Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Crime Wire: The Murder of Amanda Blackburn

Peter Hyatt on "Crime Wire": The Murder of Amanda Blackburn 

February 23, 2017, Peter Hyatt will be a guest on "Crime Wire" live broadcast, and will be taking your calls and questions at 9am to 1030AM EST.  

Amanda Blackburn was a victim of a sexual homicide in which arrests have been made. 

Questions, however, remain in one of the most bizarre 'solved' murder cases of recent years. 

Peter Hyatt will share analysis of the case, including deception detection techniques, and what this may mean for justice.  

Imagine Publicity Blog  :  broadcast of the show on Madeleine McCann 2016.  


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DW said...

^ There could have been more than one person lying in wait for Amanda. My opinion is that Alonzo Bull was one of tbe people inside Amanda's. The fact that Jalen was wearing hAlonzo's vest at the ATM, yet didn't have it on for the earlier burglary at Jacola's means he met up with A Bull at sone point that morning (and also would help A Bull explain his DNA being found in tbe stolen Sebring).

DW said...


There is the possibility that the intruder grabbed Amanda from the back and covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream and Amanda was scratching and clawing to free herself.

Kate said...

Yes, that's a good possibility DW. Do you or anyone know how it is handled when the victim is transported to the hospital, how then does it work as far as nail scrapings and evidence on her body are concerned? Would that be considered compromised or inadmissible due to the nature of how they found Amanda and how it was all handled due to Davey's BS 911 call?

TXlurker said...

That 911 call is going to reveal so much.

flightfulbird said...

There were two sets of fingernail scrapings acquired according to the APC - IF Amanda scratched Davey, he would need to have a reason for why and when it happened - because she was unconscious and never woke up during the waiting game, as Davey described it while she was lying on the vent in the ICU. A waiting game - waiting to see if she would recover/wake up and be able to tell what she saw.

To me, if the fingernail scrapings reveal DNA from anyone except Amanda herself, it seems it should be admissible - how otherwise to explain how someone else's DNA ended up underneath her nails.

I still wonder about that scratch or whatever it was on Davey's face during the interview media blitz.

As far as testing his hands for gunshot residue, he would've worn gloves if/when he shot her - and those gloves could have been in the gym bag that he incessantly repeats that he grabbed when he headed out for a workout.


I am still sorting out whether anyone accused, besides Davey, was actually IN his house that morning. My opinion is that he could have inflicted any and all of Amanda's injuries including the three gunshots at some point before he left for the gym - and maybe not in one fell swoop. It is unfortunate that the forensic exam can't work backward from time of death to determine the time of the injuries or gunshots because Amanda was still breathing when Davey walked in to find her.

IF someone was lying in wait for Amanda - what if someone other than Davey ambushed her - or someone along with Davey?

What if they headed out of the subdivision in the black SUV, shortly before Davey left for the GYM ?

Davey wrote in his blog that he could see himself watching from above when Amanda met her true groom - literally or figuratively ? It has been asked on another page of this site - was he watching something happen from the landing ? Or was everything that happened to Amanda (that was magically undone as soon as she walked into heaven) done by her husband?

Davey was up at 4:30am on Tuesday morning (if not all night, but he says 4:30am repeatedly). Interesting to me that Jacola Searsbrook also says she woke up at 4:30am and realized her cell phone was missing from her bedroom, yet didn't call 911 until 5:23am.

Alison Becker's security camera was disabled by "a" suspect at 5:36am. Davey left for the gym in the black Honda "around 6am" per APC. Nothing says that the alleged burglary suspects stayed inside Alison Becker's and were hanging out there the whole time. Walk in, disable the camera, plant some wine bottles and orange peels, steal some things and leave. For the gym?

But what about the DNA on the pink sweater - if that's Alison Becker's sweater - yet the cell pings don't agree with the timeframe. Planted, somehow, too?


Might Meg have been involved in a girl fight ? She was comfortably cruising on the Blackburn couch and posting pix on social media, one with Weston sitting on top of her and Mel lying beside her even though Amanda didn't like Weston being publicized. I still wonder why she abruptly moved out so close to the murder. She worships Davey, shamelessly. She posted about buying a jockstrap and a bib for Davey when she was his intern years ago. Of all the people close to him, she seems like the one who would take a bullet for him or cover for him.


And what about this Facebook page linked upthread to Isaiah Dominique Mattas, showing Amanda's red coffin with the hashtag #NothingisWasted - the post looked like it was written to Amanda at first but then to whom is he talking at the end?

I only got to know you for a few short years, but in those years - - you brought me closer to Jesus. I love you, friend. Please keep praying for Davey and Weston during this time, we love you.

He has 3155 friends.

flightfulbird said...

Kate wrote
Further, if as Terry Curry stated, the probable cause indicates the solid evidence and completely clears Davey Blackburn, why not release the innocent 911 call?

^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ has been the million dollar question to me from the very beginning.

There has to be something in it implicating Davey, even if it's just his describing Amanda as having a head wound, lightheaded, maybe she fell but I dunno - and saying nothing else.

For the thousandth time (it probably feels like it to you guys for sure), I can't imagine a scenario where Davey would have given any indication as to the chaotic scene in his house to 911 that morning - - but then the 911 dispatcher would have only rolled IFD Engine 12.

What's the over/under bet for his including something about I dunno, she's 13 weeks along with our second, but um.

Even if Davey had said things don't look right in here, if he had given any indication that someone had been in his house - IMPD would've been there too - not have to be summoned by IFD Engine 12, probably within minutes of their arrival.

8:22am 911 call from Davey - however long it took for IFD Engine 12 to get from their location to the Blackburn residence - and IFD called for IMPD at 8:30am. Eight minutes. They knew as soon as they walked in. And IMPD would have known too.

Priorities. If there was a shortage of IMPD personnel, the dispatcher would've pulled them from the Becker residence which did not have an "injured and unconscious" person lying in a pool of blood with stuff scattered around. And to whoever wrote in the past that if Davey really wanted help in investigating a crime, HE would've heard the sirens and run outside.

Davey wasn't supposed to know about the Alison Becker burglary ahead of time (if he did know it was going to happen, he wasn't supposed to know about it).

I wonder, when the detectives approached him at Methodist, how he reacted if they told him that there had been another "breakin" a few doors down?

Bingo said...

DW, I also think she was attacked earlier on in the morning. Possibly by the first crew who robbed the house two doors down and sped away in the SUV. I think Davey was there while it all happened. He most likely was drugging Weston, putting the dog away, staging the scene, etc. There was a delay somehow because he got up at four thirty, did his bible study for ten minutes and grabbed his bag (but later states he forgot to put his clothes in to shower) but didn't leave until 6:10. He flies over to get on camera, has the shortest workout he has ever had and then rushes home to sit in the driveway until the neighbor FINALLY gets home from work. I think she must have been later arriving home that morning. He is inside for 5 minutes before calling 911. Some things still needed further staging. This is my theory from DW facts

Kate said...

Exactly FlightfulBird, and Davey does go on in interviews stating his mind took a snapshot of things that were out of place and shouldn't have been there, but he didn't put the pieces together until he was at the hospital. It was then he told le, at his convenience, about the evidence he saw. How's that going to hold up in a court of law? Especially when he is in Phil Byar's church, talking about ligaments, skin, the human skeletal system. He has talked about his knowledge with regards to the health of a human body, yet he had no clue Amanda was shot three times. He was in the delivery room and saw his child Weston being born, yet he had no idea Amanda was shot three times. The obvious indicator being no blood coming from the vaginal area.

He says he is going to testify, can't wait to see the cross examination.

Banana Boat said...

To Kate's point about the grainy, unidentifiable pic released in the beginning- there are many different reasons for LE to do this. It could be a scare tactic to the killer(s) to see how they react and could allow them to surveil their communication about the crime and the extent that others are/were involved, it could be a ploy to see just how reliable the CI is, it could be a message to the neighborhood/public that LE is going to solve the case, it could be a strategy to give CD a false sense of relief, or it could be a bluff to get more info (e.g. they didn't have a clearer pic or an idea of who it was and they wanted to act like they did). This sounds bad, but the public has little reason to put any faith into what LE publicly says it has or doesnt have. They have no obligation to the public to tell the truth during an investigation. They routinely lie, and often it is for good reason. Showing the public their hand is not sound investigating.
About Terry Curry's claim that DB is "completely cleared", this is another lie. IMO, it's motive is clearly to give CD false sense of security so he would continue babbling in public, changing his story, going through with getting married, submitting his manuscript, etc. The 911 falls into almost all of the aforementioned reasons. No obligation to try in court of public opinion, part of plan to further surveil CD and use his words and actions against him, lull him into false sense of security, etc. Not releasing 911 call also protects the case against the thugs. This is important because the goal is either to get the thugs to snitch or to lock them away for as long as possible. No matter how innocent the 911 call is (and i personally believe it's probably incriminating), releasing it to the public can a) potentially taint the jury pool and b) distract public from focusing on the thugs.

mom2many said...

From Jono's blog (
"As we entered the room, I got a better look at my usually warm, charming, jovial, sister-in-law who now lay unresponsive, all but lifeless, in that hospital bed. To my shame, and only for a brief moment, what I saw made my blood boil with rage. The top of Amanda’s head was completely wrapped in bandages, her face and neck were badly bruised and swollen, other scrapes and abrasions could be seen on her face neck and arms, one eyelid was bright purple, at least 3 or 4 top front teeth were missing, and her left arm was swollen and lacerated from near her elbow where the other bullet had entered to her shoulder where it was lodged. Who would do something like this? Especially to this sweet, kind, joyful blonde-haired 28-year-old girl who had been like a sister to me for the last 10 years?"

If she was being strangled, scratching her own face is reflexive in the process of trying to make the hand/arm release.

Anonymous said...

Or being smothered

Banana Boat said...

Anyone here an RN or doc or other kind of hospital worker? Something bothering me from the beginning is the bullet entry near her elbow that traveled to her shoulder. There are a few different body positions I can imagine being possible for this to happen, but without knowing much about the physics and anatomy of gunshot wounds, it seems like the bullet would have had to be on an upward trajectory, no? If she was standing and shot with someone standing in front of her, no matter the distance, is it possible for bullet to travel upward the entire length of her bicep before getting lodged in shoulder?

I thought if she stood on landing and someone was on ground floor, it might explain how it managed to get so far north of the entrance. It's possible that im completely misunderstanding how bullets behave in the body.

Kate said...

All great points BananaBoat, it makes sense when you lay it out like that and clearly they know way more than anyone else. But, when I take into account that the perps had been on an alleged 8 day crime spree, rape, burglary, breaking and entering, etc. Wouldn't there be a bigger urgency placed on identifying these three to the public? How could they know the crime spree would end with Amanda? These were huge crimes they allegedly committed, how could they feel holding back any good shots of the suspect(s) would be in the best interest to the community at that time? "We're coming to gitcha" is about the most intimidation I saw. But again, I'm sure it'll make more sense when the trial hits.

Banana Boat said...

Now that i think about it, I may have missed the office. She was probably guarding her face with her elbows up and out.

Banana Boat said...


TXLurker said...

@Banana Boat:

It would be really difficult to make any conclusions about possible bullet trajectories without more info. There are several different types of 9mm bullets that behave differently upon impacts and within the body. For example, hollow point bullets expand upon impact to create a larger wound but that also slows them down. Additionally, when bullets stroke solid objects (like bone), their course is affected. So many factors at play, and they certainly haven't been very forthcoming with info.

Banana Boat said...

Kate, I hadn't thought about it in the context of the 8 day crime spree. You bring up a good point there. I'm not sure that they knew it would end with Amanda. It's possible that at the time they released the photo to the public, they already knew who they were looking for, and perhaps had already talked to him or others (different from arrest). It's very possible that there was a severe lapse in judgment regarding the pic's release or the general investigation of the crime spree. I think what I am trying to say is that I have a reason to assume that they were operating under standard procedure (providing limited public info, lying) until there is evidence that they were not. You could very well be right, though. It certainly would not be the first time LE mistepped. For amanda's sake, I'm hoping this isn't one of those times.

Banana Boat said...

thx TXLurker. That's helpful to know.

TXLurker said...

Have y'all seen this??? The polls and the comments are super interesting. I submitted MY vote! lol

Anonymous said...

"Or being smothered"

Like Jail Baird's wife?

sirensong said...

Sooo, does all this mean JW is just going to testify against LT, blame only him, like the CI did? I just realized that CD only called people that were not able to get there until after Amanda was seen at the hospital. There had to be someone close by to call, if nothing else,n to help with Weston. All of your excellent posts are making me think the plan was very elaborate . LT ' S rape earlier that sounds exactly what he may have done to Amanda, CD waiting to leave his house, then waiting to go back in - it all had to be timed just so,and CD couldn't "be aware" of anyone in the neighborhood, or walk in before everyone was out of the area. Or maybe even have to wait till the Sebring was dropped off before "walking into his worst nightmare". I hate that wording, and he says it every time. Also, the police were ready to have some good PR, what with Pence at the funeral and all, quickly finding the thugs involved and leaving it at that. I'm still dumbfounded they let JW plra, after all their original rhetoric. My opinion only

sirensong said...

Wow, you guys are leaving me in the dust, so many posts before I can even get my thoughts together! Lol, I'm loving it - you all are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Friends were aware of Amanda's pregnancy already on 9/26/15.

"I recall friends coming and congratulating her on her pregnancy."

Trudy said...

Diano and Jalen wanted Larry to be a patsy, yet:

A) Jalen was on security cam at Chase Bank in the Sebring - connecting him to the Searsbrook burglary
B) Jalens DNA was on the pink sweater - connecting him to the Becker burglary
C) Jalen, wearing the pink sweater around his face, is on surveillance using Amanda's bank card connecting him to the Blackburn robbery and murder. X 2

If that was how they planned to make Larry a fall guy, DG and JW totally failed in their, frankly, bizarre, frame up. Especially JW, driving back to the crime scene to pick up the guy he's trying to frame. He must be the worlds worst framer.

The idea that LT is a "fall guy" makes very little sense, IMO. considering that JW is the one who got caught with evidence connecting him to Amanda's murder.

Add to that:

D) according to Davey, LE is satisfied that Jalen's involvement (despite AB and C - which could well be enough to secure a conviction for felony murder) is to a much lesser extent than LT and DG, hence the generous plea deal, for his testimony against DG and LT.

If you're suggesting that JW threw Larry under the bus when he got caught and charged with murder, I could believe that. But I cannot see that DG and JW were attempting to frame LT on the 10th Nov.

PS: Banana Boat, a few days ago you said the defense will easily impeach Jalen. I tend to agree, since plea deal witnesses testimony is only one pay grade hire than a prison snitch's, with everything to gain and nothing to lose. Having said that, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other because the prosecution will advise the jury that if lies under oath, in court, he will be subject to perjury charges and lose any and all benefits associated with the plea deal.

Taking murder and manslaughter off the table in exchange for his testimony is a huge deal, considering the evidence they have on Jalen.

Trudy said...

Hire =Higher,

Trudy said...

Thank you Mom2many @11: 45.

flightfulbird said...

Davey repeatedly says that Amanda "was thirteen weeks along with our second" when he walked in to discover her on November 10th.

So this Facebook friend says that "friends" (plural) knew and were congratulating Amanda on September 26, 2015 already. That was a Saturday - six weeks before November 8th when Davey gave the notorious/famous Worship is a Weapon speech -
worrying about things. . . the fragility of a new church. . . finances. . . that phone call. . . kids . . .shooting his worries away and then two days later Amanda was for all intents and purposes, gone forever.

That snake Davey included the tidbit that he was worried about his kids (plural) as a sneaky way of sharing that Amanda was expecting without actually, you know, including his WIFE in the announcement. The way he spoke it / shared it was a way of reinforcing his studly manly self - look, your pastor's smoking what he's selling, he's practicing what he's preaching, Iookee lookee what I did to Amanda, yo !

To get to the point - Amanda would have been roughly only seven weeks along when all of the friends knew and were congratulating - don't people usually wait longer to tell, until after the first trimester or whatever, when things are more stable - my words would be to avoid "hexing the situation" or whatever. We have no personal experience with this, just from friends and family.

So all these friends knew and were congratulating Amanda at the end of September - yet the Resonate "flock" seemed like they didn't know when Davey so left handedly shared the news on November 8th. And I wonder when the family found out, because it doesn't sound like all of them knew when they were getting those phone calls that she was expecting.

And I wonder what date it was when Amanda could no longer keep the secret and had to "break the news" to Davey about the new baby - and then deal with his worry about the impact on their church, his finances, how tired Amanda would be and how much it would affect HIM.

Anonymous said...


JW was a lower-level member of the Kilt gang. He wasn't running the show, he was following orders. The hit came from above, as did the attempt to pin it on Larry.

Banana Boat said...

Trudy, I agree with your analysis of it being a bad frame attempt of LT by JW and DG if it was planned in advance. Is it possible that the setup was not initially by JW and DG against LT, but by higher up gang members against any or all three? Maybe the higher ups were willing to set up any of them, and in turn, JW and DG, afraid to rat out superiors/ogs/gang leaders, then put it on LT in the aftermath? I'm not tied to any particular theory.

About JW's plea deal: It's not unreasonable to consider that murder/manslaughter were taken off the table in exchange for JW's testimony, although not common in these circumstances. We can't say for certain, though, if that is what happened without knowing more about the evidence. Of the three pieces you list tying JW to becker, blackburn, and searsbrook crimes, the only one relevant to the murder charge is him using AB's card at chase. The chase footage alone does not prove he was inside AB's home or that he murdered her. It is only proof that he was in receipt of stolen property. Something like DNA under AB's fingernails would help make the case against murder. (I cant keep track of all the evidence off the top of my head - does anyone know if physical evidence of that sort against JW has been made public?) Without it, we don't know how generous the plea deal offered was.

Re: impeaching JW as a witness, i can't locate it at the moment, but I'm fairly sure that my original post was in response to another poster saying that JW is a critical part of the case, and that if he were to be killed, amanda's killer(s) wouldn't receive justice. He is an impeachable witness based on prior bad acts and bias (potentially more). That does not mean he won't believed or shouldn't be believed at trial. It just minimizes his importance to the prosecution's case, because they may not even want to call him to testify. Sometimes witnesses like JW cause more harm than good to the prosecution. If he comes across as cold or suspicious, it could create reasonable doubt for the defendant.

One last thing- most of us assume that JW is testifying as part of his plea deal. That is a reasonable line of thought. But not all plea deals require a defendant to testify against someone else. To testify is to be a witness in court and be subject to cross-examination. Your name is public and if you will be in prison for other crimes, you might not want to risk that. Sometimes 1. LE offers a plea deal for information only. If you give them credible info that can give them "probable cause" for a warrant they might not otherwise get, you don't necessarily need to testify in open court (and thus, they only use your info for the warrant, not to be admissable as evidence at trial.) 2. Prosecution offers plea deal simply to reduce active case load, costs, trial prep, etc. They may not offer much of a "deal" in terms of charge reduction, but can request leniency and suggest lighter sentence, or get defendant placed in a treatment facility or more convenient prison. There are so many factors.

He could absolutely testify, but then again, maybe not.

Banana Boat said...

anon @5:19, wow it must have taken me 30 mins to write my message b/c i didnt see your post first haha. that's what i was thinking, too.

Anonymous said...

"I love you Amanda Grace. Thank you for being an amazing role model always."

Kate said...

"I'm having trouble even figuring out how to introduce this guy, um to have you understand th-the scope of their relationship. Um, this is Davey's best friend, uh best friend since college, I hate even using that word because it doesn't do justice to the relationship that they have. This is a guy who um, man he goes to war for Davey and he goes to war with Davey, that's the kind of friend he is and uh, they've been doing that together for the past few years."

"I know the person Amanda Blackburn was," Kenneth Wagner told the congregation in the video of the Nov. 15 service. "I guarantee this, she would be willing to lay down her life so that you could spend eternity in the kingdom of heaven."

I wonder how much Kenneth Wagner knew and if Amanda was as in love with him as Davey was.

TXLurker said...

I find it utterly bizarre that KW tweeted about their phone call. He'd never done that before as far as I know, and come on, what grown ass man tweets about his bromance phone call?

Trudy said...

Such an interesting discussion.

I agree someone in the Kilt gang was paid very well. ( That's one reason I doubt crazy d was the shooter. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?)

I agree that the hit was organized by someone higher up.
Hello Jay.

It disagree that LT was "set up" by JW. But agree that maybe LT and JW were used by Diano Gordon as a sort of layer of protection between him and LE.

Banana, one of Jordan Fischers articles says Watson will testify in exchange for plea deal,

But I take your point that Watson may cooperate with LE, without testifying in court. One question, if LE relies on evidence from JW in their prosecution of DG and LT, doesn't DG and LT have a right to test that evidence by cross examining JW in court? It was my understanding the defense could subpoena JW, even if the prosecution don't call him.

Trudy said...

The plea deal means Jalen Watson will be doing at least 15-20, doesn't it? Under the terms of the agreement he can't appeal his sentence, so the deal is not all that great, I guess.

Anonymous said...

JW made his plea deal in October. It was not brought to the prosecution's attention until late Dec, early Jan that the cell phone pings did not match the story and that Davey received a large life insurance policy (according to the blind item, these are why LE was taking a closer look at the case). Whatever JW said in the courtroom in front of Davey and the Byars (when he was side-eyeing Davey the whole time) may not be what he will testify to now that the prosecutor has a different timeline they have to work with.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Trudy said...

The plea deal means Jalen Watson will be doing at least 15-20


Where did you get that info? Prosecutors offered both JW and DG this but they turned it down. I would think JW got a better deal?

Anonymous said...

@ The Church Mouse at 5:31 a.m.

Can you elaborate on your post? Are you David Drury? Are you quoting him? Not sure of the context of your post.

Kate said...

Yes TXLurker, over the top for sure. If you hit the second link and scroll down about midway, you'll see a video - if you click on it you will see some of these people talking about their experience with Amanda, especially the third woman, completely raw and real. I had not seen these people before and wondered why? And then it dawned on me - it was all about Amanda, not Davey.

Anonymous said...

Motion for Continuance Filed
File Stamp:

Trudy said...

Yes, maybe Anon @ 6:54. Jalens deal includes pleading guilty to a level 1 felony, doesn't it? The sentence will be commensurate with Indiana Code sentencing, I would think.

Kate said...

I think I'm starting to hear things. At about the 13:00 mark, does KW state he was told it happened "last night" and he said impossible because he spoke to Davey the morning of?

This was already discussed before, no? Apologies if I'm repeating.

Trudy said...

@6:53, if Jalen changes his story now, the plea deal is gone and Murder Felony 1 is back. Jalen's DNA on the sweater, and the security footage of him, with the sweater covering his face, using Amanda' bank card x 2, will be a slam dunk for the prosecution, IMO, not even taking into account any other evidence LE might have.

Anonymous said...

As BB pointed out, that just means he received stolen goods. He wasn't even on Amanda's street when LE alleges the murder took place.

Anonymous said...

ANON at 7:03 PM, wonder why he filed that motion for continuance today? He has plenty of time to file for a continuance. He only needs to file at least 5 days before trial. Maybe Banana Boat can give his/her opinion?

Trudy said...

Kate, you're not hearing things. Someone with misinformation told KW that it "happened last night" without being aware that KW had spoken to Davey on the morning of the 10th Nov.

As far as I am aware, it makes no difference to a murder felony 1 charge for Jalen. The scope is pretty wide. Using the chase bank card is considered part and parcel of Amanda's robbery and murder, regardless of where Jalen got the card, as I understand it.

flightfulbird said...

I think I'm starting to hear things. At about the 13:00 mark, does KW state he was told it happened "last night" and he said impossible because he spoke to Davey the morning of?

This was already discussed before, no? Apologies if I'm repeating.

Kate, yes yes - Kenneth Wagner says he was told that it happened “last night”. But I am not sure it was misinformation on the part of the caller - it could have happened last night (Monday) and someone wasn't supposed to have given that version. More than one person was into and was repeating the "it happened last night" scenario (Wesleyans?)

I think the whole thing or at least part of it is transcribed on Bobcat's blog with analysis as well but I couldn't find it so I transcribed this short portion from the video. Here it is starting at 12:25 into the video through 13:32.

Tuesday. . . I was sitting at lunch. . . and I received a call . . . that rocked my world forever.

Davey had - walked in and found his wife - in the condition that she was in.

And what you need to know about this con - this, this, what I'm, this story that I'm tellin you is that me and Davey would speak every Tuesday morning from 7 to 8.

And he had gotten off the phone with me, finished our conversation, and walked in and found, Amanda.

I got a phone call, it explained what had happened to Amanda, it- they said it happened last night and I said “it's impossible. Because I talked to Davey this morning. It's impossible".

I began to hope and pray that it was impossible, that it wasn't reality.
The texts began to flood and the calls began to flood and I realized that it was, it’s true.

Kenneth starts to choose the word “conversation” to describe his little chat with Davey the gym rat - “what you need to know about this conversation (he says “con” but doesn’t finish it) and then starts to stammer before eventually choosing the words “this story that I’m telling you”.

After that, he really doesn't stammer and stutter anywhere else (skimming video, I didn't watch it in its entirety) and certainly not during the rest of "the story that he’s telling us". But he sure did get hung up on that one choice of words, it’s so obvious.

Subconsciously, did Kenneth Wagner KNOW he was telling a story (or that he was going to be part of a story) so in his mind, choosing words in less than a miilisecond, he had to say it was a story and not a conversation?

I find it interesting too that he says he received a call that ROCKED (not would rock) my world forever - because forever hadn't happened yet so he can't say at that point that it rocked his world forever . . . not yet anyway. It might rock his world forever, maybe it would rock his world forever - but it can't have rocked it forever yet. When this was recorded, it had only been five days since Davey finished up the phone call and walked in and found Amanda. And he gestures with his hands for emphasis a lot. I bet he is wondering “how did we get here” - another choice of words for wondering how did I end up in this web ?

Peter's analysis of Kenneth Wagner's phone call with 592 comments behind it -

flightfulbird said...

What Kenneth Wagner says we need to know about this con- err, story - is that he and Davey would speak every Tuesday from 7 to 8.

I wonder what reason Davey gave, if any, that Tuesday - for not calling at 7am, having to "finish up his workout and jump on the phone with him" around 7:10am while he was driving home from the gym instead of honoring his standing phone call with his best friend / alibi.

I wonder what reason Davey gave for not hanging up at 8, but languishing in the car in winter in wet training clothes. It looks like he was cruising out there waiting for Alison Becker to arrive home.

I wonder if cell phone records show a connection with Kenneth and Davey's cell phones until 8:20 or if Kenneth and Davey finished their call at 8am as planned and then Davey stayed in the car twenty more minutes, intently watching for Alison Becker to get home and find out that someone had been in her house ?

It has been said before that Kenneth never tweeted about those phone calls before - what a coincidence that it happened on that certain Tuesday - in fact, he didn't have much of a tweet relationship with Davey at all from what others have posted.

I wonder what time Davey was seen on surveillance actually entering his house, if he was ? The 911 call was at 8:22am, as soon as he could.

Kate said...

Thanks Trudy & Flightful, I went back and found it in my notes, should have looked before posting but there is soo much with this case, guess I just forgot.

Anonymous said...

Wow. First Victoria and Chris, supposedly one of the first LE responders to Amanda's murder, show up at Weston's school, and then the crime fighting owl, Owlette, shows up. Look out, Davey. Owlette is onto you

Anonymous said...

Where is he talking about Owlette?

TXLurker said...

I stole this directly from a datalounge gave me the chills.

It's from his blog entry on Ezekiel in July 2008, three weeks before his wedding.

"God killed Ezekiel’s wife so that he could feel the pain that Israel was about to endure! I mean, what the heck! God allowed him to literally feel the weight of what He was going to do to the Israelite people.

I want THAT kind of relationship with Jesus, but it scares me to death to think about taking up THIS cross every day in order to be THAT kind of follower of Him."

Three weeks after Amanda was murdered, he hijacked his father-in-law's church and told the same sermon on the death of Ezekiel's wife

Anonymous said...

Here is a Kenneth Wagner transcription.

The Church Mouse said...

Anon @ 6:55

I found the posting by Drury timely and applicable.

Especially the phrases "guilty by association", "wayward child", and "I told you so". It's almost like he's writing an essay just for the Blackburn family. He knew the sh!tstorm would come one day, which is why he put the disclaimer on his facebook post that "it happened last night".

It's a rather nice essay.

The Church Mouse said...

I am not David Drury.

Banana Boat said...

Trudy, thank you for that article re: JW's plea deal. I hadn't seen that prior to my post. It makes even more sense now understanding why JW's testimony is being so widely assumed. It seems it is still not finalized, pending sentencing. Status conference 4/28.

Also trudy, you are right that DG and LT's defense generally have a right to cross-examine evidence used against them. Normally, this means they can "confront their accuser". But certain kinds of statements can be used at trial without needing the person who made the statement to testify. It's one of the many confusing rules of "hearsay" doctrine that I briefly touched on the other night. Under Indiana law, the out of court statement of a co-conspirator (here, JW) can be used against a defendant (DG/LT) under certain conditions. One of those conditions requires that the statements or evidence of acts provided by the co-conspirator (JW) must have been made during the course of and in furtherance of the conspiracy (something in preparation for doing the burglary, robbery with DG/LT). Conspiracy itself need not be a separate charge (and to our knowledge, it not a charge here.) The proof that a conspiracy existed "need not be strong", according to Indiana law. Generally statements made once the co-conspirator is apprehended aren't included in this protection (so if JW has info to share post-arrest, he might have to testify in order to get it admitted.) Defense can subpoena JW, but if plea deal not finalized, idk if he will be compelled to answer (he will have to show up either way). Really it comes down to how badly prosecution wants him to be questioned and whether they granted him immunity, and what the terms of agreement require. I know they've publicly stated that he is testifying, but I'm a tad suspicious (not that you should be. i'm just an experienced skeptic). Here, im curious why they publicly released that JW will testify on the same day before they even knew it was accepted. One reason could be that once plea accepted , it showed the dropped murder charges and the public was upset about it so they wanted to reassure us "no, he's really working to get the other guys with us..". Unless the reason they dropped the murder charges is because they they know he did not commit the murder, and they don't want to say that. Do you know who might be tipped off by those missing charges? The real killer(s), or the person who orchestrated the hit. Plea filed 10/27, CD probably told somewhere close to that time. When did he announce his engagement? 11/14, roughly 2.5 weeks later. It could just be a coincidence. Please take this theory with a grain of salt, as I am more conspiratorially minded than average.

Banana Boat said...

p.s. in one of his IG posts, CD also mentioned the wedding planner did an incredible job with "only 4 weeks". they got married mid december. so seems like he made a rash decision. i wonder if he got spooked. while i mentioned before that spousal privileges are very limited in IN, he may not know that. he also may want kristi to have parental rights to weston and the house if he goes away. again, this is just crazy BB talking. im half asleep too so dont trust me.

someone asked me a question about something and ill answer it in the am!

Anonymous said...

DB is so animated in his sermons, almost like an actor. Yet, no emotion for AB's death. Couldn't he have at least tried to fake it more?

Banana Boat said...

anon @11:12, truer words have never been spoken.

Banana Boat said...

according to CD he proposed nov 8. even closer to 10/27 plea deal. i digress lol

Anonymous said...

Davey's first week back to preaching after AB passed, he already has a drastically different look going on, the look that he has now. Odd.

Midwest Mama said...

Blood trail following me, I raise my hand to give a high five and I realize I didn't have a hand anymore, it was a knob of blood and it was that moment that I freaked out. ....

When you saw the blood, when you saw how bad it was, when you saw the extent to which the injury was inflicted. When you see the blood, it makes you absolutely loose your dang mind, which it did me. I held up my hand up and I go (14 year old girl scream). And then I about passed out, because I get squeamish when it comes to blood. And listen, I need you to hear this, in that moment there was that sense of urgency among everybody because all of my teammates in the dug out, they were looking at me going, "Oh my gosh, he's not okay. He's not okay. We've got to do something." The unathletic pitcher, he's a little bit socially awkward as well, he begins freaking out, running circles around the infield, trying to figure out how we can me to the emergency room as fast as possible. There was urgency involved in this incident because of the blood.

Blood Week 2, DB's first week back.... describing a baseball injury with his hand and cleats. Then goes on to describe his injury.

flightfulbird said...

re Davey's drastically different look - I think Davey looked WAY better in the video where Amanda was calling Mel and Davey couldn't hold Mel back.


Where is he talking about Owlette?

Here on Instagram - - -

Weston and Natalia went to a friend's birthday party - he wrote that it is a "classmate", which could be, or is, a humblebrag to say that both kids go to the same insanely expensive The Orchard school or whatever it's called.

I didn't realize Owlette was a crime-fighting owl - that's so cool. As was IMPD Sergeant Chris and his wife Victoria showing up at school and freaking Davey out.

Thanks for the Kenneth Wagner link Bobcat - that little less than two-minute bit that I did this afternoon reminded me of how long it takes you and lynda and CJ and Hey Jude/Juliet (and anyone I forgot to include) to do the extreme blocks of entire appearances like you've done. Amazing, all of you.

Midwest Mama said...

At the 10:50 mark it starts, regarding my above post.

flightfulbird said...

Davey just HAD to name the series that he started right after Amanda was killed - Blood Week One, and so on.

Majorly creepy. Out of respect for Amanda and what happened, he could've renamed it even if it meant redoing the bumpers - video previews.

You'd think HE wouldn't want a reminder of how he found Amanda face down lying in blood. Then again, he sure didn't mind saying that over and over and over, either.

Anonymous said...

I found the wedding registry for Andres Monroy and Rachel Thacker.

Anonymous said...

Blood Week 4: IT WAS A SETUP (caps are my emphasis)


Anonymous said...

Oh wait, not the right Andres. Didn't think it was a common name, but guess so.

Anonymous said...

I think DB bought McMansion to compete with Andres Monroy.

Anonymous said...

in "blood week 4: it was a setup", a little after 3 min mark, he tells a joke (to illustrate "setups") that goes :

if 7/11s are open 24 hours a day year round, why do they have locks on their doors?


seriously what the f is WRONG WITH HIM? he making me feel violent i cant listen to his garbage

Kate said...

I know, he makes it so difficult to listen. The constant need to tell the audience to participate is embarrassing. In one of his sermons he's talking to the Lord stating he is grateful for certain things, one being able to actually buy Christmas presents that season for his family, his house, his cars that actually run sometimes. Was he that broke? I know they were given a car before Amanda died, wondering what their financial records looked like and how bottomed out he was when Amanda died. How desperate of a financial situation did he find himself in?

On another note;
"He later asked her out on a date, on March 31, to see a ballet. But it did not end up panning out as planned. 'We had received some wise counsel that it would be a good idea to stay under the table with this developing relationship until after Amanda's trial (which was set for May at this point)."

In mid-May, they then became public. In August, they met each other's parents. Four months later, they are now married.

One minute, we have "wise counsel" telling him to keep it under the table, which he followed, next thing you know he's on the horn with Terry Curry who tells him essentially to go for it. What changed within 1 to 2 months? Who was the original "wise counsel"? and why would they originally tell him to keep it under the table if it was so freaking innocent and would have absolutely no impact on the trial to begin with? I realize he saw the trial being delayed & he didn't want to wait, but it was a mistake to rush the marriage in the long run as it may help LTs defense to show Davey was not a grieving man.

Anonymous said...

"My heart has been heavy sense Tuesday night. My dear client Amanda Blackburn was attacked and latter passed away yesterday morning. I feel so blessed to have spent the time I did with her... Every time she sat in my chair her happiness and love just exploded out of her.

The day she brought me these flowers was a stressful one. I had just moved into my new salon and was so very anxious. She gave me a huge hug and said how proud and excited she was for me. She was a beautiful sunflower.

My heart and prayers go out to her loved ones."

Owlette said...


Amanda's Cousin: "To the killer of Amanda Grace, We will find you and justice will be served for my sweet sweet cousin! God is watching you and his hands are guiding the authorities."

Amanda's Sister: sleeping, phone, shower, vacuuming, grandma, Davey ...
"And oh the joy on her face on November 11 at 7:55 am when she was able to walk into the arms of Jesus, holding her precious little Evie Grace in her arms. This was the MOST AMAZING day of her life. ... I could hear her sweet voice saying "Aaaaaaamber! My sister! Please don't cry. It's going to be ok. I know you're sad, but I'm in the presence of my Savior. The one place in this entire world I feel most safe. Most loved. Most fulfilled. Most perfected. My Jesus is here with me and Evie. He's squeezing our hands. He loves me Amber more than anyone else on the earth combined. I know it's hard, but I'm in the very place I've always desired to be. I'm home. My true home."

Bingo said...

Oh yeah, Davey has been toying with everyone since day one. As peeps pray for him and his family, encourage him, send in hundred of thousands of donation money, Davey behaves horribly. He is very calculated. He loads up and shares the Worship is a Weapon sermon. His worries have been shot away. Then the Blood series and It was a Set Up is calculated. The unlocked door joke is calculated. The "I have a guy" is calculated. His concern over his bloody hand and his no concern over his wife's torture is just good old fashioned sociopathic narcissism.

Bingo said...

He goes on to humblebrag his new house, giant bookshelf, new car, golf outings, constant plane pictures, excessive vacations, exclusive private school for Weston, etc as though he had anything to do with it. As though, he is a celebrity and this is how the rich and famous live as deserved. Although, his actual working situation has not changed at all, church attendance is lower it appears than before Amanda died. Yet, before she died, their saving accounts were depleted, they couldn't afford to fix their cars and Amanda was happily shopping garage sales. Amanda didn't seem to mind and got busy making beautiful furniture pieces that seemed to sell quickly. She would have probably been very successful as she continued. I am a former designer and I would have paid good money to have someone like her refinish client's furniture pieces. So, the only thing that changed for Davey and his new LAVISH lifestyle is his beautiful wife getting beaten and riddled with bullets. He doesn't seem to be aware that he had NOTHING to do with his success. He continues to brag and share his new lifestyle.

TXLurker said...

I still wouldn't call him successful. As soon as the donation money finally dries up, Davey will find himself in a world of financial pain bc now he has to afford to keep up with this lifestyle. Wonder if he's gotten an expensive life insurance policy on Kristi yet since that's apparently the thing to do according to Dave Ramsey.

Bingo said...

The Dave Ramsey excuse Davey keeps giving is just ridiculous. He knows that DR is very popular in the church circles and DR is the reason he got a big insurance policy on Amanda. Dave told him to! However, Dave Ramsey would never have been on board with Davey emptying all of his savings to promote another church launch. His teachings would have instructed Davey a long time ago to get off his arse and get a real job until the church grows enough to support his family. Davey wanted to keep working out for hours and hanging out at Starbuck's, maybe even at Kristi's apartment instead.

Another fun fact about Dave Ramsey. Davey was bragging and promoting Dave Ramsey and his choice to get life insurance on spouse, etc. Davey bragged at one of his church services about how Dave Ramsey invited him to speak at his corporate headquarters and was going to write the promotion for his book, etc. Davey speaks at the corporate headquarters event, makes fun of Dave Ramsey's baldness and all of the sudden no promotion of the book. Levi Lusko was the only one who wrote a promotion in the NIW book. Davey never mentioned it again. Also, Amy Smith tweeted that someone from Dave Ramsey headquarters had been researching her not so friendly blogs about Davey's disturbing behavior. If I am remembering correctly, it may have been more than one person and multiple searches ON the same day Davey was there speaking. It seems Dave Ramsey is no longer on board with Davey and most likely regrets having him to his office.

Bingo said...

And TX Lurker, I don't call him successful. he does! Ha! He is not successful at all, just some blood money flowing in and him bragging about it almost daily.

Banana Boat said...

kate, i agree that CD rushing the marriage may have been a mistake, b/c it certainly doesn't make him look better to most people. But if he had already been dating Kristi and LT's defense had proof of it, it could've been good to go ahead and get married. We know CD is a control freak and introducing Kristi on his own blog and in his own sermons lets him control the narrative and dictate the timeline. Now that he's locked himself into a story though, if he fudged the timeline in any significant way, his introducing it on his own terms could backfire. But CD has taken the wind out of the sails if LT's defense wanted to shock the jury with the news he has been dating someone "secretly", which wouldve made it look more sinful by nature. The marriage makes it look like they are serious people in a God-based relationship, rather than attractive single parents chasing each other around for tail. (lol forgive the expression).

I would bet the "wise counsel" was either PN, b/c he knows CD is murderous and wants to protect him, or Phil Byars, who is naive and interested in justice for AB's killers (he just doesnt realize CD is the biggest one). these trials cannot get here fast enough. it would be so fun if any of you all came to indy for it and we had a group rendezvous! a girl can dream

TXLurker said...

I know it wasn't you thinking he's successful, Bingo, but you're absolutely right! DAVEY thinks he's hugely successful. oy vey.

TXLurker said...

Banana Boat: I am super tempted to come to Indy for some portion of the trial. Would we be able to actually be in the courtroom and observe? I have no idea how this stuff works, but I'm considering it.

Banana Boat said...

ANON at 7:03 PM asked me this yesterday: wonder why he filed that motion for continuance today? He has plenty of time to file for a continuance. He only needs to file at least 5 days before trial. Maybe Banana Boat can give his/her opinion?

hi anon. There are several reasons why a defendant files for a continuance. The most common at this stage is that he needs more time to prepare for trial. The most obvious reason for that could be his recent decision to go pro se, which only gives him one hour a day in the law library. He has a constitutional right to put on an adequate defense, meaning he has to be given a fair amount of time to prepare. In his motion for continuance, he will have to explain to the judge exactly why he needs more time. (while going pro se does generally slow down trial date, indiana law says you cannot go pro se solely to delay trial). It probably has to do with the fact he needs more time to review the manuscript, or he has found new witnesses or other discovery that he needs to time to investigate prior to trial. The defense does not need to file all of their discovery with the court (in the docket we see), so LT could have more that we do not know and cannot see.

Regarding why he'd file now and not closer to trial- actually, the earlier you request a continuance, the better. Making a motion to ask for a continuance is only a request, one that can be denied by the judge if you dont provide a good enough excuse for the delay. If you file too close to trial, once the prosecution has already used all their resources to print exhibits, write opening and closing statements, track down witnesses, produce evidence, make copies, hold a mock trial, etc., the judge will be pissed. (and so will the prosecution). If there is a REALLY good reason in those circumstances, it can still get granted, but it would have to be really compelling. So the earlier the better. These types of motions are incredibly common in murder trials, particularly by defendants. (much harder for prosecutor's to have their continuances granted)

Banana Boat said...

TXLurker: once the official jury trial begins, it will be open to the public. you should be able to walk right in, so long as you are there before session begins, or during a break. It's at the judge's discretion whether to allow people in and out and random times. media does seem to have a big interest in this case, so I dont know how packed the court room will be. it's a first come, first served type of deal. there may be rows sectioned off for AB's family, and another for the media. not sure how hawkins runs his shows.

Bingo said...

I am curious DW, if someone is investigating how long Kristi and Davey have been together. Are you involved with the investigative reporter? That would be a good thing to look into and even more motive into his involvement. That long, rambling blog explaining how they met and started dating is trying way too hard to convince! Just like the constant gym story. Why work so hard to convince if you have nothing to hide?

Kate said...

BananaBoat said..." these trials cannot get here fast enough. it would be so fun if any of you all came to indy for it and we had a group rendezvous! a girl can dream"

First, thanks for all the factual info, very thankful you are here! Second, I will be there with bells on and will be updating daily on my channel. I did get some sound advice though, switch up the hotels you stay at and always remain around people, keep a low pro. Maybe a bit dramatic, but one can't be too careful. I think it'd be awesome if we all could meet up, it's so nice to prove normalcy when all we've been able to do is type out our thoughts/theories - we all have lives, despite Davey's protests of dwelling in the basement, lol.

On another note, I read this last night and was disgusted, "As Amanda’s brother-in-law Gavin added, “It’s not just about Amanda; it’s about Jesus. This would be a great opportunity to be a part of something like this.”


At Amanda’s funeral at Traders Point Christian Church in Indianapolis last November, the director of the funeral told Robin that The Park is their church’s greatest outreach tool. As a large church (with three locations in the Indianapolis region), they’re always looking for ways in which to make community connections. For them, they accomplish this with The Park.

Brother in law wants to make sure everyone knows it's about Jesus, not just Amanda. And wth is Robin doing talking shop the day of her daughter's funeral?

This bears no impact on the evidence, trial, Davey, etc. Just amazed that Amanda was swept under the rug like she was. Disturbing.

mom2many said...

I'm bringing this over from Bobcat's transcript of the Radio program with Liz and another family friend, Mike.

Mike: "Um, just, these people, um as they’ve been progressing through their, through their development spiritually. Um, they are just in the middle of persecution. They felt it at work, um, you know with masters being oppressive to their servants. They felt it culturally. Man, every front they felt this oppression, um, but they believed that the story wasn’t done, and I love the meta tones of scripture too, that, that just remind the followers of Jesus over and over and over again – this story is not finished."

I really hope that investigators explored this theme that keeps popping up of "masters being oppressive." Why does that keep coming up? What was going on between Newspring and Resonate? All of Newspring staff that had contact with Davey immediately after the murder should have been interviewed. But, I doubt they were, given Davey being "cleared."

TXLurker said...

Are most of you Indy locals?

flightfulbird said...

From another SA page (the Kenneth Wagner analysis) -

Kenneth Wagner tweeted again about phone calls with Davey on December 1, 2015 - why? Here is the tweet and a post about it by Carnival Barker below the asterisks -

Justice Seeker said...

Tweet posted today by KW,

Kenneth Wagner ‏@kennethwagner 25m25 minutes ago

I flippin' love conversations with @daveyblackburn!

It's awesome when your best friend is one of your greatest heroes.

Love you bro!


Well, it is a Tuesday, so I guess he's gotta keep the ruse up for a few more weeks at least.
What! could! they! have! talked! about! that's! so! EXCITING!?!?!? Usually when someone dies, particularly in a murder, the only thing you're asking is if they've gotten out of bed yet and have they remembered to eat and shower.

Bizzaro world indeed.
December 1, 2015 at 10:50 AM

TXLurker said...

Hey y'all, any interest in more casual chatroom style chat? I'm experimenting with Chatzy. Follow this link and come talk to me!

Sweet Amanda Cookies said...

I wonder if Indy would grant me a vendor permit to set up my Sweet Amanda cookie kiosk (like the Trader's Point merch table for celebration T-shirts) near the courthouse! I could use some help staging and handling sales. Will any locals be able to help?

My offerings will include Amanda's trademark double sugar chocolate chip, and MY trademark iced heart shaped roll-outs!

Any other requests? Angel food cupcakes? You know I can bake it all! See you in Indy!

Sweet Amanda Cookies said...

Oh, I forgot - all proceeds will support local battered women's shelters.

Back to baking! I'm rolling in roll-out dough today!

Mannequin said...

Morning Musings [Shout out to the website developer dedicated to ABs Case!]

One thing that I know for sure is that DB loves himself more than anything else. He possesses a grandiose Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He exaggerates his accomplishments. DB has no empathy. He didn't feel a tinge of remorse for Amanda and none for Weston knowing that sweet boy would never so much as hug his lovely mother again. DB was capable of belittling Amanda, even in public, because he feels more deserving, more important and more special than everyone else.

Traits of being the emperor causes chaos and confusion in a relationship. It creates the classic double bind message of "Come here. I love you." The next moment may be: "No. Go away. I can't stand the sight of you." His behavior may have caused Amanda to feel insignificant. Amanda may have begun feeling unworthy due to his incessant brutal verbal and emotional abuse. It takes 100 kind words or deeds to replace one abusive moment.

DBs personality was so overpowering and highly manipulative that Amanda must have felt afraid, concerned, confused and misunderstood. She lost herself while battling the war when living with DB. DBs bombastic behavior was crazy making behavior for sweet, vulnerable Amanda. If he knew he was hurting her, he did not care since he lacks empathy for others.

This type behavior is 365 days of the year. Remember DB wouldn't speak to Amanda for days over the dent on his Mistress Grill. That is an awfully unkind way to treat anyone and especially one's spouse. Again, it causes crazy making behavior and self-doubt. Apologies would not be accepted. She may have lost, or was fiercely attempting to cling to, her personal ambitions and interest in hobbies due to the attention and control he demanded. Nothing Amanda did was ever good enough for DB.

Perhaps DB is an incurable sex addict and gleefully participates with most any willing partner. He's reminiscent of Anthony Wiener who wept while explaining to the Judge that he's addicted to sex. It would be interesting to learn if wife number two checks his phone and computer for porn since we know he's learned how to bypass the filters.

DB held such a tight grasp on Amanda that she walked on egg shells when he was around. It is highly possible that she didn't even realize it because DB is a master at manipulation and obfuscation. Everyday matters become blown-out-of-proportion arguments and NPDs always have the last word, as well as, claim the other spouse was at fault for it all.

In reading the Probable Cause, Count V, DB reported the burglars stole between $750 and less than $50,000 worth of valuables. Could the $50,000 figure be the amount Dirty Davey filed on a homeowner's insurance claim?

Something is wrong with DB. I've learned in murder investigations that coincidences are clues. Without relisting the numerous clues, it is highly likely that DB set the entire events into action. Amanda's murder was not by happenstance. She was not at the wrong place at the wrong time. I have never personally met DB to have formed these opinions and develop these interpretations. I am a self-certified expert in NPD behavior because I was once married to a Malignant NPD for far too long.

Kate said...

Nailed it Mannequin.

Bingo said...

"because he feels more deserving, more important and more special than everyone else."

YEP! He said it at his FNL's church. God told him in the shower, he had to take Davey's bride away because a wife, two kids and a small congregation was not good enough for Davey. It was time for his destiny! Worldwide numbers and fame.

Sweet Amanda Cookies said...

I wonder if I sent a gift of cookies to the Serendipity manse, would they be enjoyed, or chucked because they weren't a gift card?

I hope that Weston, Natalia, and Meg would enjoy them very much! They are like a warm fuzzy hug!

Bingo said...

Ugh, I was on the chatroom a few mins ago and saw posts about DB's blog, I Loved Her First.

He actaully wrote this

"Why didn’t God protect Amanda that morning in November? Couldn’t he have sent a legion of angels to keep this harm from happening to her? Couldn’t he have orchestrated events differently that morning so none of this would have happened?"

He is asking why God didn't orchestrate things differently like implying God orchestrated it all?? He could've sent a legion of angels! He didn't protect her.
This cad of a man is so manipulative. He is messing with people's minds. He is basically saying. it was meant to be, don't you see? Sure, I left the door unlocked and paid for the hit but God could've prevented it so it was all meant to be! Ugh, he makes me so sick.

Anonymous said...

"Kenneth Wagner tweeted again about phone calls with Davey on December 1, 2015 - why?"

Because Peter published his "Kenneth Wagner Statement" analysis on 11/30/15.

Anonymous said...

Who is in bed together today?

Perry Noble's "Growth Company" and now Second Chance Church.
Ricky Ortiz and his NYC "Meta" Church
The 'swallows' (Nick, Mere, Stacy, Chris, Nikki) at Newspring/"Freedom".
Meg, Sauce, Ashley, Derek

Anonymous said...

There it is.

"He pastors a newspring plant in Indy. Used to work at main campus newspring in Anderson. We lead worship together in high school."

Now, is innocent Laura going to have been "misinformed"?

How many sheep are lined up to protect the story?

How many are willing to terrorize and kill?

I never imagined how much evil would be hiding in this Disney-esque "church".

Anonymous said...

Amanda Grace Blackburn was one of the most instrumental people in my walk with Christ. She saw potential in me I never saw in myself, but not only that she challenged me to step up into that potential in a way that forever changed my relationship with Christ.

TXLurker said...

Posting the chat link again in case anybody missed it. It's been so fun chatting with y'all! I'll be back in there this evening.

Bingo said...

I joined TX, but kept getting interrupted. Be bk soon! Thanks for setting it up!

Anonymous said...

The irony that excelling in the use of social media may also be your downfall.

Anonymous said...

anon above, can u explain? are u saying CD's downfall will be social media?

Anonymous said...

You can still donate here anytime!

flightfulbird said...

re moonclerk donation page - Davey has absolutely no shame. It's impossible to believe he is still asking for money, with his house and car and both kids going to The Orchard elite private school.

Maybe he thinks that if people see his lifestyle and are stupid and blind enough to keep giving to him anyway, he might as well rake it in.

Anonymous said...

Amanda was not only my youth pastor's wife, but a great friend. She was always willing to listen and encourage me in my walk with Christ. She was such an incredible example of someone loving like Jesus loves. I miss her a lot.

Bingo said...

And OF COURSE on the donation page it talks about all the great and wonderful things that are going to come from the brutal murder. UGH!

Trudy said...

Off Topic

Hey Bingo and all,

I thought you might find this interesting. I did.

Trudy said...

DW and anyone interested. Transcript of police interview and other stuff at link below.

Anonymous said...

7 Years of living with Davey, now a mother of a toddler, completely broke, pregnant again, and feeling "puny".

Emotional Abuse ... Battered Woman Syndrome

The woman refuses to admit--even to herself--that she has been beaten or that there is a "problem" in her marriage. She may call each incident an "accident". She offers excuses for her husband's violence and each time firmly believes it will never happen again.

Anonymous said...

The Church Mouse said...

Luke 11

24 “Whenever an unclean spirit goes out of a person, it wanders through dry places looking for a place to rest but doesn’t find any. So it says, ‘I will go back to my home that I left.’
25 When it gets back home, it finds it swept clean and put in order.
26 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all go in and settle there. And so the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”

TCM said...

I missed a few lines. It's a wandering story, but here's the point:

35 Therefore, be careful that the light in you isn’t darkness.
36 Now if your whole body is full of light, with no part of it in darkness, it will be as full of light as when a lamp gives you light with its rays.

Anonymous said...

"I have such a heavy heart today. My friend Amanda passed away this morning after she was shot yesterday when her home was invaded. She was 12 weeks pregnant and leaves behind her husband and one year-old. Please, please join me in praying for her family."

Anonymous said...

^^ Expected.

"For anyone who is feeling at a loss for what you can do to honor the life of Amanda Grace Blackburn...I can tell you what to do. SERVE. Amanda had a heart for giving, serving and for leading young women unlike any other! This is so evident by the number of young women who have posted in the last 24 hours about how they will never forget the influence that Amanda had on them as a Jesus loving role model. Hundreds of young ladies were impacted by her generosity. She generously gave her time week after week as she served at Greenville Fuse. It was her mission to love and support as many young ladies as possible, both students and volunteers -- and she did it beautifully with wisdom well beyond her years. I can't promise that being a Fuse volunteer is always fun and glamorous. There was more than one occasion that Amanda and I prayed and cried together out of brokenness for a student and there were certainly times that it seemed impossible to love students through their mistakes. I can however promise you that dedicating your time, your prayers and your love to serving students will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do with your life! If you'd like to learn more about Fuse, you can attend Fuse First Look TONIGHT (or any Wednesday night) at 5:45pm. Fuse First Look meets at the top of the KidSpring Escalator and I know my Fuse Family would love to see you there! [Also, if you have a great memory of your time with Amanda, please feel free to share in a comment. I think it's good for the heart to remember those times!]"

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

Wow! The Resonate "Promote-The-Church-Grow-The-Brand" apple didn't fall far from the NewSpring tree, did it. -Smh

The volunteers are expendable, as long as we keep bringing more people in to fund that lifestyle...because we all know how Jesus loved to golf, go on monthly vacays, go to all those sporting events, throw pool parties for his disciples, renovate his 3,472 sq. foot home, and let his disciples do all the actual work of the ministry while he pumped weight at Crossfit, got his spray tan on, and kicked back at Starbucks. - eye roll

Feeling sorry tonight for all the Resonate "Owners" who actually think Davey Blackburn cares about them, their lives, and their struggles. He needs their stories for promotional material, just like he appropriates Amanda's life story, because he has no story or actual relationship with God of his own. Wondering when, if ever, he's going to stand on his own two feet.

sirensong said...

So true!

TCM said...

So, who do we think has truth to tell?

1) Davey
2) Amber
3) Robin
4) Phil
5) James
6) Angela
7) Grandpa Jim
8) Whoever called Kenneth Wagner
9) David Drury
10) Kerry Kind
11) Mike Colaw
12) Mark Gorveatte
13) Howard Frist
14) Meg
15) Tessa
16) Jono
17) Gavin
18) Indy LE
19) Derek
20) Ashley
21) Leslie Beach
22) Suzanne Swift
23) Elizabeth Sullivan
24) Jackson Murphy

Trudy said...

Looks like things are hotting up for crazy Davey. LT was granted his motion to compel production of exculpatory evidence. Lots of threads are being pulled.

TCM said...

Forgot a few...

25) Dad Dave Blackburn
26) Mom Brenda Blackburn
27) Mamaw
28) Poppy

TCM said...

29) Kenneth Wagner
30) Wesleyan email chain recipients

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain people 22-24 on TCM post? They aren't familiar to me.

TCM said...

22) Newspring Spokesperson in 11/2015. In regular communication with the Barretts, Blackburns, Byars, and Wilkinsons.
23) Newspring Staffer in regular communication with Davey's parents, Robin, and #22.
24) Cousin of Davey. In communication with David Drury, Byars, Amber, Ashley...

TCM said...

I have a longer list, but some of them could be innocent bystanders who have been communicated with, not because they know things, but because they asked too many questions.

TCM said...


24) is a step-cousin. No blood relation, but another Wesleyan "prince".

TCM said...

31) Martha Blackburn

Anonymous said...


It might be easier if you identify the people you DON'T think are involved.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that many people are involved in covering for DB.

Anonymous said...

Not just covering DB, but church and family images.

Owlette said...

Holy Moly - There is a relative out there who wants justice!

Davey's Great Aunt (on his deceased Grandmother's side) had this to say in early days...

11/13/15 I want to push the button
11/19/15 This girl went down fighting for her baby! Rest in Peace precious Amanda. There will be justice.

Of course, she got the please-don't-say-anything-treatment from Amber and Brenda pdq.

Anonymous said...

Davey Instastories himself teaching Weston how to make a bed and to perfectly line up the sheets and covers. Oh my. Poor fella!

Anonymous said...

Is there a difference between a Motion to Compel production, and a Motion to produce?

It seems softer, as in, if you don't produce (not being compelled), you won't be in contempt?

Can someone explain?

Anonymous said...

Same thing, 12:11

Anonymous said...

Larry Taylor has been granted a motion to take deposition at public expense.

Bingo said...

Bobcat, what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Is there a link to the instastory?

sirensong said...

If you are wondering where everyone is, they went to chat room.

Trudy said...

Hey Siren,

I just dropped in to say the same thing. Hey Jude, Foolsfeedon? Others? Lively discussion.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trudy said...

What d'you think he'll ask, assuming he wants to depose Davey, Bobcat?

Would you consider coming over to chatzy?

Anonymous said...

Who is paying for the premium room?

Hey Jude said...

Trudy - Thanks, but no.

Bingo said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't know that. Do you think that is what he will do. WOW!

Anonymous said...

Shared by Davey's cousin (from Dad Dave Blackburn) 6:18 AM 11/11/15:

"From my Uncle Dave Blackburn: The Family of God is amazing! So many of you, literally from around the globe, have come together to pray for Amanda Grace Blackburn. Our families are overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayer and expressions of love. I will tell you that we have been leaning on those prayers heavily. Here is the latest: The doctors are prepping a test to check on brain activity and blood flow. One bullet is lodged in her head. There is great concern about the amount of damage caused by that bullet. This test will determine any next course of action. Davey Blackburn is being held powerfully by our Lord and is a remarkable tower of strength. As his dad, I'm I awe of God's strength flowing through him. That is because the Body of Christ is actively praying. Please keep praying. We are grateful for each one of you!"

Shared (and softened) by the Wesleyan Church:

"...The doctors are prepping a test to check on brain activity and blood flow. There is great concern about the amount of damage in the head injury. This test will determine any next course of action. Davey is being held powerfully by our Lord and is a remarkable tower of strength. ...

Anonymous said...

Posted by Davey's cousin at 4:57 PM on 11/11/15:

"From my Uncle Dave (Davey's Dad). We will never be able to repay the outpouring of love, prayer and encouragement the Blackburn and Byars families have been recipients of these past 48 hours. Our sweet Amanda Grace Byars Blackburn, along with her unborn Baby Blackburn, are now in the arms of Jesus. Although we are heartbroken and far from understanding why such a senseless act would take such an incredibly giving and loving young lady, we are at peace with God's plan to take her home. We know that He is not only the One who sees the "big picture," but He is the author and designer of that masterpiece. That doesn't remove the trauma and pain of this stretch of road on life's journey. However, it does remind us if we take each step -- large or small -- walking by faith, we will experience the fullness of His presence and grace for today. And it IS true: His grace has proven to be sufficient! Please continue to pray for Davey and Weston (15 mos.) as they lean on Jesus and adjust to life without Amanda.

Did someone help him draft this?
Why 48 hours? That takes him back to the same time on 11/9/15 - about when Amber and Amanda were supposedly jumping in leaves, getting starbucks, shopping, and having a family dinner.

36 hours would have been a better choice - at least if you really intended to pin it all on Larry Taylor (IMO).

Anonymous said...

Well, no, 36 hours is still too much as it goes back to when Davey was still supposedly home alone with Amanda. That whole sentence is a lot of extra information.

"Thank you for the prayers, love, and encouragement during this extremely difficult time."

48 hours

TCM said...

Aussie Dave now? Wow.

TCM said...

Have we 'discovered' the TPCC park video editor?

TCM said...

32) Sauce Burnside (Jamarius Razshun) aka MisterStudLife...

Anonymous said...

Bruce Faltynski, Mishawaka PD, very close to Byars family.

Hey Jude said...

What is the significance of those named?

TCM said...

Possibly, and very unfortunately...

33) Kevin Murray

34) John Layton

TCM said...

Where does Stephen Ramirez fit?

Silenced, or silencer?

TCM said...

Tom Pellerin...?

Dutchgirl said...

hi there from the Netherland! I have been following this case ever since I read about it on Peter Hyatts blog. I read everything I can find and specifically statement analysis, datalounge en the comments on this blog.
I have been meaning to interact but was actually busy enough just reading your comments and all your research.
DB is extremely obnoxious (and yet I keep reading and watching..), everything he does just doesn’t feel-sound-look right. Apart from that I believe he is very guilty. I can’t stand that I (we, police) haven’t figured out what exactly he is guilty of.
The one thing that is very clear to me is that he has no empathy whatsoever. And he really thinks he is smart and can fool people, I really don’t want him to get away with that.
I do feel hopefull though that that is about to change. I wish I could come to Indy and witness the trial.

The one thing that has always puzzeled me is the fact that DB didn’t call KW himself that morning. KW had to hear about AB via someone else around lunchtime and after that the phonecalls and texts came flooding in.
When KW is apparently THE best friend/warrior he is doing life with etc….

Dutchgirl said...

"The one thing that has always puzzeled me is the fact that DB didn’t call KW himself that morning"

With that I mean off course after the hourlong phonecall on the driveway....

Anonymous said...

Was the whole "she put up a fight" "she fought hard" part of the story a NTP to hide that Amanda was cowering while holding and protecting Weston?

TCM said...

Add to the list...Tyler Miller.

Bobcat said...

First version - she was protecting her baby.
Second version - baby asleep in crib while she fought hard.

Davey's version - "I know beyond a shadow of a doubt she did what she had to do that morning to protect you."

"I can’t stand that I (we, police) haven’t figured out what exactly he is guilty of."

I suspect Davey murdered Amanda, and (as she lay dying) a massive coverup/silencing operation ensued, using the well greased ATM of storytelling and thuggery that is/was Newspring "Church" under the leadership of Perry Noble and his soldiers, in cooperation with inadequate, greedy and corrupt LE in Indiana.

I suspect people have been coerced/terrorized into silence.

TCM said...

List...Christa Friend

Bingo said...

So, Davey is no longer allowed to be recorded? Peter, does this mean he has lawyered up? Any update on the talk you had with Arizona?

Rachelle Lara Was this recorded?

RETA (Reason Enough To Act) Unfortunately, due to the trial of the Balckburn's home invader, we were not allowed to record the event.

Ladela said...

ELKHART — “Dads, stay in.”

That was a central message in the talk delivered by Davey Blackburn, keynote speaker for RETA’s (Reason Enough to Act) annual banquet Thursday evening at the Northern Indiana Event Center.

Blackburn is founder and lead pastor of Resonate Church in Indianapolis. His former wife, Amanda Byler Blackburn — an Elkhart native — and their unborn child were killed in a home invasion on Nov. 11, 2015. Blackburn shared how he got through that devastating time — four years to the day they moved into their Indianapolis home.

He said both he and Amanda felt like God was preparing them for a season of pain, so when he walked in and found her lying in a pool of blood, he thought something had happened to the baby. Then he found out she had three bullet wounds — one to the back of the head — and it didn’t look good. He said their entire world was turned upside down.

Blackburn said he prayed for a miracle and with faith that providing that miracle would resonate with those in the hospital and bring many people to Jesus. But that wasn’t God’s plan. Instead, he said, their story is being shared all over the country.

“Sometimes you don’t appreciate life until you experience death,” he said.

Blackburn said he struggled to try to be mom to the couple’s toddler son and said he had an internal conversation with God who told him, “You don’t have to be a mom. Moms are good at telling children about God, but what you have to do is be a dad because only a dad can show a kid who God is.”

That caused a revelation that fatherhood is under attack in our society. “Because the enemy doesn’t want us to know God as Father,” he said.

Blackburn said we tend to project our feelings and thoughts about our earthly fathers onto our heavenly Father. He said most of the famous atheists are fatherless. He discovered that the men who broke into his home were in gangs and the one that is responsible for taking the life of his wife and child was abandoned by his parents.

Blackburn was led to research the detriment of a fatherless country — due to death, divorce or imprisonment. Some of the statistics he shared included: 63 percent of youth suicides, 90 percent of homeless or runaway teens, 70 percent of juveniles in state facilities, 80 percent of rapists, 71 percent of high school dropouts, 85 percent of youth in prisons and 71 percent of pregnant teens are from fatherless homes.

“That’s what I love about RETA," Blackburn said. "They take a holistic approach on this."

Blackburn said these statistics show “the institution of fatherhood is vital in our society. I believe God’s plan all along was family. The best form of evangelization is the family unit. Don’t neglect sharing Jesus with your kids.”

“And Dads — stay in.”

Blackburn also shared that he remarried in December and his wife was present, sitting with his former in-laws. He shared for the first time a little of her story. She was a single mom with a child born out of wedlock. She was ashamed to go to her doctor or to her parents. And she knew other Christian girls like herself who chose abortion to avoid that embarrassment.

“As a pastor, hearing that hurt me because it told me we’re creating a culture in church where sins have to be hidden,” Blackburn said.

He challenged attendees to be fathers for the fatherless and to support single moms and dads. The message Blackburn strives to spread — aside from the importance of fatherhood — is one of hope in the midst of tragedy.

“When we choose life, hope and forgiveness, he (God) will restore,” Blackburn said.

After the event, he was asked why he wanted to speak at this event. He replied, “I think it’s important subject matter. It’s always important to talk about life and hope, especially when there is so much death and war. Anything I can do to provide that message of hope and healing, I want to.”

Ladela said...

"Blackburn said he struggled to try to be mom to the couple’s toddler son and said he had an internal conversation with God who told him, “You don’t have to be a mom. Moms are good at telling children about God, but what you have to do is be a dad because only a dad can show a kid who God is.”"

Davey is shameless but this is where he could take off and fly, the fatherless gospel, because he's right about that. The Father is being rendered impotent, ghosted or unneeded. It might have been a great revelation to Davey, but not to those of us who have been paying attention or in the trenches.

Davey will pervert that message too.

Funny how different he's dressed for that talk.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Davey's BS convos with god. Way to put a stamp of authority on how "only Dads can show a kid who God is".

Banana Boat said...

ladela i agree. it always irritates me when i come across a point of his that i agree with. i suppose even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Ladela said...

I heard an abused/emotionally abandoned child-woman say to their mother today, "You were my God before I knew who God was."

Interesting juxtaposition in reading Davey this morning and hearing that woman this afternoon.

Davey will use his quote to legitimize his need for control, dominance and relevance.

Mannequin said...

DB could have worn a white Tshirt under his sheer, white, long-sleeved shirt so I wouldn't see his nipples.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

A father who valued getting to the gym for his workout over setting the alarm and locking the front door to protect his wife and unborn child, not to mention the one he already had. A father who didn't openly admit that publicly until perfect strangers called him out on it on social media and he was forced to address it...only to excuse it via his "counselor" and his so-called God who approves everything Davey does and every plan Davey espouses. Sickening.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

This is the same Dad, who in the wake of his toddler son losing his stay-at-home mommy, begins a round of interviews and appearances, flying all over creation, leaving his young son in the care of others. The same Dad who took numerous "vacations" and golf trips, spending time with his buddies, while others cared for his son. The Dad who prioritized hitting those Crossfit boxes while the Worship leader couple from Resonate who moved into his home, took care of his son. L.a.m.e.

Bingo said...

The same Dad who said it was the BEST time for Amanda to die and that he NEVER asks for his Mom, but constantly asks for Davey. Reta should have done their research on this Dad. Agree all, sickening.

I find it quite interesting that he can no longer be recorded. RED FLAG to all those few that are still asking him to speak.

mom2many said...

Going back to the basics...
In reading the APC, we have these times documented:
around 6AM Davey leaves home for LA Fitness
7:10AM Davey leaves LA Fitness
7:30AM Davey arrives at home

Notice what is missing? Is it purposely being withheld what time Davey arrived at LA Fitness? Did Davey take longer to get there than he did to return? Did Davey stop anywhere, however briefly along the way? I wonder what the neighbors' cams show. There is even wiggle room in the leaving time he claimed. I wonder what the gym cameras show. I wonder what traffic cams show.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...


Something else...

Gordon's 1st phone called Gordon's 2nd phone 4 minutes into the burglary at Jacola's, yet Gordon, Taylor, and Watson were all there together (if you believe the CI). So, who had Gordon's 2nd phone?

Also, Gordon's 1st phone also makes 5 calls from Jacola's burglary through the 2nd ATM transaction to a specific unnamed phone owner- between 4:36 and 6:54. Five calls. According to Davey, he got up about 4:30. Per Davey's timeline, he had to have finished working out between 6:50-7, to wipe down his equipment and be leaving by 7:10. The times of those 5 calls, which LE has, weren't disclosed in the APC.

I'm wondering if those 5 calls were:
1. We're starting/at 1st mark
2. Leaving now
3. Arrived At Allison Becker's (Waiting for you to leave)
4. 1st ATM failed (Right PIN #-why no money?)
5. 2nd ATM successful
6. Leaving Sunnyfield Court now

The CI reports a call from Bull to Gordon ordering them not to leave Taylor (Gordon #1 phone was the only one listed at Jacola's, Sunnyfield Court, and traveling to both ATMs), but it's not included in the APC (not that it was required to be, just that it is isn't listed). Nor is any of the call history immediately following the 2nd ATM transactions, although the police surely have that information as well. If Watson and Gordon ditched the Sebring, they either had to have made prior arrangements for a pick-up or made a call (on the way or after they ditched it) to get a ride back to meet up with Bull at his apartment.

sirensong said...

Good points M2M. So many unanswered questions. Can't believe we are still waiting for answers.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a home invasion; it was a bedroom & bathroom invasion.

mom2many said...

FoF, Thanks for pointing out the phone idiosyncrasies so clearly. I'm dying to know who was on Gordon's other phone, and the anonymous phone.

Anonymous said...

and where those two phones pinged...


Trudy said...

Omg those phones!

According to the APC:

Jalen's phone (0802) pinged during the burglary (4:36) and homicide (6:25am) at E56th and I465. That is the vicinity of "the cottages", where Alonzo, Donae, and Jacola live/lived.

There is nothing in APC that puts Jalen's phone at Sunnyfield CT., ever.


Diano had 2 phones: (6567 and 0147)

6567 is right up amongst it.

6567 =

4:36 am - E 56th and I465
6:25 am - Sunnyfield Ct.
6:39 am - 6811 Michigan. Failed ATM transaction
6:54 am - 1313 W 86th. successful ATM transaction

His other phone (0417) is a bit of a mystery:
Between 4:36am and 5:54 am (0417) makes 5 calls to (3175)
We have no information about phone number (3175) except that it contacted (0417) between 4:36am and 5:54 am. BUT LE DOES!.
Larry Jo Taylor's phone pinged on Sunnyfield between 6:38 and7:10 am. He only called Gordan (6567)

That's it.

For the numerically challenged, these times and locations are a bit difficult to reconcile.

To me, it looks like the main player is Diano Gordan/ Gordon, working for (3175) Davey Blackburn

How the hell Donae and Alonzo have managed to stay out of this, I do not know. Jalens phone was found with Donae. Alonzo's clothes were worn. A gun was recovered from them. Lawdy lawdy Lawd. This case does my head in.

Hi to everyone who is staying with this, and knows that Davey Blakburn is involved.

Trudy said...

What do the investigators at Mesa think?

Trudy said...

As I think about the phones, the timelines, the possible connections between LT, JW and DG, the other crimes that they are accused of, DNA evidence etc, it occurs to me for the thousandth time that Davey Blackburn's complete lack of interest in such matters is indicative of his guilt.

Why doesn't Davey care about the, who what, when where and whys, in the murder of Amanda and baby Blackburn? There are clearly more people involved than the 3 in jail. Who does the mystery number (3175) belong to?

Maybe if he appeared more concerned with obtaining answers and Justice for Amanda's murder, people wouldn't think he was so guilty.

Trudy said...

Me again.

How is everyone on DNA analysis?

"A sample obtained from the underpants of (redacted) showed a minor profile. Ms. Klassen further advised that Larry Taylor's DNA profile is consistent with a minor DNA profile in the sample with statistics of 1 in 7 million for Caucasians, 1 in 4 million for African Americans and 1 in 8 million for SW Hispanics.

Ms. Klassen further advised that Larry Taylor's Y-STR profile in consistent with the Y-STR profile obtained from multiple intimate samples from (redacted)

(*NB it seems the APC has a very unfortunate typo - I guess it means the Y-STR profile IS consistent rather that "in consistent".)

Anyway, do these DNA results mean that Larry Taylor is highly likely to be convicted of the rape? It reads that way to me, but IDK. What do you think?

sirensong said...

Didn't even phase him, did it Trudy. I can't wrap my head around his lack of care for his murdered wife. All about him.

Anonymous said...

Trudy said...

No takers on the DNA in Larry Jo Taylor's rape and rob and what it means?

Anonymous said...

Indiana State Troopers on the Security Team at FBCElkhart.

"Karen Abercrombie was stranded in Minneapolis due to the bad weather in New York. By the time her plane was supposed to land, she would have already missed most of the evening.
Fortunately, one of our security team members was a state trooper. So, Karen’s plane landed to a state trooper escort—lights and sirens and all! He got her to Elkhart just in time to end the evening with the Miss Clara War Room prayer! What a ride! She loved it—and so did we!"

Anonymous said...


Bobcat said...

Today, Larry Taylor submitted a motion to retain an expert at county expense.
The State has 14 days to respond.

triggerua said...

Are people posting somewhere else or has this topic just petered out? I have checked back for some time with really no new news or thoughts or comments in awhile.

Bobcat said...

The Wesleyan Church's David Drury removed one of his facebook profiles - the one that shared Davey's statement that it happened "last night" 11/9/15.

Who was he communicating with before he shut it down?

Dave Adamson (cutting edge (Trader's Point?) video editor)
Davey's parents and grandparents
Davey's Aunt and Step-Cousin Murphy
Howard Frist - Newspring Honcho

Anonymous said...

triggerua, we're at

Anonymous said...

The AB case was featured on an LA Radio Talk Show:

Anonymous said...

Opps. Sorry, wrong link for the LA Radio Talk Show. The correct one is:

Bottle Cap said...

Hi All, It's been awhile since I've been here. You've been doing awesome work.

To answer a question from February, Trudy said...

I think Amanda told Davey she was pregnant around her 8 week mark, (10th Oct) and virtually signed her own death warrant by doing so. Statistically, rage induced by pregnancy and divorce (separation) are right up there in terms of motive for spousal homicide.

Around the 10th Oct, Davey began planning the Worship is a Weapon sermon, which many have described as foreshadowing. 4 weeks is a long time for a pastor to plan a sermon. During this time he posted that there were difficulties in "over planning."
(end quote)

Anon and fools were looking for that tweet. It was October 14, 2015. It is still on CD's twitter and I have also archived it here:

I agree that it was foreshadowing and the date fits Trudy's timeline.

Bottle Cap said...

^^^ Trudy's comment was February 25, 2018 at 9:42 PM

Anonymous said...

Good post, Bottle Cap.

It has been reported that the psychic investigator who follows this case is saying that DB is planning to leave the country, and soon. He's on to the case. Wanted to pass on, for anyone from the legal field or reporters who follow this case. Justice for Amanda. Free Weston.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bottle cap.

Trudy said...

Peter, is there any update on the discussion between Mesa investigators about Davey Blackburn?

PS. Bottle cap. The Anon above, thanking you, was me.

Anonymous said...

and why would there be discussion with Mesa investigators? just casual interest?


Tru said...


Maybe the Mesa investigators were using some of Davey Blackburn's statements for SA practice? He never shuts up, and many of his "sermons" have been transcribed. Just a guess.

Anonymous said...

Who is paying for the chatzy room?

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