Thursday, February 23, 2017

Murder of Amanda Blackburn Crime Wire

Peter Hyatt on "Crime Wire": The Murder of Amanda Blackburn 

February 23, 2017, Peter Hyatt will be a guest on "Crime Wire" live broadcast, and will be taking your calls and questions at 9am to 1030AM EST.  

Amanda Blackburn was a victim of a sexual homicide in which arrests have been made. 

Questions, however, remain in one of the most bizarre 'solved' murder cases of recent years. 

Peter Hyatt will share analysis of the case, including deception detection techniques, and what this may mean for justice.  

Imagine Publicity Blog  :  broadcast of the show on Madeleine McCann 2016.  


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Anonymous said...

"Davey says in his introduction of KW that they both met Jesus on April 1. Anyone surprised that Davey met Jesus on April Fools Day?"

No. Par for the course.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
He's implying. You're inferring.
March 31, 2017 at 7:19 AM

Thanks! I need to review a few nuances.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

Everyone has a dirty past. Everyone.

The difference with some is that they do not accept it and seek to be better. Those who are "perfect" are only good at image projection.

This reminds me of when Loretta Young was in her early career as an actress.

She attempted to be a good Roman Catholic and set up a "curse jar" at the studio so anyone who used foul language would be "fined" a dollar. She did this while she was a star. The money would go to charity.

Most people good naturedly went along with it. They recognize that vile language will loosen an atmosphere and can corrupt.

Others cynically pointed out that she was a "hypocrite" for having a baby out of wedlock with Clark Gable.

Which is better?

The one who embraces the ugliness?


the one who tries to improve oneself?

I admire the brother who is doing well now.

Davey, however, is a very different story.


Trudy said...

Hi everyone,

Is there any way that these two things can both be true?

Davey Blackburn told Detective Perkins in the hospital that he noticed a Swisher Sweet cigar package on the counter. David Blackburn stated that the Swisher Sweet package should not be in their residence.


(In all its various incarnations) Davey Blackburn had no idea that anyone had been in the house.

I'm trying to think of a way both things could be true, but bearing in mind that Davey must have seen the kitchen counter - without the Swisher Sweet Package on it before he left at 6:10am - I just can't.

How did he think they got there?

If I saw a Swisher Sweets package on my kitchen counter, it would be so glaringly out of place and such an obvious indication that someone had been in my house, I would feel sick.

Anonymous said...

The only way it could be true is if Amanda secretly got up before Weston awoke, smoked (even though she was pregnant) her secret doobie on the back deck, and then carried on with her morning-activities-that-Davey-didn't-know-about (even though he had a track-my-iphone-app on her phone) while Davey was at the gym.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

Part 1 of 2 Kenneth Wagner Speaks

Lead-In video with Davey Blackburn asking online viewers for money ("partner with us"), followed by Davey coming onstage to the big screen behind him announcing his as Davey Blackburn Lead Pastor Resonate Church. First Davey and then Kenneth both cheerleading the crowd. The "crowd" is pretty quiet and nonresponsive- from the sound, it doesn't sound like very many people are there. There are none of the usual in-crowd shots, nor the usual Davey preaching tot masses stage shots at all in this video. You can hear the echo at times when Davey's using the handheld microphone. Davey puts the mic literally up to his mouth and yells into it, trying to whip the crowd into a frenzy "welcoming" Kenneth (like announcer's at celebrity rock-star concerts). Hype. It’s a miserable fail and Davey looks angry immediately after, looking down at the stage briefly on his way over to do the customary “welcome man-hug”.

Only 11:34 in and Davey's already made a pitch for money, Davey and Kenneth both are trying to hype and work the crowd ("Come 'Own Everybody", "Come "own, Yeah!", etc.). Kenneth starts out telling the audience a lot of what is "not" and half-jokingly that they’re a tough audience. He's hard at work trying to sell Resonators on how "special" they are-"You're even more special than you know."

11:43 Kenneth's telling them that because of them and Resonate Church "there's a ripple effect goin' on...", "...there is a resonating effect, a ripple that is happening all across the nation. Like you understand that people in Delaware are talking about what's happening in Resonate." (Delaware is "all across the nation? Just minutes before ehe took a show of hands on how many people had never even heard of Dover, Delaware.)

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

Part 2 of 2

12:00-12:04 Kenneth selling Amanda's pain, your gain. Kenneth asserts that he's telling his people that "This ["tragedy"-Amanda's death] is not just tragedy for tragedy's sake, this is tragedy for kingdom's sake."

12:05-12:13 Kenneth making Resonators feel super special and chosen by God-"Like God is using your Church, He's positioned you for such a time as this to make an impact that you can't, you probably right now can't even wrap your mind around."

12:16-12:21 Interesting and unexpected statement from Kenneth, particularly in the context of a 5year old failing to thrive church statement from Kenneth (broken language)-"Listen, I've, I've found out over the years that everything Davey Blackburn touches turns to gold. due season. And I believe we are watching this thing turn to gold."- What "thing"? What is "this thing"? Resonate?
12:34-12:53 Kenneth begins building the crowd up, telling them he believes that a season is coming that they're going to be experiencing Sunday mornings like the videos of Gauntlet that they watch. Kenneth tells them he believes they "won't need this pipe and drape anymore" (referencing them curtaining off the 3/4 empty auditorium each service). Hardly any celebratory "noise" audible from the crowd on that prophetic word- it must be a small crowd.

13:06 Kenneth moving into the main body of the sermon "What will you be known for?"

Based on what I'm hearing, the much-hyped, heavily-promoted, heavily-marketed, world-wide/world-changing revival resulting from Amanda's "sacrifice" has failed to materialize and Davey's bringing in reinforcements, his pinch hitter. This is nothing but a pep rally trying to “revive”Resonators, with more empty promises of what gawd is gonna do through them because they and their church are so super special. So much manipulation within the first 13minutes and 5 seconds. I’m guessing attendance is not only increasing, but may actually be dropping some because this sermon is so fixated on flattering “the faithful”, filling their head with notions of mega- church grandeur (as Kenneth believes God has given him to tell Resonate) and exhorting them to essentially stay faithful. Kenneth leads them on with talk of being a life changer, a leader, leading others to Christ, someone who makes a mark on this life, and leaving a legacy. All that in the first 17 minutes and 50 seconds of a 49 minutes 56 second sermon. Pure, unadulterated emotional and religious manipulation. I don’t know how Davey Blackburn, Kenneth Wagner, and the Perry Nobles of the world people sleep at night.

Concerned said...

Re: Resonate's growing worldwide reputation (in DB's mind)...
Davey can pull up the number of hits his "sermons" get on the website
and how many of those are from unique users. I would guess that many
of those visitors are people who are following the case, suspecting that
Davey is guilty of, at least, foreknowledge of the crime. They're probably
following the case on Peter's blog or other sites even though they aren't
commenting regularly.

Davey must be frustrated that many people are seeing his performances
online but aren't pledging funds for the "movement". Those few young people
we see in the photos can't be contributing enough to make him the next
Perry Noble (well, before alcohol or "whatever" happened)!

Kenneth Wagner has two services (which I think helped send Davey into
a funk that Fall just before Amanda's murder) and Davey still has one Sunday
performance in a pipe-and-draped corner. I would guess the humiliation of that
keeps him trying to stay on the road. But we all know that congregations are
grown by a compassionate and compelling preacher nurturing people in their
walk with God. Davey ain't it!

flightfulbird said...

If I remember correctly (I'm hoping someone knows the exact words or has a link), Derek Barrett introduced Kenneth Wagner at an appearance at Resonate as (paraphrasing) "someone who would go to war with Davey, someone who has been to war with Davey".

The words above express the sentiment I remember - that this guy would all but lay down his life for Davey - so by extension, cover for him, be in his corner, go to bat for him or whatever he needed.

I have yet to watch Kenneth Wagner's appearance at Resonate but it sounds from your comments that he is tangled in a web in which he doesn't want to be tangled. Did DAVEY write all of those words and Kenneth was just supposed to say them? - because the transcription sounds like something Davey would say himself but couldn't get away with saying it so he got his best friend to do it for him.

Here's hoping with enough rope Davey will hang himself - here's hoping even more that one of these "people of God" will not be able to sleep at night until they come clean and tell what they know.

Kenneth Wagner, Perry Noble, Levi Lusko, Kenneth Murphy, Clint Dupin, Kevin Myers, Amber Byars, Phil Byars - ALL of you know there is more to the story. Your body language says so. Some of you have even led Davey by the hand through his "story"- prompting him, keeping the story moving.

How can you sit by so silently for this past sixteen months? Kenneth Wagner, you said "how did we get here?" in your first appearance after Amanda was murdered - along with telling us "what you need to know about this story".

Someone who knows something, someone who has a conscience, please speak up.

On another subject, the DataLounge thread is active and one poster there wrote that if Mel the dog hadn't been locked up that morning, she would've gone to Amanda and there would've been bloody paw prints all over downstairs. Which begs the question - were there paw prints all over downstairs? Or was Mel unable to go to Amanda because she was locked up? And why would she be locked up? IMPD in the presser indicated that the dog was very glad to see them (not in those exact words). I would really like to know if locking Mel in a bedroom was on Davey's agenda for that morning in between spending time in the word and grabbing his gym bag.

Fido, anyone?

flightfulbird said...

I firmly believe IMPD would wonder - upon encountering the scene the morning of November 10th -

-why the front door was unlocked
-why the dog was locked up
-why the husband didn't report a home invasion to 911

and that's just the beginning of the questions.

flightfulbird said...

More of Davey's exact words from 12stone Church appearance - link to videos + transcription on Bobcat's blog here -

DB: "The course of this year, has been, this, this healing process where people, in the beginning told me, um, 'Give it time. You're not always gonna feel this way.' Right. I felt, like, I, 'I don't know how I can go on.' I was sick to my stomach. I was, every, all the physical conditions of grief that, you know, that come along with, with, with loss and, you know depression and anxiety and fear and, you know, all that stuff that you, you walk, we, I walked through that. Um, I've walked through, waking up in the morning and, not being able to get out of bed, because I'm just so overcome by depression. I've walked through, contemplating, ending my life, because I just don't know how I'm gonna go on.

And so I'm, I'm a. Just over a year now, since all this happened. And, this is probably the first time in my life, over the past two months, that I've felt this perspective shift, to take place in my life, where I've actually begun to feel hopeful again for; not just the future but hopeful for my present, like, where I am now."

See this comment on the blog -
Anonymous March 21, 2017 at 7:51 PM

Yeah yeah "begun to feel hopeful again". Before Amanda was even dead this bastard was talking about still hoping and believing that the best is yet to come. This fucker really seems to forget we have been watching him.

Depression, anxiety, suicide? Your Instagram, Facebook and Twitter tell a very different story, Davey. Liar.

Remember that picture of Davey, Z Woolie and another guy in the snow about to go running together shortly after Amanda was killed? - Davey had the same totally exuberant look on his face as he did when he was stoked to find a Crossfit box on the beach trip he took with Ashley and Derek so he and Ashley could train on vacation. This guy is anything but devastated, depressed, anxious or suicidal - although I wouldn't rule out suicide or his making a deliberate thing look like an accident, if the walls start closing in.

Whoever wrote upthread something like that Davey would tear down the goalposts and torch the field rather than lose the game is so right. He would rather die than face the humiliation of being arrested for Amanda's murder or any involvement in it. Before someone says it, he still has the chance to come clean himself and answer questions, allay suspicion, put this whole thing to rest.

But he won't.

Anonymous said...

WHY are you so immersed in this case??? Why are you obsessing about this case???

Anonymous said...

WHY won't you tell your son to confess his sins and admit to the crime?

Anonymous said...

Because I'm not Davey's mother. I just don't think it's healthy that you are so immersed in this case...not criticizing, but you've been doing it for like a week's like youre just immersing yourself in it and going over the same points over and over...I'm not sure why you are doing that?

flightfulbird said...

Bienvenidos Fido !

WHY do you continue to read here if it bothers you? It's not rocket science to realize that everyone who posts here is immersed in this case and some if not all of us are obsessing about this case?

We are vested in finding the truth about what happened on the night of November 9th and the morning of November 10th - whatever the truth is - and if the truth is that Davey Blackburn had absolutely nothing to do with Amanda's murder, either in planning it/ foreknowledge or actually carrying it out himself - then there is no reason to thwart the discussion. For the hundredth time.

IF Davey Blackburn had absolutely nothing to do with Amanda's murder, I think everyone who posts here would be relieved (similar to how Davey felt when he got the news of the arrests that weren't himself). Nobody wants to think that a pastor either orchestrated or committed such a brutal crime against his wife and unborn child who was named Evie to make more of a poignant story, even though it was too early to know the gender. But right now I can see no reason to rule him out and many reasons for IMPD and FBI to be taking a closer look - and I honestly think (tm Davey) they already are.

Which of these posts throughout the day and tonight is the most bothersome to you - did one of them hit harder than another ? You certainly came out of the woodwork less than ten minutes after the last one. What would happen if the people listed above DID tell what they think- or know ?

As someone (Bobcat, I think) wrote upthread, if you don't know Davey and he is just another person to you, why the sensitivity to our posts?

Anonymous said...

You definitely have a good handle on the case and know the case inside and out, it just seems like maybe you should come up for air once in a while, and not just stay immersed in it, unless it is just that interesting to you, then by all means, continue, but it just seems a little concerning considering there are no new clues, etc that you are kind of "stuck" inside of this case. Maybe you should try thinking about something else for a while?

Anonymous said...

I just read your 12:53, I'm not sensitive to your posts lol...Im just worried about the person (people) commenting here who seem, for some reason, scared or anxious to let go of the case even though there don't seem to be any new clues. I get being sucked into something when you don't know everything there is to know about a case, because I get very curious and will want to know all the clues, but what is going on here makes me feel like the participants are immersing themselves in this case for some other reason, bc they already know everything about the case.

Anonymous said...

I guess what I'm saying is, maybe just put the case down for a while, like just a little while, and then maybe you can come back to it with fresh eyes. Just a suggestion.

flightfulbird said...

I am truly touched at your concern for our well-being - or maybe a more accurate statement is that I am amused what appears to be a very civilized attempt to thwart the discussion - under the guise of concern for our well-being.

Just a little while until things cool off, until people forget about Davey and his web of lies? How long is "awhile, like just a little while"? It seems similar to being 100%, no 150% cleared.

Hey Jude said...

I can see the friends and family's reluctance to take any suspicions or concerns further (though we do't know that none have not) - they want to believe in Davey, and it would be devastating if they were wrong. They would be thinking all the time, 'What if I am wrong?' It would be an irreparable mistake, a terrible betrayal - if they were wrong.

Someone earlier, weeks or months back, posted several times about the back door was left open. Is that a fact? Could it be that someone with a vested interest in Davey killed Amanda, and 'set up' Davey, to free up Davey? Who else did he speak to on the phone that morning? Did someone call him and keep him on the driveway? Did he act like he won the lottery, because that was how it seemed to him? Did he half a clue something was going to happen but it was never fully articulated to him - Ashley and Derek (?) said something along the lines they knew something was going to happen but they didn't expect this? Who, besides, Davey, has 'won' anything as a consequence of Amanda no longer being first lady on planet Resonate?

It's maybe worth thinking about - that possibly Davey acts so guilty, not because he did it, but because he half knew, there was maybe some collusion, possibly even unspoken, in removing Amanda from the scene?

Too far fetched...stranger things have happened.

Back door person if still here - will you share more thoughts?

Bingo said...

I absolutely believe Davey was the mastermind behind the whole thing. He was way too prepared with his agenda from the very beginning. That statement was way too obvious and the constant Nothing is Wasted and The Best is Yet to Come. Terrible. He has many people fooled and manipulated. IMO, another person to be that seems super suspicious is Meg. She seemed like just the vulnerable, lost person that Davey needed. I think her behavior in the beginning was appalling. She posted that she would be taking a little time off because a friend died but ended by announcing a big sale. She knew she wouldn't have to be pushing signs much longer. Now she has a stable job and gets to be Davey's right hand man instead of occasional nanny. She constantly praises Davey and posts pics of Weston calling him her best friend. She may have had no clue about what Davey was planning but she sure was quick to step into her role and didn't seem too sad about it.

mom2many said...

Just a little while... While we market a CD. Just a little while... While I shop around my book(s). Just stop talking and let this whole business fall down the Google rankings.

The monitoring of a conversation you cannot stand is a far more unhealthy pattern of behavior.

Anonymous said...

A short video (I have not reviewed it yet) of Davey talking about WHY Resonate made an album:

Re: The poster who analyzed the back door possibility was Nic. Those comments would be after the previous article or even one before that.

Re: What Derek said to describe Kenneth and Davey's relationship is here in the timeline (which is updated):
"I’m having trouble even figuring out how to introduce this guy. Um. To have you understand th-, th-, the scope of their relationship. Um, this is Davey’s best friend, um, been best friends since college, but I hate even using that word, because it; it doesn’t do justice to the relationship that, that they have. This is a guy, who, um, man, he goes to war for Davey, and he goes to war with Davey. That’s the kind of friend that, that he is"

Re: "WHY are you so immersed in this case?"

Because something is VERY VERY wrong with a man who dances on his wife's grave. He needs to be watched very closely, or better yet, locked up.

Anonymous said...

You definitely have a good handle on the case and know the case inside and out, it just seems like maybe you should come up for air once in a while, and not just stay immersed in it, unless it is just that interesting to you, then by all means, continue, but it just seems a little concerning considering there are no new clues, etc that you are kind of "stuck" inside of this case. Maybe you should try thinking about something else for a while?


I multitask. I know this is almost impossible for you to comprehend, and although I won't win and medals for punctuation, my mind is vast. All kinds of things swirl around in it every day. And like it or not, details regarding Davey's public statements about Amanda's death, and comments after Peter's articles pop up like Trivial Pursuit answers. Even when I'm taking care of other things in life.

Someone has to put Amanda first, cause Davey sure as hell didn't.

Anonymous said...

"come up for air"

...sounds like the language of a lifeguard...

It's odd how Davey described "grief" as being repeatedly dunked and held under water.
It's interesting that Davey's father describes an episode of Jono almost drowning, even though he was a former lifeguard, in the pool at the same time.

Hey Jude said...

There might have been a 'we' and an 'our'. Davey might have had certain things suggested to him. He might have been willingly manipulated. Amanda's murder could have been plotted out along the lines of a murder mystery novel. I don't know how much of a thinker Davey is - someone could have been doing his thinking for him, quite like someone is doing some of his writing for him. Still, it was a very personal murder. Could it have been a type of gift?

I'm not saying it was, or that is what I believe - I have not wandered round that type of scenario till now. Could it make sense of Davey's post-murder reaction - the interviews where he could hardly contain his glee? He didn't try very hard to be the grieving husband - he has never pretended much, or well, to be in grief. Wouldn't he have tried harder if he had murdered Amanda, or hired someone to do it, to appear grief-stricken? His reactions are so unexpected.

IDK - there was that sermon where he was on edge, as though he thought he might be arrested any minute. But what if Davey, in a way, was himself set-up - even half-knowingly. Maybe because someone did not want Amanda there, or because someone wanted and plotted to have Davey. He might string someone along, get his desired outcome, shrug, 'What you gonna do about it?'

The recent discovery of a whole book of letters allegedly written by Amanda to Davey has to spike interest in the possibility of someone else driving and writing the story, surely? Another 'gift' for the adored Davey, perhaps? Or Amanda really did write letters to Davey rather than talk to him - yet then not give them to him? That in addition to the collection of journals and all the other things she was busy with. Why, if he was not intended to read them? If he was not intended to read them it's unlikely they would contain very much Davey would want to publish. And how he did not discover them whilst sorting through Amanda's belongings on the earlier occasions?


Also, I keep wondering what happened during those early hours? Were Davey, Amanda and Weston the only people in the house? Who did all that to Amanda, and was there a witness (besides, possibly, Weston)? Where was Mel, why did she not bark - was it because she was shut away furtherst from Amanda, and because no stranger entered the house?

Hey Jude said...

Anonymous - grief is like that - Davey probably read about it somewhere. To be more generous, maybe he had had one or two moments of genuine grief, born of self-pity, on those odd days when he's had to look after Weston all by himself, and do menial tasks which Amanda would normally have done.

Anonymous said...

Lmao at the lifeguard comments! No Im not Davey (was he a lifeguard?). I did take a lifeguard swimming class when I was 13 lol! I doubt that would be leaking into my language lmao. Nice try though!

mom2many said...

Interesting parallels in this case. A pastor set up a fake burglary. The front door was left unlocked. The "burglar" left obvious valuables behind. The pastor was more concerned with praying for the perps, rather than justice.

Interesting, the planning was coordinated over Facebook messenger.

flightfulbird said...


Maybe Justin White (from mom2many's post above) thought that if the unlocked front door story worked once, it would work again.

He posted on Facebook on the morning of the burglary "so when we came back from church this morning, we realized we had been robbed" - and later in the post "we are all good and safe. Just trying to process everything".

Does it remind you of anyone else posting on Facebook that he was at the gym and came home to find Amanda? (there were two Facebook posts letting the Resonate flock know that Amanda had died - the second one had to be posted because the first one didn't include the gym alibi ! THAT factoid alone is too obvious to let slide because except for including the gym, the language was almost exactly the same (comparison upthread - there was no need to write a second post except to include the gym).

flightfulbird said...

So this pastor included the "I was preaching in church while my house was being robbed" alibi on Facebook.

flightfulbird said...

Did he/Davey have a clue something was going to happen but it was never fully articulated to him - Ashley and Derek (?) said something along the lines they knew something was going to happen but they didn't expect this? Who, besides, Davey, has 'won' anything as a consequence of Amanda no longer being first lady on planet Resonate?

2:25 …if you’re walking with Jesus, he’ll kind of give you this sense, of like, OK, something’s about to happen. Something’s about to shift, and so we were in this place, at the beginning of last fall, like “Hey, I think god’s gonna bring us into a really big season of, surrender? And a really big season of, of pain.” And, I honestly thought, I honestly thought it was we were gonna lose the baby. We were gonna miscarriage. Um, had, had NO idea that it would be something this, um, this traumatic.

Who besides Davey would gain from Amanda's departure? Ashley and Derek gained a house and a lifestyle they possibly could never swing on their own - and also the son that Ashley wanted but didn't have. She is more or less raising Weston as his alternate mommy now, which Davey said in his blog is perfectly ok. Ashley had posted on Facebook about how hard it was that Amanda was having a child, sad because she wasn't "in that season" of life or whatever - posted about her feelings and that she and Amanda had grown apart.

She echoed Davey's words that Amanda didn't want her agenda for her life to be what she wanted but what God wanted (not exact words, but the word "agenda" was used by both of them when discussing the prayer meeting in the desolate hotel basement gym where all of Resonate's leadership just knew they were about to walk through a season of pain.

Interestingly, Davey said he had a whole agenda for that Monday morning before the murder, when he was telling everything he did that morning.

And Ashley and Derek appeared smiling and dry-eyed on the TV interview that night while Amanda was still on the vent but for all purposes, gone - said Amanda would want them to carry on the mission - creepy look in Ashley's eyes. This is not an accusation but has always struck me (and others here) as strange demeanor for such a sudden unexpected situation. Being able to not only be so composed on camera but actually smiling and cheerful was surprising - just like as Davey was throughout his media blitz.

Meg gained basically being able to step into Amanda's life - becoming Davey's #1 indentured servant/assistant. She was living with Amanda and Davey and Weston - there were pictures of her on the couch under a blanket with Weston sitting on top of her and Mel the dog beside her - then she moved out abruptly a few weeks before the murder. Her Etsy shop is named "Nothing is Wasted" and I am not sure but I think I remember that she tweeted "the best is yet to come" at some point before the murder and before her account was made private. If I'm not mistaken, she set up the Go Fund Me page in the immediate aftermath of the crime.

Could it have been a type of gift?

Maybe. Maybe someone knew Davey was unhappy and thought they would do him a favor. Maybe someone wanted the life, wanted Amanda out of the way, and he is just the reaper of the benefits - life insurance money, substantial donations from the Go Fund Me page and the Resonate Church page link and T shirt sales - not having to have his internet behavior monitored.

Again, not an accusation - but things do not add up and these three individuals are closest to the situation and besides Davey they are the ones who seem to have gained the most from it.

flightfulbird said...

And the new batch of journal entries or letters written just to Davey from Amanda - TOTALLY fake, there is no question in my mind - just as the comments on the blog are not all real, the journal entries and especially the "final" journal entry about Amanda thanking God for "letting her get to see all of this with my own eyes" - oh please - are also not real. Davey made sure to drag out that journal, read the quote, look for a reaction - the camera kept zooming in on him looking for tears that were not there.

This quote below is from the Kensington Church appearance linked above -

22:50 And um, I remember one of her journal entries - she, it was back in April of this past, of last year, 2015, I, I was reading it, you know, after she passed, and she said, um,

"Lord thank you so much for protecting us and our family, um, I, and and I think what she, what’d happened is that she had read a story on Facebook about something tragic happening and she was just like really, really touched by it...and she’s like thank you for protecting us, I pray for that family that just experienced that loss, um, and and thank you for, um, keeping us safe, BUT I KNOW THAT IT’S NOT ALWAYS GOING TO BE THAT WAY. This is what she said in her journal. And she said so when the hard times do come, please help our family to stay faithful and endure it."

This whole thing has been scripted from the start. Davey wants us "to see the dots the Lord is connecting" because the getaway car was found on Amanda's ex-youth pastor's street - but where the car was found wasn't even the same street as the pastor lived ! Amanda was just praying that God would use them in a really big way and then 24 hours later she gets shot in the head (credit to someone upthread for this observation). She prayed for safety but KNEW it wasn't always going to be that way. The song "Nothing is Wasted" randomly came on Pandora radio in the hospital. He chose the middle name "Grace" for the unborn baby just to keep a little piece of Amanda in there. Her journal that she supposedly wrote has shades of premonitions that something bad was about to happen but that she wanted whatever God wanted for her life - far too many premonitions and fears and concerns for a healthy 28 year old with her whole life ahead of her.

And he talks about despair and despondency, not being able to get out of bed, wanting to end his life - another tip Davey, if you want people to think this is true and that you were incapacitated by grief and loss, wipe your Instagram or else at least try NOT to look like you are having the time of your life in everything you post on it.

flightfulbird said...

Another journal entry supposedly written by Amanda talked about worrying about "what ifs" and that says that even if the "what ifs" happen, she knows God is in control and has a perfect plan (paraphrasing the "perfect plan" part of it - but the "what ifs" happening is accurate and the sentiment expressed is that whatever happens, she knows God wants whatever happens to happen as part of His plan).

I'm looking for the transcript - but could it BE any more obvious that these journal entries support the story Davey has been setting up all along?

flightfulbird said...

Yeah, Amanda would've never known that one of the "what ifs" would be that she would be left alone with a fifteen month old in a dark house with an unlocked front door in a high crime neighborhood - that she would then be assaulted, have her tooth knocked out and be shot three times (with one of them so up close and personal to the back of the head). . .

Anonymous said...

Davey set this whole thing up. He probably did have help (Megs, and possibly PN) but there is no way this plan works out the way it did if Davey doesn't have his hands all over it. He's a control freak and controlled every detail and every person, some without them knowing (KW). He will have to testify and he will have to answer a lot of hard questions. The defense attorneys have got to know that this "random" murder (not robbery, as nothing of value was taken) does not pass the smell test. And the one person that gained everything he wanted was DB.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

Davey: "2:25 …if you’re walking with Jesus, he’ll kind of give you this sense, of like, OK, something’s about to happen. Something’s about to shift, and so we were in this place, at the beginning of last fall, like “Hey, I think god’s gonna bring us into a really big season of, surrender? And a really big season of, of pain.” And, I honestly thought, I honestly thought it was we were gonna lose the baby. We were gonna miscarriage. Um, had, had NO idea that it would be something this, um, this traumatic."
Reading this quote brought to mind 2 things:

1. Davey's cast himself as the modern day Ezekiel with God "killing"/"allowing" his wife to be killed, wrapped in all kinds of nonsensical warped Christianese. The huge, glaring problem with that? The death of Ezekiel's wife was directly tied to the fact that God's people had abandoned God for the idol worship of their pagan neighbors. So, in order for Davey to be Ezekiel, then Resonate Church-its Worship Team (the Barretts, Joshua Harms, Jeremy Hendricks, Amber Lindsey, Kyle MCCord, Tommy Travis, "The Asian Invasion" per Davey, and all the rest), the Youth Pastor (the Woolevers), its staff and volunteers (The Arnolds, Emily Shilts, Meg Griffs, etc.),and all the Resonate "Owners" collectively- are the wayward people of God who've abandoned Him.

2. According to Davey and his Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Personal Blog hype from January 2015-late October 2015, Resonate was growing weekly,people "Were Coming to Christ", with multiple "baptisms" an every week occurrence punctuated by "Screaming" lettering and numerous!!! So, why would the leadership team need to "surrender"? Despite Davey's best marketing ploys and networking/communications efforts, his peers were outperforming him with their Church growth numbers. I have serious reservations about that last Leadership meeting in that rundown hotel "conference room" basement. I suspect it was filled with subtle, emotionally -driven manipulation that "the Team" was failing God and it was a "call" to renew their commitment in putting Resonate first at all costs.

3. Biblically speaking, if you began with God and God has to resort to hands off and letting you experience some harsh consequences, you're far, far from God and it's a last step measure/tough love. Amanda wasn't the one who ever needed to surrender via her writings-her heart belonged to God totally; Davey was the one needing to surrender. She honored Davey as her husband, but she didn't worship him and make him her Lord.

I think if Amanda did indeed write a journal of letters to Davey, he will not share that journal. If she did, I suspect it said all the things she wanted to say to him about where he was leading them (astray) that she could not say to him face to face (temper issues, his pride, his undercutting, his narcissism, his mocking/demeaning her, etc.). It was likely this is what I would like to tell Davey, if only he would listen. A few of her later writings Davey "shared" indicate Amanda's eyes were being opened with the failing Church situation and the new baby coming and she was seeing Davey more and more as he actually is. There's disillusionment in those few journal entries that Davey tried desperately to spin otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Anon @9:43
Oh my God. Are you for real? THATS already been said 4,000 times!!! Why are you so obsessive about this case? I would worry more about your own problem with obsession/rumination about this BLOG. Have you seen a psychiatrist? Do you realize this is not normal?

flightfulbird said...

FIDO (the proverbial hit dog) has arrived.

A polite and civil request made by an anonymous poster yesterday for us to take a little break, just for a bit, from discussing the case did not work.

Now this afternoon we have another anonymous poster saying we are obsessed and that it's not normal to ruminate about the Blackburn case.

No question it's an obsession for some of us here who want to keep this case at the front of people's minds and not let it slip in to oblivion. We work in posting here with the other things that happen during the day and night and sometimes in the middle of the night - but rest assured, my life is not slipping in other areas because I post here - and I don't think the other posters' lives are crumbling either due to the fact that they post here - no matter how often it is.

Also no question that insanity is doing (maybe saying?) the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

It is unreasonable and futile to expect for us on this board to stop our discussion of Amanda's murder and Davey's possible involvement in it just because someone accuses us of being obsessed and questions our sanity. It's not happening.

The defense attorneys have got to know that this "random" murder (not robbery, as nothing of value was taken) does not pass the smell test. And the one person that gained everything he wanted was DB.

The contact information for the defense attorneys was posted somewhere in the recent past - does anyone have that information and can share it here? It might/would be interesting for them to see some of the questions raised here, methinks.

Anonymous said...

"And Ashley and Derek appeared smiling and dry-eyed on the TV interview that night while Amanda was still on the vent but for all purposes, gone - said Amanda would want them to carry on the mission - creepy look in Ashley's eyes."


Ashley is a trained and committed disciple/cult follower.

Grandpa Blackburn showed up to Amanda's bedside within hours to lead the family in prayer. Was this a type of damage control that has been needed in Davey's life in the past?

The "Everything is Awesome" story of Amanda's beautiful death was planted within hours of the 911 call.

Anonymous said...

Flightful wrote "No question it's an obsession for some of us here who want to keep this case at the front of people's minds and not let it slip in to oblivion. We work in posting here with the other things that happen during the day and night and sometimes in the middle of the night - but rest assured, my life is not slipping in other areas because I post here - and I don't think the other posters' lives are crumbling either due to the fact that they post here - no matter how often it is. "

Right. That is a small part of what's going on psychologically is that you've chosen to obsess/ruminate over this specific case bc it has a daily flow of videos/social media posts/instagram pics from Davey and friends, a flow that may go on indefinitely, but it's not bc you care about Amanda and Weston. This case is keeping your psyche in tact for the time being.

Anonymous said...

Ruminate. A word you don't see often here.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anon @9:43
Oh my God. Are you for real? THATS already been said 4,000 times!!! Why are you so obsessive about this case? I would worry more about your own problem with obsession/rumination about this BLOG. Have you seen a psychiatrist? Do you realize this is not normal?
April 1, 2017 at 9:56 PM
My counselor asked me this question during one of our conversations. He said, “Davey, do you think Amanda would have still said ‘yes’ to Jesus about moving to Indianapolis if she knew she was going to lose her life four years into it?” I really had to chew on this before I could answer him. I’m not sure why that question caused me to ruminate for so long.

Anonymous said...

Two in a row. Ruminate and in tact.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Right. That is a small part of what's going on psychologically is that you've chosen to obsess/ruminate over this specific case bc it has a daily flow of videos/social media posts/instagram pics from Davey and friends, a flow that may go on indefinitely, but it's not bc you care about Amanda and Weston. This case is keeping your psyche in tact for the time being.
April 1, 2017 at 10:08 PM
When I went back into the house for the first time I saw this window still in tact on the wall around the corner.

Anonymous said...

It's a form of obssession and disassociation that allows you to escape whatever it is you don't want to face or feel (probably multiple things). It's not healthy. But it's serving some purpose in keeping your psyche in tact. At a heavy cost. My guess is there would be multiple very toxic things you would need to confront/change/get rid of, and you're not ready to do that. So I guess, get as much mileage as you can out of this immersion/escapism. We've all had our crutches. But at some point, you may want to realize this is an indicator that something is very wrong emotionally (may be multiple things contributing to your emotional state).

flightfulbird said...

He's here ?!

I've chosen to obsess/ruminate over this specific case because I want to know the truth about it and the one individual who can clear it up chooses not to. So - the more discussion and the more information that is out there, the greater the chance of someone seeing it who can actually pursue the truth. I think there will be a lot of things coming to light at the trials, for even though you won’t be the one on trial, Davey - your conflicting stories will be exposed and questions will be raised about why you said and did what you did on November 10th and ever since then.

If anyone googles Davey Blackburn in the future, there will be links to Statement Analysis pages, web write-ups, videos, transcripts, interviews - and anyone who chooses to get involved with him on a personal level or go to his church will be able to see the questions and misgivings that hundreds of people across the world have - and see the consistently changing stories and lack of grief and dry-eyed interviews and extravagant lifestyle- and judge for themselves.

flightfulbird said...

In our hearts, we want justice for Amanda and Evie - and for Weston to be protected in the future.

No "but" - as Davey qualified in his interview below with WTHR (it's such a conundrum - in our hearts we want justice - BUT - Amanda would want us to forgive. . . . not in so many words.)

Interviewer: "um, if you could say something to either the people who know something that happened or even to the person who did this...and you don't have to answer that, you know, but what would you say?"

DB: Bows head, sighs "ummmm, well, (clears throat) if I could say something to somebody who knew something I would beg em to come forward and share whatever information they have (shaking head slightly)...ummm, you know, I mean we we want to find whoever did this, we want ummm, (smiles and laughs) It's such a conundrum. In our hearts we want justice, um, but Amanda lived her life on this mission that said (chokes up) even the unforgivable can be forgiven, and as I'm reading through her journal and she saying like (smiling) 'I don't feel this but I believe this and I know this to be true' like...we try to wrestle with that and we try to say Jesus help us believe and help us forgive in the midst of all of this.

So, so quick to forgive - this was not a guy who had his wife ripped away from him and is distraught over it.

flightfulbird said...

"Sure, Amanda was killed, but. . . "

It's almost like saying "sure, the store was out of the protein shakes I use so I had to go to another store to pick them up".

Anonymous said...

You're afraid of facing powerful feelings of sorrow and grief, flightful. That's why you're doing this. That's what you're running away from.

Flightful, it is safe to feel. You need to cry. That is what you are repressing is needing to cry.

Hey Jude said...

Great posts - and Trudy's from yesterday or day before by now.

It's difficult to ignore just how prepared they all were for the season of pain, and how easily/perhaps almost painlessly they embraced it. There has to be something psychologically unhealthy about all that, Anon, would you agree? It's at least a bit cultish, and they are a bit Stepford-like. Davey's beginning to look like he's made of plastic.

I'm only a bit obsessed with this case - I'd say more interested, and that I think about it a lot, but only as one amongst many things - I wish there were more hours in the day/night so I could focus enough to become obsessed proper, at least for a season. I want to know who made what happen, how and why - and for only the guilty people or person to be convicted for Amanda's murder.

Hey Jude said...

How is that person who set up a robbery at his house a pastor? Like the Gay Cake Pastor who iced slurs onto his Whole Foods cake.
I don't get how crooks can be pastors - do they just call themselves pastors, or what?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude/Flightful/Every other name here said:

"It's difficult to ignore just how prepared they all were for the season of pain, and how easily/perhaps almost painlessly they embraced it. There has to be something psychologically unhealthy about all that, Anon, would you agree?"

Sure, I agree. Of course it's psychologically unhealthy and abnormal.
At some point, you will need to stop focusing on people in this case's reactions to things and focus on yours though.

Anonymous said...

What's up yo?

Hey Jude said...

Anon - you know not of what you speak. :)

I am not Flightful
I am Jude
Most of Your Posts
Are Somewhat Rude.

I do agree with Flightful, though, your recent change in tactic to feigned concern for our mental health is rather touching.
If I switch to focussing on my own reactions to other people's reactions I might become self-conscious, vain, introspective and (utterly) narcissistic. You can't be too careful. I mean, look what happened to Davey with all his tiresome naval gazing.

Hey Jude said...

Anon @ 1.31 - Lol. It was bad, wasn't it? Not as bad as:

'Sure, Amanda was killed.'


I don't know if that was Davey further up, but it's bad enough. Like, if you want advice, don't ask a psychopath. I wasn't wanting advice.

Also, 'Never smile at a crocodile, oh, you can't get friendly with a crocodile, don't be taken in by his friendly grin, he's just seeing how well you'll fit beneath his skin.'

Someone maybe teach that to Weston, pronto.

Anonymous said...


Was that Davey earlier, or just the minion who does his writing for him?

Davey? or Meg?

I'll have to ruminate on that. It's a good thing my psyche is intact (one word).

Hey Jude said...

Anon -

You said:
You also seem to feel Davey is "self-conscious, vain, introspective and (utterly) narcissistic."

I said that would be the result of my focussing on myself - yes, it also applies to Davey, they are common side-effects of naval-gazing. It's an observable fact - watch and listen to Davey.

Of course I am, or can be, all those things - either a bit or a lot - excepting, probably, a psychopath. I might even be a bit of a psychopath, too, but I don't let anything get the better or the worst of me. Hmm, we all project sometimes. I am resigned to the fact some people will be likely to just think 'projection' rather than I might know and recognise some things they don't. I don't need to attribute my bad qualities to Davey, he already has them, and then some, plus I'm not in denial of my own.

I think I am not interested in my inner life and emotions, thanks - it sounds something like a vanity project. What is an inner life anyway - I only have the one. I am either engaged outwardly or I am not, it's all the same life.

Trudy said...

Good catch on "in tact". Bobcat. It's an unusual misspelling. I wonder how many people write "in tact" instead of "intact".

About five months after Amanda was murdered Megs posted on her Etsy page advertising a new "piece".

"-It's the first new listing I've added to the shop in almost 5 months ... And it couldn't be cuter!!"

The new listing? Oh. It's a bit of wood with " Home is where Mom is." scrawled on it.

She's a sensitive soul isn't she? Maybe she could give it to Weston.

Hey Jude said...

Okay, I trynot to let anything get the better or the worst of me.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, good on the 'in tact' Bobcat.

Interesting, which one of them is it? Which most likely to be?

Anonymous said...

attorneys was posted somewhere in the recent past - does anyone have that information and can share it here? It might/would be interesting for them to see some of the questions raised here, methinks.

Yes, because neither LE nor defense attorneys would ever think to raise any of these "questions." Only commenters here are capable of proper investigation. I bet you think you have all the facts, too.

It's far more likely that all these have been investigated, unless you're saying defense attorneys are too stupid to investigate and LE is too incompetent.

Trudy said...

It really depends on the defense strategy. If attorneys for LT and Co. intend to claim that Amanda was already injured and dying when they strolled in to rob the house, the attorneys might well be interested in the questions raised here.

I wonder what their defense(s) will be.

In other news, I recently read an article about sites like Websleuths, Namus and subreddits like RBI (reddit bureau investigation) and unresolved mysteries, etc, where people gather on line to discuss crimes and missing persons. Can you imagine how busy Fido would be barking away on those sites? (Do you think you know more than LE?, If so and so is guilty, why hasn't he been arrested? Wannabe sleuths. I bet you think you have all the facts, you're pathetic, you're a joke, you're a clown. You have psychological issues.) And so on and so forth. Imagine how fast she'd be banned for her abuse and logical fallacies It makes me laugh.

Trudy said...

Why did a simple request for the names of the attorneys elicit such a bizarre response?

Bingo said...

Poor Davey. Mourning so much and dealing with that awful PTSD.

Who keeps Weston those hours everyday spent at the gym? Someone posted on Datalounge that they attend the same gym and Davey practically lives there. Narcissism much?

Bingo said...

He is hooked on Crossfit games now. Man, he makes the grieving process look like a real walk in the park.

Bingo said...

It looks like Megs needs a way to bring in new income. She is opening her shop back up after closing 5 months ago. Ashley is also now trying to sell and paint furniture. Have they come to realize that the huge growth of epic proportions is just not happening? The only person who seems to be getting paid for speaking engagements is Davey. The church is still not any bigger even though Davey is still desperately trying to push the agenda of Resonate being the "chosen" church?

Anonymous said...

Two of the public defenders:

defense attorney Dominic Martin

Taylor's public defender, Jeff Neal

Shout out to Bobcat for picking up those very uncommon words used by both Anon and Davey.

Anonymous said...

In tact = Davey.
(I doubt Meg would make that error)

Lawyers & Court Info:
Indiana Court:

Larry Taylor's case: 49G05-1511-MR-041732
Taylor's Attorneys: Martin, Neel, Hollingsworth
Trial Date set for 5/15/2017

Jalen Watson's case # 49G05-1511-MR-041745
Watson's Attorneys: Grove, Robinson, Hollingsworth
Trial Date set for 5/15/2017

Diano Cortez Gordon's case #s 49G05-1601-MR-001659 and 49G05-1512-F4-043993
Gordon's Attorneys: Hurley, Wall, Minch, Robinson
Trial Date set for 7/10/2017

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude, That is interesting how you perceive Davey to be introspective when he is not, also you strongly associate introspection (navel-gazing as you put it) with self-indulgence and vanity.
I was hesitant to continue our sessions, but it's clear to me that you have been led to believe that any focus on your inner life (focus on your feelings) is a shame-filled overindulgence towards yourself. Freud would say that you were probably punished and shamed for any expression of your feelings, perhaps even humiliated and abandoned.. You came to associate feeling something with being belittled, scolded, and abandoned. It must have been very stressful to be abandoned and shamed if you felt something.

Hey Jude said...

Is it correct that because Indiana has the death penalty murder cases have to go to trial - no plea bargaining? I have been trying to figure it out from various online articles. I don't see how, given the cost of murder trials, and the high murder rate as in Indiana, every case could go to trial. How does it work?

Hey Jude said...

Anon - Davey is introspective in that he is self-centred and self-concerned - I don't say Davey is introspective in the sense of trying to understand himself more in order to improve himself, which can turn into a vanity project, yes. See any bookshop.

I was not punished or shamed for any expression of my feelings - don't give up the day job just yet. :)

Hey Jude said...

No point trying to shift attention away from Davey - note title of thread. Amanda Blackburn, Davey's wife, so young and making her family, was murdered in her own home (or Davey's house), behind an unlocked front door. . Think seriously about Davey and his reactions to that - along with his enabling of it. 'She was about to get up anyway' - what a pathetic reason for not locking the door that is. Amanda was very vulnerable whilst in the process of getting up (or would have been, if that had been true - but he claims he did that routinely, anyway.)

I bet even a poor defence lawyer (while hoping the accused each have a good one) could put some reasonable doubt out around all that, or that, even if LT did commit the murder, they acted only out of their own volition. Will they call witnesses who can estimate how long Amanda may have lain there bleeding out?

Okay, Davey is not on trial - even so it's doubtful he will come out of it without a dent or two in his halo - well, if they have good attorneys who have done their homework. They might present a lot of interesting questions through witnesses, even if they are not allowed to answer them all.

flightfulbird said...

I believe just because (or if) the thugs (or their cell phones) can be placed in the Blackburn house during the time Davey was AT THE GYM (we know, we know, we know where you were - after praying for protection for Amanda and little unborn Evie- you were in the gym or on the driveway talking to Kenneth Wagner until you walked inside ) -

that still doesn't mean Larry Taylor was the one who actually pulled the trigger on Amanda.

How does Davey know Larry Taylor is the one who actually pulled the trigger on Amanda - if he was at the gym and if the investigators didn't give him uh, a ton of details - apparently nothing more than they released to the general public ? He has said several times that there wasn't a lot of information coming forth to him from them.

We have yet to find out if DNA placed any of the thugs INSIDE Davey's house. We know there was evidence of a sexual assault - yet none of the thugs were charged with it - which they would (probably?) have been if their DNA was found on Amanda. DNA from Davey would be expected to find - anywhere.

The defense attorneys / public defenders have a several ways to create reasonable doubt for their clients and also several ways to point out that maybe these guys were set up and Amanda had already been incapacitated before they arrived - or else that it was a carefully orchestrated (to use Davey's words) hit.

There is no way a jury is going to believe this was a random breakin gone wrong - considering only what was taken from Davey's house.

And Davey said he had no idea anyone had even been in his house - so would that make it difficult to place the thugs or anyone else there to begin with?

It does seem difficult to pin such a brutal assault and murder on someone "foreign" to the house - if the homeowner/husband not only didn't indicate that morning that there had been a home invasion - but that he then said after the fact that he had no idea anyone had been in his house !

I think IMPD realized the dog Mel had been locked up and I bet they wondered why this guy Davey would leave the front door unlocked and the dog locked up while his wife and infant son slept in the darkness while he was at the gym.

Anonymous said...

I find that men (as high as trees) will write
Dialogue-wise; yet man doth them slight
For writing so: indeed, if they abuse
Truth, cursed be they, and the craft they use
To that intent; but yet let truth be free
To make her sallies upon thee and me,
Which way it pleases God,; for who knows how,
Better than he that taught us first to plough,
To guide our mind and pens for his design?
And he makes base things usher in divine.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, Flightful - I wonder if Davey is wishing he didn't say he had no idea anyone had been in his house - people might believe him - what with him being a pastor, and all. He's got himself in a right old mess - what a tangled web. I bet that 911 call is interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude said "I was not punished or shamed for any expression of my feelings."

That is correct Hey Jude. You werent punished or shamed for just "any" expression of your feelings. There was some feeling though that wasnt allowed Hey Jude wasnt there. Which feeling was it? Anger was acceptable, anxiety was OK also, but what was it that brought on the shaming Hey Jude? Which emotion? There were 2 emotions that werent allowed werent there? Can you share what they were?

Anonymous said...


1) Did you murder Amanda?

2) Did you wrestle Amanda on 11/9/2015 or 11/10/2015?

3) Did you cover Amanda's mouth with duct tape?

4) Did you kick Amanda's mouth?

Anonymous said...

Fear? Sadness?

This is not your pity party...unless you are working yourself up to an admission.

Hey Jude said...

Anon, you over-estimate the attention I was given growing up. :). Nice try, though.

mom2many said...

This links directly to the affidavit of probable cause for Justin White, the pastor who arranged his own home burglary. It is an interesting read. The lead detective became suspicious due to lack of evidence of forced entry, the immediate reporting of the loss to insurance, and the 911 call and same day Facebook message of the event. Sound familiar?

The affidavit further breaks down the Facebook evidence, and lack of, depending on whose account records were looked at. If both parties are deleting messenger records, and/or the original device used to communicate is not available, the communication could be untraceable.

I have always felt the laptop going missing was a coverup, since it was not recovered with other equipment which was eventually recovered.

Davey had weeks to unfriend his contact between himself and the Kilt Gang. How much evidence would LE need to subpoena multiple members of the gang to capture any potential conversation? More than they had, I assume.

Back to the White crime, the young man's connection was discovered only through investigation of a separate crime. If he couldn't be so easily connected to the pastor through a known relationship, how long would it have taken LE to uncover the connection and acquire the direct evidence needed through the young man's social media records?

Anonymous said...

That is correct. Fear and sadness. And there is one other emotion to which these 2 are intimately linked.

We will examine your abandonment trauma at a later time. We need to focus on strengthening your psyche by freeing the repressed emotions before we can delve deeper.

Hey Jude said...

Rolls eyes.

Trudy said...

The anon trying to psychoanalyse Hey J sounds just like Hannibal Lecter in silence of the lambs. Watch your back and hang on to your liver HeyJ, or it will be nibbled with some fava beans and a nice bottle of chianti. ;)

Anonymous said...

If you feel any stabbing or burning pains, it might be Davey and his voodoo dolls/evil prayers.

Db Blog, 2006:
"Both talked about how miserable and empty they felt living the life they were living (by the way I have been praying specifically for these guys to feel miserable until they recognize that they need a savior)."

Trud said...

So when we came back from church this morning we, realized we had been robbed. Most all of our electronics, cash, jewellery, vacuum, small appliances, etc. at last tabulation it was around $11,000.00 worth of valuables. Hard to believe. Even emptied out Lila's piggy bank and left her a quarter.
Ha ha. Bobcat. I remembering him saying he was praying for people's misery. He's one helluva pastor.

Thanks Mom2many for the affidavit.

Anyone up for a bit of SA? This is what the pastor posted on fb (quoted in affidavit)

We are all good and safe. Just trying to process everything.

Things they did not take:
Our health and our lives
Our dog
Our faith

Also thankful for insurance!

Trudy said...

Ooops. Sorry. That was a bit jumbled.

Here is the fb quote contained in the affidavit.

So when we came back from church this morning we, realized we had been robbed. Most all of our electronics, cash, jewellery, vacuum, small appliances, etc. at last tabulation it was around $11,000.00 worth of valuables. Hard to believe. Even emptied out Lila's piggy bank and left her a quarter.

We are all good and safe. Just trying to process everything.

Things they did not take:
Our health and our lives
Our dog
Our faith

Also thankful for insurance!

Hey Jude said...

It's a bit weird, Trudy - more since you mentioned that. :)


I just read the probable cause doc on 'Pastor' Justin White, Mom2Many - and did a bit of googling, listened to some of his sermon, the one he preached while his home was being 'burgled'. What an odious crime - he is a snake to do that to his family, to use his little girl as focus for pity - 'they left her a quarter' from her piggy bank - he knew the donations would come - just a few days before Christmas, too. What a horribly opportunistic exploitation of a minor he was meant to be helping - followed by throwing him under the bus in an attempt to get away with his crime. Urgh - it must have frightened his family, and disturbed his neighbours, in view of what happened to Amanda - i'd think Indy pastor wives are bound to be particularly sensitive to crimes against their homes and families since Amanda's murder, somit was a particularly unpleasant thing to do to his family.

He might have taken his 'inspiration' from Davey - Davey might also have or have had similar connections to young people in need of counselling - contacts who set up LT and co. It's possible. I thought from very early on they had been set up to discover Amanda rather than that killed her - I will be surprised if that is not the case.

Hey Jude said...

He added to the inventory of items 'stolen' too, to rip off the insurance company that bit more while he was at it.

mom2many said...

"So when we came back from church this morning we, realized we had been robbed."

So = explaining
We obscures identity, hiding in crowd

"Most all of our electronics, cash, jewellery, vacuum, small appliances, etc. at last tabulation it was around $11,000.00 worth of valuables."

Most all ... valuables, what? Statement doesn't actually say they are missing, stolen, gone.

"Hard to believe. Even emptied out Lila's piggy bank and left her a quarter."

Missing pronouns = missing commitment. Leaving a single quarter showing remorse.

"We are all good and safe."

Good is unexpected.

"Just trying to process everything."

Just is minimizing, compared to something else in mind.

"Things they did not take:
Our health and our lives
Our dog
Our faith"
Not shows sensitivity, with health taking priority. Faith is last on the list.

The "good and safe" comment reminds that in the 911, Justin White indicated he had not gone through the whole house but knew the family was safe and the burglars had left.

Hey Jude said...

The scene didn't fit the crime because it was a different type of crime than that reported; in Davey's case it sounds, from what he has said, that he didn't even report a crime. No wonder the press conference was so unusual.


So, is addiction any type of excuse for Justin White's actions? I don't think so.

Will he go to rehab just as soon as he can, and use a modified version of his story to relaunch his career? One in which he was tempted by the immoral youth he had been tricked into counselling, or something.

The kid maybe wanted help but he was encouraged to continue dealing drugs - Justin White should not be allowed to call himself a pastor. The way he didn't fess up, denied being in contact and would have thrown the kid under the bus if he could have - odious.
His poor family.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Trudy is encouraging Jude to resist the psychoanalytical process?

Duh said...

"flightfulbird said...

"How does Davey know Larry Taylor is the one who actually pulled the trigger on Amanda - if he was at the gym and if the investigators didn't give him uh, a ton of details - apparently nothing more than they released to the general public ? He has said several times that there wasn't a lot of information coming forth to him from them."

He knows Taylor was the shooter because THAT'S WHAT THE POLICE CONCLUDED. He didn't say anything about Taylor being the shooter until after that info was released publicly. Duh! He has the same info we do. Do you not grasp that?

How can you pretend to know so much but be so clueless? Lol

Anonymous said...

Jude/Flightful was showing remarkable insight prior to the disassociative event whereby Trudy emerged and manifested skepticism towards the therapeutic process.

Jude will only be able to proceed with therapy if
" Trudy" will agree not to interfere.

Anonymous said...

There is too much disssasociation and skepticism towards therapy going on for me to accept this case. Even for my level of expertise, the psychiatric issues presenting are too complex.

Hey Jude said...

Bobcat - it's a mean prayer. 2006 - he would have been around twenty - still should have known a better way to pray- maybe he was raised to think and pray like that rather than to pray for others as he would like and hope other people would pray for him, or even as he would pray for himself.


Nice trolling, Anon.

Hey Jude said...

You do have to wonder, what happened to Davey to make him the way he is?

Anonymous said...

Well, if I must...Davey sustained a few powerful narcissistic injuries between the ages of 1 and 3 yrs. He is now an auto-erotic narcissist with mediocre intelligence, superficial spiritual pretensions, with most of his psyche energy going towards his auto-erotic narcissism. His main drive is towards attaining physical perfection, his spiritual pretensions merely a facade.

Trudy said...

"Just trying to process everything" White.
" my heart has been forced to process" Blackburn.

A process is a series of actions or steps taken towards a particular end.

Both of these men did had a plan, to take particular steps, to achieve their nefarious goals. It is true that they were/are processing or in a process, but the process started long before the actual crime.

Happily, I note this definition too.
a summons or writ requiring a person to appear in court.
synonyms: summons, writ, subpoena; citation
"the person on whom the process is to be served"

flightfulbird said...

He knows Taylor was the shooter because THAT'S WHAT THE POLICE CONCLUDED. He didn't say anything about Taylor being the shooter until after that info was released publicly.

From the word of a "confidential informant" - no confession from Larry Taylor who was supposedly too messed up to know what happened that morning. Davey sounded certain about Larry Taylor being the one who actually pulled the trigger - it wasn't like he qualified it saying "I was told" - and it certainly did fit in with his narrative and story that morning when he was speaking when he said something like what if Larry Taylor had had THIS (meaning Resonate?) when he was 12 years old?

It's all part of the story.

I will give you another “what if” scenario - since Davey likes to talk about “what ifs” - since Amanda allegedly wrote in her journal that she was concerned about “what ifs” -

- What if Davey woke up, kissed Amanda goodbye, locked the door behind himself when he left for the gym ?

- What if he came home from the gym and didn’t linger in the car but went inside straightaway ?

- What if he called 911 immediately instead of as soon as he could - and said someone has been in my house, my wife is lying face down in a pool of blood bleeding from the back of the head and upper back - her shirt is pulled up and underwear is removed - furniture is turned over and stuff is scattered all over the floor ?

- What if he didn't have a prepared statement ready to go, what if the Resonate Facebook page didn't have an amended post (like two hours after the first post announcing that Amanda had died) saying "our pastor came home from the gym"

-What if there weren't all of the journal entries and quotes supposedly from Amanda about praying that God would use them in a really big way, getting to see all of this with my own eyes, being worried about "what ifs", knowing it wasn't always going to be that way (safe)

THAT scenario would ring way more true and would seem way more plausible - compared to leaving the door unlocked, staying on the driveway on a phone call, reporting Amanda to be “injured and unconscious” to 911, making it appear as an accident to Perry Noble and his dad among others (saying Amanda had “a head wound”), and saying he had no idea anyone had been in his house.

On DataLounge thread #7 (link and upthread on this board as well as on Bobcat’s Blackburn Discussion blog, someone wondered why Davey was taking mental snapshots while he waited for paramedics so he would know what to tell investigators - if he honestly thought something had gone horrifically wrong with uh, the pregnancy - uh, we just lost the baby but - I thought we miscarried ? Who would be anticipating investigators if it was a miscarriage and not a home invasion / murder?

Hey Jude said...

Duh said: He knows Taylor was the shooter because THAT'S WHAT THE POLICE CONCLUDED. He didn't say anything about Taylor being the shooter until after that info was released publicly. Duh! He has the same info we do. Do you not grasp that?

How can you pretend to know so much but be so clueless? Lol


Duh, it is not 'info'. Larry Taylor said he was out of it and he stayed in the car. It was only the witness who made the claim that LT had later said he did it. Larry Taylor has entered not guilty pleas.

How do you know it is not a ploy, and that LE's 'solid case' is not anticipating the case to fall apart, thereby exposing Davey? What if there is lack of evidence to support that LT entered the house, or if he did enter, that he also beat, sexually assaulted (already ruled out), and murdered Amanda and her unborn baby?

What if there is evidence to show LT was set up to be placed in the neighbourhood and on CCTV?

What if medical testimony supports that Amanda had lain there for many hours before Davey called 911? Or forensic evidence, by how fresh or old the pool of blood? That actually, there may be evidence to support that he had to more or less step over her to go out to the gym? That would be difficult to explain.

Davey has not helped himself by overdoing his ignorance of a crime scene. Who can believe that? Also, if LT is saying he wasn't in the house, how do you know the forensics won't be saying he wasn't in the house either? What if there is no DNA from LT smeared all about the house, only blood of Amanda (Davey said there was blood 'smeared' everywhere) - no-one's going to believe an unaccompanied Swisher Sweets packet fought and murdered Amanda, or that Davey mistook a rape and murder scene for a miscarriage.

What if Larry Taylor and co is found to have burgled the neighbour's house, but there is not evidence to support that he, or any of them, murdered Amanda? Where will anyone be looking then?

What possible motive would Larry Taylor have for murdering a young pregnant mother? Davey's sermons give all sorts of possible motives, reasons and justifications as to why Amanda died - most round growing his church.

What was taken from Amanda? Did Larry Taylor know, when he was first questioned, what was taken from 'a dead person'? It makes no difference if he knows now, only if he knew and was able to say then, without being allowed to guess till he got it right.

Hey Jude said...

Though even if he did know and have whatever it was, that could be a set up, too.

Anonymous said...

Is "Cucumber Sandwhich" a more assertive aspect of your psyche, Flightful? Does "Cucumber Sandwhich" stand strong when "Flightful" is falling apart?
Is there anything you could learn from Cucumber Sandwhich's strength and integrate that into your psyche Flightful?

flightfulbird said...

cucumber sandwich aka the hit dog -

no-one's going to believe an unaccompanied Swisher Sweets packet fought and murdered Amanda, or that Davey mistook a rape and murder scene for a miscarriage.

May I ask you why Davey would say in numerous appearances that he honestly thought Amanda had a miscarriage ? It's a very simple question. Everyone knows that miscarriages don't cause bleeding from the head and upper back and especially to the point that Amanda was "lying in a pool of blood" or however Davey likes to state it in his appearances - before he looks around and waits for a gasp of reaction from the crowd.

May I ask you why Davey anticipated investigators showing up for a miscarriage, to the point he needed to take mental snapshots for them? On second thought, the APC says he reported her "injured and unconscious" - not anything to do with uh, the pregnancy - so the whole miscarriage lie is even more obvious now.

So.many.questions. (unanswered questions) - would you care to hazard a guess on these two, for a start?

flightfulbird said...

What if medical testimony supports that Amanda had lain there for many hours before Davey called 911? Or forensic evidence, by how fresh or old the pool of blood? That actually, there may be evidence to support that he had to more or less step over her to go out to the gym? That would be difficult to explain.

Davey has not helped himself by overdoing his ignorance of a crime scene. Who can believe that? Also, if LT is saying he wasn't in the house, how do you know the forensics won't be saying he wasn't in the house either? What if there is no DNA from LT smeared all about the house. . .

^^ This ^^ scenario is totally possible - no forensic evidence of anyone else being in the house (and Davey SAID he had no idea anyone had been in his house ! - so it adds up !)

And the forensic RNs and medical examiners can totally tell how long the individual has been "in the condition they were in". And I wonder what the fingernail scrapings revealed, if anything?

flightfulbird said...

More on the "last journal entries" - "written by Amanda" - from Davey's WTHR interview

and so her last entry, um, on Monday morning, so this was after Sunday’s service. She would get up every morning and she would read the Bible, and she would journal, and she would kind of journal on her thoughts and prayers, and um, this is what, this is what her last entry was, um,
‘Turn your eyes upon Jesus’ – it’s an old song, um, ‘Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace’. And then she said, this was her prayer, ‘ Lord, an amazing Sunday yesterday. It truly filled my heart to see so many people in your church, Jesus. Learning, growing and meeting you, and taking next steps. Thank you for letting me get to see all of this with my own eyes. I love you, Lord. Glory and praise to you. ‘
Um, so that was her last one, and then last night I sat and like read a bunch of them. She was always mad about me reading her journal because she would always like pray things about me. [Laughs] She’d be like ‘Please, Lord, show Davey this’ y’know – and it’s crazy, the Lord would show me, you know, but um, she was never pushy, she was always, she was a praying wife, and um, supported me so much in everything and – but, um, people have asked a lot, like ‘How are you getting through this?’ Like ‘How do we’ – um, it doesn’t feel like strength to us, but I guess it looks like strength to the world.

It feels like complete despair and weakness to us, um – but in the midst of that, hope. Um, hope that God’s gonna take this situation, and even though it’s, it’s trash, he’s gonna turn it to treasure – hope that he’s going to restore and redeem this situation, and, and so that’s, that’s the strength that we draw on, is from the Lord, and um, and um, she wrote this a few days before, um, she was killed, and um, uh, I think it sums up what we feel, and uh, it says: ‘Lord, I don’t want my faith to waiver because of something like that’ – she was talking about an emotional situation she was going through. She said ‘It does make me nervous to think about “what ifs”, but even if the “what ifs” happen, I know it’s because of your plan. I know it’s because you are the author of my faith and this story’.

About the first journal entry he read - Amanda had no idea she wasn't going to be around to get to see things with her own eyes. Davey stresses three times that this was "her last entry" (um) - need to persuade, much? IF Amanda had written this, it makes for a really nice sweet story - but I will never believe she actually wrote either of these, especially given Davey's look for a reaction when reading them to the interviewers.

And about the second journal entry - Amanda didn't know she was going to be part of "this story" or that the "what ifs" would happen - that she would write that she knew were part of the Lord's plan.

It's seriously like these journal entries were written to cover the scenario, to make it look like Amanda was ok with everything that happened - that she knew the Lord was the author of the story and everything that happened was in HIS plan and she's just grateful she got to see Davey's church do well that Sunday with her own eyes - before she led the way in surrender.

flightfulbird said...

It is WAY too much of a coincidence that Amanda would write these entries in her journal - one of them a few days before she was killed and the other one on THE day before she was killed - along with "just praying that God would use us in a really big way" on the morning before she was killed !

Anonymous said...

Is Davey practicing an insanity defense?

Sirensong said...

Any husband and father that would tell his 2 year old son, that he gets to go to Disneyland because his mother was murdered should not be trusted. I can't believe the Byers are comfortable with CD telling Weston, over time, what to think. It's obvious to me CD did not love or respect Westons mother, and can hurt this little boy psychologically in his need to protect his own character.

Trudy said...

Thanks again for that White affidavit. It's so interesting. He wanted the 'robbery' to take place on the day of his grandmothers funeral. That's cold. And stealing money from his daughter's piggy bank...what? I felt sorry for the wife who could not understand why the light that was never used in the garage was on or the door open, and why the "burglars" didn't take the Christmas presents under the tree, or the (expensive!) unwrapped presents in the closet. Poor woman.

I wonder how many valuables Davey told his 'burglars' not to take.

I also feel so sorry for the young man that this POS pastor white used. If the proof was not there, if the fb records of their conversations had been successfully deleted, how many people would have believed the young man (who'd been in trouble with the law) over the POS pastor? Good work by LE.

What might a thorough search of Daveys fb messages to Treezy would reveal?

Hey Jude said...

Flightful - another thing about Amanda's last journal entry - what is the likelihood she would have written that, and been positively impacted by the last Sunday's message. I believe that was the 'Worship as a Weapon' sermon during which Davey made his accidental pregnancy 'announcement' in which Amanda was not mentioned? I think all that would have left her deeply disturbed, as Davey was behaving like a madman. A gun in church is not a healthy prop, and play acting at shooting someone is equally unhealthy in that context. So, I question that would have been her state of mind - I think either she wrote it because she knew Davey would read it and could not write what really was on her mind, or that someone made her write it, or someone else wrote it. I think that sermon would have freaked her out and she would not have been thanking God for letting her see with her own eyes the ungodly antics of Davey - that bit ,to my mind, has echoes the nunc dimittis -

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace :
according to thy word.

For mine eyes have seen :
thy salvation;

Which thou hast prepared :
before the face of all people;

To be a light to lighten the Gentiles :
and to be the glory of thy people Israel.

Luke 2.29-32

Alternatively, faithful and true Amanda was so determined to see God at work through Davey, that she dismissed her comcerns over and over, and kept believing in Davey, to her own detriment and ultimate demise.

What was it Davey said was one thing (or was it the one thing one?) he had learned through his marriage to Amanda? I forget - something to do with emotion/s.

What was it Megs said? 'Amanda believed in Davey.'

I think her faith in Davey was already quite shaken by her last Sunday - not convinced that is a genuine journal entry, or that if she did write it, that it was a genuine expression of her thoughts.

Also, one has to question why Davey found it timely to do the Marriage Q & A, and to get Amanda on the stage to testify to how great their marriage was despite the difficulties, in the weeks leading up to her murder. Backfired though, as it showed what an abusive resentful husband Davey was, and that Amanda struggled in her marriage.

Hey Jude said...

Cucumber Sandwich said:

'If you think prosecutors believe Taylor is innocent but are going through the enormous effort and expense of trying him as some kind of ruse to expose DB, you've watched too many episodes of Columbo, old girl. Get a hold of yourself.'

Yeah, I reluctantly concede you are very likely to be right there. I did like Columbo when I was a kid. Still, what if there are no forensics to prove anyone had been in the house besides Davey and Amanda? We'll just have to wait and see.

Hey Jude said...

Duct tape.

Do we need to talk about the duct tape?

I don't think he's mentioned that. Was it out of place? Should it have been in his house? Was it their duct tape? I would have been alarmed to see duct tape in those circumstances - I'd find it unlikely Amanda was packing parcels at that time of day.

Whose earbuds were on the floor, without a device?

It's only the Swisher Sweets which he is noted to have said should not have been in their house. So, does that mean burglars rooted round to find where the duct tape was kept in Amanda's tidy house - they would have needed to have looked, as Amanda's house was neat. Should there be intruder fingerprints all over the duct tape, drawers and cupboards? - I'd think so, because even if they didn't steal items from drawers and cupboards, they would have needed to root around for the duct tape. And then not do anything with it? As burglars, they would have taken their own if they planned to use it to tape anything together for easier handling.

Though, again, I suppose it would be easy enough for someone to have gotten LT to handle a roll of duct tape and then plant it with the Swisher Sweets, if they were planted. How much planning went setting into the crime scene? - are there details which would trip up anyone who had set it up?

Hey Jude said...

What does Davey say about the duct tape? - maybe it is too emotional a subject for him to talk about - yet the expected anger about what was done to his Amanda, and to his baby's mother, has never been there.

Bingo said...

I agree about the journal entry. How could she write anything positive about that crazy sermon. Davey acted like a man possessed. He then posts the gun sermon after his wife is shot. What insensitive lunatic does this? That should have peeked interest from police alone. The clearing of him so early was really careless. He should have been checked, double checked and checked again. He was prepared for her to die, preached to his audience how she was going to die and then posted the way she died to his website. I mean come on.

Hey Jude said...

^Yes.^. I can't believe they are satisfied only with what they have - I will never believe that.

Anonymous said...

Someone on Datalounge just pointed out that Davey, in a video he posted on March 30 on FB, said that he was a substitute teacher at North Central High School when he first moved to Indy. Alonzo Bull was a student at North Central High School during this time.

Anonymous said...

From 11/27/2015

Anonymous said...
Someone posted a lie on this thread that Davey Blackburn was linked to Alonzo Bull on Facebook. Try to find that link, Peter, You can't. Alonzo doesn't have a public FB page and DB has about 3000 friends. That was a lie.

I am attempting to keep some very vicious women from creating fake FB pages to link Davey Blackburn to Alonzo the murderer just because they don't like him. fI don't like him either, but I will report their fake FB pages deleted because it's EVIL to create fake evidence and lie.
November 27, 2015 at 2:35 PM


There is mention in the affidavit about Taylor borrowing Alonzo's jacket and gun.
Is Alonzo pinning Amanda's murder on Taylor?
Or does the commenter know of other murders that Alonzo has committed?


Re duct tape. If Amanda were packing parcels, she would use packing tape. Duct tape is used by HVAC professionals for duct work. Davey hired that type of work out if needed. Duct tape is also standard equipment in musician gig bags or stage crew supply kits. Resonate is a mobile church (like a touring band) and would have a supply of duct tape.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I checked on the link Bobcat posted and there was an "anonymous" poster going APESHIT (caps for emphasis, a la Brenda/Davey). The mere mention of a FB link between Davey and Treezy or Davey and Alonzo was met with "KNOW that i will report your fake Facebook pages by email correspondence with Facebook monitors. I will insist that your personal Facebook page using the same IP number is also removed. Lying does not help Amanda. Lying is evil."

And Alonzo Bull does have a public FB page and has since the murders.

Anonymous said...

It could have been Perry Noble, back in hyper-protective mode for Davey. He helped shelter Davey up until April 2016, when he asked the magic question "What Happened" and realized he'd been helping a man who was lying about knowledge of his wife's murder.

That might be when the really heavy drinking started.

flightfulbird said...

I did not post the anonymous post on this board at 10:42am - although I absolutely cruise the DataLounge thread #7 just as I cruise this one - lurking but not posting there - and I was glad to see the post about Davey being a sub at Alonzo Bull's school. I think DataLounge is also the site where someone linked pix of Davey + Weston at a fair - with someone who favored and could possibly be Alonzo Bull, along with a very young girl - and then also a link to Alonzo Bull's Facebook page with a picture of him and a young girl.

They did resemble. Maybe nothing - but maybe something. And it's not too far of a stretch too think that if Alonzo Bull attended that school, he may have crossed paths with Davey - and so could the others in custody.

Multiple people posted on this board yesterday and something was very sensitive to someone because it brought out multiple posts flaming - or attempting to flame - and shame - or chase away? (posts which have now been deleted). So much for the sensitive care for our well-being - this was a very protective instinct from someone to say the least. Something hit home - and I think Davey is here for sure - as well as those who care for him.

I wonder which post triggered the reaction - or - if the ruminating and the whole "waiting for the other shoe to drop - what if they know - when is my charmed wonderful life going to be taken from me " situation is getting to be too much to handle.

Anonymous said...

Flightful, I don't know if you are aware that Cucumber Sandwhich" emerged when you were feeling emotions of shame during the therepeutic process. Cucumber was able to receive the nurturing and care when Flightful had withdrawn. No true healing will be possible until the time when you feel strong enough to speak with Cucumber. This is complicated by the fact you are presently unaware of Cucumber when he emerges. Healing will begin when you become aware of Cucumber (he is merely a stronger, sturdier element of your psyche) and speak to him. Cucumber may not be ready to talk to you, Flightful, the host personality. The alters, including Cucumber, need to grow stronger before personality integration is attempted.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"you don't think LE knows any of the information you mentioned in that stupid post. "

Anon @5:36, LE cleared Davey with a day or two of Amanda's murder, so no, they did not appear to have investigated Davey or his connection to the thugs. You're becoming unhinged, and I for one, am loving it!

Trudy said...

The White affidavit reminded me that pastors are not above drug abuse and addiction. Davey's wide eyed, manic behaviour, frantic crossfitting, rapid speech, sleeplessness, pacing up and down on stage, jaw clenching and lip smacking are all symptomatic of cocaine or amphetamine use. That and his frequent need to persuade others that he is so hyped and pumped because of all the coffee he drinks. Who could forget the "three shots" (CLANG) of coffee that told his congregation about, shortly after Amanda's murder, to explain his manic affect?

Davey could easily have met Alonzo at North Central High and procured drugs through fb messages, a la Pastor White. And just as Pastor Whites addiction and criminal behaviour escalated, so did Daveys.

I don't believe Alonzo lent his expensive Pele Pele jacket to LT to wear for a few hours because he might get cold while he's out robbing and killing. It was found hanging in Alonzo's closet. I think Alonzo was there.

kimisan03 said...

When does LT's trial begin? Are there any locals on here planning to attend?

Trudy said...

I am so tempted to repost @5:36's diatribe under a Pappini, Kunz, Redwine, John Carter, etc thread on Reddit or Websleuths just to see the response it would get. The author would be ripped to shreds in seconds and thoroughly schooled on how to behave in a public forum. And rightfully so.

Trudy said...

daveyblackburnMy trip to Israel last year was unbelievably healing and made the Bible come alive in ways I never thought possible. I'd love for you to experience that same joy by coming with us next January to Israel!

The same joy as a man who had his wife and unborn baby murdered? Sounds great! Where do I sign up?

. I'm surprised he was allowed out of the country. It was mere weeks after Amanda's murder that the grieving widower skipped off to Israel to sit, with his shirt off, by the pool with PN. (That's the same trip he walked on the beach at sunrise with some beauty pageant queen)

Yep. Sounds like the sort of trip that would bring the unforgiveable, broken people, far from God, that Amada and Davey came to Indy to save, a lot of joy.

Oh. Hang on. No. They couldn't afford it. I guess there won't be any interception of at-risk-youth in January 2018, by Pastor Davey Blackburn.

flightfulbird said...

You really believe you have some level of impact on this case..

Your reaction makes it appear more like YOU really believe the comments posted on this site by Bingo, Bobcat, Concerned, flightfulbird, Foolsfeedonfolly, Hey Jude, mom2many, Siren, Trudy, and many others whose names I missed or who post anonymously . . .

. . . as well as on DataLounge, Justice Seekers/ The Murder of Amanda Blackburn Facebook page, Deception Indicated Facebook page, Blackburn Discussion blog and Reddit (this is a link to just one of the Reddit sub forums under the Justice4AmandaGrace topic on Reddit)

- have at least some level of impact on this case.

Much of what is posted is Davey's own words - seeing them in print and in comparison to other words he has written and spoken is illuminating to say the least. Much of the wild theories and speculation has subsided and now the focus is on questions to be answered and how statements disagree - and it's still so sensitive. Obviously.

If LE knows everything said here and there's no way any of this will have any bearing on the case, then it should be easy to just roll and scroll and ignore and pity the poor delusional souls with (you think) no lives - aka shoe lint.

Anonymous said...

You're not getting it.

This may be your world, but it is not mine. The response I get is meaningless to me, considering the source is a bunch of bored do-nothings who live online. I do not seek their approval, and I certainly am not moved by their disapproval. After all, this is the activity, when done excessively, that normal people don't have time to devote to in such quantities.

Knock yourself out, you pathetic, lonely wannabe.

Lol. "I'm gonna tell."

How stupid are you, anyway?

Trudy said...

She should be moved by their certain disapproval of her abuse and faulty logic. She should learn from it, and try to improve.

Btw, my "weapon of choice" is nothing. I am a pacifist. Why is she so aggressive and abusive. Go back through her posts and try to find ONE that does not contain abusive language.

Anonymous said...

I get it. Davey & Brenda's tactic is to totally derail the thread with weird postings directed at certain named posters here that are on to his shit so that the postings of substance that have been presented recently (that Davey was a sub teacher at A Bull's school and most likely met him there) become an afterthought. Nice try, Davey. Enjoy your long day tomorrow. I assume we will hear more needless ramblings about cucumber sandwiches in the am.

Trudy, flightfulbird. Bobcat, Bingo, etc - you owe this a-hole nothing. It should give you all satisfaction that you have hit some "sensitive" nerves and that you have showed you will be persistent until justice is done. Virtual high five to each and every one of you.

Hey Jude said...

Bobcat - I was thinking duct tape for the type of parcels Amanda and Meg might send related to the wood craft, and restoration businesses - packaging tape can be quite flimsy. At least one customer on Meg's Etsy had complained packaging was poor and the product fell apart - later there were no complaints, so maybe they needed stronger packing, and had duct tape for that. IDK, I use duct tape for heavier parcels - and generally, it's just handy to have a roll - 'if it can't be fixed with duct tape you're not using enough'...

I think it came from the house because Davey didn't say it shouldn't have been there or was not his/theirs. I don't think burglars would go looking round for duct tape - they'd take their own. So, maybe that was part of the staging, to make it appear someone intended to kidnap Amanda, but shot her instead when she fought/resisted - or maybe duct-tape was placed on Amanda, or intended to be, by someone who knew where the duct tape was kept, and who wanted to duct tape Amanda, and taunt and mess with her a while, before they executed her. The scratches on her face - maybe where duct tape was torn off. The expectation would be that whoever entered the house and shot Amanda also did, or intended to use duct tape, too - in which case they would have gone prepared with their own duct tape - Davey didn't say the duct tape was not theirs or did not belong in the house.

Anonymous said...

Is duct tape an expected tool of captivity?

If one is used to regularly tearing pieces with their teeth to apply over wires on stage, I could see it as something handy.

But for robbery/confinement? Not only is duct tape bulky, it is noisy and requires two hands unless you are skilled at the teeth-tearing method.

If LT's MO is to hold a gun at the nape of the neck, he would also have to be skilled at the teeth-tearing method of duct tape application. Did LT ever work as a stage tech?

I would expect something less bulky and quieter, such as zipties, might be preferred.

Unless someone confined Amanda before LT showed up?

Anon - Thanks for the high five. 8-)

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps more than one person worked in concert to confine Amanda.

Resonate Davey skilled at the teeth-tearing method of duct tape application?
Is Derek? Zach?

Anonymous said...

Rambling about duct tape used as packaging.

I have never received a professionally shipped package that was sealed with duct tape. They are always sealed with either reinforced kraft tape or carton sealing tape. For heavier crated items, there would be styrofoam cushioning and heavy duty cardboard (sometimes including a wood base) either glued or stapled shut.

If Meg shipped her wood decor items with duct tape wrapped packages, I would consider that packaging to be of poor quality as well.

Bonita said...

I dont know that much abut anything but I dont think DAvey would wAnt to hurt his teeth by taring duck tape. I also think Bobcat sounds like a spy. She talks like a spy from a movie.

Bonita said...

I dont payateention to what my pakages sealed with like Bobcat does. I usually juust cant wait to open them. I will order makeup or clothes if I have gift card. I would never tare them open with my teeth I dont thinik Davey wojld either/

Bertie the Bus said...

Hallo Bonita,

Hop on! I can get you to the station in time to catch your seat on Annie.

Bonita said...

/Thank yu Bertie, I will come along as long as their are no spies. That is my favorite song the sUn wiLL come Out Tomorrow so I gueess I belong on that bus:::!

Hey Jude said...

No, was not thinking LT had anything to do with the duct tape, Bobcat. I don't think LT had anything to do with Amanda's murder - I think, if he entered the house, he found Amanda lying in a pool of blood. I also think if he entered the house he would have made sure not to leave a packet of Swisher Sweets on the counter as a calling card.

Had not considered the practical aspect, but should think tearing duct-tape with teeth would damage one's teeth, and the dentist would not approve, and Davey would likely not open or tear things with his teeth - well, not if he cares about his smile, which he does. So, well, yes - two people to restrain, or put it over someone's mouth, sounds more do-able than one - there would be no advantage to putting it on after she was attacked, which just one person could do, as she already would have made whatever noise she could...Though if a length was already cut, someone could have surprised her from behind - like if she'd had on her earphones.

We don't know if any duct tape was put on Amanda - if it was, that might be part of the withheld information.

Davey hasn't said there was duct tape on Amanda.

The police said she died protecting her baby. Amber said she fought and fought. Davey said she did what she had to do to protect Weston - yet burglars would have no interest in Weston, or reason to threaten Weston - unless for PIN numbers, which she would have told them, if they had threatened him - so it does not make sense that she died fighting to defend Weston from burglars.

Tooth knocked out, shot three times, scratches on cheek. These are the injuries told. There are no defence injuries to her hands (from Amber's hospital photo of her holding Amanda's hand). I think Amanda's condition must have indicated a sustained attack, and that she was beaten rather than that she fought - if her hands were unmarked, as appeared so, she was unable to defend herself. If she was restrained, she could not defend herself. That she fought, died defending, did what she had to - yet tooth and scratches to cheek are the only other injuries mentioned, when it sounds as if there were more, makes me wonder why those are mentioned - the tooth to highlight the brutality/personal nature of the attack - the scratches - men don't scratch - women might scratch - duct tape might leave scratch-like marks.


Well, you'll be pleased to know I am not a professional parcel packer or seller, I mostly send parcels to the family - personally I don't mind how a parcel arrives, so long as the contents are intact.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Amanda was packing to leave, and using duct tape to seal boxes.
Maybe Amanda started packing away decorations?

Dave (Davey's father) Blackburn 11/22/2015:
"Got into the house and, my thoughts were ‘Boy, I’m so glad that Davey didn’t come over here’ because everywhere you looked, from the beautiful- beautifully decorated Christmas tree with all the old stuff that Amanda had redone, walls, everything just was- it was amazing. Amanda had taken things, and redeemed them."

Amber 12/24/2106:
"I will never forget walking into your home only three days after your life had been taken. I remember feeling so unsure about whether or not I would be able to handle it, or how I would react stepping into the very place where such tragedy had ensued. I was still in shock. I was overwhelmed. I was heartbroken. I was empty. I remember walking up the sidewalk and taking a deep breath. I had a small shakiness in my hand as I opened the door. ... As I slowly opened the door, tears began to fill my eyes. I didn't even have time to look around, because right in front me was the magnificent glow of your beautiful Christmas tree. ... It was the most beautiful sight. I slowly walked over to it, as each ornament and picture and memory caught my eye. There were ornaments I had never seen, and ornaments that have been on your tree every year since you've been married."

"We pulled out all of the Christmas treasures you had packed away. There were red vintage books, Christmas candy dishes, pinecones, and garland. Davey wanted the garland put up on the bannister just like you used to do."

So, Davey's father and Amber both say how Amanda had decorated the house for Christmas, but then Amber writes about things Amanda had PACKED away.

Hey Jude said...

Thanks for the quotes, Bobcat,

Isn't it interesting how the Christmas tree and decorations don't feature in Davey's story - No Amanda laying motionless in a pool of blood near the Christmas tree - you'd think he would have capitalised on that. Somewhere, earlier, someone pointed out that the tree hadn't been a casualty of the fight, which is surprising.

Is Amber indicating there that the tree and decorations were not as Amanda would have done them - the essentials were on the tree, and some new things - the rest of the decorations were either still packed from last year (no need for a roll of duct tape) or had been packed back away (which could explain a roll of duct tape, if she had been doing that - but why would she be packing away her favourite things rather than putting them out? it's interesting Davey does not get mileage out of Amanda lying amongst the Christmas decor - was the tree not part of the scene at the time?

Amber said Amanda had told her about the gigantic tree she had got for fifteen dollars - I don't remember if she said Amanda had also decorated it by the time they met. Davey does not say they went home from the grandma's house and that they, or Amanda, decorated the tree - so presumably it was already decorated by then. How, then, doesn't he mention it when he talks about walking in and finding Amanda - it would have taken up quite some space in the room? Or was it still outside waiting to be decorated - can't imagine anyone stopping to decorate a tree at a murder scene. Unless possibly, relatives would anticipate a decorated tree - if Amanda had maybe told them she was going to decorate the tree that evening.

The mystery deepens - or might, IDK.

Bingo said...

The Christmas account has also baffled me. Davey never mentions a tree and Amber talks about pulling out Christmas things that Amanda had packed away. I finally decided that for Amber's account, maybe Amanda had only decorated the tree and had not yet pulled out the rest of the Christmas decorations. As for Crazy Davey, why would he not mention the tree? It seems it would add so much drama to "his" story. It also deepens my suspicions that much of the initial struggle took place in the bedroom. How is the tree not the first thing that comes down in that small room? I know that it is always the first thing to come down with all the boys in my house. Ours has fallen many times. I was already suspicious of the ladder laying or lying? beside Amanda. That sounds like language of staging. Did they initially incapacitate her in the bedroom by the beating and then bring her in the den to shoot? I don't know. I just find it odd that the tree didn't go down or was never mentioned. The only thing Davey really cares to share is that she was in a pool of blood (he looks so satisfied saying that) and that Amanda's passing was just God's way of bringing better things to his life. SMH

Bingo said...

"Alonzo Bull was questioned by law enforcement and admitted that when Gordon, Watson and Taylor left his apartment shortly before the first burglary, one of them was wearing his black Pelle-Pelle jacket. That jacket is consistent with a jacket observed worn by one of the suspects in the first burglary. It is also consistent with a jacket observed worn by the subject seen walking on Sunnyfield Court and Sunmeadow Drive who was picked up the silver Chrysler Sebring."

Found this from an earlier blog after reading above that Taylor was wearing Bull's jacket. Why would Bull have Taylor wear his jacket? This all stinks. Is there a chance that Bull was on scene as poster above questions also. His phone was pinging at the apt but couldn't he leave it with the girlfriend? Something doesn't add up at all in this case. Even if not there, it is obvious he was completely involved in the entire "operation". Why was he not arrested?

Hey Jude said...

LT took and wore Bull's jacket without his knowledge so if on camera he might be mistaken for Bull?

Or Bull let LT wear his jacket to a murder-hit, knowing if on camera, he himself could be implicated ?

The first seems more likely than the second - but didn't Donae say Bull let him borrow his jacket? If he did, he maybe was not involved in any hit, and just letting him wear his jacket. Why would he do that - it was an apparently expensive jacket - didn't LT own a jacket? Maybe not, or he forgot it, and it was just that Bull felt sorry for him.

Or, did Bull agree to either murder for hire, or take a tip-off about the empty house and unlocked door at the Blackburn's - then send LT along in his jacket, either to burgle, or to burgle and to murder, rather than do the job/s himself because he smelled a rat/set up?

Or none of those.

Hey Jude said...

If I was going to loan Larry Taylor a jacket, it wouldn't have been that one - first it was distinctive, second it was maybe his best jacket or newest jacket - IF LT had wanted and asked to wear it...which we don't know...or even if it was LT wearing it - they could just be saying LT was wearing it to protect Bull.

Hey Jude said...

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if that tree was up and decorated when Amanda was killed - not only because he didn't mention it then, but also not since. Two Christmasses came and went and Daveyn as not said how difficult it was, or that he had flashbacks, or he didn't want a tree this year... not saying he would have felt that way, but he would have used Christmas and particularly finding her near the tree...but he says he found her near their couch...or was it his couch...which may have been so, but surely he would have elaborated on that. Gotta check I'm not barking up the wrong tree, but I'm pretty sure he didn't mention it. Maybe it got into the mental snapshots - did it? I will check later (if I have chance - might not be till later tomorrow - depends how fast I can do what I need to do and whether I then crash out or not.

mom2many said...

LT reportedly said he was messed up and never left the car. Perhaps Bull was set up, was wearing the jacket, entered the house where Amanda was already dying, then when police came knocking decided to pin it on LT at that point. Bull (presumably the CI) would have seen the shot in the back and head, consistent with the APC.

Bull likely assumed LE would not believe his word that Amanda was already in the condition she was in, over that of a pastor. But could possibly pass the blame to LT. It sounds like LT was a liability anyway, with the crime sprees leading up to Amanda's murder.

Anonymous said...

"We had the BEST day on Monday. We met after Weston's morning nap at our most favorite place - the indoor PARK at Trader's Point Church. We have been there so many times. We sat on a park bench as we watched our kids play and talked about everything - life, Resonate, her precious baby and how sick she had been feeling this pregnancy, baby names, baby nursery ideas, Thanksgiving, Vanilla Wafers, the $15.00 GIGANTIC Christmas tree she bought at a garage sale and just put up a few days before, how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby, how MUCH Weston loves to play basketball, how much fun she's been having being a mom, updates on our entire family and trip to Cali....I could go on and on. It was one of the last, real conversations we had - and one I will ALWAYS remember."


Amber wrote that the tree was up.

It is interesting that both Davey's father and Amber express how beautifully decorated everything was, yet Davey has not (or has he?) mentioned the Christmas decorations at all.

Hey Jude said...

I haven't had a chance to check yet and I am still busy, so hoping maybe someone else will look it up.


A thing is, Amber may or may not remember that fripom Amanda - she wrote it after she had been with Davey in the hospital, and if he mentioned that Amanda had put the tree up, she might only think Amanda must have told her that - though she does say it is a conversation she will always remember. Is there any possible significance round her saying 'just' there, I wonder? Is it an extra unnecessary word? Might it mean her memory is a bit wobbly there? IDK.

Bingo said...

It really does make you wonder if Bull was there doesn't it? Good point, Was he part of the set-up? Do we know for sure that the thugs actually got the cards from Amanda or were they given to him by someone else? What was in the bag? Did Davey tell them that a bag was stolen with a laptop and two books. The police would not just randomly know that Davey was missing a laptop with two books. He had to tell them but he never entered the house again after the murder. How did he know that was all that was stolen? Was there a security camera actually at Davey's house. The only shot I have ever seen was of a grainy short man walking down the street. Has there ever been mention of an actual shot of the men entering Davey's house. Davey would surely know if there were cameras facing toward his front porch. It seems the police would have shared any shot of the thugs to the public in order to make quick arrests. This case just does not add up at all to me.

Bingo said...

Taking up online donations is now a thing for Davey. He even suggests a montly commitment. More info on how to give before each sermon, folks. Cha-ching

mom2many said...

It was so odd when the story first broke, there were media reports of vehicles on camera, men seen walking the neighborhood, but nothing released for weeks until a few days before the first arrest the grainy shots were released. They are unidentifiable, so why did they choose those shots? The affidavit states that a camera caught the suspect on the Blackburn's front porch, opening the front door. I believe it is caught on a neighbor's cam.

I wonder if that camera also captures the Blackburn's driveway? Did Davey volunteer that the door was unlocked, or only after being asked d/t no forced entry or seeing someone walk directly in? There are so many unanswered questions, and what is known doesn't add up.

Another question that I can't shake, did Davey ever plan any other sermons a month out? Did he ever share such planning on social media? He was so eagerly anticipating the Worship as a Weapon sermon. It is so creepy.

mom2many said...

Also about the bag with laptop and books and the video images, the CI in the affidavit only says they took cards from the Blackburns, and the image does not appear to be carrying a bag, so when did the bag disappear?

mom2many said...

Tweet from daveyblackburn (@daveyblackburn)
My blood is PUMPING already to preach this message in 4 weeks! Sometimes planning way ahead has its downsides ��

Hey Jude said...

Googled and this came up on Watchkeep - I don't know who transcribed it. Just wow - it jumps out so regularly how he doesn't say who shot Amanda - 'there were three gunshot wounds.' - he doesn't say any of the people who 'broke in' to his house shot her. I know later in his 'story' , maybe weeks or months later, he names Larry Taylor as the one who 'actually' shot her, but he is lying, yes?

What I wanted to check however was hue Christmas tree - not in the story, room, or mental snapshots. He does not say what was in them, what was out of place, at least not on this occasion - don't know if he embroiders it at a later date with any details.


DB:"Yeah, uh, it was a Tuesday morning. Um, most Tuesday mornings are my long day uh at least during this season of life and so I'd wake up, go to the gym super early. Um, so this particular Tuesday morning, woke up about 4:30, spent some time in the word. Um, I remember um, actually, uh I remember sitting there at my couch and for some reason having this sense of praying over the protection of my family and uh Lord just please protect Amanda, please protect Little Evie, uh, make this pregnancy healthy and just spending some time there and, and grabbed my gym clothes, left for the gym and um, uh came back an hour and half maybe two hours later and I walked into my living room and found my, my wife face down in, uh, a pool of blood and um, she was still breathing but she was unconscious and uh in that moment and you know with, with with trauma and with uh, uh uh a tragedy and be being present in that, your world freezes and goes in fast forward all at the same time and um and so I'm panicking but, but, but going ok thinking that something had just gone wrong with the pregnancy maybe uh that, that everything was going to be fine if we just get Amanda to the hospital um. Levi interupts: "So your calling 911." DB: "calling 911, trying to." Levi: "pray" DB: "Exactly, the whole thing, the whole time the only thing I could do was say Dear Jesus, please. Dear Jesus, please. Dear Jesus please. Dear Jesus please. Levi: So it's bubbling up within you. DB: Exactly" um, I remember the E, EMS got there, um, and I felt completely out of control. Levi: "So you thought this was a premature birth or some sort of event?" DB: I thought some yeah exactly, something was going on, but I was sitting there with her waiting on the uh,paramedics,my, my mind was taking (snaps fingers)snapshots of the things in the room that were out of place and so I remember being able to recall that later when the investigators came to ask me about what was going on you know, how, how I found her." Levi: So, it wasn't a pregnancy, what had happened? Davey: "So, what had happened was someone had broken into our house and uh there were three gunshot wounds, um in Amanda and one was in her head. And so, um, I didn't find that out until we got to the hospital and so um, my world just kind of froze right there and um, um honestly, um, the family comes in and were all sitting around her hospital bed and the only thing we could think to do because we were completely out of control. Control is one of the greatest illusions known to man.

Affidavit of Probable Cause in Amanda Blackburn Case by Leonardo Blair on Scribd

Hey Jude said...

^ Ignore bottom line^ - didn't realise I copied the next header, too.

Anonymous said...

The Lusko Transcript:

mom2many said...

The "Worship as a Weapon" sermon was being planned one month before Amanda's murder, and given two days prior. It included the "visual aid" of Davey shooting his "worries (a band member)" away with an airsoft gun. It also included a Psalm reference to knocking out the teeth of one's enemy, quoted in the context of a relationship.

These are Davey's notes on the "Worship as a Weapon" sermon planning photo as best as I can make out. Link to the pic of his notes:

Top Margin above the horizontal line:
I cannot make out anything on the left side due to glare and scratched out section.

Top right side:
?? ?? ?? ?? to greater life in ?? w/ how you _respond_!
* Had Jehoshophat not lead them to this they would not have worshiped & would have perished

Left Margin:
... Here the
... ?? they
... earlier (10-12)

... ?? the
... ?? we a
... ??
... is __self-sufficiency__

... the strength of the
... presence of other
... ?? that you discover
gifts you didn't have!! up
... you're(?)
... half(?) the
...e ... [this ellipse in the notes]
Tell me you

Worship is a Weapon (2 Chronicles 20:1-30)
vs. 2 -> the ?? was _great_
vs. 3 -> God was greater
_fear_/worry is normal
vs. 5 -> in the house of the Lord
_??_ in the _house_

[circled] Wording it Does this ?? here?
[circled] How do you get rid of worry?
[branched] Dwelling on it just perpetuates it (exacerbates it)
[branched] What do we worry about? -?? -??
[curly brace]

vs. 12 -> "We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you!!" Most powerful verse in this passage
vs. 14 -> "While he was yet speaking ... Nothing invokes the Lord faster than Worship!!
vs. 19 -> With a very loud voice - how are you going to scare off the enemy with a quiet voice? Our God has the roar of a lion!!
vs. 22 -> "When they began to sing"
vs. 23 -> The enemy fought each other

Right side under curly brace:
Worry is a Worship issue
-It means you see the problem you're facing bigger than the God who's facing it with you
* Sometimes the battle _isn't_ the Lords - sometimes He's called _You_ to fight!!

-I'd really love to figure out what is missing at the end of vs. 5 before "in the house"
-vs. 19 aside about God having the roar of a lion is interesting given this was before the Lusko video watching...though he may already have known the gist of the story. "Run toward the roar" has been a big part of Davey's performances.
-the final * about fighting your own battle instead of the Lord is ominous given Amanda's murder and fight "for Weston"

flightfulbird said...

Video of the Newspring Church appearance recording B from April 24, 2016 -

I transcribed part of it because it is different from recording A (transcription on Bobcat's blog).

Watching just a small part of that video over again - it’s so obvious that this whole thing had a purpose.

Talks about moving to Indianapolis to plant the church, he and Amanda looking around at all of their stuff and realizing that if they move then they might not have all the stuff they have (possessions) and wondering if were they ok with that - and sitting on the couch together weeping and then kneeling down and praying
and 34:30 he says this-

Lord, whatever you have planned, we surrender to. And, and I think what’s important about that is that, long before anybody took Amanda’s life? She laid it down. She was surrendered to whatever the Lord had planned for our lives so that other people could benefit.

The context leading up to this next transcribed part is that there was no point in worrying for Amanda because everything was out of their control so all they could do was sit around her bed and sing songs and worship together while they “waited”.

41:30 -
And we just sat around her hospital bed and we just worshiped. I had just preached that Sunday a message on 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 where the Israelites are surrounded by their enemies and they put the worshippers on the front lines of battle. And, an, th th the verse that stuck out to me in that passage as I was preachin’ it was verse 12 that says “we don’t know what to do but our eyes are on you”. And that became the theme for the next 24 hours and really the next several days and several weeks for us is "God, we don’t know what to do but our eyes are on you".

So Davey included “we don’t know what to do but our eyes are on you” in his talk on Sunday - along with announcing that there was a baby on the way, getting “that phone call” but shooting the worries away, describing an enemy getting a tooth knocked out - and then those same words show up as the cryptic one-liner on the Resonate Church Facebook page on November 10th. It wasn’t until November 11th that the post announcing Amanda’s death (and the "amended to include that Davey was at the gym” post) showed up. Unless I’m mistaken, there was no word on Facebook on November 10th that anything out of the ordinary was going on with Amanda.

- continued next post -

flightfulbird said...

- continued from last post -

42:00 -
And In that moment we couldn’t, we couldn’t worry because there, it was completely out of our control - we, we. we ha - we - the only response that we knew in that moment was to worship.
Perry Noble says “So you chose worship. Over worry”.
Davey says Rightwhile Perry says You have to choose to do that.
Davey continues -You have to choose to do that and um, and it and it really boiled down t- to this, we, worrying wasn’t gonna do anything for us.
Um - worship is that moment, and it's that Garden of Gethsemane moment, this is why that was so powerful for me in Israel, it was in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus, as he’s about to go to the cross, he, he goes, if there’s any other way, if if there’s any other way, if this cup can pass from me, if I don’t have to drink from this cup of suffering, if there’s any other way to advance your kingdom, can we do that, please - BUT - not my will, your will be done.

And I uh, in that moment at her hospital bed, that was our family’s prayer was, if there’s any-, if there’s any other way, if you can perform a miracle, if you can just, man if man, and this, this is what, I prayed with the doctors, I was like Lord, you’re gonna perform a miracle and you’re gonna bring her, you’re gonna bring her back right now and this whole hospital is gonna exp-, experience revival, and - and what I discovered over the next twenty-four hours after they pronounced her dead is that God performed a miracle on the other side of eternity for her. He, he healed her, but he did it that way so, so that I believe, not- not just a hospital could experience revival, so an entire nation and world could experience revival.

LOOK at Perry Noble's eyes (and hand covering his mouth) at 43:25 - it cuts to him just after Davey finishes talking about Amanda dying (which Davey describes as God healing her THAT WAY) so not only the hospital could experience revival but that the whole nation world could experience revival - and stays on him until just before Davey says “and, and we’ll glorify you in the good times and in, in the hard times"

And so we’re, we’re sitting in those moments just goin’ Lord, you give and you take away (Perry Noble says “mmmm”), and - and blessed be your name, and, and we’ll glorify you in the good times and in, in the hard times.

The morning of November 10th, with everyone in both families gathered around Amanda’s hospital bed - I doubt anyone except for Davey was “just sitting in those moments saying “Well Lord, you give and you take away and blessed be your name" - sounding like flushing a goldfish down the toilet or burying a pet. He makes it sound like all of them were sitting around like “well God, if that’s what it takes to slingshot the gospel and reach the world, Amanda totally would’ve been on board with it so go ahead and take her and we will deal with it”.

I also don’t think they were comparing it to letting the cup pass from them and if there’s any other way to accomplish WHATEVER without taking Amanda, please do it ! I think it would’ve been more like “please God let her live” without giving a reason - not already seeing what could be accomplished if He took her.

He stutters a bit on “in, in the hard times. Describing the situation and what happened to Amanda that morning as “a hard time” - minimizing, much? I believe the only way this was a hard time for him was having to act like a grieving husband - at which he obviously failed. This was going to create revival in the hospital - but better yet, the nation and the world. This had just happened, supposedly unexpectedly - revival of the hospital, much less the nation and the world, should’ve been the last thing on his mind - but there was the agenda - the story - all prepared and ready to roll out.

- continued next post -

flightfulbird said...

- continued from last post -

And this transcription from Bobcat’s blog - at 43:39 on the video (immediately after the parts discussed in the posts above) -

PN: Well the thing, one of the things that got me ‘tho Davey is, I was having a conversation, and I, from my vantage point the, you know the first text I got from, from you was, you know, pray for us, pray for Amanda, uh, she’s fallen, um, we don’t know what’s wrong. And then I come out of a meeting, uh, an hour and a half two hours later and it’s like Amanda got shot and I was like no no no Amanda fell–

DB: Yeah

it seems like Perry Noble is at least trying to get the story straight about what Davey actually told (texted) him, getting it on the record like, you TOLD ME THIS that morning ! - I wonder if it’s to cover himself or to warn Davey that he already said one story and he should realize that people will pick up on it when he’s saying a different reason for Amanda to be in the condition she was in (or both).

Anonymous said...


In all but one of the transcripts of DB telling of his house being broken into and Amanda being shot, the breaking in is attributed to someone, but the bullet wounds are passive.

My home had been broken into
had no idea that somebody had been in my house
someone had broken into our house
people had broken into my house
there had been a home invasion in my house that morning
the guys broke into my house and then they left

there were three bullet wounds, um in her
there were three gunshot wounds, um in Amanda
Had no idea that there was, that there were bullet wounds;
Amanda was lying on the floor unconscious with 3 gunshot wounds
she had three bullet wounds
she had three bullet wounds in her
she had three bullet wounds

The one time he says "shooting and killing" is a prerecorded video that he made in his own home "Davey's Story"
"We discovered that there were, um, three men who, who broke into our house, while I was away, and um, uh, tried tuh, (15:06 shakes head "no") to steal some things and, and ultimately ended up shooting and, and killing Amanda."

Every other time, the guys break into DAVEY's "MY" house
Amanda had bullet wounds.

Is the passivity regarding the bullet wounds because Davey shot her, or because he told the guys to shoot her? He doesn't hesitate to say they broke in, but the bullet wounds are something else.

Does he describe the break in to HIS house "my" because Amanda already had the bullet wounds? It's not "our home" or "our house"...

mom2many said...

And, an, th th the verse that stuck out to me in that passage as I was preachin’ it was verse 12 that says “we don’t know what to do but our eyes are on you”.

As Amanda would say, that's a lie. Davey tagged that verse as "Most powerful verse in this passage" all the way back on October 14, 2015. When his blood was PUMPING with excitement for this sermon.

Iron 'Arry and Bert said...

A haunted funeral car arrived at Sodor Ironworks, crying to be broken down for the smelter to forget its nightmares. It's final cargo was a lassie who'd been murdered and cut up for donated parts.

mom2many said...

Peter Hyatt, on one of his most recent posts:


In the world of analysis, repetition is gold."

Anonymous said...

Whatever, I asked what the comment meant, and there was no response explaining it. It didn't make sense to me bc I'm not familiar with every single detail of the case, or with Thomas the TRain. I asked what it meant and noone explained. OK, now I get it. I'm just sick of the whole conversation. I don't understand why this case is so intriguing to people, that they just keep talking about it over and over. My mistake to wonder if the people have some kind of disorder who keep rehashing it over and over. I don't get it, because there are just not that many directions the case could go in...either Davey killed her or the thugs...I just don't understand the intrigue so I should probably just stop commenting or reading. Thanks so much for explaining the statement, you're too kind.

Anonymous said...

Regardless, you are definitely not mentally well talking back and forth to yourself like you do on here, on this thread. Why do you do that? All I can tell you is you have serious problems to be doing that--it is not normal. Which disorder you have I don't know, but that is really unhealthy to be doing that, I'm sure you will keep doing it, but what kind of life is that?? I'm seriously asking because I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

This is why I hate alcohol. That's not how a person is meant to be is making up characters talking to themselves. Why can't you just be whoever you are? Why isn't that good enough and f&ck alcohol. Does alcohol even make you feel good anymore? I do care about you. I hope you get better. This is not normal, but I get it, I get why it's happening. You deserve a better life than this. Please just be one person and think about getting off alcohol because it's just going to kick your ass harder and alcohol really f&cks with your head, and it is f&cking with your head even if you can't see it, I can, so take my word for it.

Anonymous said...

I am worried about you, and all I can tell you is you don't need alcohol, you don't need to 12-step, you just need to stop drinking it, if you're going to get DT's then you need to check into a hospital. But you should really think about getting off of it. You just need to be who you are, you don't need alcohol, it makes you feel like shit, it totally fucks with your head, it isolates you, and it sucks. Just be who you are, you're a very intelligent person, you're a sensitive person, that might be why you drink, but the time to stop is probably coming soon...alcohol is nothing but a giant bitch that kicks everyone's ass who gets hooked on it. I really hope you get better. Take care.

Hey Jude said...

If Davey can't say they shot Amanda, we can't say it for him.

Eventually, Davey claimed that Larry Taylor was the one who 'actually' pulled the trigger - and the 'actually' means he was thinking about somebody else pulling the trigger?

Also he said somewhere of the three, that the entered his house and left - with nothing in between - which is what some of us have been thinking all along. He also said they 'tried' to steal some things - No doubt that was their intention, and they knew the door was unlocked - but interest in burgling would have waned in favour of legging it if they discovered Amanda dying on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Every so often I check here to see if there is any progress. There is never anything new. In fact, for months, the same things have been repeated in novel-length, quite boring, poorly written ramblings that are like a sedative for the sleep deprived.

What are you thinking?????? Reality check.

Anonymous said...

So bugs you.

You probably think I'm Davey and getting worried that you're into me. Because, in your alternate universe, you think your creative writing is evidence, and LE is probably being guided by the fictional tripe written here by four (maybe five) bored internet dwellers with so much time on their hands, they have hours each day to write their stories....redundantly and ad nauseam ....... that LE looks to for guidance. Only problem is, LE missed it. How can this be????? They cleared insufferable Davey, so your answer to that is, "guilty, just as we fiction-write, and it may take ten years, or even never, to charge DB with the crime."

My, how convenient for your delusional minds. That way, you will always be right. Never mind, LE has not, and will never, arrest Davey.

Still, those things happen often in the delusional world of armchair sleuths.


Hey Jude said...

Yes, but 'There were three gunshot wounds.'

Fancy, yet he doesn't connect them to the people he claims broke into his house, and left.

Unknown said...

I live outside of Indy as well. I keep hoping the investigators are waiting for Davey to take the stand. The defense will rip Davey's story apart. His story has changed at least 4x's now. Remember, there was a ten minute delay in calling for help. Was he talking to his Dad first, or 911 first? Because if you've ever called 911, you know they take your # in case they're disconnected. They would have asked him to stay on the line, & if he hung up to call his father, they would have called him over & over again. They also would have also asked him if anyone else was in the house. (He never did check on Weston & the dog was in a room with the door closed.) I agree ~ Davey is involved someway, somehow.

Unknown said...

Wonder if a stolen gun & gloves were in that missing backpack?!?

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, getting parental rights in Indiana courts is extremely difficult & extremely expensive. (It's cost us $10K & we haven't even had the first hearing.) As my attorney says, "We've had grandparents go after their visitation rights because their daughter & boyfriend are on heroin. They lost the case because the courts giving them visitation, means they're telling the parents they aren't making the right decisions for their children. Good ole Hamilton County Courts! 😡) It's messed up for sure!

mom2many said...

Was it ever released whether the ballistics matched on the bullets recovered from Amanda's murder and the murder in the parking lot robbery allegedly committed by LT a week or so before?

mom2many said...

It would be nearly impossible for Amanda's parents to get custody with Davey "cleared" and seemingly functioning as a parent. Attempting such a move soul be disastrous.

Hey Jude said...

I don't think any of the forensic results have been released - at the time they said it would take many months to process the evidence. It probably won't be made public before the trial? So, the idea Davey was really cleared after a day or two is at least a bit of a non-starter. Takes lots of time and resources to build a solid case, and the accused declined a speedy trial ...they maybe wanted to wait on forensics, too - just speculating.

mom2many said...

Hey Jude,
Valid point. I was wondering if the caliber was consistent? That's usually immediately apparent to investigators even without a full analysis. It seems there was something in the news about the gun used. I'll have to go see what I can dig up.

mom2many said...

The other murder victim's name is Rolando Gonzalez-Hernandez. I'm sorry I couldn't remember it. It is just as awful to be murdered over $10.

However, it appears from reports that the probable cause against LT is hearsay...witnesses who say LT claimed responsibility. This is inadmissable. I hope they have more direct evidence--ballistics tying to a gun LT owned or had in his possession, fingerprints on Rolando's wallet, eyewitness testimony.

Bingo said...

Interesting that Davey would post the picture of gun sermon. I haven't noticed him posting any other sermons. Was he communicating with someone when it would happen? Also, the whole my eyes are on you thing is quite fishy. I just don't see Amanda going home and putting that verse down in her journal after listening to that psychopathic sermon. I still think that entry was forged for the story. How did he obtain her journals so quickly? Is that what he sent his dad to fetch at the house? "Go get Amanda's journals, I bet she wrote something I can share on national tv."

Bingo said...

Flightful, I looked at the part of the Newspring interview you shared. Perry absolutely does not believe Davey. He shares with everyone that Davey lied to him and that he had to find out from other people what actually happened. Davey told him that "Amanda has fallen and we don't know what's wrong." Seriously?? Everyone around him at that time must have had some serious concerns but just couldn't wrap their head around what serious evil had actually taken place. Also, look at his appearance in that interview. That tight blue jean jacket, rolled up blue leggings things and shiny white tennis shoes. Oh and how he was loving the limelight and the freedom to dress like Wham.

Amy Smith said...

A Serendipitous Murder

My post about the business DB started just 3 months after Amanda was murdered: NIW [Nothing is Wasted] Serendipity LLC

Davey purchased his new 5000+ sq foot home under his LLC.

Hey Jude said...

Bobcat said:

The one time he says "shooting and killing" is a prerecorded video that he made in his own home "Davey's Story"
"We discovered that there were, um, three men who, who broke into our house, while I was away, and um, uh, tried tuh, (15:06 shakes head "no") to steal some things and, and ultimately ended up shooting and, and killing Amanda."


Even there he avoids using a pronoun - he doesn't say it was they who 'ultimately ended up shooting and, and killing Amanda' - he assumes that's what will be 'heard', and that listeners will fill in the missing pronoun with 'they'.

Hey Jude said...

Great info, Amy - it's almost beyond belief he calls his business NIW Serendipity. In his most recent sermon he is lamenting the insensitivity of others...he has no shame. I wonder what Amanda's parents think about NIW Serendipity.


Mom2Many - did you find anything?

It's interesting nothing has come up about whether Davey still owns a gun (there was an old SM post where he had received one as a gift) - presumably he still had it at the time Amanda was murdered. Curious - was it in the house, did Amanda have access to it, was it stolen, was it the murder weapon? Was the gun found at (I think) Donae's apartment, said to belong to LT, the murder weapon? What about the gun found in someone's yard nearby?

Hey Jude said...

Bingo, I think Davey was so crazy with excitement about the gun sermon and Amanda's murder because he thought 'the whole world' would buy his story - or Amanda's story. His world is narrow, populated with trusring people who want to believe that type of story - he didn't anticipate sceptics who would find it much more likely that it was Davey's plan for Amanda to be 'presented' by Davy as an offering to God, and for him to become a famous megapastor, rather than 'God's plan'. Even the ludicrous shower story did not convince. It is so strange that he did not hear it how others would hear it. He's very annoyed that so few people are buying it and putting their money where his mouth is. I wonder how the numbers are doing at Resonate. This latest he was remarking how girls/women are 'emotional' - he has such a problem with 'emotional' females', such a stereotypical and sexist view of women.

mom2many said...

I read through quite a few articles and no caliber was mentioned. The found gun was ruled out as not connected. I guess we'll keep waiting for trial.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, but 'There were three gunshot wounds.'
Fancy, yet he doesn't connect them to the people he claims broke into his house, and left."


He sure doesn't, yet he does connect thoughts of Larry Taylor with intense feelings...

July 17, 2016
"We’ve got some friends there that were putting on this, thing and, so I was side stage looking out, at this sea of 6,000 teenagers and the the lord spoke to my heart and said, 'Hey Davey, what if Larry Taylor' - who’s the guy that actually pulled the trigger on Amanda - What if Larry Taylor had had this, when he was twelve years old?' And I don’t know why that thought came to my mind, but it absolutely crushed me."

August 27, 2016
"And so, um, I’m telling this guy (Pastor John Girton) this at this coffee, all of this stuff, right, and he goes “Okay, awesome. How do you feel about their family?” I’m like, ahh … like, I mean it threw me off, I hadn’t thought about that. And um, and so he proceeds to tell me, he said "I got a phone call from the couple that has been fostering the guy that allegedly killed Amanda, for the past six years. And, uh, he’s a pastor in town, good friend of mine, and he’s freaking out when they’re making all the arrests, and he thinks that you would be absolutely enraged at them." So now I’m sitting at this coffee and I am, I’m losing it, like I am bawling, because I’m feeling this weight of suh, something the lord’s doing in this whole story, ‘cuz I’m like, God has now put me two arms length away, relationally, with the guy who, who allegedly killed Amanda."

From the same guest visit with Uncle Kenneth:

"I am trusting that when I was out of control, you were in control. And that when, when my whole world was shaken, you were the bedrock. You were the bedrock that was holding it up, and so that, that’s, that’s the only place that I’ve been able to find peace is just going; “OK God, I don’t understand it all, and uh, and I probably won’t on this side of eternity, but I do know, that you are in control, and I do know that, that this was not my fault, you know, and that's what God’s promises tells me in the midst of my emotions, um, that are going on."

Davey was out of control, although "this" was not his fault...
When Davey was out of control, God was in control
NO MATTER WHAT happens, "God" is in control
God has evil on a leash and lets it walk around.

DB is a very disturbed man.

Anonymous said...

DB: "I don't know if I can do this."


Allow Larry Taylor, a TEENAGER fostered by a pastor, to do the time for a murder he may not have committed?

Is God's plan for Davey to make an admission?

Bingo said...

Is it the latest sermon he is talking about people insensitive? Davey who posts a gun sermon after his wife is brutally shot?? Really? I did watch the first few minutes of it where he made Megs carry his table and water off the stage and follow him to the bottom. He also talks about "crapping his drawers" if he were to see Jesus walking on water. I laughed out loud on that one. I just can't imagine my pastor saying the things Davey does.

Bingo said...

Bobcat, I saw you write FaithBox. Are they using Davey quotes?

Hey Jude said...

Where does he say, 'I don't know if I can do this?'


It's interesting he bawls when he hears Larry Taylor's family think he will be enraged with them - was he crying with relief that their reaction was not that he was a lying b*stard who was willing to let their son take the fall for a crime he knew he did not commit...? Guilt perhaps. I don't know if Davey does guilt.


Yes, it's as though anything which happens with Davey is ultimately okay, and the responsibility is not his, because 'God is in control'. I think he uses that idea to justify whatever he does - it's not his fault because God is in control. He has terrible theology, he thinks any sin is acceptable because whatever a Christian has done, or will do in the future is forgiven - it's as if he believes that planning, commissioning or committing a crime has to be fine in the long term because 'God is in control' - rather than that to remain in a state of grace a Christian must strive against and resist sin every day.

Davey makes me think of this:

'And Jesus said to him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.'

It's as though he misreads or misunderstand the type of stuff in the commentaries about sacrifice so that it makes it okay for Amanda to be sacrificed. As though 'looking back' - which could also be understood to include imitating the ways of the world rather than the way of Christ - is okay to Davey's mind, because he believes he is entitled to forgiveness, regardless of anything he might have done or yet choose to do - because 'God is in control.' It's so messed up. He keeps telling the Resonators that God will forgive them for anything, past, present or future - he has no regard for the Christian as one who has put away and strives constantly against sin, rather he sees being or becoming a Christian as a license to sin without consequence. Most preachers concentrate on past and present sin, as the object is to encourage repentance and turning away from sin, conversion as a new beginning with efforts and intention to avoid sin - '...we capture every thought to make it obedient to Christ' (somewhere in 2 Corinthians) - Davey finds it important to bring in 'future' sin, which is unusual. Realistically, everyone will still sin, but the expectation is that converts will want and strive to avoid further sin - Davey is unusually keen to keep open to potential converts the option for future sin.


Read 2 Corinthians, Davey, and co.

Anonymous said...

Interesting catch, Bobcat. Davey says God showed Davey the 6,000 teens and asked "What if Larry Taylor had had this?" Larry Taylor did have that. His foster parents were pastors. Was God lying or was Davey?

Hey Jude said...

Yes, it's the current sermon, Bingo - he's really wound up about people being 'insensitive' but he's trying to make it sound as though it's not about him, I had it In picture in picture and then pushed it out of the screen because it was in the way, so I didn't see past the 'send us your money' intro - might have another go and watch too this time - at least long enough to check out Meg - and Davey's wardrobe. He talked about insensitive people, crossfire and not taking up yoga - how he couldn't get away from being a pastor, people approaching him saying they recognised him and suchlike. Being a pastor is who he is. Could've fooled me, Davey.

Hey Jude said...

Crossfit not crossfire.

Trudy said...

What is the definition of "crushed" in crazy Davey's personal internal dictionary?

He was "crushed" that poor little Larry didn't have a church, (it's so bizarre and inappropriate. Why would you be crushed about something that didn't happen to your wife and unborn baby's alleged murderer when he was 12 years old? )
He said Weston was "crushing" on a person in a Minnie Mouse costume at Disney land. And in this week's sermon he says that KW "crushed it" last week at Resonate. Just musing. Please don't attack me, Anon.

Hey J, I agree that crazy Davey thinks he can do anything because God forgives. Another variation is that if God tells you to do something, you'd better do it and do it immediately, (delayed obedience is disobedience) even if you don't understand why; even if it illegal or immoral, (Abraham sacrificing his son, is one of CDs go to's) which gives crazy Davey carte blance, in his mind, to do absolutely anything. Whatever it takes.

Amy Smith said...

I think it was you who mentioned DB's Facebook connections to Treezy and friends. I saw that too early on. Do you happen to have a screenshot you can send me? I talked to an investigative reporter and I would like to send if if you or anyone else may have a screenshot. My email is

Anonymous said...


Here, after the bit about Larry Taylor:

"And so, um, I’m telling this guy (Pastor John Girton) this at this coffee, all of this stuff, right, and he goes “Okay, awesome. How do you feel about their family?” I’m like, ahh … like, I mean it threw me off, I hadn’t thought about that. And um, and so he proceeds to tell me, he said "I got a phone call from the couple that has been fostering the guy that allegedly killed Amanda, for the past six years. And, uh, he’s a pastor in town, good friend of mine, and he’s freaking out when they’re making all the arrests, and he thinks that you would be absolutely enraged at them." So now I’m sitting at this coffee and I am, I’m losing it, like I am bawling, because I’m feeling this weight of suh, something the Lord’s doing in this whole story, ‘cuz I’m like, God has now put me two arms length away, relationally, with the guy who, who allegedly killed Amanda.
So, one, on one side of things I’m seeing God do something, and, I’m like, ahh, and then on the other side it’s like, I don’t know if I can do this, you know what I mean? So.

He may have said "I don't know if I can do this" more than once, but I need to dig around in the transcripts for it.

The cover photo on faithbox facebook page has a book that says "The Best Is Yet To Come" on the cover.

They also sold a box that included "The Most Excellent Way To Lead" by Perry Noble.

I hope they won't sell any stuff from DB.

Anonymous said...

DAvey said this?

"God has now put me two arms length away, relationally, with the guy who, who allegedly killed Amanda."

"relationally" is an unnecessary word

He does not say "two arms length away "from"". He says "two arms length away "with".

What is he telling you?

Also, wasn't Amanda shot in the arm?

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