Wednesday, November 1, 2023

What Do Social Drinks Have To Do With Analysis?



Anonymous said...

The subject begins with the word “Yo”. We ask how old is the subject? 50 years old approx.? Why would he begin with such a greeting?

From reading the preview to the quote, it’s all just really bad. He’s threatening his girls in the quotes. I haven’t finished reading, but he’s definitely either a low educated person or under the influence of both drugs and and some sort of new culture wanna-be-hipness . Snd yes definatounder the influence whilst writing this.

Anonymous said...

Peter, have you ever used statements analysis techniques on the Kings James Bible?

Anonymous said...

Because in conjunction with literature published before and after, you will find the true author. It’s a rather big secret.

Anonymous said...

I only discovered it because of your blog, and your teachings. Happy searching, and beautiful blessings.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter & All! May I please request an analysis of the following? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ☺️🤗

Context: Tallahassee Law Enforcement, investigating the murder-for-hire of Dan Markel on July 18th 2014 in Tallahassee, set up an undercover extortion "bump" in 2016 to monitor responses from and interactions between unpublicized suspects. Donna Adelson is the ex mother-in-law of Dan Markel.

BUMP: Hello?

Donna Adelson (DA): It, this is, this is Mrs Adelson. Is this, um

BUMP: Hello? 

DA: Sammy, Sammy? Okay. My grandchildren had my phone before so, um, I

BUMP: Mrs Adelson? 

DA: I'm Mrs Adelson. My

BUMP: Yes, yes

DA: Yes. My grandchildren had my phone before so that's and I just saw that you called.

BUMP: So, okay.

DA: I was, I, I was 

BUMP: You left a message on my, on my voicemail

DA: Right. I did. This is my problem. You approached me on Alton Road. You handed me an article from the newspaper about my ex son-in-law. You told me I need to call you and help your friend who was in prison. Now at the time you did that, I didn't understand what you were talking about. I didn't call you back. Then you mail me a threatening letter. Then you send me a text message to my phone that says I am not taking you seriously. So, I am taking you seriously and I really want you to listen to me. 

BUMP: I'm listening.

DA: I, I have to tell you, I know this is important. I have been so stressed out and spoken to 10 or 12 people who are close friends of mine telling them about this thing, basically picking their brains and asking them what I should do because I don't know your friend who is in jail. I don't, I, you, you mentioned a name. I don't even know his name. I never spoke to him. I don't know what he looks like. I've never met him. I, I'm sorry your friend's in jail but I don't know what that has to do with me?

BUMP: You know, you know exactly what this has to do with. You, you know exactly what. Listen to me carefully. Listen, listen to me. Listen to me 

DA: Please? 

BUMP: You just got, you just got, you just gotta listen to me. You gotta, no.

DA: You need to ask your friend who this person looks like or what's their name or something because I know there's a big reward out there and if you need money, your friend, that's the way to get it. And I mean I'm asking you nicely I don't know who he is. I am out of the loop. It is not me. If I can help I would help I mean I, I, that's what I 

BUMP: Just like I told, just like I told you, listen to me. Just like I told you that day, we know what, we know that, that your family had a problem up north. We know that that problem was taken care of about a year and a half, two years ago. And we know that Katie has been taken care of, and has been taken care of. Now, now my brother, my brother in, in jail, he, we were in Broward together. He told me the whole thing, and he hasn't been taken care of.

DA: I,

BUMP: You know, now all, all, all we, all, all that's being asked for is 5, 5K. That's all we're askin' for is for 5K and you'd, I've, he told me everything and I know everything, I know who's involved, I know everything and I, I'll, I'll, I'll get the 100K for myself. 

DA: And you know I


Anonymous said...

BUMP: All I ask is to send the 5K. Everybody knows what's going on.

DA: Oh, I don't, uh, you know you think everyone knows. I know I lost my ex son-in-law. I did not have anything to do with his death, why I said ask him what

BUMP: That's, that's what, that's not, that's not, that's what not my, my brother Tato told me. He told me everything when we were in jail. He told me everything, and who was involved. I know everything.

DA: Well I don't. That's the problem. I'm telling you it's not, us, me. It's not me (laughs). I have had a year of aggravation, a year and a half of aggravation over this, my, my daughter, my grandchildren. It is not me. And when I ask my friends what do they think, they said well this person needs to get a description of you because or what you look like or you, it's not me. I don't know who caused this. It wasn't me. I mean, I, I don't know what

BUMP: Just, just, just like that day when I talked to you. This is not going away. This is not gonna go away cause Tato told me everything. He wasn't being taken care of. He needed the 5K. Send 5K, that's all, that's all we were asking for. 

DA: But, but, but I don't 

BUMP: Yeah, don't do that?

DA: But I don't know who Tato is. You don't understand.

BUMP: I, we know you don't know who Tato is but you know who Katie is and you know the contacts Katie has and she has, listen to me and let's stop f****** round. Let's stop, okay? You know who Katie is and you know that Katie has somebody that knows Tato and they, and they took care of a problem for you people. That's just the bottom line. The bottom line is you know Katie, you know who the f*** Katie is.

DA: Well, I don't 

BUMP: I'm, I'm, no more, no more I'm, I'm not talking, I'm not talking around with it. You know who Katie is. You know that they took care of Katie and her people. Nobody's taking care of Tato. You, I know you don't know who Tato is 

DA: No, ahh

BUMP: But we know, we know who all of you are and this thing ain't goin' away.

DA: You know what? 

BUMP: So I can give you the, I can give you what, the 5K

DA: Here's what you need to do. You need to go and

BUMP: Don't, don't tell me what to do. I know what to do and I'm doing it.

DA: You're looking for money. Get $100,000 or whatever the, the, what do you call it, whatever the reward is. It isn't me. You have got the wrong person. That's why I said ask your friend your 

BUMP: You're ah, you're ah, Donna Adelson? 

DA: Yes I am. Yes I am.

BUMP: Well, I know, ah, we know who's involved in all this. 

DA: This, this is not making any sense. I mean if you want the money you should get it from the Police. They can give you a whole lot more than, than, than you're asking me for someone I, I, I just, I, I can't, I can't do this. I have had too much stress and too much aggravation from this and I don't know what you are talking about. I just don't know. I just don't know? 

BUMP: Really? I think you should talk to Katie, talk to, talk to the people that are involved in this. You'll know. You know who it, you know what's going on.

DA: (Really, really not??) ...That's why I'm 

BUMP: You tell me, Mrs Adelson. You can tell me all you f****** want but I know you know. Because I know because I heard when I was locked up in Broward with my, with my brother Tato, he told me everything. Everything. He told me everything.

DA: Well, it, it 

BUMP: I just want to take care of all of this because, because f******  Katie was being taken care of with her f****** Tuto. 

DA: I just think, I just think instead of asking me you should get the money from the Police. There's a, a lot of money out there and I know if you think you know who this is then, then go ahead and do it because I know it isn't me. I know it, it, it isn't me. An' I can't take this kind of level of stress, I just can't. I know I didn't do anything. (Large Sigh)

BUMP: Talk to, talk to people, tell, you talk to the right people. You talk to people. You make this 5K come to me. That's all I need. Just do it and get it to me. Do it and get it to me. 

DA: I'll call you back.

Martina said...

To the bump: What a woefully unprepared extortionist, it's embarrassing. He didn't have a plan. Not that he needed much of a plan, it still worked beautifully. Donna is dancing around the questions she can't ask: who are you? Why should we give you money, we are paying enough already to the real killers, and that's not you.

Hey Jude said...

Donna Adelson:

DA: I'll call you back.


Why, though? Why even call him back the first time? She’d just call the police if she wasn’t involved.