Thursday, February 23, 2017

Murder of Amanda Blackburn Crime Wire

Peter Hyatt on "Crime Wire": The Murder of Amanda Blackburn 

February 23, 2017, Peter Hyatt will be a guest on "Crime Wire" live broadcast, and will be taking your calls and questions at 9am to 1030AM EST.  

Amanda Blackburn was a victim of a sexual homicide in which arrests have been made. 

Questions, however, remain in one of the most bizarre 'solved' murder cases of recent years. 

Peter Hyatt will share analysis of the case, including deception detection techniques, and what this may mean for justice.  

Imagine Publicity Blog  :  broadcast of the show on Madeleine McCann 2016.  


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Anonymous said...

Someone left this response to Davey's Instagram post. Bobcat, is there a video from MOPS with Davey? Curious to hear his message to moms.

all_about_thebenjisI was vaguely familiar with your story (as in I heard about it on the news and followed it but I was unaware of anything more) when I dug into our MOPS material for next year and found you in a video.

Bobcat said...

I know he sat for a recorded (screen test?) interview with MOPS, and is advertised as a speaker at their 2017 convention. I have not found the video online.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you use the term, "fear." It's also funny how you project your sense of urgency and importance pertaining to this case. There is no open case. It's been solved. You delusionals have spent so much of your lives here prognosticating, fantasizing, and projecting that you have lost sight of reality.

Why is it so difficult for you to accept the truth? The scenarios you delivered in your previous posts are not accurate--they are your version with a liberal slant of story telling to fit your desperately desired scenario.

Strange. Why do you SO want Davey to be guilty? Clearly, LE has ignored you and will continue to. How many years will you spend in the Internet re-hashing and repeating your old worn-out gibberish? You already sound as if you're mentally disturbed, unable to distinguish reality. Are you housebound?

I apologize if I hit a nerve (of course, I'm not truly sorry; exposing you is easy).

Bobcat said...

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you use the term, "fear." It's also funny how you project your sense of urgency and importance pertaining to this case. There is no open case. It's been solved. You delusionals have spent so much of your lives here prognosticating, fantasizing, and projecting that you have lost sight of reality.

Why is it so difficult for you to accept the truth? The scenarios you delivered in your previous posts are not accurate--they are your version with a liberal slant of story telling to fit your desperately desired scenario.

Strange. Why do you SO want Davey to be guilty? Clearly, LE has ignored you and will continue to. How many years will you spend in the Internet re-hashing and repeating your old worn-out gibberish? You already sound as if you're mentally disturbed, unable to distinguish reality. Are you housebound?

I apologize if I hit a nerve (of course, I'm not truly sorry; exposing you is easy).

Anonymous said...


It's ok to accuse innocent people of murder, but pointing that out is delete-worthy.

This is why the SA here is worthless. It's not objective, and it's done with a preconceived guilty verdict, using SA to fit. I'm surprised anyone takes this stuff seriously. I don't think many do.

Concerned said...

"It's amusing, because the story telling and lack of SA strip away at any legitimacy this site may have had originally. It is now a very hokey parody of itself. Certainly, its credibility and the credibility of SA have suffered by anyone following "discussion" here."

Anon at 11:18,
And yet you come all. the. time.

flightfulbird said...

We know why. . .

Anonymous said...

In reviewing one of the earliest national interviews on 11/17/2015, Davey said: "I'm sorry"
Lynda had only captured "sorry" in her original transcription.

And in his first blog post after the murder, he put the words "I'm sorry" in Amanda's mouth.


Anon, the "case" of Amanda's brutal murder has not been adjudicated. The 911 call has still not been released as it is part of an active investigation aka "open" case.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It's ok to accuse innocent people of murder, but pointing that out is delete-worthy.

This is why the SA here is worthless. It's not objective, and it's done with a preconceived guilty verdict, using SA to fit. I'm surprised anyone takes this stuff seriously. I don't think many do.
August 2, 2017 at 8:53 PM

But I just keep reading and posting comments anyway

Anonymous said...

Speaking of things/people being stripped of legitimacy...


flightfulbird said...

Link to Davey's first blog post mentioned in Bobcat's post above -

This is also where Davey started painting the picture of Amanda wanting "whatever happened to her" to happen to her if it was part of reaching Indy, if it was what God wanted, if it was HIS agenda for her life, if she was meant to be part of a greater story.

Some excerpts (in italics) -

Amanda led out in prayer. In tears she said, “Jesus I’m sorry for the times I make my life about my agenda. I want my agenda for my life to be Your agenda for my life.”

That simple prayer opened the floodgates for prayer after prayer from our team all congruent with this one theme: SURRENDER. Amanda led the way in surrender. Surrender to a greater plan. Surrender to a greater story. Surrender to a greater God than anything she could have ever imagined or fabricated.

A greater story than just a struggling church in Indy which has such minimal attendance that it has to block off a huge part of the rented school auditorium with screens so it looks like on video that there are people filling the whole venue ?

But then after "these guys" discovered a house on a culdesac clear across town from their apartment complex - with an unlocked front door and a mother and toddler inside - while Davey was at the gym - and the toddler is fortunately left unharmed and cooing but the mother is assaulted, beaten and shot three times - the story becomes -

"Grieving pastor rises above his wife's brutal murder - his unborn daughter was lost as well" - "see how wonderfully he is dealing with this process because of the grace of God" - "see how many people Amanda has impacted in her death - WAY more than she EVER would have reached for Jesus had she lived - and she would have gladly laid down her life to see people saved into the kingdom, no question, absolutely, she would've wanted this".

The grieving pastor makes multiple appearances on national TV news, becomes a speaker at various random gatherings of church groups and social groups, has a Facebook page calling himself a "public figure", records an album of "worship music", writes a book, has professional photos taken and writes a blog to continue to promote his brand and convince everyone that Amanda would be totally ok with what happened to her. He plasters his brand name "Nothing is Wasted" and "Romans 8:28- and we know that all things work together for good" (the whole verse) on the gravestone. Multiple photo ops with his now two-year-old son to look poignant and sad.

Davey wants to be the next Levi Lusko and rocket to fame from the launchpad of "everything that happened only a few days before".

Amanda (allegedly) wrote in her journal that she was concerned about "what ifs", but even if the "what ifs" happen, I know that You are the author of my faith and the author of THIS STORY.

Amanda's death created a story, this story, a greater story. How much more transparent can it be ?

-continued next post-

flightfulbird said...

-continued from previous post-

Because for Amanda, no matter how much it hurt, she always chose the route of obedience over comfort.

None of us know what “cross” Jesus is going to ask us to carry. There’s no pre-laid-out terms of contract in this whole thing. He just says take up your cross and follow me. Amanda chose Jesus over anything else.

Over comfort. Over health. Over safety. Over convenience.

Somehow I don't believe Amanda was "obeying God" by getting killed - SHE DID NOT CHOOSE THIS ! And God didn't choose it either. Someone chose it for her but it wasn't God. "Pre-laid-out terms of contract" is interesting language (leakage? - compared to something like "guarantee" or "promise" in the same place as those words).

I am sure that when Amanda thought of "what ifs" that could happen to her and her family - if indeed she wrote that journal entry and I do not believe she did (or that she wrote others as well) - it never would've crossed her mind that she would be in the condition she was in on November 9th and 10th and 11th in 2015.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anon @10:30, it's clear it bothers you. My incentive.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

As intelligent, verbally expressive, and authentic as Amanda was, I find it incredible (as in, unbelievable) that Davey would remember Amanda's prayer of "surrender" word for word weeks after she was brutally murdered. At the time she "led out in prayer", that should not have been a particularly memorable prayer, as many sincere Christians pray something to that effect in their daily life ("Not my will, but yours Lord...").

It concerned me the first time Davey referenced it because Amanda had been praying that Davey would yield his agenda (her word) to God, per her journal entries. It concerned me because Davey is the type of leader who twists the Bible and uses it to manipulate/guilt his followers into doing what he wants, in the name of God. His Church wasn't experiencing the explosive growth of his peers and mentor regardless of his promos and giveaways, and now his wife was pregnant (further reducing the amount of time she could devote to his agenda, him, his failing business enterprise and about to place demands on his time and his finances and alter their lifestyle). Her heart was tender toward God, so I'm not surprised she would lead out, but that she would be first to lead out and given the guilty wording he attributes to her, reeks of a guilt trip. I suspect he made her feel guilty for wanting to be pregnant or for actually becoming pregnant.

As articulate as Amanda was, I find it hard to believe Davey's quote, “Jesus I’m sorry for the times I make my life about my agenda. I want my agenda for my life to be Your agenda for my life.”. The phrasing is awkward and broken (kind of stumbling), the way Davey speaks; Amanda was very fluid in her relationship with God and her prayer life/journalling. The repeated emphasis is more indicative of Davey's speech pattern than Amanda's. Because Amanda was regularly responsive to God, she was very direct.

Davey's attributed prayer is out of order here, "...I want my agenda for my life to be Your agenda for my life.". The speaker evidences his priority- his agenda first. He's actually saying "I want you to do it my way Jesus" (follow the language)...something Amanda would never do. Amanda, having a close relationship with God, would have said it in the correct order, "I want your agenda for my life to be my agenda." (although I doubt she'd use the word agenda in reference to herself). Amanda had no agenda, she just wanted to be living her life to please and honor God...which was a point of contention for Davey as he almost contemptuously referenced her principles: her "giving him up" for Lent; her purity; and this...
"Amanda chose Jesus over anything else.

Over comfort. Over health. Over safety. Over convenience."

-You can almost hear Davey add "over me".

The fact that he felt the need to say that was unexpected. The expected is that a Christian would be committed to God. As much as Davey talks about being "all in", Amanda lived it. But he uses her commitment in the context of her agreeing to be slaughtered in a home invasion. A home invasion does not grow a church, but marketing does. Context is everything.

flightfulbird said...

Absolutely fantastic post, Fools at 7:43pm . . .

Bobcat said...

It's interesting that "agenda" also appeared in his "What Happens When You Die" Sermon, in which he backs up to the morning of the 9th and drops all of his pronouns after kissing Amanda goodbye and walking out of the house...

"I remember, you know I found her on, on a Tuesday when I came home from the gym but the Monday morning before, so that Monday was the last day I had with her. And I remember like, getting up, and having all these to-dos swirling around my brain, you know, I gotta go do this, I gotta, drop this thing off, I gotta run this errand, I gotta, take care of this I gotta go meet with this person, right, so I get up, get my shower, you know, get ready to go. Weston’s up, she’s up with Weston, and she’s kinda taking it slow, Monday morning… (big sigh) And um, I don’t really remember much about our conversation, honestly. I don’t remember much about what was going on. All I remember is I had all these things in my head of all this stuff that I needed to do, all these things, uh, this agenda that I needed to take care of, and so I, you know, rush into the bathroom while she’s, getting ready and I, kiss her goodbye, and I, walk out of the house, and, uh, ( ) spent the rest of that day, doing things. ( ) Pushing the ball forward. ( ) Building a church. ( ) Meeting with people. ( ) Pouring myself out."

flightfulbird said...

Ashley Barrett also vividly remembers Amanda's prayer in the abandoned basement gym - months later - this Facebook post was in January 2016

Facebook link -

On Friday night, when this picture was taken, we all huddled in what used to be the gym of the hotel we stayed at. We sang songs, worshipped together, and some of us shared and prayed about what Jesus was speaking to each of us personally. I remember Amanda's prayer so vividly. That she wanted her own agenda to match God's agenda for her life. That she was sorry for ever making this life about herself, and that she was willing to do whatever Jesus wanted her to do so that lives could be eternally impacted.

If you know Amanda well, you know that she was selfless, always putting others before her own interests. I was always blown away by her willingness to dig deeper, to love greater, and to follow Jesus harder. She never settled, always striving to be the version of herself that Jesus intended for her life. Always seeking to follow God's exact plan for her life.

Looking back, it seems as though Jesus was preparing her heart. I'm not saying that she knew what would transpire in the next few days, but that Jesus was pulling her closer to Himself, and that she had reached a level of unity and intimacy with Jesus like some of us so long and strive for.

Yet another person confirming that Amanda would "give her life" to see Indy (or the nation or the world) come to know Christ. Kenneth Wagner said the same thing.

Bobcat said...

Davey Blackburn 11/24/2015: And um, and so that I don't, you know I don't believe there is a, a better person that's walked this earth than, than Amanda, Amanda Grace.

Kenneth Wagner 11/15/2015: "I know the person Amanda Blackburn was ... I guarantee this, she would be willing to lay down her life so that you could spend eternity in the kingdom of heaven."

Davey Blackburn 11/17/2015: I guarantee you Amanda wouldn’t write the story like that, but I can also guarantee you that Amanda would have laid her life down for anybody to meet Jesus."

Davey Blackburn 12/23/2015: And I guarantee you, Jesus is going, er, Amanda’s looking at Jesus saying ‘Jesus, this is brilliant. [moves head side to side].

Search "guarantee":

Has anyone else noticed that when Davey prays or someone else is praying for/near him, he shoves his hands in his pockets or crosses his arms on his chest and looks horribly pained?

Anonymous said...

And she even died in the 7th year of perfection! 7 years of the most perfect marriage, the 7th year of their marriage being the most perfect! It all worked all so well. The quilt sure is beautiful! PLEASE, just don't flip that sucker around.

flightfulbird said...

Search "guarantee":

Copy / paste from the link above -

Please note that when he issued a "guarantee", he moved into statistical deception, but it is now combined with "would never" which is future/conditional tense, further weakening by the need to persuade or "guarantee" in speech. He is now deception indicated using the techniques of statement analysis.

Anonymous said...

Peter: Woman alleges she is being stalked. No video. She gave stalker's letter to her as proof. Man denies. Here is his letter to her. Is he a stalker?
"Here we are in a room full of strangers standing in the dark where your eyes could not see me. Well, I had to follow you though you did not want me to but that won't stop my loving you, I can't get away."


Peter is analyzing song lyrics?

Bobcat said...

This is how Davey sees himself, as stated in the 1st podcast with Phil Byars.

"normal visionary bold courageous...entrepreneurial maverick church planter"

1st word - normal
7th word - church

Listening to him one-on-one with Phil sounds like a freaky master class in evil manipulation. Scary shit, although interestingly, "I'm sorry" leaks out of Davey during the episode. He RARELY utters those words.

Concerned said...

"This was the day the Author of her faith began penning her faith story."
....from Davey's latest blog post which was ghost written for him, no question.
Meg? Amber?
They never get off the line of thought about writing a story, do they?
They've got to make some money off this so it won't be wasted.

Anonymous said...

"They've got to make some money off this so it won't be wasted."

^^ That makes me sad.


An excerpt from Davey's podcast with Phil. transcribed here:

Davey: It’s interesting you mention dread. That’s, a new emotion for me, uh, just recently. I was, I got up yesterday morning. I’m reading this biography on George Muller, who was a, early revivalist and, um, did a bunch of, you know, lot, a lot of orphanages, but basically in his ministry and in his life, he learned how to trust in God alone for provision. Denied salaries from his church. Trusted that God would provide in all of these ministries that he was trying to do and. Um, he prayed big prayers. George Muller was known for, prayer ledgers. He would write out his prayers, then cross them out as he saw them, be answered. And so, before Amanda passed, I, was inspired by George Muller to start prayer ledgers. ( ) Pray some really big prayers, some of those like Mark Batterson Circle Maker type prayers. And um, what’s difficult is the prayer ledger that I had going before Amanda passed, God had answered every one of those prayers. But, the, the impetus, was Amanda’s death. So the prayers were. The answered prayers were, it looked like, to me, a result, of Amanda’s death. So Amanda passes, and then all of these big things happen. Things that I’ve been praying for.

Phil: Wow.

Davey: And so for the past eighteen months, I’ve lived with dread. My prayers have not been. They haven’t been big prayers. They haven’t been my normal visionary bold courageous prayers, of a, entrepreneurial maverick church planter.

Phil is first to bring up dread, and Davey runs with it, lying through his teeth to Phil's face. In one sentence he says it's a new emotion. Then he says he's lived with dread for 18 months. And in between he says all his prayers were answered as a result of Amanda's death. Phil is wowed.


flightfulbird said...

"This was the day the Author of her faith began penning her faith story."
....from Davey's latest blog post which was ghost written for him, no question.
Meg? Amber?
They never get off the line of thought about writing a story, do they?

Whoever is ghostwriting the blog may also be the person/people writing NOTAmanda's journal entries.

Amanda supposedly wrote in one of her last journal entries I know that You are the author of my faith and the author of this story.


It's almost word for word.

"Amanda's story" has attracted national attention those were the words from Davey'a invitation to laugh and cry and praise and worship at Amanda's service at Trader's Point.

Bingo said...

"And um, what’s difficult is the prayer ledger that I had going before Amanda passed, God had answered every one of those prayers. But, the, the impetus, was Amanda’s death. So the prayers were. The answered prayers were, it looked like, to me, a result, of Amanda’s death. So Amanda passes, and then all of these big things happen. Things that I’ve been praying for."

Did he really actually say this out loud to Amanda's father. I mean how obvious can he be? "Whatever it takes." He is saying basically prayers were answered by Amanda getting slaughtered. What god does he serve? I am so confused also how he immediately just knew that big things were going to come out of a senseless beating and execution of a young, pregnant mom.

flightfulbird said...

Amber's happy anniversary message to Gavin on Facebook August 1st -

You stole my heart on the basketball court back in 1999, and you continue to fight for my heart each and everyday. I love you more than you could ever know. Happy Anniversary Gavin Bryce. 💙

If Gavin continues to fight for Amber's heart, who is he fighting - does someone else have Amber's heart?

flightfulbird said...

When I read it, the first thing I thought was that after being married nine years - for all intents and purposes they should be solid and stable - why continue to fight - shouldn't he already have her heart?

It seems like a challenge - Gavin is fighting for it - who will end up with it?

Bobcat said...


I think Amber is writing for her Professional Christian audience when she says "fight" and posts - for the entire world to see - her anniversary message to Gavin.

Davey and Gavin planned to marry sisters so they could always be together.

flightfulbird said...

There was just so much "Davey and I" in this Facebook post -

"Davey and I giggled" - "Davey and I held her hand and cheered for her with each push" - "she not only amazed Davey and I" - - -> "Davey and I, along with hundreds of others, sat by her bed and cheered her on with each breath of the ventilator"

And Davey only referred to Amber as "her sister" when he spoke of standing by Amanda's bed with Amber - Christian Meetings and Conventions Association Showcase appearance on 5/10/2017

My world’s turned upside down in a moment. The doctors let us go back to her bed. [touches finger to mouth] And I’m standing on either side of her; of her, hospital bed with her sister, and we’re, literally in the exact same spots on the other side of, on, on either [grin] side of the hospital bed, as we were 15 months before when we welcomed Weston to the world. So here I, here I am with. [looking down, eyes closed] With her sister, watching my wife fight for her life. Waiting, to see if swelling is going to go down in her brain. Waiting to see if she’s gonna survive this thing. Praying for a miracle. And I believed it. I believed a miracle was gonna happen. I believe. I had all the faith in the world to say ‘Man. God there’s people in this hospital that need to know you. You need to sweep a revival across this hospital. You’re gonna, heal her, miraculously, and people who don’t know you are gonna come to know you because of this miracle that’s happened.

On another subject - in this Facebook post about "the perfect day" that Amber waited eight weeks to describe on social media even though it contained a very special video of Amanda's last physical appearance. . .

In the second paragraph, Amber says she had flown for 12 hours with Rowen her six-month-old son - but then in the very next sentence she says her grandma was planning to pick her up from the airport with her two girls but Amanda texted at 1:30pm and said she was coming instead.

It was Sunday, November 8, and I was flying home from a week long trip in California. I had traveled for almost 12 hours with Rowen, my 6 month old son, and I could not wait to FINALLY land in Indianapolis. My grandma was planning to pick me up from the airport with my two girls, however, I received a text at 1:30 that day that read - "SISTER! I'm coming to pick you up from the airport tonight! What time do you fly in? I can't wait to see you!!!" I was so excited to get her text! I thought the rest of the day how MUCH it meant to me to have her take the time and leave her family to come see me! I was planning to drive home early Monday morning, but because of the long day of travel (and coaxing from Amanda), I decided to stay in Indy a few days! It was a decision that will forever impact my life - and one I will ALWAYS remember.

But the next paragraph only mentions Rowen in the car - but then the girls are at Trader's Point so did all of them fly together - and why return from California early on Sunday November 8th with the rest of the family still out there.

And then there was that post on Facebook of the kids together looking at Amanda saying "cheeeeese" - was that picture of the kids together ACTUALLY from that Monday (as we are intended to think it was?)

That whole gifting of the surveillance video (she ACTUALLY gave me the video) is still so strange to me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Bobcat said...

I think Amber is writing for her Professional Christian audience when she says "fight" and posts - for the entire world to see - her anniversary message to Gavin

Bobcat, your world is very small.

Hey Jude said...

Off Davey and Resonate of late, but thought to mention that Jodi Arias complained that Trevis had. been 'watching dumb videos on YouTube' when she first crept into his house in order to slaughter him. There was another coincidence, besides that, and the one of Trevis leaving hisdoors unlocked,, but I have forgotten it. Watching Jodi makes me think of obsessive Kelly from the YouTube ''Shoes' -pity Jodi didn' obsess on shoes rather than Trevis.


Bobcat said...

Davey has shared many of Amber's memories on his own blog, as well as Ashley's memories of Amanda.

Why has he not shared her "final" video?

Davey had the video on his laptop, and sent it to a reporter who used a clip in November 2016.

flightfulbird said...

what was in the clip Bobcat?

Anonymous said...

Amanda's last "physical" appearance at Trader's Point, that was "Actually" sent to Amber by a volunteer, and shared eight weeks later, was also saved on Davey's laptop.

sirensong said...

Wow is the only thing Amanda's dad said? How about "How dare you say such a thing!". If not for his daughter, for his GOD! Davey's prayers were for Davey, his need to become famous and make a lot of money. Does he really think his GOD would cause her murder for Davey to reach his selfish goals? With his behavior immediately after her murder, that sounds like a confession. And he couldn't hide his glee and excitement. And then he says he is the author of Amanda's story? I guess he is since he added all those entries supposedly written by Amanda. How big his web of lies and manipulation! And the police cleared him immediately? Unbelievable! So very sad for Amanda, Weston and her baby girl, who I don't believe Amanda named. What is wrong with all these churches inviting him to speak. Trying to get some of the money people give into their own pockets? How long can they drag "Amanda's Story" or "Davey's Story" for money. Sure would like to know what charities, if any, he is supporting. All he gives is his big mouth talking about how wonderful he is. Don't they get tired of hearing him and his stupid "sermons"?

Bingo said...

Yep, Sirensong! How did Davey decided so quickly that the story of his wife being brutally beaten, stripped out of her clothing, teeth knocked out and shot three times was going to bring the world to God. How twisted and insane is that?

Also, the post about the hospital. "Praying for a miracle. And I believed it. I believed a miracle was gonna happen. I believe. I had all the faith in the world to say ‘Man. God there’s people in this hospital that need to know you. You need to sweep a revival across this hospital. You’re gonna, heal her, miraculously, and people who don’t know you are gonna come to know you because of this miracle that’s happened." Is that really what you would be thinking about while your wife fights for her life? A revival sweeping across the hospital? Davey really has a god complex doesn't he? Grand delusions. I am sure he wasn't praying for a miracle because I don't think he expected to find her alive but really thinking about all of these revivals happening because of such a tragic event?

sirensong said...

Yes, Bingo, how does he continue to get away with his ugliness, I'll never know. Reading again about Amanda surrendering her agenda sounds like his God complex decided a baby was not what God (Davey) had on his agenda. Makes me wonder if he made her feel terrible about becoming pregnant, but then I have to remember that is assuming DB isnt lying. So many things that he has said that are suspicious and showing his true nature, I can't keep track of them all. Come on Phil, Amber, Robin, Gavin - can't you see and hear it?

flightfulbird said...

I wonder if Phil, Amber, Robin, Gavin are acting - cooperating with law enforcement behind the scenes but still going golfing and to the beach and to birthday parties with Davey - - as if there isn't even a glimmer of suspicion in their hearts that he might have had something to do with expediting (orchestrating, participating in) Amanda's "passing". . .

flightfulbird said...

OR - they know he had something to do with it and are part of the coverup? Or sone or all of them were part of creating the event along with Davey ?

Neither of these are acceptable options in my mind.

But how else could this family listen to Davey stumble and stutter and LIE about what he honestly saw and thought that morning, over and over and over - know there's no way he thought Amanda just fell from the ladder and hit her head - know he HAD to know someone had been in his house - read the journal entries and listen to his derisive comments about Amanda in his Resonate sermons prior to her death - - and yet remain silent?

Although - Amber's Facebook posts and the timeline point to knowledge on her part. No selfies on that day of Amber with Amanda - or Amanda playing with Weston? - we know they had a way to take pix because Amber posted a pictures of the kids from that day at Trader's Point and said they were mugging for Amanda and that's why they weren't all looking at camera.

From that WHOLE DAY that Amber will ALWAYS remember, there is just the 47 second surveillance video with no sound that the Trader's Point volunteer ACTUALLY gave to Amber - after noticing her there with her "friend" that day - and then the volunteer was actually going back through the footage to find the exact time they had been there at the indoor park? - making a copy of the video and giving it to Amber the next time she came into the park?

Amber doesn't live in Indianapolis - they live in Elkhart. It's not like the volunteer knew she would ever see her again, right? Did the volunteer just "happen" to search out the footage and copy the video in hopes that someday she would be able to give the video to this person if she ever returned? And how did Davey get a copy on his laptop, then, to share with the news?

The odds must be astronomical that this many coincidences and things have fallen so neatly into place with this case. Davey himself has pointed out "the dots that the Lord is connecting here” in all of the process. Nothing is Wasted, serendipity rules, look how neatly everything turned out, everyone was in the right place at the right time (Amanda and Weston and Mel included) for this to be pulled off.

Peter’s panel of detectives said “nobody is this lucky” when they were asked about the case - link here -

And here is the link to Peter’s analysis (posted November 13th) of Davey’s initial statement - it is interesting to read the comments below the writeup, way back from the very earliest days after the attack on Amanda

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that Amber is deeply involved in a coverup. How Davey enlisted (coerced?) her, I do not know. What is obvious is her extreme need to persuade that everything, including grief, can be shared in flowery stories that all have god and faith confirming signs/moments, which maintain the IMAGE of perfect christian family. Both of Amanda's parents have also spoken of surface IMAGE bringing them happiness.

My opinion is that the best statement for analysis is the one Davey spoke to Resonate during his "What Happens When You Die" Sermon.

"I remember, you know I found her on, on a Tuesday when I came home from the gym but the Monday morning before, so that Monday was the last day I had with her.
And I remember like, getting up, and having all these to-dos swirling around my brain, you know, I gotta go do this, I gotta, drop this thing off, I gotta run this errand, I gotta, take care of this I gotta go meet with this person, right, so I get up, get my shower, you know, get ready to go. Weston’s up, she’s up with Weston, and she’s kinda taking it slow, Monday morning… (big sigh) And um, I don’t really remember much about our conversation, honestly. I don’t remember much about what was going on. All I remember is I had all these things in my head of all this stuff that I needed to do, all these things, uh, this agenda that I needed to take care of, and so I, you know, rush into the bathroom while she’s, getting ready and I, kiss her goodbye, and I, walk out of the house, and, uh, spent the rest of that day, doing things. ( ) Pushing the ball forward. ( ) Building a church. ( ) Meeting with people. ( ) Pouring myself out.
And that night we went to bed, and, she was watching, dumb finds on Instagram, like, laughing hysteric, I’ve never heard, like just, gut laughing, you know? And, and I was like, would you, I’m trying to go to bed, I’m, would you stop laughing? You know? Like I’m trying to sleep, I’m trying to read so I can fall asleep, and she’s like “hahaha” like I’ve never seen her more carefree and happy, but listen, I was annoyed with it."


It's all there^^

Bingo said...

Flightful, it was interesting to go back and look at Peter's first post about this bizarro case. That creepy letter to Resonate from Davey. I remember thinking at that time, how angry that must have made her family. We are going to have church just like normal. Then later, will do Amanda's funeral. Davey church is first, she is an after thought. Then he talks about laughing and that idiotic "the best is yet to come". Who could even say or process something like that after such a tragic, shocking loss. I never expected that the family would be vacationing, golfing and cuddling up to Davey. Then that odd statement about the media and what to say to them. Control freak narcissism from the very beginning. Gleeful since the murder!

"We are going to have church this Sunday, just like we always do. In addition to meeting together at our normal service times, we are going to focus on celebrating Amanda’s life later Sunday afternoon. Please join me at Traders Point Christian Church at 5:00pm. We are going to worship, share the gospel through sharing Amanda’s story, laugh together and cry together. Her heart would be that you invite as many people as possible to this celebration service that do not know the Lord. Amanda’s story has attracted national news. I know that Jesus is going to make good come from this, so in the event someone from the media tries to speak with you, simply respond by asking everyone to join us in prayer for my family. You can let them know that we have extremely heavy hearts and although we are hurting tremendously, we are still hoping and believing that great things are still yet to come."


flightfulbird said...

Davey was like a trained parrot with his words in these posts announcing Amanda's death, in his statement on the Resonate page, in his Facebook instructions to those attending the celebration of life service - credit to Bobcat's timeline blog for the times and transcriptions below:

8:47 AM: Resonate church announces Amanda's death on facebook:

"Extremely heavy hearts today. Our Pastor's wife Amanda Blackburn passed away this morning. Please pray for the Blackburn and Byars family during this difficult time. Although we are hurting tremendously, we are still hoping and believing that great things are still yet to come from this! "Although we don't know what to do, our eyes are on you"."

^ ^ Notice the exclamation point after "we are still hoping and believing that great things are still yet to come from this!" - wow. It makes it sound so pleasant, the excitement for the future is palpable ! !

And I will believe forever that whoever posted this can't have been STILL hoping that great things are STILL yet to come from this - this quickly - unless they had already prepared their hearts (as Davey said the Levi Lusko video helped him prepare his heart leading up to Amanda's death).

All of these individuals surrounding Amanda - people writing statements of any kind - should've been still reeling from the shock.

STILL hoping that great things will come from this indicates that they've been hoping (planning, orchestrating perhaps) for great things to come from this for quite awhile. They have already accepted her death and have moved forward and are looking to the future - in less than an hour ? !

And Davey is constantly pointing out what great things are coming from Amanda's murder/death/passing - but the story and the words have been the same from the very beginning.

"We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you" - the conclusion of this initial statement - was also cryptically posted on social media as a one-liner early one morning and if I remember correctly it was the morning of the 10th during the timeframe Davey would have been at the gym and before anyone knew anything was going to happen (or had happened) to Amanda.

11:06 AM: Resonate church re-announces Amanda's death on facebook.

"Yesterday, our pastor Davey Blackburn came home from the gym to discover someone had broken into his home and his wife Amanda had suffered a gunshot wound. She was immediately rushed to the hospital where she later died from these injuries.
Please join us in prayer for our pastor, his son Weston and their entire family during these hard days ahead. We have extremely heavy hearts and although we are hurting tremendously, we are still hoping and believing that great things are still yet to come."

^ ^ The obligatory gym mention / alibi cementing - we forgot to mention it the first time so let's be sure to re-release the statement to include it. And Davey didn't "return home from the gym to discover someone had broken into his home" - he said he had no idea anyone had been in his house and that he didn't find out it was a, uh, a h-home invasion, until he was at the hospital with detectives.

- continued next post -

flightfulbird said...

- continued from last post -

Before 12:45 PM Davey releases statement - speaking of Amanda in past tense only hours after she was declared legally dead at 7:55am.

"It’s impossible to communicate all the emotions my heart has been forced to process. My wife was such a beautiful, gracious, loving woman of God. I have not only lost my ministry partner and support but also my very best friend. There is no way to prepare yourself for circumstances like these. As deeply as I am hurting I am hopeful and confident that good things will come of this. I rest in the truth of Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose.

Thank you for understanding my desire to take these next few days to continue to grieve for Amanda Grace. My focus right now is to let The Lord minister to my heart as I continue to shepherd little Weston’s. I’ll be taking this time to focus on being a great follower of Jesus, dad, family member, and pastor to our growing church.

Amanda made it her life’s calling to love and serve everyone she knew. Even more, she has made it her life’s mission to see as many people as possible come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. I know that in her death and legacy even more people will come to a saving faith in Christ. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt her desire for me would be to continue what we’ve started here in Indy. I hold firm to the belief that God is still good, that He takes our tragedy and turns it into triumph, and that the best truly is yet to come."

^ ^ And how long do you think it took to write this statement - does this sound like someone devastated, caught off guard and whose world has been shattered by his wife's unexpected assault and murder ? It is just all wrapped up so neatly so quickly already !

And then the invitation to Amanda's celebration of life service ending with this instruction if anyone talks to anyone -

I know that Jesus is going to make good come from this, so in the event someone from the media tries to speak with you, simply respond by asking everyone to join us in prayer for my family. You can let them know that we have extremely heavy hearts and although we are hurting tremendously, we are still hoping and believing that great things are still yet to come."

It's the same words over and over and over again - the constant repetition and extreme need to drive home the fact that he is deeply hurting (no need to persuade in a normal situation - who would think he is anything BUT deeply hurting) but that good things will come from this. I've written this before more than once but seeing it in writing again makes it so obvious that this isn't the behavior and these aren't the words of someone in this situation who was caught out of the blue by it.

Bobcat said...

A parallel to Davey's college roommate Kenneth Wagner showing up to help sell the story...

Amber's college roommate posted a lengthy facebook memorial, just a little too soon for one who should also have been reeling.

At 4:10 PM on 11/11/2015, while Amanda still had a heartbeat, Amber's college roommate wrote this:

I don't normally write very much, but today my heart is so heavy I had to put in words what I was thinking. Hopefully it will be somewhat of an encouragement. It is basically a tribute to Amanda Grace Blackburn.
"So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." I Corinthians 15:54-58
Today, earth has lost a beautiful soul, but Heaven has welcomed her with open arms. Many are grieving over the loss of Amanda Grace Blackburn. Through her life, she impacted so many more people than she was probably aware of. It is hard to comprehend why this tragedy happened, but we live in a sin depraved world where evil and wickedness abound. Until Christ returns at the end of the earth, things will happen that we just can’t understand. Why would something like this happen to such a wonderful person as Amanda, and why should her incredible family members have to suffer from it? It seems unfair and it is, but we must remember that in the end, Jesus Christ is the victor through it all.
John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!”
Even in a situation as heartbreaking as this, we may have peace. Peace, knowing that we will see Amanda again. Peace, knowing that Christ has a plan and that he will work any situation for good to those who love him. Peace, knowing that we need not live in fear. Christ has overcome and we can celebrate victory through him! So even though at this time we mourn, which is necessary, - Ecclesiastes 3:4 “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;” – we know that God is holding us close in his arms with all comfort and understanding. Amanda was as beautiful inside as she was on the outside. By her life she set an example and was an encouragement to so many. Her husband and baby boy will miss her terribly until they are reunited in the presence of the Savior again. Her brother and sister will have a void which will ache, and which will hopefully, slowly be filled with joyous memories that only they will remember. Her parents will experience the pain of loss they hoped to never know. Other family members and friends will grieve. Even though we know she is no longer with us on earth and that she is happier than ever dancing in Heaven, we will miss her presence here. We will mourn, but not be shaken. We will grieve, but not be fearful. We will rejoice. Rejoice in the peace and comfort that only Jesus can give. Please, if you do not know Jesus personally, now is the time to turn to Him. Today is the day of salvation! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Byars and Blackburn family, I just want you to know that you are continually being lifted up in prayer. You are all so loved and your families are beautiful examples to so many!"

Bobcat said...

^^ ...and it gets even weirder...

FOUR of the comments posted mentioned "true".

Lauren P. Tice
Bri, that is so true. Even though I did not have to the privilege of knowing her. My heart heart to know there's such cruelty in this world. Please if you talk to Amber Byars Wilkinson please let her know that we are praying diligently for her family and that justice will be served. May God richly bless you
November 11, 2015 at 4:20pm

Darianne Whitt (Darianne Burns)
Thank you Briana VonArb for articulating these beautiful and true words when I could not.
November 11, 2015 at 4:21pm

Sherry Moffitt
Bri, I believe God anointed you when writing this!! Not only is it all true, but very encouraging to those of us who know Jesus as our personal Saviour, and hopefully it will encourage those who don't know Jesus, to not put it off any longer! Beautiful testimony!!
November 11, 2015 at 4:28pm

Veronica Lynn Smith-Uhl
Bri- this is absolute beautiful and so true!!!
November 11, 2015 at 6:07pm


Is Amber's roommate known for stating things that are NOT true?

Bingo said...

I think the roommate's post was much more heartfelt. I can see someone not super close to Amanda just trying to make sense of such a tragedy, but it is NOT expected of the husband and father of the unborn baby. His was so scripted and callous, saying he would just take a few days to grieve "the loss". His was prepared. He was ready. Why did he even need to issue a statement? Did he think he was some kind of celebrity who needed to have a press release? Nobody expected or needed him to release anything. He WANTED to release something because it was time to start the marketing campaign while the story was hot. How is that CD selling? When is that book coming out? Who listens to his podcast? How is church attendance? How many people got baptized in the last few months? Where is the BEST that was to come from Amanda's execution?

flightfulbird said...

i agree it is more heartfelt than Davey's prepared statement Bingo - but it also feels somewhat scripted to me, like it was MEANT to be heartfelt and poignant. And the appearance of this post (the timing of it) does remind me of Kenneth Wagner materializing to bolster Davey's story and as Bobcat said, just a little too soon for someone who should have still been reeling.

This is a very flowery post which obviously took considerable time to write. Was this roommate actually speaking from her heart on the fly - while she was writing this to post on social media while Amanda was still on life support? While hundreds of people were cheering her on with each breath of the respirator as Amber said? While Elizabeth Enfield Henderson was still hoping Amanda would wake up and say "hi guys !"?

Seriously, why were Davey and this roommate and whoever else so eager to write their goodbyes and tributes to Amanda and get them up on Facebook or to the media - when she was technically still between heaven and earth while they were writing them?

Their almost unconditional acceptance of her death - the moving forward and the best is yet to come, otherwise known as great things will come from this - the speaking of her in the past tense ? From the looks of the social media posts of these people including her husband, they had moved on and written her off so easily and so fluidly - in less than twenty four hours.

This roommate lives in Pensacola - did she stop her life to write this post as soon as she found out about Amanda from Amber - while people were still praying for a miracle? It certainly doesn't look like it could be written on the fly.

Neither did Davey's statement - when did he write it, that long statement saying his wife WAS such a beautiful, loving and gracious woman of God? When did he have time in between getting some fresh air, napping in the recliner, speaking with detectives and doctors, arranging for the professional cleaners to come into the house, worshiping around Amanda's bed with Pandora radio playing, getting cleaned up, speaking with family and friends who were showing up.

About what Davey was wearing at the hospital - he says he came home from the gym to shower and was frustrated that he had forgotten to take with him what he needed to shower at the gym - which means he was still in his training clothes when he walked in and found Amanda ? - and then he called 911 as soon as he could - but then when did he get a shower? Was he cleaned up at the hospital - or did he find somewhere there to shower and change clothes before gathering around Amanda's bed ?

Back on this roommate's Facebook post- and Davey's statement and Ashley + Derek Barett's video interview by the news crew - it is not normal to use the past tense so soon after a death and especially an unexpected one - I speak from personal experience on this. It is even more suspect to use the past tense when the decedent has not been pronounced dead yet !

- continued next post -

flightfulbird said...

- continued from previous post -

Some excerpts that "bother" me -

- the need for the roommate to explain why she is writing the post - and to announce that her heart is heavy - of course it would be, why the need to say it?

- It is basically a tribute to Amanda Grace Blackburn - why does she say it is "basically" a tribute? Why not only say "it is a tribute"? Does the inclusion of the word "basically" mean "it's a tribute to Amanda Grace Blackburn. . . . but it's also something else?"

- past tenses when speaking of Amanda - and speaking of the loss of Amanda when Amanda was still "alive"

-Today, earth has lost a beautiful soul, but Heaven has welcomed her with open arms.
-Many are grieving over the loss of Amanda Grace Blackburn.
-Through her life, she impacted so many more people than she was probably aware of
-Amanda was as beautiful inside as she was on the outside.
-By her life she setan example and was an encouragement to so many.

- statements that support "the agenda"

-knowing that Christ has a plan and that he will work any situation for good to those who love him.
-Even though we know she is no longer with us on earth and that she is happier than ever dancing in Heaven
-We will rejoice. Rejoice in the peace and comfort that only Jesus can give. Please, if you do not know Jesus personally, now is the time to turn to Him.

- statements that need to persuade that "her husband and baby boy will miss her terribly" - that sounds like "our hearts are hurting tremendously" - WHY the eternal need to convince how deeply this hurts Davey and how much everyone will miss Amanda ? Same with leaving a void in the hearts of Amber and James.

Again I own my skepticism and cynicism 100% on this. It is hard to imagine that this Facebook post could have been pre-written by Amber's roommate in preparation for this "event" - yet it ticks some boxes and seems FAR too soon to be writing a tribute post less than twenty four hours after it happened and with Amanda still on the vent.

Conversely, it is easy to imagine that Davey's statement was pre-written days or weeks ahead of time and tweaked to make it "perfect".

Amber's Facebook post / statement that "God literally helped her write" which was posted on Friday the 13th also was quite flowery and obviously took quite some time to write - but at least a couple of days had passed and the timeframe of its release makes more sense compared to Davey's and the roommate's.

Davey - and Amber's roommate - would have had to know there would be a need for this type of prepared statement or Facebook tribute post- and then get them written on Tuesday or Wednesday while Amanda was still in the ICU on the vent - to get them finished and released/posted at the time they were.

Anonymous said...

The provenance of Amber's Trader's Point video and related volunteer records...the original date stamp of the photo of the kids at Trader's Point... Amanda's, Davey's, and Amber's phone records and movements from the 9th. Those records will reveal the rest of Amanda's torturous suffering and neglect during her final days...while she was still fighting to breathe in front of her son, left to suffer in thirst and hunger on the floor, before her husband finally called 911 as soon as he could.

The burglary, like many arsons, was for cover-up and financial gain.

This is my opinion. I would love to be proven wrong, but your insults are not proof of innocence.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:45: the DNA was found on a sweater that was left in the getaway car and was also seen on video at the ATM. The DNA was NOT from inside the house. The DNA led LE to Watson and Gordon. The CI (and Gordon) ratted out Taylor.

And I think Watson will talk and it won't be because LE beat him down. He's realizing that he and Taylor were set up. He's not going to just accept a life sentence for this murder. Trust.

Trudy said...

The latest piece of mindless twattery posing as philosophical advice from crazy Davey's Insta:

"if you continually try to copy and paste someone else's miracle into your will miss your own miracle."

What a moron. Anyway, I'm off to copy and paste someone else's miracle into my life. I hope I don't miss anything.

Anonymous said...

Anon @11:05

You're very naive if you think there is no DNA. You haven't read about it, therefore, it doesn't exist. There is a lot pertaining to this case that has not been publicly reported.

As far as snitching, you geniuses now changing your tune? I remember pointing out to you that it was ludicrous to think they would sit quietly and take the rap for DB. You had all kinds of reasons why they would not snitch, most, as with all your dumb theories, based upon your experience watching tv or movie crime shows.

Anonymous said...

Anon@5:53, while the only dna mentioned has been centered around a sweater, it would be nice if you could, please, provide proof regarding the additional dna. Also, we are aware of one thing that's not been made public: the 911 call. Have you heard the call?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The truth shall set you free.

Trudy said...

Posters here are trying to understand why JW has requested solitary confinement. (Something that the mouthy@ 5:53 wouldn't even know about except for reading here.) Instead of being grateful for the info, she makes unsubstantiated claims about DNA and implies that people are stupid for not knowing about evidence - which she just made up out of thin air.

Discussing reasons that JW LT and DG might or might not snitch is not a "dumb theory" based on watching TV. In fact, PH has alluded to the concept of snitching in his analysis of the Blackburn case - I suggest Brenda pulls her head out and reads Peters analysis (which she clearly hasn't done) - The Indianapolis police spoke about it too. It is woefully ignorant to suggest that it only exists in Film and TV. Sheesh. Do some research. Google is your friend.

BTW, why do you think JW requested solitary confinement, Brenda?

flightfulbird said...

Why is the 911 call being suppressed for so long, if it is such a slam dunk case that these thugs - on their own volition - randomly chose this house and entered the front door that happened to be left unlocked, assaulted and shot Amanda three times and left her for dead -

- and her husband came home from the gym and found her and immediately called 911 and told them that someone had broken into the house and his wife was face down in a pool of blood on the living room floor with her shirt pulled up and underwear was off like she had been assaulted - and she was bleeding from multiple areas, beaten and bruised and cut with three or four missing teeth - and things were strewn about and furniture turned over, clear evidence of a struggle -

- but then only IFD Engine 12 arrived at the Blackburn residence on Sunnyfield Court ?!

Oh wait - maybe that's not what Davey said to 911 ?

Link to the Affidavit of Probable Cause -

The Affidavit states on pages 13 and 14 that -

Jacola Searsbrook called 911 to report a burglary of her apartment
Alison Becker called 911 to report a burglary of her home
David Blackburn called 911 reporting that he found his wife, Amanda Blackburn, injured and unconscious on the living room floor of their home at 2812 Sunnyfield Court.

The Affidavit states that detectives from IMPD arrived to investigate the burglaries at the Searsbrook apartment and Becker residence.

Paramedics/EMTs from IFD Engine 12 arrived to the Blackburn house to tend to an injured and unconscious subject.

It seems that some details of "Amanda in the condition she was in" and the condition of her surroundings were inexplicably somehow left off during the 911 call Davey made as soon as he could - -

- - because IFD had to call IMPD to the scene after they arrived and saw Amanda and her surroundings.

Everyone knows without question that this would be the most incompetent 911 dispatcher in the history of time if Davey had described the scene EXACTLY as he saw it when he walked in and then the dispatcher only rolled the paramedics.

If the 911 call is part of an active investigation against the thugs, there would be no reason to suppress it. I believe that Davey's words on the call are part of, and that they impact, a different active investigation.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Megs! What the.....?! How could you......? I Wait. What? No.

From MGs Instagram.
Happy TWO years Indy! From the first moment I said yes to this crazy adventure there has been a resounding YES in my heart ... you know ... that feeling when you ask yourself, 'should I do this/go here/ take this step?' And immediately your heart beats a little faster and you just know ... yes.

I didn't understand at first and honestly there have been a few moments of wondering and wandering ... but when I think about it now it feels like maybe there's always been an Indy shaped hole in my heart. Every step of the way the Lord has been so faithful ... so evident.

If there's one thing I know about Jesus it's that when he asks you to take a step of obedience ... to do something crazy or dumb ... it's because he has so much blessing he wants to give you on the other side ... that he can only give when you step closer.
Just SAY YES to Jesus when he says go, leap, trust, wait, believe ... because YES is so sweet and so fun when you say it to Jesus.

Thank you JESUS for this life, these friends, and each blessing that came from saying YES. #IndyVersary

Anonymous said...

What kind of Olympic grade, mental gymnastics, do you have to do, to be able to claim that the brutal murder of your pregnant friend, in her own home, (where you stayed for a month after you arrived in Indianapolis) is evidence of Gods faithfulness? This is insane.

flightfulbird said...

Here's another tidbit from Megs on Instagram -

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite boy in the world!!! This year has been a blast - and I know 3 is going to be even better! Thanks for making a great kid @daveyblackburn & @amandagblackburn

^ ^ This year has been a blast (sure, Amanda was killed, but. . . . )

And another in celebration (?) of Amanda's 30th - expecting to miss Amanda less as time passes

Happy Birthday sweet @amandagblackburn!! As the days and months pass I keep expecting to miss you a little less - but so far I'm only missing you more! I wish you were here to hate how much we're all celebrating you today - Whatever you might say ... tacos, cupcakes, friends and laughter had to be the best way to honor your 30th!! Thanks for living a life and leaving a legacy that is so fun to celebrate - I have so much to tell you when I see you again!

TJ said...

Anon @ 8:17, you forgot Ashley's response"

mrsabarrett I'm soooooo glad you said yes :)

These people are either involved in the coverup or they are the least self-aware people on the planet. Saying that Weston's last year was a blast despite the fact that he is motherless and also saying how great it was that Megs is so glad she moved to a town where her good friend was senselessly murdered is really creepy. They really have erased Amanda completely, starting with Mel, then the wedding ring and then the lack of any impact Amanda's death had on them or Weston.

Anonymous said...

It's also possible that they are waiting patiently, assuring Davey they don't suspect him...

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much Newspring presence was at Amanda's celebration. Snippets:

Opening speaker (I don't know who it was):
No matter what you came in here believing or feeling or thinking...we come to god tonight not looking for answers to the questions why...focus on god. He's a good good father.

Derek Barrett prays a bit in between song performances.
"Jesus this morning we thank you, for your presence tonight. God as we stand in the midst of all that you are, just surrounded by your presence, surrounded by your love. Jesus we know that it’s in your presence that we’re made whole. We know that you’re writing our story. We know that you wrote Amanda’s sto- [voice catches]. Tonight we worship you for you who are."

"And god would you fill in the gaps, or our own disbelief in our hearts, that everything is good, in Jesus' name." We're celebrating eternal life.
Brad introduces the family videos, and after they are done, Romans 8:28 is posted on the screen for 12 seconds.

Derek Barrett in his next set says "Thank you" nine times.
"Jesus again we thank you for your presence. As we prayed in our church service this morning; we thank you that you are god. Now we thank you that you see us through every situation. We know that we don’t have to walk through life alone. Now we thank you that you were there, that you’re for us, even, as we’re singing, even when our eyes can’t see. Jesus even when we may not have the faith, we thank you, that you are there. ( ) That you order our steps. ( ) That you orchestrate our moves. Now we thank you for your tears. We thank you for your comfort. We thank you for your word. We thank you for your promises; that in everything, you are still god and you are still good. We worship you. In your name we pray. Amen. Amen. You guys can be seated."

Perry Noble Eulogy NEWSPRING

Shane Duffey from NEWSPRING closes

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Derek Barrett: 11/15/15
"Jesus again we thank you for your presence...
we thank you that you are god.
Now we thank you that you see us through every situation.
Now we thank you that you were there,
that you’re for us, even, as we’re singing, even when our eyes can’t see.
Jesus even when we may not have the faith, we thank you, that you are there.
( ) That you order our steps.
( ) That you orchestrate our moves.
Now we thank you for y/our tears.
We thank you for your comfort.
We thank you for your word.
We thank you for your promises; that in everything, you are still god and you are still good."

Anonymous said...

The “string of burglaries” was the hitman and his friends waiting at the neighbor’s houses for the green light to kill Amanda. This was a hit, done by a young gang member. This is why there has to date been no “snithing” – snitching on who ordered the foot-soldier, at Davey’s behest. There may be even several snitch-proof levels between the parties. Davey. According to evidence there was a burner phone involved. It all seems very convenient.
With the insurance payout, he’s become literally a different class of person – assistants, frequent glamorous travel, a McMansion. But the most damning evidence, beyond the financial and “brand” incentive, is that he monitored the forums that were discussing the murder and his probable involvement and covered his ass on his “blog”, point by point over the months following, immediately, sometimes the day after, each point was brought up. He’s now written a book btw.
The problem is the Indy police were looking to catch some gang members. They likely acknowledge it as a hit privately and tacitly, they just don’t care to pursue it and that’s that. That’s the state of our corrupt system.
Also it wouldn’t be the first time a narcissistic sociopath put a hit on his wife.

flightfulbird said...

From the above link comments -

As the great philosopher, G. Gordon Liddy, once said, “The only way you keep a secret among three people is if two of them are dead.”
If the trigger was a “youth”, the chances of him spilling the beans is higher. He will run his mouth sooner or later, someone will be listening and tsking notes, and–eventually–a microphone will catch the details. Young people tend to be reckless.

If Blackburn engineered it, they’ll get him. It is also possible that, if he is a suspect, that they are all but ready to pounce.

Another comment-

The “spree” may have been some sort of gang initiation. Amanda’s murder being the coup de grace. But someone told them to go to her house, specifically. Who on earth would hate her that much, her only peers were in her church and there’s no evidence of any conflicts there.
What she does have is a husband with a fame wish and a new steroid body, who’s done work in the “underprivileged” areas of town, in the very school that the killers attended. 2+2.

And what she also had is a husband who clearly resented her deeply, who no longer has to have his websites monitored to "guard his purity", who gained a huge life insurance settlement and resulting change in lifestyle - right now he seems to have the world by the tail, on the outside anyway.

And what she also does have is a "friend" who used to live with them, who snuggled with Weston on the couch way back then and treated him as if he was her own son, who moved out shortly before the attack/murder, who dressed as a burglar for Halloween 2015, , whose handwriting looks very similar to "Amanda's" final journal entries. and who posted on Instagram on November 2 2015 (eight days before "the event") that "this mountain that's in front of me will be cast into the sea".

Most days I completely fail at trusting Jesus. Even so, I'm thankful for the moments that I know I'm fighting to put my worry away and choose to worship. I'm believing today that I can look at the mountain and tell it to get out of my way! Thankful that with Jesus I can rest in his promises and his plans! I hope you can tell your mountain to get out too!

Resting in Jesus' plans - for Amanda to be dispatched to be with Him so she could be part of a greater story that she would've absolutely said yes to if she knew what would come from it ? Meg's Instagram is full of references of the story and Nothing Is Wasted and gratefulness that God called her to Indy so she could be part of this whole mess (her words), this whole year that has been a blast.

"This mountain that's in front of me will be cast into the sea". What mountain was in front of Meg on November 2nd ? Everest ---> Everett (and Davey chose the middle name Grace, just to keep a little piece of Amanda in that). I will never believe that Amanda and Davey chose the name Everett (or Everette, short for Evie) together.

Bingo said...

Someone mentioned Jono's blog a while back. I read it again and it is startling to me. He alone painted the real picture of what happened. Everyone else involved spoke fluff and puff about this horrific event. One thing that stood out to me the second time I read it was Davey going to sleep in the recliner. IMO, this is very unexpected. No way I would leave my spouse's side to go sleep as they lay dying in a hospital bed. I don't think most married people would but let's face it, we are not talking about most people. After all, DB said sure, Amanda died but... spoke about how she annoyed him the night before she was killed...posted a gun sermon to the church website a few days after her funeral..said that she died at the perfect time for Weston...and I could go on and on.

Bobcat said...

If you have questions about Amanda's execution, you are failing to trust Jesus. You need to trust and be thankful. Trust and be thankful. Trust and be thankful. If not, you are failing. You don't want to fail in this simple task of trusting and being thankful, do you? Jesus died for your sins! Nobody is perfect. How can you question Jesus/Davey when He died for you?

Be thankful.

An extreme need to persuade.

Bobcat said...

Perry Noble 8/11/17:

( ) Celebrating 341 days of being sober today!!!

I am SO thankful for all the incredible people who have rallied around me as I have journeyed through this process!

I'm so thankful for the strength the Lord has given me in the process!

And I believe with all my heart that that best is STILL yet to come!!


Anonymous said...

There was a post on social media of Weston's third birthday. Davey wore a tight t-shirt and skin tight rolled up jeans. He is super muscular, tanned and his hair is gelled and standing up. His look has changed drastically from before Amanda died. It started to change a few months leading to her death but REALLY has transformed since.

flightfulbird said...


About Mark Redwine being arrested in 2017 for his son Dylan's murder that happened in 2012 . . .

some statements from the writeup linked above -

DA and sheriff grilled on why Mark Redwine was arrested now instead of years ago in son’s 2012 death
Colorado law enforcement officials insist the process needed time to be done right

But many are asking: Why now?

“After 4½ years, I know many of you are asking questions about the length of the investigation, but I believe it tells a powerful story by itself,” he said. “This team put in countless hours ensuring that no stone was left unturned, literally, because they were committed to finding justice for this 13-year-old young man who lost his life over the Thanksgiving holiday in 2012.”

Dylan’s mother, Elaine Hall, suggested in an interview with 9News that the election of both Smith and Champagne brought a renewed focus on the case. Both denied that claim Tuesday, the work had been happening all along. Instead, they insisted that it needed to be a long process to make sure the investigation was done right.

Smith said TV shows such as “CSI” make investigations appear to progress quickly. But, he said, forensic labs and critical analysis take a long time.

“Whatever amount of time it took to get there, we were willing to do it,” Champagne said.

Throughout the nearly five-year investigation, Redwine maintained his innocence. When Dylan’s remains, excluding the skull, were found in 2013, Redwine told The Denver Post: “I cannot wrap my head around it. You can never be prepared for something like this.”

He was named a person of interest the next year.


Davey has never once stated his innocence or denied any involvement in Amanda's execution
Davey said "it is impossible to prepare yourself for circumstances like these"
Davey and others were speaking of her in the past tense almost immediately after this "unexpected home invasion"

I could go on and on about the coincidences and red flags and suspicious behavior and statements that don't add up or make sense.

It took five years for Mark Redwine to be arrested. It has only been 21 months (it will be 21 months on August 15th) since Amanda "passed". It's far too soon for anyone who might have been involved with this to be breathing easily just because there are three guys" in custody "who were arrested for Amanda".

Anonymous said...

Exactly what should he deny? He's never been accused.

Anonymous said...

Phil - Podcast #2
"There was a unique thing that happened with me, though, um, several weeks into this. As I’m preaching week after week, because every week, when, when, uh. When you’re going through this, everything, is a reminder, of the pain. Every, every tree, every - you know - thing that crawls, um, reminds me, of Amanda. And reminds me of, the pain, and this thing. So, I’m living it every moment of every day."

Robin: Handicapped. Crippled.
Davey: Legs cut out from under us.
Amber: Amanda rose up.
James: Putrid.
LE: Heinous.


I wonder what sort of horrific crippling injuries Amanda suffered that Jono didn't see.

sirensong said...

Every tree, every crawling thing, reminds him of Amanda? WTF? The pain, this thing? Can he be any more vague? He doesn't say it's his pain, he doesn't say his wife was murdered. It sounds like he is afraid to say anything beyond the original script, or everyone will know he was involved. He is hiding, but at times throws little tidbits to show his hatred of his wife, like "every crawling thing". Or is he talking about her crawling on the floor, trying to reach for him? This is getting more and more clear as to intentions and agendas. The posts above about Meg, makes me think she is just like Davey and possibly helped him in this. The "friends" who spoke at her service talk like maybe Davey asked them to focus on God, not to mention Amanda in hopes of diverting attention (like when he told them what to say in the media). Blind fools following his orders, when he was setting up his agenda to bilk the grieving out of their money. He sounds like Scott Peterson. IMO, he planned this, most likely with Meg, and took advantage of everyone else by getting them to say and do only what he wanted them to. I also have a feeling his parents and family members with some connections, we're able to shut down the investigation into Amanda's husband and personal life. I pray that SOMEONE in LE is building all this evidence and gives him what he deserves - to be locked up and brought to justice. I'm afraid they destroyed hard evidence, but the circumstantial evidence is obvious and plentiful. I get so angry every time I see that he thinks he got away with it. And Lord have mercy, he has ruined his son's chances of a normal and healthy life, no matter what his mother tells him about child development.

sirensong said...

Flightfull bird said:
""This mountain that's in front of me will be cast into the sea". What mountain was in front of Meg on November 2nd ? Everest ---> Everett (and Davey chose the middle name Grace, just to keep a little piece of Amanda in that). I will never believe that Amanda and Davey chose the name Everett (or Everette, short for Evie) together.

I so agree with you on this. I never thought about them using that name because of Mt. Everest, but it rings so true. Davey thought he was so clever adding Grace as a middle name, actually naming the mountain they destroyed. He is so evil, I pray God doesn't let this go on any longer.

Bobcat said...


Those were PHIL's words about every tree, you know, and every crawling thing reminding him of Amanda...

flightfulbird said...

Compare the handwriting in "Amanda's final journal entry" (and look at the comments below the tweet) -

to the handwriting on this - the words "you" - - "see" - - "changes" - - "seek" - - "it" (but especially "you" and "see")

There are more handwriting comparisons on Bobcat's blog - and another of the things I do not believe tonight and I will never believe - is that Amanda Blackburn wrote this journal entry - not on November 9th aka "the day before she was killed" - not at all.

Davey's pitiful reading of it in the WTHR appearance, making his voice break (or trying to) and looking up at the interviewer for a reaction after he read the "thank you for letting me get to see this w/ my own eyes" phrase - totally transparent. Same with the one about "what ifs" and looking for a reaction when he read "you are the author of my faith and the author of THIS STORY" - words that were reincarnated just recently in the blog where Jesus was penning Amanda's "faith story".


Think about it. Final journal entry (similar to last physical appearance) the day before November 10th. Would Amanda be thinking of a time when she wouldn't be able to see the happenings in church or anything else with her own eyes, to the point of thanking God for it while she was writing THIS certain journal entry ?

I doubt it.

Why thank the Lord for letting her get to see it with her own eyes on this particular journal entry the day before she was murdered?

It's like she knew it was going to happen. But obviously she didn't know. But whoever wrote it did?

Whoever wrote it should've skipped the getting to see this with my own eyes part which was totally meant to pull at the heartstrings - from the phrase "Truly filled my (heart drawn) to see so many people in your church. Learning, growing, meeting you and taking next steps" -she the writer or whoever provided the words to her should've gone straight into "I love you Lord. Glory and praise to You".

And now - what sort of "what ifs" would Amanda be considering when she allegedly wrote that "even if the what ifs happen". . . ?

When I think of "what ifs" in my life tonight right this second, I'm thinking -

(1) what if our house has to get tented for termites (seriously, we found some evidence of them two days ago and are waiting for appointment with pest control / inspector) - or maybe it doesn't need to be tented but what if the treatment is super expensive

(2) what if something happens to my 84 and 85 year old parents in Florida - a fall resulting in head injury or broken bones - or car wreck - or cancer or other sickness

farther down the list, if I really think about "what would be bad that could happen to us and it definitely could happen but it's probably not going to happen" - it's

(3) if T or I got in car wrecks on the freeway or if we got cancer or other sickness
(4) same with my brother or his wife or their family - or T's mom and his sister and family
(5) if T lost his job
(6) if something happened to our house - earthquake or fire

And still - NONE of these things would make me say IF they happen, that I know Jesus is the author of THIS STORY. Because I don't consider my life to be part of "a story".

I do not believe Amanda Blackburn considered her life to be part of a story either. Her husband (and whoever helped him) created the story - and now he is/ they are RUNNING with it.

This is all going to crumble at some point - no question. I also hope it's sooner rather than later sirensong.

Anonymous said...

Here's a transcript of most of the podcast.

Anonymous said...


I literally stayed up until midnight just so I could look at my time hop and see what Amanda Grace Blackburn had posted on my wall for my birthday in years past. She was always one of the very first people to send me a Happy Birthday text, and then at some point in the day, I would get a phone call where she would actually sing me "Happy Birthday"! Not to mention she bought me the most thoughtful gifts - she always knew EXACTLY what I wanted. I can't tell you the overwhelming joy it brought to my heart to read her sweet words. It means even MORE to me today. This is truly the BEST birthday present....EVER.


If Amanda was usually first to post birthday messages, why did she wait until 5:38 PM to send a text to Elizabeth Enfield Henderson on 11/9/2015?

Anonymous said...

This is out there (but so were verbal clues that Weston was UP and ABOUT when Amanda was murdered), but I think it's possible that when Amanda was "kneeling" beside the bed in surrender on Monday morning, she was kneeling because she couldn't stand up.

flightfulbird said...

. . . when Amanda was "kneeling" beside the bed in surrender on Monday morning. . .

that was when she was also "just praying that God would use us in a really big way". . .

Especially reading Phil's comment "every - you know - thing that crawls" reminding him of Amanda - - that's strange language, like a crawling bug or baby or lizard - of all the things that remind him of her.

And Davey talking about "legs literally getting cut out from under us" - yeah it seems like she could've been crippled that Monday morning already - in which case she wouldn't have been cruising in Trader's Point on video so helpfully provided by the volunteer who just happened to be working that day and noticed Amber with her "friend".

About that Trader's Point video - surely there was more footage from the surveillance cameras with Amanda and Amber and the kids. Maybe not a whole lot of footage that didn't have other kids and parents in it as well, which would be a privacy issue if it was given to Amber with others on it - - but some !

Wouldn't Amber want to have ALL of the footage so she could ALWAYS remember that day, once she knew SOME of it was available and freely given to her? - and again why no pix / selfies? This one lone video with no sound smacks of being seen on camera the same way as Davey was seen on camera at the gym - proof of being in a certain place at a certain time - Amanda's last physical appearance, as Robin called it.

Bobcat said...

When Robin said she felt "handicapped" about not knowing how to pray for Amanda, it made no sense. Then, "crippled" leaked out later in the same speech.

Now Phil talks about crawling things reminding him of Amanda. Weston was already walking when Amanda was executed.

I would like to hear Phil tell why crawling things remind him of Amanda, the pain, and this thing.

Peter called it from the start...
Bizarre! And so sad...

Anonymous said...


More bizarre by the day.

Anonymous said...

I think Phil's language turns to the bible. In this case, Genesis.

"So God made the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and creatures that crawl on the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good."

Bobcat said...

Phil talks about Pastor Jim Jeffries, but he does not mention Genesis. He is talking about himself in the context, and does not mention the bible or Genesis. If he doesn't say it, we don't say it for him.

Even so, if Phil were thinking of Genesis, why would crawling things remind him of Amanda, as opposed to Eve or Mary? He HAS compared Amanda to Mary in the past.

I believe it may be leakage of crippling injuries that left Amanda "in the condition that she was in" as "everything happened" before she passed.


flightfiulbird said...

I'm thinking that Jono wouldn't have been able to see crippling injuries / injuries to Amanda's lower body while she was under a blanket in her bed in the ICU.

But what Jono DID see when he walked into Amanda's room - and the words he chose to use on his blog to express what he saw - are very revealing - and they expose inconsistencies in reality and in statements - and this is a huge problem for his big brother.

Because if one compares Jono's description of Amanda with what Davey says he honestly thought when HE walked in and saw Amanda, which was "we probably just lost the baby right here, um" expressed in a few different ways - one can tell that there's no way Davey could think "everything that happened" and "Amanda in the condition she was in" was even remotely caused by a miscarriage.

Davey talks big - in one of his appearances before "the event" that caused Amanda "to pass", he talked about gun control and mouthed off something like "I believe in gun control - you come in my house, I have a gun, I WILL control you". A poster on another board said if he walked in and found his wife in that condition, the guys who did it better hope the police got to the guys before he (the husband) did.

But Davey chooses to forgive these guys publicly.

Jono's blog description of Amanda's appearance - and how he (Jono, her brother-in-law) felt -

To my shame, and only for a brief moment, what I saw made my blood boil with rage. The top of Amanda’s head was completely wrapped in bandages, her face and neck were badly bruised and swollen, other scrapes and abrasions could be seen on her face neck and arms, one eyelid was bright purple, at least 3 or 4 top front teeth were missing, and her left arm was swollen and lacerated from near her elbow where the other bullet had entered to her shoulder where it was lodged.

Sure, Davey honestly thought something had gone horrifically wrong with, uh, the pregnancy when he walked in and saw these injuries to Amanda. Even without the pool of blood as he likes to repeat, even if he hadn't seen the shoulder/upper back and arm wounds - or hadn't seen the back of her head (which he would've seen because she was face down) - these injuries (Jono's description) alone indicate a major beatdown and assault.

It's so obvious that he should be saying that his first honest thought was that someone came into my house while I was at the gym and beat the living shit out of my wife and I knew needed to get the cops here NOW.

Even without the gunshots, if he wants to claim (and has claimed) he had no idea there were bullets - it's so obvious that these injuries had absolutely nothing to do with losing a pregnancy, And yet he keeps saying he thought it was honestly a plain and simple miscarriage but that if he got her to the hospital she'd be ok. And he keeps expecting people to believe it.

The more I think about it, the more I think the 911 call is going to reveal that he said something about "I dunno, she's pregnant, maybe a miscarriage" - in addition to whatever else he had to think up on the fly when he walked in and found Amanda stillbreathing and had to call EMTs instead of the coroners.

I'll say it again - if Davey had stuck with the "home invasion, someone came in while I was at the gym and my wife has been shot and beaten and there's stuff scattered everywhere and her shirt is pulled up" - he might have had a remote chance at pulling this off. As it is, the more he talks, the deeper the hole he is digging.

And Amber saying Amanda "was able to" walk into the presence of Jesus holding Evie in her arms - instead of saying she "walked"- yeah does that choice of words indicate that Amanda wasn't able to walk after a certain point on earth, before she died?

Anonymous said...

"I'll say it again - if Davey had stuck with the "home invasion, someone came in while I was at the gym and my wife has been shot and beaten and there's stuff scattered everywhere and her shirt is pulled up" - he might have had a remote chance at pulling this off. As it is, the more he talks, the deeper the hole he is digging. "

Really? Has he been arrested? Is he a suspect? Has he been charged? As a matter of fact, he was cleared a long time ago, the guilty thugs were arrested, and the only place Davey is "guilty" is here, where three or four of you basement dwellers live and write your daily group stories.

Oh, and BTW, that going-to-the-gym-and-coming-home-to-find-Amanda story used to be your favorite thing to harp on.

Lol. You people are pathetic and highly inconsistent.

Bobcat said...

I believe that from the point that Davey describes Amanda "on her knees" by the bed, after he rushed into the bathroom and kissed her goodbye; she was unable to stand on her own.

Bobcat said...

She could crawl. She never gave up. She suffered through THE PAIN and THIS THING. She did not lay down her life (as Davey and Kenneth Wagner guaranteed) for anyone. She fought and fought like a Mother Bear for her son!

sirensong said...

Well, crud, I misread and thought Davey talked of crawling things. If it was Phil, maybe he was thinking of the spiders on the trees that he told about when he went for a run. Don't know where he was, but he talked about how angry and annoyed he was. You know, somewhere Phil was talking about his daughter's murder, and he said "it was torn apart" speaking of her and DB's house. As far as I know, he never went there before it was cleaned up, so who told him that? I feel DB has obviously created this STORY, and made sure everything, like her journal, everyone thought this was exactly what she wanted. I don't think she was thinking of what if's. She was thinking of the baby she was carrying. What mother thinks about anything else, once she finds out she is pregnant? If she thought her journal was private, there would have been pages needing to be torn out, because she was probably upset by Davey's reaction to the news.

Anonymous said...

"I'm thinking that Jono wouldn't have been able to see crippling injuries / injuries to Amanda's lower body while she was under a blanket in her bed in the ICU."

It's hard to know what might have crippled her, if that's what happened.

The execution shot didn't kill her immediately ... she may have been able to move around quite a bit at first, although the swelling would eventually shut down brain activity.

If she was crippled before the execution shot ... I hate to think of her suffering.

Either way, what was done to Amanda was overkill. Up close and personal.

Anonymous said...

There was a local pastor who stabbed his wife to death and tried to cover it as a robbery but just like this case,very little was stolen. It was so obvious he did it. Robbers don't usually harm the victim unless they react, there may be one gun shot. Rarely is a robbery so up close and personal. The motive is to get as much as possible and flee. Why would they need to beat her up, strip her of her clothing and shoot her 3 times. Why didn't they take more? Her diamond ring, the Blackburn's tv's, electronics. There is nothing usual about this robbery.

Anonymous said...

A couple of questions for those who have diligently documented all of the inconsistencies from day 1. First, all of the news reports said Amanda and Davey moved to Indy in 2012 but Amanda says they moved in 2011. Any reason for the year difference?

@morganharpster we moved to Indianapolis a month ago.
11:37 PM - 6 Dec 2011

Secondly, it's clear from Amanda's posts that she loved California and wanted to one day move there. Why didn't she and Davey go with her family to California? She was only a few months pregnant and wouldn't be able to travel later so why weren't they on the trip?

Left my heart in san diego! Still my dream to live in cali.
1:13 PM - 6 Jun 2009

In CALI baby!!!
0:48 AM - 29 May 2009

Thanks friends!! Bout to fly out! Cant believe its here...CA here we come!
3:12 PM - 28 May 2009


Thirdly, Dave Ramsey tweeted about Phil Byars back in 2011 and they obviously knew each others' work. I know Ramsey is the one who Davey blames for having all of that life insurance on Amanda. Does Phil Byars have millions in life insurance on his stay at home wife?

RT @DaveRamsey: In an effort to be "nice" I used to be unclear. It is unkind to be unclear, be a gentle truth teller. / like @PhilByars!!
3:47 PM - 2 Sep 2011

and lastly, these sad but prophetic tweets say it all:

Hello Big Scary World! Meet @daveyblackburn and me. You will not get the best of us!
10:04 AM - 23 Jun 2008

I just made the front page of the paper in my old home town and i dont even live there anymore! Oh the small town life.
1:35 PM - 23 Jun 2009

Anonymous said...

Marching Orders...

Davey: How do you lead in the midst of, this trial?

Phil: Well, I didn’t know how. I’ll just say that. Um. The first thing was, we, just, walk it out. Um. But. [sigh] And I. You know, vulnerability and transparency, um, are some big words; that, carry, um, a big impact, on the people that you’re trying to lead. Um, I could’ve sucked it up, you know, put on my big boy pants, and sucked it up, and, put on the happy face. Put on the strong face, and went into the pulpit, and said; ‘Everything’s fine. Everything’s going to be fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m strong.’ But I wasn’t. I just decided to opt for, telling them exactly how I felt. Telling them, what I’m learning. Um, I got. I just got real, with them. And it felt risky, to do that, because I don’t want people to think I’m weak. I want people to think I’m strong. Every leader wants, his people to think ‘Hey, he’s got it all together.’ You know. But, um, it felt like a risk to do that, but, I did it anyway, and, um what I found, was that the people loved it. And they appreciated it. Because um, basically and I, uh, uh, a good friend of mine, a Jim Jeffries, he’s a pastor. I called him, there are certain, there’s just a handful of men that I called to say ‘What do I do next?’ And um, because I had some people saying ‘You need to just take six months off.’ Um. ‘You just, j-, j-, just go, heal.’ You know.

Davey: Right. That’s what I thought I was supposed to do. Perry asked me. Pastor Perry. He asked me, ‘How long are you going to take off of preaching?’ And I was like, ‘I don’t know. Probably six months or something.’ And he goes, ‘No. You’re not. Y-.’ I. He said, ‘I’m going to call it. Come middle of January, there’s going to be a fire in your bones, and you’re going to be ready to get back up on that stage and kick the enemy in his teeth.’ And sure enough, he called it. Man, it was about, beginning, middle of January, I was like, I gotta, I gotta get up there on that stage.

flightfulbird said...

I do not believe that anyone "who was arrested for Amanda" knocked out four or five of her teeth.

"Kicking the enemy in the teeth" leaks out more than once in Davey's speech. Jono said Tessa asked "who would want to hurt Amanda" - George Stephanopoulos asked the same thing.

Upthread, talking about overkill - yes definitely. If Amanda had surprised "a burglar" or burglars and they were trying to get away, one shot to a knee would've held her off - and if they were trying to kill her to make sure she couldn't identify them in the future, then there would have been no need to beat her. The things that were done to Amanda were up close and personal and show a great deal of rage.

And there is still the issue of how "these guys" knew to walk straight up to an unlocked front door on that exact house on that morning in this random culdesac - when they had gone around and made entry through the back for the other burglaries that morning.

flightfulbird said...

Also from Jono's blog -

the initial text from Davey's and Jono's mom to Jono and Tessa

“Please pray right now – Amanda has collapsed and is unconscious on the floor but breathing,” read the text from my mom.

and later

“She is in critical condition – she has a head wound. Davey doesn’t know what happened. He had come home from a workout this morning and found her on the living room floor, and things had fallen – the ladder in the living room and the lamp. Don’t know if there was a break in or if something else happened. We are leaving to go up there. Please keep praying. They are doing a CAT scan right now. Baby still has a heartbeat. Davey is a mess.”

and later

“Just talked to Davey – there was a break-in / there were bullet wounds to the head and arm – they don’t know if she is going to make it. Need a miracle right now!”

Talk about carefully-released information. . . are we really expected to believe that Davey didn't find out until he got to Methodist that there had been a h-home invasion (aka breakin) and that Amanda had been shot? Amber told Gavin that Amanda had been shot while she was getting ready to leave for the hospital. Robin also knew during the initial phone call because she talked about "being shot" in the podcast.

But Davey would have had to claim ignorance of gunshots and bullets IF he didn't indicate to the 911 dispatcher the severity of the situation - if he made it sound to 911 like just a collapse or a fall (injured and unconscious, as stated in the APC) - then he "couldn't have known" and "had no idea there were bullets" until they told him at Methodist.

flightfulbird said...

And then about the baby - Davey's statement to Jono and Tessa at Methodist, to go along with the WTHR interview where he said it was too early to know the gender. . .

“The baby still has a heartbeat, incredibly. We don’t know if it’s a girl or boy yet. We were supposed to find out in about 3 weeks.”

So Davey unilaterally decided at some point that the baby would be a girl "because Amanda was sure it was a girl and, um" (in the interview, he makes his voice break and he looks up) "I was sure it was a girl. . because I always wanted a lil boy and I wanted a lil girl" - and then he named her Everett/Everette (Grace) and starts saying WE were going to name her this and call her Evie.

Losing a wife and an unborn daughter with a name has alot more weight and impact when Davey's story is being told - compared to losing a wife and an unnamed, faceless baby only twelve or thirteen weeks along. There was a reason for the name.

And then he wrote Instagram post talking about how his daughter would have been a year old on this certain day when he wrote it - there's no way an unborn child could have had a definite birthdate to "celebrate", like they celebrated Amanda's 30th b-day.

And he wasn't even mentioning the baby until people started talking about it on the discussion forums. Not in his initial statement to Resonate, not in the initial Facebook posts.

Yet his first honest thought when he walked in was that it was a miscarriage ? But yet he said nothing related to the pregnancy in the text to Perry Noble, to his mom, to his dad ?

It was all head wounds and collapses and I have no idea what happened - he had people thinking Amanda just fell off of the decorative ladder and hit her head - or just collapsed on the floor due to low blood pressure as Jono wondered.

There's no way Davey can honestly think anyone is going to believe this now, knowing that he walked in that morning and saw everything the way it was and told Detective Perkins what he SAW.

What Davey SAW and reported to the detective is on the record - that is what they will compare to the evidence and use while they are sorting out if Davey's story rings true or not. What he SAYS he honestly thought when he walked in has no bearing anymore.

And it's obvious there was no way for detectives to clear Davey of any involvement/foreknowledge whatsoever in the timeframe that they did - so clinging to the "he was cleared 100000000%" thought (because he was seen on camera at the gym?) is just reaching and hoping at this point.

flightfulbird said...

What he SAYS he honestly thought when he walked in has no bearing anymore.

^ ^
Except it does have bearing - - because comparing what Davey says he "honestly thought" and that "he had no idea anyone had been in his house" - to what he told Detective Perkins that morning - reveals him to be hiding the truth (that is a more gentle way to phrase it compared to "lying")

It is so easy to compare Davey's statements in his appearances to what he told the detective that morning and see the conflicts in them - the things that do not add up.

flightfulbird said...

A couple of questions for those who have diligently documented all of the inconsistencies from day 1. First, all of the news reports said Amanda and Davey moved to Indy in 2012 but Amanda says they moved in 2011. Any reason for the year difference?

@morganharpster we moved to Indianapolis a month ago.
11:37 PM - 6 Dec 2011

I think I remember Davey emphasizing something about a significant date being exactly "four years to the day" from his and Amanda's<i arriving in Indy -was that November 10, 2015?

Bobcat said...

Four years to the day was 11/11/11. 11/11/15 is the date Davey put on her headstone, even though the coroner didn't call it until 11/12/15.

Bingo said...

Anon above posted about Amanda twitter. I went back and looked at some of her tweets and retweets. It appears some Newspringers came with them. It looked like two other couples. Amanda was helping them find houses in Indy. Those couples obviously didn't stay. Both appear to be back at Newspring. I guess that was what Davey talked about in one of his sermons, that almost everyone abandoned them one year.

Bobcat said...

"First, all of the news reports said Amanda and Davey moved to Indy in 2012 but Amanda says they moved in 2011. Any reason for the year difference?"

Poor reporting or they were given incorrect information... Amanda's social media history indicated arrival in Indy on 11/11/11. Dig around, it's there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

"W-we moved five years ago, literally guys, listen, November 11th, 2011, moved from South Carolina, all the comforts of this great amazing job, the dream job that I had, because God was saying "You need to go to Indianapolis and start a church for people who are far from God. You need to be a missionary into a place that is, that is dead to Christ, and bring them alive in Christ. And so Amanda and I picked up and moved on November 11th, 2011, and four years later - four years later - four years to the day, she went to be with Jesus."

Davey also gave an in-depth recap of leaving Newspring and coming to Indy in an old Resonate podcast. It's in this podcast that he talks of needing to be talked off a ledge after being passed over for promotion at Newspring:

Anonymous said...

"Why didn't she and Davey go with her family to California? She was only a few months pregnant and wouldn't be able to travel later so why weren't they on the trip?"

They couldn't afford it.

Anonymous said...

"Why didn't she and Davey go with her family to California? She was only a few months pregnant and wouldn't be able to travel later so why weren't they on the trip?"

Another possible reason... The Resonate leadership weekend in Cincinnati conflicted with the family trip. Resonate came first, outweighing Amanda's desired "agenda".

Anonymous said...

Resonate website says that they moved to Indy in 2012;;;

"Davey and Amanda Blackburn moved to Indianapolis in January of 2012 with a dream and a calling to start a life-giving church that would connect with people who normally wouldn’t connect with church."

Maybe Davey wanted to shave a year off in the media reports so that it didn't look like his church was floundering as long?

And how would the Anon above know they couldn't afford a trip to California? They took vacations every year (although not the luxury vacations that Davey is now enjoying very frequently). And wouldn't a family trip be more affordable given that everyone is contributing?

flightfulbird said...

And so Amanda and I picked up and moved on November 11th, 2011, and four years later - four years later - four years to the day, she went to be with Jesus."

Well look how that worked out ! Another amazing coincidence in a case that is rampant with them.

Like the guy in prison in California who saw Amanda's picture on the news and realized that she had been in his fifth grade class and was such a sweet girl and wrote the letter that Phil and Davey have been reading. I'm sure Amanda was sweet and nice and a bright spot in the world - but again what are the chances of this guy seeing her face on TV, hearing the name Amanda Blackburn, realizing this was little Amanda Grace Byars from his childhood school days - and writing this letter to be read across the appearances ?

SEE the dots that the Lord is connecting here? (those are Davey's words - but we should actually see the dots that DAVEY is connecting here.

It wouldn't be too hard to have the thugs drop a getaway car on the same street where Amanda's ex-youth-pastor from Elkhart lives, either, if that's what happened (if he set that up to have the car randomly dropped there so he could point to connect the dots in an appearance in the future. . . after saying LISTEN before saying where the car was found) .

As it turns out, that wasn't the actual street where the ex-youth pastor lived ! - I think it was Bobcat that found that out. And the story loses some impact for sure if it's not the exact same street.

Sort of like four years TO THE DAY from the time Davey and Amanda moved to Indy, she went to be with Jesus.

Trudy said...

Indianapolis is a place that is dead to Christ, huh?

#1 Indianapolis, IN: 1 religious venue for every 289 people. Indianapolis has a whopping 2,892 religious institutions for 834,852 inhabitants. PRRI says 19% of the population is religiously unaffiliated. That means 676,230 people can pick from 2,892 places of worship. No one congregation need be larger than 233 people.

Don't let the truth stand in the way of your "story" Davey.

The "would she have still said yes" blog was one of the most disturbing and nauseating things I have ever read on Crazy Davey's blog. He and Megs sicken me with their "just say yes to whatever crazy/dumb (their words) thing Jesus tells you to do because it's "so sweet and fun" when you say yes to Jesus. FFS! Just no.

Davey's latest blog is a ridiculous piece of drivel about Heaven. Basically he talks about all the fun holidays he has had and trips he's taken (in particular, to Avalanche lake to visit with his bestie, Levi Lusko) and how heaven is going to be even more super than that. Imagine! Then he talks about sex (yes, folks) and food and how they are super, too, but warns his readers not to make the mistake of worshipping sex and food. (As if. Who does he think he's talking to?)

"We seek satisfaction and meaning and wholeness in the act of sex or in distorted deviations of it. All the while failing to realize that God created sex, food, and Avalanche Lake not for us to worship them but to point us to worship Him."

He rounds off this melange of idiocy with a couple of lines about Amanda (remember her?)
He can't wait to get to heaven where Amanda will take him by the hand and say, "gosh Davey, you wouldn't believe this place, I have so much to show you" (the beach where she drinks Virgin piña coladas and gets a sun tan, presumably) and they spend eternity, exploring heaven, and having a great time, and never getting tired.

The end.

Trudy said...

And The above stats don't taken into consideration the weekend pop-up churches held in middle schools, like Resonate.

I guess crazy Davey must have misheard Jesus about the whole Indianapolis thing.

It's interesting how Davey loves to blame Jesus for Amandas death. And how he conflates Amanda's death with the church "coming alive".

The shower scene with Jesus explaining to crazy Davey why Amanda had to die, should have been enough to get him locked up in a mental institution, if not prison.

Trudy said...

It seems that someone on data lounge thinks the same way as I do. There is a comment on there that is almost word for word, my reaction to crazy Davey's latest blog.

flightfulbird said...

Link to DataLounge thread 8 (there are 7 more threads prior to thread 8 - so there have been enough people suspicious of Davey and whoever else to keep the discussion going there for months on end, just as there are on this forum)

Most of the latest comments are spot on - and there is a nice summary for anyone just beginning to explore this case and its discrepancies and coincidences.

Bingo said...

From Trudy: "The shower scene with Jesus explaining to crazy Davey why Amanda had to die, should have been enough to get him locked up in a mental institution, if not prison."

EXACTLY! You can go to that sermon clip on YouTube and see that you are not alone in your thoughts. Amanda's dad should have escorted him off the stage and straight to a mental institution. I feel the same way about the gun sermon. If someone close to him would have spoken up and told him he needed to get help, Amanda may still be with us. The guy is a nut and he is scary. The church just let him stand up there and shoot a guy on stage and compare it to worship! Then that same church let him post it to the internet soon after her death by gun shot. It is so sick. Her family observes all this and still vacations and golfs with him. Is this real life?

Bobcat said...

Amanda's father has a need to maintain image. The family, his family, must look good at all times. On silent film, Davey is a perfect handsome son (in law), who is a Pastor to boot. He is also smarter and uses impressive big words.
Mr. Byars has stated that he believes Pastoral Counseling can treat all manners of disorders/"sin problems". Family issues are managed internally and in-house with "infamous" Family Meetings.
Cognitive dissonance and denial appear satisfied with the gym alibi and shallow 100% clearance by IMPD.
For now, the photogenic image is maintained. Just look at the pretty family pictures. Don't listen too hard, and don't compare conflicting statements.

Don't question the perfect family.

Bobcat said...

Avalanche Lake, sex (or distorted deviations of it), and food.

Zach, Davey, and Levi.

Davey tweeted that he was going in hard and deep while enjoying a Lusko sermon in Montana.

So much sex language tied in with a hike to Avalanche Lake and visit to Montana...

Bobcat said...

There weren't showers of rain along the hike. There were spurts.

And Phil wants Davey to remarry asap...

Anonymous said...

It is my opinion that Davey is not interested in women anymore. He is not dressing to attract women. He is very obviously dressing to attract men. If I were Amanda's dad, I wouldn't count on a wife for DB anytime soon.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

Don't underestimate DB's awareness of appearances in his quest for fame, fortune and power.

TJ said...

I bet Davey is on Tinder, swiping right as we speak. No way he's been celibate. All he ever talks about in his sermons and blogs is sex.

Bingo said...

Peter, you called it on Davey's mentor, Perry Noble. He couldn't stay away (although he really needs to for the sake of his family and future congregation). He recently registered his own church. The lust for fame and fortune just like you said is too strong. I am curious what you mean about Davey's appearance for power and fame. I find his appearance startling and just a little bit amusing. I am middle aged tho so I must not be the target audience.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

If eye candy will help him succeed, expect it.

This is a narcissistically blind driven and talented man. He will use any and all means to reach his end.

Amanda was a hinderance to his end.

Although no proof exists that shows he knew his house would be hit, passively allowing for her murder, he certainly knew how to turn it to his advantage. That he was deceptive during the case is noted. Although I remain in my position, no investigator or analyst I know has changed opinions on the case. They continue to say, "no one gets this lucky" whereas I struggle.

As to SSA, I agree. I just think he is not going to try to play the "gay card" while trying to establish a mega church and be a TV idol.

The reason for this may lie in truth.

Those I know who are homosexual have consistently (decades) kept to one position. They say, "Christianity condemns our homosexuality." They often try to bully Christians into changing the ideology, but once a church changes its teaching to accommodate them, they lose interest.

This, I am told, is because they do not respect them. They use them for ceremonies but in the end, (remember, those I meet, know and interact with talk truth; considering my context here) they hold them in contempt for selling out their ideology over a few protests.

They also say that their friends who do attend churches, feel the same way and only attend irregularly at first, but eventually bail out.

We do not find, at least currently, mega churches of homosexuals. DB is more intelligent then most give him credit for. If SSA = mega popularity, we'd have a different discussion.

His father-in-law's subordinate position is established. He does not need to find a wife to please father in law. He holds father in law in contempt as we saw when he ripped him up before his own congregation.

Collectively, they are an embarrassment to Christians.

Personally, I can't watch a video of him.

I feel much sorrow for his brother, whom, it is said, is a good man. I don't know any of them personally.


Statement Analysis Blog said...

PS: as to anonymous posting about his dress to not attract women.

I agree.

His appearance is distinctly not masculine and increasingly effeminate.

In some parts of our culture, this makes him morally superior.

Bobcat said...

"His father-in-law's subordinate position is established. He does not need to find a wife to please father in law. He holds father in law in contempt as we saw when he ripped him up before his own congregation."

I think DB will remarry as soon as he finds the perfect fit for his needs.

I think he walks a fine line of 'caring' (within contempt) for the Byars family because he needs their support. The pretty pictures need to stay intact.

Trudy said...

Peter! I always get a little bit excited when Peter drops into this thread. It's like a visit from royalty. Great comments. I agree, despite crazy Davey's obvious SSA, if he thinks he can improve his image and position by acquiring a shiny, new wife, then that's exactly what he will do.

Anonymous said...

I am going to disagree with you guys on the wife thing. Davey will not ever get caught in that trap again. He has been gleeful since that first GMA interview and enjoyed every moment since. I think he hooks up on the side and I don't think it is with women. We will see

Trudy said...

Whatever crazy Davey does, it will be out of self interest. As always. Naturally, accompanied by a spurious claim that God told him to do it, and he is, therefore, above reproach/criticism/condemnation.

flightfulbird said...

I think he hooks up on the side and I don't think it is with women. We will see.

The guy (Davey) talks about "going in hard and deep this weekend" with another guy aka Levi Lusko - most if not all straight guys would avoid (like the plague) even being remotely linked to that type of scenario with that type of language.

Anonymous said...

Tweets that make you say hmmmmm

Going in hard and deep at Fresh Life tonight with @levilusko!

I love my friend @bobgoff. That dude knows how to catch you on the second bounce! @zwoolie


He loves to name drop after "my friend", yet calls him That dude...

Anonymous said...

I think he hooks up on the side and I don't think it is with women. We will see.

His language leaks regularly. I believe he has been indulging urges on the DL for many years.

Anonymous said...

Another one of Davey's mentors.

Anonymous said...

^^ Evil

flightfulbird said...

NBC video with multiple clips from WTHR interview strung together. It's like a greatest hits mix, including "it's such a conundrum" and the use of "we" instead of "I". Watch Davey struggling to conjure up tears and sadness while he is talking about the baby.

A comment from DataLounge - Here's a video of Davey being interviewed. Freeze on the 1:43 mark after he's asked if he knows who did it or if he wants to say anything. He looks at the camera like "Shit. Wasn't expecting that. Not in the script."

Trudy said...

In the first few minutes of crazy Davey's latest "sermon" he talks about the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Again.

Whenever he talks about the enemy that comes to steal, kill and destroy, he avoids talking about LT, DG and JW, funnily enough.

Despite a concrete example of Amanda's murder and the attendant theft and destruction, ostensibly caused by LT, DG and JW, he insists on blaming supernatural forces. It is supernatural forces which are the enemy who "steal, kill and destroy." : not the people actually in jail for theft and murder and definitely not him. (And if he is ever charged and convicted of Amanda's murder, and there is incontrovertible proof of his guilt, he will say that those supernatural forces possessed him.)

Trudy said...

From crazy Davey's blog.

"If you're too busy looking for the reason, you will miss the relationship, then you will miss the revelation"

I can't stand these quasi philosophical pieces of wisdom. They make me want to scream.

You could move the words (reason/relationship/ revelation)and the quote would be equally meaningful. And by meaningful, I mean, meaningless.

Remember kids, if you're too busy looking for the revelation, you will miss the relationship, and then you will miss the reason. Or something.

Trudy said...

Also, don't get too busy looking for a reason - like why Amanda was murdered - because you might miss miss out on ...what? A relationship with Davey?

Anonymous said...

If you're too busy looking for the reason, you will miss the relationship, then you will miss the revelation.


Hop on my bus without researching the itinerary so I can drive you off a cliff.

Anonymous said...

Your profound statements work only if applied through your scenario that Davey was involved in Amanda's murder. You've been driven by that assumption for so long that you can't discern fact from fiction.

Keep in mind: LE cleared Davey, whether or not you like it. Notice, also, your little Davey-is-guilty group here has dwindled significantly. What is it....two of three of you remaining? Even Peter tries to waffle now.

TJ said...

Hey all, since "Anon" is so intent on not only discrediting everything written here but also discrediting everyone on here, I thought it would be a good idea to write a little something about yourself (no name needed). Let's see if Anon will join us and give a little background. Still appreciate the time spent investigating and documenting that everyone on this site does. I can't wait to see some of what has been uncovered here used at the trials. And I believe not only Davey and his family and friends, but also LE and the defense attorneys have perused this site and the other sites that have diligently pointed out consistencies and continued to search for the truth in this case.

I'll start.
Born and raised in Los Angeles. Female. 45 yo. Married with 3 dogs. Live by the beach. Work in sales. Love reading true life crime books and watching forensic shows. Have worked part-time for a friend that is a criminal attorney and am fairly acquainted with the legal system.

Cheryl said...

I live in a Dallas, TX suburb. Married. 3 kids. Just turned 40. Worked for several large print publications. I've taken a keen interest in this case and am considering attending the trial.

Norman said...

I was born in Ohio, but moved around a lot with my missionary parents. I enjoy large colorful art installations, and native American art. I write crime fiction novels featuring sleuths that unravel sophisticated crimes, often hidden behind the facade of international mission work building schools for children. I am an avid tennis fan and enjoy my current home base near Albuquerque. My favorite crime show is The Blacklist. When I want to give my mind a rest, I peruse popular blogs and study the commenters for traits revealed by their writing ... which helps provide vibrant fullness of characters in my novels. I have two grown children and one exceptional grandchild.

Bingo said...

I am a Mom of 3 boys and I have been married almost 20 years. I am 45 and I am from the deep south. I love to read, fish and hike with my boys, sketch, exercise and design. It is fun hearing about some of you guys. I hope more will post. I love being a mom to my boys, has been the best years of my life. I grieved for Amanda that her chance of motherhood. Those years was snatched from her. She would have been a great mom and enjoyed every second of it. Davey writing about how happy Amanda is in heaven drinking pina coladas just infuriates me. Also, when he acts like she would have laid her life gladly...aaarghhh!! I know Amanda would have gladly let heaven wait.

To the poster who writes crime novels, this case should be a crime book even in a fiction form. It is just a creepy case. I saw a Lifetime movie a few weeks ago about a teenage girl who lost her best friend under suspicious circumstances. She immediately started a hash tag promotion. She went on a round of tv interviews and was trying to sign a book deal. She didn't want the attention on her dead friend but on her, how she was grieving but was going to inspire others, etc. I thought that whoever must have written the movie, based it on the Blackburn case. It was so on target to how Davey acted.

Bingo said...

Grammar alert on my post!

years were snatched not was
and have been not has

Sorry I wrote fast, and forgot to go bk and check my grammar :/ eeek! Rolll Tide!

Bingo said...

Davey's appearance change fascinates me. This first one is about 6 months before Amanda "passed". The second one is DB's most recent instagram post. Not only has his appearance become more effeminate, he has also aged like 15 years.

flightfulbird said...

My opinion

Davey's look is NOT a change for the better - and that's a huge understatement. He looked WAY better before Amanda "passed".

As ripped as he might be from Crossfit (T and I are gym rats - I admire muscles) - - it’s wasted because the other parts of his no doubt carefully-crafted look ruin it for this straight girl. His clothes but especially his stupid-looking hair make him completely unattractive to me. The obvious aging on top of that - from fear or whatever else over the past twenty-one months - does not help.

This most recent Facebook post that you linked is seriously the worst he's looked since everything happened - the hair is beyond ridiculous.

BF said...

I am a female from Los Angeles that just celebrated my 55th birthday (thanks, AARP, for all of the reminders!). I have two children, although one passed away two years ago and I grieve the loss every day. I enjoy traveling and am fortunate that my work allows me the opportunity to travel the US (psychic medium. I understand many are skeptical and am not going to post anything about the case; I just wanted to list what I do for a living and why I still follow the progress of this case. I enjoy this blog and the doggedness of those that have not quit fighting for Amanda.

TJ said...

Flightfulbird, gotta say that I am a fan. Your writing style is interesting and funny. I feel like I know you from a year and a half of reading your posts (and actually, I always picture my friend when I see your posts - blonde, curly hair, tan skin, thin, likes craft beer). If it's not too invasive, can you tell us about yourself and why you follow this case?

Anonymous said...

TJ said...

And I believe not only Davey and his family and friends, but also LE and the defense attorneys have perused this site and the other sites that have diligently pointed out consistencies and continued to search for the truth in this case.

You "believe" this, based upon what? I "believe" LE, if they have read here, think you nut jobs are a joke. If LE does read here, they are probably laughing their asses off. (I "believe" that.)

Again, though, do you honestly think that if you have thought of it, LE wouldn't be two steps ahead of you? Despite your claims of being extraordinarily brilliant, beautiful, interesting, etc.etc.etc., you're obviously a bunch of basement dwellers with no life to speak of, or you wouldn't have the 24/7 to spend on this case.

Gosh, I wish I were as brilliant and beautiful as you geniuses, but I'm s shriveled up, old, white haired woman with saggy boobs.


Concerned said...

Well, it looks like I'm the grandmother of this group at 67 years old!
I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 48 years. I made
up my mind at 15 that I would never marry anyone who put people down
and tried to make them feel small as my father did. It's one of the things
that made me dislike Davey from the get-go. My dear husband is the
opposite of Davey the Malignant Narcissist and I thank God for that.

I have a grown daughter, a dear son-in-law and a 13 year old granddaughter
and we all live our lives under the guiding principles of Christianity. That
brings me to my other reason for finding Davey disgusting > his abuse of
God's word and his self-proclaimed exalted position as a pastor while
having only the most rudimentary knowledge of Holy Scripture. I'm
pretty convinced he actually hates God and sees this as his ticket to ride
toward the lavish life he saw Perry Noble leading.

I'm an artist, a longtime cancer survivor, author of two books and a public
speaker who left a career in marketing services to found a support center for
cancer survivors. I've enjoyed following the SA blog and comments
as I've long been interested in seeing crimes solved. I've enjoyed
all of Ann Rule's true crime books and was an avid fan of Court TV. If I
had all the time back that I spent watching it, I'd write another book!

If Davey killed Amanda and her baby, I hope to get to watch his perp-walk
on TV and have lunch that day with our dear Anon who thinks we all
live in our mothers' basements and post here just to annoy her/him! If Davey
has no guilty knowledge, I hope I get to see his "ministry" crash and burn
so no more innocent souls are hurt by him and his posse.

Keep up your posting so you can help one of those scenarios come to pass,
my friends! Peace.

Concerned said...

May I add that I look forward to seeing my Crimson Tide
beat your teams this Fall? Roll Tide Roll!

Anonymous said...

Imagrandma and I are about the same age, I think, except I'm much more beautiful. She is a year older than I am .... 98, I "believe."

Bingo said...

I finally listened to a Nothing is Wasted podcast. I only listened because I followed the story of Andrew and Samantha Smith. I am a college basketball fan therefore I was very familiar with Andrew Smith at Butler. They blogged and posted his cancer journey on Instagram. This was a wife who truly loved her husband and is still deeply grieving the loss. I just had to listen to her talk with Davey.

There could not be two polar opposite people when it comes to grieving. She admitted that she did not get out of bed for a month. Normal. She said she refused to listen to any news media regarding his death. She said it was just too painful. Normal. Davey, on the other hand, ran after the news media, wrote creepy statements, did endless interviews and asked every one to wear jeans and laugh at the funeral. He even instructed people on how to talk to the media. He never rested and continually chanted "the best was yet to come". SO not Normal!

Davey tried to talk to her about how God told Job even after his most tragic life events, his best days were ahead. Samantha's response to Davey was something like even though she is so young, she can't imagine that right now that the best days are ahead without Andrew. Davey was a little speechless. I could almost hear him taking notes. "Wait, so I need to pretend at least for right now that I can't fathom that the best is yet to come. Ooops."

At one point Davey actually said to Samantha that he can't imagine what she is going through! Ooops! Dope!

Bobcat said...

Imagine Amanda had some autonomy in her life and married an honest man who cherished her and supported her and their children through his work in the aviation industry.
Imagine they raised a family that enjoyed attending 'Bobcat' events and games together.
Imagine Amanda hadn't been under the thumb of infamous family meetings, and had freedom to pursue random interests in her life ... like studying deception; and was able to build her life not only in truth, but surrounded by truthful and loving people.
That's me, except we're taller. Midwestern nordic giants.

Aside - I wonder if Weston will grow talk like his uncle James ... much taller than Davey!

Bobcat said...


Bobcat said...

Imagine Amanda had gone out into the world for a few years, met some happy and honest gay people and was friends with them ... at the same time dating a (Baptist) man who identified as "gay-friendly" and realized that if he wanted to marry her, it wasn't because he cherished her. It was because he didn't want to be alone.

She (and her finely tuned gaydar) moved on.

Anonymous said...

Of course, you realize "imagine" is the operative word for these blog comments? From the beginning, the comments section contains only imaginary scenarios and ramblings. LE doesn't appear to put any stock in any of your wild eyed theories, including the customized "statrnent analysis" that is practiced.

Hey Jude said...

@ Anon - August 17, 2017 at 4:25 AM

I expect quite a few are still following if not currently posting. It is my summer break time, and between some leisure, I am on Day 53 of the Jodi Arias trial videos - some I have listened to several times as they repeat or are not in order. It's very interesting, a case I missed at the time. .I am still getting round to reading the Statement Analysis coursebook which some of us here got from Amazon a while back. Davey and Crossfit are not in my list of things to watch/listen to for the moment.


Bio - My mother does not have a basement. :-D

Hey Jude said...

I have to be a bit sympathetic in regard to Anon's anxious disdain.

Why so anxious?

Trudy said...

10:08 really? You're going to attack people for imagining what Amanda's life could have have been like without Crazy Davey and for wishing she could have experienced love and joy and a happy life?

As far as LE and their stock in "wild eyed theories" the coprophagic Mark Redwine and his supporters said pretty much the same thing in the years before his arrest. Id est, if LE was suspicious of him they would have collected evidence against him and if they had any evidence against him, he would have been arrested, therefore, it stands to reason (!) that LE has no evidence against him because he has not been arrested. If he has not been arrested he must be innocent. It's a weird kind of circular logic.

Bingo, crazy Davey has been hanging around poor Samantha, for a while, now. He attaches himself to people who are genuinely grieving the death of a loved one, so that he can observe and mimic their behaviour. It doesn't hurt that Samantha is a crossfitting Cristian, who has written a couple of books, and is a popular public speaker, who gave a TED talk. Crazy Davey is envious of Samantha (as only a malignant narcissistic sociopath could be) and must wonder why he can't get the same traction in his career.

Bobcat said...

In Perry's eulogy, he conceals who suggested hiring Davey. Brad Cooper. In Perry's old blogs, he brags about his awesome Newspring youth programs and how he gave Brad Cooper autonomy and budgeted for a well funded youth program.

Back to the eulogy... Perry skips over a day in time from "Tuesday" morning, to learning Amanda had been killed ( which wasn't until Wednesday/Thursday. He also either hesitates or repeats when saying "Tuesday".

Davey was at the gym.
Amber was sleeping.
Perry was in a meeting.
The family was "far away".
Kenneth was in "Dover, Delaware".
Elizabeth was in Vegas.

Everyone was very busy before they got THE CALL.

Anonymous said...

Perry Noble 11/15/2015:

"None of us this time last week planned on being here, tonight. No one. And all of a sudden, on-, [hesitation 48:30] Tuesday of last week." [This time last week would have been Sunday Nov 8th, while Amanda was sitting quietly in the car "getting lost" with Amber...]

"And Tuesday, this Tuesday, this past Tuesday, I got a text. And it said pray for, pray for Amanda, and pray for Davey, because Davey just found Amanda, on the floor and she’s got a head wound. This is how it’s communicated to me, she’s got a head wound, and, um, they’ve rushed her to the hospital. And for me, in the world that I live in, I’m just gonna’ let you know. I thought, maybe she’s climbed up on the kitchen cabinet and she was trying to get something and she fell and hit her head, and. Um, that’s serious, and we need to pray.
[38:55] And, I went in to a meeting and I stepped out an hour later and somebody said something about a gunshot and I went no no no no no this isn’t a gunshot. This is um, she probably fell in the kitchen, and they had to kind of take me to the side and sit me down and say no no, no no no no no, it’s a. It’s a home invasion, and Amanda has been killed." [Is he still talking about "Tuesday"?]

"But I, just like you, when you heard the news, thought, no, no no, no God, no. ... And for those of you that have questions and concerns and doubts let me just say, I f-, I feel you. I don’t know why. ... So I don't know. I don't know - [touches glasses] - why god, chose to take her home. ... I don't. I don't know why, god chose to take her home, and I just thought perhaps [turns back to audience]...perhaps he needed some help with his table. ... He (God) is already using this for his glory. I don't know why. But one day, we'll sit down at a table."

One other thing that stood out to me. I don't know if it's duping delight or if he is just pleased with the creative alliteration but Perry smiles (very briefly, similar to DD) when he talks about how fragile life is on "Fragile Friday" and "Silent Saturday". I made some screencaps which you can see on the blog.

Anonymous said...

OMG BOBCAT! I think you're on to something! Do you know what it is? Does anybody?

Hey Jude said...

I can't go with Perry knowing anything that was about to go down - I think he has enormous guilt because he knew something was not right with Davey, and he went with Amanda making it right, and funding them away from Newsprint g to get rid of Davey - I think he is devastated, and feels responsible to the degree that he is - which is some, though he could not have predicted what would happen to Amanda, or Davey's reaction to that, which must impact him deeply. Perry has his own issues - he is not responsible and was never in collusion with Davey, IMO - he wanted rid of Davey even, to the tune of the cost of the Resonate church plant - he oronpbanky knew he was sponsoring a person who should not have a pastor ministry, That would be a burden to the conscience, even to the money-orientated Perry.

Hey Jude said...

oronpbanky - I don't have a clue either. :)

Bobcat said...

The whole stinking story is like a church covering up sex abuse, except in Amanda's case it was murder. Perry, no matter the level of involvement, knows it stinks to low hell.

Hey Jude said...

I don't get that Perry was involved- only that he has reacted.

Trudy said...

Thank you for transcribing, Bobcat. IMO Crazy Davey (wisely) didn't trust himself to give Amanda's eulogy - (imagine what he would have said!!! SA goldmine). He chose, instead, to try to curry favour with his superiors, and attempt to advance his career by asking PN to speak. That was obvious. It backfired, but Crazy Davey wasn't to know that PN would soon have a rapid and virtually fatal, fall from grace at Newspring. The eulogy was awful. PN didn't know Amanda very well.

Hey Jude,

What does oronpbanky mean? (@11:16).

Ive spent many hours looking the JA case, too. In particular, the police interrogations. You might be interested in the Dahlia Dippolito case. I can't remember if I recommended it to you, before.

Bobcat said...

It might be interesting to revisit Peter's original analysis on Perry's eulogy.

There were some words that were transcribed incorrectly, specifically "I said" should have been "I went".

This is the part of the eulogy where Perry talks about "somebody said something" about a gunshot, in a jumble of temporal lacunae that includes about an hour in a meeting and ends with him being told that Amanda has been killed ... but he is still supposedly talking about Tuesday morning...

Peter's Analysis of Mentor Statement:

Corrected and Updated Complete Transcription of 11/15/15 Eulogy Statement:

Anonymous said...

"I think," "I believe," "it's my opinion," etc. etc. etc.

Such selective application of SA.

LOL. You people.

Anonymous said...

HJ, what "collusion" are you referring to?

Hey Jude said...

Trudy said:

What does oronpbanky mean? (@11:16).

It was a predictive text 'typo' - I think it was most likely meant to have been 'obviously'.


Anon, I meant I don't think Perry had advance knowledge that Amanda would be murdered, or that he is showing duping delight.

Bingo said...

I got the sense that Perry was trying to protect himself. He took time during Amanda's funeral to let everyone know that he initially thought Davey was Crazy but that Amanda made Davey better. Also, he made it clear that Davey communicated something a lot more trivial than a gun shot wound to him that Tuesday morning. He also said that instead of him ministering to Davey, DB was ministering to Perry. It almost sounded like Perry was saying he was more upset than Davey was that day. (I think strangers across the country were more upset than Davey.) Although, Perry did stick by Davey's side and was outraged that Judge Pirro said DB might be involved, I think he was also protecting himself at the same time. CYA

I do think DB flying to South Carolina was very strange. While his neighbors held vigils and called for justice, Davey fled to start the and do Inside Edition. Davey had no interest in finding justice for Amanda. He didn't seem at all concerned about who did this to Amanda. He said he went to SC to be ministered to by Newspring. He had been in Indy for years? What about his church family there? He went to SC to start his marketing campaign.

TJ said...

And he went to SC to conveniently not have to do any more police interviews. He got as far away from LE as he could, as quickly as he could.

Bobcat said...

The eulogy features storytelling and convincing. Not conveying.

Bingo said...

TJ, yes and LE let him go. Did they not find it disturbing that he went to start a website to start marketing murder and did Inside Edition interviews? RED FLAGS FLYING HIGH!

Bingo said...

Bobcat, and you thought the blog was sexual. Whoa

I also just love how Davey loves to compare his physical crossfit body to spiritual growth. Gag me

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Bingo said...
TJ, yes and LE let him go. Did they not find it disturbing that he went to start a website to start marketing murder and did Inside Edition interviews? RED FLAGS FLYING HIGH!

August 21, 2017 at 1:21 PM

I'm sure they thought it was odd, just like we all did/do, and because of it, I have no doubt they looked into him more. Their finding? Apparently least, no evidence that could link DB to the murder. It's only you handful of obsessives here in this blog who are certain Davey murdered his wife. You're certain because he behaved like the narcissist he is after the death of Amanda. His actions are pretty typical of a narcissist.....not necessarily indicating he committed murder.

Your dislike of him does not mean he murdered anyone.

Anonymous said...

"Your dislike of him does not mean he murdered anyone. "

And your defense of him does not mean he didn't murder anyone.

Trudy said...

thanks anon 6.43. for clearing that up. I thought my dislike of him meant he was a murderer.

Anonymous said...

"Not necessarily indicating he comitted murder" - not necessarily, but maybe, definitely.

Anonymous said...

I've never claimed he didn't murder anyone. I've merely pointed out that your preconceived notion of guilt has pervaded all your analyses, making it worthless. I've also repeatedly said there is absolutely no evidence to support murder on the part of DB (especially from you amateurs), therefore, he is cobsidered innocent.

Show me the evidence, and I don't mean your slanted theories.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Trudy said...
thanks anon 6.43. for clearing that up. I thought my dislike of him meant he was a murderer.

August 21, 2017 at 8:44 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Not necessarily indicating he comitted murder" - not necessarily, but maybe, definitely.

August 21, 2017 at 8:48 PM

......and that's the best ya got.

Trudy said...

8.50 meaning what? Your comment - "Your dislike of him does not mean he murdered anyone" is laughable. So I laughed. My belief that crazy Davey is complicit in his wife's murder has nothing to do with my dislike for him, and quite a lot to do with circumstantial evidence. (Which you refuse to acknowledge even exists).

Trudy said...

Anon @8:24The Dunning - Kruger effect. :)

Trudy said...

Edit. 8:49 (and many other times)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Trudy said...
8.50 meaning what? Your comment - "Your dislike of him does not mean he murdered anyone" is laughable. So I laughed. My belief that crazy Davey is complicit in his wife's murder has nothing to do with my dislike for him, and quite a lot to do with circumstantial evidence. (Which you refuse to acknowledge even exists).

August 21, 2017 at 9:23 PM

Yep. LE and I do not acknowledge it exists other than in the minds and fantasies of you four or five people in this blog. You're not convincing LE, it's pretty obvious.

Anonymous said...

It obviously exists. LE knows it. Wait and see.

Trudy said...

With all due respect, Brenda, you don't appear to understand the nature of circumstantial evidence.

Anonymous said...

Nor do you. Circumstantial evidence is not an interpretive exercise of a theory by hopefuls.

Do you think LE is investigating DB based upon circumstantial evidence....of course, that circumstantial evidence is projected only by you deficients here in this blog. Keep that in mind.

BTW, it does not bother me for you to call me by my fake name. :)

Anonymous said...

I got an 800 on my SAT. Beat you by 10.

Trudy said...

1:02. fake name? Whaaaa? Next you'll be telling me that Bobcat, Bingo, Concerned and Flightfulbird are not their real names either. Mon dieu!

Anonymous said...

There are many on here that just like to discuss Davey's odd behavior and deceptive statements. Even if DB wasn't at all involved in his wife's murder, his behavior and words are inappropriate for a pastor, not to mention, a grieving husband.

Anonymous said...

Just for fun, imagine that angry anon/Brenda is Perry Noble.

Anonymous said...

I don't think so. I do think Perry was the person who used to get on here and call himself Cucumber Sandwich and all those crazy names and do those mulberry bush rhymes. It was about the same time he was endlessly ranting on twitter months leading up to being fired for alcohol abuse. It stopped about time he went to rehab. Just my thoughts

Anonymous said...

Imagine that Brad Cooper was any number of anonymous posters, especially any that reference mental handicaps.

Anonymous said...

Perry's wedding ring is gone. His adoring fans don't seem to have noticed.

Hey Jude said...


Trudy - thanks for recommending the Dalia Dolitto case - I am watching the YouTubes and am almost speechless at her - shouldn’t laugh but so far it seems almost farcical - especially lthe demanding phone call she made to her husband from jail, his willingness to engage with her despite she wanted him dead, and him saying in his police interview that he had a conviction for fraud - ‘dealing in commodities which didn’t exist’ - maybe explains why he didn’t seem too fazed by his wife arranging a hit with a non-existent hit man…they both seem crazy, so does her mother. Pity it's real - it would've made a great black comedy. I find it interesting that 'murder for hire' stings end in successful prosecution in US, I think it's not done here because such a case would be thrown out as 'entrapment' and unethical.

Finished with Jodie Arias for now -or thought I had, then discovered all the retrial videos for the penalty phase - enough already. I think she doesn't ever stop lying, even in post- trial interview she keeps on trashing Travis.

Concerned said...

About Perry Noble as a troll:

You can read about the terrible things he and his "security guard"
did to a professor on
It went far beyond Internet trolling but it included that, not to
mention stopping the prof and his wife from adopting a baby
they had been promised.

I always had a picture of Perry and his minions (which included
Davey) giggling over the damage they did to that family. It should
not surprise us that Davey or any of their ilk shows up to through
off the narrative.

Concerned said...

"throw" off the narrative)

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