note that he has not said anything he isn't supposed to say. He knows and has repeated that the only way three people keep a secret is if two of them are dead.

It is possible to follow connections to see how the story "Can you keep a secret?" has traveled.

Bobcat said...

^^ "Trudy" AND "flightfulbird" dared to discuss 11/9/15 on chatzy on 4/1/18. Here's the transcript:

flightfulbird: whatever happened to "you come into my house, I will control you - with my gun"
Trudy: unless I'm at the gym. Then I'll leave the door wide open.
flightfulbird: yes front door unlocked, because she was about to get up anyways lol still at squat for wisdom
Trudy: If she was about to get up, she was still in bed. If she was still in bed, she was vulnerable.
flightfulbird: Trudy, do you have a theory on what time all of this could have happened to Amanda - because I really don't think all of it (and maybe not any of it) happened between the time Davey left for the gym and the time he returned to the driveway – [ ] and there's no way anyone who did this and didn't want to get caught would stroll down the street in broad daylight talking on a cell phone - he would've shot out through the back door and bolted to the next street over
Trudy: Yeah I'm seeing that, lots. Bobcat was quite insistent that Something heinous happened on the 9th. -- Monday night. – [ ] And there's something to it. There is a complete absence of Amanda voice.
flightfulbird: Bobcat is QUITE insistent. But it makes sense for sure. -- I agree totally. the trolls really came out on the SA board whenever the 9th was discussed -- yeah from the time she was just praying that God would use them in a really big way on that morning - then Davey said in his blog "she tucked you into bed and kissed you goodnight . . .and that was the last time you saw her" but what if the last time Weston saw her was earlier in the day or even the day before -- right - I was just praying babe (as he "peered" at her around the corner- fucking stalker)
Trudy: Im talking about actual words. The last thin, verbatim, that Amanda said.
flightfulbird: yes I agree - those were the last words she said, supposedly before her last physical appearance at Traders Point -- the last words DAVEY said she said. Amber had quite a list of conversational topics from Monday as they went on their walkabout through Indy -- not picking on Amber
Trudy: So yeah, something could have happened earlier. -- In SA, when a person stops quoting the deceased's actual words, it can indicate time of death.
flightfulbird: at least by Monday night something could've - walkabout or not - when he said she was laughing at dumb finds on instagram - what if he hit her then, knocked out her teeth and had no choice but to continue on to silence her (then again I think all of this was premeditated for awhile - the worship is a weapon sermon being planned four weeks in advance says a lot)
Trudy: Also, the kiss goodbye.
flightfulbird: oh shit if that's true then she was all but dead early monday morning already -- yes yes - he said he kissed her goodbye - GOODBYE -- not kissed her and left
Trudy: Yep.
flightfulbird: Amber too said "it was finally time for her to go home" and then talks about heaven being Amanda's true home
Trudy: Kiss goodbYe can also indicate time of death.
flightfulbird: maybe reading too much into that - but SA says words, every word, is important - why not say "it was finally time for them to leave"
Trudy: Yes, FFB. Finally time.
flightfulbird: as opposed to "for her / Amanda to go home" -- too much, too much of a reach? or not
Trudy: Id be looking at "finally".

Bobcat said...

^^ Note how FFB makes a point to say "not picking on Amber"

Trudy: Id be looking at "finally".
flightfulbird: why even mention time that night - just say Davey was loading the car and she was holding Weston - no need to indicate time
Trudy: Hahah. Worthy of consideration. -- Notice how whenever God speaks to Dbag he says "Hey Davey....blah blah whatever,"
flightfulbird: So I think Natasha Jones Tank or Tank Jones or whatever the hell - I've seen it both ways - was told to say she heard two gunshots and what sounded like a woman scream - at a certain time which would be when Davey was at the gym and when the thugs were allegedly in their house -- yeah like God talks directly to him like a friend -- ass
Trudy: But the last time Amanda spoke to Davey in "real time" was the "I was just praying that"
flightfulbird: it would be decently easy to tell the difference between a woman scream and a dog barking - or a woman scream and a man scam - or a baby crying. WHAT SOUNDED LIKE - is a hedge -- not wanting to commit - giving just enough information but not the whole story
Trudy: I think I'm being unclear. When the person no longer speaks directly....
flightfulbird: no I think you are being very clear -- he said, she said I was just praying babe, I was just praying that God would use us in a really big way - and BOOM - now God is using Amanda's story to reach thousands across the n-nation and even th-the w world -- i can't resist the stammering, sorry -- because he does. He can't talk about that morning without it
Trudy: Uh, I I, I, you know, I, I uh, you.... -- Yeah. I know.
flightfulbird: right?!
Trudy: Just to labor the point, what you just quoted were the LAST actual words attributed to Amanda. -- By Davey.
flightfulbird: a communications degree, public speaker, practiced in speaking onstage - would only stutter and stumble around like that if it was a sensitive topic to him. EVEN as many times as he said the exact same words, where you'd think he'd be getting more practiced and fluent every time - he can't -- yeah that was the last thing HE said she said -- everything else is paraphrased per Amber, topics of discussion like the Christmas tree and breaking the news to Davey about the pregnancy (I wonder if Amber meant to use those words to indicate under the table that Davey was't happy about it) -- There's no talk about anything Amanda said Monday night except for the laughing at "dumb finds" (what an ass on wheels, I'll say it again) on Instagram. Nothing of what they talked about before bed - nothing about what she was doing Tueday morning -- absent absent absent from Davey's world after Monday morning when she told him what she was praying -- she might not even have said that - she was bowed beside the bed by then already, leading the way in surrender
Trudy: Mmm. I've been trying to find the quote where crazy Dbag says something like " my last day with Amanda, well she was killed on Tuesday so my lat day -- So my last day was Monday, and I remember, she was up with Weston and ..... -- Then he goes into detail about how he was going to be pushing the ball forward, building a church, pouring himself out. Thoughts were swirling, he had to go and meet with this person and that person... -- So even "the last day" - Monday- he talks about himself, and what he was doing, rather than what Amanda was doing. -- She was in the kitchen taking it kind of slow.... -- Dyou know the quote I'm referring to?

Davey never said "in the kitchen"

Bobcat said...

Here is the transcript Trudy was looking for:

I remember, you know I found her on, on a Tuesday when I came home from the gym but the Monday morning before, so that Monday was the last day I had with her.

15:15 And I remember like, getting up, and having all this, to-dos in my- swirling around my brain. I'm like, I got- I gotta go do this, I gotta, drop this thing off, I gotta run this errand, I gotta, take care of this, I gotta go meet with this person, right. So I get up, get my shower, you know, get ready to go. Weston’s up, she’s up with Weston, and she’s kinda taking it slow, Monday morning.

And um, I don’t really remember much about our conversation, honestly. I don’t remember much about what was going on. All I remember is I had all these things in my head of all this stuff that I needed to do, all these, uh, this agenda that I needed to take care of. And so I, you know, rush into the bathroom while she’s, getting ready and I, kiss her goodbye, and I, walk out of the house. And, n-and I spent the rest of that day, doing things. ( ) Pushing the ball forward. ( ) Building a church. ( ) Meeting with people. ( ) Pouring myself out.
[3 second pause with finger over mouth]
And then at night we went to bed, and, she was watching, dumb finds on Instagram, like, laughing hysteric-, I’ve never heard, like just, gut laughing. You know? And, and I was like, would you, I’m trying to go to bed, I’m, would you stop laughing? You know? Like I’m trying to sleep, I’m trying to read so I can fall asleep. And she’s like 'hahaha' like I’ve never seen her more carefree and happy, but listen, I was annoyed with it. Know why? I didn’t know, that I only had 3694 days. I thought I had another day, to appreciate the annoying things.

Anonymous said...

Elijah "Kilt" Vines has a sentencing hearing today. He could get life in prison. He was pimping underage girls, and demanding that they make at least $900 a night. The Kilt gang is hoping for 20-25 years. There were initially 2 Kilt gang members arrested for the crimes but one testified against Elijah for a reduced sentence. He is spilling the tea about other Kilt gang crimes as well.

flightfulbird said...

Nothing about this supposed-to-be random home invasion murder adds up.
This happened almost four years ago but people have smelled a rat from the very. first. day.

Apparently Weston had been trained to wake up at 8am (Baby Wise book method?) - - Davey and Amber both wrote that Weston woke up / wakes up at 8am on the dot.

But we know the morning of November 10th was an unusual morning, no matter how "normal" Davey wants everyone to think it started out.

Davey was up at 4:30am and cruising on the couch praying for protection for Amanda and "Evie" - - but not for Weston. It has been asked before - why did Davey think Weston was safe / didn't need prayer for HIS protection as well ? And Davey left the front door unlocked when he left because "she was about to get up anyways", referring to Amanda.

The APC says Davey told Detective Perkins that he left for the gym at 6am. This was much later than his usual time - - and neighbors on the street know his usual routine - multiple social media posts document his gym timing as well. What was he doing for an hour and a half plus, before he left for the gym - what caused him to be running so late that morning ?

So Davey was gone from the house at or just after 6am.

And he supposedly "stayed on the phone in the driveway until he entered at 8:20am" (direct quote from APC, surveillance videos from his ex-neighbors will show if he left the car and entered the house more than once, yes?)

We know for sure that he called 911 at 8:22am to report "his wife, Amanda Blackburn, injured and unconscious on the living room floor. . . "

So in the timeframe between when he "grabbed his gym clothes" and left for LA Fitness at or just after 6am - - until he walked into the house at 8:20am - - he would have had (or should have had) no way of knowing what time Weston actually woke up.

Nor would he (or should he) be able to affirm with such certainty that Weston was upstairs / in his crib the entire morning - how would he know whether or not Amanda had removed him from his crib for some reason before anything happened to her.

So considering that, I keep thinking back to Davey's various words over the past almost four years - his ways of repeatedly making sure that everyone knows that Weston was upstairs in his crib - not only when he returned from the gym, but the whole morning.

I don't think there are many appearances (if any) in which Davey doesn't include the fact that WESTON WAS UPSTAIRS !

Off of the top of my head for now - Davey indicated / said -

still upstairs in his crib
up in his room
upstairs in his crib the whole time
behind the still-closed door
I could hear Weston cooing softly from upstairs
in his room upstairs
completely untouched
in his crib the entire morning

There are so many more, there was a whole list on Blackburn Discussion blog with exactly what Davey said about Weston and in which appearance he said it.

The "still-closed door" bothers me the most I think - so many various renditions of that.

How could Davey know that Weston's door was never opened the whole time he was away? A "closed" door might be to reassure or convince that Weston didn't hear anything going on.

But his saying behind the STILL closed door means the door never opened and there's no way Davey knows that - which makes me think the door was open when Davey came home.

Is Davey trying to convince that Weston never heard any commotion downstairs because he was asleep until 8am and that whatever happened to Amanda would have been before he woke up ?

- - continued next post - -

flightfulbird said...

- - continued from last post - -

Or is Davey trying to convince that Weston never saw anything, never saw Amanda when she was in trouble ? - because he keeps saying he was in his crib (upstairs, still upstairs, still in his crib behind the completely untouched door) the entire morning and also wrote in a blog post to Weston that the last time he saw Amanda was Monday night (see below)

Link here -

Davey's exact words copied/pasted from the post but I separated it into line-by-line / sections to make it easier to read -

Weston, you need to know your mommy was brave.
When you get older you’re going to have lots of questions about what happened the morning she was killed.
I know it up-ended your world as much as anyone’s.

She walked you upstairs the night before, sang to you, prayed with you, kissed you and tucked you into bed. And that was the last time you saw her.

I know it is really difficult without her, buddy, but you should know she would have done anything to protect you.

She loved you more than life itself. I found a quote on her phone that read, “Sometimes your greatest assignment in life isn’t what you do, but who you raise.” She embraced that assignment to the fullest extent.

She gave her life so you could have yours.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt she did what she had to do that morning to protect you. She loved you that much.

Amber says (not exact quote) that Amanda rose up with everything inside her and protected the precious life she had brought into the world just fifteen months before. Davey's dad also said she fought for Weston - faced down a bullet, even? (definitely not exact quote).

Does he need to convince the future Weston - the Weston who will be able to sort things out and ask questions - that he never saw his mom in the condition she was in ?

How can Davey know for sure that Weston never saw Amanda that morning - that Amanda never looked in on him? Davey never says he was asleep in his room the whole time - he just says he was upstairs in his room the whole time, with all of the commotion going on downstairs ?

What if Davey does know for sure that Weston couldn't have seen Amanda that morning - - because Amanda was incapacitated before he ever left for the gym at 6am? It's no secret that many people think something could have happened to Amanda on Monday already, or overnight between Monday and Tuesday.

Or - what if Davey thinks Weston might have seen Amanda fighting to protect him, whether upstairs or downstairs
- - or - -
what if Davey thinks Weston might have seen Amanda lying on the floor downstairs, injured and unconscious and bleeding from three gunshot wounds - with severe head trauma, brain matter visible and her shirt pulled up and underwear off

- - and he's covering his bases for the future.

As in - - Weston you didn't wake up until 8am that morning buddy, just like you always did, on the dot ! - so the last time you saw your mommy was when she tucked you into bed the night before . . . (so whatever you thought you saw wasn't real ?)

It is hard to imagine fifteen-month old Weston being capable of crawling up out of his crib and cruising all the way down the stairs - I asked before if that was even possible - yet Davey said at least once that his worst nightmare was "sitting" on the floor in front of him (while repeatedly saying that Amanda was laying or lying on the floor).

But - could Weston have made his way out of his crib and just been cruising on the landing above, though sitting there at the top of the stairs and looking down into the living room - or wherever Davey imagined himself looking down on the surreal scene from above as if it was an out of body experience?

Something isn't right about Davey's constant need to stress that Weston was in his room / crib behind a still-closed door the entire time the chaos was going on downstairs.

Bobcat said...

Yes, we know Weston was up and about and smeared with Amanda's blood. He was Davey's worst nightmare "sitting" there. The sitting-in-the-car phone call to Kenneth Wagner was to cover for the time spent cleaning before calling 911.

It's a tangent to avoid 11/9/15, because what happened on 11/9/15 is more important to the truth of who caused Amanda's death - who wasn't Larry Taylor.

Regarding Weston's truth, yes, it matters, but it's too bad it didn't matter when he was still young enough to have been adopted out to a non-cult family.

But again, it's a tangent to avoid the truth of who caused Amanda's death.

DW said...

LE said he left his house at 6:11am. Since it was such a specific time, they must have watched the neighbor's surveillance tape to determine that (and yes, it was VERY late for him). Surveillance video also caught a black SUV speeding down the street ("and home security video shows a dark SUV speeding from the neighborhood, Maj. Eric Hench said"). No mention of the stolen Sebring being on Sunnyfield, only on the street perpendicular to Sunnyfield, when Jalen picked up LT

Bobcat said...

"Our time here will pay off"

DW said...

Amanda said she had started getting up early to journal. Did she ever say what time she got up? Davey left at 6:11am and said she was "about to get up anyway" but was wondering if Amanda had IG or FB posts from early mornings?

flightfulbird said...

Link below to Jono Blackburn's blog post about the day he and his wife Tessa heard the news about Amanda, including the time they spent with Davey at the hospital and Jono's first reaction to seeing Amanda and what had happened to her (Jono Blackburn is Davey's brother) - -

Some of the takeaways are -

- Davey initially told people (at least his parents and we know he texted Perry Noble the same thing) that Amanda had collapsed and had a head wound - I am certain he told 911 the same thing, hence the reason only paramedics were dispatched.

- Davey and Amanda DID NOT know the gender of Amanda's unborn child - Davey himself said to Jono "we don't know whether it was a girl or boy yet - we were supposed to find out in about three weeks". So DAVEY created Everette Grace aka Evie.

How much worse was it that Amanda's unborn baby not only had a name but that it was a lil girl (because Davey always wanted a lil boy and he wanted a lil girl, as he told WTHR interviewer). He also told that interviewer that it was too early to know the, the gender.

- Davey told his mom he doesn't know what happened. . . he had come home from a workout this morning and found her on the living room floor, and things had fallen - the ladder in the living room and the lamp, don't know if there was a breakin or if something else happened.

Don't know if there was a breakin, mom texted ? Did Davey seriously tell his mom that he didn't know what happened, that things had fallen and maybe there was a breakin ?

We know he has said over and over and over that he honestly had no idea that anyone had been in his house. We're not talking about a confused 87-year-old couple who walk into their residence and find things in disarray but aren't sure whether anything is wrong or not. This is a young guy who watches Final Destination movies and CSI and isn't confused at all - yet sometimes when he talks, his words sound like the words of the altar boy in the movie Primal Fear (Edward Norton as the altar boy who killed the Archbishop and Richard Gere as his defense attorney).

You'd think his mom could point him in the right direction to put two and two together, even given the minimal information she had.

- Amanda's injuries would have been obvious to Davey before he called 911. The gunshot wound to the back of the head (Amanda sustained severe head trauma according to the APC, not just a small entry wound obscured by hair as some poster indicated maybe that was all it was). She was bleeding from two other gunshot wounds -and had a split lip according to the APC -- along with ALL of this according to Jono - -

- her face and neck were badly bruised and swollen
- other scrapes and abrasions could be seen on her face neck and arms
- one eyelid was bright purple
- at least 3 or 4 top front teeth were missing
- her left arm was swollen and lacerated from near her elbow where the other bullet had entered to her shoulder where it was lodged.

There is NO WAY Davey's "I honestly thought we had just lost the baby right here, but um" (miscarriage) story is not going to hold up.

Neither is his "I honestly had no idea anyone had been in my house", with Davey's mom knowing early on that there was a lamp and ladder turned over.

I wonder if Davey told 911 that he thought something was wrong with the baby. All we know is that he reported Amanda to be "injured and unconscious" in whatever choice of words he used to express that condition. And we know for sure that he didn't say a word about a decorative ladder and lamp turned over and stuff strewn all over the floor.

flightfulbird said...

A bit more about the "breakin" from my post above, it's unclear --

Davey's mom was at first saying that Davey had told her there was a ladder and a lamp turned over and it's possible / probable that SHE was telling Jono "don't know if there was a breakin or if something else happened". My post made it sound like Davey said "don't know if there was a breakin or if something else happened". . . .

Davey couldn't initially admit to there being a breakin - he couldn't give any knowledge whatsoever that there might have been one, because he hadn't given any indication to 911 that any support other than paramedics were needed at his house.

All he could say was that stuff was turned over and then let people's imaginations run wild for a bit while they were processing the information that Amanda had collapsed and that a ladder and a lamp were turned over.

Which totally could just be a fall and a knock on the head. That storyline bought him time for sure. See below where Jono and Tessa are talking on their ride to work. . .

Direct quote from the blog post -

Mom: “She is in critical condition – she has a head wound. Davey doesn’t know what happened. He had come home from a workout this morning and found her on the living room floor, and things had fallen – the ladder in the living room and the lamp. Don’t know if there was a break in or if something else happened. We are leaving to go up there. Please keep praying. They are doing a CAT scan right now. Baby still has a heartbeat. Davey is a mess.”

A couple of paragraphs later, Jono writes about his drive to work with Tessa -

On the six-minute drive to UAB campus, we wondered out loud to each other what could have possibly happened. Mom’s text mentioned a break in. A break-in? Things were on the floor – the wooden decorative ladder they kept propped up against the wall-length bookshelf, and a lamp. Could she have been on the ladder hanging Christmas decorations and fallen? Maybe a drop in blood pressure due to something with the baby and she blacked out and hit her head, bringing the ladder and lamp toppling with her? It didn’t necessarily have to be a malicious, intrusive act like a break-in, right? Whatever it was, if she was still unconscious that’s definitely not good. She would have come to almost immediately if she had only blacked out. Even if she had hit her head, she wouldn’t be out this long if it wasn’t serious.

I dropped Tessa off at her building on campus before parking in the remote lot about 9 blocks away from my lab, and waited for the bus. It didn’t take long to arrive. I climbed on the bus and found my seat among maybe a dozen other passengers, and the bus started toward the next stop.

Shortly after leaving the bus terminal, I received another update from Mom. When I read this message, my heart sank, my head reeled, I felt the blood leave my cheeks, and for a split second I thought I would vomit all over the shuttle bus floor.

Mom: “Just talked to Davey – there was a break-in / there were bullet wounds to the head and arm – they don’t know if she is going to make it. Need a miracle right now!”

So the misdirection from Davey / by Davey was successful. He revealed things little bits at a time. Spun the story out piece by piece.

He had everyone wondering (well he actually TOLD Robin) whether Amanda fell from the decorative ladder hanging something.

Davey has maintained all along, over and over in various multiple appearances, that -

-he had no idea there were bullets

- that he didn't find out there were bullets until they got to the hospital and the doctors came and talked to him

- that he didn't find out until they got to the hospital that there had been a h-home, uh, invasion, um, in our house

The third sentence is impossible to believe, that he had no idea - he said "some things were out of place, but. .. . " at one point.

Covering for what he didn't say to 911 dispatcher.

Anonymous said...

Davey would have been so much more successful in his marketing ventures if he would have just gone into mourning and hiding for the first few months, but he just could not! He was giddily excited to be in front of all the cameras. Instead of sending a family spokesperson to answer the media's questions, he appeared, clean-shaven, smiling, perfectly poofed hair proclaiming the best is yet to come and nothing is wasted! A big majority of the public had bad vibes about him and thought he acted creepily. He had mild success the first year securing a book deal and funding a CD through the insurance money. He also quickly had a lawyer protect his assets through several fake ministries. But after a few months, the big churches stopped calling. I think most found him be to be creepy also. Next, his church fails and the book deal seems to be on permanent hiatus. Yet, he continues to beg for more funding and partnerships. He must really hate working. He also still calls himself a visionary and a high-achiever. The narcissism and delusion are high in this one!

Kate said...

So true Anon. Not to mention the chump change reward that remained at "up to $1,000", Amanda's obituary that was more about Davey, Amanda's celebration that was more about Davey, selling merch and tweeting. Every single move that has been made by Davey since Amanda's murder, has had to do with Davey.

More often than not, Davey quotes Mamaw with, "faith is living without scheming". I don't have to wonder for too long why she repeated that quote to the failed pastor. In his latest Q&A scam, he states Kristi may one day write a book, changing his tune from Amanda's story, to the blended family story. He never gets off the hamster wheel, always spinning, always scheming.

Where is all the inner city work he claims to be doing? Where are all the people he claims to be helping? Easy to leave a letter or an email, I see no personal testimonies from anyone over the past 3 1/2 years. Where is the revival that is sweeping the world? They continue to state it is happening, just wondering where it's at?

A lot of churches, including Perry Noble's, are distancing themselves from this lunatic by not inviting him to preach and staying as far away from him as possible. He is christian "poison" at the present time and they all know it. The few that do take him on are obligated by Wesleyan or family connections. He had a few years of undeserved attention and money, but that ride is about to dry up.

Anonymous said...

From the private chat...

Davey said in the "She Said Yes Blog" that he didn't talk to Kristi until November 2016 "So from September until the beginning of November I just observed this girl. We said maybe a dozen words to each other, mostly cordial hello’s".

Yet he went trick-or-treating with one of Kristi's good friends in October 2016, Britney Cooper, a hairdresser who owns her own salon in Indy:

(Note Ashley Barret's comment" "mrsabarrett Had soooo much fun with you last night!! :)" Also appears to be Megs in the background.

Britney with Kristi at Kristi's wedding (" bcoop
Dear friend... you deserve the world. And we couldn’t be happier to walk along side you. Congratulations Kristi!!! #shesamarriedmama #myladies 💁🏻‍♀️💍💃🏻❤️")

You all remember Britney, don't you? She was the recipient of that Mother's day package from the now defunct Resonate Church, including a spa day with Kristi, yhree days in Nashville, free water park membership, and car and her house cleaned by the Resonate group (including Zach cleaning her toilet sans gloves).

Davey had said in the summer of 2015, that he got his first professional haircut.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't be the first round of hush money in this case ^

Anonymous said...

In mid-June, a new attorney made an appearance for Diano Gordon. First of all, who is paying for Diano's private attorneys? Jalen and Larry have public defenders and Diano is as broke as the rest of them. Secondly, it is highly unusual to get new counsel this late in the game. Diano has already signed a plea agreement and the only other thing he has to do is testify against Larry Taylor. Seems like there might have been some new information brought to light.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure you’ve all noticed how Davey hasn’t been on the guest speaker list for Levi Lusko’s church. Levi ditched Davey a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Anon @4:08pm, Dave Ramsey would be wise to do the same. Davey is going to blame Ramsey and his Financial Peace University course for getting millions of insurance on amanda. Won't be a good look for Ramsey

Anonymous said...

Dave Ramsey could sue Davey for misquoting him in his awful E=Book. Davey misquotes him saying to take out 8-10 times the family income on both spouses. Dave Ramsey says about 250,000 on a stay at home wife. Davey cannot blame Dave Ramsey for one single thing. DR pulled away from Davey B a long time ago. Watchkeep tweeted that Dave Ramsey headquarters looking up Davey on her blog, "Marketing a Murder" the afternoon after Davey spoke a few months after the murder. They obviously found him as creepy as many of us do. Dave Ramsey also pulled his foreword on Davey's book soon after. The book that will never be released.

flightfulbird said...

Link to a webpage with a massive photo of Davey (Kristi not included) plugging his video series.

He posted Instastories over the weekend about filming the video series - "marathon" filming session which started Sunday June 30th at 9:30am and finished at 7pm, they are exhausted but they're doooone (Instastory posted 18 hours ago, it's July 1st).

It's right on the page - releases July 14th for $99, preorder for $49.

So - how did a poster on the Facebook Q & A write this comment in the live chat way back on June 19th - if the video series literally just finished filming and hasn't even been released yet ?

"A lot of what Davey has talked about tonight is a part of the NIW video course. Having gone through it, I highly recommend it. The coaching is SO worth it as well. "

Of COURSE the coaching is so worth it as well. That's where the real money is. You can pay literally thousands of dollars to have DAVEY (Kristi not included?) coach you through the process instead of watching the videos on your own.

Next there will be video series from Kristi sharing HER story and how she worked through it and met Davey (LA Fitness on Shore Drive not included).

The money from Amanda's life insurance is totally drying up. A monumental amount (MILLIONS of dollars) of life insurance for a policy on Amanda's life - and Davey says Dave Ramsey advised him to take out that much.

flightfulbird said...

Levi Lusko ditched Davey because Levi Lusko has known since AT LEAST August 26, 2016 (when Davey appeared on his stage) that Davey was not telling the truth about November 10. 2015.

At 15:15 into the video - is when Davey begins his story about November 10th (yet again).

And as Davey continues to speak, watch Levi Lusko's eyes narrow. His face hardens - almost a staredown - watch his negative body language.

Levi Lusko isn't relaxed like he was earlier in the video. He KNOWS what he's hearing cannot possibly be true, yet he's in the position of having to sit there and listen to it. He shifts in his seat, he looks away, he looks like he wishes Davey would stop talking. His disbelief about Davey increases the longer Davey talks.

Nice when Levi Lusko totally gets Davey to repeat what he has already said.

I like to think that at least some of the places Davey spoke since Amanda was killed — particularly the news media interviews but also onstage in churches — were somehow inviting him to interview or share Amanda’s / his story in hopes of trapping him, getting him to repeat the same (untruthful) story as often as possible — for future reference and evidence ?

Credit to a poster on SA back in December 2015 -

When the cops said to the killer, "You're not as smart as you think you are," they certainly weren't talking to the bag-of-oranges bandits. They know, and so do we.

The clearing 100%, no, 150% right off the bat - was to get Davey to let down his guard and feel safe and free to talk. 
And oh how he talked. . . . .

This is one of those "a picture is worth a thousand words" things. A video of the stammering and stuttering is even better, worth a million words. And this is only ONE of the videos.

Kate said...

This podcast is done by Shari and Clayton King (Davey's relatives) with Davey & Kristi Blackburn. Definitely worth listening to as Davey and Kristi get into how troubled and upset Weston was initially, how he cried every night etc., despite Davey stating to Zach a while back (different podcast), that if Amanda was going to die, this was the best time in Weston's life and that he didn't even really realize his mom was gone. Also talks about getting together and how Natalia busted them kissing, how Natalia initially struggled and cried that she wanted to go home, back to their apartment.

Anonymous said...

And Westom would cry uncontrollably and they would ask "What's wrong?" Weston would say he didn't know. Their response was "Blackburns don't do that". Well, maybe Byars do. Amber, Phil, Robin, James: Please listen to this podcast and get Weston the hell away from these two.

Anonymous said...

Davey and Kristi say in the podcast that early on in their relationship, they would put the kids to bed, and then hang out (and hook up) and then Davey would take Weston home later that night.

Interesting, in that there was a post on SA from Dec 2015. Someone saw Davey and Weston at a Kroger grocery store in Westfield at 8pm (5 miles away from Carmel, where Kristi was living), iirc, at that time, Davey was living with his cousin somewhere north of Indy.

Was Davey driving home from Kristi's in Dec 2015?

Oh my gosh, you guys!!! I just saw Davey at the grocery store and about had a heart attack!! I live north of the city, probably 20-30 min from his house, so I have NO idea what he's doing in this area. All I could think was, I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL EVERYONE AT SA!!!!! He did seem fairly loving to his son as he put him in the cart. And his sweaters must be ingrained in my brain b/c I saw that before anything else, which made me do a double take!
December 6, 2015 at 7:58 PM

M said...
Anon on 12/6 at 7:58PM - Hamilton County?
December 7, 2015 at 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
M, yes.
December 7, 2015 at 12:22 PM

M, Kroger, Westfield

Anonymous said...
Once again, I'm the one that saw him at the store and he got into a white, 4 door car. I don't know the model, but it was a family car
December 23, 2017 at 9:48 AM
Anonymous said...

Maw Maw lives in Brownsburg, not Westfield. DB has friends from church in Westfield.
December 23, 2017 at 11:07 AM

Anonymous said...

Forget this post from my post above:

M said...

Anon @ 2:36 I read that - that's why I asked if he was seen in Hamilton Co. Maybe I wasn't clear in my next question. Carmel? Noblesville? was he at Marsh, Fresh Market?

I am just curious because I'm in that county.
December 7, 2015 at 3:02 PM

Interesting that "M" mentioned Carmel.

Anonymous said...

Travis Arnold, a former Resonate member, lives in Westfield and did in 2015. I think someone said that Davey and Weston stayed with the Arnolds for awhile after the murder. The Kroger in Westfield is less than a mile from Travis' house. From the podcast, they say Weston's bedtime was 7pm, so if Davey was just taking a quick trip to the grocery store, he would have left Weston sleeping. Seems like he was returning from an evening tryst and stopped at the grocery store on the way home.

Anonymous said...

In retrospect, the poster was wondering where Davey was spotted and specifically what city is way too worried to just be someone that lived in the city (Carmel? Noblesville?). There is only one Fresh Market north of the city and it is in Carmel. And there was a Marsh grocery store in Carmel and one in Noblesville. But why assume it was a health food grocery store and not the local Kroger's? Wonder where Kristi Monroy did her grocery shopping when she lived in Carmel in December 2015?

Anonymous said...

Westfield Kroger is not close to Kristi’s apartment, I know where they both are.

Anonymous said...

No, it's not. It's close to Travis Arnold's apartment. Please re-read what was written above

Anonymous said...

Davey did not live with Travis Arnold.

Anonymous said...

Where did Davey live after the murder, 5:44PM?

Anonymous said...

He lived with Eric and Nikki Anderson in Westfield. Amanda is also buried in Westfield across the road from Kroger.

Anonymous said...

OK, then my argument that he was not just home at Eric and Nikki Anderson's in Westfield and decided to go grab something at the local Krogers makes sense. Weston would have been asleep at 8pm (the time that the poster saw him at the store). He would have let Weston sleep and gone alone to the store. He was obviously on his way back to the Anderson's for the evening with Weston and stopped to grab something at the grocery store. I am saying that he was at kristi's with Weston and then stopped by the grocery store in Westfield on his way back to the Anderson's.

flightfulbird said...

Kristi and Andres got divorced in mid-2015.

And Davey and Weston were spotted in December 2015 in a grocery store not all that far from Kristi's apartment in Carmel. And the podcast says Davey and Kristi would hang out together - and we know for sure that they knew each other from LA Fitness on Shore Drive way before they were "supposed to have" met.

There's NO WAY Davey and Kristi didn't even like, know each other until Davey said they did in his blog post.

This couple was together for a long time before it was finally "time for the world to meet this couple". Thanks to Megs for the slip of the tongue indicating that some in the world had already known about Davey and Kristi before they could take a chance on revealing their relationship to the world.

Motive for sure, if they were seeing each other behind Amanda's back. And what if Amanda had found out about them and confronted Davey, threatened to leave him ? Getting divorced or even separated would have ruined him and his chances of being the next Levi Lusko.

Either keeping Amanda quiet - or - being able to eventually be with Kristi (as soon as it had been "long enough" since Amanda died) is motive all by itself - - along with all of the other reasons Davey's life would be exponentially better in his eyes without Amanda.

No more internet monitoring / porn filters, no more fighting, millions of dollars of life insurance but maybe best of all - the chance to be a rock star in the ministry world - books, albums, video courses, speaking onstage, websites, thousands of followers - in his dreams.

Amanda was attacked November 10, 2015 (four months to the day that Davey and Amanda moved to Indy to plant Resonate Church).

WHAT are the chances of this crime randomly happening on that exact day four years to the day, except that someone (Davey) was desperate to connect the dots and make a fantastic amazing perfect story? If Amanda was going to be disappeared anyway, why not craft the neatest story at the same time - all the more optimal for the book and movie and onstage and media interviews.

Back on Davey + Kristi in 2015 - Davey bought the Harmonridge house / mcmansion in March 2016. With what we know now, it seems very realistic probability that Davey already knew in March 2016 exactly with whom he would be sharing his pool and 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath house. It wasn't just for him and Weston.

flightfulbird said...

OK yeah anon at 7:38pm, Davey and Amber have both written that Weston went to bed and woke up at very specific times - on the dot.

So whether the grocery store where Davey and Weston were seen was near Kristi's or not - if Davey was leaving to go out to the store from the location where they were staying at the time (Andersons) - then Weston would have already been bedded down for the night and no, Davey wouldn't have awakened him to take him with.

But absolutely, Weston could be carted into the store with Davey when they were going back to the Andersons from Kristi's. He'd still be awake (or awakened, if he was dozing off at Kristi's while Davey and Kristi were seeing each other).

I wonder if the Andersons knew where Davey was going at night ?
I wonder if they knew how many nights he was out, what time he came in ?

Anonymous said...

That poster "M" from Hamilton County (*cough*cough*Carmel) was freaking the fuck out that Davey had been seen at a grocery store near where she lives in Dec 2015, a mere month after Amanda's murder. Why the freak out unless you are trying to hide something?

Anonymous said...

The Andersons were among a group of church goers who confronted Davey about his lack of involvement in the church a year before the church went under.

Anonymous said...

They should have confronted him about a lack of involvement in finding his wife's killers

Anonymous said...

I think many church goers were suspicious but couldn’t bring themselves to talk about it. The situation may be different now.

Anonymous said...

And his lack of involvement in any type of justice for Amanda

flightfulbird said...

Yeah that reaction is the "a hit dog always hollers" thing. I was (unjustly) accused of being an animal abuser because I used that phrase on this board in the past. It's an analogy mom used when my brother and I acted guilty. She could read our reactions, eyes in the back of her head - she always said that if you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that barks the most is the one that got hit.

The more we kids would defend ourselves, the more she was onto us - the more guilty we looked.

Yeah, that person reacted VERY strongly. No worries if Davey was in a grocery store where Kristi lives - IF he wasn't already seeing Kristi.

But since he was seen there and people are freaking out about it - now it's an issue for sure.

For us, we have nothing to hide ?

There is SO MUCH to hide. And slowly, the quilt that is meant to appear so beautiful from the front side is being flipped over to expose the ugly hidden threads underneath.

flightfulbird said...

^ ^ ^ clarification for my post which read -

Yeah, that person reacted VERY strongly. No worries if Davey was in a grocery store where Kristi lives - IF he wasn't already seeing Kristi.

But since he was seen there and people are freaking out about it - now it's an issue for sure.

Clarification -

The reason anyone would freak out so drastically about Davey definitely confirmed as being seen with Weston at 8pm in a grocery store near the location where Kristi lived . . .

. . . . is because the timeframe during which Davey was seen at that grocery store (which was in December 2015) does not correspond to Davey and Kristi's version of WHEN THEY MET - which was in September 2016 (if you believe the blog post linked at end of this post).

If Davey was seen in a grocery store near where Kristi lives - AFTER he and Kristi were a known couple - THAT'S OK

But -

If Davey was seen in a grocery store near where Kristi lives - in December 2015, a mere month after Amanda's murder (tm anon July 2nd at 7:52pm)


And even worse if he was seen with Weston who is supposed to go to sleep at 7pm on the dot every night. Like clockwork.
And SO much interest in which store - was it a health food store - which place was it - it couldn't have been this one. . . .

Reasonable doubt all over the place for anyone currently in custody - or at the very least, grounds for proving that it was a hit orchestrated by a husband on a wife that needed to be disappeared - if the grieving husband was seeing someone else before Amanda was killed and continued to see her afterward - if he was spotted the very next month floating around near her apartment.

And it sure does look like Davey swung by the grocery store on the way home from Kristi's in December 2015 already - with Weston in tow. When Weston was supposed to be asleep at 7pm on the dot.

For quick reference, Davey's ultra-convincing blog post on EXACTLY when and under what circumstances he and Kristi met -

From the blog post ^ ^ ^

I had decided I wouldn’t pursue anything with anyone no matter who it was until after the one year anniversary of Amanda’s death. I knew this is what God put in my heart and I was going to stick to it. In fact I kept my wedding ring on until Nov. 11th, 2016—one year after Amanda’s death.

The same wedding ring which that Davey twisted on his finger and looked upon so mournfully during the Inside Edition (?) interview - trying and failing yet again to look sad and pensive (the same way Scott Peterson did).

Such a sacrifice, to leave his ring on for A WHOLE YEAR. Why would it be that difficult, or even be a decision to keep the ring on his finger - if he really wasn't even thinking about pursuing anything with anyone?

Dossier Writer said...

Davey and Kristi want us to believe that he barely knew Kristi and hadn't spent much alone time with her until he had the guts to ask her out, via text, in March 2017. Kristi says the biggest reason she didn't start dating Davey was because she was protective of Natalia. But they want us to believe that their first date was Davey taking Natalia to Build A Bear and then Chick-Fil-A by himself
Doesn't pass the smell test.

Dossier Writer said...

Listening to the podcast again, 2 things:
1) Davey said that Kristi ministered with her stepfather in the inner city Riverside area (home of the thugs). She needs to be asked (under oath) if she any of the Kilt gang prior to Amanda"s murder, and Larry's defense attorney should ask the same of Jalen, Diano, Rodney Wallace, Jay Broski and Alonzo Bull.
2) Kristi said while she was studying for her PA, it was important for her to work out and eat healthy, so chances are good she was shopping at a health food store.

DW said...

If she "knew" any of the Kilt Gang

DW said...

Diano Gordon got arrested in May 2019. Charges just filed today. Battery and intimidation. A lot of protective orders issued. Someone named Billy Holmes from Benton Harbor, MI was arrested along with him

Anonymous said...

He was out of prison at that time?

Anonymous said...

No, anon at 9:36pm. Still in jail

Anonymous said...

What’s going on? Hoping this means something good for us Davey haters here.

Anonymous said...

I am curious if this new arrest will push the trial back yet again? I sure wish the national media could get a hold of this story, way too many holes. Are they just trying to tie it to Davey and a higher-up in the gang at this point? OR are they actually going to try to move forward with the ridiculous story that Larry Taylor knocked out her teeth, took her cards to the two other men meandering outside at almost 7am in the morning, then walked back inside and shot her because she was lunging toward him when he came back in the house? If Amanda Blackburn had the ability to lunge toward him when he walked back in, then most certainly Amanda Blackburn would have called 911 while they talked and argued outside. It is complete ridiculousness. And that is just one facet of the "official story" that makes absolutely no sense.

flightfulbird said...

Link to Amber's Facebook post about Audrey's 8th b-day - sweet picture and words.

". . . . she closed her eyes tight and blew out each candle! As everyone clapped and cheered, she leaned over and whispered in my ear - “Wanna know what I wished for?” I pulled her little face closer to mine as she said - “I wished that Aunt Amanda and Evie could be here with us.”

Sometimes words just aren’t enough to explain the things that mean the most to me. But this moment was one of them. Happy 8th Birthday Audrey girl! You have the most beautiful soul - and you get that from your Aunt Amanda. I love you both with all my heart. ��"

Sweet acknowledgment from Amber that Amanda’s beautiful soul rubbed off on Audrey. Amber seems to have distanced herself from Davey not just with this post but overall. No more of the repeating “Davey and I, Davey and I” like when she was first posting on Facebook about Amanda. No more ByarsWilkinsBurn Florida beach vacations that include Davey.

Aunt Amanda and Evie would have been there at Audrey’s birthday celebration if their lives hadn't been ended by a carefully plotted, orchestrated plan.

Clearly Amber and her family loved Amanda and still grieve for her. Amanda's husband Davey clearly didn't grieve for her from the start- he “took the next few days to grieve for Amanda Grace”, dry-eyed and onstage with hair and makeup done - in front of the cameras - interview after interview in which he chose to use Amanda as a pawn to attempt to slingshot his dreams of being the next Levi Lusko.

Reading Amanda's private journal in interviews, even- with entries that she allegedly wrote- indicating that she was totally fine with whatever God had in store for her, that she wasn’t afraid of what-ifs, that she was grateful to have gotten to see what happened in Davey’s church on Sunday November 8th with her own eyes - as if she had a premonition that something was going to happen to her.

And he paused and looked / waited for a reaction after he read those entries, too. Yet another carefully-orchestrated part of the story.

Like when Amanda led out in prayer in the abandoned gym, saying she wanted God's agenda for her life to be her agenda for her life.

And when she was kneeling by the bed "just praying that God would use us in a really big way" - the very morning before she was attacked.

- continued next post -

flightfulbird said...

I can't understand why Amanda's family and friends and the people who are supposed to be of God - those who heard Davey's contradicting statements onstage and in phone calls to themselves that morning - don't speak up.

Amanda deserved so much better than her life with Davey. And Amanda deserves so much better from her family and friends than for them to leave stones unturned and the truth obscured.

Davey said “for us, we have nothing to hide”. If he and . . . who is us ? - is it Kristi ?. . . have nothing to hide, then they don't need to dodge questions or fear investigation.

Given the concern and speculation and the ongoing search for the truth- all of the thousands of comments about this case and about Davey - from people not only in this nation but around the world- wouldn’t Davey’s family and friends (and Amanda’s family) want their son, brother, friend, son-in-law, brother-in-law - - to be completely cleared of any wrongdoing in this crime?

Wouldn’t DAVEY want to clear his name, with a new wife and stepdaughter and baby on the way - and Weston soon to grow up and be able to search on Google about what happened to his mom?

One reason that Davey is failing in becoming the next Levi Lusko is because people aren’t going to flock to someone they cannot trust - his demeanor and actions and his exploitation of the story have raised questions for almost four years already.

And Davey has successfully crushed his own dreams by refusing to address or even to acknowledge the accusations against himself.

flightfulbird said...

One of many onstage appearances that make people question Davey's character and version of events -

Transcript starting at 15:55 -

Davey -
. . . grabbed my gym clothes, left for the gym, and um, uh. . .came back, about an hour and a half, maybe two hours later and I walked into, to my living room a- and found my, my wife facedown uh, in a pool of blood, and um, she was still breathing but she was unconscious.

And uh, in that moment. . . . and you know, just with, with, with trauma and with a, with a, unh, a tragedy an- an- an being present in that, you jus- y- your world jus-, it’s like it freezes and goes in fast forward all at the same time.

Levi shifts in his seat, eyes are narrow and frosty

And um, and so I'm, I’m panicking but, but, but going ok, uh thinking that something had just gone wrong with the pregnancy, maybe, uh that, that everything was going to be fine if we could just get Amanda to the hospital, um.

Levi cuts in -
So you're calling 911.

Davey -
calling 911, trying to

Levi -

Davey -
Exactly, the, all, of the whole thing, the whole time the only thing I could do was Dear Jesus, please, dear Je-, dear Jesus please, dear Jesus please.

Levi -'s bubbling up within you.

Davey -
Exactly, exactly. And, so, I remember, um, the E, the EMS got there, um, and I felt completely out of control.

Levi -
so you thought this was a premature birth or some sort of a, fa-

Davey jumps in REALLY quickly and is talking fast -
I thought that, yep exactly, ( ) thought something was goin on

but while I was sitting there with her waiting for the, the paramedics, I-, s-, my, my mind was taking (snaps fingers) snapshots of the things in the room that were out of place. And so I remember being able to recall that later when the investigators came in to ask me about what was going on, you know, what, wh- how I found her.

Levi cuts Davey off -
Cause it wasn't a pregnancy. What had happened?

Davey -
So, what had happened was, that someone had broken into our house and uh there were three gunshot wounds, um in Amanda, and, and one of ‘em was in her head. And so, um, I didn't find that out ‘til we got to the hospital. And so uh, my world just kind of froze right there, um and and honestly, um. . . .

end transcript

Now - Davey had already said earlier (at 16:35) that he was “uh, thinking that something had just gone wrong with the pregnancy”

Intentional or not, at 17:04 Levi Lusko was able to get Davey to repeat the story (lie?) - watch Levi’s eyes narrow at 17:10 when Davey gets to the “mind taking snapshots” part - interesting how FAST Davey skips over the question and goes straight to sitting with Amanda waiting for paramedics.

Which brings us yet again to why the need to take snapshots of the things that were out of place ? And Davey completely avoided confirming or validating his earlier statement that he thought it was birth-related.

And did Davey start to say “what happened” (or “what happened to her”?) - it looks like he catches himself and switches it to “how I found her”.

The “inability to recognize” a crime scene - which resulted in the failure to report a crime scene - was meant to screw up the investigation and delay IMPD’s arrival. And this might have been the thing that pointed the fingers straight to Davey.

And Davey's stammering and stuttering versions of what he saw and thought sure don't help him gain any credibility or trust - when everyone knows it wasn't just a lightheaded collapse and fall, head wound.

Levi Lusko didn’t even remotely believe Davey’s story - yet he had to sit there onstage with him and listen to it. It's almost like he tries to get Davey to keep giving his version over and over, to get it on the record and make it obvious that this story does.not.add.up.

Anonymous said...

Liars limping along in lives of lies.

DW said...

The battery and intimidating a witness might be related to diano's co-defendant, Billy Holmes. He and his co-defendant have trials in july 2019 for a murder they committed in 2016. Billy originally took a plea and then wanted to change the plea. Gerald Tyree, his co-defendant, was offered 55 years but turned it down. So, these recent charges against Diano may not be for amanda's case. But they should be used to discredit both diano and jalen, who have both been arrested for other crimes committed while in jail.

Anonymous said...

It is really hard to believe that Jalen, Diano and Larry have been in jail for almost 4 years. It seems the open and shut case the IMPD claimed they had in 2015 wasn't quite so simple. I do want them to get it correct, though, finding the connection to Davey. Hopefully they are very close.

flightfulbird said...

IMPD *assured* Davey that they have a solidly-built case. . . but against who?

Obviously not against Jalen, Diano and Larry or this would've been a slam dunk and no need for plea bargains.

They also assured Davey that the process could be expedited because of the solidly-built case - yet it has taken almost four years to sort this out and it's still not sorted out.

From the link pasted above -

Reacting to an announcement Monday that a teenager has been arrested for the rape and murder of his late wife Amanda, Resonate Church Pastor Davey Blackburn said he was "extremely relieved" to hear the news.

"Though it does not undo the pain we are feeling, I was extremely relieved to get the news of the arrest made last night of Amanda's killer. The investigators have assured me they have a solidly-built case to ensure justice is levied and the process is expedited. The family and I couldn't be more thankful for the level of compassion and professionalism the IMPD and investigators have shown us through the last couple of weeks," said Blackburn in a statement posted on the Resonate Church's Facebook page.

I BET Davey was extremely relieved. Analysis of this statement soon after he spoke it said it was a strange choice of words - why would he be relieved? He had never shown any fear of the intruders returning.

So Davey was *relieved* that the fingers were pointing at three other people and not (he didn't think) at himself?

Investigators repeatedly assured Davey that they had a blank check, all of the forces at their disposal, whatever they needed t, to catch wh-, who did this.

Would investigators have been assuring Davey that they have a solidly-built case so he would relax and talk? Because oh, did he talk. And he continues to talk.

Remember Peter wrote here that investigators in Mesa, Arizona were looking at Davey - that has been what, a year and a half or two years ago, now?

I think they are very close to sorting it out and having all of the dots connected. Connections exist between Davey and everything that happened to Amanda. It's just tucking everything in and being able to prove it, now.

flightfulbird said...

Davey's exact words from just two more of his stammering, stuttering appearances in 2016 - transcripts courtesy of archived Blackburn Discussion blog -

Read these and tell me how anyone who saw that crime scene (or has even read the APC) believes Davey's story - and these are only TWO of them - there are so many more where Davey says the same things. And which was it - Davey can't decide - did Amanda just get lightheaded and hit her head and pass out- or was it something wrong with the baby ?

(6/5/2016) "came back, and uh walked in the house and found Amanda unconscious on the floor. Uh Weston our, he
was 15 months old at the time. He was up in his crib, um. And, and it, not-, nothing really made sense to me when I,
when I found, she was unconscious in a pool of blood and she was breathing; but I didn’t; it didn't click with
me that something had happened, n-, uh that people had broken into my house. I didn’t really get it; although there
were things that were out of place that didn't seem right
, but in the moment you’re just in shock. You know, you’re just
like, “What,” so all I could do right there is just, “Jesus, No, Jesus, No, Please, Please”; ‘n just pray, uh, for her, and,
and so I thought that something had, h- had gone terribly wrong with the pregnancy; she was 3 months pregnant. And
so I honestly thought man, OK she’s gonna be OK, we probably just miscarried the baby, (deep breath), we just gotta
get her to the hospital, um, thought she had just, gotten dizzy, passed out, something had fallen on her and hit her

(6/2016) "got back to the house and opened the door and, and, um, my absolute worst nightmare, worst fear, um,
wuh, was right there in front of my eyes. Um, I found Amanda facedown on the floor in a pool of blood and she was
unconscious. And I just thought she had gotten lightheaded (14:32 shakes head "no") she had fallen, hit her head
and, so I thought man, if we just get her to the hospital she's gonna be okay, maybe we lost the baby but she's gonna
be okay"

Anonymous said...

The future Attorney Kim Kardashian West may take Larry Taylor's case someday.

Anonymous said...

What happened in Arizona?

Kate said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is really hard to believe that Jalen, Diano and Larry have been in jail for almost 4 years.
July 7, 2019 at 10:21 AM

It really is unbelievable. It's also remarkable how the media ignored this case after the arrests were made. Really goes to show that if you are a victim of crime and do not have a strong support system, a strong set of family & friends that have your back, not much will get done. Had the Byar's, the church & Amanda's friends demanded justice for Amanda, I am convinced we wouldn't be sitting here today. If the Newspring and Wesleyan churches would have concentrated on Amanda and the baby, INSTEAD of Davey and donations, it would have been a different outcome completely. It was over the top, a constant PR machine for and all about, Davey. Amanda donated her organs? Who cares, let's talk about how selfless Davey is and walk his new bride down the aisle. Absolutely disgusting.

Phil's sermon over this past weekend was asking the congregation to pray for our leaders, specifically Mike Pence. He brings AG Curtis Hill up on stage to give a little speech on black lives matter & slavery and in closing, sings God Bless America. Almost four years later and Phil Byars is still one of the worst examples of a father I've ever seen. It's just my opinion, but a father who proclaims to be a man of God, believes he is going straight to heaven when he dies, who does not defend the honor or justice for his daughter is nothing more than a spineless coward. Had he taken one single day to defend Amanda, to speak to who she really was, not just this illusion that she was 100% about Jesus, there was so much more to Amanda and they morphed it into what they wanted, not what Amanda truly was. She donated her organs and saved lives, in the almost 4 years since her murder, have we ever heard any stories about that beautiful, selfless act? No, but we see them defending everyone else. Very troubling that Amanda was so alone and in the end she suffered a horrific beating and murder, no one was there to help her then and even after her death, everyone surrounding her failed to help her and they were given 4 years to do so. Very sad. The above is my own opinion.

flightfulbird said...

— Part 1 of 3 —

A poster last week said, after listening to Davey and Kristi's podcast and hearing them talk about Weston, that Amanda’s family should get Weston away from them. I agree - for alot of reasons.

Levi Lusko's daughter died suddenly and tragically when she was five years old. And now Levi Lusko is the lead pastor of Fresh Life church -a church that has thousands of members and followers in twelve sites across four states and also two remote network sites - - in addition to his being a best-selling author of multiple books - and he has videos, a podcast. It goes on and on - his ministry is far-reaching and extremely successful.

And Davey attempted to model himself after Levi Lusko - through the failed Resonate Church, podcasts, books, videos, recordings, a blog on a self-titled web domain.

Look at these websites and see the parallels - the podcast, the blog, how the story was written up -

In Davey’s appearance at Fresh Life with Levi Lusko, he said at 19:47, transcript here -

And so that, that’s kinda what I’m seein’ happen now, out of this story, is that people have been so, dramatically,alot like your story, dramatically affected by Amanda’s life, people who didn’t know her because of how she lived her life, completely 100% surrendered and sold out to Jesus.

Davey's story is alot like Levi Lusko’s story, really?

At that point when he was speaking on Levi Lusko's platform, Davey thought that losing a wife and an unborn child in a sudden and tragic manner would slingshot him into the stratosphere just like his idol. And it was sort of, kind of, maybe working - because Davey was speaking in multiple churches, onstage across the country - he had the blog - he was getting Nothing is Wasted started.

But that was in August 2016 - that was almost three years ago.

Davey has not only failed, but failed spectacularly (crashed and burned, actually) in every attempt to create a product and have it take hold and be in demand.

It’s not that much of a stretch to connect the dots - if losing his wife and unborn child ("daughter", even) in a brutal and senseless crime hasn’t done what he hoped it would - what if there was an even more tragic event ??

Something could happen to Kristi too - or Natalia - or the two of them together - or both of them and Weston too.

flightfulbird said...

— Part 2 of 3 —

But think about Weston.

At best, Weston is a fly in the ointment - the goat - to Davey and Kristi. They ridicule him on video, they laugh at him and complain about him on podcasts. Davey makes fun of him, sharing Weston’s bathroom training and accidents onstage. He called him a belligerent brat, among other things, in print.

The Daily Mail UK even posted “Pastor Davey Blackburn posts video of son tumbling on Halloween” - Weston is in a Batman costume. They couldn’t have posted the video if Davey hadn’t posted it somewhere first.

Weston was useful for poignant photo ops though - before Davey and Kristi and Natalia publicyblended the family. Hanging a Christmas ornament with Amanda’s name on it on the tree - or sitting on Amanda’s and Evie’s gravestone with flowers in his hand on Mothers Day - or sitting on the stairs in the house with a lost look on his face - or being in a video with Davey.

The story of a single father raising a son on his own was sure to tug at heartstrings - that shameless Lightworkers video of Davey and Weston brushing teeth and doing laundry together tried its best.

Weston was also a cash cow - there were so many people who contributed so generously to the Blackburn Family Fund - way more people probably contributed because of Weston, believing that the funds they provided would help Weston go to college someday or get him clothes or shoes that he might not have otherwise.

But now, Natalia is the golden child in Davey and Kristi’s life. Davey cannot hide his adoration of her.
He cannot keep the video camera off of her, telling her to twirl and turn around. With Davey literally worshiping Natalia and with a new baby with Kristi on the way, Weston will be even more extra baggage in the future than he already is right now.

And Weston's dad maybe / quite possibly orchestrated his mom's brutal death in order to have “a story” that would sell and give his dad a platform to speak and a reason to write a book and make videos for sale about finding purpose in your pain, coaching not included . . . but it didn’t work. . . and Davey still wants the fame and fortune.

Plus which, Weston looks JUST LIKE Amanda - so he is a constant and ever-present reminder of Amanda - and soon enough he will be asking questions and comparing the answers to what he has heard and read on the web.

I wonder how much life insurance Davey has on Weston?

flightfulbird said...

— Part 3 of 3 —

Levi’s daughter was five years old when she died. Davey likes his numbers and his “years to the day” coincidences. Weston will be five years old on July 28, 2019. They brought him home from the hospital on July 31, 2014- which was also Amanda’s birthday.

It seems way too obvious for something to happen to Weston, after what happened to Amanda.

But nobody would have thought a random pack of street thugs would make their way to the very end of a random culdesac and find an unlocked front door and go in and attack Amanda- with the protective boxer dog Mel locked in a room - during the exact time Davey was away at the gym, either.

If something tragic happened to Weston, under such suspicious and random circumstances with all of the discrepancies that Davey revealed about Amanda’s death- would the Byars family fight for their grandson / nephew- would they seek the truth and justice for him ?

Would they regret NOT doing anything to get Weston away from Davey ?

Maybe it’s better to prevent something random from happening again.

It would be more likely that maybe Amanda's death wasn't orchestrated- and that Davey was just enterprising and scheming enough to see an opportunity to “use” it AFTER it happened- except for this small issue-

Never forget that “” (Davey’s website and blog / marketing name that he actually tweeted during Amanda’s funeral- and used as the inscription on her gravestone- and included on the title of his new house) - was registered on November 13, 2015- three days after Amanda was shot and one day after she was pronounced dead.

It seems that there was at least a bit of preplanning going on - - because Davey not only thought up, but actually had someone register this domain name so quickly - the name that is now being used for podcasts and a blog and everything else. And this name was registered even before Amanda's celebration of life service had happened !

It looks as though Davey had been thinking of marketing the murder (tm Amy Smith /Watchkeep) long before November 13th. Or did it just occur to him when Nothing is Wasted randomly came on Pandora radio when everyone was around Amanda's bed - just how favorably he could make Amanda’s story/his story compare to Levi Lusko’s story?

He said it onstage to Levi Lusko- “alot like your story”. And he laughed and said “we could write a book! Maybe we will one day, I don’t know. Um . . . “ in response to WTHR interviewer asking him to “tell us the coolest thing you know about Amanda".

Davey had a carefully-prepared statement (speaking of Amanda in the past tense) all ready to release on the Resonate Church Facebook page and to the media, too - and he wasted no time whatsoever in releasing it along with setting up the blitz of media interviews.

He said he had no idea that there would be cameras shoved in his face -seriously? The way to prevent that when (IF)you're grieving and want privacy is to have a spokesperson communicate "no interviews" to the media.

But "Nothing is Wasted" marketing had to begin- so the interviews HAD to begin, with Davey as the star. He was absolutely prepared and he began to execute the plan immediately. Amanda's story was supposed to create revival across the n-nation and even th-the world.

How many of Davey's dreams have been shattered? A failed Resonate Church, failed hardcover book, failed album release, an ebook that has to be given away for free - - and nowhere NEAR the numbers of followers online that he would've dreamed. Having to beg people to contribute $5 a month to Nothing is Wasted, in exchange for advance notice of events and special podcast content?

And Amanda had (allegedly) told Davey that if something happened to her, she would want him to spend the rest of his life building this church (Resonate) and ministering to the city of Indy.

Davey's priorities were elsewhere. Amanda loved that church. She would be absolutely crushed to know that it failed.

Kate said...

The Levi Lusko angle is very interesting. Davey went to Montana to visit Levi six months after Amanda died. Davey and Levi did an intro for Resonate in Davey's absence. Levi tells Davey he has "suffered well". Davey tries to contain his eagerness and excitement.

Levi's brother is Daniel Lusko who is in the film industry and has been for quite some time.

Levi's dad is also a preacher, Chip Lusko with Cavalry Church.

Anonymous said...

FFB, you could write the closing argument for Larry’s lawyer! Preach!

Anonymous said...

Levi Lusko charges $20,000 a night to speak. Davey, already a flaming narcissist saw the money that could be made poaching Christians. I don't know much about Levi Lusko and I sure hate that about his daughter, a pain you never fully recover from, but Levi Lusko doesn't build his entire career on talking about the death of his daughter. He covers 100's of topics. Davey preaches the exact same sermon he has preached for 4 years EVERY single time he preaches. And he wonders why he doesn't get the big payments and the good gigs? He basically just fills in for an occasional friend for Sunday morning speakers. He doesn't actually get many speaking gigs, maybe one or two a year. He still has the fill-in preaching jobs up from January to make it look like more. Also, Levi Lusko never had Davey back and pulled away from him after that crazy appearance discussing mental snapshots of the scene even though he thought it was a miscarriage.

Anonymous said...

^^^I meant Sunday morning preaching^^^

DW said...

Just listened to Davey's latest speaking gig. Around the 11:00 mark, he says upon seeing Amanda, he "tried to call paramedics...fumbled around". Seems like a cya to explain the 5 min lag time between him entering the house and dialing 911.

Anonymous said...

"Going in hard and deep at Fresh Life tonight with @levilusko!"

Anonymous said...

^^ The prancing 'gay unleashed' after Amanda's death is why the when-did-Davey-meet-Kristi angle has no (and never will have) traction.

flightfulbird said...

No matter whether anyone thinks Davey is gay or bi or straight, prancing included or not, he is married to Kristi now - after needing to actually explain in his blog that he kept his wedding ring on for a whole year after Amanda was killed.

The "when did Davey meet Kristi" angle is relevant and has traction (ever-increasing traction, even?) because it goes to motive. It’s one of many motives and it’s also a strong motive - although millions of dollars of life insurance is strong motive as well.

Davey said in the "She Said Yes Blog" that he didn't talk to Kristi until November 2016.
So from September until the beginning of November I just observed this girl. We said maybe a dozen words to each other, mostly cordial hello’s”.

We know Kristi's divorce from Andres was final in 2015.

We know Davey and Kristi knew each other from LA Fitness on Shore Drive. Davey spoke onstage of being tempted at the gym - and said onstage that even in his own marriage, they go outside of the 'one man, one wife, for life' concept.

We know Davey was quite annoyed with Amanda for various reasons and that he said onstage that his marriage wasn't the nonstop "sex-fest" that he thought it would be.

We know Davey and Kristi were photographed training together at Crossfit long before Davey wrote in his blog that they had met at Crossfit and Resonate.

We know the blog post "she said yes!" showed an intense need to explain every small detail and justify the timeframe of when they met.

We know from the podcast that Kristi said she was very protective of Natalia - so as a poster upthread said, it is highly unlikely that Kristi would let Davey take Natalia off alone to Build A Bear and wherever else he took her - long before it was safe to reveal their relationship and go out together the world could finally meet this couple.

We know Davey and Weston were seen in December 2015 at a grocery store near Carmel at a time of night when Weston should have already been asleep - - that this makes it look like Davey and Weston had left one of his nighttime hangouts at Kristi’s apartment and were going back to where they were staying - - and that the discussion of this caused more than a passing reaction on this board from someone.

We know that Davey bought a massive 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath house in March 2016 - while he was still wearing his wedding ring and at a point in time where he said he wasn't looking to pursue anyone.

We know that Davey and Weston were trick-or-treating with Kristi's dear friend in October 2016 - how likely is it that Davey was out with a friend of Kristi’s before Davey and Kristi were supposed to have met.

And now we have someone trying to discount the "when did Davey meet Kristi" angle saying it’ll never have traction.

The need to discount it - and to assure that it will never have traction - has all but guaranteed that that discussion and the digging surrounding it will continue. By calling attention to it in this way, it brings more interest.

DW said...

What FFB said! And she's absolutely correct. We in the private chat are sitting on a lot of info we have that prove 100% that Davey and Kristi not only knew each other prior to Sept 2016, but they were having an affair. The only thing we dont know for sure is whether or not Amanda knew but many think she did.

DW said...

I should have added because the "robbers" left Davey's big screen TV and Amanda's wallet but stole Amanda's"books"

flightfulbird said...

Yeah it's 100%, even 150% proven.

It is totally possible that Amanda found out about Davey + Kristi and threatened to expose Davey. . . or leave him.

Either scenario would have wrecked Davey's life, his dreams of being onstage at Resonate and having thousands come to see him onstage.

And neither scenario would have been "a story" that would hopefully rocket him to Levi Lusko's level of influence and fame.

Disappearing Amanda - and especially in the graphic brutal way it was done - covered both bases.

It kept Davey and Kristi's relationship quiet at that point in time, gave them time to craft the perfect timeframe of when they would have like, met each other . . .

. . . AND it gave "Amanda's story" to the world.

Anonymous said...

I can’t wait for the world to know that truth of this story....just like ole Megs couldn’t wait for the world to meet D and K. I wonder who will take the biggest fall for this one besides D and K? The media? Police? The Byars?

I wonder if K has tried to adopt Weston. If she isn’t in jail.......I sure hope Amber can raise him when Davey goes down. She’s the only redeemable one of thr Byars bunch. She actually loves Amanda.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Weston gets a good bday party this year. I wonder if anyone will be dumb enough to throw D and K a baby shower. Gosh that kid is doomed!

flightfulbird said...

Amber seems to love Amanda !

But how can she stay quiet then - certainly she knows there are questions about what happened.
Certainly she knows Davey is flat-out lying in his appearances onstage, for years already.

Did Davey ("Davey and I") have her THAT much under his spell?

Is she quiet because Gavin wants her to be?

Phil said...

"Deal with it."

DW said...

I can't wait to hear the 911 call (finally!), see the cell phone evidence that doesn't appear to place the suspects on Sunnyfield Ct when the crimes were committed, the surveillance videos and hopefully hear just how much life insurance a broke pastor got on his pregnant stay-at-home wife a mere two months before she was brutally murdered for a bank card and some books.

The trial is just around the corner and, barring a last minute continuance, we will finally get to see Davey on a stage that he does NOT want to be on.

Bobcat said...

Another "last night" leak. How many is that now?

"It must have been last night." from a second cousin of Davey. I imagine she received a prayer request "last night", then saw the news the morning of the tenth, then ...

She also shared a clip from Eric Cox who says (and so did Amber) it happened in front of Weston.

Bobcat said...

Prayer requests went out Monday, "48 hours" before 5 p.m. on the 11th.

Impressive silencing operation.


Anonymous said...

Long time reader here. I appreciate everyone keeping this story alive. While I know the focus here is on ‘statement analysis,’ I have a few lingering questions/thoughts, specifically about the trial.

1) Presumably, the public won’t know what LT’s defense will be until the trial actually starts. But with Discovery (i.e. both sides get to see what evidence the other side is presenting, etc.) the prosecutors surely have an idea at this point. Has the delay been due to prosecutors scrambling to address the dossier info, etc.? If they are indeed going forth with the case against LT, they must be confident.

2) Remember, this trial isn’t about proving DB had anything to do with the crime. It’s strictly about LT. So if a metro-Indy jury finds LT not guilty … then what? Will it be an OJ ‘I vow to search for the real killer(s) scenario … or will the media just paint it as a prosecutorial failure? I guess it depends on how the info (911 call, etc.) plays in court.

3) From reading the comments here, it seems like people are expecting DB to be handcuffed in the middle of LT’s trial … I just don’t think that’s how it works. Either LT will be found guilty or not guilty.

4) If not guilty, then either one of scenarios things happens after: A) Due to the 911 call and all sorts of shady info, the Datelines/crime podcasts/Netflix documentary’s of the world have a field day and then some serious heat gets put on DB or B) the trial is lowkey and not full of bombshells, but only solid evidence to point to reasonable doubt. Again, it will be painted as a prosecutorial failure, etc.

5) How will the individual(s) who directed that crew to Sunnycourt that morning be used in the trial? What will his/her answer be to the question of “why did you send that crew to that location at that time?

flightfulbird said...

There are so many tangled stories and accidental speaking and revealing of details in this case.

I had totally forgotten about this statement of Amber's that Bobcat mentioned above - it's from the onstage appearance with Robin and Davey if I remember correctly.

The part in italics is close to exact words but I don't have access to the transcript from here -

Amber was relating the story of her asking God why did it have to happen in their house, in front of Weston - I mean I know he was upstairs, but. . . .

That was a major slip in my mind, then and still now. Whoops, she said it was in front of Weston and then caught herself - - quickly got back to the official story ?

Amber said Amanda rose up and protected Weston.
Davey's dad said she faced down a bullet.

Davey has an intense need to persuade that Weston never saw Amanda after she tucked him in and kissed him goodnight.

Davey is desperate to convince that Weston was still upstairs in his crib behind the still-closed completely untouched door - while all of the chaos was going on downstairs.

Cooing the whole time, too - Weston's coos made a reappearance in the Crossroads audio from July 7th. Not crying his eyes out, screaming - but softly cooing.

So many questions. I echo DW in saying that I can't wait to hear the 911 call - I also agree that Davey saying at Crossroads that he was fumbling around trying to call 911 is meant to cover for the delay between walking in and actually calling.

Peter or whoever it was said that when Davey said "I called 911 as soon as I could", it means it wasn't immediately because anyone rational would assume that he would call 911 immediately.

Staging - cleaning up - both?

Or maybe it took five+ minutes to rewrite the script for the 911 call to include a "still-breathing" Amanda instead of how she was expected to be found.

DW said...

Bobcat, you have never produced a time-stamped piece of evidence (either a FB post or IG or website posting) that says people were shooting out prayer requests on Nov 9th. You must never have played telephone. The FB post you cited actually says the opposite of what you want everyone to believe - the poster got a prayer request from Brenda on NOV 10 and the poster assumed it happened the night before:

Bethany Blackburn Jones
November 10, 2015 ·

Bethany Blackburn Jones It must have happened last night. Brenda just posted it today.

And it's really a stretch to say Amber said "it happened in front of Weston" therefore, Weston witnessed it. If Weston was downstairs crawling around while Amanda lay bleeding out, he would have 1) had blood on him and 2) had footprints, handprints or crawl prints around the crime scene.Seriously, leave Amber alone. She has been through enough.

DW said...

Anon @ 5:30PM, great post. I will take a stab at some of your questions (My opinion only):

1). The prosecutor has to go forward with the case. Larry Taylor is insisting on it. Don't know if he was offered a plea but it appears he is intent on proving his innocence. A lot of the delays in this case were from LT demanding the prosecution give him evidence they had. He had to go pro se to get it because he said his old attorney wouldn't listen to him and wouldn't get the info he wanted from the prosecutor.

2). If Larry is found not guilty, then it would be up to the prosecutor whether or not they started looking elsewhere. If the Byars (and/or the public) demanded someone be held accountable, the prosecutor should keep the investigation open.

3). The private chat is not expecting Davey to be handcuffed or even have LT's attorney try and throw suspicion at Davey - it's not his job to find the killer, just to try and prove his clinet's innocence. But the trial will fill in a lot of holes that those of us that have been following the case for years have questioned - mainly the cell phone pings not putting the suspects at the crime scene and the surveillance videos that will either corroborate LE's theory or disprove it, among many other discrepancies.

4). There are already major TV shows that are investigating this case, so it won't end quietly with a Larry acquittal.

5)So far, there is no "point" man that has been accused of directing the suspects. LE said it was random and the suspects got lucky, drove 20 minutes away from where they were staying, and stumbled upon a house on a cul-de-sac where the single-woman owner was not home and then stumbled a few doors down to Davey's unlocked door. The private chat has put together some pretty solid info linking gang higher-ups to Davey and to this crime, but until the trial, we have no idea if LE has. Although, the recent conviction of a Kilt gang member seemed to indicate that LE has some info on other crimes the gang did.

Really enjoyed your input and hope you continue to contribute.

flightfulbird said...

- part 1 of 2 -

Yes, THIS trial is about Larry Taylor - but in the process of trying him- with the defense presenting their case and with Davey stammering and stuttering on the witness stand, information about Davey is going to be revealed and a picture painted of him (plus Kristi) that will be very hard to ignore.

Nobody expects for Davey Blackburn to be handcuffed and walked out of the courtroom in the middle of the trial. I do expect that Davey's testimony and cross-examination by the defense attorneys will open himself up for his own trial.

The defense wants Larry Taylor to be found not guilty and they will give the jury anyone but him - and they have evidence in a carefully-written and comprehensive dossier (which is constantly being updated), in transcripts of Davey's appearances, in words spoken in phone calls and on Facebook and in many other ways - to create reasonable doubt and point the finger straight to Davey.

In the process of Larry Taylor's trial, it could or will come out that Davey had foreknowledge of what was going to happen. And what if it's Davey's DNA that was under Amanda's fingernails? - we know that two sets of scrapings were taken and there would be no need to hide that fact for this long if it was Larry Taylor's. The APC showed that the pink sweater was a hit on Jalen Watson and that was revealed years ago - I would be surprised if Larry Taylor's DNA is actually found on Amanda or her clothing - or maybe even anywhere inside the Sunnyfield Court house - and if it is, it needs to be considered that it could have been planted.

The 911 call in court is going to be a major break -because it goes back to (yet again), WHY did Davey not report what he saw that morning - everything he saw to 911?

Even though Davey's merely reporting Amanda as "injured and unconscious" and not reporting a break-in / home invasion was successful, there will be photos of the scene afterward. I say Davey's 911 call was "successful" because IMPD arrived as medics were carting Amanda Blackburn from the home - so they did not actually personally see her lying on the floor with her underwear removed and shirt pulled up and everything scattered throughout.

But IFD Engine 12 paramedics did. And they can testify as to Davey's behavior and demeanor, the clothing he was wearing and his appearance, his words spoken and their confusion as to why they arrived on the scene with no police presence even having been requested.

Photos will show the living room, the massive amount of blood from three gunshot wounds and severe head trauma - and Davey himself said that there was brain matter - so the blinking-eyed, sincere, honestly thinking it was a miscarriage and I honestly had no idea anyone had been in my house is absolutely never going to hold up in court.

flightfulbird said...

- part 2 of 2

If Taylor isn't found guilty - rest assured that nobody in the private Chatzy room is going to let this case die and stop talking about it and stop seeking the truth. If he isn't found guilty, it points a finger toward Davey doing some or all of the beating and shooting of Amanda himself before leaving for the gym - he was up early that morning and he left much later than usual for the gym - he had time.

If Taylor IS found guilty, never forget that Davey could still have orchestrated a hit on Amanda. There is more than one motive
- millions of dollars of life insurance, Kristi, a new baby that wasn't wanted, porn filters / monitoring of internet sites in place. There was opportunity - and there was actually obvious hatred by Davey for Amanda.

The info we have isn't shady - it's information that is public knowledge and even more information that Davey has provided so helpfully with his loose tongue and insatiable wish to speak about the events of that day, his need to tie everything together and connect the dots so extremely carefully.

So I think it will be scenario A in the 4) section of the post at 5:30pm -

A) Due to the 911 call and all sorts of shady info, the Datelines/crime podcasts/Netflix documentary’s of the world have a field day and then some serious heat gets put on DB

The info isn't shady. Documentaries will have a field day and then some serious heat gets put on Davey Blackburn. But I think the story is going to be obvious and things will come out during the trial that Davey (and Kristi) would rather have kept hidden, no question.

flightfulbird said...

Davey's Instagram post on June 19th -

When you've laid your life down, noone can take it from you.

Are we meant to think that Davey is speaking of Amanda laying down her life ?

He has laid way off of that storyline - not so much talk anymore about guaranteeing that Amanda would lay down her life to see Indy saved, that she would sacrifice herself to reach the world for Christ, that she wanted God's agenda for her life to be her agenda for her life.

Maybe Davey was talking about Amanda.

But - maybe he's considering or foreshadowing laying down (as in, taking) his OWN life - instead of having his vacationing, podcasting, video-making, Israel-trip-leading, McMansion-owning, concert-going, Instastorying life taken from him ?

DW said...

Yes, FFB, DNA, DNA, DNA. LE took DNA samples from all over Amanda's body and house. If Larry did kill Amanda, his DNA would be on Amanda (as Larry supposedly pistol-whipped her. knocked her teeth out, shot her and then stood over her to watch her bleed), as well as around her house. And Larry's clothes should have some blood spatter from shooting someone at almost point blank range. His demeanor will be important, too, and we will see that in the neighbor's surveillance video. Someone that just robbed and executed another person is not going to casually stroll through the neighborhood, casually walking on the sidewalk waiting for a ride that may or may not show up.

A big shout out to the neighbors that turned in the surveillance video! I just wish more witnesses would come forward (looking at Megs and Ashley B).

Anonymous said...

I know that former Resonate members have access to this website because I personally sent it to one of them.

flightfulbird said...

The more eyes on it, the better. I wish we could post the link nationwide and get people looking at the case, random people who might've never heard of it in 2015. People were glued to OJ Simpson and Scott Peterson cases because of the publicity - this case needs to be exposed far more than it is right now.

Davey is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I think the people at Resonate who were there when the church folded might begin to dig a bit, surely they no longer trust him.

Davey has a few supporters who come out of the woodwork from time to time to defend him - but they are getting much fewer and farther between - and no matter what they say, we are resolute and united in our quest to see this through and get the whole truth of what happened that morning exposed to the world.

Dianne Moorman / neighborhood watch - what about her? I think she was suspicious from the start.

Bobcat said...


Amber in podcast with Davey and Robin:

[Davey asks Amber if she ever doubted or questioned God]

Amber: "I never doubted God. I think that’s what I was thinking. Questioning – I started to think through, like, some of the questions that I had, um. And, I think the biggest one for me was, um, why did it have to happen the way that it happened. And so, like if you’re gonna take Amanda, like, if you’re gonna, couldn’t you have like, picked something else? Like, anything else, um, which is hard because I think if it happened another way, I probably would have felt the same way. Like, did it have to be that, you know? Did it have to be in her home, in front of Weston. I mean I know he was upstairs but did Weston have to be there? Um, I, the, ugh! I hate the fact that she was pregnant. It, like. I just remember thinking, if you knew - God knew - um, she was going t-, this was gonna happen, why did you even let them get pregnant? Like why did it have to be, both of them, and, so, I mean, why w-. And, and even, of course I’m like, why did you choose, Amanda?"

Dave Blackburn, Weathered Willow sermon:

"The power of His love for you, is unimaginable. The power of a mother’s love that would cause her to just run straight into a- a crazed individual, straight into a bullet, is amazing, and courageous; but the power of God, the creator of all, the one who could have easily have just, raised His hand and said “You know, I’m- I’m sick of this whole thing. Just wipe ‘em out.” But instead He came down, while we were yet sinners; He gave his life, for you and for me."

DW said...

Anon @ 5:30PM, great post. I will take a stab at some of your questions (My opinion only):

1). The prosecutor has to go forward with the case. Larry Taylor is insisting on it. Don't know if he was offered a plea but it appears he is intent on proving his innocence. A lot of the delays in this case were from LT demanding the prosecution give him evidence they had. He had to go pro se to get it because he said his old attorney wouldn't listen to him and wouldn't get the info he wanted from the prosecutor.

2). If Larry is found not guilty, then it would be up to the prosecutor whether or not they started looking elsewhere. If the Byars (and/or the public) demanded someone be held accountable, the prosecutor should keep the investigation open.

3). The private chat is not expecting Davey to be handcuffed or even have LT's attorney try and throw suspicion at Davey - it's not his job to find the killer, just to try and prove his clinet's innocence. But the trial will fill in a lot of holes that those of us that have been following the case for years have questioned - mainly the cell phone pings not putting the suspects at the crime scene and the surveillance videos that will either corroborate LE's theory or disprove it, among many other discrepancies.

4). There are already major TV shows that are investigating this case, so it won't end quietly with a Larry acquittal.

5)So far, there is no "point" man that has been accused of directing the suspects. LE said it was random and the suspects got lucky, drove 20 minutes away from where they were staying, and stumbled upon a house on a cul-de-sac where the single-woman owner was not home and then stumbled a few doors down to Davey's unlocked door. The private chat has put together some pretty solid info linking gang higher-ups to Davey and to this crime, but until the trial, we have no idea if LE has. Although, the recent conviction of a Kilt gang member seemed to indicate that LE has some info on other crimes the gang did.

Really enjoyed your input and hope you continue to contribute.

Anonymous said...

has the defense heard the 911 recording?

Anonymous said...

Most likely, anon @9:45. Defense seems to have all of the prosecutor's evidence and Larry has the guy in charge of public defenders as his attorney, so Larry's attorney most likely has heard it.

triggerua said...

I know we joke (sort of) about Kristi keeping one eye on her back in case CD needs another pay-out but after reading the last few post the person I am actually a bit worried about is Megs. I think that if Larry is found not guilty she is the missing link and Davey just can't have her out there with her knowledge. I am sure she knows that CD's and Kristi's public timeline of their relationship is not exactly what we are supposed to think it is.

Anonymous said...

I worry about Weston...especially with the soon to be newborn being a boy. Byars need to step up in some form.

flightfulbird said...

- part 1 of 2 -

More from Davey at Fresh Life on August 26, 2016.

Transcript starts at 19:47

Davey -
And so that, that’s, that’s kinda what I’m seein’ happen now, out of this story, is that people have been so, dramatically, alot like your story, dramatically affected by l- Amanda’s life, people who didn’t know her because of how she lived her life, completely 100% surrendered and sold out to Jesus.

20:07 Levi shifts in his seat, rubs his hand on his face, looks down and to the left

Levi -
Well I remember hearin about your story in the news, um, as the whole country was watchin, and seein this play out, and then, I remember seeing a tweet, and, you tweeted about our, message we'd preached, “Eyes of a Lion” and I remember it was right around Christmas time, and, you preached, end of November that whole season, um

You tweeted, that you and Amanda, had watched the sermon, of us doin “Eyes of a Lion”,
tell a little bit about that.

Davey -
Yeah - well I came across it just listening to my podcast, and, ( ) was tryin to explain this message to Amanda, on a walk that we took. I’m like (gibberish, hands waving), you know, trying to explain, she’s looking at me with this blank stare. I’m like, ‘I, I promise it was SO much better than what I’m tryin to explain to something, you just gotta listen to it'.
So we're on this um, weekend getaway to Chicago,

Levi breaks in -
This is in November

Davey -
This was, this was two weeks before she was killed, so it's the end of October. And, we’re on this weekend getaway, we’re we’re takin a train to Chicago so we’re sittin there with the iPad open watchin you preach this, both of us with just tears flooding down our faces.
I’m sure the people on the train were just like “what is *wrong* with these two.

But all we could, all we could think about, we, you know Weston was with somebody else for the weekend and we just thought about our little boy, an thought about just, “I can’t imagine going through that kind of loss”.

And um, and then we just, I mean I 'member watchin that and then just kind of prayin together, you know, just like Lord help us to walk through whatever You may have us walk through.

And um, and I believe wholeheartedly that your story and the Fresh Life story of Eyes of a Lion, God used to help prepare ME to train for the trial I was not (Levi shakes his head and looks down and says “come on”) yet in, and um to prepare Amanda’s heart to step into the trial that she was about to step into as well.

And so I can’t emphasize enough, what a dramatic effect your story has had on our lives.

Levi -
Well that means the world, and I remember uh, when I saw your tweet, and you said Amanda and I were on a train watching this message, Eyes of a Lion was right there, right before she went to heaven - and you told me at dinner what you did about you know, believing that God helped that message, that God had helped use that message to in part prepare her for goin home

Davey - Yep, yep

Levi -
It, uh, it's overwhelming and it really rocked me to the core. . .

Then at 23:40
Levi -
Now, um, I - I - I - I just, I wanna, I told your church this in a little video I filmed for em, and you guys u- used, uh, the Eyes of a Lion sermon as a weekend message

Davey -
yep, yep- right after Amanda’s death, w-, I took several weeks off and, and we showed that- and what was really interesting is in our service planning, we had already planned to show that message.

Levi shaking his head left to right- before she went to heaven. . .

Davey -
Before she went to heaven yep (Levi says wow). And so, just the way that the Lord prepared those things, so that we could hear from your voice and hear from your story and um, again, it’s just had an incredible impact on our lives.

Transcript ends at 24:12

flightfulbird said...

- part 2 of 2 -

The tweet

Levi Lusko’s story, the Eyes of a Lion video, could have given Davey the idea that a story like Levi’s daughter’s might jumpstart and slingshot his own ministry just like his idol. My opinion is that it DID give him the idea- that there was more than one motive to erase Amanda with the side benefit of rocketing him into fame.

Win win situation for Davey- if he was able to be totally rid of Amanda AND if he became a pastor with multiple sites around the country, remote sites around the world, videos, podcasts, books, an album.

And Davey actually SAID in a video from his home to Resonate Church (introducing the Levi Lusko video) that God had helped use the video to prepare his heart for this leading up to uh, Amanda’s death.

I don’t have the video archived where I am right now but the transcript below is courtesy of the archived Blackburn Discussion blog, starting at 4:30 into the video. Note the stammering and stuttering- it was much more obvious when seen on video

Today we will not have a, we don’t have a live guest speaker that we’re bringing in, m-, mainly because I wanted to, I wanted everybody t-, to watch a message that has really, um, I think that God has used to prepare my heart for this leading up to uh, Amanda’s death, and has used, God’s used this to um, to help comfort my heart in all of this process. And it’s a, it’s a message that I posted a, a couple days ago on my, uh, social media feed, um, by Levi Lusko called Through the Eyes of a Lion.

This was said years ago but I think it bears repeating.

It wasn’t like Amanda had a terminal illness, where they knew her days might be, or definitely were, numbered. It wasn’t even like she had been diagnosed and was being treated and might have survived whatever disease or illness it was. A cancer diagnosis for example, you can never relax and feel positively sure that everything will be ok- so preparing your heart for what might eventually happen, at whatever point in the future, makes total sense.

But you can’t prepare for an event you don’t know for sure (or have no idea whatsoever) is going to happen. Nobody would ever expect this “completely random” crime to have happened to Amanda, much less to prepare for it, unless they knew it was going to happen.

You prepare for the next earthquake or hurricane if you live in the zones where those disasters happen - because you know it could happen.

Davey said there is no way to prepare yourself for circumstances like these.

Yet he said over and over in multiple appearances (multiple times in THIS one) that he prepared his heart (and in this appearance, he says the video prepared Amanda’s too) for it. Why was Davey preparing to lose his wife?

Davey says HE wanted everybody t, to watch a message that God has used to prepare his heart leading up to uh, Amanda’s death.

Yet Davey told Levi Lusko in this appearance that they had already planned to show the message before Amanda ever went to heaven.

Davey explains “we don’t have a live guest speaker coming in today” as part of his intro to the video- I think he planned to show the message as part of the story. Did he and Amanda really decide together that they were going to show it?

Or is it yet another random coincidence.

And I will always believe that Davey slipped up in saying that God used the video to prepare his heart LEADING UP TO Amanda’s death because then he had to cover it - saying immediately that God had used the video to um, to help comfort his heart in all of this process. That would’ve been the thing to say first, that God was comforting your heart- not that you were preparing your heart leading up to her (unplanned, had no idea it was going to happen) death.

So Davey force-fed this video to Amanda on a “romantic getaway weekend” to Chicago- to prepare her for the trial that she was about to step into as well - REALLY?

flightfulbird said...

triggerua said...July 10, 2019 at 10:53 PM

I know we joke (sort of) about Kristi keeping one eye on her back in case CD needs another pay-out but after reading the last few post the person I am actually a bit worried about is Megs. I think that if Larry is found not guilty she is the missing link and Davey just can't have her out there with her knowledge. I am sure she knows that CD's and Kristi's public timeline of their relationship is not exactly what we are supposed to think it is.

Yes ! To this whole post. Megs, of all people, would be able to reveal a LOT if questioned - or if her conscience finally gets to her and she talks on her own.

And yes the Byars need to step up - Weston’s star is dimming. He should be somewhere where he is loved and wanted. Right now he is not only extra weight but actually a major pain in the ass to Kristi and Davey both. He is no longer needed for the cuteness and poignant pictures. The new baby will be the focus.

At least he has a “milestone” birthday (by Davey + Kristi’s definition) this year- remember last year they excused the lack of a decent celebration because “he was only going to be 4 years old?” Will they throw him a nice party for his 5th like they did for Natalia ?

If so, will it only be because what they do is being watched ?

Anonymous said...

DW, thank you for your thoughtful response.

“his old attorney wouldn't listen to him and wouldn't get the info he wanted from the prosecutor.”

Man that’s upsetting. Why wouldn’t his attorney do his job? Laziness? Wouldn’t a public defender DREAM of this type of case? Isn’t the whole David v. Goliath thing why you sign up to be a public defender? Maybe there’s more to the story, but jeez, why stonewall the kid from his right to discovery evidence? That seems against everything a PD would be about morally and ethically.

“So far, there is no "point" man that has been accused of directing the suspects.”

Wasn’t A. Bull the guy the crew was taking orders from/talking to that morning? Will he be a witness? How could the robbery/murder location be ‘random’ if this crew is taking orders? Prosecutors will have to explain all the calls to and from A. Bull that morning, and prove that this crew was on their own making decisions.

DW said...

Anon @ 10:41, I am good friends with a defense attorney and his take was that PDs have huge caseloads and don't get paid the big bucks that attorneys who are retained would get so maybe a combo of not enough resources and not as much pressure to win. Another example of the descrepancies between those with money and those without.

As for the point person, A Bull is on the prosection witness list. He is, according to him and LE, just a friend who was fielding phone calls from other friends at 5am and had to convince Jaylen and Diano to go back for Larry, as Larry was "family". A Bull and his gf also gave LE a gun and clothing that they said the suspects were wearing.

Don't know if LE is aware of Rodney Wallace but they should get his whereabouts and phone records from that morning.

Bobcat said...

7 leaked references to Monday November 9th, not counting the chronological interview with Kevin Myers of 12stone referencing him getting the call while the chaos was unfolding, before Davey tells about the morning of the 10th. And not counting Meg's death anniversary photo of Amanda's kitchen filled with cookies, shared on 11/9/16.

And (regarding the 8th) not counting Davey proposing to Kristi on 11/8/17 and DW's reference to "the fact" on 11/8/15.

All of the references to the 9th were by Blackburn family and Wesleyan connections.

None by Byars connections.

Davey wanted it known that Larry and Co. did not kill Amanda - that the timeline presented by LE was wrong.

Bobcat said...

^^ Also not counting Liz Hendy's statement that her friendship with Amanda LITERALLY ENDED on 11/9/15.

DW said...

Still no FB post, IG post or webpage post from 11/9/15 with a prayer request for Amanda? You have doxxed the entire Newspring organization and their second cousins. You would have surely found 1 prayer request for Amanda on 11/9. But you cannot produce even one. But keep trying to derail the thread when posters begin examining evidence. It's mildly amusing.

Anonymous said...

DW, interesting info on AB cooperating … I hadn’t heart that. An obvious question for LT’s attorney to ask Diano is “tell us about your activities on the evening/early morning of that day?” Since they’ve had 4 years to work on it, I assume his story will match what the prosecutors’’ evidence is. Hopefully LT’s attorney has the resources/time to prove this story is full of holes/not true if that’s the case.

Despite what many have said on here, I have a hard time believing there is ZERO cell phone or DNA evidence placing LT in the house. If they are relying on Diano’s testimony and nothing else, that would be a huge gamble – especially since he took a deal and thus has motive to match his story up.

The neighbor’s surveillance footage is also interesting, do we know if that was submitted immediately after the murders or weeks/months after?

As for the “it happened on the 9th!” theory, wouldn’t the autopsy show when the wounds occurred? There’s a big visual difference between, let’s say, a black eye, that’s either 8 hours old or 1 hour old. Also, while we’d never get this info, it would be interesting to see Amanda’s cell phone activity that night/morning. When did she last send a text, like a Facebook post, etc?

If LT had a decent attorney and more $, he could hire an independent ME to look at the autopsy and poke holes in the prosecutors’ timeline. Not gonna be the case here, nor is there going to be a defense DNA expert. Happy to be wrong on this, but that’s the sense I get.

DW said...

The prosecutor gave pleas to both Diano and Jalen, and both are expected to testify against Larry (in exchange for reduced sentences).

As for the surveillance videos, both neighbors gave hard drives immediately.

The evidence against Larry, or lack thereof, will be unveiled in a few months. But Larry did an amazing job when he was deposing witnesses, and got them to admit that what LE said was wrong.

Kate said...

Davey's "Pain to Purpose" launch vid.

Anonymous said...

DW: "But Larry did an amazing job when he was deposing witnesses, and got them to admit that what LE said was wrong."


And you know that how?

The same way you reference "the fact" of 11/8/15?

Anonymous said...’s in public court documents.

Anonymous said...

"The fact" of 11/8/15 is in public documents?

DW said...

Thank you to the Anon at 8:17 that pointed out the obvious, ie Larry's filings are in the court record and we have downloaded them.

And I give zero fucks if Bobcat wants to try and accuse me of being a co-conspirator with the Newspring (or Wesleyan?) church folk regarding some mysterious 11/8/15 "fact". The church folk seem to be drinkers, or at least Perry Noble is, so maybe they are quite fun?

But keep grinding, "Bobcat". It just adds to the notion that we have uncovered quite a bit and it's rattling someone's cage.

Bobcat said...


DW says "the fact" happened on 11/8/15. (chatzy 6/9/19)
Amber and Amanda supposedly "got lost" on 11/8/15.

So, in all the retellings of what Amanda was doing between the Cincinnati retreat (where she wanted God's agenda to be her agenda) and being carted out of the house on the morning of 11/10/15, Amber begins her contaminated recollection of her last 24 hours with Amanda with a supposed text from Amanda, followed by a nonspecific airport pickup time and a temporal lacunae of "getting lost" on Sunday 11/8/15.

What was the fact that happened that left Amanda brutally murdered AND


Larry Taylor set up to take the fall for it?


Davey & Wesleyans not initially agreeing with the timeline?

What happened to Amanda on 11/8/15 - "the fact" that resulted in her needing to be "propped up" in bed?

Anonymous said...

flightfulbird said...

Davey's Instagram post on June 19th -

When you've laid your life down, noone can take it from you.

Jeesus, those are the exact same phrases Jim Jones used on his people. This is not the first time I've seen Jim Jones' words uttered by Davey.

Bingo said...

I watched the "freebie" first video Daveys so selflessly shared. Obviously, since he didn't get enough paying customers, he is trying to reel us all in with the first video. It is extremely bad! The video shots of the side of his face are odd. It is a basic lesson in free will and sin. Nothing new under the sun, basic Christian theology in a flat, monotone presentation. So opposite of his crazed, narcissistic fueled sermons that get louder and stranger the longer he is in front of an audience. I think sitting in a room by himself or just a cameraman brings the opposite side of Davey. Boring, unsure of himself, uninsightful, only spewing off basic Christian 101 type lessons. He finishes it with 10 "Way" points that are supposed to pull people out of their tragedies including such things as eating healthy, getting rest and being around people. It is like he pulled open his Psychology 101 book, mixed it with Christianity 0001 and slapped it all together and charged $99.

It is so blatantly obvious the man has never gone through a truly painful experience. He would be talking about lamenting and praying and specific experiences of grief. He would be pulling from his own history of pain and suffering followed by specific moments of growth and insight. He can't do that. That is why his story will never sell.

flightfulbird said...

- part 1 of 2 -

Yeah Davey's Instastory from last night was inviting people to swipe up to get the first video in the Pain to Purpose series for free - he is clearly desperate to get eyes on it and also to see from Instagram how many people swipe, how many indicate interest?

It was supposed to be $49 to pre-order the series until July 14th - at which time the price was supposed to jump up to $99.

This really does appear to be a situation where far too few people acquired the video even for the early launch pre-order price of $49 . . . so now it's a free look in hopes of people liking what they see and then acquiring it at the "regular" launch price.

But revealing this freebie could have done far more harm than good.

It's like when you go into the frozen yogurt or ice cream shop intending to get a certain flavor - but you sample it first - and then you think "wow how glad I am that I didn't make *that* choice for my yogurt or ice cream treat"- the sample made you know that's not what you want - not worth wasting a special treat on that certain flavor.

Translating it to the Pain to Purpose video series -

Anyone who was curious and wondered if it was worth buying has now seen what the rest of the videos would be - they've tasted a sample. Will they want to spend even $49 (if they act today - before the price jumps up to $99 on July 14th) on more of the same, much less $99 - much less PAY Davey to "walk through it with them"?

From the website -
Purchase a coaching package with Davey and get free lifetime access to the Pain to Purpose Video Course along with step-by-step, one-on-one confirmation you’re moving in the right direction

(payment plans available per request email

Sure, if "a" coaching session at $149 - or five sessions for $599 - or twelve sessions for $1429 - or twenty sessions for $2299 - is not something you would pay all in one fell swoop - then there's a payment plan ! !

flightfulbird said...

- part 2 of 2 -

I scoped out the free video and I found it not worth the time to listen to it in its entirety even for free - I skipped through it. I hated the constantly-switching camera angles and I hated his voice, trying so hard to be excited and relevant and troubled and like he has actually been through a valley.

It would have been better to keep the video a mystery Davey.

And it's not like anyone will need to be hand-held and walked through the videos with Davey and especially for the prices he asks.

So the first video- the "intro session" - is up on the website for free. See a trend here?

- The #incredibleshittyebook has to be given away in exchange for an email address - and it was only $4.99 to purchase it in the first place !

- The Facebook live Q & A that was supposed to only be available to $20+ monthly contributors was done for free.

- The worship album sales were far below expected, weren't they giving stacks of them away at Resonate before the doors closed?

- And now they are having to give away the first episode of the video series for free too ?

Apparently not all that many individuals want to hear Davey speak, whether onstage or on video. His speaking bookings have seriously dwindled - although he has the next four Sundays booked (one of which is at Kenneth Wagner's church), he still leaves the past bookings up to make it look like he has been active and wanted.

The life insurance money is not going to last forever. The expensive vacations have gone by the wayside - they had nosebleed seats for the Carrie Underwood concert.

What if they have to move out of the mcmansion ? - is that next, if nobody signs up for life coaching along with buying the video series that has now been revealed as a snoozefest and is also so obviously yet another desperate attempt to make money and capitalize on Amanda's death?

Kristi's PA degree might come in useful - although - there is a new baby coming - plus which if any of her future employers by some chance heard her talk in the podcast about skating through school with C's . . . they might look in another direction.

Kristi's words -. . . C’s get degrees - nobody knows with my diploma if I got a C or an A . . . .

Nice. Although the context was that she was torn between both doing well in school and spending as much time with and caring for Natalia as she wanted. But she must be decently sure she'd never have to be a PA to reveal that factoid (almost brag about it) in a podcast, however random and obscure that podcast might be.

NEITHER of these two can work - or want to work. They have pinned all of their hopes on exorbitant prices for life coaching, a video series and honorariums and free accomodations for speaking engagements.

Maybe Davey will have to leave the price of his video series at $49 for a bit longer - - because if people aren't acquiring it at $49, they're certainly not going to pay $99 for it especially now that they've tasted the free sample.

Bingo said...

FFB, I did the same thing. I skipped around. It was so boring and trite, I could only watch little bits at a time. The sampler will def not get him any more sales. You are correct. It was like an ice cream sample and you know not to make that choice. Perfect analogy.

He has pretty much dropped the coaching promotions. He hasn't updated his coaching page since May. That was most obviously a big flop.

He paid cash for his car and mostly for his house (thanks to Amanda) but the upkeep must be huge especially in Indiana winters. Plus the pool, which he doesn't seem to use that much anymore (or he would be instastorying about it) is an expensive commodity.

Many of us in our private chat, knew the church was slowly crashing down as he tried to have a staff 6-8 people plus office space with only about 125 members, maybe 30-40 paying families. The numbers just didn't add up. We knew when he resigned, he was actually jumping out of a burning car, letting the remaining staff burn up for him. We see this in play with his lifestyle. The money is running out, his current scheme is proving to be another failure. What will they try next? Who will he burn next in the chase for fame and wealth?

Anonymous said...

Where did Kristi go to church before attending the now defunct Resonate? Why did she decide to jump ship at the same time she met Davey, yet she says she had sworn off dating while in PA school?

How did Kristi’s mom and step dad the prison chaplain meet?

Where did Kristi’s Dad pastor at? Did he know Larry Taylor’s foster Dad? Is that how Kristi knows the gangs? How did things go down with her Dad? What’s the time frame of him leaving the family and moving?

Hey Jude said...

Well, Davey tries - he could never be accused of undue humility, or of underestimating his abilities. I can’t work out who his intended customers are - the content is so elementary as to be unlikely to attract a more mature age group, and probably a bit pricey for the younger age group who may not already have encountered some free version of what he’s selling. I’m not drawn by Amanda’s murder as a qualification for helping people, though that is the hook upon which he is hanging his course. He speaks of “we” as guiding the potential customer, without introducing who makes him also“we”.

I listened twice and second time tried to be objective, and to imagine I had never seen or heard Davey, or heard of Amanda. I found the content did not appeal, neither would the locked content, mainly because I have, or am almost sure, to have heard similar, delivered better, elsewhere.

The claim of life-time access to the course was amusing - it’s reassuring that the Word of the Lord endureth forever, but the word of Davey, not so necessary or so much. He seems rather presumptuous and avaricious in trying to sell what it is he has to say. I though it was going to turn into one of those lengthy “sign up to learn the rest of our secrets of success” type ads for diets, lifestyle, or effortless income. If I didn’t know, would be curious as to who is this pushy young man, and I’d probably google him and soon discover he had set up a church on money not his own, and that he had not much later abandoned it - by text message - leaving a recently hired pastor and family without home or income. Also that he had lost one wife and acquired another during that time, and kept preaching some quite unedifying stuff. So, he would not have inspired confidence as a dependable or steady pastor type, or got my continued interest, past wondering about who killed his wife, and who are “we”.

Hey Jude said...

By contrast, I found my mind turning toward Alistair Begg, and Truth for Life, where the content is both engaging and wide ranging, and where it’s only suggested listeners might like to donate. They don’t do nonsense.

Hey Jude said...

I think Davey isn’t cut out of pastor cloth, but he is stubbornly convinced that he is a ministering type, despite his motive seems financial rather than pastoral. Maybe he thinks that’s the only type of thing he can do, due to growing up in that insular type of environment. He says he didn’t like it, growing up, and it was Perry’s mega church which inspired him. I think he’s doomed to disappointment if he keeps on hoping to break into the megabuck ministry. What’s the difference between gaining the whole world and losing your own soul, and losing your own soul and not gaining the whole world? A world of pain? I worry about Davey’s soul, but it’s probably projection - he seems pretty confident in capably leading the way, valiantly guiding his customers through the valley of the shadow of death, as you do, if only at the right price.

Hey Jude said...

^ One should always worry about one’s own soul - complacency doesn’t do.


He probably gave free coaching to gain those testimonials. Why would anyone in their right mind sign up, though, even if it was free? I suppose they must be real, and he does have some people who find him helpful.

flightfulbird said...

A "testimonial" from the Pain To Purpose video series landing page, as Davey calls it - scroll down below the freebie video to see this quote -

When I started the coaching process I felt like I was in the ocean drowning under the impact of all the waves. I had a “woe is me” mentality as I was tossed to and fro. I felt so stuck and didn’t know how to get my head above water. After these twelve weeks with Davey, I feel equipped to face the trials and pain of life. I’m no longer being ruled by the waves of trial, but am learning to sail the seas.
Anna Meng, Ohio

^^ Anna Meng from Ohio also posted (was planted ?!) on the Facebook Live Q & A on June 19th. . .

Anna Meng · 10:32 What are your current favorite books? What have you been reading?

Anna Meng · 49:46 A lot of what Davey has talked about tonight is a part of the NIW video course. Having gone through it, I highly recommend it. The coaching is SO worth it as well.

And - this is Anna Meng -

Facebook page shows pictures of a bright and happy, grinning, blonde-haired, suntanned girl visiting with goats and dogs, posing with a very nice family for pictures (including a Christmas one), posing with her brother with whom she seems close - very few timeline entries and no evidence whatsoever of pain or trauma or a life that looks like floundering and painful.

I understand that nobody knows from pictures on Facebook what’s really going on inside a person’s life.

But this young, sweet, positive and bright-and-shiny-appearing individual does not look like someone who would be “in the ocean drowning under the impact of all the waves” - or have a “woe is me” mentality, needing to “feel equipped to face the trials and pain of life” - as she supposedly wrote in her testimonial.

Breaking it down with all of the phrases in order -

When I started the coaching process I felt like I was -

- in the ocean drowning under the impact of all the waves.
- I had a “woe is me” mentality as I was tossed to and fro.
- I felt so stuck and didn’t know how to get my head above water.
After these twelve weeks with Davey
- I feel equipped to face the trials and pain of life.
- I’m no longer being ruled by the waves of trial
- but am learning to sail the seas.

Put the face of Anna Meng on Facebook with these words? Really? Her testimonial sounds like something DAVEY would write - totally.

And how was this Anna Meng able to go through the Pain to Purpose video course with Davey for twelve weeks already - as her words say on the testimonial page and as she wrote in the Facebook Q & A on June 19th - when the videos weren’t even shot until Sunday June 30th ? ?

Davey posted Instastories about the “marathon filming session” that started at 9:30am and finished at 7pm according to Davey’s Instastories - the same Instastories in which he called his kitchen with bed sheets over the windows and a whiteboard and a monitor - - a “studio”.

HOW shameful and desperate is it to have to actually plant positive reviews - before the course is even ready to pre-purchase?

Bingo said...

Great to see you back, Hey Jude. FFB, not to mention that Anna Meng appears to be around the age of 19-22. I am not sure her connection to the couple? Maybe she is someone that helps with the podcast or an intern of some sort? Family member? Doubtful she is a coaching client The other plant on the Q & A asking the questions that Davey and Kristi wanted to answer was their producer. Another very young lady, straight out of college. I think not only was the initial video a huge flop but so was the Q & A. They showed disinterest, almost disdain in having to answer the one question about Amanda. I find this very rich since Amanda is the one paying for their lifestyle, Kristi's ability not to work and "the story" they are trying to build their business around. Yet, they wanted to skip through that question as soon as possible and move on with the planted questions so they could talk and brag about themselves. I don't think they helped build the $20 donor business with live Q & A as the bonus content.

Davey's narcissism is quite fascinating. He doesn't seem to be deterred by constant failure and a public that is completely disinterested in him, mostly appalled by him. He already wrote a book with 10 Pillar Points that flopped and he had to give away for free to try to get email subscribers to sell his coaching and his current 10 Way Points videos. The one thing he has done since Amanda's death that actually had mild success is the podcast because other people did most of the talking. He also had a really great cohost. Now, he has taken over this podcast with himself and selling his product. He also dropped his original cohost and never mentioned her again. He is burning the podcast to the ground now too. Not that it was ever a money maker(no advertisers), but I think there was a listenership that is most likely now dwindling due to Davey taking over with himself. Also, Davey never read any of the books that his guests wrote and told each one of them during the interviews. He has a hard time not revealing his true nature.

Kate said...

I think one of the first indicators showing Davey's true nature was about 6 months after Amanda was executed. He wrote a blog post about pushing through the pain. How he and Amanda often ran the mini Indy race and how this year they had 40 people running "in honor of Amanda" and how they were all wearing the #ForIndy t-shirts.

At mile 6, Davey describes his earth shattering pain, felt a snap in his calf muscle and that was the end of the race for him. He didn't walk and finish it out, instead he stated he made the 2 mile walk back to his car.

The race that was suppose to honor Amanda, was failed. He couldn't even keep the tshirt on that was suppose to honor Amanda. No authenticity has ever been displayed by this man with regards to Amanda. In this link, you can see Davey running the race (before he quits), minus the shirt, behind Zach. and here is the 2016 blog post describing the poor lad's injury that no one ever heard about again and no future crossfit workouts that pointed to such calf pain/old injury after 2016 that I have been able to find, as well as no other races done in Amanda's honor, since he failed the first one miserably.

What was the "purpose" in his pain during this race? I thought "nothing was wasted", appears the entry fee was wasted, as well as Amanda's memory.

flightfulbird said...

- Part 1 of 3 -

Link to Davey’s appearance on Sunday July 14th at Emmanuel Wesleyan Church-

In this appearance, Davey skips completely over the whole beginning of the story. No mention that he woke up at 4:30. . . spent some time on the couch. . . and grabbed his gym clothes / grabbed his gym bag and headed out for a workout - this has been part of his appearances from the very start.

Why did Davey completely skip over talking about the timeframe between when he woke up at 4:30 and when he left for the gym after 6am - WAY later than usual. Is it to avoid questions about why the long delay and what was happening during that time (staging, cleanup, locking Mel in a room) ?

Transcript starts at 13:35 - Davey's words in italics - paragraphs/ bold print added in transcription

. . . .Then on November 10th, 2015, I walked in. . . to that fateful moment. An I don’t know if you’ve been, in a moment that is that traumatic, where everything begins to go in fast motion uh, an s-slow motion all at the same time, it’s like everything is spinning and yet zeroed in, in exactly the same moment.

I r’member, running from the, threshold of the door to her side, an trying to see what was goin on, my mind was taking snapshots of everything in the room, uh, I couldn’t for the life of me figure this out, other than, maybe something had gone wrong with the pregnancy, why were there things disheveled all over the room, had she come out of the shower and, she got lightheaded and she fell, is that the meaning for the blood, what’s going on, and

so I immediately called 911 and, it felt like it took three hours for them to get there, I found out later it only took three minutes.

And I heard Weston cooing up in his crib the entire time I was waiting there for her, an I, the paramedics came, attended to her, got her into the, ambulance, and we followed them to the hospital and Weston and I sat in a waiting room and just shook. It was like an out-of-body experience, where you watch yourself in the waiting room. And I just s-stood there and shook with Weston said, “Weston, we’re gonna be ok, we’re gonna be ok”, and I half expected that - that the doctors would come in and they’d say “hey everything’s fine, were, we’ve got her - we’ve got her stabilized, you can go back and see her, she’d be sitting up in her bed sipping water. . .

And then doctors and investigators came in.
And they began to tell me what they, had surmised had happened. And she had three bullet wounds in her. One was in her arm, one had grazed over her back, and one was in the back of her head. And th- there was a, a bullet lodged behind her eye. And that if the swelling in the brain would go down then they might have a chance to operate, but the prognosis was very grim.

I don’t know what it was, I’m not sure if it was faith or shock or denial or some combination thereof, but I remember grabbing the doctors’ hands and praying this massive prayer of faith. I prayed over them and I said “God, I know that there are people in this hospital who are skeptical, they’re believing in science and placing their trust in it and not in You, and so if you wanna use our family to perform a miracle right now, would you grow brain matter back into Amanda’s, head, would You make it so that the doctors can operate, use the power of modern science, use Your supernatural power, whatever You need to do, heal Amanda so that there would be a revival of belief sweeping across your hospital God, You are big enough, You can do that, and I prayed this massive prayer of faith and then 24 hours later she was pronounced dead.

November 11th, 2015, four years to the DAY after we packed up a moving van and moved to Indianapolis.

Can I tell you somethin?
Even in the darkest of moments God will show you that HE is in the details of your story. And that He is not surprised by anything that happens.. . .

End transcript 16:40

Anonymous said...

Why the need to heal Amanda for her own sake? For him and his son’s sake? That’s what should be on his mind, not revival for the hospital staff.

Anonymous said...

*why not the need is what I meant ^

flightfulbird said...

Yes, exactly !

Your words echo (and maybe you are !) the poster from the private Chatzy room who noted that in ALL of Davey’s mentions of holding hands and praying with the doctors in the hospital that God would bring revival to the hospital. . . .NOT ONCE does he ever express that he’d like for Amanda to live because she’s his wife, for Weston to have a mom, to let her and the unborn baby come through this so we’d be a family. It's literally always about the revival that would s-sweep across the hospital and that Amanda's story would spread across the nation and the world.

It hit me when that poster noted this in chat earlier - that it's always about the revival. I had not thought about "why's he not including other good reasons she should live !"

Here is the quote from yesterday's one, again -

. . . and I half expected that - that the doctors would come in and they’d say “hey everything’s fine, were, we’ve got her - we’ve got her stabilized, you can go back and see her, she’d be sitting up in her bed sipping water. . .

. . . I don’t know what it was, I’m not sure if it was faith or shock or denial or some combination thereof, but I remember grabbing the doctors’ hands and praying this massive prayer of faith. I prayed over them and I said “God, I know that there are people in this hospital who are skeptical, they’re believing in science and placing their trust in it and not in You, and so if you wanna use our family to perform a miracle right now, would you grow brain matter back into Amanda’s, head, would You make it so that the doctors can operate, use the power of modern science, use Your supernatural power, whatever You need to do, heal Amanda so that there would be a revival of belief sweeping across your hospital God, You are big enough, You can do that, and I prayed this massive prayer of faith and then 24 hours later she was pronounced dead.. . .

Statement Analysis reveals priorities in the speaker’s mind. Davey’s priority wasn’t having Amanda live so he and her and Weston and the unborn baby would be a family - Davey has to say he wanted her miraculously healed so there would be a revival in Methodist Hospital of Indianapolis - he has to convince that he really really wanted her to regain consciousness and be sitting up and drinking water in her bed saying what happened, babe.....

In reality, I will always believe that he was praying that she would't ever come out of this and be able to tell what she had seen.

As many movies as he has seen, I think he KNEW she wasn't going to come out of it - virtually no chance whatsoever- but until she was pronounced dead on November 11th, it was a waiting game, the next twenty-four hours were touch and go whether she'd wake up. . . those words of his can have more than one meaning.

flightfulbird said...

- part 2 of 3 -

SO Davey skipped ahead in the story- which does nothing to quell the question of if he was up at 4:30, why did he not leave for the gym until 6:10am (much later than usual).

A bonus to Davey's skipping ahead in the story is that he is able to also avoid mentioning his gym bag yet again.

MANY people have said that maybe the gym bag had something in it other than gym clothes - because sometimes he says "gym bag" and sometimes he says "gym clothes" - and because Davey has repeatedly said he had to come home from the gym to shower because he didn’t have what he needed in his gym bag to shower at the gym.

Davey’s gestures and body language were different yesterday. He waved his hands and arms more than usual. And he spins the story a different way when he speaks of November 10, 2015.

He's having SUCH a hard time choosing his words -this is in literally a 35-second timespan, all of these different and totally contradictory thoughts - in the order in which he said them --

- everything begins to go in fast motion uh, an s-slow motion all at the same time, it’s like everything is spinning and yet zeroed in, in exactly the same moment.

I r’member, running from the, threshold of the door to her side, an

- trying to see what was goin on
- my mind was taking snapshots of everything in the room
- uh, I couldn’t for the life of me figure this out
- other than, maybe something had gone wrong with the pregnancy
- why were there things disheveled all over the room
- had she come out of the shower and, she got lightheaded and she fell
- is that the meaning for the blood, what’s going on

His mind spins. . .. do I want to be focused or confused ? Thinking which scenario would be better to cover for and explain the 911 call - the 911 call that I placed five minutes (to the minute) after my neighbor arrived home and discovered that her home had been burglarized and called 911 ? The call that I majorly screwed up due to my not giving any indication of unauthorized entry into my home ?

He's taking snapshots of everything in the room, yet he can't for the life of him figure out that a miscarriage and/or coming out of the shower and getting lightheaded and falling DO NOT IN ANY WAY correspond to things disheveled all over the room, nor would either of these explain the pool of blood in which Amanda was lying face-down on the floor (his description).

The APC says Amanda Blackburn had sustained severe head trauma. Amanda was face-down - it would have been immediately obvious to anyone walking in, without question - plus which Davey's repeating now that he prayed for brain matter to go back into Amanda's head / brain says that he saw it outside her head.

Reminder of Davey's brother Jono Blackburn’s blog post about Amanda’s appearance when he and Tessa saw her -

her face and neck were badly bruised and swollen, other scrapes and abrasions could be seen on her face neck and arms, one eyelid was bright purple, at least 3 or 4 top front teeth were missing, and her left arm was swollen and lacerated from near her elbow where the other bullet had entered to her shoulder where it was lodged.

In this appearance Davey has added had she come out of the shower and she got lightheaded and she fell, is that the meaning for the blood . . . also adding his not being able to figure things out for the life of him, wondering why there were things disheveled all over the room. Really?

flightfulbird said...

- part 3 of 3 -

In this appearance, Davey says so I immediately called 911 . . . .instead of giving indication of a delay like he has done multiple times in the past.

. . .. and I prayed this massive prayer of faith and then 24 hours later she was pronounced dead.

November 11th, 2015, four years to the DAY after we packed up a moving van and moved to Indianapolis.

Can I tell you somethin?
Even in the darkest of moments God will show you that HE is in the details of your story. And that He is not surprised by anything that happens.. . .

“Your story”. THE STORY.

Davey is wildly waving four fingers around in the air from the point where he says “four years to the day” until he says "He is not surprised by anything that happens”.

So IF you were going to kill your wife or have your wife killed. . .

. . .and IF you were dreaming up the web domain Nothing is Wasted and you were tweeting it and had imagined a gravestone with those words engraved on it . . .planning to use that to market your podcast and videos and book deal and blog . . .

. . . and IF you had a long and obviously carefully-prepared statement about your wife's death ready to release to the media and on your church's Facebook page and website literally the same day. . . .

. . . and IF you desperately wanted A STORY to go with it, hoping for revival to s-s-s-sweep across the hospital and the nation and not just the nation but the WORLD . . .(ok I added the extra two s's in sweep) . . . .

Then why not choose the exact date that would make it four years to the day that you and your wife had moved to this new city to PLANT A CHURCH ! - so you can tell that onstage every time you tell your story and then look around for a reaction or heads nodding in sorrow.

And then get your friend Kenneth Wagner to tweet on that very same morning about loving his weekly conversations with you - the conversation with him is the reason that that you lingered on the phone in the driveway that morning for almost a whole hour after you drove back from LA Fitness, right ? - while Amanda was struggling for life on your living room floor- with the front door standing open, Weston cooing upstairs and Mel the large and fiercely-protective boxer dog locked in a room.

Every time Davey talks, things change. People are watching and reading, investigators and attorneys included.

This appearance yesterday - - especially with the inclusion of the *maybe she came out of the shower and got lightheaded and she fell* scenario - along with wondering why things were disheveled in the room - - just gives continuing confirmation yet again- that Davey is trying to hide something.

Yet he cannot stop talking. Or he chooses not to stop talking. Is the need to have his face plastered on big screens above stages at his friends' churches THAT critical and important to his self-image?

I would choose to stop talking in a heartbeat if I was revealing all of this changing information that makes it impossible for those who hear him to believe that he's just a wide-eyed innocent husband who walked in from the gym with no idea whatsoever that anything was going to happen to his wife during the exact timeframe that he was away, with the large dog locked in a room and the front door left unlocked when he left - and everything set up to market the story immediately with no delay.

At minimum - - Davey's choice of words in the 911 call helped avoid the immediate investigation of an active crime scene - a crime scene which you would have thought he would want covered with a fine-toothed comb to find who had done this to his wife and be sure justice was done.

At worst, and as it appears -- he's involved in what happened and Kristi might do well to start planning to be a single parent to three children under the age of six. . .

. . . if she's not involved, for there was a silver lining for her and Natalia as well if Amanda was out of the picture. Motive.

Anonymous said...

What was Amanda’s favorite band? Her favorite sports team? How did she learn how to restore furniture? Was she closest to her Mom, Dad, Amber? What ministries did she plan at church? What was her favorite restaurant? How many kids did she want? What were her hopes and dreams? What were her favorite places to take Weston? Did she keep in contact with friends from her hometown? From North Carolina? Surely she did more than laugh at dumb Instagram finds.

As anyone here ever read an obituary of a murdered person? They surely don’t sound like Amanda’s obit that said nothing about her personally. She was just a martyr for a failed church, a failed record album, a failed coaching service. The only thing she’s successful at is paying for Davey and Kristi’s lifestyle.

flightfulbird said...

I would seriously love to know ALL of those things about her.

It would be really nice to know about Amanda the person - in other terms than words from Davey.

Something other than "wanting God's agenda for her life to be her agenda for her life", her "leading the way in surrender"- her wanting Davey to spend the rest of his life "building this church" aka the failed Resonate - her private journal entries - her not being well-read, well-traveled or well-to-do - her not having printer plugged into the outlet when Davey was trying to troubleshoot it over the phone - her shooting milkshake out of her nose on their first date - her denting Davey's grill - references to "butter" in a movie being over her head - her showing up to the Parisian cafe in heaven in Converse and jeans and a sweatshirt compared to Kristi cruising into it wearing a cold shoulder shirt and heels.

Of all of that, the shooting milkshake story is the most played-out - Davey, what are some other memories of your early dating time with Amanda that *don't* include a visual of something that she might/would rather not share?

Then again, Davey scrutinized Kristi's food at Chik-Fil-A and talked about it, something like mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together to make a dip for fries - when Davey was drinking water and eating grilled chicken that night like a true gym rat would.

Davey's response when asked to tell us the coolest thing you know about Amanda?

We could write a book on that. Maybe we will, someday.

He couldn't come up with a thing whenever he was asked that. He would always say she loved people and spent her life pouring into people and loved the people that were unlovely and unholy and that she would want forgive.

And I don't remember once hearing him say he loved her. And yeah he made sure to include in HER obituary that HE was the pastor of Resonate Church of Indianapolis.

WAS. Yes it was "Davey is the pastor back then. Now it's WAS.

And he keeps saying every.single.time about when they were planting Resonate and had youth eating goldfish crackers in their bed and they'd find them in the sheets - "don't despise the days of humble beginnings" - it's karma for sure that his story currently has a humble ending.

NO church, no real following, not many speaking engagements, friends migrating away and stopping contact, having to plant commenters on Facebook chats, having to beg for contributions (even $5 month !) to Nothing is Wasted. Simon and Schuster dropped his book. He has to give away the ebook because people won't even pay $4.95 for it. He has a blog that I know many people read to see more holes develop in his story and a podcast that if we listen to it, it's for the same reason.

And now this video course is at best not going to do as well as expected - I think it is going to crash and burn as well.

Anonymous said...

FFB- I laughed at that post as much as Amanda must have at her dumb Insta finds. Definitely could have shot a milkshake out of my nose over the comedy that is Davey Blackburn.

Witt his statement you posted above about the shower, didn’t down speculate that she may have been attacked in the bathroom, hence the need for a quick bathroom remodel before the home was sold?

flightfulbird said...

- part 1 of 2 -

Remodeling the bathroom would have covered a multitude of evidence. And Davey sure didn't waste a second setting someone up to have the house professionally cleaned.

Of all things to be pondering while you and your family and friends are supposedly singing and praying and worshiping around Amanda's bed while she's on the vent in the ICU. . .

Davey's trademark catchphrase marketing Nothing is Wasted song is playing as the very first song that randomly came on Pandora radio - while he has his cell phone in the corner, looking up biohazard cleaning services and arranging this - like as soon as they release the house back to me, you guys get over there pronto and scrub scrub scrub? It wasn't like he was going to go back there to live. What was the insane rush to get that done, if not to remove evidence that you'd THINK he would want to leave intact just in case investigators needed more clues and wanted to take another pass to look things over.

But then again, this was someone who didn't report an active crime scene to the 911 dispatcher so of course he wanted IMPD and FBI detectives to be at the house less, not more - just as it's more than obvious that he wanted IMPD to be at the house later, not sooner on the morning of November 10th.

I wonder what his phone records and web searches would show as far as the timing of calls made to, and searches for, biohazard cleanup services?

I mean Casey Anthony searched for "fool-proof" suffocation methods on the day her daughter was last seen alive. What did Davey search? Who did he call? Is Kristi's cell phone number one of the frequently-called numbers on his cell? - her apartment landline if she had one - her work?

I wonder what Luminol in the shower and sink drains would have found? - on the bathroom floor? - elsewhere in the master bedroom? How closely were investigators looking for random spots of blood in the bedroom that could have been cleaned with cold water and peroxide and quickly dried with a blow dryer or by leaving a fan running while he was at the gym?

flightfulbird said...

- part 2 of 2 -

Davey has said more than once that he came home TO SHOWER - not just that he came home from the gym. He stressed so much that he didn't have what he needed in his gym bag to shower at the gym - more explanations? Showering at home would cover for any water drops remaining on the shower floor and walls - there was only so much time to clean before appearing at the gym on camera and then calling 911 after he returned home (to shower).

Why would the shower floor be wet? Is he saying that Amanda woke up, read her Bible propped up wherever she liked to do that, grabbed a shower, got half-dressed and then wandered into the living room and encountered the accused? Is there any evidence of someone else besides Davey, Amanda, Weston and Mel being in the house at all ? (besides the Swisher Sweets package on the kitchen counter which was almost certainly planted). . .

Where did Amanda actually encounter whoever it was that attacked her ? - keeping in mind it might have been one of the occupants of the house.

Or is Davey's showering at home covering for washing away blood / whatever cleanup was necessary? Maybe he didn't even shower - he just washed away evidence. He seriously didn't train long. When did Amanda's teeth get knocked out? Were there towels with blood on them in the gym bag that he grabbed before leaving? Was there a GUN in the gym bag?

Did he shower at the gym anyway and just say he was coming home to shower? Did he even TRAIN that day - or did he just show his face for the alibi? For him to get cleared 100%, no 150% just because he was seen on camera is ludicrous to say the least.

I would've rather skipped the phone call rather than half-assing it in the gym like he would have had to do to meet the timeframe as shown in the APC - he spent as much or more time driving to and from the gym than he did actually training.

What was he wearing when he checked into LA Fitness - what was he wearing when he appeared on the gym floor - what was he wearing when he left the gym - what was he wearing when he drove to the hospital?

What happened in that house between the time Amanda "was just, gut laughing at dumb finds on Instagram" (maybe covering for the possibility that neighbors heard unnatural noises from the house) and the time when Davey slid into the house that morning at 8:20am after Alison Becker arrived home and called 911 - and after his documented-by-a-totally-random-Twitter post, extended phone call with Kenneth Wagner?

^ ^ THESE ^ ^ are some of the things we'd like to have explained - these are some of the questions we'd like to have answered on Facebook live Q & A chats. Absolutely nobody cares what books are you reading now, Davey (tm Anna Meng from Ohio).

And I forgot to put on the list above that Davey made sure to tell onstage that Amanda ate his Caramello candy that he had left on the kitchen counter, the one he was saving for himself. He said that she ate hers and then ate his too.

Amanda stood up to him, called him out onstage in Love Song Week 6 Q & A about the couple that he said had left the church and then wanted to come back - she gently but pointedly said that's not true - and he got that "busted" look on his face and then said it's a little bit true.

I'd like to think she absconded his Caramello and ate it that day just to tick him off.

flightfulbird said...

What was he wearing when he checked into LA Fitness - what was he wearing when he appeared on the gym floor - what was he wearing when he left the gym - what was he wearing when he drove to the hospital?

Relevant because if Davey is wearing the same clothes on camera when he checks into the gym as he is on the training floor, then he didn't need to change into gym clothes that he grabbed before he left for the gym. Grabbed my gym clothes - grabbed my gym bag - whichever it is, it covers his carting a bag out of the house that morning.

But what was in it?

And maybe his adding to the story yesterday the question of "had she come out of the shower and she got lightheaded and she fell" is also meant to cover for a wet shower floor / pan that HE got wet cleaning up at some point that morning, whether before or after the gym.

I can't believe he actually was senseless enough to include "is that the meaning for the blood" after saying she got lightheaded and she fell - - could he BE any more transparently blind and incompetent to process the scene in front of him?

Again, this is a guy who knows the movie Taken probably line by line - who knows the Final Destination movies - Braveheart - he has seen more than anyone's share of graphic violence and he would know a crime scene instantly as soon as he saw it - in his house or not, whether Amanda was involved or not.

Anyone would.

Things being a blur, moving in slow motion and then fast motion, having very vivid memories, taking mental snapshots, I had no idea anyone had been in my house, I had no idea there were bullets, I didn't find out until I got to the hospital that there had been a h-home invasion . . . over and over and over and over and over for almost four years now.


And the more you say it Davey, the more you are digging a hole out of which you are not going to be able to climb.

It's like a trap laid for an animal on the floor of a forest - covered with pine needles and sticks so it looks like solid ground. The trap might be a foot or two in diameter at the top/on the surface of it - but whoever dug the trap underground dug it deeply and also dug it so that the walls slope backward like a triangle, with the smallest part at the top. The animal falls into the center of the trap below ground and cannot climb backwards at that angle up those steep sloping walls to escape.

This is what you are doing to yourself as you continue to speak and spin this web.

That random stream of consciousness for 35 seconds yesterday onstage at Emmanuel Wesleyan - the one where you bounced from maybe it was a miscarriage to not being able for the life of you to figure it out to maybe it was something wrong with the pregnancy to maybe she got out of the shower and got lightheaded to why were there things so disheveled around the room - did you absolutely no favors.

Here it is again for reference - Davey's exact words about what he was thinking, starting from when he crossed the threshold and approached Amanda -

- trying to see what was goin on
- my mind was taking snapshots of everything in the room
- uh, I couldn’t for the life of me figure this out
- other than, maybe something had gone wrong with the pregnancy
- why were there things disheveled all over the room
- had she come out of the shower and, she got lightheaded and she fell
- is that the meaning for the blood, what’s going on

Bingo said...

FFB, thanks for your transcript. The additions and subtractions as the trial approaches are very interesting! The subtraction of the 4:30 to 6: 10-time frame is interesting. It was SO important to Davey's sharing in the beginning. The gym bag, the short bible study, etc, all of that has dropped from the narrative. He has now added consistent talk about brain matter for some odd reason. What is his motive in all of the sudden adding this? Also, now adding the bathroom to the story? Also, he hasn't really mentioned taking mental snapshots since the Levi Lusko church visit. In the latest church sermon, he talks from both sides of his mouth. I thought it was a miscarriage but did carefully take mental snapshots and notice every single thing (including the swisher sweets) to tell the detectives when questioned. It is hard to keep a false story straight. The truth is always consistent.

Anon, a few posts back asked about where Kristi went to church before Resonate? That is a very good question. She claims that she never planned to date again after her divorce and that she avoided Davey's advances. They didn't meet until September 2016, and didn't start dating until late the Spring of 2017. Yet she begins randomly attending his church in the fall of 2016 and attending the Resonate serve days immediately. She also began attending Crossfit and was seen working out right beside him on several occasions in early October. (they must have really hated that the Crossfit owner took so many videos during that time) So, we don't know where she attended before the fall of 2016 but why she found her way to that tiny, dying church in a high school auditorium to avoid Davey is a mystery.

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