Thursday, February 23, 2017

Murder of Amanda Blackburn Crime Wire

Peter Hyatt on "Crime Wire": The Murder of Amanda Blackburn 

February 23, 2017, Peter Hyatt will be a guest on "Crime Wire" live broadcast, and will be taking your calls and questions at 9am to 1030AM EST.  

Amanda Blackburn was a victim of a sexual homicide in which arrests have been made. 

Questions, however, remain in one of the most bizarre 'solved' murder cases of recent years. 

Peter Hyatt will share analysis of the case, including deception detection techniques, and what this may mean for justice.  

Imagine Publicity Blog  :  broadcast of the show on Madeleine McCann 2016.  


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Hey Jude said...

I think that's nonsense - Amanda's parents had a boy and two girls, or two girls and a boy, or girl, boy, girl - I dunno which order - so why would Amanda expect to have two boys just because she had a boy first. This is the most pointless trollish conversation ever. It doesn't matter what sex the baby was, as Davey didn't want the expense and responsibility of having another baby, boy or girl.

Hey Jude said...

Just tried to watch the latest sermon from Resonate - I must be too keen - 'sorry, this video will be available for viewing shortly'. I hope it's Davey speaking, and that they are not editing him - it would be disappointing if they started editing him to protect him from himself. I don't know if he has particularly useless friends, or if he's just so headstrong he won't heed any advice - who would have agreed with him that it was a good idea to put that 'Worship as a Weapon' sermon up ever, let alone four days after Amanda died? Crazy.

Anonymous said...

Now you freaks have gone way off the rails.


Are your fingers tired?

HJ, don't take the bait.

Anonymous said...

Where were we?

Perry is back on the bottle and literally taking shots for Davey.

Kenneth Wagner is lying for Davey.

^^^^ brought out the 'Amber was in on it' and 'Amanda was having an affair' troll.

Hey Jude said...

Is it fair to call 'the Amber was in on it' poster a troll? I think there might be some points there - where is the SA though, to back up the SCAN claims? Just 'indicators' in the language is not that helpful.

I don't think Amber was in on it, more things might not be quite as she said, and that Davey may have worked on her memory in the hospital, when she was in a vulnerable state, so easily confused.

Hey Jude said...

They are inept at uploading videos - maybe they just abandoned it and went off to Crossfit or something or maybe they haven't been 'partnered' enough to be able to upload it at less than three seconds viewing per hour.

To minimise annoyance, please upload the video first, then put up the link. I think I can't be bothered now, and it's late.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude,

No, I just meant I've been a bartender/waitress and on top of it, people have always spilled their guts to me my whole life, I've been told I've very non-judgemental, maybe that's why, so I just meant I thought I knew human nature bc people confide in me along with like I said I've been a bartender and waitress and let me tell you, you become a shoulder to cry on. What I was saying is that the people i have known who have cheated (not counting player guys who everyone knows cheat) were the people you would LEAST expect. They were not cheating in bars either...more like longer term affairs that led to divorce. This one person I knew (woman) you literally could not have convinced me in a million yrs to believe she cheated, I would literally get in arguments with people telling them no, youre wrong she didn't cheat no way, well...yrs later she TOLD me she cheated. It's the people you least expect--they come off as asexual, noone would think they would cheat, never, and they are the ones that do. Me, someone might think I would, but I never cheated. Emotionally I did cheat on my ex, physically no I never did and never would have.

Davey is gay, auto-erotic narcissist, there was little sex between them, and what sex there was made Amanda feel disgusting, violated, etc. That kind of feeling can make someone seek safety and affirmation in the arms of a gentle masculine man. There was no way she felt desire for him with the rape jokes. That kind of man can push even the most holy person to cheat.

Derpy derp said...

"flightfulbird said...

I googled "is Everett a girl's name" earlier and the first hit was this -

It can be a name for a boy or a girl but this says "girl's name meaning origin, or popularity" (the same meaning is given to a boy)

"Origin" = beginning ---> of "the slingshotted Resonate Church"? - or of the "whole 'nother chapter in our lives" (neighborhood watch captain Ryan McConnell's words)

"Popularity" - of Davey with his new-found following because his face and HIS story (under the initial pretense of it being Amanda's story) were splashed all over the media within days of the murder"


The meaning of Everett isn't "origin/popularity" lololol. The numbers on that page are showing the "popularity," and if you click on "boy version of this name, it shows you the ORIGIN is ANGLO-SAXON and the MEANING is "WILD BOAR/STRONG."

Gawd you're ridiculousness.

Anonymous said...

Why is there linguistic sensitivity re: Amber's feelings towards Amanda's pregnancy, as well as, obviously, Davey's feelings?

Amber was supposedly "offered" surveillance video (mailed to her several mos later) after kindly kiddie playground worker approaches her and says 'I saw how lovingly you were touching her stomach--I just knew you were the best of friends!!!" Really??? Amber was touching Amanda's stomach in a public playground. Very doubtful. Amber is trying to conjure some image of Elizabeth greeting the pregnant Mary. It's bullshit.

Amber did not like that pregnancy. Why? Gee, if we knew why we'd be a whole lot closer to solving the case.

Anonymous said...

Those 2 had a double wedding. Any chance Amber had the hots for Davey and fantasized she was the one who had really married Davey that day? Maybe she felt she was Davey's rightful wife and Amanda was just an imposter.

Anonymous said...

Who is Amber's husband? What is he like? Nice guy?

Anonymous said...


Regarding possible leakage regarding footprints and wiping away evidence, Amber's posted that 11/9/2016, a week and a half after we realized the probability that Weston was the 'nightmare' sitting in front of Davey.

As you said, forensics likely showed Weston's presence. Davey's public statements might be understood by the family to protect Weston in the future, so everyone intimately connected may already know about Weston. But, how could Amanda have died "protecting" Weston, while at the same time, he was cooing in his crib "completely untouched, completely unharmed"??? It's interesting that Davey's statements over time revealed as much even though his blogs attempt to portray otherwise.

What I always thought was interesting was the photo of Weston on the stairs by a fan, wearing a red shirt. Is this a way of creating a new image to think about when other images linger?

Hey Jude said...

Aw, bless that little guy - it's too awful to think about. Yes, maybe not even a conscious connection, the arranging of that photo - what you say makes sense - like an 'overwriting' of the mental image of Weston on the other stairs.


Hey, Anon - don't be so touchy.

I know the man's sperm determines the sex of the child. I'm not getting what the significance is of Amanda possibly having a second boy. They couldn't have known what it was that early -Davey didn't want any baby. I don't think the pregnancy triggered Davey - I don't think he was triggered, it was always in his mind he would not be married for long. Can't remember where he said that, more or less - maybe the 'I loved her first' blog post.

Hey Jude said...

Nothing wrong with that little guy:

(Except his father)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Taylor & Co. used a taser on Amanda?

Davey may have leaked in blogging about a shocking jolt to the chest...

Anonymous said...

Yeah Hey Jude, I'm probably wrong, I hope I am, I didn't mean something was mentally wrong but maybe sometimes it can be medical problems. I've also noticed his hands look a little odd, I can't figure out why, it seems like his fingers are not the right size like they are the same size as the palm of his hand--I don't even know why it looks odd to my eye. Like I said I am probably imagining it. He is a super adorable kid.

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out why his hands look a little odd to my eye, like I can't really describe it, they just do, and I've noticed it before, it's something about his fingers I think I don't know, something just looks a little off. I feel bad for saying anything. I'll shut up now.

Hey Jude said...

Davey blogs on stewarding Amanda for a season before presenting his Bride to,the Father:

'While I felt a significant weight of responsibility that day at Arnie’s Pizza, it pales in comparison to the weight I felt one early January morning in 2009. I was reading my Bible while Amanda was still asleep. I read Ephesians 5:25-28 which says this:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies.

I remember the weight of these words hitting me like a tsunami. I felt the Lord speak to my heart and remind me Amanda wasn’t mine. That she had been stewarded to me by our Heavenly Father for a season, and when that season is done it would be my responsibility to present my Bride to the Father. I felt The Lord’s voice whisper to my heart:

Remember, son, I loved her first.


A Bride is a young woman, not long married, to most people's minds? A bride becomes a wife, and referred to as such. Amanda got lucky to live, or to be 'stewarded', for seven years, IMO. A season is usually quite short, in Davey's terms - at least the season of suffering and pain was short, and they are always going on about moving through this or that season.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, shut up, Anon - there's nothing visibly wrong with him.

Trudy said...

daveyblackburnGrateful for this man in my life. He took a shot on me when I was a punk kid out of college. He took a shot on us when we followed God's call to plant @resonateindy. And he took several shots FOR me as I walked through the darkest season of my life thus far.

When, exactly, did perry take several shots FOR Davey? Please tell me.

Was someone shooting at Davey?

Trudy said...

Is that leakage or taunting?

Perry noble "took a shot ON" and he took a shot FOR." Crazy Davey.

Linguistic indicators of gun violence from Davey have been noted before - "shot, shots, point blank, close range, double barrelled, looking down the barrel, etc etc."

What's next?

"Perry Noble staged a home invasion on my heart and a bullet of support was lodged in the back of my head, (I thought it was a miscarriage at first... Luckily, God intervened and I didn't understand what was happening"

Anonymous said...

Perry has drank many shots for Davey. To drown the truth.

Trudy said...

I was surprised at how accurately the commenters here, identified the father (Named Killing) as the perpetrator of the shooting of the driver, in that weird accident where Killing's son was injured on a suburban street.

SA= at least 1
Anon = 0

Trudy said...

Hahaha. I bet Perry Noble has taken a few shots for crazy Davey.

Anonymous said...

has drunk...

Trudy said...

Well, Davy didn't say PN "has drunk" a few shots for him. He said PN "took several shot ON Me, ON us, and FOR me".

Trudy said...

Pardon me?

Trudy said...

He took several shots FOR me as I walked through the darkest season of my life....Thus far"

Davey knows he's busted. He's training for the trial he is not yet in.

Trudy said...

4:16. It's OT but yes. I did think it was a solve???. I'm glad you solved it without recourse to SA because of how obvious it was.

Bingo said...

From HJ: "or if he's just so headstrong he won't heed any advice - who would have agreed with him that it was a good idea to put that 'Worship as a Weapon' sermon up ever, let alone four days after Amanda died? Crazy."

That alone is one question an investigative reporter would need to address. Who posted this horrible gun video directly after the pastor's wife is shot in the back of the head with a gun? What are the chances that a sermon would be preached with a gun prop and discussion about teeth being knocked out and it all comes to fruition two days later? Who can believe that the actual sermon was preached by the victim's hubby? And the police release him as a suspect with 48 hours. There is something so terribly wrong with this picture.

The investigative reporter also needs to address the Nothing is Wasted domain set up within a few days after Amanda's death. The GoFundMe page set up by Davey the day of the shooting. The prepared statement. The Nothing is Wasted text a few hours after the shooting and during the funeral. The NLW serendipity LLC company and luxury mansion purchase. The changing stories of what he walked into that morning and the lies he told everyone while it was happening. Davey is taunting, lying and making a mockery of Christianity. Not only that, but people are paying him big bucks to do so.

Bingo said...

I watched the first 15 minutes of CD's latest sermon and he spends the entire time discussing horrible, disgusting baseball injuries. He also brings a workout rubber band on stage and works out his arms. How does he get anyone to come to church? He also tells everyone if they are just now trying to get in beach shape, then it's too late. This guy is so cray! I skipped over most of it, but at almost 14 mins he still discussing the injuries. SMH

Amy Smith said...

flightfulbird said...
Yes it is excellent news - let’s do this - what’s the next step to make this happen?

I think it's already happening. I was contacted and had a long conversation about this case with an investigative reporter. There are intellectuals in the industry who, like investigaters that Peter has mentioned, do not buy into DB's story. It takes time. I'm encouraged that someone is asking good questions.

If anyone has info that you'd like me to forward on, please send to me:

Anonymous said...

That is so friggin gay how Davey keeps describing everything as a "season". It's like gayer than interior decorating. WTF! !

Anonymous said...

Here's the lyrics, seems like Davey knows this song. Check out the last stanza Re: "shot", also notice she calls her lover "Killer" and this is directly tied to the word "shot". This is a song gay men would like so he is prob familiar w it.

Yeah, yeah (Oooo)
Uh, hey hey
All right, yeah

What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man

I wanna take a minute or two, and give much respect due
To the man that's made a difference in my world

And although most men are ho's he flows on the down low
Cuz I never heard about him with another girl
But I don't sweat it because it's just pathetic
To let it get me involved in that he said/she said crowd
I know that ain't nobody perfect, I give props to those who deserve it
And believe me y'all, he's worth it
So here's to the future cuz we got through the past
I finally found somebody that can make me laugh
(Ha ha ha) You so crazy
I think I wanna have your baby


My man is smooth like Barry, and his voice got bass
A body like Arnold with a Denzel face
He's smart like a doctor with a real good rep
And when he comes home he's relaxed with Pep
He always got a gift for me everytime I see him
A lot of snot-nosed ex-flames couldn't be him
He never ran a corny line once to me yet
So I give him stuff that he'll never forget
He keeps me on Cloud Nine just like the Temps
He's not a fake wannabe tryin' to be a pimp
He dresses like a dapper don, but even in jeans
He's a God-sent original, the man of my dreams

Yes, my man says he loves me, never says he loves me not
Tryin' to rush me good and touch me in the right spot
See other guys that I've had, they tried to play all that mac shit
But every time they tried I said, "That's not it"
But not this man, he's got the right potion
Baby, rub it down and make it smooth like lotion
Yeah, the ritual, highway to heaven
From seven to seven he's got me open like Seven Eleven
And yes, it's me that he's always choosin'
With him I'm never losin', and he knows that my name is not Susan
He always has heavy conversation for the mind
Which means a lot to me cuz good men are hard to find


My man gives real loving that's why I call him Killer
He's not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, he's a thriller
He takes his time and does everything right
Knocks me out with one shot for the rest of the night
He's a real smooth brother, never in a rush
And he gives me goose pimples with every single touch
Spends quality time with his kids when he can
Secure in his manhood cuz he's a real man
A lover and a fighter and he'll knock a knucker out
Don't take him for a sucker cuz that's not what he's about
Every time I need him, he always got my back
Never disrespectful cuz his mama taught him that


Hey Jude said...

I question the veracity of Amber's account, yes. I don't think she is altogether truthful, but her heart must have its reasons - I don't believe, and I have not said at any time, that she 'is in on it', or even that she knows what 'it' is, besides her sister has been murdered. I think she is keeping her counsel - there is something it would not be prudent or advisable for her to say, at least for the time being.

Anonymous said...

Davey's new blog is up. Unsuprisingly, he has a list of ten pieces of advice for Weston, but only shared five this week. @@@

RE 2:12 PM
Not long ago, I pointed out how Amber facebook 'blogged' about Amanda having "packed away" Christmas treasures. It didn't make sense, because Amanda had already decorated for Christmas before she was murdered. All of her treasures should have been unpacked.

Amber hasn't 'blogged' any flowery OTT Amanda memories since.

Anonymous said...

What prevented Amanda from putting up xmass decorations? When is the last verifiable date Amanda was walking around healthy and unharmed? It's worth considering whether time/date on surveillance video was doctored. Amber says that they had been there many times before. Maybe the surveillance video was posted to prove Amanda was still OK the afternoon before she was attacked/found. Maybe she, in fact, had been not OK for some time. Remember, they never found her tooth did they?

Anonymous said...

Davey had probably already punched out her tooth when he mentioned it in the sermon (to try to justify it).

The surveillance video is doctored I bet to prove she was "walking around A-OK at that time.

Trudy said...

" Weson,if another woman were to enter our life and peak my interest, but I wasn’t compelled to pursue her with the same tenacity as I did your mom, I would be compromising. And she wouldn’t be the right one for me."

Blechh. The new blog is a checklist for Daveys new beard....I mean wife.

flightfulbird said...

Link to surveillance video with Amber's Facebook post about how it was attained -

I wondered (and asked) on a past thread why the volunteer chose to give THIS particular snippet of video with Amanda, Weston and Amber (and her children) in the hallway - instead of playing in the actual park - and a poster mentioned privacy issues for the other children and their parents who would be seen on video in the surroundings - which totally makes sense.

But earlier on this thread, in conjunction with Amber's Facebook post of the three children at the park on that very day - someone mentioned/wondered why there were no selfies of Amber and Amanda together or any pictures of the family dinner at the grandparents' house that night.

There are alot of pix of them together running races, at gatherings, ordinary days - but not of this day.

It wasn't like Amber and Amanda were together all the time - this was special- they took pix of the children - would they have taken at least one pic of themselves together to remember the day - or was Amanda already missing the tooth, explained it away as a fall or something and didn't want a picture or Amber didn't want to post it?

Except for when she was laughing at "dumb finds on Instagram" on Monday night (after tucking Weston into bed "and that was the last time you saw her"), Amanda was invisible from the time Davey kissed her goodbye that Monday morning (when she was taking it slow and he was rushing around because he had this whole agenda for the day).

I wonder if all of Amber's distinct and detailed memories, even as gushing and flowery as they are, are meant (by her) to be a sort of hidden, yet obvious if you look, contrast to Davey's vague or nonexistent memories of Amanda that night and morning. Is she saying something without saying it?

I think back to where she describes on Facebook - link here -

... walking through the house on Friday November 13th - noting the location of everything in the house and how perfectly Amanda kept it - what she saw and remembered, down to the number of candy corns in the dish - but she does not mention any Christmas decorations or the tree?

You see, there was a beautiful wreath hanging on the front door. In spite of everything that had happened inside only a few days before, her house was spotless. Her Autumn candle was sitting on her kitchen countertop. There were two and a half pieces of candy corn in her candy bowl.

So they hadn't decorated for Christmas yet - because the autumn candle would've been packed away and the Christmas candles brought out, yes?

Maybe nothing,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Trudy said...
" Weson,if another woman were to enter our life and peakmy interest, but I wasn’t compelled to pursue her with the same tenacity as I did your mom, I would be compromising. And she wouldn’t be the right one for me."

Blechh. The new blog is a checklist for Daveys new beard....I mean wife.

April 11, 2017 at 6:15 PM

Should be "pique."

Hey Jude said...

I missed where it was stated Amanda's tooth was not found. Is there a link or reference?

Wondering if the tooth was the item taken 'from a dead person'? If it was not found, and she did not ingest it, they might think it had been taken as a souvenir - well, it might have been.

Interesting, Flightful, the thought it was already missing. I think, if the tooth had been knocked out or lost in an accident a couple of days before, they would know that because the gum would have begun to heal? If it was lost in an accident, why would nobody have mentioned it - it would be misleading to allow the investigators to think it was not already missing. If it was missing the day before, there would be no good reason why Amber would not have given them that information.

I don't think Amanda, as she was so image conscious, would have been likely to have gone out socially with a missing front tooth - I think unless she absolutely had to go somewhere, the only place she would have gone would be to the dentist, till it was fixed.


On which date does anyone first mention seeing the tree - it would be interesting to see all the mentions of the tree - when it appears in the narrative, and if the narratives match. No tree in Davey's narratives, which is so strange.


Amanda's tradition was to decorate for Christmas in early November, so a combination with the autumn decorations would be expected - I think there were still pumpkins on their doorstep in the early tv footage? She may have done it little by little through November, putting up the tree first, thus the boxes waiting for attention - still packed from the previous year, or for some reason unpacked and packed back up - it's not clear what Amber means.

Anonymous said...

Let's check the 'tapes'.

Tree Up - Davey's father 11/22/2015
"Got into the house and, my thoughts were ‘Boy, I’m so glad that Davey didn’t come over here’ because everywhere you looked, from the beautiful- beautifully decorated Christmas tree with all the old stuff that Amanda had redone, walls, everything just was- it was amazing."

?? Tree - Amber 11/29/2015
"As I walked through her home for the first time without her, I could hardly breathe. You see, there was a beautiful wreath hanging on the front door. In spite of everything that had happened inside only a few days before, her house was spotless. Her Autumn candle was sitting on her kitchen countertop.

Tree Up - Amber 1/5/2016
"We sat on a park bench as we watched our kids play and talked about everything - life, Resonate, her precious baby and how sick she had been feeling this pregnancy, baby names, baby nursery ideas, Thanksgiving, Vanilla Wafers, the $15.00 GIGANTIC Christmas tree she bought at a garage sale and just put up a few days before, how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby, how MUCH Weston loves to play basketball, how much fun she's been having being a mom, updates on our entire family and trip to Cali....I could go on and on. It was one of the last, real conversations we had - and one I will ALWAYS remember."

Tree Up - Amber 12/24/2016
"I didn't even have time to look around, because right in front me was the magnificent glow of your beautiful Christmas tree. I remember you telling me a few days earlier that you had bought a tree at a garage sale for $15.00!

[In the same passage, there is inconsistency regarding treasures that Amanda had packed away]

Just a few weeks ago, Mom and I went down to Indianapolis to help Davey decorate for Christmas. I felt so honored to be a part of it. Ashley made a huge pot of chili, and we all spent the evening adding your Christmas touches around the house. We pulled out all of the Christmas treasures you had packed away."

And the focus is taken away from Davey and his connection to the thugs...@@

flightfulbird said...

And the focus is taken away from Davey and his connection to the thugs...@@

On purpose? Covering? Protecting?

There was quite a bit of "Davey and I", "Davey and I", "Davey and I" sprinkled throughout Amber's Facebook post comparing the day Amanda gave birth to Weston and the day Amanda was executed.

Yeah, Davey and his connection to the thugs is where the investigative reporter might be digging. I hope they also find out why his story changed. Not only why his story changed-find out why he is flat-out lying about (honestly) thinking it was a miscarriage and saying he had no idea that anyone had been in his house.

Trudy said...

Yes. I know it's supposed to be pique. Apparently the great author, Davey, doesn't. ⭐️

Does anybody know what " shots" PN took for Davey? i find it so interesting that Davey describes PN as having taken several shots for him in the weeks subsequent to Amanda's murder. More expected would be, he supported me, he was there for me, he comforted me, etc...
To say PN took "several shots for me", sounds like he stood between crazy Davey and someone attacking crazy Davey.
Why did crazy Davey feel under attack? Who was attacking him and how, exactly, did PN take the shots meant for crazy Davey?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Trudy, I understood it was Davey's mistake.

Anonymous said...

Peter says, if you have to dig to find deception, it's not deception. I think Amber falls into that category. She is writing in her gushy style, maybe with cognitive dissonance and gaslighting from Davey influencing her sensitive memories...?

Or not? How twisted might Amanda's murder STORY be???

Vet her here:

Anonymous said...

You see, "we have nothing to hide", right?

Anonymous said...

No, youre misunderstanding me. I don't think Amanda was out and about with a missing tooth and didn't want pictures taken. I think Amanda was not out with Amber, probably due to the missing tooth, and I think that tooth had been missing for a while, how long--I don't know--a week???

The surveillance video was attained and "doctored" with false time/date to make it look like Amanda was A-OK...right? Isn't that what it convinces you? So that it is believable that her demise was from the thug invasion.

Once someone notices a tooth missing on a perfectly healthy young lady, they are going to ask question, a lot of them, also a dentist would ask a lot of questions and would know that the tooth was knocked out due to extreme force. I believe she did not leave the house because of the tooth and also because of who knows what else ??? She was in extreme duress for some time before she was killed. Hey, as soon as someone found out about Amanda's tooth, Davey would get reported to the police by the dentist when she went to get it fixed (to get a fake tooth put in). Maybe Davey didn't want to do jail time. Knocking out someone's tooth would get him jailtime--the proof is right there, a knocked out tooth. My guess is he would have gotten jail time (not much but he could have gotten a couple months). Maybe he didn't want to go to jail/

Anonymous said...

I think that tooth had been missing for a while, how long--I don't know--a week???

This picture from the leadership trip to Cinci would also have to be fake for that theory to fly.

flightfulbird said...

So I'm trying to piece it together -

Going with the theory that the video was to prove Amanda was ok on that afternoon at that time (and I agree the video just materializing from a volunteer is bizarre to begin with - and that's before it being just a 47 second clip of Amanda standing in the hallway not even really WITH Amber, compared to pictures or video of them together having fun) -

Amber creates a long flowery "what we did on Amanda's last day that I will ALWAYS remember" story - but they didn't actually do that? (or all of those things?)

Did they ever make it to the grandparents' house? Or what happened after they left the grandparents' house and after Amanda tucked Weston into bed? Amanda's laughing at Instagram is the last time we "see" her.

The next morning - "she was still at home" (from a news account) - "she was about to get up anyways" (Davey saying why he did not lock the front door) - and Davey prayed for protection for Amanda and for Evie (again, not for Weston - why not ? - why didn't he feel the need for protection for him?)

Hey Jude said...

Well, others who were there have spoken about that Cindi prayer session, so that puts the kibosh on Amanda missing a tooth at that time.

I find the constant talk of surrender somewhat disturbing. I think Davey could not cope with Amanda's devotion to Jesus being her constant priority. It upset his narcissistic need for her to make him her priority. I think it narked him all the time - he was conflicted by Amanda's devotion, resented that he did not hold first place in Amanda's life. I think his recent tweet alludes to his sentiments there - he could never compete or compare with Jesus, no matter what he did..

'If you're not enough before the gold medal, you won't be enough with it'

It's a strange form of jealousy - I quite think he may have tried to get her to deny or renounce Jesus during that long night - to surrender, to him.


Someone else with a great interest in surrender is Meg - remember her old blog - 'Pursuing Surrender' and the subtitle, which I forget. I think it's a shame Meg got so caught up with Davey, as he is basically anti-intellectual and a materialist, whilst Meg is, or used to be, quite a thinker, with a genuine desire to serve God. She also wanted to write a book - well, that bit looks to have worked out - will lack authenticity, though - sad for someone who had such youthful zeal to be 'real' and who fretted that she was too eager to please.

Hey Jude said...

Here it is - begun in 2008 - she is still very young - certainly knew what she was looking for in life back then.

to find or employ measures to obtain or accomplish yielding to the power, control, or possession of another


Bobcat - Megs, like the poster you believe to be Brenda, also writes words in capitals for emphasis.

Anonymous said...

Whoever Me2l/Brenda Lepchenko is, if it's not Brenda Blackburn, it's someone who cares enough about Brenda Blackburn to stop posting in their unique way.

Meg is the perfect faghag for Davey. Faghag is not an insult to Meg, but an accurate description. She likely knows most of his secrets, and like a best girlfriend, she will keep them.

Without Meg, Davey would be an absolute mess.

She is VERRRY smart (a great uncle is a JUDGE), yet had a challenging childhood and prefers her church family over her biological. The odd girl out.

Going back - what, a year ago...when speculation turned to Meg's possible involvement, Fido ROARED!

Anonymous said...

"I think Davey could not cope with Amanda's devotion to Jesus being her constant priority. It upset his narcissistic need for her to make him her priority. I think it narked him all the time - he was conflicted by Amanda's devotion, resented that he did not hold first place in Amanda's life."

He blogged almost a year ago about it.

Nero was the Emperor at the time, and he hated everything about the movement of Christianity. Some of the monstrosities committed against these Christians are outlined in Hebrews 11.

What’s fascinating is Nero didn’t ask these early Christians to recant Christ. Ancient Rome was a polytheistic society, meaning most Romans worshiped MANY gods. He merely asked these Christians to worship him FIRST, before they worshiped Christ. These early martyrs could have easily succeeded to Nero’s wishes, all the while holding on to their “love” for Jesus in order to spare their life. But they didn’t. They chose Jesus over anything else.

Over comfort. Over health. Over safety. Over convenience.

None of us know what “cross” Jesus is going to ask us to carry. There’s no pre-laid-out terms of contract in this whole thing. He just says take up your cross and follow me. Amanda chose Jesus over anything else.

Hey Jude said...

Whilst on the subject of Meg, have you seen this?


August 7, 2016

Text beside photo of little chalk frame 'Welcome to your new home', with chocolates and toiletries, prepared for Megs by Amanda


megsgriff react-text: 210 A year ago today I was packing up and saying goodbye to South Carolina; All the friends, the church I love, family, the humidity, and my tiny little yellow house. So many things I thought I could never leave, but because Jesus said GO I packed my bags (and boxes and literally my entire car was slam full of stuff) and drove 8 hours to this new city I now call home. I wasn't sure if I would stay for a long time or a little time. If this would be my new home or if it was just a stop along the way to what was next .... But it didn't take long to figure out. /react-text 

react-text: 1240 It's been a crazy adventure of a year .. Full of extreme joy and extreme sorrow, healing, hope, grief, moments of desperation and learning more about who God is in the midst of it all. /react-text 
react-text: 1242 What I want to tell you (if you've read this far) is that whatever the Lord is telling you to do ... Do it. It's worth it ... Take the leap, go, change, do, burn the plows, trust. Even if it's only a small little voice in your heart right now, lean in, listen and then when you know ... Don't hesitate. Jump. Follow wherever he leads because it's so much fun. /react-text 

react-text: 1245 This was what I found on the bed when I walked in the room when I arrived in Indy ... exhausted, scared, anxious, excited, but home. Wishing I could celebrate the Lord's faithfulness alongside you today /react-text @amandagblackburn react-text: 1247 , but thankful for the friend you were who knew even before I did that I'd found my new home. I'll miss you until I see you again. /react-text 
react-text: 1249 Sorry for how long this was ... But not really because you read it. /react-text

Hey Jude said...

One helluva adventure, Megan - I can't imagine how exciting a year it was for you. I have not heard a torture, rape and murder decreed as an adventure before. Or have I? Maybe, on some true crime programme, by perpertrators. That's just a coincidence, obviously. Unfortunate turn of phrase going on there. Glad you liked the bed in the room, though.

Hey Jude said...

Decreed - described

Hey Jude said...

What a crazy adventure, one of your best friends murdered in the house you had so recently shared - just crazy, so joyous, so sorrowful, some grief, too, somewhere in the list.

Hey Jude said...

Well, what is wrong with them? They either can't see what they are like, and how they appear to others - or they don't care.

Hey Jude said...

'Follow wherever he leads because it's so much fun.'



I would like to know which parts of torture, rape, and murder of her friend does Megan understand to be fun?
No fear to be in that city? Just a crazy adventure.



Anonymous said...

Note how another person close to Davey (including Perry, Clint, and Kenneth/his cousin) uses the word "Crazy".

Hey Jude said...

They all come across as a bit crazy. Maybe some folie à deux type thing going on - can there be more than two people, lik a trois, or
whatever? Those Barretts were similarly lacking in grief, and it is all so odd.

Anonymous said...

"To say PN took "several shots for me", sounds like he stood between crazy Davey and someone attacking crazy Davey.
Why did crazy Davey feel under attack? Who was attacking him and how, exactly, did PN take the shots meant for crazy Davey?"

The media was questioning him. Megyn Kelly, specifically.

Perry demanded an apology. Perry "fought" for Davey, went to battle, took shots...

Anonymous said...

Amy - I hope you are surviving the onslaught of troll mail.

flightfulbird said...

Does anyone have the screenshot of Megs in her costume as a burglar for Halloween 2015?

Anonymous said...

"Follow wherever he leads because it's so much fun. This was what I found on the bed when I walked in the room when I arrived in Indy ... exhausted, scared, anxious, excited, but home. Wishing I could celebrate the Lord's faithfulness alongside you today @amandagblackburn, but [dropped pronoun] thankful for the friend you were who knew even before I did that I'd found my new home. I'll miss you until I see you again. Sorry for how long this was ... But not really because you read it."

Note the uncapitalized 'he'. Does she mean Davey is fun to follow?
Note the passivity of Amanda's thoughtful hostess touch and welcome gift to Meg.
There is no credit given to Amanda's thoughtful effort in placing it there; it just magically appeared.
Meg does not mention Amanda's name other than the stupid @ tag.
Note the inclusion of 'sorry'.
For as talented of a writer as Meg normally is, this blurb is full of incomplete sentences and concealed information.

Keep talking Meg.

Trudy said...

Thank you so much, Bobcat. Now it makes sense, and it's kinda what I thought. Isnt it strange how Davey's darkest hourrs come from being questioned about Amanda's murder, and that the greatest kindness PN could perform for Davey was not delivering Amanda's eulogy, or flying with him to Jerusalem to sit poolside; was deflecting suspicion away from crazy Davey.

Its amazing how much crazy Davey leaks about his involvement in Amanda's murder every time he open his trap.


Has anyone read "The Barbarian Way" that Davey recommends? I think CDs violent language and imagery as well as the ridiculous notion that he has of being "dangerous" for Jesus, and going to war and of being on satan's "hit list", together with as the repeated references to Braveheart, come, largely, from that book. Crazy Davey be crazy.

Anonymous said...

Imagine lonely, fat, frumpy, Megs following Davey to Indianapolis. Imagine her jealousy of Amanda's handsome husband, healthy son, her standing in the church, cute house, loving family, trash to treasure business,,blonde good looks and fit body. Her loyal and devoted dog, Mel.

What did Megs have? Nothing.

What has she got now? Everything. Everything Amanda had. (Except the blonde good looks and fit body.)

Trudy said...

"Do you know how much your hand starts to smell when you never can clean it?" - Davey Blackburn's latest sermon.

"All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand."

mom2many said...

A return to the appeal to the ip address, as some sort of proof of identity.

"In computer networking, IP address spoofing or IP spoofing is the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a false source IP address, for the purpose of hiding the identity of the sender or impersonating another computing system."

Hey Jude said...

Trudy - 'but that was a long time ago' - he is quick to create distance between himself and his unclean hand.


Meg's fun and adventure post - she removes Amanda from Amanda's home - she is not there - it is 'home' and 'my new home'. Also, there is dissatisfaction in 'the room' and 'the bed' - they are not 'my new room' or 'my bed' - why is that?

The chalk frame is welcoming, informing her it is her new home.
Did she get mixed messages when she was shown her room? Maybe, something like 'This is the guest room - I hope you find the bed comfortable for your stay.' Rather than, 'This is your new home - you are welcome to stay as long as you want.'
Did Davey instruct Amanda to make the chalk frame?
Was Meg not thinking to stay in 'the room' with 'the bed' (guest) - did she have other ideas?
Was it Amanda's room, and Meg knew her arrival was difficult for Amanda, and was forcing her to sleep in the master bedroom with Davey?

'Wishing I could celebrate the Lord's faithfulness alongside you today, but thankful for the friend you were who knew even before I did that I'd found my new home'

The chalk frame is in the bedroom, indicating a welcome to the house as home - also perhaps to the bedroom more specifically as her new home? Would she have preferred to have found the notice on the the front door? Maybe Amanda was thinking/hoping more night lodgings than shared living space, while Megs looked for a more permanent place to live.
I don't think Amanda could have been overjoyed at Meg following them to Indy with a car packed full of belongings - more gracious in an arrangement hatched between Davey and Megs (procurer of jock straps). Amands always sacrificed her own comfort and convenience, he said, no matter how painful. If that was always or sometimes Amanda's room, and if also she was used to her own bathroom, it was a big ask to give those up for Meg, who she would have known was indifferent towards her at best, jealous at worst. Even in her death, Amanda was an afterthought in Meg's social media and Etsy posts. Having a big sale - my friend died, by the way.

So, Amanda was murdered, and Megs wishes she could celebrate the Lord's faithfulness alongside her today.
What even does that mean while Meg is living in a mansion with Amanda's husband and son, while Amanda and her unborn child are lying in their grave? I don't understand them, or how they can be so insensitive.

' Sorry for how long this was ... But not really because you read it.'

Sorry for how long what was?
Not sorry for how long the (short) post 'is'?

Sorry she stayed so long - outstayed her welcome?
Sorry for Amanda, as a friend would be, that it took so long for her to die?

Whatever you are sorry for, Meg - Amanda is dead - she is not reading Instagram or sipping virgin pina coladas.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Christmas tree at Amanda's, in 2014, she instagrammed her Christmas tree. The date was November 12, 2014, so she was in the habit of putting her tree up in early November.

Hey Jude said...

Megs is so keen that people should know how welcomed she was, that Amanda 'knew even before I did that I'd found my new home' well, yes, she probably had more than an idea that her own welfare was not close to Davey or Megan's hearts - Amanda was not stupid.

Meg even posted a photo to prove how welcomed she was by Amanda. Anyone might think she felt a need to persuade. Well, I am very persuaded that Megan was intent on making Amanda's home her new home; I can't see that anyone gave any thought to Amanda's own convenience or comfort. (Or safety, when it came to the front door.) Why would Amanda want Megs, procurer of jockstraps, living in her home? I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason Amanda wanted to move away from Newspring was to get away from Megs, and to get Megs, (so desperate to have a man to surrender to - as she wrote about somewhere in her old blog) away from Davey,

It's not hard to think Amanda could have been bullied by those two, and that Meg with her car load of belongings was an imposition that Amanda bore graciously for as long as she could. It would be interesting to know why Megs moved out. I think Amanda would not have liked, and would have felt undermined, by Meg posting pictures of Weston on social media, as Amanda herself posted very few. Pastor families are subject to more scrutiny and judgement than other families. I think Amanda would have guarded his privacy and not have wanted a babysitter putting him on display as though he were public property. The pictures of Meg sprawled on her sofa - I think that would not be a welcome part of Amanda's image, and that Meg, either deliberately or through ignorance, messed with Amanda's boundaries.

I wonder, was she allowed to keep a key to the house when she moved out? Somewhere, I linked it awhile back, someone said the reason Davey left the door unlocked was because he and Amanda only had one key. Well, he should have got a duplicate made, if even that is true.

It's sad how little Amanda herself was considered - except as someone who was willing to sacrifice herself because she loved Jesus so much - it's just an excuse for the poor treatment she received. Amanda was willing to live sacrificially because she was a person of great faith - others were all too willing for her to do that for their own benefit, comfort and convenience. I think Davey never could reconcile himself to Amanda loving Jesus more than she loved him, and for being genuine in her devotion - always he was punishing her, in one way or another, for her 'misplaced' devotion. ('Don't try to change her' he advises the future Weston of his potential wife.) Not to say he did not also love and share friendship with Amanda, or ever try to be better or put away the idea of marriage as a season at the end of which he would 'present her as an offering to the Lord'- I think they clashed because Amanda had qualities Davey lacks - also his desire to be a megapastor outweighed every reasonable consideration. He had that short marriage, rounded off with Amanda as an offering, in his mind even before they were married - not only the self-aggrandising and misogynistic fantasy of someone who didn't really want to be married, but who needed a wife to fulfil the social expectations of a would-be pastor?


Is he really setting up a mail order coffee business called 'Joy of the Lord' - or was he joking?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bobcat said...
Whoever Me2l/Brenda Lepchenko is, if it's not Brenda Blackburn, it's someone who cares enough about Brenda Blackburn to stop posting in their unique

Peter, take note. Your star pupil once again illustrating her SA ineptitude.

You see, bobcat, as the owner of this blog, Peter knows I'm not one of the cast of characters in your fiction writing. Peter knows my location is nowhere near them. A lot is gleaned by IPs and ISPs. I'm surprised an experienced armchair sleuth like you wouldn't know and understand that.

You discredited yourself and your SA competency months ago by your analysis conclusion of me as being Davey, but it's been fun to watch me also transition from Davey to Meg, to Davey's mom, back to Davey, and now you have me returning to the Meg role. Was it also you who, through your SA , identified me as possibly Amber? I can't remember, but it was another shining example of SA fail (rampant here).

Of course, your superior amateur detective skills discovered the obvious Brenda Leochenko/Me2l connection, which is no big secret, but you don't know who I really am. Only Peter does; however, he does not know that through incompetent SA application. No....that's your area of "expertise." Peter knows it through technology.

Continue practicing, bobcat. You need it, and by all means, please continue to use me as your practice object. It's a fun ride. :-)

Anonymous said...

And this instagram from November 6, 2013 shows a Christmas tree and decorations.

Hey Jude said...

Megan, still has contact with Mel, Amanda's dog:

megsgriffShe's not my pup ... but she's forever my favorite. Happy #NationalPuppyDay (cc: @manders1307)
manders1307Awwwww Mel as a puppy! This is seriously the cutest pic ever. Mel is the BEST! And for the record, she's your pup too. She might even love you more because you let her up on the couch when she's with you haha <3


Amanda, the neighbour who looked after and then took Mel in to live with her, is also a member at Resonate. I bet that's not Davey's couch she is talking about.


Bobcat, where is the possible electric jolt reference you mentioned, wondering if there was a taser? I am thinking of Davey's little lecture about how cruel Derek is to use a shock collar on his dog, in case that might have anything to do with it. He said Derek was saying, 'Watch this!' and was then shocking his dog - Davey said that was cruel. Unexpected, from Davey, methinks, who enjoys the idea of laughing while watching people walk into glass doors - anything which hurts or frightens people, and violence in general. I think they were seen tormenting the dog, so he preached it was Derek who was doing and enjoyed it, while he disapproved and thought it was cruel. There was a shock collar around, and he found reason to talk about and distance himself from it - in case that might be pertinent to your wondering about a taser/electric jolt.

Anonymous said...


"A supernatural shock jolted my chest"

Anonymous said...

IF a shock collar was past of "whatever happened" to Amanda, I can see why LE kept using "heinous" to describe the attack.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:50 AM

Regarding your jabber about Peter being able to see you IP address as coming from somewhere other than Indy, that means nothing. Davey knows his way around the internet, filters, false identities, etc...

"You see, bobcat, as the owner of this blog, Peter knows I'm not one of the cast of characters in your fiction writing."

"You see"

Luke 17:23
And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them.

It's not SA that has given you away. It's patterns.

Anonymous said...

"You See"

Patterns indicate that Davey wrote Amber's facebook post (the one that neglects the Christmas Tree) for 11/29/2015


that Me2l/Brenda Lepchenko is Davey.

In a moment of clarity 9/17/2016, Brenda Lepchenko admitted to a high school lie and TWICE posted "I'm Davey."

Anonymous said...


Some time ago, your search engine was changed. It can no longer search comments after articles, but only articles themselves.

The search results are also presented differently, making it much more time-consuming to sift through results.

I can "find" phrases in comments after articles are pulled up, but not through your search window.

If that could be fixed, it would be very helpful.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to find and read all posts by Me2I

Anonymous said...

Me2l posted this list of questions directly to Peter last September. They were so interesting, I copied and saved them.


1. What could local investigation have consisted of to emphatically clear DB almost immediately?

2. SA and the team of analysts indicate DB has guilty knowledge. Do investigators in the case have access to someone who can professionally apply SA?

3. Being confident of DB's guilty knowledge, how can there be no way to follow up and further investigate?

4. Why do they not do a polygraph? Could there possibly be evidence no one is aware of, other than investigators, that convincingly eliminates DB?

5. In light of the consensus of seasoned investigators of DB's involvement, why is it not clear to Indy LE? Or is it?

6. Is DB good enough to outsmart LE? If it's a paid hit, wouldn't investigation reveal a money trail? A paid hit leaves evidence. DB had no access to ready money, so if he acquired cash in some way, how difficult could discovery be?

7. Is it possible investigators are focused on DB, or is it likely they consider the case solved?

8. If there is a way to implicate DB or someone else, would defense attorneys and the prosecution not be pursuing that in light of the trial?

9. If the 911 call incriminates Davey, what's the hold up with bringing him in for further questioning and investigation, such as a polygraph?

10. Has investigation been exhaustive, so now, as you suggested, is it a matter of DB stumbling and revealing himself even years from now? Is that all that's left?

Anonymous said...

Apologies for the mulitple posts. Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday.

The last supper.

The betrayal.

Does anyone else think it's an interesting coincidence that Larry & Jalen's preliminary hearing was rescheduled for tomorrow?

flightfulbird said...

Another amazing coincidence in a case that is chock full of them.

Anonymous said...

Weston probably loved the Christmas tree and was drawn to the beauty. A 10 foot tall tree would have been visible from the balcony, and enticing for Weston to want to go and look at. Even with Amanda lying there, Weston may have sat by her and marveled at the tree.

It's something Davey, for whatever reason, hasn't spoken or blogged of publicly in his memories of 11/9 and 11/10/2015.

Hey Jude said...

I think Davey means, when he says Perry took shots for him - what here (UK) would more likely be phrased as he 'took a hit/some hits for him'. It means someone took the blame, or allowed themselves to be criticised, in the stead of someone else, usually willingly, to cover for or protect that person. Like someone might say, 'Oh, I did that', when they didn't - 'or that was my fault', when it wasn't, or when it was not only their fault etc. The one who took the hit might say, 'You owe me one' because they got the other person out of trouble, or the one who avoided being in trouble might say, 'I owe you one.'

Perry, as a person of authority at Newspring, should not have been taking too many shots for Davey. Perhaps he felt responsible if it was he who appointed him, or maybe he had a particular interest in him. Could be that Davey knew things which could compromise Perry, and so Perry was apt to get Davey off the hook when otherwise he may not have been inclined to do so. It's interesting Davey was passed over for promotion - he likely was not considered Newspring senior pastor material, and Perry wanted him to move on - the only way was to not hire him, and to back his new church project financially. I expect that caused him a few sleepless nights, but who could have imagined? It must be difficult for him to live with what happened to Amanda, but it is not his fault, it is only the fault of whoever was involved with her murder.


I am still thinking about the tree, have only glanced at your quotes so far, Boncat - for which, thanks.

Anonymous said...

No matter how intelligent, we're all prone to illogical thinking, especially when faced with a worse reality than we're ready to confront. "Too good to be true" is often accurate; "too awful to be true" is delusionally wishful thinking.

From one of Amber's childhood friends:

Amber and I quickly became inseparable-- we were two peas in a pod, bosom buddies, DOUBLE TROUBLE! We made amazing home-videos, wore ridiculous costumes in public, spent summer endless days frying ourselves at the beach, and from time to time (ie: often) wet our pants laughing so hard. :)

I could always count on Amber for a crazy adventure or a good prank. At slumber parties, my poor dad couldn’t keep us quiet--we always stayed up way past our bedtime, “taking bites out of our health.” :) We were running partners (the annual Great Race on zero training and a big bowl of pasta), masters of secret codes (helpful for passing notes in class...), and the "Kent" champions of the world!! I’d never known a friend like Amber. We were completely, 100% silly together, and yet she also challenged me to love people well, to fight against sin, and to be more like Jesus.

Amber's storytelling is a conundrum.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

Hey Jude- I also find the "Surrender" talk troubling for the same reasons. Davey linguistically combined the it talking about Amanda's devotion to Jesus and her relationship with him. In one of her heralded journal entries that Davey attempt to use as "proof" of Amanda's willingness to surrender and sacrifice for God, Amanda is actually praying for Davey to lay down his own agenda and will in favor of God's. The reality is that Amanda was the authentic one and that caused conflict in the marriage. Davey thought she ought to submit to his leadership and authority except he wasn't following God, evidenced by the fact that Resonate had to "re-launch" several times because it never "took"(it was failing to grow by healthy Church standards and measurable statistics and still is 5 years later). Another journal entry Davey used to try to push his story was essentially Amanda being painfully honest with God that they had made a mistake coming to Indy and starting Resonate. Amanda knew that Resonate should have been well established and well on it's way, attendance-wise, financially, and leadership-wise. She was the daughter of a successful Pastor, well versed in Church growth and leadership. She knew. She knew that no amount of marketing gimmicks, chalking the city, and giveaways were going to ever "grow Resonate" and that Perry Davey/NewSpring was going to want a return on their investment. Davey also knew that she knew because he'd been reading her journals all along. Davey knew time was running out before Amanda would refuse to participate in something that wasn't God's will or plan. If she "quit the team", it would expose him for the fraud that he is.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

daveyblackburnGrateful for this man in my life. He took a shot on me when I was a punk kid out of college. He took a shot on us when we followed God's call to plant @resonateindy. And he took several shots FOR me as I walked through the darkest season of my life thus far. @perrynoble has always taught me The Best Is Yet To Come. Believing this for the both of us. Love you, Pastor P.
First of all, the expression is either "took a chance on me" or "gave me shot". Davey's use of "took a shot" is interesting in light of his Shooting Worry sermon usage. Davey's language is steeped in violence, conjuring up violent imagery. Peter says we should pay attention to that.

Second of all, that Davey would use those terms, having a ministry partner/best friend/wife shot multiple times up close and personal and finding her dying- he should be too traumatized to ever use terms like that loosely, carelessly, lightly. He is not.

Third, either Perry Noble personally or NewSpring fronted the money for Davey & Amanda's housing, salary, and Resonate's start-up costs. It appears from Resonate's Articles of Incorporation, Perry Noble's posts, and Davey's that it was NewSpring. NewSpring expected a return on their investment per those Articles filed with the Indiana State Corporation Commission ( -search term Resonate Church). The top of page three, Article IV, Section C (The Purposes/Nature of Business) states " collect and disburse any and all necessary funds for the maintenance of said corporation and the accomplishment of its purpose within the state of North Carolina and elsewhere."

I think the "shots" Perry took for Davey were from the NewSpring Board. Unlike numerous other successful NewSpring-sponsored Church plants, Resonate was not producing. It didn't have enough "Owners"or enough moneyed "Owners" to be able to repay the debt, much less repay the debt and be financially self-supporting. I think Perry was using his popularity and cult following as leverage to stave off NewSpring ousting Davey/pulling the plug on Resonate (Davey is big into the Amanda dying to breathe new life into the Church). Undeniably, Amanda dying did create a huge financial windfall for Davey that was otherwise unattainable. Additionally, NewSpring referenced Perry's unwillingness to cooperate with the Board and submit to its leadership, authority, and accountability in their carefully worded press release about Perry Noble's firing, citing "other issues" beyond the alcohol abuse. Perry knew from the get-go that Davey was a liability; he leveraged the start-up money against Amanda's sincere faith and pure heart being able to "keep Davey in check". He never anticipated his stop-gap measure being removed. I think he was trying to protect himself by promoting Davey post-murder; Perry stood to lose something...and he did.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

Still thinking about Davey's use of "took shots for me" here and it reminded me of something in our family. Several years ago, my dad worked as a truck mechanic. One day I got a call at work from the Secretary; my dad didn't want to alarm anyone and didn't want anyone called, but she knew me, knew I worked 5 minutes away, and she thought someone should know. My dad had been hit by a truck (the driver started it without checking to see if it was in gear)and Dad was pinned between two cabs. He was being driven to the ER, having refused to call 911 for the squad. Long story short, in our region many describe freely describe how bad they feel physically as "being hit by a Mack truck". After that incident, our family has carefully avoided using that particular phrase for the last 20 years. The memory of it makes us wince when someone else uses it.

Anonymous said...

He took a shot on me

Maybe he literally "took a shot on (Davey)" like off his naked stomach by the pool. Doesn't Perry like to drink?

Anonymous said...

Sorryy about your Dad was he OK?

Anonymous said...

I get what you are saying, and that is incriminating towards Davey that he freely uses the word "shot" without it triggering any sad/traumatic feelings in him.

I feel like what Davey wrote about Perry is sexualized language.

"the man in my life"

I feel like he keeps using the word "shot" maybe unconsciously bc it does have sexual connotations (see Salt n Peppa song)

It's like Davey is trying to sound cool, and there are sexual undertones to it.

What guy calls another guy "the man in my life"???

Oh also, it's interesting isn't it how he uses the word "shot" 3 times and Amanda was shot 3 times???? That might be important.

Anonymous said...

"took a shot...when I was a punk kid
took a shot...when we followed
took several I walked"

Hey Jude said...

Anon - is the post you say was erased:

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"took a shot...when I was a punk kid
took a shot...when we followed
took several I walked"


If so, it is there just above your last post.

Hey Jude said...

And yes, what you noticed is interesting. Your device maybe does not display all your posts - previously I wondered if that was the case.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this is off topic, I cannot concentrate because this person I know is sending me 200 texts and tore into me in this really disturbing way last night, and I have a thick skin and it actually was distubing. Can someone help does this person have borderline personality disorder?

This person sending me like 200 texts who likes to triangulate people and gossip about people is angry at the world because she married a guy like a year ago, and the marriage lasted one week before the guy so "cruelly" threw her out on the streets, because she supposedly according to her painted a mural on the guy's apartment hallway wall, talked my ear off nonstop freaking out how cruel he is, and talked my ear off freaking out about she was going to get $100,000 from him for one week of marriage and actually tried to, but failed, and then shortly after the divorce reveals that she actually painted a "mural" with her OWN BLOOD on the hallway wall!!! WTF! And this person is trying to triangulate people and gossip about them. What an &sshole this person is. I have seriously never met someone this insane, and I am not a judgemental person but what the hell this person is off their rocker for real!!!! And I am so sick of this person I really don't care if I am gossipping. This person is so obnoxious it is insane I cannot deal with it!

Anonymous said...

She tore into me because she is angry I have a kid and she doesn't. HOw is that my fault??? She was married she could have had a kid, but the marriage only lasted one week because she painted what she callled a "mural" on the guy's hallways with her OWN BLOOD!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She also was tearing into me last night for supposedly what I was feeling inside, and I was like, no I'm not feeling really sad, I didn't say anything like that to you, I said "Hi how are you what's new? I just came from my son's award night at school." And she said to me "Well that's how I'm feeling and I think we're the same person".?!?! That's not normal right?! I am so glad I don't own a bunny bc I am afraid she would come boil my bunny!!!

Hey Jude said...

Isn't it strange, Fools, how Davey seems to have been in competition with Jesus for Amanda's love. I think Davey's love is all 'eros', and he did not understand Amanda's love for God and others, which was 'agape' - (though Amanda's love for Jesus could be a book in itself - at least for a psychologist, which I am not - still can see the potential though). I think Davey understands love primarily as submission, and he thinks it should be towards him - eros and narcissism go hand in hand.


Davey and Co - read this and then find more on the subject - must not have been written by your colleagues or megapastors:

'For him [Anders Nygren], eros is a needs-based and desire-based, egocentric and acquisitive love: in other words, we can love other humans and God with a love of eros in which we love them out of self-interest in order to acquire and possess them. It is drawn from Greek Platonic thought.

Agape, by contrast, is spontaneous, unconditional, theocentric, self-giving, self-sacrificial: in other words, we can love others and God with a love of agape in which we reject all self-gain and interest and surrender ourselves to other and love them purely for themselves.'

I am thinking of this as a basic understanding of the differences between love as eros and love as agape, rather than of Nygren's arguments - I have not read his work.

As a teenager, I was taught there were two types of love, eros, and agape - it's likely, though I have long forgotten how the talk was expanded, that it was based on Nygren's thought. I was taught not to mistake one for the other, or to believe all love was the same. It is good for young people to be encouraged to think about such things.

I would be interested to know what Davey understands by 'love' - he seems to get that Amanda did agape, yet also to resent that. He is, I believe, as angered as he is impressed by her unwavering and sacrificial love - he did not understand it, because he is all eros, and while I think he may have mentioned agape and eros, I don't think he has understood, or made an effort to really think about how different they are. His efforts towards God are eros, his preaching and teaching are eros - which is why he is always so frustrated and anxious. Because he is all eros, he may have seen Amanda's agape as weak, ineffectual, possibly repulsive, when actually she was stronger.

I think the eros versus agape chasm between them was so deep, it was like Davey demanding a cat should be a dog, and becoming angry at its inability to be other than its nature allowed.

Hey Jude said...

Anon - perhaps she is a performance artist and you are her current work of art. :) Maybe she was inspired by Illma Gore - she painted a mural with several people's blood - obviously they consented. She also made that tasteless statue. And she's gender fluid. That's a row of buttons, and so early in the day.

Hey Jude said...

Davey and Co:

'Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.'

Anonymous said...

From bobcat:


that Me2l/Brenda Lepchenko is Davey.

In a moment of clarity 9/17/2016, Brenda Lepchenko admitted to a high school lie and TWICE posted "I'm Davey."

April 12, 2017 at 2:00 PM"


I'm sure Peter is shaking his head over this one.

I'm tempted to link you to my FB page, showing my true, real life identity, simply to discredit you. It would make you look so foolish and show you up for the delusional wannabe you are.

It is commenters like you who do a disservice to SA.....or maybe it's a service to the public to illustrate how flawed SA is.

You, my dear, are no crime solver.

Anonymous said...

I'll do it for you, Anon @6:19am

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude said

For him [Anders Nygren], eros is a needs-based and desire-based, egocentric and acquisitive love: in other words, we can love other humans and God with a love of eros in which we love them out of self-interest in order to acquire and possess them. It is drawn from Greek Platonic thought.

Agape, by contrast, is spontaneous, unconditional, theocentric, self-giving, self-sacrificial: in other words, we can love others and God with a love of agape in which we reject all self-gain and interest and surrender ourselves to other and love them purely for themselves.''

First of all, Davey did not "love" Amanda with either of these "types" of love, nor does Davey love God with either of these "types" of love.

Secondly, I don't agree with these breakdowns. These breakdowns seem like they stem from religious thought where "sex" is bad, or "lust" is bad. Basically, I don't think people can put "love" into boxes, because love is "free", love does not allow people to put it into boxes or define it precisely as "this one kind of that one kind". Even if Amanda loved God dearly, she probably had some kind of need and desire-based feelings towards God. Read mystical writers like Rumi to understand this other words, her sacrifical love towards God would have grown out of or be intermingled with desire for God. I also don't think any person would want a partner who was like "I feel agape love for you"...every person wants to feel desired, otherwise what is the point? Just to feel like a robot, like oh yeah my partner feels agape love for me. Yipee!!!
If sex and desire is bad or separate from love then that just makes no sense?!?

One think I believe about love, it comes in it's own way, in it's own time, and it does what it wants. People are just afraid of real love so they spazz out and try to put it into categories to try to control it I think.

Personally, reading that breakdown does nothing for me, because that's not been my experience in life. I think oftentimes when someone purports to being very self-sacrificial or loving someone in an agape way, the truth is they actually don't love their partner. That is not to downplay the importance of self-sacrifice, etc as part of love, however, you would be surprised that someone, say a partner, who acts that way like "see how self-sacrificial I am (and you might think, wow this person loves me in an agape way) that person actually does not feel deep love. That is my opinion...of someone who "presents" themself in that way, I guess you could say that that in a way is a "mask" someone can wear who actually just does not deeply love their partner.

This is just my opinion, and I actually don't think people need to be "warned" not to mistake the two different types of love, people can know in their hearts what they feel, they don't need a written list of qualities, people know in their heart what they feel unless they just totally lie to themselves, which is certainly possible but no list is going to help clear that up, because the problem there would be self-deception.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jude @4:21,

Yeah that's what I'm scared of is if I am her current "work of art"...I'd rather not be. This person can be nice but can switch into like Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction I'm beginning to realize. She can be very intense and mean and unhinged and I'm not a real fan of her saying "we are the same person" while projecting all kinds of her own crazy crap onto me. Id rather just have peace. Her whole family triangulates people and drives family members into mental hospitals. It's so obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

The family has so much wealth and so many nice things going for them, good looks etc and that's what they choose to do is triangulate each other and tear each other apart and rotate through family members driving them into mental hospitals. I guess money doesn't buy happiness...that's for damn sure if you get to know these people!!!

Hey Jude said...

Anon - Davey and Amanda were moulded by religious thought - their fathers both are pastors, they grew up in church, that is why I look at it from that perspective. Unchurched people would not relate to it, nor find it useful, I agree. As I said, you could write a book on Amanda's love towards God - it is expressed through both agape and eros - that is often the case with those who walk closely with their God.

Hey Jude said...

Anon, (in case you're not trolling) - perhaps she finds similarities and things held in common and communicated that badly? If that's not the case, I would see that as an infringement and a disregard for you as your own person. I'd probably let her know you don't need so many texts to yourself, seeing she believes you are the same person.

It could be a form of flattery, over-identification with you, if she wants to be closer - it sounds manipulative - maybe, if she has a very high opinion of herself, she thinks you would be flattered that she thought you were 'the same person' as her.

There is the sense and saying that 'you are me, and I am you' meaning that all are worthy of similar consideration and respect. In Christian thought, Jesus led the way on that - 'what you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me' - some will take that more literally than figuratively. Similarly, ' are all one in Christ' - Galatians 3:28 - also Jesus' prayer that his disciples all be one as he and the Father are one. Trinitarians believe the three persons of the Trinity are One, whilst also remaining distinct from each other - they are One, yet not the same person.

Pantheists believe 'all is God' - all is not 'the same', though.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude, It is a mistake to accept Davey's view of Amanda as being who she really is or how she actually felt about God. Davey's view of Amanda is completely self-centered, and therefore, even the "good" traits he reports may not be accurate just as the "bad" traits I'm sure he saw in her may not be accurate. I know this from personal experience that when I have been involved with an abusive, self-centered person they will at times state "good" things about me, yet they do not see me as I really am and oftentimes do not see many of my finest qualities. Oftentimes, self-centered people see you as they wish and do not view you as being as complex as you are, and even the "good" things they praise may not be entirely accurate (oftentimes your good qualities are far better than the ones they "praise").

I say this because, although I believe Amanda was an an incredibly sweet and caring person, I do not believe she had any saintly love for Jesus. Why did she post something saying how fun it is to throw shoes at seagulls? Sorry, this is not an enlightened saint, she was a sweet, kind caring person and wonderful mother but she is not the martyr Davey describes her as and I do not mean that as a criticism of her, I only mean that to illustrate, Davey does not see her as she is!!! No abusive person sees the person they are abusing as they really are!!!

Regarding eros and agape love, I just think that is ridiculous...really it is. It's the beginning of patriarchal Westernized fearful thought about love, sex, desire.
People are afraid of sex, like it is something bad,, when no it's not, and so they try to create a separation like if you desire someone you can't possibly love them.
Only platonic, agape love is "real" love. It's bull or God wouldn't have made us sexual beings. That is the beginning of the patriarchy where everything is controlled and intellectualized and contained. Every person wants to be desired and that requires that the other person have some need or desire or whatever for them. I know people who exist in "agape" relationships and they are the most depressing, loveless unions. I would rather be with noone than be in one of them because they are spirit-destroying, I've seen in happen to people. You have to have a mixture of both. Otherwise, you are just a robot with no emotions or sexuality or life in you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jude you said

"If that's not the case, I would see that as an infringement and a disregard for you as your own person."

That's exactly what it is and she does it to her sister also. She literally will just decide that anything she is feeling about herself and her own life oshe can lash out at you, and when you're like what the hell what are you even talking about?, she's like "well that's how I feel and we're the same person".
I think she does have BPD. She told me that the "mural" she did (with her own blood) she did because her ex went out for a few hours and she felt ignored ?! She also never takes responsibility for anything she does and makes a million even she tried to blame the breakdown of her marriage on the fact that the guy had met her sister months before and the sister was acting "a little crazy", like yeah I'm sure that's why your marriage ended not the fact that you painted a blood mural and she also did something else bad. She will act so nasty and blame it on a dozen things, like she had to look for paperwork, her parents are mean, she "feels like biting people's heads off", she doesn't have a kid so it wasn't fair for me to post a picture on fb of my kid at an award ceremony (and I should have known that), it made her sad to talk to someone else that day, and on and on and on....she is also insulting. Oh well I can't handle it anymore.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

More Detail on court.

"Parties" not requesting a trial at this time.

Oral motion for continuance by both Taylor and Watson.

Jalen Watson's pretrial conference is May 26

Larry Taylor pretrial conference June 9

Trudy said...

Thanks Bobcat.
Davey is feverishly promoting his album. It was a dick move to pop off to the mountains to write and record that self indulgent rubbish while Amanda was not yet cold in her grave. I hate how he justifies every narcissistic, ego stroking move he makes with "healing" and "god's plan. No. You think you're a rock star and this is a vanity recording, Davey. If I preorder your POS album will you throw in some ear bleach and a bucket?

Anonymous said...

If this was posted by Davey:

"It's no worse than almost libelously labeling people as killers (along the way, also near libel, implicating various family members of the victim as being complicit)."

What is he saying about Amanda's family members?

Trudy said...

It's the same with the book. Before the murder, Davey spent his Tuesday's writing. What was he writing? Who knows? But he definitely had some sort of vanity publication in mind. One of Amanda's journals makes reference to his pretentious ambition to write a book. She said something like " lord what if XYZ doesn't happen? what if Davey never gets to write his book. Will you be enough?" Poor Amanda. Daveys desire for a publishing career (despite his distinct lack of talent) was something that probably weighed heavily on her. It must have been tough to support a preacher who can't preach, a rock star who can't rock, and a writer who can't write, not to mention the so called artistic temperament (rampant narcissism, selfishness and entitlement) that often accompanies those professions.

Trudy said...

6:50 I remember when that comment was made.

I had to laugh at the "almost" libellous labelling of Davey as a killer.

If Davey is not involved, in any way, in the murder of Amanda, calling him a murder would be libellous, wouldn't it? Where does the "almost" come from?

Will the anons choose names, please.

Trudy said...

@6:50, obviously I don't think that was written by Davey, nor do I thinks some other comments are Davey but @9:49's one line response to @6:13 was amusing.

Trudy said...

Truth is the ultimate defence against libel.

Hey Jude said...

Anon, I was going on her journal entries and videos, rather than how Davey presented Amanda. I understand what you are saying, and agree love is not only one or the other, eros or agape. What I think I am trying to say is that because the relationship was so dysfunctional, Amanda, who already loved God, entered her marriage with reservations which were soon proved right, and reacted by channelling her love, eros and agape, largely towards God, and that was difficult for Davey to deal with. Amanda's devotion to God, as appears in her journals (at least the entries which can be assumed to have been of her own devising) was not wholly healthy, but in a different way to Davey's, whose devotion is actually to himself. I do think Amanda was all agape in her own mind and likely also to Davey's (eros being 'taboo' - see how Davey keeps thinking he is being so badass by mentioning sex in church - sex is always an issue, and somehow sinful in some evangelical-type settings. We don't know if his sexual preferences reinforced that notion for Amanda, but it is likely). He is vulgar (boob grab) and was obsessed with presenting himself as so eager for sex that some people said they thought he was a sex-addict, yet his need to persuade was great.

Hey Jude said...

Anon - I woukd not feel bad about not wanting to keep interacting with someone who painted blood murals on apartment entrance walls, or anywhere. I suppose it was a small mural, or she would be pretty anaemia by now. :)

Hey Jude said...

Anaemic ^

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude, I don't get a feeling of authenticity when I read Amanda's journals--like I'm not convinced she even wrote them. I think it is very odd that she is always writing directly to God and never mentions anyone but Davey (does she ever even mention Weston?).

I'm sure Amanda wanted to be desired like any woman would and I'm sure she did not channel it all towards God--I'm sure she wished she could have a different partner besides Davey who was actually human. Any woman would desire that same thing.

Davey's obsession with sex or thinking he is badass--I dunno, he def didn't know how to connect with another human being or what good sex is, otherwise why would he have a porn addiction? I honestly don't get how anyone can have a porn addiction, because it's so inferior to the actual thing it's like if you want a bottle of wine and someone gives you a pile of shit instead. DAvey may have turned to it to fulfill gay desires, I dunno. I would never have wanted to be involved with him, he doesn't have what it takes to be good in bed and never will and like I said I don't get porn addiction, it definitely could be tied to laziness, which is disgusting, also could be tied to he just sucks in bed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude, Thanks for your advice. Yeah I can't stay friends with her bc I feel like she's doing vampiric attacks that are pretty powerful. It sounds weird but I think she's gotten meaner from being the moderator of the liberal blog like it is making her feel superior (I know that sounds weird (.I think it was a large mural bc apparently his neighbors were "concerned about his safety"...that doesn't sound like she just put a drop of blood on the wall...I'm pretty sure she told me it was 2 feet by 2 feet but I bet it was larger.

Anonymous said...

Also, no I dont believe Davey was a sex addict. Probably just a lazy gay 2-pump chump who liked looking at porn.

He seems to me like someone who doesnt have a lot of experience, hence preference for porn, total naivete about female sexuality and sex, and stupid immature jokes. No guy married for 8 yrs who has any kind of regular sex with his wife would think women think about sex less than once a's also weird how he thinks men (cause how old is he 29?) only think about sex 7 times a day at that age. He seems kinda asexual, auto-erotic narc....I would guess the sex in that marriage was very infrequent. He also does seem like a 2-pump chump, and very insensitive lover w no foreplay.

Anonymous said...

He tries to act like he thinks about sex constantly but for a 29 yr old guy, thinking about sex 7 times per day (he said a fleeting thought) THATS not the norm...prob more like 50 times I would say for a guy that age. It sounds like he is asexual auto erotic that is why porn addiction.

Trudy said...

I know you two are following God’s way and waiting to have sex until you’re married, and I’m so proud of you for that, but you should begin talking about expectations you each have for your future sex life. You should talk about any past issues, mistakes, sins, hurts that could affect your future sex life. Get it all out on the table now. You don’t want secrets to surface later.

This is just part of the "talk" that Davey says he's going to have with poor Weston when he's 22 years old. I like how this bit starts with Daveys expectation that Weston will be a virgin at 22 but ends with all the issues, mistakes, sins, hurts and secrets (of his non existent sex life) that have to be put on the table so they don't surface later.


Anonymous said...

If Davey waited till marriage to have sex that should have been a big clue to Amanda that he is gay!!!

Davey's words of advice are retarded. WTF. If 2 people love each other why do they have to go through a list of sins. He should just stfu.

Anonymous said...

Don't you go changing HISG.

Hey Jude said...

Lol, Anon, you make me smile - as does all the ranting about 'liberals' elsewhere in the comments - it's such caricature.

I don't think it means a man is gay if he doesn't have sex before marriage - no more than I'd think a woman was gay if she didn't have sex before marriage. It's not unusual for young people who are Christians to abstain - Amanda had taken a purity pledge; pity she wasted it on Davey.

He's giving advice because of his desperate need to persuade that he and Amanda had a good marriage, he was a good husband, and wow - look at what a great father he is, so thoughtfully writing marriage advice with Meg and maybe Ashley, for his two year old to read in twenty years time. Who does that? It's not for Weston's need, it's of his own need.

Their marriage was only seven years old when Amanda was murdered - 'seven year itch' is a saying. Really, he is in no position to be giving advice, though perhaps he thinks seven years is a long time. Well, I suppose it seems that way to him, proportionally, as he is so young.

Hey Jude said...

I think Amanda did channel it all towards God - I think her journals show she had no-one she felt able to confide to - she wrote to God the things Davey did not want to hear - 'emotional' stuff, hopes, doubts, fears, feelings - her thoughts. Davey was not interested.

Hey Jude said...

I think they are authentic, except perhaps the one was written under duress, or by someone else. Amanda was only twenty-eight with a narrow life experience. One might similarly say of Amber's writing, it does not seem authentic, in that you or I would not write in that way, or think in that way - the habitual spin, the 'positive through gritted teeth' effect - it is authentic to them, because that is how they were taught to think and to express themselves. It is how they write their reality, even if it is not reality as you or I might see it.

Anonymous said...

Whatevah. That's cause that's how you want to see it. I think in this day and age, in this culture, that yes, if a guy is waiting till marriage to have sex you are running a 99 out of 100 percent chance he is gay, and regardless, I personally would feel so oppressed being with someone like that...where there's no spontaneity or passion...Granted, I do think people in this day and age often rush too quickly into sex, sex can be a lot better if you get to know the person and actually care about them, but waiting till after marriage, if a guy wants to do that, in this day and age, chance are extremely high he is gay. People can spin it however they want, but if a guy doesn't want you bad enough that he's like yeah I can wait 2 years to have sex, then get ready for a loveless life probably with a gay but even if not a gay, you'll be running off with the milkman cause the guy is a dud. When you're in love with someone you would want to sleep with them, if a guy doesn't want to, sorry but he ain't in love with you.


Anonymous said...

Extra information from Amber:

She encouraged me, challenged me, held me in my most difficult times, prayed for me, laughed with me, endured every phase of life with me.

Anonymous said...

@10;18 yeah she was involved

"endured every phase of life with me"

Anonymous said...

What does Dereck do in his free time...listen to Pink Floyd records backwards? There's another whacko. I would have made that guy promise not to touch me before or after marriage. Blech.

Anonymous said...

How did Amber get to the birthing bed to go through that season if she lives so far away?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Noone thinks it's weird that Amber just happened to be sleeping at Grandma's house for WEston's birth and when Amanda was shot?

How does it make sense that after Amber gets the news that Amanda is in labor that she sits at the kitchen table talking to Grandma about how great it will be to hold the baby and simultaneously "drives there as fast as she could"???

"Amanda was found unconscious in her home and now in critical condition at the hospital."

NOT "Amanda had been found unconsious...."

Something unnatural about Amber's wording.


Anonymous said...

Mama Byars plays games...

"I had just hung up the phone with my mom, and she had told me that there was no way they were going to be able to make the 15 hour drive down to see me. I told her it was no big deal, and in reality, it really didn't bother me that they wouldn't be there.
I remember sitting at lunch watching my friends and roommates sit and talk with their parents and siblings, and I suddenly began to wish my family could have made it. I almost regretted telling my mom that I didn't really care if they came. After poking at my salad for a few minutes, I looked up and caught a quick glimpse of a blonde haired girl who looked so much like my sister Amanda. I shook my head as as if to snap myself back to the reality that they really weren't coming. I scanned the crowd one more time JUST to be sure, and to my complete SURPRISE, I see my dad, mom, and sister emerge from the crowd and come walking straight over to me. It literally took my breath away. I instantly burst into tears! I just couldn't believe they were ACTUALLY here. I will never forget how happy I was in that moment of complete shock. One of the first times I can remember being truly surprised."

Hey Jude said...

Grandma lives in Indy, that's how Amber could be near - maybe she was staying there with the purpose of being there when Weston was born.

Amber's piece is like an exercise in creative writing. She dramatises the birth - the baby was going to come out anyway. she minimises, doesn't say, what happened to Amanda - then ther's the illogic of what happened occupying a moment, yet also Amanda fought. Of her death being the best day of her life. Of her 'knowing' it wasn't going to be easy.

Still, I find it difficult to criticise Amber in view of the circumstances - some people do tend to retreat into illogic and romanticism in the face of unspeakable trauma.


Was Amber really so surprised by her parents and Amanda's visit? I think it's hard to tell - she overwrites somewhat, as standard.

Hey Jude said...

Pity Amber and Amanda were 'enduring', every phase of life - again though, Amber does like to add creative drama to her accounts.

Anonymous said...

I think the surprise visit is weird--it is so overdramatized with tears spilling out of her eyes when her family showed up.

Also, the way she says that it was one of the few times she's ever been surprised in her life.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to have your perspective, HJ. Amber's deception/embellishment in her storytelling is annoying and syrupy, but does that mean she was involved in Amanda's death?

Why does her writing share so many similar phrases that Davey also uses? that the see...I had no idea...exact spot...let's be reality

The storytelling words

The minimization of Amanda's death
...gone to be with Jesus
...she was taken from us
...painful sting of death the feet of Jesus

And how to make sense of this, posted 10 days after Amanda's murder:

"I finished the race that day because of Amanda. And I watched her run this race of life in the exact same way. She finished WAY BEFORE I thought she should have, but it didn't matter. It didn't catch her off guard. It didn't change the way she lived. Because Amanda never lived by how she felt, but by what she knew to be TRUE - by what she trained her entire life for. She finished her race strong, steady, and SURE. Oh how I miss that girl. But oh how PROUD I am to call her my sister.
As always, I love you Amanda Grace. #nothingiswasted"

Anonymous said...

Gavin needs to watch his back. Bigtime.

Hey Jude said...

Anon at 10.09 - Christians who choose to save sex for marriage conform to that particular culture, rather than to to 'this culture'. All the people in Amanda and Davey's story are not much of 'this culture', even Davey doesn't know quite what to do with all his 'worldly' aspirations - oh, drink Starbucks, visit the Holy Land, go with his parents to Disneyland. Buy daring red shoes and a cardigan - call it an ephod. Ditch the wife -Amanda is just a couple of lines of 'Our Story' on the Resonate site now - I think it mentions only the head shot, too. It still includes that Davey was at the gym, and Weston was in his crib, upstairs.

Anonymous said...

Yeah well you can call it conform to this culture to this culture that culture:

My story is a perfect example: Here is my story:

I have a question I need answered. If you tell someone that you miss them after you haven't seen or talked to them in 6 years, and there response is wow that's weird I was just thinking about you, and then they get on a plane and fly to your state to see you the next week what does that mean? Why would someone do that? Is that love, is that lust, is that nothing, what is that? I was friends with that guy for years and never f&cked him so why would he fly here?

Hey Jude said...

I would think that means he is an old friend who thought to visit you p, maybe as he was going to be in your area the next week, anyway. I'd also think you didn't deserve him as a friend if that's your attitude. Though you are just trolling again - I wonder why you do that.

Hey Jude said...

He was probably quite pleased not to hear from you for six years - we all have friends like that. :)

Anonymous said...

I even for a short time was DELUSIONAL to ever confuse love (agape) with (lust) eros with friendship!!!!!!!!! And I never slept with him what does that tell you?????

Hey Jude said...

I don't know. Let me guess:

a) you don't sleep with your friends
b) no condoms

Trudy said...

"Your mom loved Jesus more than she loved anyone else in this world, including me." From Daveys latest blog.
And including Weston, by extension, I guess. That's nice. Davey is too emotionally and spiritually immature to distinguish between types of love. That's why we hear these weird things about God speaking to Davey's heart and telling him, "I loved her first", and describing Jesus as a bridegroom. Shudder.

How can anyone listen to the shower conversation with God - (what would you say if I asked you if you would sacrifice your bride so that my bride could come alive?) - and believe that Davey is sane, much less competent to teach people about Gods love?

Anonymous said...

And of course, in the end, I think he told me a big lie, on the 4th of July I remember it was, a lie which troubled me for quite some time. Deeply in fact. But that is the thing with deception, you don't know the truth and never will. And looking back, I have no idea why it would bother me. I remember lying on a beach and crying, the sun in the sky, and sorrow and sadness, so sad I wanted a spaceship to land and come take me away, and I look back on the absurdity of it, and cannot even comprehend how ridiculous, how absolutely misguided.

Trudy said...

Haiku Inspired by anon

a big ol' lie on
the 4th of July troubled
me for quite some time.

remember lying (!)
On a beach and crying
The sun in the sky

So sad I wanted
A spaceship to land and come
take me far away

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely poem Trudy. Thanks for making fun of my 4th of July experience.

I think in time I realized what I had felt for him, it became quite clear to me, undeniable really, it seemed to haunt me for some time, it was not lust or love, hence why I was confused; it was a somewhat unusual feeling I can only describe as a kind of tenderness or gentleness, very peculiar, and I cannot understand why that would have been. I suppose we all occasionally become misguided and it time realize the absurdity of our mistaken and delusional emotions.

Anonymous said...

It's a lot easier to understand types of love if you grew up surrounded by it (and witnessed parents model it toward each other) and were not abused.

Childhood infatuations

Abuse throws everything out of whack.

Trudy said...

I think that people can agree that there are different types of love from a purely academic standpoint, though, whether you have experienced it or not. For Davey to tell Weston that his mother " loved Jesus more than she loved anyone else in this world, including me," (and if it includes Davey, it must include Weston, right?) is confusing and damaging to Weston and his future interpersonal relationships.

The love one has for God coexists with the love one has for one's parents, one's spouse, one's children, or ones friends. it should not be a question of loving God more than any human on earth. They are different loves. Do you love your parents in the same way as you love your spouse? Do you love your brothers and sisters the same way you love your children? Of course not. In fact, paradoxically, by loving God more than any human being on earth, you run the risk of loving Him less.

Although Davey can blithely say that Amanda "loved jesus more than she loved anyone else in this world, including me" to his son, he can't or won't say "I love Jesus more than anything else in this world including you, Weston, and your mother, and Evie," because it would be too cold weird, and just wrong. Because it is.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bobcat said...
"You See"

Patterns indicate that Davey wrote Amber's facebook post (the one that neglects the Christmas Tree) for 11/29/2015


that Me2l/Brenda Lepchenko is Davey.

In a moment of clarity 9/17/2016, Brenda Lepchenko admitted to a high school lie and TWICE posted "I'm Davey."

April 12, 2017 at 2:00 PM


Apparently, sarcasm is lost on the self-proclaimed genius/armchair crime solver, bobcat.

But here ya go, SA bastardization experts--my "confession":

Since I've been discovered, I may as well confess to everything--all the accusations against me: murder for hire; er....uh....pulling the trigger (I'm not sure why I paid someone else if I were going to pull the trigger, but oh well...minor discrepancy); colluding with Amber in the big cover-up/master plan; closet homosexuality (GASP!); lying; hypocrisy; beating my child; preening; wearing a pompadour; pretending I'm really a female commenter who punches holes in the stupidity spewed here (the most serious charge brought by you "expert" wannabe crime solvers).

Yes, I, Me2l (who, in reality is someone you have never met nor would imagine, but reality is incidental, irrelevant, and discounted in the big picture of a crime blog commenter) am Davey. Yes. I once was Meg, but no longer. (Was I ever Amber?)

Bobcat, flightfulbird, bingo, Trudy (The Big Four), and occasionally the more rational Hey Jude would be deprived of their purpose in life if they could not identify Davey (or Perry, Meg, Mel, etc.) among the commenters here. (Because, you know, it's perfectly rational to believe that Davey religiously reads here -- a meaningless blog, its primary commenters consisting of four or five basement dwellers-- hanging on bobcat's every word and nonsensical theories.)

So, there ya have it. LOLOL

One of these days, I may decide to completely, once and for all, 100% discredit the incompetent bobcat.

Meanwhile, if it applies, you "sleuths" should not give up your day jobs.


Now, let's discuss your level of competency/veracity, your sincerity of motive.

Anonymous mom2many said...
A return to the appeal to the ip address, as some sort of proof of identity.

"In computer networking, IP address spoofing or IP spoofing is the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a false source IP address, for the purpose of hiding the identity of the sender or impersonating another computing system."

April 12, 2017 at 8:04 AM

If you people are so convinced of Davey's guilt, and if you are so convinced I'm Davey, you have the above "confession"; therefore, as the blog owner, Peter can request LE to investigate and subpoena my IP, leading to my ISP, in order to get the real and true guilty person.
After all, I confessed. If I'm Davey, isn't that important?

What's the hold-up, sleuths? Put your money where your mouth is.
(BTW, you really do not understand IP protocol.)

flightfulbird said...

If you people are so convinced of Davey's guilt, and if you are so convinced I'm Davey, you have the above "confession"; therefore, as the blog owner, Peter can request LE to investigate and subpoena my IP, leading to my ISP, in order to get the real and true guilty person.
After all, I confessed. If I'm Davey, isn't that important?

Davey said in the Love Song Week Six Q & A with Amanda that he had to constantly fight sexual temptation - that he had to have filters and blockers set up and that his web activities were sent to Amanda and a pastor friend every week (a silver lining that he no longer has to do this --> motive ?) - and then said that if you're savvy enough with technology, there are ways to get around that (the filters).

Does Davey honestly think anyone here believes that he doesn't know how to download and run Tor aka The Onion Router ? If your IP address is subpoenaed and you are running Tor and maybe a VPN along with it - to the casual observer you would look like you are anywhere in the world and not in Indy.

The anonymous poster at 9:35am says we really do not understand IP protocol. But YOU do - and some of us do too.

I was seen on camera at the gym during the exact same timeframe that Natasha Jones Tank heard two gunshots and what sounded like a woman scream - so this proves that I couldn’t have had anything to do with what happened to Amanda.

Is very similar thought process to

You will see an IP address which isn’t my real IP address and isn’t even in Indy - so this proves that it couldn’t be me writing these posts and actually making this confession using ways to cloak my internet activities - Tor and/or VPN.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, sarcasm is lost on the self-proclaimed genius/armchair crime solver, bobcat.

Spoken like the elementary schoolboy who insults and pushes other kids around, and then says "I was only kidding. Can't you take a joke?"

Definition of sarcasm
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

You're right. Sarcasm loses in it's attempt to cut or hurt me. It comes from pain and darkness, and your attempts to pay it forward onto me do not work.

Hey Jude said...

Bobcat@11.34 - April 13. - They speak the same language, use the same phrases, shared vocabularies - Davey, Gavin, Amber, Amanda - I think it is expected there is some similarity in their written words also - closeness in the language - friends, Davey and Gavin married to sisters.


I almost deleted myself a few posts back when I saw that I had written 'Jesus led the way...'. It"s a phrase I don't think I have ever before used - it's also something Davey says. I normally would say 'Jesus set the example...' or 'Jesus encouraged his disciples to...(whatever)'. I was briefly horrified, then amused, if not greatly - it does show how what we listen to can influence our choice of words - I've listened to a lot of Davey, and I do not want to sound like him.

flightfulbird said...

The Resonate Church Love Song Week Six Q & A video was recorded on October 18, 2015 - three weeks and two days before Amanda was found when Davey returned home from the gym.

Coincidentally or hot, the gym is one place where Davey said he experiences sexual temptation - he said in at least one appearance that he had to actually look at the floor when he was working out so he wouldn't be looking at the scantily-clad girls in the gym "who don't look like they're there to work out, they look like they want to be worked out, if you know what I mean."

Link to the Love Song Week Six Q & A video here - at 36:12 he talks about getting around the filters -

Transcript of 35:30 through 37:35

For me personally, lemme tell you this, guys, what I have to do to fight, 'cause it’s a constant daily struggle to fight sexual temptation - it doesn’t fix it when you get married, alright? So here’s what I have to do. I have to put, I have to get blockers or filters on all of my um, uh, uh, browsing devices - got it? So anything I can access a portal of the internet, I put a filter on it, a blocker on it, so that literally Amanda AND one of my really good friends who's a pastor - they both get written accounts of every website that I've ever- that I visit, on a weekly basis - ok? Because I want to make no provision for the flesh, alright?

36:12 - Another thing is this, cause believe me, if you’re savvy enough with technology, you can get around it - alright - you can download apps to kinda get around this whole thing, you know, and so I have had to dec-, I have had to decidepersonally, I’m not saying you have to do this, this is for me - but in order to fight this fight of purity, I have had to decide I want to not have any apps that would allow me to access explicit images that would cause me to stumble, kay?

The Bible says, Job says, or, you know the book of Job, Job 31 - "I’ve made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a woman.” Okay? S, you know incidentally one of those apps is called “Covenant Eyes”. And I pay $10 a month to do that, alright? $10 a month to have, to have that. Um, and you can, uh, you can download those, it’s fr-, I don’t get any kickbacks for you guys downloadin that stuff, but it’s, it's great. There’s another one called X3Watch, X3Watch, which is a really good one. Um, I should see some of you teenagers write this down, kay?

Cause I know this is - listen - I know this is a struggle. I know it’s a struggle. Alright? If it’s a struggle for me, I can only imagine in teenage world, high technology access, it’s a struggle. K? X3Watch, Covenant Eyes. And I don’t want to ac- access that so that I’m feeding my flesh and um, and - and starving my spirit. OK? So what that is is me not making provision for the flesh.

About Tor -
Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.

It prevents somebody watching your internet connection from learning what sites you visit - very nice for hiding your websites from your wife and pastor friend.

It prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location - very nice for writing a confession post and trying to pin it to an IP address that isn't your own, to point to "the real killer".

And somehow I don't think it was Davey's idea to set up the filters as a check for himself - I think Amanda caught him surfing some sites and confronted him about it - maybe even threatened to leave him if he didn't have the filters/blockers set up. His language all the way through indicates "I had to" or "have had to" - as in I was forced to - and not "I chose to".

flightfulbird said...

Motive ?

Anonymous said...

HJ, I get the shared vocabularies, but what about the ever-so-subtle insults, minimization, and NTP that life was simply perfect for her and Amanda?

If Amber is completely innocent, I feel very sorry for the amount of influence Davey has over her. Being married to his "best friend" (I thought Kenneth Wagner was Davey's very best friend?) Gavin - what might come into play there?

No wonder she writes about crying all the time ... but then posts filtered pictures to maintain the perfect and pretty image. 8-(

Anonymous said...

None of that matters, ultimately. Here's what matters, and if this were more than a game to you, it would matter to you, as well:

You have a confession from someone you say is Davey. Will LE subpoena for the ISP? They certainly can do that. Why don't you follow up, sleuths?

I'm sure you'll get back to me on that. may be all talk and no action.

I'll be waiting.

Anonymous said...

You'll be David Koresh? Richard Harris? Andrew Cunanan?

God help Weston.

flightfulbird said...

You will see an IP address which isn’t my real IP address and isn’t even in Indy - so this proves that it couldn’t be me writing these posts and actually making this confession using ways to cloak my internet activities - Tor and/or VPN.

It prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location - very nice for writing a confession post and trying to pin it to an IP address that isn't your own, to point to "the real killer".

My words above - neither statement says that the confession from anonymous poster at 9:35am is from Davey. The confessor claimed to be Davey.

Two very different things.

And LE does not need to subpoena an IP address to link a posted "confession" to either implicate or exonerate Davey. Way more information will come from whatever DNA and other evidence was found in the house and what was said in the 911 call.

Will anyone get back to us on the answer to the questions of why Davey keeps saying that he honestly thought it was a miscarriage and that he had no idea that anyone had been in his house?

Anonymous said...

Why are you deflecting....stalling.....hesitating?

If I'm Davey, and I have confessed here, why don't you freaks take action? Instead, you're still arguing IP protocol and other minutiae.

Why don't you put a little action to your words and accusations? Are you all shut-ins? Nothing more than basement dwellers, playing a crime-solving game to pass the time?

Trudy said...

You've lost the plot, Brenda.

Anonymous said...

Bobcat said

"It's a lot easier to understand types of love if you grew up surrounded by it (and witnessed parents model it toward each other) and were not abused.

Abuse throws everything out of whack."

Quite true Bobcat. I grew up in a very sick, abusive environment.

Although I had felt love before. The feeling that I was referring to in my previous posts was quite interesting looking back at it. Although it seemed to emerge quite subtly, (as I said it was not lust or love), very subtly in fact I was never able to trace it back to a distinct point of origin, it had a certain potency that was remarkable. It was much more of a sensual feeling, a feeling that in itself though had a certain seductive quality demanding that I look closer at it. When I would allow myself to feel it fully, the deeply sensual nature of it seemed nearly exquisite, so much so it was almost painful. I was never able to make heads or tails of it. It also seemed to have a saturating effect on my mind, very difficult to banish or block out. It was also nearly impossible to intellectually battle the feeling, yet over time, quite some time, it took many years which seems ridiculous, I was able to put it into a perspective that allowed it to fade to the point where I almost could not feel it at all.

It is certainly an interesting discussion.

Concerned said...

If the troll can make this conversation about her/him and not about
Davey, she/he wins. I hope all who are interested in pointing people
who visit here toward Davey's statements will not bite. There may not
be a large number of people commenting but I feel sure people are
still checking in to see what Davey has leaked lately. Remember that a
troll will call your name in a disparaging comment because he/she knows
you'll feel compelled to respond and get off message.

Thank you for the sacrifice of listening to Crazy Davey's
"sermons"/"excuses to talk about sex to an audience" (no matter how small).
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you stop just one organization
from inviting him to speak or one person from making a donation,
your time was well spent! Whether he actually shot Amanda or planned it
or just reveled in the excitement of it (100% sure!), he doesn't need to be
"preaching" to wounded souls.

Keep up the good work! And ignore the troll.

flightfulbird said...

If I'm Davey, and I have confessed here, why don't you freaks take action?

If you're Davey, and you have confessed here, why don't you answer the questions asked here - questions for which only you have the answers?

Maybe it's because of that fly in the ointment 5th amendment thing about not having to testify against oneself. . .

What if you're not Davey - would you care to hazard a guess about why Davey might say (and not say just once, but KEEP saying ) that (1) he honestly thought when he walked in that Amanda had a miscarriage and (2) that he had no idea anyone had been in his house?

I would bet that the defense for the thugs will be asking those questions.

Trudy said...

Thanks concerned. You are correct. Davey should not be preaching his crazy at, nor taking money from, anyone. The extreme violence and sexual imagery, combined with bizarre misinterpretations of scripture make him an ugly and dangerous choice for pastor of any church. His "marital advice" for women, which involves having sex with your husband "even if you don't want to" is demeaning to women and advocates rape within marriage.

Pastor Blackburn's constant trips, holidays, vanity recordings and publications, the new cars, house and wardrobe make a mockery of the poor, the sick, the needy, the innocent and the faithful, who give him their hard earned money. He should be ashamed of himself, yet every week he berates them and badgers them for more.

Worst of all, he gives himself absolute authority to say and do anything he pleases, by saying that God spoke to him and it's all part of Gods plan; even Amanda's and his unborn baby's murder. Gods plan. God told him. It's so wrong and it's an insult to be told such lies.
Blackburn violates his congregatiation spiritually, emotionally and financially with his insatiable greed, narcissism, and twisted scripture, every time he opens his mouth.

Trudy said...

Good post Flightful @3:57. Nice catch on all the "have to's". There is no way Davey initiated the monitoring of his internet practices by Amanda and a pastor friend (KW? PN?) unless he was caught red handed.

Thinking again about Daveys pre marital advice that he intends to give Weston when he is 22.....

"I know you two are following God’s way and waiting to have sex until you’re married, and I’m so proud of you for that, but you should begin talking about expectations you each have for your future sex life. You should talk about any past issues, mistakes, sins, hurts that could affect your future sex life. Get it all out on the table now. You don’t want secrets to surface later."

You can only speculate as to why he thinks Weston will have "past issues, mistakes, sins and hurts" to discuss with his fiancé, rather than, say, hopes, dreams, fears, and doubts. What sort of sexual "secrets" surfaced, unwanted, later in Davey and Amanda's marriage?

Hey Jude said...

Bobcat -

The Celebration of Life video service for Amanda, and the pre-recorded video of family and friends speaking about Amanda - it begins around sixteen/ seventeen minutes in:

Amber opens by saying, 'We just picked on her all the time...'.

Amanda was the youngest, James middle, Amber the eldest. Both she and James regret that they didn't or weren't able to protect Amanda. Gavin says he didn't opportunity to fulfil that role as Amanda, from early years looked out for herself. Amber muses, that as the eldest, she was supposed to protect her little sister So much guilt and distress which should not be theirs - no-one would have anticipated that a maniac would murder their sister - Amanda's on-site husband, who failed to lock the front door, has no such scruples. Well, he did once have a go at blaming God for not protecting Amanda, whilst not mentioning the unlocked front door - as it's so insignificant a detail of the story to him, I think it made no difference whether it was locked or unlocked, because Amanda was already dead.

There was probably always some sibling rivalry between the girls, Amber was maybe a bit jealous of Amanda's position as the youngest. From what Phil says, in this video and in his tv interview, one might ken that Amanda was his favourite child, even if he tried not to favour one over the others. I think Amber writes as she does about Amanda, because it's a reflection of how their relationship was - much love, yet with some passive aggressive undertones, backhanded compliments, little digs - not unusual between siblings.

Is it likely that Amber, and possibly James, knew or suspected that Amanda was at risk of some types of abuse at home? The first thing Amber said spilled out as a regret - 'we just picked on her all the time' - as though it might have continued on past childhood into their adult lives. It may be Amber feels Amanda was pressured by her, Gavin and Davey, into marriage. I think she should not feel that way if she does, Amanda was her own person, and no-one has a crystal ball.

It could be that Amber is not saying all she could about those last few days, due to believing she has somehow failed
a Amanda - whatever she might have known, she wasn't to know her sister would be murdered, yet in the way families often torment themselves with 'what ifs', she probably feels she should have somehow known, and prevented it.

Anonymous said...

Just as I speculated......bobcat is a coward whose claim to fame is projecting half-assed analysis conclusions that are hopelessly off-track and when given a challenge, she is nowhere to be found.

Same with you other ..... how did Trudy characterize that? Oh yes.... intellectual superiors who can't back up their claims and have been made to look the fools (of course, I've always known you "intellectual superiors" are fools and have gleefully pointed it out to you).

You've been shown up as shallow, inept, basement dwelling "sleuths" who view this as nothing more than a game.

Have you ever wondered where all the interested and involved commenters of this blog have gone? I began to read here in December of 2015, and the discussion was very interesting with some pretty on-point analysis, but as the lunatics with their crazy theories became more prominent, the intelligent commenters disappeared. We are left with The Big Four and a couple of strays here and there. I love to piss you off, and clearly, I do. It's so easy to poke you and watch the knees jerk.

It's for a good cause.

Hey Jude said...

Also noticed Amanda's 'Celebration of Life' is no longer on Resonate website - not even on an unlinked page, just a 404 on google -gone. The Season of Amanda is ended, and we are not yet saved....indeed, not even the video is saved. I had to search Vimeo to find it in Elkhart Baptist's videos, the church of Amanda's father.

Something nice, if it works out - Amanda's dad was saying, somewhere, how they are hoping to build an indoor playpark in Elkhart in memory of Amanda, like the one Amanda and Amber liked to go to with their children at the Traders Point Church. That would be a worthy legacy (better than a book of recently excavated made-up letters from 'Amanda' to Davey).

Anonymous said...

Concerned @7:48 You know those nasty, yappy little dogs who have been poorly trained, never shut up and shit on the rug? The ones you want to boot into next week just to get some peace and quiet? I hate those dogs. Everybody does.

Anonymous said...

Wasn;t Amber the one who "liked to write in code"?

From Amanda's journal:

"What if XYZ doesn't happen? What if DAvey's book doesn't get published?"

What is XYZ? It's not "DAvey's book getting published", as that is written out. It's an awfully strange way for a young woman to write in her journal. I know I have kept journals or notebooks to write in and never wrote "XYZ" in it.

But if Amber was so good at codes, could Amber have written this as a communication to DAvey in a "code" he would know? The sentence "What if DAvey doesn't get his book published?" seems like a decoy sentence.

Hey Jude said...

Anon, a response as you mentioned me a few posts back. I'm sure Davey and Meg, and some of Amanda and Davey's relatives read here sometimes, along with Perry and Kenneth. I think the mothers would be quite likely to spare themselves from reading the comments or entering into argument here, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility.

Personally I am not comfortable with guessing at anon posters' real identities - I am not trained in SA, so it could be a big mistake to make when dealing with named 'real' people. I know I'd be mortified if, say, I was Brenda, and I had not made the posts which were being attributed to me, as even if only a few people believed it was me, the posts would not reflect well on what they took to be my character, and there is not much comeback in such situations. If I was Davey, I would, as a public figure, not be overly concerned - I would be unlikely to enter into arguments on blogs defending myself or attacking others, anonymously or otherwise. People in my circle might, with or without my knowledge, and they could be assumed to be Brenda or Davey.

I noticed how through your posts, you have not expressed concern for Brenda's feelings, despite you must have certain knowledge that, as you are not Brenda, it might or could have upset her to be mistaken for you. That's interesting, but I don't know why. You enjoy mocking the idea that you might be her, or Davey, and have not missed a chance to use Bobcat's claims on that to ridicule everything else she says - that's at least unreasonable. Why, as you know so certainly, don't you care about Brenda being misrepresented? Why is your interest only that you are being misidentified - and that people should know who you are - oh, if only they knew, sort of thing. If you are not part of the story, your identity is irrelevant.

It seems to me you are quite eager for us to know your identity, in order that we can be awed to have been the subject of your disdain- it is a little confusing, for sure, because why post as anon? I would also add, for all your self-importance, you do come across as something of a basement dweller whilst most others here do not.

I suggested it a while back, but have you yet considered how much better it would be if you were to concentrate on Peter's articles and analyses for reliability, rather than pick fights in the comments.
Your beef seems to be that the comments are not SA - I don't think anyone is claiming that for too many of the comments, and I don't think Bobcat made her Brenda/Davey conclusion/s using SA so much as connecting profiles - so it was not even a genuine argument against SA. I think you are not interested in SA, so either wanting to disrupt and distract from certain conversations - or maybe just trolling for trolling's sake.

Trudy said...

Hey J, are you trying to break into the "big four"? :)

Me21 was discovered to be Brenda Lepchencko on fb. Don't you remember all the hollering about doxxing? doxxing! Doxxing? That wouldn't have happened unless Me21 was, in fact, Brenda Lepchencko. Whether Brenda Lepchencko is Brenda Blackburn, or Davey Blackburn is debatable. Sometimes I think Bobcat just likes yanking Me21's chain for fun.

Doubtless the troll would be better served concentrating on Peter's analysis and trying to understand it, but her reasons for being here, polluting the thread, have nothing to do with statement analysis.

Hey Jude said...

Too many comments to be able to comment much - I liked your earlier comments on love, Trudy.


I wonder if Peter knows who Anon is or is not, and if he would tell us if he does know - I think probably he would not.

So, some are convinced Brenda, some Davey - what is most interesting, why does Anon care so much about being misidentified - it's no skin off an Anon's nose, he or she can be a different Anon tomorrow. - if I was Anon, my concern would be that Brenda was being misrepresented - but Anon does not care about Brenda. - therefore that would not be my concern if I was Anon. it's like a riddle. Anon is not a pleasant character, perhaps that is why there is only concern for self and none for Brenda?

Smother a reason why Anon could not possibly be just a maurading troll who has settled here?

Trudy said...

Anon @ 11:27

That is not a direct quote from Amanda's journal. It was paraphrased but shows that crazy Daveys literary pretentions existed before Amanda's murder. She did not write XYZ.

Hey Jude said...

Huh? ^ is there a reason?^ - though smother a reason could work, too - if Anon is not only a troll.

Trudy said...

Thanks Hey J. Your posts about agape and Eros and what love means in crazy Davey's personal subjective dictionary really started me wondering.

Hey Jude said...

Trudy - no, I know my place. :)

Hmm, did I just waste an hour - I'll have to go back and read the doxxing episode more carefully - I skimmedit because it was drama, and Bobcat did not hack or dox anyone, it was legit online research - though I perhaps don't approve of outing people who post under pseudonyms. If it was Brenda, ihe same person can't now be Davey. Not wishing to criticise, just think it might be better to share some things privately rather than post.

Anonymous said...

Why are you people wondering about what agape and Eros and love mean in Davey's personal dictionary when he's never mentioned agape or Eros? That's just you people going to wikipedia.

Anonymous said...

This is one person making up different characters including the "anon" who the one person is trying to "dox" through the characters he makes up. The "anon" is one of your characters too. Why don't you write a book or something with this talent for making up characters?

Hey Jude said...

Are you stuck in the basement Anon? :)

Hey Jude said...

The characters are not developed enough to make a book, IMO, Anon. It's fun to make different characters, in the right setting, which I don't think is here - not here. Anon should try Second Life, that's great fun, especially once you learn how to fly. There are amazing places to visit there, the creativity is astounding.

Hey Jude said...

You need a powerful PC with lots of memory, otherwise it takes forever to load, and it drags - that is not worth bothering with.

Hey Jude said...

It's not sophisticated like more contemporary games - the beauty is in the content being user created.

Anonymous said...

I'm lost, I don't even know who you are talking to Hey Jude. I'm going to bed--this convo is whacked. I don't know which "anon" you are talking to. I can't even follow this hydra conversation today. I don't know why you're asking everyone if they are stuck in a basement today when you're on here quite often Hey Jude lol. This has to be the most obnoxious section of thread today I have read in a long time.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to visit here anymore, because I find the quality of discussion is disintegrating.

Trudy said...

If people would choose a name and stop commenting as "Anon" perhaps you would be able to follow the conversation a little more easily. Then again, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

OK, my name is Valencia!

Valencia said...

Can I be part of the group? Do I have to apply for membership? Where were we? Davey feels a(gay)pe love for Perry but Eros for God and Amanda feels love for the Lord and agape for Davey? Am I on track?

Sirensong said...

Great post Trudy at 8:33. It brings me back to wondering why no one in CD's circle doesn't stop him from preaching, or at least say something. Keep in mind the sermons and answers he gives involving sex is to teenagers. Where are the people concerned about him teaching their young people this crap. I also keep thinking about how CD received all that money, originally stated to help the Blackburn's, (then changed to mean Davey and Weston) but Amanda's family has had to wait all this time for help in making a true memorial to Amanda while CD spends on himself. I am very concerned by the way CD is raising Weston, and the things he says he is teaching him. For the troll, why do you spend so much time arguing here. There are sites with your beliefs, why don't you go to them to discuss all the you hate about what is said here. There is nothing you are accomplishing here except being a troll.

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