Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Crime Wire: The Murder of Amanda Blackburn

Peter Hyatt on "Crime Wire": The Murder of Amanda Blackburn 

February 23, 2017, Peter Hyatt will be a guest on "Crime Wire" live broadcast, and will be taking your calls and questions at 9am to 1030AM EST.  

Amanda Blackburn was a victim of a sexual homicide in which arrests have been made. 

Questions, however, remain in one of the most bizarre 'solved' murder cases of recent years. 

Peter Hyatt will share analysis of the case, including deception detection techniques, and what this may mean for justice.  

Imagine Publicity Blog  :  broadcast of the show on Madeleine McCann 2016.  


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Hey Jude said...

I wonder if Amanda was even 'face down in a pool of blood' when Davey walked in (from the gym - rather than from the driveway where he had spent so much longer than he had at the gym). He so often says that, but I think it's an excuse for his having no idea anyone had been in his house, and for not describing the true condition she was in (unrecognisable) - if she was face down in a pool of blood that would be convenient to his also not knowing Amanda's teeth were smashed out and that she had taken 'quite a beating', until, so he says, he was informed at the hospital. If he had helped her, even turned her face, he would have known she didn't just fall and bang her head. Amanda's injury was described in the affidavit as 'severe head trauma' - I take that to mean blindingly obviously not the result of falling and banging her head. Davey had reported Amanda as 'injured and unconscious' going on to tell family and friends that she had caused the injury (severe head trauma) herself - blaming the victim, and then some. I doubt, in the case of a shooting ('three bullets, one to the head') it would take a paramedic to distinguish between a bump to the head from a fall leaving her 'injured and unconscious' and 'a horrible traumatic injury with much blood - severe head trauma' - 'shot and I think she is dying'. 'Injured and unconscious' is passive, it lacks the expected urgency considering the state Amanda was in - which he later described as 'his worst nightmare'. If it had been anything like a nightmare to him, a more expected response, even if he hadn't been certain Amanda had been shot, or that she actually was dying, would be to try to get them there as fast as possible - 'I think she is dying - there's blood everywhere and she's half naked - it looks like she has been raped' . He has not said anywhere that he tried to help Amanda, or that he even turned her head to aid her breathing, and so that she was no longer 'face down in a pool of blood'.

He didn't need to say he found Amanda 'face down in a pool of blood', but he kept saying it. I wonder did he say that to the 911 dispatcher - did he make sure to say also that there was blood smeared all around, or did he just say she was 'injured and unconscious', and save the rest for his 'sermons'?

It will be interesting to hear the 911 call and if it matches his accounts of how he has said he found Amanda. I was interested that he said in his current podcast that he couldn't remember some of what he had said at the time - what is in the documents, (his witness statements?) doesn't match what he has said since - there is maybe quite some discrepancy for him to call himself out on it? If he had been truthful everything he has said about that morning, and about finding Amanda, should accord with his 911 call and his witness statements.


Is there a reliable source for the claim that Davey has said he left the door unlocked to teach Amanda a lesson, because she had lost her key?

Anonymous said...

So Vee4 thinks that bobcat is right and Peter is wrong. Fascinating. What's your level of SA training, Vee4?

Vee 4 said...

Own up to what? The questions about Amber involve more than her statements.

Twelve weeks into pregnancy is when most people tell others about the pregnancy. Twelve weeks means that you are relatively "safe" that the fetus is viable and you will carry the baby to term. All the more strange that crazy Davey was so sure "something was going to happen to the baby."

Maybe Amanda wanted to talk to Amber about the pregnancy. Brother James didn't know yet. Amber talks about Amanda describing how she "broke the news" about the pregnancy to Davey. It sounds like it was unpleasant.

Amber may be in possession of knowledge about that and more unpleasantness between Crazy Davey and Amanda. I can see her being unwilling to share it for a variety of reasons.

Hey Jude said...

Kate - In just that short quote Amber actually makes fourteen references to Amanda - 'she, her, sweet sister' - and one to herself.

Hey Jude said...

Vee4 - I agree, Amber knows more than she is willing, or able to share - at least in public, we don't know what else might be. I think she flew back early to give Amanda moral support because Amanda was in fear of Davey.

Bobcat said...

"Per Peter, Amber's language does not indicate guilty knowledge or involvement."

Do you have a quote?

I remember a much harsher statement regarding Amanda's family being an embarrassment to Christianity, and that Davey holds them in comtempt.

Regarding my observations and questions regarding Amber's statements, Peter asserted that it wasn't analysis, but I don't remember seeing any further comments on Amber. When was it made?

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to go back and look. Peter made it clear that he believed you were totally barking up the wrong tree with Amber.

Move on, General Hospital doesn't apply to Amber, not regarding involvement in Amanada's death.

A good detective learns from mistakes, not justifies them.

Vee 4 said...

Anon @12:56

Where did I say I think Bobcat is right and Peter is wrong? Oh. I didn't. LOLOL.

Peter said that it might take a long time, but CD will face justice. On that subject, I think Bobcat feels the same. As do I. What do you think? Do you agree with Peter about Amber but disagree with everything else he says about CDs potential involvment with Amanda's murder?

Anonymous said...

Peter did not say Davey will see justice. You are wrong.

Kate said...

Good point HeyJude, but I still find the letter to be sad, embellished and disappointing.

Vee4 said...

It might take 30 years, he said. So I am right and you wrong.

But I'm not going back to look. V4-*pouts, farts, kicks up heels and flounces off in a huff.

Anonymous said...

Here is Peter's comment from Jan. 13. He is responding to an anonymous comment. The anonymous comment was addressed to Bobcat regarding Bobcat's "statement analysis" about Amber's involvement in Amanda's murder. As you can see, Anon tells Bobcat, "You haven't convinced me Amber is involved, at all." Peter's response is, "As to Amber, I agree."

Peter Hyatt said...

Anonymous said...
I created/run a website about the Manson murders. Davey is no Manson. If anything, he's a wanna-be Jim Jones, but he lacks the charisma and commitment.

You haven't convinced me Amber is involved, at all.
January 13, 2018 at 3:57 AM

If you don't see Davey Blackburn as one capable of Jim Jones level, I don't think the website will hold much value.

Charles Manson was not a brilliant cult leader. He persuaded a few drug addicted people to kill for him; he was not even the leader until the trial and book. He was a two-bit loser who had a few stupid people he dominated.

DB has all the tools and talent to be a successful cult leader. He has the personalty traits that, if fed some success, will cause him to exploit to the extreme.

Should he be cornered, he is likely to take others down with him, seeking to destroy as many as he can about him. This is seen in his own personage: he cannot separate who he is from what he defines success.

He is a candidate for murder/suicide at worst, but at best, a big black eye to Christians and Christianity at large.

As to Amber, I agree.

January 13, 2018 at 10:12 AM

Anonymous said...

Vee4 is Trudy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for finding Peter's comments on Amber.

Anyone have the post where Peter said it might take 30 years for Davey to see justice but that he will???

Bobcat said...

Amanda did not have a bullet in her brain on 11/9. Amber did not withhold assistance. That's a SICK FANTASY you dreamed up, claiming you discovered these things through SA."

I suspect you revealed more than intended there ^.

A more expected attack statement in defense of Amber might be:

"That's a SICK FANTASY you dreamed up, claiming you hypothesized those things through SA."

Discovered: find/found out; exposed

Hypothesized: suggested, theorized

"These vs Those

Ultimately, the difference between these and those is rooted in the difference between the words this and that. This and that are the singular version of these and those, although there is a bit of wriggle room when we try to apply them to special sentences.

‘This’ often refers to a singular version of something nearby, and ‘these’ refers to a plural version of the same idea: “This is my computer.” “These are my computers.” In each version, we are referring to something that is here, right next to us, or is easily referenced as close by.

‘That’ refers to something further away, and therefore, ‘those’ refers to the plural of something further away: “That flower across the street is pretty.” “Those flowers across the street are pretty.”

Read more: Difference Between These and Those | Difference Between"

Your word choices of "discovered these" as opposed to "theorized those" is telling, imo.

"These" 'discoveries' that Amanda was shot on 11/9/15, and that Amber withheld assistance are 'near by' to you, rather than 'far away'. Also, your choice of the word "discovered" reads like a confirmation of that which was 'exposed'.

Bobcat said...

Anon @ 1:40,

Thank you for the quote. I remember that now. Peter's statement "I agree" affirms that I have not convinced him of Amber's involvement.

That's not what you said.

There is still room for convincing.

Perhaps a look at the "denial" I quoted at 1:48 is a nudge in that direction.

Kate said...

A word of caution, however. Too many visitors, visiting for extended periods and lots of stimulation are not beneficial for the patient during this critical phase of their illness. This is especially important for patients with brain injuries. Rest is as much a part of the patient’s treatment as any of the medical and nursing treatments. It is important that you ask about the most appropriate visiting strategy for your loved one. This strategy may change as the patient’s condition improves.

It is important for visitors to ICU to be conscious of hygiene to prevent vulnerable patients from contracting infection. Be sure to wash your hands and use the anti-bacterial creams or sprays in dispensers around the unit before going near a patient.

Amanda's neighbor said they visited Amanda that evening at the hospital. Amber says hundreds came and sat by her bed and cheered her on. I wonder, how was this allowed?

So you've got nurses breaking hippa law, texting about Amanda's condition, you have hundreds of people flooding in and out of her room, before any tests were conclusive. You've got the news pronouncing her dead, then retracting, stating death is imminent. And you've got Davey Blackburn who prayed with LE and Doctors.

How did all of this take place? I can't believe more people aren't outraged.

sirensong said...

I want to remind everyone that Amber turned to Davey and his family for comfort, which was surprising to at least her mom.... I don't have quote, but it was said by Robin when she talked about Amanda's death the first time she stood in front of a group to speak about it. Just a memory. I will say I believe her reactions and posts etc. seem odd and not protecting of Amanda. IMO She has really chugged the kook aid. Naive? I don't think she was involved, but I believe she knows things that she may not want to face.

sirensong said...

I want to remind everyone that Amber turned to Davey and his family for comfort, which was surprising to at least her mom.... I don't have quote, but it was said by Robin when she talked about Amanda's death the first time she stood in front of a group to speak about it. Just a memory. I will say I believe her reactions and posts etc. seem odd and not protecting of Amanda. IMO She has really chugged the kook aid. Naive? I don't think she was involved, but I believe she knows things that she may not want to face.

Vee4 said...

"Appropriate visiting strategy"

Laughing crying singing and praying loudly. Cheering at each (artificial) breath of the ventilator.

Bobcat said...

Amanda did not have a bullet in her brain on 11/9. Amber did not withhold assistance. That's a SICK FANTASY you dreamed up, claiming you discovered these things through SA. But you're an untrained, SA hack. Are you suggesting you know better than Peter? Just admit you're wrong, ffs. Just admit that you, over and over again, falsely accused a grieving woman of participating in the murder of her sister. But you can't, can you? You'll continue to sit on your perch, squawking and flapping your wings like the vulture you are and pretend you're qualified to accuse anybody and everybody of being involved/complicit in murder based on SA. The only thing you should feel sick about is the garbage YOU'VE spewed here.
February 2, 2018 at 7:45 AM

There is SA gold in that^. Like it or not, you reveal yourself in your words. You are right about my lack of training. Give me time.

Anonymous said...

Where did flightfulbird go? Why is she so afraid to talk about Amber?

Flightful, come back and defend your claims that Amber was involved in Amanda's murder. You seemed so sure of yourself. Convince us that you and bobcat are right and that Peter is wrong.

Bobcat said...

Anon @ 2:24,

Don't wait up. I'm busy tomorrow.

Chew on this in the meantime:

"Just admit that you, over and over again, falsely accused a grieving woman of participating in the murder of her sister. But you can't, can you?"

^Who is missing from the first sentence? Amber and Amanda. If you can't include them, I won't do it for you. And "but" refutes or minimizes that which preceded it.

You are right, I can't admit to a false accusation against Amber, because in your sentence, I didn't make one against her.

Anonymous said...


Why do you take the bait? We had a serious discussion about the suspects going and now the thread is a back-and-forth between you and Davey. Let him rant about your SA skill level but please don't respond. You don't need his validation. Let's continue discussing the evidence. This site got heated when DB was in Israel and now it's turned into a petty argument that nobody is going to win.

Anonymous said...

Davey has successfully taken attention off of him and directed it towards Amber. Bobcat, we get that you feel Amber is involved but it is becoming repetitive. I, for one, have not seen any evidence pointing towards Amber. Let's get Davey nailed first and then wotk on everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Let's go back to the face down in a pool of blood thing. Any loving husband who found his wife face down in a pool of blood would flip her over so she could get air to breathe. Did Davey get any blood on him?

In all the reading I've done, I don't recall him speaking to the nightmare of being covered in her blood from trying to help.

Anonymous said...

The 911 call will be the smoking gun. My hunch is it will reveal a lack of emotion. CD can plan out many details, but can't force himself to express emotion where there is none.

Anonymous said...

Good points, Anons 11:00 and 11:06. Davey should have blood on him as well as bloody towels or some sign that he assisted Amanda. We know he took time to call his dad, which is strange givem the severity of her injuries. He probably just checked her pulse hoping she was dead.

And Davey is pissed that we want to hear the 911 call because he knows it will be quite telling.

Anonymous said...

Someone up thread gave a few sample Davey 911 calls. They were spot on with the "I was at the gym." That undoubtedly will be on it.

Anonymous said...

Will the call mention his sitting in the driveway? For how long will he say? I can imagine that convo with the dispatcher would be REALLY interesting if it happened.

Anonymous said...

Guaranteed he threw out the pastor card on the 911 call.

Anonymous said...

No doubt the pastor card was played, ick.

What will also be interesting will be what he said he thought happened to Amanda on that call.

Will it match up to what he initially told people?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous@February 3, 2018 at 11:00 AM said….

“Let's go back to the face down in a pool of blood thing. Any loving husband who found his wife face down in a pool of blood would flip her over so she could get air to breathe.”

I haven’t done any research yet on what the different reactions to trauma are, so I will give what my reaction would be (This would include even what a response to someone, such as a belligerent spouse, could be—so, definitely not describing necessarily the perfect marriage.)

Let’s say the less-than-perfect spouse (which we all are or have been) is found in the same condition as AB. Let’s say that that person is my spouse. So…with that scenario in mind:

I come home from wherever I was and see my spouse on the floor. This is not a usual occurrence. As a matter of fact, I can’t remember it ever happening before.

I pause, wonder if he is listening to something coming from the floor beneath (yes, I had one of those spouses), notice that he is not moving, call his name, probably say something like, “Come on, stop playing around, are you okay?” No response. I am still wondering if he is playing around. Nothing. I put everything down that I am carrying and begin to become concerned. I approach him and kneel beside him and probably move him to see if I elicit a response. Then it’s gloves off, so to speak. I listen for breathing, probably try to get a response again, move him gently but do not turn him over, since I do not know what his injuries are then carefully look for blood and look to see where it is coming from. I imagine that all of this takes mere seconds before I call 911.

I don’t know how anybody else would fare. This would happen whether or not I had been in an argument with my spouse or not. My immediate and deep concern would be for him. I imagine my heart pounding out of my chest.

Just my scenario, if it were to happen as it did in the Blackburn case.

This is what actually did happen to us:

We were hit head on. The car crushed me in my seat. The windshield went through my head and eyes. The dashboard crushed my chest, and the right front tire came up through the floorboards and crushed my feet and my left femur. I was not able to breathe. My daughter was dying in the back seat (I heard the death groans). Even still, I turned my head to the left to see if my husband was alright. My last thought was…oh no, he’s not going to make it out of this intact.

I am not comparing tragedies, since we all react differently. What I am saying is that even if you are having problems in your marriage, when death stares you in the face, your focus becomes clearer, and you ban together. All bets are off. You are propelled into action and/or into deep, life-conserving concern. Your personal idiosyncrasies melt away, even if it is for a short time. Yes, there are some people who freeze. Only time will tell which one it is for this case.

As I have said before, this is just my perspective and my own personal experience. I am not necessarily projecting it into what should have happened here in this case with the Blackburns.

I had flashbacks for years afterward and could even hear the impact of the car hitting us when I tried to fall asleep. It changed our lives forever. We were never the same. FWIW.

Anonymous said...

An observation...

Amber felt ministered to by the Blackburn family, while Davey has been "grafted" into the Byars family.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Larry's murder trial has been delayed YET AGAIN.

Shocking I tell you just SHOCKING. [NOT]

It was scheduled for 4/2/18, it is now scheduled for 6/11/18. I bet his trial doesn't even happen this year. We should all be pushing for THE TRIALS. We can speculate to eternity about who murdered Amanda, but until the trials happen NO ONE is going to pay for Amanda's murder, she will never get justice.

I guess the reason Davey's book is going on sale before the trials is because the chance of the trials happening this year is slim to none. Thank God for swift justice and speedy trials in America!

Anonymous said...

My bad from the comment above regarding Larry's trial being delayed. The 6/11/18 trial is for the man he supposedly murdered. The trial for Amanda's murder is still scheduled for 4/2/18. I still think the trial for Amanda's murder will be delayed yet again.

Anonymous said...

Bobcat at 2:45,

Is that all you got from that "goldmine"? Disappointing.

Amanda and Amber's names weren't missing from my first sentence, because that wasn't my first sentence, and you know it. I named them both in the first two sentences of my comment, genius. And the "but" refutes the idea that you're capable of admitting you're wrong. You're sooooo bad at this.

Trudy said...

Let's talk about why "I called 911 as soon as I could" took 5 minutes.

8:18 - one Mississippi x 60 (we know KWS tweet was 8:18 so he was definitely off the phone by then - possibly a minute or two earlier.
8:19 -one Mississippi, x 60
8:20 - one Mississippi x 60
8:21 - one Mississippi x 60
8:22 - one Mississippi- finally calls 911

The driveway is right next to the house. It can't have taken any longer than 30 seconds to get out of the car and walk into the house - I mean, it wasn't like he had to find his key or struggle with the front door lock. He didn't check on Weston. So what was he doing for 4-5 minutes?

Trudy said...

Break it down another way, 4 minutes is 20% of Davey's total workout at the gym time.

Hey Jude pointed out that cd spent a lot longer in the driveway than at the gym. Why does the gym always get a mention? Why not I came in from the driveway to find my worst nightmare....?

Anonymous said...

Wonder if he grabbed a quick shower?

Anonymous said...

Crazy Davey believes in corporal punishment for children. I wonder where Kristi stands on that. Will she allow Davey to spank Natalia the way he does with Weston? Will she submit to the lunatic she married?

Davey's view on women and children and their roles in the family, church and wider community is so archaic and misogynistic, it's criminal.

Kate said...

I don't think the 911 call will mention him being in the driveway. I think it'll be him announcing his title and name, "This is pastor davey blackburn", followed by, "I just came home from the gym and found my wife on the floor, I think she has fallen and she's pregnant so maybe she is having a miscarriage? Yes, yes she is breathing but she seems to be unconscious."

It will be interesting to hear what is NOT on the call. If the 911 operator had him remain on the phone until FD arrived, what did he do? Can you hear the dog or Weston in the background? How long did that call last? There was a lot of time between Davey walking into the home and the first responder's arriving. We covered him not checking on Weston and potentially Mel, but did Davey run outside at all or talk to any of his neighbors during that time?

That 911 call is going to be a goldmine, I think. But what if Davey failed to mention anything at all, other than a potential fall and miscarriage? What if he left out the part about sitting in the driveway? The obvious bullet wounds, the busted lip, etc. And after viewing videos, news programs, articles, SA and everything else, sort of knowing Davey the way you do, do you think the call will show Davey in a calm matter or a very high strung, yelling kind of call?

Anonymous said...

^I think he'll probably be stuttering and stammering. He does that when he is stalling.

Anonymous said...

I think Davey will be portraying what he perceives to be the in control frantic husband, but his inability to really feel/connect will give him away, like it always does.

He'll be employing unconscious reactive foreshadowing, again, like he always has since the murder.

Trudy said...

I think CDs 911 call will:

Begin with a polite greeting "yes, hello Ma'am"
My name is Davey Blackburn (complete social introduction for himself) he may include that he is lead pastor of Resonate.
I just got home from the gym (of course!)
and my wife (incomplete introduction - he won't say her name)
is on the floor under the Christmas tree
There's a ladder knocked over (irrelevant information, but used to imply Amanda has fallen from the ladder while hanging decorations)
her head is bleeding (again, implying that she struck her head when she fell from the ladder)
she's pregnant, (implying the pregnancy has something to do with her falling, dizziness or low blood pressure)
She's pregnant (repeated to imply that the emergency is a miscarriage)
Some subtle disparagement of Amanda
Oh God! (Invocation of deity)
Help me (request for assistance for himself, not the victim)
Answering the operators questions calmly - Polite language, to the point of obsequiousness (please, thank you so much, excuse me ma'am)
Inappropriate laughter or jokey/sarcastic comment
I'm sorry (for whatever reason - often pops up in the language of the guilty.)

What crazy Davey's 911 call won't mention:

His 50 minutes in the driveway, bullet wounds, knocked out teeth, the pushed up shirt, that she is naked from the waist down and her underpants are beside her on the floor, the duct tape, the ear buds, the contents of the purse strewn about, the swisher sweet pkt, the change on the landing. In other words, he won't mention anything about the (obvious) crime scene.

Remember the "Some things looked out of place but she was pregnant" comment?

The first responder were there within 8 minutes. I can't stand to think of Amanda dying on the floor, while Davey talked on the phone for almost an hour in the driveway, before calling 911 as soon s he could. Add that to the list of things that Davey has shown no remorse or regret about. :(

The 911 call will be very interesting.

Kate said...

The first responder's were there within 8 minutes.

That will also be interesting as they may be called to the stand to testify. Once they established Amanda had gunshot wounds, her facial injuries, how she was undressed - they called le. So from the time they were treating her at the house, to advising le of the situation, to getting Amanda into the Ambulance, Davey still wasn't made aware of the her injuries? Why not? If he had explained to them as they walked in, "she's right over here, I don't know what happened, I was at the gym" and they discovered the bullet wounds, would they not convey that to him? Or were they initially suspicious of him?

Why didn't Davey go in the ambulance with Amanda? (How he beat the cops out of there in the nick of time is another miracle). Any one of those neighbors would have gladly taken Weston and by then I'm sure everyone was awake by the cop cars and ambulance. So he stayed back, diapered Weston and got him changed, followed in the car? Must be a liability thing with the ambulances.

Trudy said...

It's a good point Kate. If crazy Davey was attentive to the first responders and Amanda he should have known about the bullet wounds as soon as they did. He would have heard them request IMPD. He should have known there were bullet wounds long before he got to hospital. But he wasn't paying attention, was he? It sounds like, instead of assisting them and being attentive to their assessment of her condition, he rang his dad and asked him to pray forAmanda, and pretended to be clueless

"The ambulance is here. She has a head wound. She's pregnant. There's a fallen ladder." I bet he never told 911 or his dad that it was a decorative ladder and not one for climbing

One of the things I hate most is cd's insistence that God, protected him, Davey, and spared him from understanding what was going on, but He allowed Amanda to be sexually assaulted, beaten and shot in the head.

Hey Jude said...

Resonators, and anyone who has doubts about Davey's leadership and his new lifestyle - this is quite long, but it is worth a listen :

Narcissism and the Systems It Breeds - Diane Langberg
FOCL - Forum of Christian Leaders

There are other related videos on the subjects of abuse and trauma - she is a very good speaker.
FOCL looks a generally interesting channel - hundreds of videos and interesting subjects.

Trudy said...

Davey called 911 at 8:22am

The medics knew within minutes of their arrival at 8:30am that Amanda was a victim of crime. Yet Davey called his dad at the same time (between 8:30 and 9:00.)

The medics worked on Amanda for 30 minutes to stabilize her for transport to hospital. The police arrived at 9:01, as Amanda was being carted to the ambulance.

Crazy Davey took that time to call his dad with the story of "I came home from the gym, she's got a head wound she's pregnant, please pray for her" and it went flying around to family and friends and church (even Perry Noble got a text - his impression was that fallen and hit her head.)

at the same time.

So the medics were there for 30 minutes, working on Amanda and they didn't tell Davey she'd been shot?

He didn't realize Amanda had been shot until detectives came and asked him a bunch of questions at the hospital.

sirensong said...

Does anyone remember that at some point CD said Amanda was struggling to breathe? Up to that point, he had continuously stated "she was still breathing", as if she was just unconscious. Maybe that's why he doesn't want his call released. I also thought he didn't tell 911 about him thinking it was a miscarriage, because he told the family something that sounded like she fell. But maybe he did tell 911 it he thought she miscarried, then got worried they would release the 911 call, so he had to tell the public. He had to change the story. 5 min. to call 911 and 8 till the ambulance got there, what was he doing all that time?. Maybe LE got there before the ambulance. And they said Weston was the only person found in the house. I think that means poor Weston was never checked on till LE cleared the house. All I can say is CD is diabolical. He wants to tell the story, but he left so very much out about that whole morning. Yes, that headstone looks to only have one place for another name, and I don't think that's where CD wants to be buried now that he has his "new thing". Unbelievable that these hundreds of omissions, comments, coincidences, suspicious behavior, has been ignored by family, friends and LE. I'm still scared for Weston.

sirensong said...

Yes Trudy, there would be no reason for them not to tell him.

sirensong said...

Anon @12:47. I am so sorry you had to experience such a horrific accident. I don't know what to say; I can't imagine how you have endured. My prayers go out to you.

I understand what you are saying, and I'm sure that's one reason we are all on this site; CD's reaction was not normal. And we I personally will never believe that a normal human being would act the way CD did no matter how many times I'm told people grieve differently. CD says he had PTSD and grief etc., but he obviously doesn't know what that really looks like, because he has shown how unaffected he was by the shocking murder of his wife. He can't even pretend. And now he reminds me of Tom Cruz when he was on Oprah, when he was so happy to be with Katie Holmes. He is so giddy and happy since he told the public about KM. He just erased Amanda from the minute she was discovered, like a poster said up thread, she became a product to him. A way to make money. IMO he is carefully plotting all his moves and has been for awhile now. He is so sure God is making it all happen, as long as he can get others to believe it too. Lol, I didn't mean to say all that, I just get so upset thinking of all that has happened, and the injustice of it. Again, I am sorry for your losses and hope now your life is filled with blessings.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much sirensong@2:49 AM. I appreciate your kind thoughts and your prayers. Funny how something like that can make you sensitive to other people's pain, suffering, and injustice.

I am hopeful that DB is suffering from PTSD, since that is the better reason for his behavior. If he is, he will crash. The problem is, he will take others with him. Although it truly is none of my business that he married again, if he is suffering with PTSD, it was far too soon. If he does crash, one day he will simply look around, wonder what he is doing there, wonder why he married again so soon and wonder why he married who he married, if his mind was indeed not in the right place health wise. He will also probably want to go home again back to Sunnyfield and back to his life with Amanda. Then it will hit him that it is all real. The people around him will look foreign to him, and he will miss home. It's going to be really tough for him if this is delayed grieving.

If he is not suffering, he will continue on as he has and continue to amass and grab whatever he can and whatever people will let him take. That's why I sincerely hope that his behavior can be attributed to his being off due to shock. Otherwise, he is just not a very nice guy at minimum. At maximum, well, we'll just have to leave it there for now.

Thank you again for your kind comments.

triggerua said...

That video that Hey Jude at 1:30a posted is so great. It fits this situation perfectly as well as so many other things happening in our country today. Totally worth the time to watch, especially the part were she speaks on ideas on how to approach and speak to a narcissist. Thanks for introducing me to those videos.

Anonymous said...


According to the APC, the medics were leaving as the police arrived at 8:44. Amanda's injuries were noted at the hospital at 9:01.

Kate said...

Trudy said..."The medics worked on Amanda for 30 minutes to stabilize her for transport to hospital. The police arrived at 9:01, as Amanda was being carted to the ambulance."

So did LE miss Davey or did they allow him to leave and go to the hospital? It doesn't sound like Davey was made to go down to the station, is that normal protocol with law enforcement? Someone else mentioned Davey didn't speak to any blood on himself or on his clothes, did he mention to the 911 operator there was blood at all? Unfortunately, if the 911 operator wasn't made aware of the blood, she/he wouldn't be able to direct Davey on first aid treatment whatsoever which also helped aid in Amanda's death.

7. • 4- Act quickly. • Time is your enemy in treating the victim. Victims who reach medical facilities during the "Golden Hour" have a much better likelihood of surviving.

8. • 5- Apply direct pressure to control bleeding. Take cloth, bandage, or gauze and press directly against the wound using the palm of your hand. Continue for at least ten minutes

9. • 6- Apply dressing. • If the bleeding subsides, apply cloth or gauze to the wound. Wrap it around the wound to apply pressure.

12. • 8- Stay with the person. • Continue to reassure and keep the victim warm

19. • 1-Stay Safe. • 2- call for help. Surviving a gunshot wound depends greatly on how quickly a victim gets to a hospital • 3- Do not move the victim unless he safe to. • 4- Follow basic first aid. If the victim is unconscious but breathing, keep the airway open and clear. If the victim is not breathing, begin CPR • 5- Control any bleeding. Seal gunshot wounds to the chest with some type of plastic • 6- Do not elevate legs to treat for shock if the gunshot wound is above the waist • 7- Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink, including water.

and from a different article:

Expose—Expose the patient to allow rapid visual inspection of the body. This is especially important with gunshot wound victims, as clothing or other items may cover wounds. Inspect for external hemorrhage, abrasions, lacerations, burns, penetrating injuries, bruising and other abnormal findings. When removing clothing, avoid cutting through any holes if possible, as they might represent evidence. Do not discard clothing. Leave it on scene or transport it with the patient for evidence collection.

Interesting she was already exposed. This article is a great read. Davey, with all his violent movie watching, should have been more than aware of Amanda's gunshot wounds, especially the arm and the leg shot. If he had done things right, he would have applied pressure to any one of the three shots. He would have put a blanket on her to warm her up. Everything he did was the opposite of what he should have done, EVERYTHING.

Kate said...

Meant to say, "arm and back shot".

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Davey owned guns making it more likely he would know what a gun shot wound would look like.

Kate said...

Yes, so true Anon. Were those guns taken in/confiscated/tested?

And the gun story, where a close by neighbor just happened to find a gun in their yard days after the spree, but after testing it was determined the gun was not used with the string of crimes.

What are the odds?

It's terrifying to know that man owns guns to this day.

One more random thought, were there any cash withdrawals from Davey/Amanda's bank account prior to the murder? Or the day he left for SC? To withdraw traveling money is one thing, but I wonder if he withdrew a large amount of cash as many suspects have been known to do. I don't think Davey felt "cleared" by police early on, I don't think he felt that relief for quite a few months and leading up to present day, I think he feels completely in the clear and big buddies with the prosecution, media, law enforcement and life in general, except for the meanies on the internet.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Amanda laid herself down with her shirt pulled halfway off, just enough to cover all the bullet wounds. #staged

Anonymous said...

What was in Davey's gym bag that he took that morning? We know he didn't bring a towel, as he said tbat is why he didn't shower at the gym. The surveillance video at the gym will show what clothes he was wearing when he entered smd exited the gym and whether he had his gym bag. Seems more like he put something in the bag that he disposed of. Why else add that detail to the story of what he did that morning. He is so vague with his 2 hours before he left for the gym other than saying he spent time in the Word but adds the gym bag detail.

Anonymous said...


He may have felt cleared in the past but we know he scours the internet for info on the case and had to have seen the recent blind item saying that LE is taking a closer look at him after the tip about the timeline and life insurance.

Trudy said...

Thanks Anon. Beg pardon everyone. Yes it was 8:44. The point remains that between 8:30 and 8:44 Davey was spreading misinformation about Amanda's condition, demonstrating the old adage that a lie is halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

The video linked by Hey J is fascinating and well worth watching. Dianne Lanberg knows what she's talking about. Crazy Davey is text book narcissist. He ticks every box.

Anonymous said...

How come Poppy Jim Cook wasn't in the family photos for Davey's second wedding?

Anonymous said...

I also have a hunch there was evidence hidden in the gym bag. Since he didn't use it to take a shower and didn't spend much time working out. The 20 minute drive to and from the gym would have been the opportunity to get rid of it, too.

Theory about the gun found in the neighbor's yard... maybe it was a gun used in a prior crime someone planted, or had to quickly get rid of. Maybe the gun for them to use was already waiting inside the house and that was the extra gun they brought.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they were instructed to use the gun waiting inside the house instead of their own guns so it couldn't be traced back to any previous gang crimes? Just a random idea.

Anonymous said...

If DB took out extra insurance on Amanda just before she died, as I have heard some say, could the reason stated have been because she was expecting their second child?

Does anyone know if the information about the life insurance is available to the public? I have searched and found nothing specific.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:46, the blind item didn't say LE is taking a closer look at Davey. Some commenters were just guessing it was Davey. Please don't make things up.

Are you the same person who claimed Davey said he left the door unlocked to "teach Amanda a lesson," then it turned out he said he left the door unlocked because she lost her keys?

Spreading misinformation does nothing to help get justice for Amanda and negatively affects the credibility of this board.

Anon 7:46, people here have said many different things about the insurance situation, but no one seems to actually know for a fact how much insurance there was. It's all supposition.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:15PM, this blind implies Davey is being looked at:

From CDAN 1/17/18 In this worldwide headline making murder case there is some new evidence that has been found which looks very damning for the thirsty celebrity husband of the wife who was killed. His story and actions have never really jibed and investigators kept digging.

And it was a neighbor of Davey's who said he left the door open to teach Amanda a lesson. There was a link to the woman's twitter.

And we don't need to prove ourselves to you. We've provided credible evidence that Davey is involved.

Sleep tight.

Anonymous said...

We know the insurance $ plus all of the love offerings are well over $1,000,000 based on Davey's buying spree and lavish spending (new house, SUV, travel, private school for W, expensive wedding, etc). My guess is $1 million life unsurance policy that paid double because she was murdered. Add about $500,000 in love offerings.

Anonymous said...

No, we don't KNOW that it was well "well over" $1 million. We know he spent a lot of money. The love offerings alone, if $500,000 (although I've seen no proof of that number, either) would easily cover much of that spending, and it's possible he received money from the victim assistance fund (or whatever it's called). Others could be paying for many of his trips.

We really don't "know."

Anonymous said...

For comparison:

In the years that I was antiquing and picking I had the pleasure of meeting a young woman along the way. She was sweet, kind, young and a new mom. Her husband is a minister here in Indy and they just announced to the congregation that they expecting their second child. She was shot and killed yesterday morning in a home invasion. I don't know what this world is coming to. Thoughts and prayers to her family and friends."


"It's funny how God works in mysterious ways! Thank you for this beautiful should be "Oh Happy Day!" in this time of tragedy because Amanda is now in our Savior's arms...which is where we all want to be!"

Anonymous said...

Re: Davey'$ dollar$. He said he was on the final step (unlimited wealth) of Dave Ramsey's baby steps "overnight."


Anonymous said...

He paid half a million dollars in cash three months after the nurder ( and before his other house sold). He paid $50k in cash for a new SUV a few months after the murder. It's pretty easy to see where the $ came from. And as we have pointed out, he was a Financial Peace Univ member. Dave Ramsey advocates insuring sray-at-home moms.

Kate said...

I'm sure it wasn't for small potatoes. Davey had Ramsey speak at his church as early as Feb of 2014. That's a pretty big speaker for such a small church. I would think the two would be on some type of personal level in that he had the pull to get Dave there. Maybe some personal financial advice.

Davey brags often about his financial intelligence, he was no dum-dum when it came to putting life insurance on Amanda.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:07, where's the proof he paid half million in cash (and for what, the new house)?

Anonymous said...

Did he not receive a chunk of money for the book? I have major doubts Amanda's life insurance was $1 million (or double) and still want more than supposition on that. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to see proof he got a half mil in love offerings. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

@12:36 if you would like proof that Davey is funding his lavish lifestyle with Amanda's life insurance and love offerings, perhaps you could do your own research. Thanks.

Maybe crazy Davey meant something else when he said he was on the final baby step - over night. (Want to take a guess which night that was?)

Build Wealth and Give
This is the last step and, by far, the most fun. It's time to live and give like no one else! Build wealth, become insanely generous, and leave an inheritance for future generations. You know what people with no debt and no payments can do? Anything they want! And it's all because you had discipline for a few years. Now that's leaving a legacy.

It took perseverance and good habits to get you here. Keep setting goals and budgeting every month. Stay intense and have fun along the way! You started investing 15% on Baby Step 4. Now you can max out your 401k and IRA so you can continue to live and give like no one else in retirement.

I left the last para in because I thought the crew here might get a good laugh out of Davey's being on the last baby step through perseverance and good habits. Ha. Overnight. Good one, Davey.

sirensong said...

Hey Jude- thank you for that link, I enjoyed it, very interesting. I can't help but think how PN "orchestrated his own recovery". But as far as CD goes, she said something like underneath it all, there is nothing. I also realized, IMO CD is not good at hiding his narcissism, in none of his video do I get a sense of him caring about anyone but himself and his dreams. And of course the obvious "God speaks to him and his heart, as if he is special. Yes, he checks all the boxes.

sirensong said...

Anon @ 1:02, right? That pretty much says it all. He wasn't anxious and depressed, he was beside himself with all the money dropping into his lap. This whole case is majorly disturbing. I can't help but wonder how long KM AKA KB will last before she feels "sucked dry". I wonder since he protects his money in NIW Serendipity, if she will get her half of all she puts into

Anonymous said...

"Serendipity". Your wife is murdered and you call it serendipity? What was he thinking? Even for Davey it's so crass and wrong. Shudder.

sirensong said...

if she were to bail. That last sentence was cut off. This case is bringing out the worst in me, I need some spiritual strengthening. Was nice to here the lady, in hey judes link, talk about the truth, vs what pastors are pretending. Listening to CD and watching his actions leaves me like those dead dry bones.

Anonymous said...

Another one of Robin's close friends posted this on 11/12/15:

"Davey came home on Tuesday morning to find his lovely bride unconscious."

Anonymous said...

So, who told Robin the story? She likely did not know that coming home "to find" or "to discover" is a guilty indicator, but that was the story that being spread to her closest friends as early as 11/10/15.

I suspect FBC Elkhart knew that something bad was going down on 11/9/15, beforehand.
And Newspring was aware as well ... as Perry felt the need to state nobody knew a week ago, that they would be there for a "celebration" on the 15th.
By late morning on the 10th, Newspring influence was already all over FBC Elkhart.

Anonymous said...

Did Newspring also 'spring' for the "bucket list" get-out-of-town-NOW trip?

Anonymous said...


Hey Jude said...

Sirensong @ 3.13am. - Diane Langberg was speaking about some pastors, not pastors in general, please. :). I am pleased to have found her lectures, and that others find them helpful, too - perhaps some Resonaters will see and follow the link and find that what she says resonates with them. From one of his talks, it sounded as if Zack was already thinking that way before he lost courage and decided to repent of his God-given instincts and continue to find good leadership in the pastor who finds it amusing to talk about popping a church greeter in the head and tossing him in a dumpster. If they are serious about faith they will find Diane Langberg to be grounded in hers, and that she can teach them much more in a few hours than they will ever learn from Davey.

Bingo said...

Great posts this weekend! Hey Jude, I have just started watching the video about Narcissism and it is like she is doing a talk on Davey Blackburn. His feelings of grandiosity are unsettling.

Although, he started a church in 2011 and still has not grown more than 150 people, he sees himself as a great Christian leader of the masses.
He tells everyone that his wife died for worldwide revival. He reminds us over and over that God protected him from knowing what happened while allowing Amanda to get beaten, humiliated and executed. He promises Resonate that the are involved in a story that will involve hundreds of thousands of people. He runs a church out of a gymnasium but has the lifestyle of a rock star, while continuing to take donations from and Resonate Give page. The lack of empathy also wrapped up all in there. He won't ever stop either.

I guess narcissists don't see their failures? He was not going to fail at Resonate, relaunching over and over, emptying their savings accounts to promote, putting commercials on the air and writing #ForIndy all over the city (that must have been a mess for someone else to clean up). He is such a narcissists that Amanda just became a pawn in his plan. I think he was probably already having the affair with Kristi which fueled the fire. Amanda needed to be replaced, Davey needed to make it big (because God told him that he was supposed to be Big) so Davey took Amanda down and started his new hashtag #nothingiswasted. #forIndy just wasn't working. Plan in action for the next relaunch came on November 10th.

It is all so sad and shame on Amanda's family for not stepping up to the plate to stop him before and after the murder. I am sorry but I have lost all respect for them. Someone needs to stop Davey. He is going to destroy a lot of lives before he is done. Also, shame on the IMPD for not doing their due diligence by at least taking him in for video questioning. I would think that is just protocol. Even if they didn't initially suspect him, you always take the husband in for questioning. Don't you? The thugs barely took anything from the house and the door was left unlocked and they don't do a video questioning of DB? I just don't get it. Frustrating.

Kate said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did Newspring also 'spring' for the "bucket list" get-out-of-town-NOW trip?
February 5, 2018 at 4:04 AM

Haa! I bet his car was already packed and ready to go by the time he made the 911 call. But how could anyone prove that he did or didn't, since he was able to move about freely immediately.

Maybe it's been discussed before but the Ashley Fallis case had some similarities to Amanda's case. LE discusses how getting the right information on the 911 call is crucial. In the end, the husband goes to trial and is cleared of murder. I think it was 4 years after. In the comment section, a lot of people felt he was not guilty and le botched the case. I felt he got away with murder.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:02

You have the burden of proof backwards when you insist that other people need to prove you wrong. When you (and others) make claims about the dollar amount of insurance money, you (and others) are responsible for providing evidence to support the claims. No one is obligated to discredit the claims or take them seriously until you have provided evidence.

In case you need a recap because you're having trouble following along, I did not say the insurance money wasn't used to fund his lifestyle. My original statement was that no one here knows the amount of insurance money -- $200,000 or $500,000 or $1 million -- or whether it was increased when she became pregnant, and that people who claim to know don't really know. Then someone (you, perhaps) started throwing out dollar amounts ($500,000 in love offerings, $1M in life insurance that doubled because she was murdered), and, again, offered no proof.... proving my point that it's all supposition, which is what I said to begin with.

Add to this that we don't know how much of an advance he got for the book ..... Hopefully you understand a little better now.

Anonymous said...

Treley Kidd, Diano Gordon's cousin/brother and Kilt gang OG, completed the Marion County Re entry Program in 2012

Lee Ladd, Kristi's stepdad, worked with the Re entry Program during that time:

sirensong said...

Wow, anon 1:05, good sleuthing. Sounds like enough links for the IMPD to have at least been suspicious. Or at least found the links them themselves. Maybe they did, but it didn't fit into their agenda at the time.

HJ- you are absolutely right, I have a tendency to not developed my thought fully before posting! I certainly do not throw all pastors into the same pot. It does seem there are a high percentage though, that are fleecing their congregation, but I'm sure it is actually small.

Anonymous said...

(not the Anon @ 3:46 or 7:46)


Anonymous@February 4, 2018 at 10:15 PM said...

"...then it turned out he said he left the door unlocked because she lost her keys?"

Do you have a link that verifiably states that? Thanks.


I am posting the link to the twitter account that addresses this issue. It was posted by another poster up thread. Whether or not it is verifiable proof, you will have to judge for yourself. I have not had the time to research at length who Diane Moorman is yet. I believe that there was more information in the original posts back a couple of weeks ago by the same poster who posted the link, another anonymous, but you will have to check that out for yourself.


Please provide the link to your assertion "...then it turned out he said he left the door unlocked because she lost her keys?"


Anonymous said...

^Here is your complete quote:

"Are you the same person who claimed Davey said he left the door unlocked to "teach Amanda a lesson," then it turned out he said he left the door unlocked because she lost her keys?"

Anonymous said...

Diane Moorman is head of the neighborhood watch program in the area the Blackburns lived. She was there with police at the scene I believe. She said Davey never returned to the neighborhood and didn't help with any efforts. He was invited to an award ceremony where the Sunnyfield neighborhood was awarded for efforts to find the killers and enhanced safety measures. Davey didn't even respond at all to invite. He was on to bigger and better things. Replacement Car, Home and Wife.

I would love her to join this convo if anyone knows how to contact her? She can enlighten us more I bet!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:09, that's really interesting. It's awesome when people do their own research into the case and contribute something new and interesting, instead of whining that they are entitled to be provided with proof of suppositions which they are too lazy to research for themselves. :)

If Treley did the drugs program then he definitely knew Kristis step dad, as attending bible studies with him is a mandatory part of the program. It doesn't look like the drugs program at Marion is is too great, though, judging by this entry under Treley's announcement that he's completed the drugs program.

Treley Kidd
Treley Kidd Im already high

Or maybe some people are just recidivistic morons.

Anonymous said...

"I would love her to join this convo if anyone knows how to contact her? She can enlighten us more I bet!"

What about her twitter account? I posted the link at 3:16.

Anonymous said...

Anon @4:31, someone can send her a link to this thread via her twitter acct. I don't have a twitter acct but somebody here probably does.

Anonymous said...

Here is Diane Moorman's contact information, if this is the same Diane Moorman (took me all of 30 seconds).

Anonymous said...

Another article corroborating identity and contact information for Diane Moorman, Crime Watch Coordinator, IMPD NW District Crimewatch Specialist:

So, you have twitter (@3:16 PM), email, and phone number (@5:11 PM and here in the above link). Knock yourself out.

Anonymous said...

Was Natasha Jones Tank in the neighborhood crime watch group? If she heard two gunshots and a scream, she should have called the police.

Anonymous said...

No need to be rude Anon @ 6:54 PM. I don't have Twitter, so I can't contact her through Twitter.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous@8:11 PM

I am sorry. I did not mean to be rude. I apologize for coming across that way.

I do not have twitter either; that's why I spent a few minutes and collected the email and phone number for you to have.

I'm sorry for coming across harshly.

Please have a nice night. God bless you.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

RE: Trudy @ 1:56 AM February 4, 2018

"Trudy said...

Davey called 911 at 8:22am

The medics knew within minutes of their arrival at 8:30am that Amanda was a victim
of crime."

You brought up some really good points in your post that I never even considered before. Thank you! With her simply face down, there's no way on earth Davey could have missed all the blood from her upper back wound. He theoretically could have missed the head wound if she was face down and her shirt was pulled up over the back of her head (her shirt likely being quite bloody. But, in order for them to work on Amanda, the first responders had to have addressed the back of head injury, then immobilized her neck, then carefully flipped her over face up, instantly exposing her facial injuries. Unless Davey was upstairs, in the garage, or outside, there's no way he could not have known more details about her injuries. That house was not that big, and between multiple first responders and equipment, and them actually working on Amanda and communicating to each other, no way.

Eight minutes is a lifetime when you're waiting on First Responders (no disrespect intended). He had to have known the Police were 2 doors down. Pregnant, essentially naked, and face down in a pool of blood, I would have run outside for LE (either first or immediately after I'd called 911).

The 911 call should be interesting because Dispatchers are trained to ask qualifying questions to pinpoint who to dispatch. If Davey didn't mention the copious amounts of blood that he never fails to describe in his appearances, he may have a big problem. Stating that he didn't know the extent of her injuries is beyond credibility given the state he himself describes her in when he finds her. He has a need to portray himself as stupid, yet he's told us repeatedly of his penchant for gory horror movies, bloody and violent epics, his familiarity with violence (capping an usher), etc.

flightfulbird said...

If Davey didn't mention the copious amounts of blood that he never fails to describe in his appearances, he may have a big problem. Stating that he didn't know the extent of her injuries is beyond credibility given the state he himself describes her in when he finds her.

^ ^ THIS x 1000 ^ ^

Whatever Davey did or did not include in his 911 call that he had to make on the fly (I continue to believe he was expecting to be calling the coroner to pick up a body, not 911 with a live, still-breathing victim) - it did not raise the question in the dispatcher's mind that there could in any way be an active crime scene.

Because if the 911 dispatcher had any clue of what that room looked like and in what condition Amanda actually was, they would have suspected an active crime scene and rolled IMPD. Even if they only suspected it, they would have erred on the side of more support and not less and rolled IMPD just as a precaution.

Remember they were already heading for Alison Becker's residence because she called 911 five minutes before Davey did. It would have been so easy to divert them and say hey, there's another house where you are needed far worse - go there first !

The fact that only IFD Engine 12 arrived makes the scenario quite plausible that Davey said something like "I just got home from the gym and my wife has a head wound, maybe she fell, she's pregnant" - with no mention of anything else being out of place on or around Amanda.

I agree also with whoever said upthread that the gym bag had stuff in it that Davey needed to remove from the house - evidence - whatever. He repeatedly says "grabbed my gym clothes" or "grabbed my gym bag" - no need to say that if he was heading out for a workout. The gym bag is sensitive and the gym is his alibi.

I cannot wait to see this whole thing unravel and blow up and come crashing down and whatever other words that can be used to describe catching this guy in all of his lies and proving that he orchestrated the murder of his wife.

By the way, they are reopening the Natalie Wood drowning / murder case more than 36 years later, saying her husband is a person of interest. So not even 2 1/2 years is nothing - there is no safety or mental freedom or rest for Davey and his minions that defend him here just because it has been this long and nothing has happened.

Trudy said...

Exactly Flightfulbird, the house was small, the medics working on Amanda were communicating - presumably verbally, not through esp, - one of them requested IMPD - again, I presume verbally, the focus was on Amanda and determining her condition and assisting appropriately. How could Davey not know? And why did he take his own focus off Amanda, and the medics to call his father in those vital moments? In my opinion he wanted the narrative that Amanda had simply fallen and had a head injury and needed prayers, to be widely spread before the truth came out. I'm sure he asked his dad to start a phone prayer tree. It's devious but strangely childish logic, "if I don't know she's been shot - as evidenced by my 911 call and call to my father - how could I be involved in the shooting?" Raven Abaroa tried it on when he said he thought his wife had been shot, when in fact, she had been stabbed. By him.

What was it Crazy Davey said?

"It was only after we got to the hospital and doctors and investigators came in and asked me a bunch of questions that we realized Amanda had been shot." I hope that quote is correct.This shows the same need to slow down the pace and distance himself from the victim.

From Peters latest blog about Robert Wagner:-"Only after" is a phrase that not only indicates the element of timing as very sensitive to him, but at the exclusion of all else.

Bingo said...

Yes, Trudy, you brought up some great new points. For one, the time Kenneth Wagner tweeted was 5 mins before ole Davey boy called 911. 5 minutes?? What did he do? Sit in the car longer in cold, wet work out clothes? OR did he go in and dangit! she was still breathing so he staged the scene a bit more. Is that when her clothes were taken off to humiliate her and make it look more like a crime scene? But wait, it can't look too much like a crime scene since he called everyone and told them it was a head boo boo. I wonder what all went wrong that morning besides Amanda not dying. That must have sucked for Davey because he most likely had huge hospital bills that took away from a new set of golf clubs. Also, the delayed trip out to the gym. A 40 minute delay? What happened to cause the delay. After all, he was up at 4:30. The only thing he did was spend a little time in the word and pray for protection for Evie and Amanda. He got up at 4:30 and called 911 at 8:25? But in that four hours he only worked out for 20 minutes?

Bingo said...

Also, I had never really thought about the fact that the paramedics would have def known and talked about Amanda having bullets riddled into her body while at the house. No way Davey didn't know that until the detectives talked to him at the hospital. He also saw the detectives coming into the house before he sped off in his own car. What a big fat liar he is! I mean if he had to lie about something like that, you know he was lying about something much bigger. All they lying and changing his stories must be exhausting. I just wish the police had done their job and brought him in for some serious taped questioning. No way he would have fared well with some hard questioning but here we are two and a half years later. It is obvious the police are floundering since they can't even take it to trial yet.

Anonymous said...

If Davey told the 911 operator that Amanda was bleeding from a head wound, the 911 operator would have said to apply compression. Davey would have been instructed to find a clean cloth and apply pressure. It doesn't appear that he did, or he would have let us know in one of his many superfluous blogs. He REALLY must have minimized the severity of Amanda's "head wound". My guess is that he told the 911 operator he thought she had fallen and was having a miscarriage and nothing more.

I think Davey was the one at Allison Becker's that morning. Only one subject seen at 5;36am, the time Davey is normally driving to the gym. An SUV speeds down the street at 6am. Davey grabs his gym bag and leaves for LA Fitness at 6:11am. The neighbor that had surveillance video was north of Allison Becker's, so his video will only pick up cars and people coming and going out of the street. It appears the only unusual car around that time was the dark-colored SUV.The suspects would have driven past the surveillance video on their way to Allison Becker's. The cameras would have picked up the time the stolen Sebring was on Davey's street but, once again, no mention of this in the APC. The only Sebring sighting noted is when JW picked LT up at 7:10am.

My guess on Allison Becker's is that the suspect had a black ski mask on and was alone. CI Anthony Shannon conveniently has a black ski mask that he said LT left at his house the morning of the murder. My guess is that Davey went out his back door and broke in to Allison Becker's wearing a ski mask and dark clothing. He had the black ski mask and dark clothing in the gym bag and ditched them on the way to the gym.

Anonymous said...

If she was shot after the shirt was pulled up, there would be a hole in it. If before, there would certainly be copious amounts of blood on it. This would also speak to when she was 'messed with' (my observation only) by LT. Whatever he did, her underwear did not take itself off, nor did her shirt pull itself almost off. The shirt could tell a story for sure concerning blood residue and placement of blood on it.

She laid there for two hours less a minute when EMS carted her away at 8:44 AM. I don't know how DB could not have seen at least some evidence at 8:22 AM, just 22 minutes before they took her to the hospital. He also had much time to observe her condition, since it took the paramedics approximately 8 minutes to get there. He is not dense as he portrays himself to be at times.

There was no exit wound with the head shot, since the bullet lodged behind her eye, but she bled out for a long time from the back of her head and back and arm. No bleeding from any other areas, such as the groin area, as far as we know.

We could talk about this for hours and still come up with things that don't make sense. The trial is in April, right?

I am not sure how to put this delicately, but it does cross my mind that DB and AB could have had 'relations' that morning before he left, and maybe that could account for some of the time discrepancy (trying to be sensitive--I keep in mind that WB might one day read this).

We will never know all the details, since Amanda took them to the grave. It's too bad that LE did not take DNA from DB; that would have answered to the DNA that they initially insinuated had been left behind as per the sexual assault, which they later recanted. I'm still stunned that they didn't process DB. As far as questioning him, I don't think that there is a time limit on that, just a lack of wisdom for not doing it sooner.

Anonymous said...

^"If she was shot after the shirt was pulled up, there would be a hole in it."--talking about the head shot here.

Kate said...

If LE only used the surveillance from the gym to confirm Davey's alibi, they would be going against standard protocol and any future court proceedings would be screwed. I am currently working on a video pertaining to women who were pregnant and murdered within the last 18 months. It's an epidemic. I've noticed it's a topic that sometimes makes the headlines, but is usually swept under the rug and kept pretty quiet, unless the family gets involved and makes noise. In one case in particular, the cops had suspicion over the husband, but they had the victims mom and dad act like they weren't suspicious of him, sat next to him and did a presser. I'll drop the link here when I'm done if anyone is interested in viewing it.

Here is another link where they speak to Davey being questioned. Hopefully he was questioned in further detail and if he was made to hand in his clothes from that morning, etc.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned this book up thread (sorry, can't remember who it was, but thank you), and I accidentally found the bottom read link of it on a search for districts in Indianapolis.

“Through an Unlocked Door
In Walks Murder

By: Kevin M. Sullivan

[Through an Unlocked Door] is a unique look (I don't know of another book quite like it) at the crime of murder occurring in the homes of those who, through a matter of conscious decision or simply not paying attention, failed to secure their homes and to lock their doors, and because of this, were easily slaughtered. It is both an in-depth look at those killers who went out of their way to find the unlocked doors, and those who suffered because of it. Indeed, the issue of the unlocked home crosses all societal, economic, and cultural lines; and can be found in abundance throughout all 50 U.S states. And this book is an attempt to bring this "hidden" problem to light, so that those who have had an issue with securing their dwellings, will make the proper changes, and in doing so, will greatly reduce their chances of becoming a homicide victim.]”


The link on Amazon finds the book much cheaper (I linked the above link because of the description that follows the title of the book.).


The Blackburns’ case can be read here in Chapter 3, pages 17-22:

Anonymous said...

That's a really good link, Kate. Thanks. It gives a very clear picture of the house and the house next to it. They're quite close to each other. But that neighbor's house was not burgled that morning, correct? It was one house over next to that neighbor, if I am not mistaken.

Still would like to find a link that said that DB was processed. This newscast says that he was questioned and that police were interested in how he left the house and whether the house was left locked or unlocked, etc....but nothing about the husband, DB, being processed.

Geesh. Let's hope LE did their jobs thoroughly. Would be nice if DB had been interrogated at the station, in a controlled setting. Looks like we need more information--the stuff that I hope will come out at trial.

God bless everyone working on this case and give them wisdom, persistence, and patience.

Anonymous said...

I had never seen that link Kate. Wow, those houses are close together. How the heck did this go down with no one calling the police or reporting anything? The police tried to make it sound like the burglars robbed the house two doors down, sat around and drank, happened to see Davey leave and saw a crime of opportunity and walked through the front door.How could anyone hear gun shots and a woman scream and not call 911. Did they grill her and ask why the heck she would not call 911. She better be grilled on the witness stand about that. With those houses that close together, she was the only one to hear the gunshots? When was Amanda actually shot? Is there a chance that someone just dropped Larry there drunk and stoned to take the fall? Who actually shot her and when? Who all knows Davey was involved and protecting him?

Anonymous said...

Plaster saints and charlatans. Liars, frauds, and predators. Wolves. Demons.

Kate said...

Here is another rare one, I like how the cops advice is to lock your doors, almost tongue-in-cheek.

Bingo said...

Thanks Kate for these videos!
Ok, so looking at the video at 1:32, I think I see the Christmas tree inside the house. Also, they immediately look down when they walk in the door. I wonder what they are looking at?

Anonymous said...

11/12/15 0:25

"They're not sure if the killer acted alone or had someone with him or her."

Anonymous said...

For those who feel frustrated going over the same documents and feeling like there has been little activity on this case, the following links show that there has been a lot going on behind the scenes.

Here are the documented court filings for Larry Jo Taylor, Jr.:

Here is Larry Jo Taylor, Jr.’s court activity for the past years concerning the Amanda Blackburn case:

Here are a few details of the upcoming jury selection and 5-Day Trial date:

03/23/2018 Jury Trial
03/23/2018 8:30 AM, Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
To pick Jury Panel for 04/02/2018


04/02/2018 Jury Trial
04/02/2018 8:30 AM, Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
5 Day Trial

You can click on all four individual cases for details of court activity.

Anonymous said...

Recent activity in Larry's record:
1/17/18 Correspondence filed with court
1/23/18 Defense counsel to request a hearing IF defendant appears sincere in this request
1/31/18 Correspondence filed with court

Anonymous said...

Who is a fan of this sad soul?

Anonymous said...

And who uses ProBank Austin?

Kate said...

Anonymous Anonymous said... 11/12/15 0:25 "They're not sure if the killer acted alone or had someone with him or her." February 6, 2018 at 3:18 PM

I remember discussing that theory early on, I believe it was here on SA. I think it had something to do with the surveillance pictures being so grainy, a person couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman by just those two pics.

I had also heard early on, that the home that was robbed just prior to Amanda's had been burglarized in the past, but could not find anything further about it. It's here, on this video and it struck me odd that it happened just four years prior. Four years exactly when? Before Davey moved in or after Davey moved in? I'll see if I can dig further to find more info, but if anyone else knows, please chime in. In either result, that's enough to keep your doors locked.

In this video, Ryan also chooses his words interestingly. He doesn't refer to a "he" or "she" on the tapes, he's very non-descriptive. Which is why I think the neighborhood may have been told to keep it down with regards to talking to the press, possibly.

Kate said...

Updated to add, it appears it was before Davey moved in.

Kate said...

One last one

Mannequin said...

(Part One) Found this FB post and will assume DB made the post for Resonate Church on November 10, 2015 at 6:00am Indy Time. Hence, this is one or two minutes he spent the morning Amanda was fatally assaulted.
Refreshing myself of the major players is my goal, att.

From Data Lounge, Late November, 2017: Smoking Hot Pastor DB

[Anon Reply # 35 with image] "[R34], don't forget Mr. Nasty, who drove the getaway car and is also the brother to one of the Kilt Gang leaders (and best friend of Kilt Gang OG, who worked out / trained every day at LA Fitness)."

[Anon Reply # 51] "[R50]... They "stole" a car from the apartment complex that they were hanging out at with the other gang members, notably Alonzo Bull. They drove 20 minutes across town to a specific cul-de-sac that is hard to access from main roads. They "burglarized" a house next to the preacher's that was owned by a lady who the neighbors knew worked nights. They took a few things and lingered about 45 minutes, drinking wine and beer and eating oranges (VERY typical behavior of burglars!).
Then took a computer and a bank card and executed Amanda. They dropped one of the gang guys off, ditched the car, were picked up by somebody, and then met back at Alonzo's apartment. If this seems random to you, then stay on the short bus."

[Anon Reply # 52] "A stolen sweater, ATM receipt, and cell phone records were key clues in tracking down the men suspected of killing Amanda Blackburn. The two men facing murder charges are 21-year-old Jalen Watson and 18-year-old Larry Taylor Jr. According to the probable cause affidavit, the sweater and receipt for were found in the stolen Chrysler Sebring police believe was used in the crime. Police found the car in the 3800 block of Rockwood Avenue. Court documents state the receipt came from an ATM located at a Chase Bank off Michigan Road. Investigators said the debit card used on the receipt matched Blackburn’s.

Investigators got a warrant to search a camera on the machine. Video during the time the card was used showed the stolen car and the driver. Court documents state the video showed the driver wearing a hoodie while also covering his face with a pink sweater. Investigators ran a DNA test on the sweater and got a hit on Jalen Watson. Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry said that was the first major break in the case. According to the documents, Watson was on parole for burglary.

Mannequin said...

(Part Two) Cell towers determined the third suspect’s phone was also used near that location. The documents state the phone later moved to a tower on Sunnyfield Court around 6:25 a.m., about the time of the shooting. About a half an hour later, the phone moved to a tower near the Chase Bank off Michigan Road. It then moved to another Chase Bank off 86th Street where investigators determined the debit card was used again. During this time, phone records show the third suspect’s phone made several calls to a cell phone located on Sunnyfield Court. The third suspect’s phone was then tracked back to Sunnyfield Court to pick up the person walking along the street around 7:10 a.m.

Around that time, surveillance cameras from a neighboring home caught an image of a man walking on the sidewalk. In the court documents, witnesses told police they saw the man talking on the phone before getting picked up in a car. Investigators researched phone numbers associated with the person walking on Sunnyfield Court. It was found in “Backpage” ads online. Court documents state the phone number was associated with Larry Taylor Jr. through previous police reports. The phone number was tracked to an address on South Meridian Street where police found Taylor. He admitted to police that the phone belonged to him.

Later in the documents, a “cooperating individual” told police that Taylor admitted to killing Blackburn after she charged at him. The individual told police Taylor admitted to shooting Blackburn in the upper body, then in her head as she was laying on the ground.

=== The plea agreement for Watson also involved a Nov. 3, 2015, rape and burglary at Westlake Apartments, near Interstate 465 and Rockville Road. In that case, Watson agreed to plead guilty to burglary with a deadly weapon. Charges of theft, robbery, criminal confinement and auto theft were dismissed as part of the plea deal.

Watson and Larry Jo Taylor Jr., 20, were each charged with murder and additional felonies related to Nov. 10, 2015, burglaries at three homes, including the Blackburn home. Court documents describing the investigation said Taylor “caused termination of a human pregnancy” when police say he shot and killed Blackburn. Taylor is scheduled for a five-day jury trial April 2 in the Blackburn case. He is scheduled for a three-day June 11 trial on charges in the Westlake Apartment rape and burglary and in the robbery and killing of Rolando Gonzalez-Hernandez on Nov. 4, 2015 in the 4500 block of Candletree Circle. Another person, Diano Gordon, 26, faces two counts of murder and additional criminal charges in relation to the Blackburn case, the three home burglaries and the Westlake Apartments rape and burglary. Gordon is scheduled for pretrial conferences Nov. 17 in two of the three court filings, according to online records.

[Anon Reply # 56] "Later in the documents, a “cooperating individual” told police that Taylor admitted to killing Blackburn after she charged at him. "

This is the most inaccurate statement given, according to evidence. Amanda was shot in the back of the head, so she obviously wasn't charging anyone. Also, what was Amanda doing when she was alone for about 5 minutes during the time Watson and Taylor left Davey's to go talk to Gordon, who was parked 2 houses away. If she was physically able to charge someone later, she would have done something in those 5 minutes - lock a door, call 99, get a gun, go up to Weston's room, let Mel out of the garage....something."

Mannequin said...

(Part Three) [Anon Reply # 64] "[R60], Alonzo Bull is the father of Donae's children. They are on-again, off-again. She seems hopelessly in love with him, but he doesn't seem to feel the same. She has posted on FB how she would never snitch and that she is loyal, so don't think she's going to talk. Unless she gets really pissed at Alonzo and finally decides to come clean."

[Anon Reply #71] "Don't think was already posted. It's one of the Kilt gang leaders leaving LA Fitness and counting his cash (Jay Broski with image)"

[Anon Reply# 85] "People at Resonate did not see Kristi coming. She didn't interact with people at church. People feel like the announcement and now sudden wedding are "in their faces." When you go from knowing Amanda, to not knowing DB was even dating anyone, to this, you feel like it's a slap in the face. DB picks and chooses who he wants to share his personal life with. He doesn't give a rip about anyone at Resonate except his few guppy-style friends who dream of the life of the "Rich and Famous," which DB seems to offer them."

[Anon Reply # 89] "[R88], as does everyone on here, I believe that everything that DB does is calculated. Why did he pick KM over Samantha Smith? Samantha Smith has a story too. No connection to the prison ministry and the thugs. Samantha Smith was a distraction to the public while he dated Kristi.

DB pokes fun at his worship pastor. His youth pastor tries to preach to DB in his sermons, but DB is too dumb to pick up on it. I believe that the youth pastor sees thru him.

DB had a couple from the church living with him to help him cook, care for Weston, and babysit. Over the summer, he had an intern from the church babysit Weston on the weekends so he could "prepare for his sermon." Now that KM will be moving in, DB is having his former housemates take over KM's apartment lease."

[Anon Reply # 99] "The money for the church comes from donations from people that go there. The church doesn't have a building. The many expenses are salaries. Honestly, I'm not sure how it stays afloat. Not many people attend."

Bingo said...

Thanks for another video, Kate. on this one
they are really pushing the story that the thugs were robbing the other house, saw Davey leave, assumed that the house was empty (why would they think it was empty, there was another car in the driveway) and decided to walk on over through the unlocked door. Yeah, right! Ok, don't we have proof that three accused weren't even on the street for the first robbery. Is this just crappy police work or is there cover up? From the earlier video shared by Kate, the quick release of Davey as a suspect? The news said he was released of ANY suspicion! We have a pregnant woman murdered and an unlocked door and the husband is immediately cleared of any suspicion??

The end of the video above just makes me SICK to my stomach. Davey releasing statements saying the best is yet to come and inviting the public to come to the funeral like it is a concert or something. Funerals are NOT public events but I guess for poor used and abused Amanda's was just that. They even sold t-shirts, served cupcakes and posted it online! Ok, I have decided if no one is going to write a book about this case, I am!

Mannequin said...

(Part Four)[Anon Reply # 103] "I know the former nanny as well. She has no reason to be involved that I can think of. She's just someone who worships DB and does whatever he wants. Someone he can control. He's a control freak, so I doubt no one knows the details except DB himself."

[Anon Reply # 110] "[R109], it had to do with someone tipping over a farmer's cows. The farmer died from anxiety over this. It was said a certain local soon-to-be pastor was the culprit but that soon-to-be pastor blamed another kid, who was then ostracized." (Me: Was DB trying to have sex with the cattle? How do you tip over cows?")

[Anon Reply # 134] "And that incident caused the entire town to hate you know who and he and his family were forced to move to another state (* I think the writer means moves from B'ham to Tuscaloosa]. He himself has mentioned that incident as "a horrible lie that nearly destroyed his life and caused everyone to hate him" in various sermons and his blog."

[Anon >>> Shout Out to a SA blogger] I think someone on that Statement Analysis blog solved the murder. The gang member that went to Davey's gym (and was a student at the high school Davey taught at) lived where Taylor was dropped off after the murder (his mom has a house there and he has lived there). This is also the location where the stolen goods from the earlier rape case were dropped off. This same gym gang guy was arrested in October 2015 and gave his address as the same apartment complex that the rape victim's stolen car was dropped off at. He was directing taylor and Watson to not only Amanda's murder but the earlier rape as well. And he is connected to Crazy Davey.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Bingo. Go for it!

Mannequin said...

(Part 5) [Anon] "So, I have been thinking about where did DB get the money for the potential hit? Well, if you read his blog "The Last Book Amanda Read," he talks about having to empty out his and Amanda's retirement accounts to give to the church so that it could afford to move to a new building (which they still have yet to secure an actual building of their own, so why so much money needed)? He references needing a total of $150,000 to keep the church afloat. After donating the money that they were saving for a new vehicle, he said that he then had to empty out his retirement accounts.
He has this to say, "It was Christmas of 2014, our church was looking into re-launching to a larger auditorium in February and I challenged everyone to give above and beyond their normal giving as a Christmas offering. We needed to raise nearly $150,000 to make the big move.

Could the "Retirement money" donated to the church, have been used to some extent to pay off the gang member/s?

[R153], the guy from the gym is one of the older leaders of the gang that Gordon and Watson were in (Kilt gang). Gordon, Watson and Taylor were merely following orders. Taylor never acted alone, except for the murder of the Hispanic guy that he is accused of, which nobody witnessed but the Cooperating Individuals (Kilt gang members) immediately ratted out Taylor to LE. The contract for the hit would have been made with the gang leaders, of which gym guy was one. One of the other OG gang leaders is Gordon's brother. Taylor is a pawn. He wasn't in the gang and he is young (18) and impulsive.

The gang leaders are upset that Gordon is going up for murder and someone has hired him two private attorneys for him. The gang leaders are also upset that Watson cooperated with LE (we knew he was cooperating in August, as per FB postings on this site of Gordon's brother). Nobody knows if Watson is keeping to a script presented by LE or is actually being truthful in his confession.

The cell tower pings don't match up with LE's version of events. And there are still some cell phones that information hasn't been made public about that were calling Gordon the morning of the murder, from the first burglary until after the successful ATM transaction.

The burglary that happened prior was obviously orchestrated by the gym guy, as he posted things to FB immediately after which refer to a payback for someone taking his stuff. Gym guy spent time in that area of Indy, which was very far away from where Watson, Gordon and Taylor lived and roamed. Watson, during the burglary, tells Taylor to quit sexually assaulting the victim, and says "that's not what we're here for."

Again, these gang kids aren't going to randomly drive 30 minutes away to some particular apartment in a huge complex and know that the victim has a boyfriend that she needs to pick up from work at 10pm, just like the three gang kids didn't randomly drive to a cul-de-sac twenty minutes away that is hard to get to from main streets and happen to discover an unlocked front door."

Mannequin said...

(Part 6) "[R159], you must not hang out in gyms very often. You get to know the other people in the gym very well. And most body builders get their steroids from gym connections. Once you've built trust by buying illegal steroids, then it makes the contract hit conversation that much easier. Everyone knows that gang members kill people. It's part of their culture. To actually get a wad of cash for doing it is a no-brainer."

My assumption is it appears that DB cashed in their savings and retirement to get the money to pay for the hired hit even though he stated it would be to finance a new church building, that never happened. DB was giving payments to the gangs while at the gym.

Various Resonate Church goers suspect DB of foul play so they attend, out of curiosity, to watch for clues of his involvement. Ditto for the Bs former neighborhood. The fashion in which DB dresses for sermons and the sex language often discussed is appealing to gang members. Remember the we all lie sermon?

Regarding steroids that are mentioned, DB could have become trustworthy to the gang by purchasing steroids from them. Steroids often make the user meaner, short tempered and perhaps more deadly, than a feral lion. Steroidal usage also causes insomnia which leads to skewed thoughts. DBs inexplicable, insatiable appetite for sex could be induced by steroids and working out. Strenuous workouts increase endorphin levels. However, if DB did this 'knocking items off the countertop', to AB, then, I think he leaned her over the countertop so she was face down with her back to DB, if you get my drift. This activity could also would relieve his homosexual urges.

When stating AB was face down when finding her on the 10th, I think it means she was in the prone position with her head turned to one side or the other.

KM states their regular Tuesday calls were from 7-8am. This particular day it ran over by several minutes. DB did not wonder why AB did not come outside to check on him. Nah. He knew she wouldn't be able to.

Now, I'm wondering if DB wasn't the one who sexed AB, one final time, as well as causing a traumatic brain injury so when LT enters the home, either of the 2 times, did he rape her, too? Were his hairs/DNA found on AB? Did DB scatter her bank cards prior to departing?

Mannequin said...

(Part 7) I ask this because it doesn't seem likely to rape and murder a lady then idly walk the sidewalks around her street. Where was the murder weapon? So, initially did the gang enter DBs home only to get the ATM cards? Then, they sent LT back to get the PIN # from her? I don't understand LTs return trip into the home. If DB was the organizer, surely he supplied the PIN, in advance. Regardless of who shot AB, she was still breathing when the gang left and while DB was on the phone in his driveway with KM an extended amount of time.

Did the Gang Lord got paid for the hit, that DB himself committed, with the arrested culprits receiving the stolen $400 from the bank card? This could explain why no one is rolling on DB because the lower tiered gang members don't know DB was the killer.

If DB is a malignant NPD, he would draw further thrills, and deeper satisfaction, by conducting the heinous acts himself rather than hoping the paid gang did it for him. That is why I am willing to give DB a larger role in the activities on the morning of the 10th.

I remain confused, or at least unsure, where Amber was staying the night of the 9th, if she was not in Amanda's home, where was she staying with her children?

Anonymous said...

^Have you transplanted another thread here, or is this your commenting? I am not used to your kind of posting. Are we not supposed to comment and post links, or do I have that wrong?

Anonymous said...

Anon@February 5, 2018 at 12:29 AM

“where's the proof he paid half million in cash (and for what, the new house)?”

Don’t you ever do your own research, or do you just bark orders at others? I am a different Anonymous, but here is your ‘proof’. If you want more, you can get it yourself. And by the way, start treating people with respect.

You can compare the specs yourself. If you want proof of who the business owner is, please do the research yourself. It will take less than 10 minutes.

Trudy said...

Crazy Davey's latest "sermon" starts with him telling the congregation that 27,000 people watch him on-line. "That's dumb", he says.

He's dumb, I say, if he doesn't know that the people who are tuning in, (like me) suspect him of being an insane narcopath who was complicit in the murder of his wife and unborn child. It's hard to look away from the utter train wreck, that is Pastor Davey Blackburn.

It must be perplexing for him. if there are 27 thousand people a week tuning in, why they aren't sending him any of their hard earned money?.

Anonymous said...

(Part Three) [Anon Reply # 64] "[R60], Alonzo Bull is the father of Donae's children. They are on-again, off-again. She seems hopelessly in love with him, but he doesn't seem to feel the same."

I have noticed a pattern of their on-again occurring when one of the three have a court appearance....shortly, thereafter, they're off-again.

Trudy said...

Here's a hint, Davey. It's because it is 27 thousand pieces of shoe lint that are watching you every week.

sirensong said...

Y'all are on fire! Trudy, I cant believe none of us have thought of that before! Goes to show you there are probably many more things we haven't put together. There is no reason as to why IMPD has not gotten all this info together and acted on it. Something is wrong there. Mannequin, it was interesting to see some of what we know or suspect put line by line that way way. Everyone and Kate, thanks for the videos!

As Anon 12:13 said "God bless everyone working on this case and give them wisdom, persistence, and patience."

If anyone looks up the court links Anon 3:42 posted, can you post a short summary of what is going on? Tablet isn't cooperating with me today.

sirensong said...

Lol, Trudy. Isn't that the truth!

Anonymous said...

Hey sirensong

Yes, I posted at 3:42. There is soooo much information there, and it is clear and easy to decipher. When you get a chance, and you're not on your tablet, pull up a chair, because there is a lot there.

The bottom line is that there is jury selection coming up on March 23, 2018 and the 5-Day Trial on April 2, 2018. Recent activity as posted by another Anon have been correspondence filed with court and defense to request a hearing if defendant appears sincere in this request.

I also posted a link up thread, which allows reading of the chapter on the Blackburn case in the "Through an Unlocked Door In Walks Murder" by Kevin M. Sullivan book.

Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

Also note, other books by Kevin M. Sullivan include books about murderers. You can click on his name in the Amazon description to see more of his titles.

Mannequin said...

Interesting that the first listing states that the home is located in Traders Point.

Last sold $355,000 (Mar 2016)
5 bed · 4.5 bath · 5,107 sq ft
33,541 sq ft lot · 1995 built


If other links are not allowed, I will graciously delete the posts. I picked through the most relevant data but I don't want to do anything to go against the grain or the rules of this blog since not all of that is my own opinion. I thought I made it clear that all of it except, for my opinions and questions, came from DL. It helped me put some things into perspective. Please let me know if it should be deleted. It's not a problem Thanks!

Kate said...

This clip is interesting. It speaks to le telling neighbors not to share video surveillance and a fumbling of excuses as to why the delay in releasing the surveillance. It never did make a lick of sense, did it? 2+ years later and it still doesn't. Unless someone may interpret it differently.

Anonymous said...

Davey speaks in his latest sermon how he had Kristi spank Weston when they were still dating. Wow. What gf agrees to that?

Anonymous said...

The latest sermon has fewer personal references. DB addresses in an indirect way why he left LA Fitness, got bored by the same workouts that weren't giving him enough results as Cross Fit does. Hmmm, I'll have to look and see when that was asked on here, I know it wasn't too long ago when someone wanted to know when and why he switched gyms.

Mannequin said...

It seems that the cctv video depicts a male but may be fuzzy. Thus, LE didn't want tips, by the hundreds, flowing in pointing or accusing the wrong guy. Personally, they should be able to take a SS from the video of the suspect and share one snippet publicly.

With Amanda on the floor, with her top pulled up and her undergarments placed beside her body, I assumed she was raped. However, I've been unsuccessful in finding a link to MSM where LE confirms this sweet lady was indeed raped. I can locate where "sources" confirm a rape but not LE. Perhaps you can verify this detail.

Something else annoying is that Taylor and Watson could be charged with enhanced charges due to the death of Evie yet they've allowed the DP to be removed for Taylor since he is testifying against the others involved. Does LE not have a strong enough case without making a deal with Taylor?

Anonymous said...

Mannequin, You seem newly involved in following this case, or at least new to posting on here. How did you get interested in the case if you don't mind me asking. I want to know how we can spread the word about this case as much as possible.

Trudy said...


He got bored? My God. How about he didn't want to go back because of the horrible, terrible reminder of where he was when Amanda was murdered. If he hadn't been at LA fitness he could have prevented a shocking tragedy. No? Bored. Ok. Wow. Psycho.

Kate said...

Thanks Mannequin, but then, they end up releasing exactly that, a fuzzy, undetectable, blur of a picture. When these images/videos were suppose to be being worked on meticulously to get as sharp and clear of an image that they could, or so it was reported for at least a week? Then we end up with those two grainy shots, it must of been a nightmare answering those tips based on those images, meanwhile, a killer or killers are at large. Kurt Baker's house had at least 3 camera's alone and he gave it all to le, as stated in pc. Maybe it will all make sense once the trials begin.

LE says they didn't have the evidence to go after the sexual assault, (I will try to find the link), which is completely baffling in the way Amanda was found, but I guess if there is no foreign DNA found on her, that would be difficult to prove.

Just my opinion here, others can chime in. I don't think they do have enough to go on without Watson's testimony, which may be completely fabricated due to the deal. That sebring wasn't even searched until 2 days later, leaves a lot of time and room for DA to go after, among a million other things we all have brought up here.

Can anyone help with this thought, in the probable cause affidavit, they state they discovered Amanda's phone in her room, there was a voice message on it from Chase bank @ 7:53 am notifying Amanda of potential fraud on her card. Do those calls go out automatically or is there a delay? The denied ATM transaction receipt stamped @ 6:36 am, the second successful one @ 6:54 am. Just wondering if anyone has had experience with this. Also, if Amanda and Davey had a joint account, would Davey be notified of the fraudulent activity as well?

Kate said...

Blogger Mannequin said...
Something else annoying is that Taylor and Watson could be charged with enhanced charges due to the death of Evie? February 7, 2018 at 12:01 AM (snip)

They filed enhancement on Taylor early on and it looks, at least to date, like he is the only one who will be carrying the extra years.

Bingo said...

"Can anyone help with this thought, in the probable cause affidavit, they state they discovered Amanda's phone in her room, there was a voice message on it from Chase bank @ 7:53 am notifying Amanda of potential fraud on her card. Do those calls go out automatically or is there a delay? The denied ATM transaction receipt stamped @ 6:36 am, the second successful one @ 6:54 am. Just wondering if anyone has had experience with this. Also, if Amanda and Davey had a joint account, would Davey be notified of the fraudulent activity as well?"

This was discussed early on and yes Davey would have gotten a call too. My husband and I both get calls if something happens. Another intricate little thing that appears LE did not seem to cover. Davey had his cell phone with him while chatting with his friend and would have gotten a call alerting him something was very wrong. However, Davey chose to sit in a cold driveway with wet workout clothes and chat instead.

Another thing that bothers me about LE (correct me if I am wrong, Bobcat) is that when Bobcat commented on a link in FB about Amanda being beaten badly, an Indy Police Officer told her she was crazy and that Amanda had not been beaten. Obviously Amanda was beaten.

And good point about the grainy picture. Several people had cameras in the neighborhood and only one grainy shot was shared. Why? It seems very much that even LE is trying to solely pin this on LT. How are they going to explain who drove off in the SUV and that it has been proven by cell phone pings that the 3 young thugs were not at the first house waiting on a crime of opportunity.

I sure hope Davey has to testify and I hope that both of the thugs have good defense attorneys ready to shred him apart. They better also play that 911 call and I hope the paramedics have to testify to what Davey was doing when they got there.

Bingo said...

Also, I watched just a minute of the last sermon. Glad to see DB back at Resonate after all his first class traveling. He said 27,000 people watched last year. Hmmm. All year, 27,000 people? That isn't very much. If he has 150 people that come to church every week, he could say 1,800 people filled the seats of Resonate last year. It is smoke and mirrors. In a year that could be the same 2,000 people or so that watch weekly and some of the analysts who have to click on a lot to transcribe, or those who are investigating. Those are not big numbers at all. He is trying to exaggerate it. Such a Perry Noble thing to do and then talk about how enormous our God is and that God is doing crazy, big things at Resonate. These pastors try to make it sound like these people are at the center of the world and God's most favorite people. God is moving! Keep sending money and inviting because this is the exclusive church where God has chosen to do such big things. It is the empty promises narrative the narcissist talk was about.

I guess he called it dumb because enough people are not actually sending him money. That is part of the reason he wants to go "live". He wants people to become paying partners by attending online "live" every Sunday morning. That is how Furtick makes the big bucks and didn't have to "cap of" his wife to do it. Speaking of, did you guys who watched the beg of his last sermon notice he said "I want to cap off this series and put an exclamation point on it." He then kind of paused, smirked a little. He is probably hoping that one of us would mention it. He is just sick.

Trudy said...

Bingo, I did actually notice the weird way he said " cap off". I thought he said 27000 people a week, though. Ha ha. 27000 a year. So that's only 519 pieces of shoe lint watching per week.

Anonymous said...

I was checking the court cases for DG and LT. Saw that one of DG's attorney's was Kimberly Shawntee Robinson. There is a Kimberly S. Robinson who, according to linkedin, works as an attorney for a company that represents Eskenazi Health. Kristi works for Eskenazi Health.

Kimberly S. Robinson
Associate General Counsel
Indianapolis, Indiana
Hospital & Health Care
Current Health and Hospital Corporation

Welcome to the Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County (HHC) website. HHC operates the Marion County Public Health Department, Eskenazi Health, Eskenazi Health Foundation, Indianapolis EMS and Long Term Care.

Anonymous said...

"daveyblackburn Davey Blackburn ( @daveyblackburn )
Happy Birthday to my beautiful bride @mrs.kristi.blackburn. Before I met you my heart was hopeful but my eyes were gray. Then one day I turned around and saw you and immediately flooded my vision as if the very heavens opened up and illuminated your face. Babe you’ve filled my life with more laughter dancing and joy than I could ever imagine. Here’s to your best year yet! #HBD �� @annafduncan #hbd"

He looks so tense. His jaw is clenched. His body posture is definitely not relaxed.

I still don't know why I have such a hard time with this. There is something about his body language that says that he is not assimilating this. It's also possible that I am just reading into it.

Other people get married quickly after the death of their spouse. I don't know why this one is bothering me. It's not like it is any of my business, and Weston does need a family. It also bothers me that DB got KB to spank him (while they were dating?!). That kind of discipline should NEVER come from anyone who is not majorly in a position of trust and bonding over time and even still should be used lightly, sparingly and cautiously with wisdom.

I wonder if the frustration with this case will come to some kind of conclusion--I hope so.

"Here’s to your best year yet!"

How about: Here's to OUR best year yet! (They're just newly married, for goodness' sake. Shouldn't it be *our*?)

Maybe it was just an oversight on his part--I mean, everybody makes mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence that DG was able to hire a private attorney but has no money and this attorney used to work at the same place Kristi does.

Kate said...

Yes, thank you Bingo and I hope you do write that book! Just thinking out loud, if all the tapes were that grainy and unrecognizable, Converse wouldn't have said they know who it is, or at least they have a picture of him. Yet the public only got to see the back of the individual. It will be another angle to watch.

Trudy, that's a lot of lint in his world, maybe he's looking to make some socks. CD talked a lot about Jesus being 33 and everything he did. Davey is turning 33 this year, perhaps we will see an arrest when he hits the magic number.

Kate said...

Here is the full interview Davey gave 2 weeks after Amanda's death. For those who haven't seen it, make sure to watch it to the end, the reporter asks how Davey feels about the nay sayers, even back then - there's a lot here. Following up with another clip in a few.

Kate said...

And here is Phil Byars full interview

Anonymous said...

Anon said...

"Hmmm, I'll have to look and see when that was asked on here, I know it wasn't too long ago when someone wanted to know when and why he switched gyms.

February 6, 2018 at 11:57 PM"

Yes, I had posted up thread wondering about a few things concerning the gym memberships of both DB and KB, specifically, some of the following:

-When did DB first take out his membership at LA.
-When did he start at CrossFit.
-When did Kristi start at CrossFit.
-Did Kristi have a membership at LA.
-Did DB use the gym in SC before moving to Indianapolis.
-How does the taking out of the gym membership coincide (if it does) with obtaining life insurance on Amanda.

For instance, did DB take out insurance on Amanda close to the time when he took out a gym membership. In other words, was there a close coincidence of the timing of the two. I would consider even a year or two to be close. This could speak to establishing an alibi as well as speaking to any possible (if any) orchestration as well as of the meeting and/or relationship with KB (I'm not necessarily suggesting that these two things are connected in any way--I am considering these as two separate issues at this point until I find out otherwise.).

This is all supposition on my part and just a very wide margin as I explore all the variables. I am in no way suggesting that DB orchestrated any of this. When I search, I like to explore ALL possibilities. It does not necessarily mean that it is what I determine at this point.

I sincerely hope to find that he had nothing to do with this.

Since I started posting only a few weeks ago, I have been able to provide many links here. These areas of the gym memberships and the life insurance don't seem to be gleaning anything for me other than vague mentions.

When I ask these questions, I am not shirking my responsibilities on anyone else here. I simply have not been able to find anything definitive. I just wanted to make that clear. I am still learning, and this is my first attempt at posting in a forum. Thank you for your patience with me.

Anonymous said...

Who is watching Crossroad Junction Watch?

Anonymous said...

He looks so tense. His jaw is clenched. His body posture is definitely not relaxed.

In one of the wedding videos of the little kids walking down the aisle toward Davey and Brad Cooper, when all eyes turn to Kristi (you can see the "WOW" on Weston and Natalia's faces), Davey and Brad both take glimpses and then look away, unsmiling.

It's such a sham.

Anonymous said...

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime you better
The souls escaping, through this hole that its gaping
This world is mine for the taking
Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order
A normal life is borin', but super stardom's close to post mortem
It only grows harder, only grows hotter
He blows us all over these hoes is all on him
Coast to coast shows, he's known as the globetrotter
Lonely roads, God only knows, he's grown farther from home, he's no father
He goes home and barely knows his own daughter
But hold your nose 'cause here goes the cold water
His hoes don't want him no mo, he's cold product
They moved on to the next schmo who flows, he nose dove and sold nada
So the soap opera is told and unfolds, I suppose it's old partna, but the beat goes on

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate@12:26 PM

Kate, you can't hear anything on the video.

On the upside, and I mean this sincerely, Davey would make an excellent sign language interpreter. I am not joking in this. His arms are moving all over the place whenever he talks. Perfect pre-requisite, but couldn't hear what he was saying.

Kate said...

Thanks for the heads up Anon. Is anyone else having this problem? I have sound, but maybe it's just on my end?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I was able to get sound eventually. His message actually was a blessing. I am concerned that he lumps everyone in together who question. I think he said that love assumes the best and that the Body of Christ looks out for one another. Well, that is exactly why I am here.

So, it hurts to hear him misconstrue and lump everyone's motives into one negative ball of wax (or lint, in this case.); however, the interview was right after Amanda was murdered.

The first part of the interview I intend to take to heart for myself concerning everyone who has ever offended me in big ways. Losing our lives over bitterness is a crying shame, especially after we have been victimized.

The will of the Lord be done in this. I pray that Davey is innocent. I also pray that he prays for his persecutors and for those of us who are trying to represent his wife and unborn child and son in this.

It is for love that I am doing this and for truth.

sirensong said...

Anon 8:56 I did read "the unlocked door", was creepy, and scares me terribly. My daughter tells me I'm paranoid, because her good for nothing husband left for work and left the door wide open! Wife and 3 kids sleeping. So what does that make her. It kills me to have such irresponsible people raising kids, my grand children. But thanks for letting me know to read the links, I will asap...
Anon who is writing mystery clues ? @ 3:36, 1:43, yesterday 4:01 - who uses probank;
and who is sad soul at 4:00. Since I haven't seen any answers to your posts, what's up with your posts. If you know something, can you say it plain? Or is that you DB, trying to keep yourself from being bored. Davey, why don't you answer the real questions, instead of taunting all of us that want answers. " You aren't as smart as you think you are." As you can see, there are many people here that know what it really means to love you fellow human beings, and they want true justice for Amanda and her unborn child.

Anonymous said...

Yes, sirensong. I had the same reaction to the mystery clue Anon--why not just say it plainly. I thought that it might be SAC - Sweet Amanda Cookies - taunting again and trying to distract.

I'm not sure if SAC could be DB or even Meg, but I'm with you on that one. Why bait? It's taunting and mocking to be sure.

Who uses ProBank Austin (or whatever it is)? I don't know. Why don't you tell us?

Keep praying for your family sirensong. There is nothing else that you can do when they are grown and on their own and won't accept your influence or healthy suggestions. You can gently suggest but that's about it. JMO. God bless. And try not to let this stuff consume you. God wants us to be happy too. We can wait for LE to finally sort it out. Romans 13.

Sweet Amanda Cookies said...

Mystery clues?

Oh no, today I was in the kitchen making classic Rice Krispie Treats! They aren't exactly 'baked', but the marshmallows remind me of the fluffy snow outside! They are always such crowd pleasing treats, and so easy to throw together! For a super sweet twist, try cocoa or fruity pebbles instead of plain crisp rice! And for upcoming Valentine's Day, add red food coloring and cut into heart shapes! Yummy!

Trudy said...

Love assumes the best; which is to say - If you question Davey you are not a loving person. If you are not a loving person, you are a hateful person. There is something wrong with you if you question Davey. God, Himself, will be disappointed if you question Davey, you pitiful heretic!

I have noticed a growing tendency, in some people, to conflate skepticism with "hate speech" and even Nazism. The aim is to silence anyone who questions them, through shaming and shunning, and it serves as a warning to those who might dare to question the narrative which they have established or are trying to establish.

Love may assume the best but pragmatism would dictate otherwise.

Anonymous said...

It is sadly amusing how typical the pattern of narcissistic abuse is. There is nothing special about Davey, or about his narcissism, or about the sheep under his influence.

What was special was Amanda.

Trudy said...

Having Brad Cooper as his best man was a breathtakingly opportunistic move by snake Blackburn. Could the choice have been an any more strategically manufactured career move? What about his best buds for life, KW and Gavin? It's just like having Perry Noble deliver poor Amanda's eulogy instead of, oh I don't know, anybody else.

flightfulbird said...

I didn't realize Brad Cooper was the best man. What a slap in the face to the phone call alibi-tweeter Kenneth Wagner and the guy who first fell in love with Davey (and who used those exact words in Amanda's celebration of life video) Gavin Wilkinson.

Either of those would have made much more sense. And Perry Noble also spent more time talking about how beautiful of a man Davey is than saying literally anything about Amanda and her life.

Amanda was just a source of ridicule for Davey when she was alive - and a cash cow for him after she was killed.

Anonymous said...

Shocker: Not.

‘It wasn’t until I went to a secular counsellor at my work place one summer and told him what was going on that he was the first person, and not a male religious leader, who told me that what was happening was not okay.’

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Kate @12:26 and all

Crazy Davey said the weirdest things about Amanda. What on earth does he mean that she had things inside of her that she knew would destroy her and would destroy those around her. Wtf? He said at another time that Amanda told him "there is nothing good in me" save the time that she spent with God. Again WTF.

Anonymous said...

I think Davey was referring to Amanda not submitting appropriately and how that would destroy those around her, in his sick mind..

Anonymous said...

Davey has modeled himself on Tom Erb, all the way down to the Isaiah quotes.

Mannequin said...

Anon at 12:05 AM
I've been interested in true crime since childhood introduced me to Nancy Drew books. In my first post, it was mentioned that I was involved in a forum regarding Amanda's murder with controlled discussions whereby, victims were off limits. When it seemed DB wouldn't be arrested, I embedded in other cases. I'm also an avid Twitter user. Thus, would be willing to participate in a tweetstorm. It'd be nice to see Amanda's name trending at Twitter.

Since first becoming involved in Amanda's murder on day one, followed with a gap, it requires refreshing because, well, I'm older and life got in the way. However, with the trials drawing near, I prefer knowledge of as many details before the testimony begins.

I've read Peter's SAs for years. I've learned ahhlottt by perusing them and also study body language. Life's taught me about NPD, cobbled with sociopaths, histrionic personality disorder, psychopathy, etc.

Bingo, I concur about your writing a book. You are a wordsmith. Just do it!

There are thousands of posts on this site that would consume most of my spare time so I'm creating an abridged version since this is not the only case being followed as I usually have eleven, or more, stored in my mind at any given time.

In 2012, Resonate shows no earnings. $0. The latest data I found is: "This organization has been operating for approximately 6 years. Resonate Church is estimated to generate $137,706 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 2 people at this single location."

On buzzfile:
Resonate Contact Information
Resonate Church
2812 Sunnyfield Ct
Indianapolis, IN 46228

Phone: (864) xxx-xxxx

Resonate Church is the only company located at 2812 Sunnyfield Ct, Indianapolis, IN 46228
Last sold $145,000 (Apr.22, 2016)
3 bed · 2.5 bath · 1,776 sq ft
7,736 sq ft lot · 1988 built

At this link, sadly, is a pic from redfin of the decorative ladder leaning against the wall in the family room of Amanda's precious home.

Anonymous said...

Trudy said...

In the interview linked by Kate @12:26, Davey is being disingenuous when he pulls the old "Amanda didn't have an enemy in the world, we're baffled as much as anybody" routine because, by then, he already knew about the burglary at Alison B's house.

The police had made the assumption publicly that the burglars saw dipshit leave @6:11 and seized the opportunity to see if he'd left the front door open. He had. So they went in.

It was "obviously" the same robbers that had burgled Alison B. that murdered his wife and unborn child. So the whole wide eyed, who could have done it? Amanda didn't have an enemy in the world shtick doesn't make sense. He knew who did it . It was the burglars.

If it was the burglars, it couldn't have been an enemy of Amanda's, could it?

He introduced the word enemy and the idea that it was an enemy of Amanda's who murdered her.

Bingo said...

The way that Davey talks about Amanda in the interview is so distancing. It feels like a pastor talking about a member of his church that he didn't really even know very well.

It must be heartbreaking for those who loved Amanda to hear him say
"Happy Birthday to my beautiful bride, @mrs.kristi.blackburn. Before I met you my heart was hopeful but my eyes were gray. Then one day I turned around and saw you, and immediately color flooded my vision, as if the very heavens opened up and illuminated your face. Babe, you’ve filled my life with more laughter, dancing and joy than I could ever imagine. Here’s to your best year yet!"

He never wrote anything like this about Amanda. And when did those eyes go from gray to color? Maybe mid 2015?

Bingo said...

Steve Ullmer
Replying to @daveyblackburn
Thanks for sharing your story @daveyblackburn , you give hope to others who have lost a spouse. Thank you for staying obedient to God and letting Him use your life

#inspire #believe #lovewins
My wife Wendy's story:

This sweet man responded to the snake Davey about his wife and HER STORY! He obviously truly loved his wife and is actually grieving. It wasn't life after loss for Davey, it was ba da-bing, cha-ching.

Bingo said...

This really was the narrative that circulated wasn't it? I hope everyone will learn at trial that the men weren't even at the first house in the neighborhood. I hope they will also hear that in that 4 hour period, Davey worked out for 20 mins. He left the door purposefully unlocked that morning. He sat in the driveway for 40 minutes and then waited another 5 minutes before calling 911. He also didn't indicate to the 911 caller that a crime had occurred and didn't immediately check on Weston. I just hope everyone will hear all the odd things Davey did that morning instead of being hailed this wonderful, forgiving hubby. He is the reason she died.

"They had broken into an apartment and stolen an iPhone, laptop, wallet, and taken the sleeping occupant’s car keys. After finding that the occupant had a security camera, one of the men, Larry Taylor, had wanted to kill the resident who was still sleeping, but his partners-in-crime talked him out of it. They used the stolen car to move to another house, where they took a TV and another laptop.

The trio were not happy with their find, and finally arrived at the Blackburn residence and found the door unlocked. Authorities say Taylor pistol-whipped Amanda with his gun and stayed behind while the other men went to pull out Amanda’s money from an ATM card. When they got back, the mother of 15-month-old Weston was dead.

Taylor said she had attacked him and he shot her somewhere around the upper body region, angry at her audacity to attack him. He had then bent over her body and shot her in the back of the head and watched her bleed.

Would you be able to forgive your spouse’s killers like Davey Blackburn did?"

Kate said...

Bingo said, "Would you be able to forgive your spouse’s killers like Davey Blackburn did?" February 8, 2018 at 7:27 AM

Maybe one day I would, but I wouldn't be speaking about it to the media and I wouldn't be bragging about it as if I were Jesus himself. The fact that he has to over emphasize his forgiveness is unsettling and fake af.

How do you bend someone over, shoot them in the back of the head and watch them bleed? How is that physically possible? The bullet remained lodged in her head, so she would be bleeding from the back of the head. Was he watching her chest bleed? Exactly wth is this person talking about, never made any sense.

Larry Taylor was initially questioned and released. When Curry was asked what changed between the initial interview and arresting Taylor, Curry said "the investigation continued."

They should have had enough evidence, more than enough evidence against Taylor to hold him, but they didn't, they released him back into the public so they investigation could "continue". And there was a fourth person who was brought in for questioning, who knew of the crime but did not participate. That testimony ought to be interesting.

Anonymous said...

That neighbor's surveillance video will be the key to this whole thing. If the Sebring isn't on video on Davey's street (the Sebring would have had to drive past the neighbor's house that had the surveillance cameras to get to Becker's), then every other car that entered and left needs to be examined meticulously like LE examined the video of LT casually walking the neighborhood.

It would be nice to know where the cell phone pings actually put the suspects that morning. It seems that if the detective that drafted the APC had information that was detrimental to their theory yet chose to withhold it, he should be in some type of trouble. They have a gap in the cell phone pings and don't place the suspects on Davey's street during the Becker burglary (or during Amanda's murder for JW and DG), yet still charge the 3 with the burglary of Becker's and with Amanda's murder. Where were the suspects that morning and why hasn't that info been made public?

Kate said...

Anonymous Trudy said...
The police had made the assumption publicly that the burglars saw dipshit leave @6:11 and seized the opportunity to see if he'd left the front door open. He had. So they went in.
If it was the burglars, it couldn't have been an enemy of Amanda's, could it?
He introduced the word enemy and the idea that it was an enemy of Amanda's who murdered her. February 8, 2018 at 5:08 AM

I felt like LE didn't assume, but wrote that story line and every media outlet ran with it. "They saw an opportunity and took it". That was stated even in the presser when a reporter asks what the heck was going on. So it will be interesting to see how many other neighbors were leaving at that time, or around that time and why the Blackburns were targeted, especially if the surveillance shows a somewhat busy neighborhood at that particular time of day.

In that interview of Davey, at the end when he is asked if he'd like to say anything to the community, why does he have to be prompted to thank people? And he never thanks his neighbors for all they did, we know that, but it's very telling. I think CD stayed away from the neighborhood and sent his dad back to fetch his clothes because he was scared someone in the neighborhood saw his shenanigans that morning. He couldn't even get one tear to drop, he tried so hard, poor lil fellar deserved a pat on the back for his effort, he tried his hardest and ended up making a fool of himself yet again.

Anonymous said...

“Trudy said…
Love assumes the best; which is to say - If you question Davey you are not a loving person. If you are not a loving person, you are a hateful person. There is something wrong with you if you question Davey. God, Himself, will be disappointed if you question Davey, you pitiful heretic!

I have noticed a growing tendency, in some people, to conflate skepticism with "hate speech" and even Nazism. The aim is to silence anyone who questions them, through shaming and shunning, and it serves as a warning to those who might dare to question the narrative which they have established or are trying to establish.

Love may assume the best but pragmatism would dictate otherwise.
February 7, 2018 at 7:37 PM”


1. 1.
a pragmatic attitude or policy.
"ideology was tempered with pragmatism"
2. 2.
an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application.


Thank you for your post, Trudy.

Please consider the following:

1 Corinthians 13 New International Version (NIV)

13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

a. 1 Corinthians 13:1 Or languages
b. 1 Corinthians 13:3 Some manuscripts body to the flames


"6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."

I think that a lot of what we are doing here could fall under the category of seeking the truth and rejoicing in it. That’s love. The rest is up to each individual to judge for themselves.

There is nothing wrong with questioning behavior that is not in keeping with what is right and expected, especially of a 'pastor'. We are supposed to judge, as we are going to be held accountable ourselves for the truth that God has entrusted to us. MO with the light that I have been given so far.

Anonymous said...

On the matter of judging:

1 Corinthians 5:12

“It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning.”

Yes, there is an accountability structure commanded in God’s Word. We are supposed to hold each other accountable. We are commanded to.

The accountability structure is even greater for those in leadership and the highest for those in authority and finally the pastor.

This is for Christians:

Dealing With Sin in the Church

15“If your brother or sisterb sins,c go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’d 17If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

And finally, directives for the pastor:

1 Peter 5:2-3 NIV
2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve;
3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.


Titus 1:6-9 NIV

6 An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.
7 Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain.
8 Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined.
9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

This only scratches the surface, but hopefully you get the drift. There is a serious accountability structure established by God Himself. When we don't follow it, there are serious repercussions. Loose cannons and leaders under no authority or accountability are not His design.

Anonymous said...


Finally, the accountability for pastors is greater. While there is more proof required than when confronting a ‘regular’ Christian, the repentance needs to be greater, as soon as possible, and public; especially in the days of the Internet. No pastor can get away with saying that it is nobody’s business. It is.

I believe that Davey Blackburn should be apologizing publicly for the discrepancies that have arisen as a result of Amanda’s and his baby’s murders.

If he is completely innocent, that is not the end of it. There is the matter of many people having been offended by his egregious behavior on so many levels: his marginalization of Amanda, his callous treatment of her, his leaving the door opened, his public bitterness against other Christians and nonChristians who have been seeking the truth, his unrepentant addiction to porn, his questionable handling of people’s donations, etc….The list goes on and on and on.

I have thought about this again and again, and if it was me and my loved ones had been brutalized and murdered the way that AB and BB were and affected the way Weston has been as a result, I would be humbled to tears knowing that massive amounts of people were concerned about them. I would take it as healthy if they were questioning my involvement. We should have it so good. Yet, instead of thanking us, he spews hostility and venom and sarcasm, referring to us as shoe lint minimally and people who don’t matter and don’t have lives.

I don’t spend my time researching and inputting integrity into posting here in making sure that the information is pertinent and accurate because I don’t have a life. I have to ‘borrow’ from other areas to do it. I do it in order to be part of a collective voice for the victims, and I do it as a commitment to truth out of love.

The following link speaks to accountability and how things should be handled in the face of behavior that pastors should be called into question for. I hope that you find it informative and useful:

Bingo said...

Have you guys seen this in regard to Larry Taylor?? This case keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Order Granting
Defendant letter asking to be pro-se
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Order Signed: 02/07/2018

And what does this mean? Reading Davey's Book?
Order Granting
Defendant husband wrote a book- attorney of record Jeff Neel can review book or manuscript/ book. After reading Attorney Jeff Neel and Mark Hollingsworth is to bring to Court attention and review with defendant (defendant is pro-se but Jeff Neel is attorney for this issue).
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Order Signed: 02/07/2018

Here is the link

Whoa! So he is representing himself and asking to read DB's manuscript? Am I reading this correctly??

Anonymous said...

That's an interesting twist.

So, Larry is pro se, but Neel is helping read Davey's manuscript?

And they'll be powwowing in the law library every day.


Anonymous said...

There must be some stanky corruption in Indy, but if Larry can get himself off 'pro se' wink wink, and show what a big fat liar Davey is, will that clear a path for new prosecution...?

Anonymous said...

You go, Larry Taylor. I think we need to add him to our prayer lists, y'all. How are Hollingsworth and Neel related to the case? I'm getting confused.

Kate said...

A then 18 year old, now 20 year old is going pro-se? I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Does Larry Taylor have to go pro-se to have access to the law library and book manuscript?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh--looks like there have been some serious changes, as per link at Bingo 4:18 PM:

Order Granting
Defendant letter asking to be pro-se
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Order Signed: 02/07/2018

Hearing Journal Entry
waiver of Counsel and Declaration of desire to proceed pro se
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W

Motion for Continuance Filed
jury trial
File Stamp: 02/07/2018

Hearing Journal Entry
all motions due by 03/15/2018
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W

Hearing Scheduling Activity
Pretrial Conference scheduled for 03/22/2018 at 1:00 PM.

Hearing Journal Entry
defendant was given the file to proceed pro-se by attorney Jeff Neel
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W

Order Granting
Defendant husband wrote a book- attorney of record Jeff Neel can review book or manuscript/ book. After reading Attorney Jeff Neel and Mark Hollingsworth is to bring to Court attention and review with defendant (defendant is pro-se but Jeff Neel is attorney for this issue).
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Order Signed: 02/07/2018

Order Granting
Defendant is able to use law library one hour a day everyday until further notice
Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Order Signed: 02/07/2018

Automated Paper Notice Issued to Parties
Hearing Scheduling Activity ---- 2/7/2018 : Dominic D Martin Hearing Scheduling Activity ---- 2/7/2018 : Dominic D Martin

Automated ENotice Issued to Parties
Hearing Scheduling Activity ---- 2/7/2018 : Jeffrey Scott Neel;Mark Hollingsworth Hearing Scheduling Activity ---- 2/7/2018 : Jeffrey Scott Neel;Mark Hollingsworth

Pretrial Conference
Session: 03/22/2018 1:00 PM, Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Comment: argument on pro-se motions

Reason: Assigned in Error
Session: 03/23/2018 9:00 AM, Cancelled
Comment: To select Jury Panel

Jury Trial
Session: 03/23/2018 8:30 AM, Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Comment: To pick Jury Panel for 04/02/2018

Final PreTrial Conference
Session: 03/28/2018 9:00 AM, Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W

Reason: Assigned in Error
Session: 04/02/2018 8:30 AM, Cancelled

Jury Trial
Session: 04/02/2018 8:30 AM, Judicial Officer: Hawkins, Grant W
Comment: 5 Day Trial


What does it mean to file pro se?
Litigants or parties representing themselves in court without the assistance of an attorney are known as pro se litigants. “Pro se” is Latin for “in one's own behalf.” The right to appear pro se in a civil case in federal court is defined by statute 28 U.S.C. § 1654.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pro Se Litigation What does it ...
Search for: What does it mean to file pro se?


(I was just praying for him and JW again today at noon!)

So..some food for...when considering what he wants to check out in the manuscript. How to better defend himself...

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