Thursday, May 19, 2016

Amanda Blackburn Murder Part Three: Ideology and Deception

While pregnant, Amanda Blackburn and her pre born child were murdered.  
The husband, Davey, made many statements and was interviewed on television shortly after the murder.  

 Police eventually arrested and charged 3 gang members with her murder.

Blackburn, as husband, had a strong alibi:  he was at the gym when the home invasion and murder took place. 

 It appears that he was not polygraphed

His language shortly after the murder shocked the public.   

I have heard two dismissals of Blackburn's words, both using the ideology:

1.  He did not grieve his losses and concentrated on numbers because he loves lost souls so much.  

This was to defend his bizarre language using the ideology.

the second is equally wrong:

2.  His language was due to his ideology.  It is not that he is showing guilt, or even a need to be found among others in a plurality to assuage guilt, it is just that he sees himself and his 'god' in such close proximity that it went into the intuition of pronouns. 

Both of these claims dismiss the analysis due to the ideology that Blackburn affirms.   

Both of these claims are wrong as I will exhibit in this lengthy article about ideology.  

To understand much of the language used by the victim's husband in the Amanda Blackburn murder, it is essential to grasp the ideology.  This is true in any analysis, though it is often not noticed until a cold case is presented:

Ideology; culture; behavior; language.  The language is not reality, but the subject's verbalized perception of reality.  

I will give an overview (general) of the ideology first, 
then, I will raise the question:  

Is the husband's affirmation of this ideology done in a deceptive manner? 

 Lastly, I will bring forth analysis of his language, while referencing the ideology in a separate article. 


Why the need to show the ideology first?

It is more than to just understand his language; which is important enough. 

There is something far more important in this murder case where the statistics tell us that when a pregnant woman is murdered, the number one suspect is the husband/father of the child. 

Much of what the victim's husband has said has been dismissed due to the ideology that produced it.  This is to show ignorance, both of criminal analysis, and of the personality embracing a specific ideology who deliberately exploits it.   Here, we will take a basic look at the ideology and then the subject's view towards the ideology and how this may impact the analysis.  

The central question is this:

Is the subject honest or  deceptive, regarding his use of the religious ideology that he publicly espouses?

Is he honest about it?  This is vital for analysis of this case; not is he 'incorrect' about any part of the ideology, but is he deliberately altering, deleting, adding, or outright changing that which he states is unalterably divine?  To affirm divine origin is not only to affirm inerrancy, but it is to hold something to a level of "sacred"; that is, set apart from all else.  

Is he, somehow, deceptive, which means, 'knowingly' changing the ideology for a specific purpose. Is this purpose narcissistically based? 

 If so, it provides strong insight into his personality and subsequent language.  

In researching this element, these factors must be present:

*The ideology must be believed (and stated) to be of divine origin.  This means it is unchanging truth, given to us by God, and cannot be changed or altered to fit human opinion.  Truth, by definition, is not impacted by external influences, including time.  For what I am looking for here, the premise must be that the ideology of the victim's husband is that it is divine truth which cannot be altered.  

What type of personality element can claim that their ideology is of divine origin yet alter it, or even have a need to alter its presentation, in spite of believing it to be divine? 

*The alteration must not an error, misunderstanding, or disagreement.  The alteration must be deliberate.  

If one says "this ideology is divine" and then adds, subtracts or does any alteration of it, in application, presentation, or core belief, the personality is being revealed to the audience, and where the self places his view in comparison to divinity.  In a murder case, it is vital.  

It is as to say, "God is good; but I, that is, me, myself, I am better" in a sense of narcissism that is all but impossible to contain, even by the most talented egotists.  The filter simply gives way once he enters the free editing process of speech where he chooses his own words.  

Question for consideration:  Does Blackburn alter the ideology, in any way, to fit a specific agenda that belongs uniquely to him?

This alteration can be in design, scope, presentation or application, but it must be deliberate, of which I offer a few examples, which would then allow us to gain some insight into the personality.  

We also need to have a basic grasp of the ideology to understand the language in a deeper, more concise manner for the purpose of analysis.  

By understanding the ideology, we may be given insight into personal conflict within the victim's husband.  

This now will give you insight into the element within the personality.  We must step  back in ideology, and then on to the subject's variant on this ideology including any cultural 'adjustment' or compatibility towards it.  This, alone, will provide insight into the personality and temperament of the one person who has done much to foster suspicion that he is connected to the murder, though the case may be 'closed' by police. 

Please consider that everyone is under the influence of an ideology whether we embrace it or not.  

If you were raised in "Western civilization", Judeo Christianity, as an ideology, shaped your own thinking, inherited from your parents, who inherited this from their parents, and so on, regardless of the element of "faith" or personal conviction. Even if you do not believe in either Judaism or Christianity, you are a product of a Judeo-Christian culture, that is, the practical and measurable outworking from the ideology from the Bible. 

 It does not mean you believe in the Bible nor claim to be Jewish or Christian.  It means you were raised in a culture that had its roots in the Bible's ideological positions, even as, generationally, the culture shifts further and further away from it.  Today, it may be fair to estimate, Judeo Christian ideology is no longer the influence it has been, but in many ways, it is even despised, even as some have altered it to make it culturally compatible.  Yet, even in a 'post Christian' generation, its influence remains with us.  The fascinating element of this alteration is that they still claim the ideology to be "divine", meaning, it needs no change, no dressing up, no persuasion, and so on, to be relevant because the divine message, if divine, is perfection, and without "need to persuade" found outside itself.  

In other words, if it is divine, those who alter it, even if in presentation, are showing great weakness.  They either do not believe it is divine, or...

they note that 'divinity needs help' and you can guess just who it is who is bright enough to offer divinity a hand.  

Now, if divinity 'needs help', can you guess the personality that is willing to 'fix divinity' to make it relevant or culturally compatible today?

This is essential in understanding the history of thought (and language) and where specific arguments come from.  

For example, if you dwell in relative safety between your neighbors on the left and neighbors on the right, this may be due to a cultural external adherence to "thou shalt not" of Judeo Christian thought.  To dismiss this as 'common sense' is to deny one's own history and to show ignorance of how others, in other cultures, think about this.  

Here is a more practical and easier to spot example:  

While at work, when you are insulted or humiliated and withhold your anger, it is as a result of culture which was shaped by an ideology that prized self-governing of your emotions.  You presented an idea at your work in which one person disagreed and when you asked him why he disagreed, he ridiculed your appearance, or some arbitrary position, while avoiding giving any practical reason for his disagreement.  

You remained silent and were viewed as 'strong' in your position; admired by coworkers. 

Other ideologies (and the subsequent cultures) would not admire you for your restraint, but would hold you in contempt for your weakness.  This is a basis of the Islamic ideology and its impact upon eastern culture.  What we saw in Cologne was not so much misogyny, (though rape is) but a powerful contempt of European men who are incapable or unwilling to protect their women, lest they be called names such as 'racist' or 'right wing' or now, the new insult, 'nationalist.'

The same event has two very different opinions due to differing cultures, which are due to very different ideologies which impacted the cultures.  

When you show a sense of justice; you are not a 'blank slate' of 'new ideas' but as a result of your upbringing, your parents' upbringing, their parents' upbringing, and so on and how they were influenced by the world around them.   Example:  

The 'West' loves children.  Think of 'nativity' scenes where they bow down before a child in a manager, and how they talk of childhood innocence and such.  This is juxtaposed next to Islamic nations where children are human shields, strapped with bombs, or used for propaganda purposes by migrants.  

This photo is upsetting to the western mind.  To the Islamic mind, there is nothing wrong, nor inappropriate about it, and they question why this would upset any western male.  To them, it is the cultural outworking of the Koran's teaching of the value of woman.  

Iconic photo of Islamic culture invading Europe 

All throughout northern Africa, the middle east and parts of Asia, women and children are denigrated culturally even though these are different peoples, nations, tribes and languages. What is the common denominator?  The ideology;  Islam.  

Westerners project their culture onto a people who hold the ideology of the west in contempt.  It does not work. 

Let's take a look in American culture and ideology and see the waning influence of Judeo-Christian thought. 

Another example is the Titanic Society that heralded the "women and children first" ideology that is distinctly opposite of the dominant Islamic ideology that encompasses much of the world.  The notion that "women and children" are placed first is due to the physical weakness of both.  Rather than "survival of the fittest" (including Marxism today), the distinctly Judeo-Christian thought is that when one is given strength, he is expected to sacrifice his strength to protect those without.  This was the historical definition of "masculinity" that arose from the ideology.  A "patriarchal" society, in this definition, meant that the male sacrifices for the female.  It has been redefined to mean male exploitation of the female, as ancient ideological beliefs are now replaced with "more progressive" beliefs, which are not, as claimed, new to history.  

Here is a rather superficial example, yet for analysis, it is important. 

In the late 50's, Elvis shook his hips on TV and was roundly condemned for being "vulgar" because the culture (outworking of ideology) felt that sex was personal and private.  The word "obscene" means 'off-stage' or 'private.'  Today, this same video clip is used for humor to ridicule another culture.  It was not that sex was wrong, it was private and the performer was mimicking in public that which the culture held as private.  It was 'in the wrong place' but not wrong, itself.  
Not exactly Madonna's dog 

Let's say you were assigned a cold case of a murder where the subject was a young teenager when he heard his parents' anger at Elvis on The Ed Sullivan Show.  He was impacted by something you are not impacted by.  You need to enter the 'shoes' of the subject who was raised to believe that Elvis was, in deed, vulgar, though you, the reader/analyst, may not personally agree.  If you cannot 'see' what the subject 'sees', you might completely miss valuable elements.  This was the recent work done by our top analysts in a cold case murder investigation of which I expect a conviction.  

When a pregnant woman is murdered, statistics point to the husband/boyfriend/father of the child.  

To understand the language of Davey Blackburn, look at:

1.  The ideology
2.  The culture
3.  His public reaction to the ideology
4.  His public reaction to the culture 
5.  Any contempt of the ideology.  

Remember: he is a professional public speaker.  His business is that he sells an ideology and has stated his desire to see his audience grow.    

Then, take yet another look at his language:  It is intended to be understood.  When he was alone, and used the word "we", it was not a signal of psychosis, nor was it a belief that it was him and Jesus.  This is a bit of a journey, but for those who wish to learn analysis, it is indispensable.  It is why I have been prompting study of Islamic ideology, Islamic culture, and the criminal outworking of both.  It is an excellent exercise for those who wish to become analysts.  Listen to Dr. Nicolai Sennels, for example, as a criminal psychologist who treats Muslim men in Dannish prisons.  He was given an amazing education over the years as he learned that their thinking and subsequent impulse was nothing like his own nor the average European.  I disagree, personally, with some of his ideology, but respect his study.  

Those who, for example, can only project their own thought and culture, cannot work cold cases from yesteryear when culture was different from our own. (they fail for a variety of reasons not listed here but of the same theme:  projection).  The dramatic shift (rapidity) today, whether due to political influences and/or the speed of transmission of information, means we must adapt to analyze.  

You must hear Blackburn from Blackburn's own language. 

I ask readers to attempt to understand this ideology apart from any personal belief or faith.  No disrespect is intended in the language, nor in the punctuation.  It is an attempt to bring understanding and clarity to 'enter into the shoes of the subject.'  


I would like all readers to consider, for this analysis,  that Judaism and Christianity are utterly false superstitious stories in an attempt to explain that which cannot be explained, though every human asks the question as to "why" they are in existence.  I want them to view the ideology separate from belief, faith, loyalty, and so on.  This is an exercise for analysis and it is about moving deeply into language; language nurtured by culture, born of ideology.  It is a hypothetical exercise, similar to what we do in expectation to every statement we approach.  

 What you are being asked to do is this:

Is Davey Blackburn, husband of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, true to the ideology he sells, or is he one who knowingly and purposefully does 'violence' to the ideology to pursue his own personal goals and agenda? 

This is not "Is Blackburn perfect?" as a question.  No human is. 
This is not "Is Blackburn correct in his understanding?" as a question. 

 The best human beings fail in all things in life.  These failures are spectacularly published when one claims to be a Christian though they are the failures that the accusers, themselves, participate in without public reproach.  

 When you meet a perfect family, you are meeting one that hides their frailties well.  When you hear of the perfect marriage, you are hearing elements of fiction.  The Bible's books that are biographical are considered unique as they never present anyone (sans Christ) in a perfect (or even good) light whereas biographies throughout history have traditionally been white washed, lest they are "tabloid tell alls" of today.  

We are in a murder case analysis. 

 It matters not if we disagree about this understanding or that understanding.  We are interested in his understanding, the subject, himself, and what he does (or does not) do with it.  I see the evidence of emotion in the comments of this case. There is deep shame, embarrassment, anger over misrepresentation, as well as the usual anger of believing this to be a miscarriage of justice. 

The Basic Ideology 

It is difficult in choosing the distinctives within this ideology, so I have chosen some basics, and, most deliberately, I have chosen some that are provocative as they are in direct opposition to what is culturally accepted today.  This is vital to our analysis:  where the ideology is in conflict with popular opinion today. 

Short Historical Sketch 

In the middle east, a man of no renown, education, money, nor place in society, stepped into the pages of history and made stupendous and exhaustively intolerant claims.  This was more than 20 centuries ago, predating modern methods of communication, including the printing press, cameras, video and the internet.  Word of mouth and carefully copied parchments alone would rehearse his biography and ideology. 

He claimed that the entire religion of the tiny nation of Israel, "Judaism" was all about him.  He claimed to be present at creation where it is written "Let us make man in our image" (Elohim, plural), in the establishment of all living things.  He claimed that each book in the collection of ancient works that had been used to construct the tiny nation's laws, were written about him and that each ceremony and even historical event, reflected, mirrored or had at its essence, him. He claimed that predictions made, over the course of centuries, in different languages and by different authors, was accurately fulfilled in him, from his birth, exact geographical location, chronology,  betrayal, trial, to the actual detailed forensics of his death, hundreds of years prior to the event.  He claimed to be the unique fulfillment of every prediction.   

To have such an impact as He has, we note his His career was very short; about 3 years.  He claimed not simply to know God, but to be God, as the unique Son, and this, his view point, was utterly intolerant. He claimed to be the exclusive avenue of access to God and that every other means was to indicate deception and fraud.  

He also made historical predictions, including the destruction of the famous temple, and the utter description of Jerusalem, 70 AD, by Titus of Rome, giving both dating and detail which, 40 years later, happened as predicted.  

He gave revolutionary ideas to the small crowds and the distinctions are well known.  Justice would be limited and mercy endorsed.  We grew up, whether we believed (faith) in this ideology or not, influenced by it.  Our nation was founded upon its influence and its influence was in all of the textbooks of the schools, as well as in the legal language of the founding (s) of the country.  Oaths of allegiance were sworn to him by those elected as rulers and even in the legal language of colony, territory and state constitutions, he was referenced. 

He taught and upheld the Old Testament (Judaism) and His explanation of its meaning, pointing to Himself as the fulfillment of all the promises, and then gave explicit instruction to 12 men to spread His message.  He predicted his trial, death and that he would live again.  

On the third day after his illegal trial and execution, eye witnesses claimed to have seen him, at different times, and by different numbers of eye witnesses.  This added a little more than a month to his overall short career.

This poor obscure blue collar man from the middle of nowhere, 20 centuries ago,  claimed to be complete "king" over every nation on earth.  His rule was also laid out:  his followers were to spread His ideology by example of doing good to others, with the consequence of rejection being eternal rejection, but not temporal, nor violent.   

The entire Western world was forged with this powerful and revolutionary ideology.  To "treat one as you want to be treated" was, in history, something that was revolutionary and in lands where it was accepted, progress was seen.   The list of "thou shalt nots" put great restraint upon mankind.  Even the "eye for a eye" was shocking, as it limited justice in a most violent and dark world.  He predicted that his followers would be hated and persecuted, which began in earnest shortly after his death and was the norm for more than 300 years where those who held to this ideology suffered horrific deaths.  Even so, the ideology grew. 

  He was obscure and his local fame, numerically small, was resented by politicians and religious leaders who felt the best way to end the revolution was to kill him.  This became the norm for society, including the powerful Roman empire who would, for hundreds of years, make those who embraced (faith, belief) the obscure man's ideology, targets for violent and cruel death.  Eventually, a merger of his ideology and Roman culture took place.  

How violent was the world outside of this ideology?

Did you see the movie, "Gladiator"?  In one seen, after a brutal battle in which the Roman legion invaded Europe for the purpose of exploitation, the lead character, a general, was asked what he wanted to do next in life.  He stated that he wanted to go home and raise crops with his wife and son, of whom he had not seen at length.  As an invader of foreign lands, he said that he had "seen the rest of the world and Rome is the light!" 

Rome had many Jewish slaves and were influenced by the ideology that came from Israel.  If you view the complex ceremonial descriptions you see the basic ingredients of soap, for example.  In the movie, we view Rome as 'horribly violent' with the multitudes enjoying violence as entertainment and the brutal chattel slavery as its norm.  Yet, this movie had much historical and linguistical accuracy.  Rome, which had brutal slavery, was not as dark as the rest of the world. The ancient world was far more violent.  As the Judeo-Christian ideology spread, things changed, but where there was little or no Judeo-Christian ideology there was almost indescribable brutality.  
The search for Dr. Livingstone

Early slave traders, fame seekers, missionaries and those who simply loved exploration, wrote first hand accounts of African villages that is close to being unreadable.  The writers were of varying motive, which makes it better for us to read, but what did they write?  What was the world outside of this ideology like?  A typical description of a village in Africa, for example, showed that slavery was the norm, with 70% of a village in slavery, and that food stores had specific meat selling, with human meat being the most expensive.  One slaver-wanna be wrote that he watched a fat girl run through a pathway where men jumped her, tore her apart, and ate her alive.  Another wrote that one wealthy owner was having friends over for a dinner and did not have enough meat.  His most loyal slave volunteered to be the host's main course, due to his 'devotion' to his master.  

They found no books, no poetry, no literature, no plays, theaters, hospitals, nor schools, and this was similar wherever in the continent they landed.  Missionaries lamented that they could not convince the native Africans "thou shalt not kill", as it seemed bizarre and silly to them.  The cruelty they exhibited one to another, especially to children, was unwatchable, but it was their norm. If a baby developed teeth in one side of her mouth before the other, she would have to brutally killed to appease the 'gods' they feared.  Although locale by locale the beliefs changed, brutality and filth, with little reverence for life, was the same.  The white man who came as a missionary was targeted by the Africans because, they learned quickly, he was destructive to the lucrative slave trade.  He was targeted by Africans, Arab slave traders, and European slave traders besides the general danger from cannibalism that was the norm in the entire continent.  Please consider the number of missionary deaths, including family, as well as their testimony of celebration over just one convert to their ideology.  This is something Christians point back to proudly, and must be compared to Blackburn's anger at his followers' failure to meet his pre-set target for numbers "even though" some people professed conversion.  This was stated in the form of minimal comparison, structurally.  It also showed what topic (failure) would produce the pronoun "I" for him.  

If European descendants wish to consider themselves superior to the Africans, one only need to consider some of the testimonies of the Roman invaders to see filth, brutality, and 'the law of the jungle', that is, the survival of the strongest, to know that my background, Irish, for example, without the influence of Judeo-Christian ideology, was as brutish as any other in Europe, which was similar to the barbaric African.  

In fact, this beginning is something we all share in common.   

As this obscure middle eastern man's ideology spread, it was accepted, in measure; (some higher measure, some lower), while some mixed with the local culture.  Improvement in life was slow, but steady, with some setbacks, errors and then recoveries.  

Yet, today, the world around us has been utterly shaped by the ideology presented, so much so, that it divided the world into 2 basic parts:  those areas that accessed his ideology and those which did not.

In general, those that had this ideology went on to create "Western civilization" with advances completely beyond any and everything else, especially at the major turning point of the Reformation, including:

Equal rights,  innovation, freedom, Shakespeare, Architecture, Music, Bach and Beethoven, justice, dignity, human rights, and led to the most bizarre human experiment ever conducted;  the founding of a new nation, of all immigrants, that would come to, in short order, be the most dominant and powerful nation in history. This was unprecedented.  America stood alone having its foundation from the flow of intelligence out of England, where the early charters of the settlements (colonies, states) professed loyalty to the single middle eastern man who lived almost 2000 years prior, and had the short, 3 year career.

It is interesting to note that innovation, itself, is prized by western civilization, while Islamic nations see the 7th century as the "golden age" and hold no noble thoughts of innovation, outside of pragmatism.  

This does not mean that everyone was Christian, nor even claimed to be,  but that the basic ideology drove the general population, while the nations and continents that did not have this ideology, did not advance, but remained well behind, impoverished, rife with criminal violence, and so on.  The "Protestant Work Ethic" became a driving force of innovation and the age of exploration was fueled not only by the desire for wealth, but under this sole man's marching orders to spread his message to the utter parts of the world.  Some went out to spread the message, while others, under the guise of spreading the message, went for wealth, no matter how gained, including theft and murder. 

In history, killers and despots have used the ideology to justify killing and abuse, but this, too, was in contradiction to the ideology.   Even the rules of engagement in war, how Prisoners of War were to be treated, and how treaties would be conducted,  were influenced by this  ideology.

It is interesting, for example, to listen to UK's comedian Pat Condell, as he decries the illogical destruction of his homeland by criminal  Islamic ideology and feminism's castrative impact.  

Listen to his reasoning on his pointed you tube videos and watch his argument develop:  

He takes Judeo Christian ideology and employee it to argue why Islam is counter productive and when his argument is complete, (and successful) he turns and condemns Judeo Christianity.  He borrows from it, has inherited a culture influenced by it, and speaks its language, while then condemning it.  Again, coming from the position of historical thought, it is fascinating, and another example of a talented performing intellectual narcissist making videos to analyze.  

The Middle Eastern Man's Morals

It can be argued as such:  if there is no god, and jesus was a liar, and all of this simple superstition, history  has never produced a more conducive ideology for prosperity, freedom, health and safety than the ideology that the obscure middle eastern man presented 20 centuries ago.   

As an atheist, who would you rather live next door to?

One who 'knows' that the only possible consequence from breaking into your house is the possibility of getting caught by police or...

The one who not only fears the same consequence of being caught by police, but has a 'superstitious' belief that in doing so, he will be punished when he dies?  

In Statement Analysis in hiring, we have a visible barrier to theft and exploitation:  video cameras, eye witnesses, forensic computer footprints, and so on.  

It is not enough.

We see those who also have the invisible barriers, such as the tender conscience, taught in childhood, that theft and exploitation are morally wrong, and have a negative internal consequence upon the employee.  

The results for businesses are amazing; not just less theft, but less unemployment, less fraudulent claims, and an increase in morale, which leads to an increase in sales.  

While young and strong, it is easy to dismiss anything about the afterlife; but not so easy when one gets older, as the philosophers lament and envy those of faith, while in advanced years, getting older, slower, with more limitations, aches, pains and ability to enjoy life; looking forward to...nothing.  This is why I wrote earlier, that the question of "why?" in life is asked by all thinking human beings.  

It is fair to say that Jesus Christ was either Who He said He was, or he is history's greatest liar and perpetrator of fraud.  Please presuppose in the analysis that the victim's husband asserts the former.  

This is an overview of the ideology publicly espoused and used in business by the victim's husband.  I wish for readers, again, to separate themselves from belief or faith and consider the business side:

The husband of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, works full time to sell the ideology of the middle eastern man, for a living.  Like most men, he works, and wants to be successful in what he does.  This is a 'neutral' for analysis.  In analyzing employment applications, we look for employment motive:  earning money, building a resume, gaining experience, and so on, are all appropriate motives for seeking a job.  In the case of Blackburn, he has spoken extensively about this business aspect:

He has allowed us to know, in analysis, what his priority is.  This will be revisited in the actual analysis of the statements, but it is easy to assert now, to anyone who has either listened to him or read his statements, his priority is numerical success in his business.  It was in his most immediate statement made to his "fans" (his word) when Amanda was murdered, and it was not only analyzed as a priority due to order, but repetition and context.  It is an overwhelming priority, so much so, that it, alone, caught the attention of the public with such questions as, "How could he be talking about publicity for his church while his wife's killers are on the loose?" and "Why does he care about these things while his baby is murdered and...?"  and so on.  

The defense is to use the middle eastern man's ideology, is it not?  Have we not heard something along these lines?  "He is so concerned for the souls of others that he concentrates..."?  

Have we not heard dismissal where some say he is so 'delusional and lost in religion that you cannot take his words seriously'?

These are two attempts to discredit the analysis of the murder case; one from within, and the other from without, the ideology itself.  

Deception Within the Ideology

What about those who "change the rules"?

There have been murderous rulers who have committed atrocities in the name of the ideology but in doing so, they were deceptive.  They were not commanded in the ideology to steal and if you get beyond the propaganda of wars, you will find at all the non Islamic wars there was a consistency beneath motive:


Money, land, power...Greed.

"I will have my tariffs!" from Lincoln, led to 600,000 dead.  Eventually, the argument from tariffs went to "save the union" and eventually slavery.  Lincoln's racist statements are all but forgotten in history books today, and even the Emancipation Proclamation is edited for not fitting the narrative today.  

 England had freed its slaves without the need for bloodshed.  

"We need living space!"  Hitler, though he began with a false flag bearing in Poland and had to "intervene" to "save" the innocents.  If you were a citizen of Germany in 1939, you read daily accounts that made your blood boil with anger:  innocent German citizens being attacked by criminal elements within Polish society, manipulated by Polish aristocracy, while Jews were profiting from the blood shed.  You believed main stream media and you wanted your government to intervene.  You knew nothing of Hitler's plans of theft and death.  (Another good reason to study deception detection)

Generally, but not always, the invader or aggressor, was the guilty party, and generally, too, was the quest for wealth, including power that generates wealth, or land that generates wealth.  Religion becomes the pre text and cover for greed. 

This is to go directly against all those unique "thou shalt nots" in Judeo Christian ideology.  If you live in relative peace thinking that while you are at work that your neighbors will not enter your home and steal, it is because an ideology of "thou shalt nots" became part of a culture and even if only superstition, you have benefited from it. 

If you argue that this cultural or ideological influence is in wane, you are not going to meet many who will disagree.  It is said that "Democracy only works" with people of good will.  Your neighbor may not break into your house and steal, but he might hack your computer and steal, or file a false lawsuit against you as the influence is in retreat.  Prisons filled, and once where the Protestant Work Ethic meant personal, internal responsibility, socialism and government dependency re-defines what "compassion" is, for the purpose of voting blocks.  

Judaism gave the origin of marriage, plainly, by painting a portrait of nature, with first plant life, bearing "seed after its kind", so that an orange tree reproduced an orange tree, and then on to animals, so that a horse would "bring forth after its kind", a 'baby' horse.  Then it was time for man in the creation account of this ideology, with "woman" taken from the man, with the pronunciation of what marriage is.  "Therefore a man shall leave his family and cling to his wife and they shall be one..."

Marital laws have, in following this, not only affirmed this definition but added limits (which came from the same ideology) including any union that would harm the offspring, such as siblings.  

The very word "husband" only works as it relates to one created to react to the design of the male.  In statement analysis, it is a dependent word, indicating that while used, another thought is in play.  One can "husband" only a female, with scientific reciprocal physiology; physically and emotionally, in the historical and creative definition of "marriage."  

We, today, have re-defined the word "marriage" as a cultural shift.  It puts things into perspective:

The middle eastern man's ideology affirms the definition of marriage as "one man and one woman" exclusively.  If you make public claim to represent this man's ideology (which presupposes Divine Authorship) yet are willing to publicly oppose his ideology, for the purpose of profit,  it is a form of 'deception', which is commonly called "hypocrisy", but has powerful emotional elements within it regarding truth and exploitation.  

Consider this:  someone who claims to be a "minister" (professional) of this ideology cannot say "it is divine" and then affirm a new definition of marriage, and be truthful.  If it was divine, it was perfect, is perfect, and cannot be altered.  If it was human, it could have been wrong, and the change acceptable.

This, too, begs the question, Why not embrace a different ideology that one is more comfortable with?  Why the need to do violence to this particular historic ideology and demand it yield to personal agenda?  This is a question repeated due to its importance.  What kind of personality is willing to claim divinity and then claim authority over the divine ideology?  This is not one who does not understand, or is in error to the ideology.  It must be deliberate in order to be deceptive.  

This is where 'truth seekers' end up; an almost indifferent external view that observes and questions.  The relevancy is critical in the investigation into the murder of Amanda Blackburn.  The re-definition of "marriage" is just a sample of deception by those who claim the ideology has divine inerrant origins.  It is not a disagreement of interpretation; it is to make an entirely different claim on a statement.  

My assertion here, in context, is about a specific psychological form of deception that takes a unique personality type to employ.  

II.  Ideology and Deception

It is fascinating to listen to people who want to 'own' as theirs the ideology of this obscure man from 20 centuries ago, but at their own recipe.  These are those who see the claims, know the claims, but deliberately present deception. This deception is by re-defining language, which is to pass counterfeit currency, linguistically, or by 'amputation', which is to directly contradict the claims of that man's own claims. 


Why bother?

If they do not agree with the man, why not simply adopt another ideology entirely?  

It seems genuine to say, "Christianity limits sexuality to heterosexuality; therefore, I have no need of it" than to say, 'that's not what it really teaches" or "jesus and the apostles did not have the understanding of genetic sexual attraction as we do today" which assaults his claim to be God and his word being perfection.  

Statement Analysis:  "thou shalt not lie with man as with woman..." as a prohibition that is from Judeo-Christian ideology.  A truthful one can say, "I do not agree" and be done.  A deceptive person has a need to deceive and change the intent of meaning.  This refers to a specific personality type.  

What happens when this deceptive personality type has talent?

What happens when this deceptive and talented personality type has  a single-minded obsession for something?

Most people have respect for honest disagreement. 

 I've had fascinating discussions and interviews with homosexuals who have said, "Of course I am not a Christian.  Christianity  is against my belief in my sexuality."  Yet others have said "I am a Christian.  The Bible didn't really mean that..." and retail the deceptive responses  they have heard from others.  

It is not Statement Analysis of the texts. 

This is why I often state that Statement Analysis has a "freeing" affect; we let the statement speak for itself; what is true is true; what is not true, is not.  It is as if we are outside looking in, with scientific indifference.  

Some have made the latter claim due to ignorance of the ideology.  
Others have made the claim while knowing the ideology.  This brings us closer to what it is we need to find out.  

Honest Debate Versus Willful Destruction 

There are lots of issues that faith debates over, but issues that are debated are done so to learn.  When one takes a plain, "thou shalt not" and say, "no, that is wrong, it should say, thou shalt!" while claiming to hold to the ideology do so as one who deceives.  He may deceive himself, or he may put himself in a public position (such as in a business to sell this ideology) and knowingly state:

1.  The Bible is Divine
2.  The Bible is Wrong
3.  Please come to my business establishment where I share this ideology 
4.  I am superior to Divinity

In other words, they know what ideology A teaches, but instead of simply disagreeing with it, and moving on to ideology B, or C, they demand ideology A bend to their own beliefs or bias. 

This is where the personality must be in view of the one who takes upon himself (or herself) the public bearer of the ideology of the man from the middle east 2000 years ago.  

This is why it is important to highlight topics of disagreement in this pre-analysis study.    

Another example.  The ideology and women 'business owners' of the ideology:

1.  The ideology claims to be divine; therefore inerrant. It cannot be wrong and it cannot be changed by time, culture, or any outside influence.  Truth remains what it is.  
2.  The middle east man behind it chose 12 men to carry his ideology to the world.  They, in turn, kept the leadership restricted to men.  
3.  The ideology forbids woman to be pastors.  
4.  The ideology reported why this prohibition existed.  
5.  The ideology said that the prohibition was not due to culture. 

Therefore, if I am a woman and I want to be a public representative of this ideology, I am faced with some choices. 

I can, of course, be honest and say that I will find a different ideology to cling to.  I disagree with this middle eastern man's ideology, though it has many fine points, because it excludes me.  I will find something else to sell...or

a.  Ignore the ideology as temporary solution until challenged;
b.  Oppose the ideology by various arguments including-the ideology is wrong, which then leads to, the "what if?" problem.  

One cannot claim divinity and error and be truthful.   

This then leads to the genuine question that says, "Why not find a different ideology to follow?"  

Instead, we find people willing to publicly demand the ideology change to fit their own personal bias. This is heightened if the person wishes to publicly 'sell' the ideology as a business.  The business owner wants to make money off of the ideology which he states is of divine origin, yet:  

 'The ideology, which claims to be divine,  will bend to my will.

This takes a very specific personality type.  It is not the personal or private opinion that I address, but one who is making a public declaration against the ideology while making a public declaration to represent the ideology. 

This next part is a bit difficult to explain, but I attempt to do so in order to allow you, regardless of your own position in any of these matters, to enter into the shoes of the subject, who is a public figure, publicly stating to be a true representative of the middle eastern man's ideology.  

This person is deceptive.  It goes beyond what most people understand psychologically:

'This book is the Word of God; It cannot be wrong.  
I know it says, "this", but I still choose "that" personally.  
I do this because, in essence, I am smarter than God."

Any claim to state the Bible is the inerrant Word of God but then changes it to fit one's own bias or agenda, is to show a personality that is not only unafraid of lying, but he (or she) unafraid of lying publicly, and even unafraid of divine retribution.  Take this a quantum leap further and place the person as one who, publicly and professionally (for money) asserts the ideology in his 'business' or church setting.  

Even if you believe it is all fairy tales from thousands of years ago, you should be able to see the inconsistency in those willing to change the message in order to be popular or successful.  Yet, can you see, from their own perspective, that they see themselves as superior to the god they claim to bow to?

For some, it is to claim the Bible to be God's Word, but it is "wrong" in limiting marriage to one man and one woman. 

Truth is not changed by time.  If something is true, it was true yesterday, and it will be true tomorrow.  Consider that a minister studies philosophy, so these are not new assertions to them.  

The ideology instructed him to teach the message.  When someone claims the message to be authentically Divine, it is submitted to.  

For another, it is to claim that the message is divine (note the capitalization change to reflect the internal)  needs to be altered to fit the person's own agenda.  

If the person adheres to the ideology being perfect, that is, 'complete' because it is divine, does not the person set himself up to be above the divine author?

Does this person now place himself as judge over the divinity?

It is easy to ask, 'Why not just embrace a different ideology altogether?  Why not start her own?' because this would be genuine and being genuine, or true to one's own self, is something humans respect.  

I do not speak to those in ignorance, nor those who have honest disagreements one with another:  I want readers to see that there are those who know what it teaches, but are of a personality that demands the ideology change to fit his or her own opinion rather than adopting a different ideology.  

They demand, for example, that 4,000 years of ideology change, instead of simply saying, "I am not a believer in Judaism or Christianity. I believe..."  

These are people who deliberately "lie" about the ideology are revealing a personality type that is very important to get to know:  profiling.

If the ideology says "thou shalt not lie with man as with woman" you can either:

1. Accept it
2.  Linguistic gymnastics
3.  Ignore it
4.  Truthfully, condemn it and adopt a different ideology in a "live and let live" philosophy.  

To be "truthful" would be to say, "Hey, I don't buy this.  Therefore, I am not going to cling to this ideology started by a man from the middle east 2000 years  ago.  Instead, I will find something else more suited to what I like regarding a man having sex with a man."

This is truthful.

You may or may not like it, but it is authentic. 

 If Jesus claimed to be God, and God, by definition, cannot change nor be wrong, why not bail out instead of claiming to believe Jesus is God, but Jesus is also wrong?  

*It takes a very specific element within a personality to place himself or herself above that which they consider divinity.  

The answer is not singular, but I implore readers to consider one particular element.  I recognize the hatred and the antagonism but in context, consider that those who alter the message may do so to personally profit from the ideology.  

Readers come here for truth.  They are, more than in other places, perhaps, open for the truth to be told than the general public.  They want to hear what analysis shows.     

"Hey, I'd like to have 3, maybe even 4 wives.  I see that the precept in Creation says, "nope" to my idea, so I am going to adopt a different ideology so that I can practice polygamy. " 

You may not like this person, but he is, in the least, being truthful.  It is completely different from the person who says "I want multiple wives and the Bible teaches it."  If (and the word "if" is critical) the subject knows the Bible both condemns polygamy while historically reporting it historically, he is deliberately twisting historical recognition to justify his own desire.    

Over the years, I have had gay friends who have been open about this and I respect them for it.  "I'm not interested in assaulting the beliefs of others; it is not for me."  

"Why would anyone join a religion with so many restrictions, anyway?"  This is a good question and an honest question.  It is asked in sincerity.  

It is not, however, the question for this analysis.  It is sometimes helpful to see the shadow before we see the original.  

It is most fascinating to see people who rush to an ideology that condemns them, demanding that the ideology bend to them, rather than they find something else to hold to.  We see this in the news almost daily today, as it has become increasingly popular to hold people in faith in contempt and to call their sacred beliefs 'phobias' and 'immoral hatred' not while walking away from the ideology:  but while walking into the ideology, with demands in hand.  

There is something within the personality that lies in this manner.

If it says "thou shalt not", why not just be honest and start a new religion or ideology?  Why the need to input oneself into something that disagrees?

Since this question has been posed several times for impact, it is now time to ask:

"What kind of personality walks into an ideology demanding it bend to fit one's emotions?"

Now we are moving closer to the object, away from the shadow.  

We must consider it from a professional point of view.  

There are a lot of reasons for this, but it is important to note those who are, publicly, willing to deceive even their own profession, for personal gain.  This is what it comes down to:  altering the message to propagate myself.  

On the obvious level:  It takes a very selfish person to do this, yes, but there is still more. 

It takes a very selfish, and talented person, to do this and do it successfully.  

Over the years, most, though not all, of the "televangelists" have done this very thing.  They have a powerful desire for money, and fame makes money.  Those who hold to the ancient ideology as "faith" or "belief", cringe. 


Most of what is offered is accurate.  

It is the drive for money, one way or another, that causes them to 'alter' the message even if it means creating an imbalance in the message.  

Let's call these who change or alter the message knowingly to be "pragmatic" for the backdrop of this understanding. 

These are individuals who use this man's ancient ideology for personal gain.   They know that it is easier to get the masses to brace a bumper sticker slogan than complicated truth.  They will say and do pragmatically whatever it takes to gain what they seek.  This is almost always money, and when it appears to be fame or power, remember that these are steps towards wealth.  

In the 1970's, there was an attempt to bring the "hippies" to Christianity.  

What would be presented to them?

Consider the choice faced.

Person A says "I will deliver the same message as always, "Repent and live" and call them to live a life forgiven and now intent on keeping the "thou shalt nots", while "loving thy neighbor" and working hard to provide for self.  As society has gotten more and more wealthy, this message has lost some of its popularity.  

Person B says, "If I deliver the same message, few are going to come.  Therefore, I will just present one particular side of the message and once they are in, then I will tell them the other side.  So for now, I will tell them, "Be forgiven" but I won't tell them those "thou shalt nots" which turn them off. They want to do their own thing.   I will tell them to "love their neighbor" but the word "love" needs a bit of tweaking."

Person C  has been watching the others and he says, 

"I see Person A has 10 people and is impoverished.  I see Person B has 100 people and he is feeding his kids.  I'd sure like to surpass him and get 200 people, so I will further "tweak" the meaning of "loving thy neighbor" and this 'jesus' that John the Baptist said would judge...he's got to go.  The guy who went violent in cleansing out the temple...I will emasculate and instead, he is going to have long hair, because my hippie audience does this, and..."

The message of "repent" gave way to new "prosperity" messages and so humorous songs like The Rolling Stones' "Girl With Far Away Eyes" has a comical, but accurate look at the silly message that says if you send money to the evangelist, you're going to find wealth. The key is it is deliberate.  

This ideology progressed in affluent America and with each wave of "political correctness", many willingly changed the teaching of the man's ideology and did so in a rush of competition. 

When the person knows that what he or she is saying is in contradiction to the ideology but do it anyway, the person is  lying and is doing so for profit margin.  

Remember, lie detection has to do with intent.  Simply repeating what one believes is not to lie, even when the information is incorrect. 

When an English Iman said, "Islam is not consistent with democracy" he was countered by non Muslim English politicians who said, "that's not true."  

The Iman told the truth.  Love him or hate him, he was truthful, in a stark moment where he embarrassed the "multi cultural" politicians but he told the truth.  He actually showed the influence of the UK's culture upon him.  He was 'goaded' into the truth, instead of the cultural 'tacquia' that honors deception.  

Baptist and Presbyterians have disagreements on baptism.  These are genuine disagreements, but what of the personality who says,

"I know baptism, by either means, is in the Bible, but today, people hate the water thing, so I am going to change it and say, "there is no such teaching of baptism today.  This was culturally due know, how people in those days rode on smelly camels and they got camel poop on their, well on their heads if they were short, and in those days, everyone was short, so baptism was just needed to wash off the camel poop.  Uh, check history.  It's all there.  In fact, in the original Greek, there were some words found in ancient philosophers that held to camel poop as sacred and it really caused disease so the church invented this baptism as a way of washing off the poop!"


The more intellectually clever the deceptive one is, the more he can explain off anything that might hinder his goal of fame and fortune.  Here we come to the personality of pragmatic success, even while claiming the ideology to be of divine, unalterable character.  

In understanding this murder case, you must see how powerful this pragmatism really is, no matter your opinion of Judaism or Christianity.  

Many (not all) murderers feel a need to put their victim on trial, which both condemns the victim but it also justifies the action.  This is crucial in analyzing a statement.  It is found to slip into statements where accidental death is claimed.

"The baby wouldn't finish her dinner."  

Now, she is dead, claimed as an accidental death. 

 In the Blackburn case, we had one who:

has embarrassed those who want justice for this case, with his change of Christianity, an ideology many  hold sacred. 

People have become obsessed with Amanda Blackburn's murder, which some interest can be explained in the obvious circumstances but there are other elements:

a.  Blackburn's seeking of attention.  This almost always triggers anger. No one likes being 'played the fool' with liars.  Recall how anger brewed at Falcon Lake 'widow' who emerged from Falcon Lake, Texas, sans husband, with an outrageous theft of the modern "Titanic" hollywood version.  She could barely contain her zeal, going from network to network, while the public insisted that she be polygraphed.  She never was and even made it as far as the Governor's front steps.  Attention seekers hold their audience in contempt, even if they are only appearing in an attempt to control information as was the case of Billie Jean Dunn, in the murder of her daughter, Hailey Dunn. 

b.  Blackburn's crass commercializing of her death. 

This is key to understanding, not only who he is, but who we are.  This irritated people and for some, gave them more resolution to learn the truth in this case.  

In doing so, people of positions of justice-mindedness were (and are) enraged that he would take her death and use it for fame and subsequent fortune.  

c.  The circumstances, including:

1.  Complaining about her publicly.  
2.  Telling the public how his business would be better without her
3.  Making distancing and deceptive statements 
4. Circumstantial Evidence including the conclusion of "no one can be this lucky!" from many seasoned investigators.  The 'odds' of all of the factors coming together on the very day he did not lock the door and stayed on the phone, days after waving around a gun...
5. Flamboyancy as an irritant to audience seeking truth. 

6.  Faith

Some are likely obsessed with this case for all of the above, but have an additional emotional component:  anger at one who holds their faith in contempt for the purpose of exploitation.  In this sense, it is rather personal and it is reflected in the length of comments about this murder case.  

Everything he says, does, and even in appearance, is not only flamboyant, but is designed to entertain, entice, convince and bring fame and fortune that numbers bring. 

He is, at the core of his being, one obsessed with success and his chosen area for this end is the ideology of a middle eastern man from more than 20 centuries ago.  

I suggest to you that Christianity, as an ideology, presents the perfect platform for exploitation by Blackburn, and all others like him, who know plainly, that they are presenting only portions of truth, changing other portions, and deliberately presenting to people a specific personal version of truth, pragmatically designed, to make him famous and wealthy. 

This is all "justified" by the religious veneer.  

Years ago there was a 'televangelist' who said 'God' told him people's woes and he would wow the crowd by revealing,

"Your aunt Polly is sick with cancer.  She will be healed!" to the amazement of the subject and audience. 

Later, it was found that he had a small blue-tooth pre-blue tooth like device in his ear and was exposed as a fraud.  

He lost it all.

How gullible and vulnerable are Americans?  He made it all the way back to TV.  This does not affirm nor deny the ideology, but it does affirm the thief.  

It is this justification that I hope readers will bear with this lengthy article and give consideration to, as I move from backdrop of ideology, to analysis. 

My assertion is that these exploiters know and deliberately alter the message, present an imbalanced message, and withhold truth for the pragmatic purpose of personal gain, no matter what they feel needs to be changed.  For some, it is mild changes, while for others, it is wholesale changes, but the common denominator is deception; that is, the willful knowing that what he (or she) is doing is contrary to the middle eastern man's ideology that is claimed to be perfection.  

Next, consider the personality type who knows, lies, and goes public with it.  Again, this is not one who is in error, but sincere; it is one who knows precisely what he is doing and does it, anyway. 

How much talent does this deceiver have?

What of his presentation's design?

What does his language reveal as his priority?  

For those who hold to this ideology in sincerity, differences are presupposed and accepted among people of good will; while recognizing how many are motivated by personal gain.  

It is within the personality of one bold enough to:

1.  Learn the Ideology
2.  Deliberately twist, pervert, change,  imbalance, manipulate the ideology for personal gain. 
3.  Have the nerve to go 'public' on a large scale, including fearlessness in the face of scrutiny
4.  Remove any hinderance to this 'mission' for success. 
5.  Resolve:  under the public scrutiny, the personality digs his heels in, no different than the liar who backs up his lie with yet another lie, rather than own the truth and admit fault.  

I warn employers incessantly that liars will always put themselves before the material needs of their companies, as well as their employees and customers.  Liars destroy.  It is what they do.  If one is a habitual liar, one has a trail of broken lives, broken promises, and losses for as long as they have practiced their deception.  

From "King" to "weepie, effeminate affirming therapist" 

When the 70's turned into the 80's and 90's, there was a disappearance of "Christ the King" and His rule over the nations, demanding repentance and obedience from them as His subjects, as He claimed the crown rights  both for Himself, and from the Old Testament scriptures, while there was an appearance of a new 'jesus', who is not king, but weak, weeping, beggarly, just asking people to 'accept' him, and have some form of "personal relationship", as if they were having coffee together while seated in a sunny porch on a lazy day. This new 'jesus' existed to 'meet your needs'...what needs?  "All" your needs.  It is easy to do this by destroying context, and history.  Blackburn is not the first, and he won't be the last to use pragmatism to promote his business venture.  He is, however, very talented in what he does.  

It takes a certain personality to first know the truth, and then to pervert it to fit a particular aim, but it takes someone with a deeper commitment to self to take the ideology, bear it in contempt, and then go "public" with it for personal gain. 

Blackburn Videos 

This 'personal relationship' is presented in a sexualized manner, including tight pants, pop haircuts, and an overall "front and center" narcissism of a showman. It includes the open indictment of the victim, Amanda, to 'make a point' which statement analysis shows: 

the need to persuade his audience that he has a powerful heterosexual drive for sex.  

Audience Expectation 

They produce studies and expensive workshops on how to grow their "business", with "example models" and "the latest techniques" on how to "grow your church", with the chief end being numerical success.  

They are taught in seminars how to use the "bumper sticker" education so popular in the United States today where catch phrases supplant the hard work of education.  This, too, is not new or unique to "the best is yet to come" we heard after the murder.  

Remember the bracelets, "WWJD"?  This stood for "what would Jesus do?" for teens who were at R rated movies.  The inherent issue of this bracelet is that it is speculative and it encourages one not to study and learn.  Instead of taking the time (and effort) to learn what Jesus did, and what He taught, and what His disciples taught, one could simply speculate.  For some, "jesus" would steal, assault and even murder. This appeals to the lazy minded audience who craves entertainment over instruction.

 Recall the sad account from the attorney who's client was being sentenced for armed burglary and assault listening to the client's mother and aunts "claiming in jesus' name!" that the guilty violent young man would "have the victory", which meant:  he would get away with his crime.  The attorney lamented that there was no prayer for the young woman he beat up, nor for victims in general.  For them, this 'jesus' existed to bypass justice and help criminals remain as criminals and not learn from mistakes.  

Without getting into what specifics Blackburn twists to further his cause, one can simply choose any video of his and instead of studying it, one can simply listen for a few minutes.  There will be no argument.  Better still?  Look at several videos, just a few seconds of each, to get an even wider portrait.  If you can listen, go to those with Amanda, or about marriage and note how often he talks about himself and his sexuality.  How many times must he tell you that he is heterosexual before you ask, "Why the need to persuade?"  

His presentation of an ideology, precious and sacred to some, is an affront.  

This bothers people, all by itself, but to have video where he insults his victim, complains about his victim, and finally, waves a gun around, compounds with the inherent insult of public lies, to cause a powerful reaction within people; especially people who love the very words he twists or uses for exploitation.   The murder case, itself, fascinates, but to give an in-depth analysis means to understand the ideology, and the 'violence' done deliberately to the ideology, as it reveals the personality. 

Liars are destructive.  This means that they destroy. It is what they do.  "When push comes to shove..." always happens in life:  push will come to shove and when it does, expect the liar to fulfill his pattern in life:  he will protect himself with lies, even if it destroys others.  He will also lie so that it destroys others.  Get him some success and he will lie some more, but get him a lot more success in his ambitions and watch his ambitions grow to levels of ruthlessness.  

Ruthlessness?  Talk to those who have dared to disagree with Blackburn's mentor, the one who described Blackburn as sexy at Amanda's funeral.  

Honest people lie

When they lie, they hurt, they repair the damage but most impressively, they learn from their mistakes.  When they hear a sermon, for example, about theft, they do not say, "I am glad I am not a thief", instead, they look within and say, "I told the ticket puncher that my daughter was 12 when she was 13.  I stole" and seek to amend this, while learning from it.  The 'shaming' of thievery, therefore, is something they found inspiring and helpful because they seem themselves as personally responsible and with the ability to change.  Those that seek to blame others, blame society, blame external forces, cannot make such amendments.  

These hear Blackburn's messages, or worse, watch his carefully choreographed video appearances, and they react with such words as "nauseating", "infuriating" and it fills them with a desire to see justice for Amanda, even though there are thousands of victims of murder that have not received justice.  

They are particularly upset because he has deliberately invaded an ideology they hold sacred, for his own gain and state that the message he gives uses similar language from their ideology, but is very different.  

My assertion is this:

The spouse of Amanda Blackburn has spoken a great deal.  What he has spoken about the murder indicates deception.  Some of the deception appears to be, in context, about sexuality.  When this is coupled with his videotapes messages about his own sexuality, with its specific choreography and costumes, it further asserts deception about his much affirmed heterosexuality.  

But that is not all.  

He is one who is not afraid to deliberately tailor the ideology precious to many to fit his own agenda, nor is he afraid to talk about his agenda; he does it boldly.  His wife had not yet been buried and he was already publicly celebrating an early success in his agenda of numerical success.    

He is more honest and upfront about his "numbers" agenda than he is about his sexuality, and about what happened to Amanda, even though he talked a great deal about his own sexuality, on video.  

To understand his language, and how he puts everything in the context of this ideology, you must first understand the ideology and then understand the personality type that is dishonest enough to alter the ideology to fit popularity and success.  Then, you must see and estimate the measure of his intellect, along with his boldness in the face of scrutiny.  These are all elements of personality emerging.  

Take that another step up and see the boldness of one who not only isn't afraid of television and exposure, but seeks it.  

Take that yet further:  he can read analysis and still be unafraid to attempt to explain away that which is consistent with both guilt and deception.

Let's say that you were in a very unhappy marriage, even to the point where you considered lucky, blessed or fortunate to be freed, even in horrible circumstances, from this marriage. 

Would you use such distancing language?

I affirm that you would not.  In fact, you would feel guilt over having wanting a divorce.  This is called "survivor's guilt" by some in psychology.  "Why Amanda?"  

If your wife, even if you wanted with all your heart and even your sexuality, wanted out of this marriage, was brutally murdered and the killers running free, 

would you express no concern for your son, or your own life?

This article is written, in part, for those who foolishly dismiss human nature and say, "Davey was fearless because he trusted God" and "Davey did not mourn because he knew he would be with her again", and finally, "Davey's use of "we" is because he sees himself and Jesus as one."

He does not. 

I assert that he sees himself as superior to Christ.  I assert that he sees himself superior to the Apostles and to the message they carried.  I assert that he feels the need to 'coach', and 'guide' and give a 'new presentation' to the ideology that he claims and believes to be divine and perfect. 

He sets himself up above perfection.  

This is a form of narcissism that is combined with a well above average intellect and a talent for deception, manipulation and persuasion.  This is wrapped up within a desperation for relevancy that drives him to success.  When he said that he would have been content with x number of congregants, this statement was, in the context of Christianity's ideology, an unnecessary statement.  It is why we have "Negation" in Statement Analysis, and why that which is in the negative is elevated in importance of that which is in the positive.  

He portrayed this number in the context of 'humbly accepting less', which is distinctly negative, and he did so in the wake of his wife's murder.  

The more one speaks, the more we know. 

If he knew his own ideology he would know that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

So from this abundance, I can simply count words. 

How many times did he use Amanda's name?

I can do the same thing at the Amanda memorial service.  

What did his mentor talk about?

The resurrection from the dead, as the ideology teaches, based upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Question:  How many times did you hear the word "resurrection" used from one who is ordained as a minster of this ideology?  If you are familiar with the ideology, the resurrection from the dead is "front and center" not only ideologically, but at every funeral and memorial service where the subject represents the ideology.  

How many words did he dedicate to tell us about the victim's husband's physical appearance?

He told us that something "wasn't right" about Blackburn and that the "fix" or "repair" would be a woman; Amanda.  

My assertion is that this ideology, from an Israeli man of obscurity, more than 20 centuries ago, is used for personal gain; not as so much a primary motive, but also from a pragmatic viewpoint:  to change whatever portion of the ideology that might hinder the goal. 

Where the ideology teaches that there is joy in Heaven over one sinner repenting, we saw and heard the strong introduction of the pronoun "I" from Blackburn, berating his followers so that they would not celebrate any turning from sin to Christ, but because they failed to reach his expectation of numbers; a mandate he set, himself.  

He is unafraid to challenge and change anything in order to accomplish his goal. 

He told us that Amanda and her pregnancy hindered him from his goals just a few short years ago and from there, he went on to complain about his wife not fulfilling his heterosexual sex drive. How obsessed did he present himself?

He claimed that he could not "concentrate" on a dinner date with Amanda, lest he had sexual intercourse first.  

This he gave to an audience of young people, including females, who could watch him strut back and forth, allowing their imaginations get ahead of them:  perhaps they could satisfy him since she can't.  Couple this with his complaints about her and you get the picture:

Focus upon him.  Focus upon his sexuality.  Him:  good.  Amanda: bad. 

We listen very carefully for one to justify his own actions.  See the short article on this where murderers sometimes play the role of prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner, of their victims, verbally. 

Step back from this and place it all within the contextual language of the ideology of Judeo Christianity.  Christianity actually gives him justification of his complaints. 

What did he complain about her?

Was it about her ears?  Her family?  Her money?

Think of how he took complaints and indictments against her back to his twisted view of the ideology.  

If one can, whether or not belief in Christianity is held, see the ideology, his alterations of the ideology and his use of it in his narrative, you can begin to understand the language and the analysis.  

It is convenient, in hindsight, to say "we" is "me and jesus" yet Pronouns are intuitive and are used...

after making such a claim.  When he returned, 6 months from the murder, the same pronoun pattern appeared, including distancing language and the dropped pronoun. 

This is a talented, well above average intellect, and showman who has placed himself, naked, in the location of needing to be washed, with Divinity, Himself, having taken "instructions" from the Creator, to go out and receive his fame. 

He is not delusional.  "Crazy Davey", as his mentor called him, does have something "wrong" and that is "very wrong" with him, and it is something that his mentor said would be fixed by a "woman." He knows what he is saying, and he is consistent in both his priority and in his guilty use of pronouns. 

This message, given 'off the cuff', that is, from the Free Editing Process, was a brilliant form of manipulation that included 'preparing the soil' for the message, taking authority over his father in law, his father-in-law's work, the entire congregation, and then to take his wife's murder to boldly give himself a status that demands either submission with all reverence, or... scorn.  

Whether you or I believe him, his message, or in Judaism or Christianity, is not relevant here. 

It is what he believes. 

It is within his assertion.  

Those more familiar with the ideology can have a better understanding and insight into the spouse of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, when he speaks.  

It comes down to this:  

Is he true to the ideology?


Does he affirm the ideology to be perfectly divine, only to set himself up, slightly above it, for the purpose of achieving his personal agenda of success?

How far will he go while driven for success.  

He told us.

Amanda died so the church would live.  

Consider this, aside from blasphemy.  

Consider that this was the claim of Jesus Christ.  Years later, Paul pointed to science. 

A tiny seed must be given a burial and from this burial in the ground new life would come, highlighting that humans, too, with all life, experience life from death, in the resurrection.  The little tomato seed is buried in the dirt as to 'die' symbolically, with 4 months later, a 5 or 6' plant yields much fruit.  

Amanda died for the church, he claimed.  

She was not dead but a few days and he already was counting the 'tomato' production, to the point of giving an actual number of people who tuned in to the memorial via the internet. 

Do you see what he is doing?

This is a form of justification of her death.  It uses specific language from an ideology of which he sets himself up as "over" it, or superior to it; in need of his theatrics, as well as his picking and choosing which to emphasize and which to withhold.  

Distinctly within this narcissistic like personality trait is a belief that he is superior to the god he claims to represent.  He takes the ideology for business success reasons, and alters it to fit his compulsion and drive for the fame and fortune of numerical success. 

Whether this is done in theatrics of presentation, or by imbalance, it is clear that the analysis of his priority is correct.  When facing the greatest tragedy a man can face:  losing his own "person"; that is, one half of the "full person" that Creationism teaches, his response was to happily report the numbers coming in.  "Jesus" is just a buzzword to cover this insatiable drive for fame.  "Jesus" bears no resemblance, linguistically, to the middle eastern historical figure.  

There are those who alter the ideology to fit their agenda, revealing an element of narcissistic thinking within themselves, demanding that the ideology be accepted as Divine, while demanding it bend to their will.  This, alone, helps us understand their motive.  

Yet when the need to assert both elements couples with the single minded purpose of drive for fortune as well as the talent of public speaking and the flair of theatrics, it reveals a personality that says:

Nothing will stand in my way for greed.  Nothing.  

This is why we saw no grieving but an almost inability to conceal his giddiness at the free publicity he received and why he was able to say that the murder victim died for this success.  

Fear of the unknown killers?
Fear that they would return to silence him and kill his son?
Bereft of his "better half"?  

No, she was the albatross slowing him down, along with a pregnancy, from his very publicly stated goals.  The memorial was, in deed, celebratory, with the reason for celebration claimed to be a resurrection that was not even mentioned. 

Our words give us away.  

The reason men die throughout history is from greed.  It is the source of wars and it is the source of murders.  True, they hide behind religion to masquerade their greed, or, as in the case of criminal Islamic ideology, violence is prescribed, but to what end?  To the end of taking what others have, including their land, their homes, their wives and their possessions.


Greed kills.  

It is not that money is the root of all evil; it is the love of money that is not all evil, but its root cause. 

Power is intoxicating and it, as fame, brings great wealth. 

Some wars are necessary to stop the greed of others and are fought defensively or to free those taken away by greed.  The number one cause for the American War for Independence was "duty."  Men believed it was their "duty" from this specific ideology, to provide for their families and that when the king of England did not stop the tyranny of a parliament that held no legal representation of the colonies, the decision to fight was that the oppressive taxes caused men to be incapable of providing for their families.  It was the call of duty to resist greed and the tyranny that facilitates greed. 

Greed drives men to insanity, or in the least, to illogical and even murderous decisions,  

 One can claim that good things come from tragedy and this is precisely the teaching of the ideology, yet, there is no suspension of human nature.  This does not explain away the incessant complaints against his wife, or how she held back the growth of his business.  This does not justify the extreme nature of distancing language.  This does not clarify the childlike guilt found within the plural use of "we", when he was alone.  This does not explain any of it. 

For some, he is hiding his sexuality behind the magnificent heterosexual sex drive his wife could not satisfy and is crassly cashing in on her death of which he was just incredibly lucky.  

For others, the language of guilt far exceeds any guilt felt from commercializing her death.  

My conclusion of his language in this ideological setting is this:

The husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn has revealed, linguistically, a personality that is so narcissistic in scope, that he demands that his audience accept that the ideology he sells is both divine in nature, and that he thus reveals that he, himself, is a counselor and advisor to divinity, and the purpose of such is to advance his ambitious agenda of greed.  

When he claimed that he was personally spoken to by divinity, standing naked in his shower, he deceived his audience, deliberately, to propagate an authority that leads to numerical success.  When he said he received the news that he would be part of a history making event, he was not simply showing his narcissism, but he was deceptive.  

The coincidental nature of the murder is next examined in light of the statements he has publicly made.  


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Leslie said...


Amber had her youngest, baby Rowan, with her when she flew back to IN from CA. So, unless her Gavin brought her two other children to her IN grandmother's house, she only had Rowan.

sore thumb said...

Amber didn't say "perfect family," she said "perfect reminder." Not the same thing.

If Davey always left the door unlocked simply because he couldn't be arsed to do it, then how can one say with certainty he left it unlocked that day for the thugs? Nobody knows what his door-locking habits were.

And, if Davey left the door unlocked ONLY that particular day so the thugs could get in, wouldn't he keep that to himself? Why share that with the authorities? He could have easily said he locked the door and Amanda must've unlocked it for some reason. The guy has no trouble lying, right?

HISG said...


Im just now seeing your post...yes I agree, in fact I feel the description of being at Grandparents is odd, deviates from the detailed descriptions of the car ride and indoor park and seems, perhaps impressionistic, a few brief strokes on the canvas, and like you are saying one is to convey a perfect image of Amanda laughing at Davey chasing Weston...and very interesting observation, why would amber need to point out how much Amanda loved her family. I am not speaking for anyone else, only myself, but I am quite uncomfortable with the description of time at the Grandparents dinner for many reasons that I hesitate to share.

Leslie said...

Although Amber often references being at her grandparents; house, she never talks about them, their time together, meals, etc. I would guess that's because her posts are about Amanda and their relationship, since Amanda's death.

HISG said...

Leslie, thank you for info...I thought she had mentioned having 2 of her children with her...hmmmm

HISG said...

Amber said

"I WILL NEVER FORGET WATCHING Davey chase Weston around the living room as Amanda sat on the couch and laughed." (caps mine)

This is how she introduces the "scene" at Grandparents.

It is odd how it is phrased in the form of a "reflection", "memory" rather than as a "happening".
What troubles me is that lack of "life" in the recollection of the dinner at the Grandparents. To me, the first detail of the final dinner should not be watching someone else watch Davey chase Weston around the living room. Unfortunately, this type of phrasing could suggest a fabricated memory.

Anonymous said...

Look out, Amber. The vultures are circling, waiting to pick the flesh from your bones!

Leslie said...

sore thumb, you're correct that Amber did not describe Amanda's family as perfect. But, the image she described of DB playing with Weston, and referencing it as a "perfect reminder of how much Amanda loved her family" caused my mind to fill in the blanks, perhaps erroneously.

I must not have communicated about the unlocked door well. I, admittedly, do not know much about Confidential Informants, so feel free to correct me if my logic is wrong. OK, if DB met thugs, was seen by LE buying drugs, and became an CI, wouldn't he realize the danger of that? Therefore, wouldn't he get into the habit of locking his home's doors, if he wasn't already?

If he was a CI, he would not know of the thugs' plans to murder Amanda, right? Therefore, if he was a CI, he had no direct knowledge of plans to murder Amanda. However, he would be hiding something. He would be deceitful, due to drug use, association with the thugs, and being a CI (indirectly causing Amanda's murder).

Likewise, if he's had affairs (gay, straight, bi), he is deceitful.

This is all entirely speculation. But, Davey is guilty of something....

Bingo3 said...

It appears DB is at Levi Lusko church now. He is also enjoying a trip to the Rockies. It is good to be Davey. He is having the time of his life! Hanging with all the famous, rich Christian rock stars.

Leslie said...

Ugh, Bingo3.

At the very least, Davey is guilty of twisting scripture in order to profit from Amanda's death.

That brings me back to the task of Peter's challenge....If Davey believes that the Bible / scripture is divinely inspired, yet also twists scripture for his own benefit...he's diabolically evil (of the devil, sold his soul, etc).

Leslie said...

...or, he thinks he is an equal to God, or above God (which is also evil).

Me2l said...

HISG said
To me, the first detail of the final dinner should not be watching someone else watch Davey chase Weston around the living room

Well, there ya have it. More analyzation based upon Life According to HISG. Any deviation from LATH means one is deceitful and probably guilty of murder.

Bobcat said...


"Going in hard and deep at Fresh Life tonight with @levilusko!"

Excuse me while I go puke.

Leslie said...

Davey thinks he's "above the law," God's law, and perhaps, the governing laws of Indianapolis, IN, and our country. Feeling and acting "above the law" is an attitude, or trait that can be present in many personality types. And, there seem to be more people nowadays that act like they're above the law.

Davey believes the Bible to be divinely inspired by God, yet, he manipulates scripture to advance his own agenda, to prosper in earning more money and fame. This comes naturally for him, as he believes he's above God's Law. He is equal or above God.

Fm25 said...

Davey's latest tweet: "going in hard and deep at fresh life tonight" tagged Levi lusko. Wow, he's so cool and relevant. Looks like he's in Montana to meet Levi, perhaps get some book writing advice. All of his dreams are coming true.

Leslie said...

Bingo3 and Bobcat,

Davey evidently was at Levi Lusko's church yesterday (I wonder if he was a guest speaker?), and was excited that he was to be at Resonate today:

"I can't wait for @resonateindy tomorrow!! The Lord is going to do something special!"

Fm25 said...

Davey says Amanda sacrificed her life, but I'd love to know what davey has sacrificed. He can't even pretend to be sad for more than a second. This is not the ideology, that does not bypass before human emotion. He is void of any empathy for what Amanda endured. He has sacrificed nothing.

Anonymous said...

There is no mention of DB on Fresh Life facebook:

DB's choice of words GOING IN HARD and DEEP...seriously.

I think he gets off to Lusko.

Crass, I know, but GOING IN HARD and DEEP???????

Just to be sure, I checked Levi's current sermon series (all these types do series) and it is currently "Our Glory & Joy" - not even remotely close to Going In Hard and Deep.

What the hell is on DB's mind, and who is he doing it with?

Leslie said...

Fm25 & Bobcat, YES, YES, & YES!

Anonymous said...

Davey finally got to act out his Brokeback Mountain fantasy over the weekend.

Fm25 said...

So true bobcat! Who says stuff like that? I can't imagine Amanda would have. He is cringe-worthy.

Rosy said...


the picture at the grandparents house includes eating dinner, and the narrative order implies that Weston ran about the house there after dinner:

....finally finishing the day with a family dinner at my grandparent's house. I will never forget watching Davey chase Weston around the living room as Amanda sat on the couch and laughed.

Then, later on at the same house,

"It was finally time for her to go home. She was holding Weston in her arms as Davey loaded the car. I didn't even hug her goodbye because her arms were full"

He likely packed the car with Weston's car seat and any purchases Amanda had made and or gifts received. Amanda may have transferred the car seat to another vehicle (her grandparents?) perhaps used to pick up Amanda and 3 children at the airport and also for their travels on the Monday. The Blackburn Honda would not have been cramped for 2 adults and 4 children, at least 2 of them, maybe 3, in car seats.

Amanda may have taken Weston's car seat into the house with Weston (asleep?) in it when they arrived home after their shopping trip.

"I didn't even hug her goodbye because her arms were full, and we would be hanging out again the next day ..."

Amanda's arms may have been full with Weston or gifts from Amanda (California trip) and/or gift from grandmother. Amber, from what she says herself, did not go anywhere, she had arranged to stay over at her grandparents that night and maybe a few days to spend more time with Amanda.

Rosy said...


the Blackburn Honda would have been cramped...."

Leslie said...


I was wrong-
Although Amber only took Baby Rowan to CA, evidently her grandmother in IN was watching her two girls:

"It was Sunday, November 8, and I was flying home from a week long trip in California. I had traveled for almost 12 hours with Rowen, my 6 month old son, and I could not wait to FINALLY land in Indianapolis. My grandma was planning to pick me up from the airport with my two girls....

So, there were a few children running around after dinner.

Leslie said...


snap said...

Rosy- Good contribution on the Shakespeare quote: "The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose." Timely, succinct (and timeless) reminder. This is a key to Davey's Hokey Pokey.

Bobcat- thought the same thing: "Hello Rockies....." "Going in Hard and Deep...tonight with Levi Lusko." Way to start a "fresh life".

Agreed: BARF

Reminder: Ignoring trolls starves trolls. Too much tantilizing bait flying around here. Florida trolls especially must not be fed-- they breed into more trolls with new names. Use SA to identify AND ignore. While it is great to save the whales. On blogs it is essential to starve the trolls. Move On. Logic no worky.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing detailed analysis you put forth here Peter! As one (I) who believes in that man of 2000 years ago, I felt that you didn't "bad mouth" or find fault with His beliefs and thus mine (as I am a follower). Thank you for that and thank you for the Hinduism viewpoint as it makes the whole thing more understandable.
I read this past week on Amanda's sister's blog post that Amanda took a pregnancy test months before the conception of little Weston. Amanda tested negative but she was extremely fearful that if she were pregnant, then it must not be so, shouldn't be so as it would be the most horrible timing/and horrible thing to happen for their ministry. Then down the road she is pregnant with Weston and Davey lets the world know how he felt about Amanda being pregnant.
One can only wonder what the atmosphere was in the Blackburn household when it came to the issue of birthing a child of his. I imagine it couldn't have been a very happy union for a number of reasons and this issue being of high priority cause for lots of arguments and perhaps some physical retaliation even though none has been verified (physical retaliations that is), arguments yes.

Rosy said...

Leslie said...

I was wrong-
Although Amber only took Baby Rowan to CA, evidently her grandmother in IN was watching her two girls:
May 22, 2016 at 7:19 PM


In the Trader's Point church indoor park video November 9 Amber has her 3 children with her and Amanda has Weston.

Leslie said...

I just reread Amber's fb post and rewatched the indoor playground video. Nothing seems odd or out of place. And, Amber says she did all of the talking during the car ride, after Amanda picked up her and Rowan, and they took a different route to their grandparents' house, and got lost.

Amanda's murder was so horrific, and DB's and some others surrounding him have shown lack of emotion, and bizarre behavior, by standard norms. Although I still think DB could be directly, or indirectly involved, I want to go on record by saying that I do not suspect anyone in Amanda's family, nor their friends.

At the very least, Davey was overjoyed when his "burden" of being married to someone more Godly than him was lifted, and he twisted scripture to sell "Amanda's Story," and promote himself.

Leslie said...

Rosy said:

In the Trader's Point church indoor park video November 9 Amber has her 3 children with her and Amanda has Weston.

- - - - -

Exactly. While Amber and Rowan were in CA, the grandmother in the Indianapolis area was, presumably, watching her two girls. Amanda and Amber took their children to the indoor playground the following day.

Oh please said...

Can anyone provide a logical explanation why it matters how many of Amber's children were here or there, or whether grandmother was watching this one or that one? Why does anyone here think it's their business where any of these children were? Wth?

What if a bunch of strangers on the internet were discussing the location of your children?

Bingo3 said...

LOL about his Going In Deep and Hard. Someone even commented "The caption is a really interesting choice!" I am sure that comment will be removed. Negative comments or anything less than "Davey, you are the greatest and most spiritual man to ever walk this earth" get removed very quickly. What an odd thing to say! He never ceases being creepy.

I wasn't going to comment on all the theories being thrown out about other family members but paalease! The only one to incriminate himself with his deceptive statements and ODD behavior has been DB. He alone and his statements are who we are discussing and Peter is analyzing.


Bobcat said...
There is no mention of DB on Fresh Life facebook:

DB's choice of words GOING IN HARD and DEEP...seriously.

I think he gets off to Lusko.

Crass, I know, but GOING IN HARD and DEEP???????

Just to be sure, I checked Levi's current sermon series (all these types do series) and it is currently "Our Glory & Joy" - not even remotely close to Going In Hard and Deep.

What the hell is on DB's mind, and who is he doing it with?


My exact reaction. He had to know that people would read that and have a reaction. He does anything for attention but even for him, this is outrageous.

Also, the amount of travel since Amanda was brutally murdered is unbelievable. Some of the time Weston joins him but not all. PN fully supports him and was on the trip to Israel too. How much money did DB pull in with Amanda's death?

Fm25 said...

Leslie, I'm with you on her family and friends. Her family is in a difficult place and I hope that they have read peter's analyses so they can protect themselves and Weston. From what I've seen, Amanda's friends here in Indy were more of a fan club for davey. I don't think they were involved, but they may know stuff. Its clear their loyalties lie with Davey but they do not possess the personality traits that he does. Diabolical is a good word for him. Not many people are capable of pre planning and executing a plan to have someone killed, and then seeking publicity from it- manipulating scripture to create a story. Imo davey is capable of doing so and that is why given all the telegraphing and leakage I do believe he is involved and not just the "luckiest man alive".

Rosy said...

Leslie said...
at May 22, 2016 at 7:43 PM

I just reread Amber's fb post and rewatched the indoor playground video. Nothing seems odd or out of place.

This is where I differ somewhat. For example, compared to the text's emphasis on happiness and fun, the video shows neither woman is smiling. They're both preoccupied or serious-looking and pretty detached from the children. Amanda turns back, talking, to Amber leaving Weston to run on ahead. Amber catches up with Amanda leaving one of her daughters to catch up with them. It's brief and poignant but it does not look a FUN morning.

I do not suspect anyone in Amanda's family, nor their friends. But I do sense oscillation between 1) desire on the part of all to present a happy, idyllic picture of Amanda's life and 2) an impulse to establish and maintain honesty by acknowledging at least one or two stresses. DB alone, as far as I see excludes himself from this impulse toward honesty, relentlessly generating fantasy happiness about pina colada's in heaven etc., etc.

I may be wrong in these impressions.

Me2l said...

Oh please said...
Can anyone provide a logical explanation why it matters how many of Amber's children were here or there, or whether grandmother was watching this one or that one? Why does anyone here think it's their business where any of these children were? Wth?

What if a bunch of strangers on the internet were discussing the location of your children?
May 22, 2016 at 8:02 PM

It's absolutely bizarre.

Rosy said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
May 22, 2016 at 7:42 PM

"I read this past week on Amanda's sister's blog post that Amanda took a pregnancy test months before the conception of little Weston. Amanda tested negative but she was extremely fearful that if she were pregnant, then it must not be so, shouldn't be so as it would be the most horrible timing/and horrible thing to happen for their ministry."

Which post is that? Do you perhaps refer to the post this month about the pregnancy test last May 2015 (Weston by then was about 10 months) which turned out to be negative, then followed by a test September 14 2015, which was positive?

Leslie said...

Rosy said...

I do not suspect anyone in Amanda's family, nor their friends. But I do sense oscillation between 1) desire on the part of all to present a happy, idyllic picture of Amanda's life and 2) an impulse to establish and maintain honesty by acknowledging at least one or two stresses. DB alone, as far as I see excludes himself from this impulse toward honesty, relentlessly generating fantasy happiness about pina colada's in heaven etc., etc.

- - - -

Rosy, I do agree with those two points. I had noticed that the video footage didn't exactly look fun and happy, but, I could see how Amber would cherish it, as it reminds her of her last day with Amanda (and, I'd like to think that once they got settled and were able to visit while the children played, they were more chipper?).

Davey is the spin master.

Leslie said...

Resonate's website has a new look, with Davey front & center:

Although both the older version and newer say "Whatever it takes," on the newer page, their (apparent) mission statement looks like it's been changed, as well. Here's what appears to be their new mission statement:

"We exist to connect people to life change and see a contagious movement of God spread throughout Indianapolis."

And, on their old page:

"Resonate Church was started with a passion to see people who have never connected with church connect with church. With modern music, engaging, relevant messages, and fantastic programs for your kids, our aim is to help you make a real connection with the person of Jesus and His Church."

Bobcat said...

"As we waited for the results, I asked Amanda if she would be disappointed if the test was negative. She said - "I really think I will be." I know we were supposed to wait the full two minutes, but after about 15 seconds, I peeked. I couldn't hold back the look of shock that came over my face. Amanda gasped and grabbed the test as tears welled up in her eyes. Angela and I started screaming and cheering and hugging right there in the bathroom. Amanda was pregnant!"

Amanda had a need to persuade Amber that she would be disappointed to not be pregnant.

Amber was too busy screaming and cheering with Angela to realize Amanda's tears may not have been tears of joy.

Bingo3 said...

Has anyone watched any of DB's sermon's lately? I watched a snippet of one a few weeks ago. He talks about how he, Gavin, Amber and Amanda went on a trip together. The car was too small so he made Amber and Gavin put their luggage on top of the car because "he is a control freak." He and Amanda kept their luggage in the car. He laughs talking about how the clothes went flying off the car. Gavin pulls to the side of the road and plays Frogger jumping into traffic trying to get he and Amber's clothes. Davey said I just sat on the side of the road and watched him because I just didn't really care. He is such a tool! How can people stand him? He then used that horrible story to make a point about how Christians shouldn't stand on the sidelines or something crazy like that.

Leslie said...

Wow. The older version of Resonate's website said:

"We'll do whatever it takes to connect people to life change"

- - -

Whereas the new page says:

"Whatever It Takes

We will do whatever it takes to reach 10,000 people in the city of Indianapolis with the life-changing power of the gospel."

lynda said...

In regards to what was "strange" about the press conference when the murders happened.

It was 1/2 hour long
Everyone in LE brass, the mayor, and all these high falootin' people were there en masse
There had just been a huge turnover in LE and government. All new people were in place, new COP and such.
They talked for 25 minutes about their plan and the crime in Indy.
The last 2 min. was devoted to Amanda's murder.
People were taken off guard because they thought the presser was about Amanda and it was not, it was to have a show of force from the new regime.

Amber HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING except continually being deceived by Davey

Davey has some pretty big balls to be upset about Amanda being pregnant. He knows how babies are made for Gods sake! You don't want a kid? Wear a condom jerkface.

I do not think Davey was a CI

Yes, there were many LE that are/were congregants at resonate at the time of the murder. The local reporter that ran all the news stories that were HIGH PRAISE FOR DAVEY, is also a congregant.

Bobcat said...


"We will do whatever it takes to reach 10,000 people in the city of Indianapolis with the life-changing power of the gospel."

DB set this number goal of 10,000 a few years ago. He is not even close.
The "whatever it takes" is still, and has always, bothered me.

It almost proves his Machiavellian greed for fame and money. The ends justify the means.


An interesting tidbit I found on his old blog from the wayback machine:

"I once played the President of the United States in my 2nd grade musical production . . . studded out in a custom suit!!"

Bobcat said...

Bingo3 @ 8:54

I haven't listened, but I will make transcriptions, eventually.

His words will give him away.

He usually has a story or two that shows what a jerk he is, and makes you wonder why people still associate with him.

Bingo3 said...

Leslie, I just went and looked at the new Resonate site. The mission seems to be less about life change for the individual and more about masses. They specifically say they want to reach 10,000 people. They are heavily promoting Evangelism groups. Amanda and her heart for individuals is now gone. Time for Davey to go big or go home. Whatever it Takes! It doesn't look like he is still asking for donations for new trips and toys which is a good thing. I guess he has plenty to finish up his renovations, clean his pool and stock his new library for now. However, they are still pushing for AB stories so DB can continue to throw in the sacrificial Amanda at the end of the stories about how great and heroic Davey is for standing so strong and running toward that roar! Gag me!

Me2l said...

Bingo3 said...
Has anyone watched any of DB's sermon's lately? I watched a snippet of one a few weeks ago. He talks about how he, Gavin, Amber and Amanda went on a trip together. The car was too small so he made Amber and Gavin put their luggage on top of the car because "he is a control freak." He and Amanda kept their luggage in the car. He laughs talking about how the clothes went flying off the car. Gavin pulls to the side of the road and plays Frogger jumping into traffic trying to get he and Amber's clothes. Davey said I just sat on the side of the road and watched him because I just didn't really care. He is such a tool! How can people stand him? He then used that horrible story to make a point about how Christians shouldn't stand on the sidelines or something crazy like that.
May 22, 2016 at 8:54 PM

I'll give it to you that he was an annoying jerk in that sermon, full of himself and obnoxious.

BUT, the reason he sat on the sidelines and "didn't care" was because he had just run a 26 mile marathon that day and was exhausted. Gavin, on the other hand, had only played golf...not a physically taxing ordeal like Davey had experienced. (Yawn)

.....and that is the rest of the story.

Leslie said...

Bobcat, I had read earlier of the goal for Resonate to reach 10,000, yet, putting that on the front page of the website seems...too businesslike, imo.

DB's 2nd grade trivia is very fitting, given what we know of him as an adult.

- - -

Bingo3, I watched part of that sermon, and was struck by Davey admitting that he's a control freak. That's the closest thing to honesty that I've ever heard come out of his mouth....Although I saw the part where he selfishly made sure his luggage had a home, first, I did not watch as far as to the part of Gavin and Amber's clothes flying off the car. How absurd that DB would mention this in a sermon, and that church members are okay with such behavior from their *Lead Pastor*.

- - -

For anyone interested, Resonate's newly designed website still has a tab for "giving." Once on the Giving page, you there's a drop-down menu for whether you'd like to designate your gift for: Generat Tithe/Offering, Gauntlet Scholarship, OR Blackburn Family Support.

Bingo3 said...

Bobcat, exactly!!! He shares some horrible story every week about being a jerk to someone and. His brother, knocking the snow cone out and calling him a loser, talking about how Newspring was the first time he enjoyed church, while his dad is a pastor. Making fun of Ashley and Derrick for buying him a massage, not talking to Amanda for two days over a grill, making fun of her spelling in her journals and I could go on and on.

Bingo3 said...

Oh yes that is right, He made fun of Gavin for not being an athlete and made fun of golfers. Thanks for reminding me of that part. Who cares if he ran a marathon. His brother-n-law needed help and he should have assisted. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and he thinks everyone is beneath him.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone ever feel weird that you know every single story that Davey has ever told about his life? And that you re-tell it yourselves over and over?

Bingo3 said...

Leslie, thanks for pointing that out about the Donation for the Blackburn family. I thought he had actually removed it since it is so obvious by the luxurious way that he is living that he does not need anymore.

Leslie said...

Yes, Bingo3, Davey is certainly living high on the hog since Amanda's death. But, the option to donate to the "Blackburn Family" still available (no option for "missions," as many churches have).

Per all of his retellings of the mean and heartless things he's done: even if Davey were not evil (which at this point I believe him to be), he's not a nice person. How can his congregation be okay with that?

There are many Bible verses which list the qualities necessary in "overseers," including what we now call pastors, ministers, and priests, as well as deacons, "bishops," etc. They always mention not thirsting for money. Do no "seeker" churches vet their ministers? Are there no standards, no board, vestry, or some type of committee that includes checks and balances? Since this is The Davey Show, I guess not.

HISG said...

Interesting and insightful comments.
I wish to God I knew how to create bold type using Chrome but alas.

I have thought about what everyone has said. I do not know the reasons for it, and will not go off on any guesses, but Ambers FB passage is sensitive, and the sensitivity is centers around why she was in the places she was (beginning with Amanda's car and therefore Indiana itself). There is a reason for this. There is a need to convince that everything was "legitimate"...'Amanda texted me at 1:30 and said SISTER I will pick you up....etc etc. Everything was not legitimate. Everything was not done for the reasons she says they were.

In other words yes, I am saying "DECEPTION indicated."

The family dinner differs drastically in description from the car ride and the indoor playground. She states it was a family dinner. The specific memories consist of her watching her sister watch DAvey chase WEston around in the living room. (This is, in other words, viewing something by viewing another view it which is a convoluted way of remembering something. There is a possibility this memory was fabricated. Is it really coming from experiential memory? It is her only memory there, besides Amanda's arms being full and her regret she did not hug her.
The family dinner seems to be a BLANK in her mind. She remembers watching her sister watch something. That is her only memory. There is a strong possibility that this family dinner did not happen.

I agree also that the women look detached from the children in the surveillance video and do not look happy.

Leslie said...

I just saw your post further up, with this:

"Amanda and her heart for individuals is now gone."

- - - - -

HISG, are you using a Chrome operating system, such as a Chrome Book, or a Chrome browser, on a Windows based computer? Someone (Rosy? Lynda?) kindly gave me instructions on this thread, about a page back, on how to bolden font on a Windows based computer. They're considered HTML tags, which you could probably google how to use on Chrome.

Anonymous said...

You don't know what her "only" memories are, you only know the memories she chose to share, Sherlock.

Leslie said...

Whoops, I got sidetracked. This makes me very sad.

"Amanda and her heart for individuals is now gone."

I know the church "members" are Davey groupies, but I would think they'd recognize what Amanda had and contributed, what's now lacking, and the Big Push for Numbers (and for more donations to The Blackburn Family).

HISG said...

Another thing that makes me uncomfortable, seeing as how these words are the ONLY words used to describe the actions of DAvey the LAst time Amber saw Amanda and the 2 words used to describe the actions she observes him doing at the "family dinner" are the words "CHASING" and "LOADED" particularly since Amanda was shot with a gun in the back with a bullet that entered her back and exited through her back, she was shot in the back from an angle and it always seemed to me that someone must have been chasing her when they shot was fired.

HISG said...


Thank you, I will try to google further instructions, last night I did not have much luck but I will try again, thank you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rosy said...


if you are using Chrome on windows try this bold

Let's see if it comes out. Are you remembering that after creating a tag for bold, italics etc as explained below the post window must close the tag with a / slash inisde the brackets <> and before the letter e.g. /b.

Bllger accepts only a few of these and you don't need p to make a paragraph:

HISG said...

Leslie, thank you! I figured out to use bold!

HISG said...

Rosy, thank you, I truly was stumped last night!

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bobcat said...

Anon @ 9:36
Isn't that what DB wants? Adoring "fans", hanging on every word?
Maybe I know how to use technology and the search function, and have a steel trap memory.

Leslie @ 10:13
Resonate is an Independent Church.
DB is the Incorporator (CEO) and Derek is the Director.

Leslie said...

Oh, good, HISG, I'm glad you now can bolden text. It is helpful! Rosy, you're a good teacher!

- - - - -

I reread "Amanda Blackburn Murder Part Three: Ideology and Deception," and realized how much I'd missed, or hadn't totally sunk in. (I probably need to reread it, or parts of it, regularly!) I've copied/pasted snippets from the article that jumped out at me, to help me focus on the task (the rest of you are probably eons ahead of me in processing these points):

*It takes a very specific element within a personality to place himself or herself above that which they consider divinity.

How much talent does this deceiver have?

What of his presentation's design?

What does his language reveal as his priority?

It takes a certain personality to first know the truth, and then to pervert it to fit a particular aim, but it takes someone with a deeper commitment to self to take the ideology, bear it in contempt, and then go "public" with it for personal gain.

The husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn has revealed, linguistically, a personality that is so narcissistic in scope, that he demands that his audience accept that the ideology he sells is both divine in nature, and that he thus reveals that he, himself, is a counselor and advisor to divinity, and the purpose of such is to advance his ambitious agenda of greed.

- - - - - - -

So, we know that Davey is extremely narcissistic, thinks he's above God, does not hesitate to announce that to the world, essentially, when he told of how God spoke to him in the shower, and he makes no bones about his numerical ambitions, and his self-promotion for fame and fortune are obvious. So, what trait are we missing?

Leslie said...

"Whatever it Takes"
is probably more about Davey reaching fame and fortune
than reaching 10,000 people in Indianapolis
"with the life-changing power of the gospel."

But, Davey's rise to success is contingent on the numbers
and the donations.

Leslie said...

Bobcat said...

Leslie @ 10:13
Resonate is an Independent Church.
DB is the Incorporator (CEO) and Derek is the Director.

Thank you, Bobcat! I thought it had been established that there was no overseeing board, etc. But, this is even worse than I expected. I feel sick.

Leslie said...

Okay, I'll try to make this my last post tonight. I know I'm kind of talking to myself at this point.

Real estate transactions are published in newspapers, along with selling prices, in localities where I've lived. Is that universal? Would we have to know the exact county or suburb of Indianapolis where Davey purchased a home with acreage? I'm guessing so, as I was unsuccessful when doing a more general search.

Does anyone remember the timeline of when he mentioned meeting with a designer concerning renovations? (That was the first I'd heard of his new home, but, perhaps someone caught an earlier comment.)

I'm just curious how much money from the many generous donations and/or Amanda's life insurance he spent on his new house. And, as previously mentioned, the furnishings all look new. So far I've seen none of Amanda's cute Weathered Willow furnishings in it.

Me2l said...

This is turning into a gossip site, monopolized by Davey anti-fans.

Bobcat said...


"Does anyone remember the timeline of when he mentioned meeting with a designer concerning renovations? (That was the first I'd heard of his new home, but, perhaps someone caught an earlier comment.)"

Yep. January 31st. Bring Me The Ephod Sermon.

Bobcat said...

DB made the stage with Lusko. He is so happy with himself!

Unknown said...

I found that to be quite odd. Right up there with him telling the story of returning to the house, & "lying down in the exact spot that he found Amanda. He then curled up & sobbed like a baby." Odd. It left me feeling very uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Some of my dearest friends are homosexual.

They are honest about it.

DB is deceptive.

Bingo3 said...

Bobcat, I figured Davey was with Levi for a reason. I am sure there is video upcoming. In the picture, he looks quite giddy!

Leslie, thanks for sharing more snippets of SA. Peter absolutely nailed it explaining Davey. I need to reread and reread it again. He not only considers himself so far above other people, he sees himself equal to God and quite unstoppable. I have absolutely never seen anything like him, thus the fascination with not only what he says, how he acts and his blatant ability to manipulate people and distort Christianity.

Bobcat, thanks for your new additions to Case Discussion. For some reason, I can't post comments on the page anymore. I need to try to figure out what is going on but I do appreciate all the transcripts. They are all kinds of SA nuggets in every sermon.

Rosy said...

DB new post, Push Through the Pain, explains why he dropped out of the Mini-Marathon after 6 miles:

'Running this race together each year availed us fresh memories and new friendships. So, needless to say, as I walked to my starting corral without Amanda I felt overcome with nostalgia and sorrow. Despite the waves of emotion, I determined this year’s race was going to be special. We had 40 people in #ForIndy t-shirts running in honor of Amanda. Our Resonate Worship band was one of the featured bands along the route. 50 more of our Resonate volunteers signed up to pass out gatorade to runners. I was on track to post a personal record by running a faster time than I’d ever run a half-marathon. This year was going to be special!

But I didn’t finish. As I crossed mile six I felt a snap in my left calf muscle and that was the end of the mini for me."

While walking back Jesus and I exchanged some words. Well, it’s probably more accurate to say I vented out loud to Him and He listened. When I was done venting I felt the still, small voice of the Lord whisper to me, “Davey, you need to learn when it’s appropriate to push through pain, and when you should admit you’re hurt.”'

Hey Jude said...

Oh dear, now Davey has Jesus speaking to him in hashtagspeke #pushthroughpain

Nic said...


The personality element is arrogance.

Also known as: HUBRIS: (Greek) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.

Bobcat said...



The destructive trail of hubris can imprint a lifetime.

I pity Derek, Ashley, Meg, and all of DB's sheep.

If this were a game of Risk, they would be wise to turn in their pieces and leave the game.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

In Defense of Those Accused With Obsession With This Case:

All the little posts about Davey's personal life sound obsessive as if there are crazy followers picking through his garbage.

The truth is that this narcissistic egomaniac is the supplier of all things Davey. He is the one posting his personal life, as well as heavenly tweets and other such nonsense that is both inflammatory and, for some, embarrassing.

I urge readers to restrain from tangents, but should you be called obsessive, consider the above. The information is not coming from tabloid hunters, it is from the subject, himself.

He will ride the murder for as long as he is able.


Statement Analysis Blog said...

Anonymous said...
Wow, what an amazing detailed analysis you put forth here Peter! As one (I) who believes in that man of 2000 years ago, I felt that you didn't "bad mouth" or find fault with His beliefs and thus mine (as I am a follower). Thank you for that and thank you for the Hinduism viewpoint as it makes the whole thing more understandable.
I read this past week on Amanda's sister's blog post that Amanda took a pregnancy test months before the conception of little Weston. Amanda tested negative but she was extremely fearful that if she were pregnant, then it must not be so, shouldn't be so as it would be the most horrible timing/and horrible thing to happen for their ministry. Then down the road she is pregnant with Weston and Davey lets the world know how he felt about Amanda being pregnant.
One can only wonder what the atmosphere was in the Blackburn household when it came to the issue of birthing a child of his. I imagine it couldn't have been a very happy union for a number of reasons and this issue being of high priority cause for lots of arguments and perhaps some physical retaliation even though none has been verified (physical retaliations that is), arguments yes.

I am curious as to Amanda's reaction to pregnancy, etc. Is there a quote for this??

The pregnancy is critical in this case.

Leslie said...

What a pleasure to read such enlightening thoughts and posts this morning!

- - - - - -

Nic, that's a great point about arrogance. And, arrogance is certainly more prominent today, it seems.

"Also known as: HUBRIS: (Greek) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis."

Excellent. I wonder how long we have to wait for DB's downfall? Although he's his own biggest fan, ultimately, he's his worst enemy and will (figuratively) hang himself.

- - - - - -

And, Bobcat, I love this:

"If this were a game of Risk, they would be wise to turn in their pieces and leave the game.

- - - - - -

Rosy, thanks for the heads-up and summary of DB's latest blog post!

And, Hey Jude, this made my morning:

"Oh dear, now Davey has Jesus speaking to him in hashtagspeke #pushthroughpain

- - - - - -

I look forward to Peter's next installation in this Blackburn series....

Bobcat said...


A link to Amber's facebook post regarding Amanda's reaction to pregnancy has been sent to you.

Rosy said...

Peter Hyatt said...

I am curious as to Amanda's reaction to pregnancy, etc. Is there a quote for this??

The anonymous poster said "read this past week on Amanda's sister's blog post that Amanda took a pregnancy test months before the conception of little Weston."

This is in error. The pregnancy test in question was on May 8 2015, by which time Weston was about 9 months old. Weston was with Amanda at the time (mentioned as in the shopping cart). The post is from May 18 2016:

"It was May 8, Amanda was in town visiting ... We stopped at one of our favorite spots to shop (Marshalls of course), each loaded at least one child into our shopping cart . . . Amanda and Angela had not been feeling well that day, and as we talked through the symptoms they were having, I started to realize that their symptoms could only be explained by one thing - pregnancy. Amanda and Angela both rolled their eyes at my theory, and gave me very matter-of-fact explanations as to why they were definitely NOT pregnant. I was not convinced. I was 9 months pregnant at the time, and could not imagine a better scenario than ALL of us being pregnant together - AGAIN. I dragged Amanda with me to the Dollar Tree next store where we bought a candy bar and two pregnancy tests. We then walked back over, split the candy bar, and I made both Amanda and Angela take a pregnancy test in the Marshalls bathroom. You know, JUST to be sure. We couldn't stop laughing as we waited for the results. Then, a look of panic came over Amanda's face - "You guys, I seriously cannot be pregnant. This means I would be due close to January and that is such an important month for our church, and it would just be too hard to have a baby during that time!" (I assured her I would raise her baby for a few months if that would help! 🙊) Angela then chimed in - "You guys!!!! I have a 3 month-old!!!!! This cannot be happening!" We waited the FULL 2 minutes, Amanda and Angela took a deep breath, and we peeked at the tests. They were BOTH negative. Oh the look of relief that came over both of their faces. That's when we snapped this picture. As thankful as they were to not be pregnant, I must admit I was slightly disappointed! " Full post with details on 2nd, positive test in September:

Hey Jude said...

Peter - Amber's account, continuing from Rosy's post above:

Fast forward a few months later. It was September 14, and this time we were spending the entire week together in Indianapolis! Amanda, Angela, and I drove to Walmart to pick up some groceries and snacks for the week. We all had a list, and were about to go our separate ways, when Amanda told us she wasn't feeling well. I didn't even care what her symptoms were, I just jumped to the conclusion that THIS TIME she was pregnant! She calmly said - "You guys, I think I actually MIGHT be." WHAAAATTTT????? I was half kidding when I made that original statement. We both looked straight over at Angela. She immediately started laughing and assured us that she was positive that she was NOT pregnant (and she was positively wrong - spoiler alert!). We walked straight to the pharmacy section and bought a pregnancy test for Amanda. I almost made her take it in the Walmart bathroom, but we decided one time in a public restroom was enough. We drove home, walked in the door, said hello to my mom and grandma, and then giggled as we snuck in the bathroom without telling them what we were up to. As we waited for the results, I asked Amanda if she would be disappointed if the test was negative. She said - "I really think I will be." I know we were supposed to wait the full two minutes, but after about 15 seconds, I peeked. I couldn't hold back the look of shock that came over my face. Amanda gasped and grabbed the test as tears welled up in her eyes. Angela and I started screaming and cheering and hugging right there in the bathroom. Amanda was pregnant! (We found out the next month that Angela was too, and that she would have had a positive test that day if we would have made her take one!)

Bobcat said...

Also, when Amanda "broke" the news of pregnancy to Davey:

"We had the BEST day on Monday. We met after Weston's morning nap at our most favorite place - the indoor PARK at Trader's Point Church. We have been there so many times. We sat on a park bench as we watched our kids play and talked about everything - life, Resonate, her precious baby and how sick she had been feeling this pregnancy, baby names, baby nursery ideas, Thanksgiving, Vanilla Wafers, the $15.00 GIGANTIC Christmas tree she bought at a garage sale and just put up a few days before, how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby, how MUCH Weston loves to play basketball, how much fun she's been having being a mom, updates on our entire family and trip to Cali....I could go on and on. It was one of the last, real conversations we had - and one I will ALWAYS remember."

Hey Jude said...

Amber made that post on 18th May - she also included an ultrasound of the baby which was made on Nov 11th.

Leslie said...

Peter, here's the link to Amber Byar Wilkinson's facebook post about Amanda's pregnancy test(s):

This quote is in regards to a pregnancy scare before Weston:

"Then, a look of panic came over Amanda's face - "You guys, I seriously cannot be pregnant. This means I would be due close to January and that is such an important month for our church, and it would just be too hard to have a baby during that time!" (I assured her I would raise her baby for a few months if that would help!) Angela then chimed in - "You guys!!!! I have a 3 month-old!!!!! This cannot be happening!" We waited the FULL 2 minutes, Amanda and Angela took a deep breath, and we peeked at the tests. They were BOTH negative. Oh the look of relief that came over both of their faces. That's when we snapped this picture. As thankful as they were to not be pregnant, I must admit I was slightly disappointed!"

A few months later, Amanda learned she was pregnant (with Weston):

" ...I asked Amanda if she would be disappointed if the test was negative. She said - "I really think I will be." I know we were supposed to wait the full two minutes, but after about 15 seconds, I peeked. I couldn't hold back the look of shock that came over my face. Amanda gasped and grabbed the test as tears welled up in her eyes. Angela and I started screaming and cheering and hugging right there in the bathroom. Amanda was pregnant!"

Amber also posted about Amanda's last pregnancy, whom Davey calls "Evie Amanda," although the sex was unknown. Amber refers to ",how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby" in paragraph four:

Leslie said...

Whoops! Y'all beat me to it.

Nic said...

Peter said:
The pregnancy is critical in this case.

I agree. DB was suffering the same (mortal) consequence as the dog. With each pregnancy he would fall behind the in the pecking order.

#1 - Jesus
#2 - new baby
#3 - Weston
#4 - DB
#5 - Mel

Babies/kids require time and money. Lots of money. They also tire you out. Too tired means no time for DB.

Bobcat said...


"In Defense of Those Accused With Obsession With This Case:

All the little posts about Davey's personal life sound obsessive as if there are crazy followers picking through his garbage.

The truth is that this narcissistic egomaniac is the supplier of all things Davey. He is the one posting his personal life, as well as heavenly tweets and other such nonsense that is both inflammatory and, for some, embarrassing."


I'm not obsessed. I'm thorough and organized, and DB gives me loads of material.

If Amanda was alive and well with a bouncing newborn, I wouldn't give a thought to DB.

Nic said...

Oh and I just thought of another angle to the pregnancy. He would, again, be "forced" to put someone else before himself. No baby was going to derail his "agenda".

As it is, today, he has dictated and delegated how Weston will be parented with no reproach whatsoever because Weston is not "their" kid. [They] take care of "that" so as to put his wants "first" and his time is his own, justified and accountable to nobody.

Nic said...

I wonder if he would have asked Amanda to have an abortion?

HISG said...

Only got halfway through comments, will read through all later when I get home...seeing so many good points shared here and I will do some analysis using bold, I collapsed with exhaustion last night from the day.

Anon/Me2l wrote

Some of my dearest friends are homosexual.

They are honest about it.

DB is deceptive.

Yeah, we know DB is deceptive. Why are you sharing personal, useless info about knowing "homosexuals" and "many". Im sure they are your "close" friends, and I hope youre either using protection or invest in an AIDS test to find out your status, and I hope your "wife" knows too.

CJ said...

"I was on track to post a personal record by running a faster time than I’d ever run a half-marathon. This year was going to be special!"

“Special” is repeated in context of Davey’s intention to set a new personal record. This year, he is running to compete. He will not have to slow his pace for Amanda (ref. He mentions no intention to run side-by-side with any of the 40 “friends” who have signed up to run the race.

"But I didn’t finish."

“but” negates what came before: no personal best or special year for Davey.

"As I crossed mile six I felt a snap in my left calf muscle and that was the end of the mini for me."

The conclusion to this sentence “that was the end of the mini for me” renders what preceeds it a reason why.

... followed by more NTP and more reasons why.

"As soon as I felt the snap in my leg, I stumbled over to the side of the road. I tried stretching it. I tried massaging it. I tried walking it off. The harder I tried, the worse the tightness and pain got. I finally had one of the guys from the EMS crew look at it. “I wouldn’t risk it,” he told me. “It’s so tight right now you could very well tear it if you try to keep going.”
I was furious. Not only was I that guy who was crouched over on the sidewalk nursing his leg while everyone else cruised by with smiles on their faces, I was supposed to be running this one in honor of Amanda! How could I not finish? I had no other choice but to begin the long two mile walk – or hobble – back to my car and acquiesce to the fact that I wasn’t going to finish this one."
“I had no other choice…”
Consider Davey's other options:

Choice #2: Stay the course. WALK in honor of Amanda, REST, WALK some more. Refuse to quit, even if it means being picked up by official vehicles doing sweep behind the last runners.

Choice #3: Join onlookers at the sideline. Cheer like crazy for each of your 40 Resonate friends as they run by. (The claim that he is on track to set his best record suggests he was at the front of his pack).

Choice #4: Hobble to the site of the Resonate Indy band or Gatorade stand, whichever is closer. Hang out with your church volunteers and let someone give you a ride to your car after the race.

"As a Type-A, High D, former athlete my default mode of operation is “push through the pain” – even emotionally… "

NTP; this is the exact opposite of the actions and mindset he has just described.

“And now, emotionally, I wasn’t just hurt. I was crippled. I felt like I had lost a limb, but I was still expecting myself to run a race!”

DB draws an analogy: Recovering from Amanda and Evie’s death equals running a race, and he is emotionally crippled.

My counselor walked me through Isaiah 30 during my time with him. He wanted me to lean into verse 15:
“In repentance and rest you will be saved; in quietness and in trust will be your strength.”
Scripture says my strength is going to come from quietness, trust, and rest!"

Davey sidesteps the notion of repentance. What is his counselor asking him to repent of?

Davey certainly appears healthy and well-rested at his Mother’s Day service the next morning. He bounces onto the stage, and is on his feet for over an hour with no noticeable limp or wince.

CJ said...
“A couple weeks ago 40 of us ran the Indy Mini Marathon in honor of Amanda.”

Notice the pronoun "us," compared to his instagram announcement after the event: “I’m super proud of my 40 friends who ran the Indy Mini in honor of @amandagblackburn.” In combination with the title “Pushing through pain,” DB sets the reader up to believe this is a story about how he pushed through pain to run the Indy Mini Marathon.

“Running this race together each year availed us fresh memories and new friendships.”

“Fresh” begs a contrast to “old, or stale.” What old memories of Davey’s and Amanda’s needed replacing or renewing? (Note: DB is coming off his trip to Montana and Levi Lusko’s “Fresh” Life Church).

“availed us … “ Availed can mean to take advantage of an opportunity, or to be helped and supported.

“new friendships.” Contrast to old friendships, or the lack of newness in their own relationship.

“So, needless to say”

Qualifier: what follows will be a need to persuade.

“as I walked to my starting corral without Amanda I felt overcome with nostalgia and sorrow. Despite the waves of emotion, I determined this year’s race was going to be special. We had 40 people in #ForIndy t-shirts running in honor of Amanda. Our Resonate Worship band was one of the featured bands along the route. 50 more of our Resonate volunteers signed up to pass out gatorade to runners. I was on track to post a personal record by running a faster time than I’d ever run a half-marathon. This year was going to be special!"

Order indicates priority:
1. 40 people (numbers)
2. in #ForIndy T-shirts (Business marketing)
3. In honor of Amanda
4. Resonate Band featured (Business marketing)
5. 50 Resonate volunteers (more numbers, brand)
6. DB’s personal best time

CJ said...

My comments on the race posted in the wrong order (seems like something to do with trying to post from the "Preview" window). Thanks.

Nic said...

Leslie said:
But, Davey's rise to success is contingent on the numbers
and the donations.

I disagree. IMO, DB’s rise to success was contingent on Amanda dying. The only reason Resonate's numbers reversed their trajectory was because of the publicity generated by Amanda’s death. In fact, I believe that had he not been so flagrant about his indifference to losing his pregnant wife, her death alone would not have been enough to reverse course. He continues to execute this strategy (flagrant indifference fuelled by arrogance) because it’s “pays”.

IMO, he’s the Donald Trump of evangelism.

Bobcat said...

If anyone is interested, make notes of HISG post timing, and notes of HISG absences.
I bet there are no HISG posts when DB is preaching or travelling.

HISG - wants to bring everyone around Amanda down.
HISG - SPAMS to ruin comment flow and potential investigative breakthroughs.
HISG - responds HARSHLY and spews venom when criticized.
HISG - is absent when DB is working/sleeping/offline.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
smh said...

HISG also keeps trying to convince people that thugs didn't harm Amanda at all. Why would DB want to do that? This is silly.

Anonymous said...

Bobcat, how do you know precisely when Davey Blackburn is or is not working, sleeping or online?

Bobcat said...

Sometimes I get off base, but it is always interesting to see who shows up to tell me I'm wrong!

Anonymous said...

Bobcat, how do you know precisely when Davey Blackburn is or is not working, sleeping or online?

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lynda said...

Somebody is definitely writing Davey's blogs. That is NOT his writing. It's way to smooth and literate. DAvey's old blogs are awkward, filled with misspellings, and stupid. Now, every word is carefully thought out to make the maximum impact.

If he had run 6 miles, why was the "walk" back to the car only 2 miles?

He had THOUSANDS of media requests? Really? Thousands?

The pregnancy was the trigger to the downfall of Amanda and the building up of the church or better yet , Davey's burgeoning empire. She had to die, and she had to be murdered. A slip in the shower, a tumble down the stairs, while tragic, would not have raised the press/media up to the level that it became. Murder gave the story a launching pad. A "normal" death would NOT have increased the number of butts in seats. It would not have poured X more amount of dollars into his pocket. It would not have supplied all the new hashtags, nor would it have allowed Davey the first brick in his foundation that God meant it to happen, that Amanda died for the church, that Davey presented his bride to God and Amanda willingly sacrificed herself and her unborn child so the church could grow. None of that could have happened without it being murder.

I do not believe that DAvey gave 2 hoots about children. That was Amanda's thing. That was her duty, to raise them and to not bother him with such things. He already has a mommy replacement so he doesn't have to deal with Weston except for when he wants a "photo op". Davey WOULD resent them tho, be jealous of them, being pregnant and then having babies equals less sex for Davey. Less attention for Davey. The pregnant person always gets more attention. Davey wouldn't like that.

lynda said...



Self-righteous also comes to mind. Not righteous (as he should be) but self righteous

CJ said...

"I was furious. Not only was I that guy who was crouched over on the sidewalk nursing his leg while everyone else cruised by with smiles on their faces, I was supposed to be running this one in honor of Amanda! How could I not finish? I had no other choice but to begin the long two mile walk – or hobble – back to my car and acquiesce to the fact that I wasn’t going to finish this one."

"I was furious."

(I believe him here).

"I was that guy."

Davey's reputation is at stake.

"I was supposed to be running this one in honor of Amanda."

Supposed, defn: generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so. This points to outside pressure or expectations. Whose idea was the group race to honor Amanda?

"How could I not finish?"

He figured out a way to not finish.

Leslie said...

Nic, you're absolutely correct- Davey's success, or "promotion," was due to Amanda's murder.

I was still pondering some of the changes on Resonate's website. To weave our two thoughts together, Amanda's murder caused Davey to be in the spotlight, on national news coverage where he was able to reach a high number (similar to his excitement over the numbers reached around the globe when Amanda's celebration service was streamed), which brought more donations.

Davey usually appears to put numbers first, but, ultimately, they're contingent on Amanda's murder.

- - - - - -

CJ, thanks for the updated information on the mini-marathon, and why DB started, but did not complete the race. It seems symbolic- Davey never put Amanda first. It sounds like he attempted to this time, but he's incapable. And, how sickening that he'd use a race run in Amanda's honor to (attempt to) set his best personal record. He certainly wasn't a team player, heading back to his car. You're right, he had other options. He just can't help only thinking of himself, and continues to broadcast that to the world.

CJ said...


I had a junior high school home room teacher who would quip "you can call me anything you like, just don't call me late for dinner."

: )

HISG said...

Bobcat wrote

If anyone is interested, make notes of HISG post timing, and notes of HISG absences.
I bet there are no HISG posts when DB is preaching or travelling.

HISG - wants to bring everyone around Amanda down.
HISG - SPAMS to ruin comment flow and potential investigative breakthroughs.
HISG - responds HARSHLY and spews venom when criticized.
HISG - is absent when DB is working/sleeping/offline.

Bobcat, how would you know when Davey is sleeping, working and offline?

Bobcat, I remember you also mentioned youd be gone for a while a week back and that you were visiting Indiana?
Looks like the people here should be concerned about your identity and how you potentially sway the "investigative" journey.
I have a mind like a steel trap...I dont forget things and I notice are not fooling me. And my analysis (part of it) will be posted tonight.

HISG said...

Also Bobcat, you use linguistic indicators that you are Me2l like the phrase "spews venom". The fact you are noting when I am online and off indicates your obssession and stalking behavior. Buzz off, and go take up a hobby like golf.

Bobcat said...

I did not visit Indiana.

Snap - I'm sorry.

Bad Juju said...

I used the phrase "spewing venom" once when ABB was laying into me, but I'm not Me2l or Bobcat, hahaha.

Leslie said...

CJ said...

I had a junior high school home room teacher who would quip "you can call me anything you like, just don't call me late for dinner."

: )

- - - -

Funny, CJ!!

- - - -

I admit that I tend to get obsessed with this case, and while obsessing, I sometimes post without filtering or editing. I will endeavor to slow down and reread/proof :)

Fm25 said...

In ambers FB post when about Amanda taking a pregnancy test in May '15, Amanda was worried because if she were pregnant the baby would have been due in Jan 'which was supposed to be a big month for resonate. Does anyone know what was supposed to be happening in January?

Bobcat said...

Levi Lusko and his Fresh Life church did not make a peep on social media about DB's presence.

Fm25 said...

Fran Davey's blog, "I was receiving thousands of requests to plaster my face all over the news and media outlets."
I believe the requests were to talk to him about Amanda's murder, not to plaster HIS face everywhere.
He complains about the pain he endured after Amanda's murder but is yet to show any empathy towards her and what she went through.
The media took it easy on him. They didn't ask any difficult questions and only Megyn kelly reported he could be a suspect. This sentence makes it sound like he was some sort of celebrity being stalked by paparazzi. Never mind the fact that he continued to seek out publicity and would no doubt love to see his face plastered everywhere.

Fm25 said...

"And now, emotionally, I wasn’t just hurt. I was crippled. I felt like I had lost a limb, but I was still expecting myself to run a race!"
Consider how many vacations he has taken, sports events he has attended, etc, since Amanda's murder. Yet he portrays himself as some sort of hero for even trying to run a race in Amanda's honor when he's in such emotional pain.

Nic said...

'As deeply as I am hurting I am hopeful and confident that good things will come of this. I rest in the truth of Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose.

Yes, many hands make light work.

Bobcat said...


It could be a big annual stewardship campaign. January had a series of guest preachers including Perry Noble. DB's official "first" sermon back (not counting Christmas Eve) was January 31.

The following week, Feb. 7th, DB reviewed the history of resonate and said this:

I want you to listen to me very carefully. I’m speaking to you right now as a pastor, as a friend, someone who loves you very much. There are many people who have come into these doors, and your heart is “Hey, I’m here to support you. I’m here to support what’s going on.” Can I tell you something? And I want you to hear me, I want you to hear me. We don’t need your support. We don’t need your support. ‘Cause you know what support does? Support says “Oh, I’m here for a season, and then when everything looks like it’s OK, I’m backing out.” We don’t need your support. Listen to me. We need your buy in. We need you to buy in to this vision because listen to me. Hell is too hot, eternity is too long, this city is too decrepit. We need warriors who are willing to say “Today! I’m buying in today! What do I need to do? I need to go to grow plan? I need to start tithing. I need to start giving to this. What do I need to do? I’m buying in today!” And if you’re not, listen, if you’re not gonna buy in, if you’re not gonna buy in, don’t waste my time. OK, don’t waste my time. Davey, that sounds harsh. Ya know what, uh, huh, eh… This life is way too short. It’s way too short. It’s way too short. Let’s go. Let’s reach a city. Let’s make this year be the year that history books write about because of the revival that breaks out, out of this auditorium, because of this group of people. Let’s go.

Nic said...

We had 40 people in #ForIndy t-shirts running in honor of Amanda. Our Resonate Worship band was one of the featured bands along the route. 50 more of our Resonate volunteers signed up to pass out gatorade to runners. I was on track to post a personal record by running a faster time than I’d ever run a half-marathon. This year was going to be special!"

Yes, he was going to mark a disappointing failure (delegate the running to the 40,) so he could homily about his struggle in the near future.

Anonymous said...

The order Amber lists the things they talked about is very odd. How Amanda "broke" the news of the pregnancy to DB and how the news was recieved would have been one of the first things they discussed and definitely one of the most important. Amber listing it at the end and in between trivial items seems to minimalize that conversation. This definitey downplays the significance and with her jumping on opportunities to elaborate on examples of Amanda's "joy" with DB and her little family, the lack of any little heartwarming tidbit about that particular conversation seems very telling.

Also with Amanda telling her that she was feeling very sick with this pregnancy, why on earth wouldn't DB have gone inside to help her with Weston when he got home? The early morning routine with a toddler is grueling, especially with morning sickness.


Fm25 said...

On that day limping back to my car, the Lord left me with this thought, “Davey, I have plenty more races for you to run in this lifetime. Right now you’re hurt. Rest up. Get healthy. Let me heal you. And then let’s go change the world.”
He is putting himself on the same level as God. Like they are buddies and God needs the almighty Davey to change the world. Davey believes God allowed Amanda to be shot three times and possibly sexually assaulted as her sacrifice, but wants him to "rest up". Apparently only davey can start a historic revival by using hip, cool terms like "going hard and deep" to get people interested.

Fm25 said...

Thanks bobcat! I was wondering if that was when they were expecting to move into their own church. The stewardship campaign makes sense though. I'd really love to know how long she waited to tell davey she was pregnant. If she was talking about it with Amanda in November it seems like it would have been recently but who knows...

Rosy said...


that's an extraordinary statement he made. Shamelessly cynical. The phrase "if you're not gonna buy in, don't waste my time" - when he preaches that nothing is wasted? Man, you can imagine that cult leader in Guyana speaking like that.

Inwardly he has a bunch of hostility and resentment toward the very people he says he wants to "save in Jesus name." He wants them to save him, rescue him, from his neediness and obscurity. No wonder his church "plant" was slow to take root and grow.

I listened to Levi Lusko's latest to see if Davey participated. Lusko does give him one brief shoutout, "Isn't that right Davey?" The preaching styles and techniques are as distinct as their personalities. One thing Lusko said in 2013 in answer to how he balanced preaching orthodox Bible-based Christianity against "being relevant to the young generation and engaging the culture" is this:

"I think the biggest mistake you can make is that you over specify the demographic that you're trying to target – just go with what you got. God has gifted you uniquely to reach people and just do it with all your heart."

HISG said...

Ok here are some points from SCAN that are useful when looking at Amber's FB passage

13. Unnecessary connections/missing information
The SCAN technique also examines what are termed ‘signals of linguistic sensitivity’ within a statement. When an individual is providing an account of events, it is rare for them to include absolutely every detail of what transpired. According to Sapir (1987), signals of linguistic sensitivity indicate information that the writer did not want the reader to know. They can be identified through vague time references where the writer indicates the progression of time in a very general, unspecific manner. Identification of missing time can be highlighted through the use of words such as ‘finally’ and ‘left’; the writer refers to a beginning of an action, but never affirms its completion (e.g. started to, began, tried to, left). It is argued that such references replace information that the subject intentionally took out of the statement and should be seen as a signal of deception. For instance, a man was suspected of assaulting his wife. He claimed that he did not but was restraining her from hitting and kicking him – “She began hitting and kicking me....finally she hit me with the wine bottle”. What occurred between the time when she began hitting him until ‘finally’ she hit him with the bottle? The suspect later confessed that he did assault his wife on this occasion.

HISG said...

This particular SCAN guideline will be very important in looking at Amber's FB passage

6. Out of sequence information
Sapir (1987) claims that a deceptive writer is likely to include information that appears, to the reader, to deviate from the logical progression of events they are being asked to describe. The information provided might not seem relevant; the rationale behind the actions is offered in addition to a description of them. The use of terms such as ‘because’, ‘since’, ‘so that’ as well as the use of what Sapir refers to as ‘ambivalent sentences’ (e.g. excuse me, should I continue?) are all common indicators of ‘out of sequence’ information.

Bobcat said...

To whoever is trying to break into my google account and take down the transcription/reference blog. Stop wasting your time. Everything has been copied to a second blog which will go live if the original is destroyed.


Thanks Bobcat ! Your transcribing and sharing is greatly appreciated. I think we saw the real Davey with his statement "if you're not going to buy in, don't waste my time". Money money money. Me me me. Depending upon the statement it could be me before money ! And comparing his statement "don't waste my time" to the previous mantra of "nothing's wasted".

How can his followers not see him for the manipulative narcissistic phony that screams off the page ???

HISG said...

I will be analyzing Amber's FB post and breaking it into parts since it is lengthy.

Part 1

"It was Sunday, November 8, and I was flying home from a week long trip in California. I had traveled for almost 12 hours with Rowen, my 6 month old son, and I could not wait to FINALLY land in Indianapolis."

Amber starts off by giving us the date...November 8. She does not give us the time or hint at time in terms of ie. morning, afternoon, night, etc.

"I had traveled for almost 12 hours with Rowen, my 6 month old son, and I could not wait to FINALLY land in Indianapolis."

Amber tells us she is with her 6 month old son, Rowan.

Amber's use of the word FINALLY could indicate missing information regarding time and actions that happened during that time, especially since her location upon receiving the incoming text from Amanda is not given. Was she on the plane when she received it? In the airport? At another location?

My grandma was planning to pick me up from the airport with my two girls,
however, I received a text at 1:30 that day that read - "SISTER! I'm coming to pick you up from the airport tonight! What time do you fly in? I can't wait to see you!!!"

Amber offers extraneous information involving why Amanda ended up picking her up from the airport and this is sensitive information which could suggest deception. The sensitive part of the statement precedes the word "however". The sensitivity surrounds whether the grandma had actually initially planned to pick Amber up. Had it already been established that Amanda would pick her up? Had she asked Amanda to pick her up rather than it being spontaneously offered by Amanda?

Please note that when the text comes in from Amanda at 1:30, Amber's location still has not been established.

"I was so excited to get her text! I thought the rest of the day how MUCH it meant to me to have her take the time and leave her family to come see me!"

Please note that Amber has stated that when the text came in she had already been "travelling 12 hours with her son", yet looks forward "for the rest of the day" to seeing Amanda. What is Amber doing for "the rest of the day" seeing as how she has already travelled 12 hours and is being picked up at the airport? Do you see how Amber has already been deceptive about time, and therefore, location, in her description?

"I was planning to drive home early Monday morning, but because of the long day of travel (and coaxing from Amanda), I decided to stay in Indy a few days! It was a decision that will forever impact my life - and one I will ALWAYS remember.

Amber again offers extraneous information, offering 2 reasons why she decided not to drive home Monday as she had planned. The sensitive part of the statement is her planning to drive home Monday. It is likely that that was not part of her initial plans.

Nic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nic said...

You know what I can't wrap my head around? Going to the ATM with a recently murdered victim's ATM card... where cameras catch everything from entering the building to exiting and everything in-between. They are running in an out of the Blackburn house like they are suppose to be there, they are not afraid to be seen while causing all sorts of activity in the cul de sac, when they are supposedly killing and raping a random woman. It's nonsensical.

Then you have a husband who is at the gym while the house is being broken into, and then sits in the drive-way on the phone for 50 minutes while his wife is bleeding out.

Does an open line mean you're actually on the phone talking? If the other party hangs up, does a cell phone drop a call like a landline eventually would? Has it been determined if DB might have been on conference call or not? Do both he and his friend have the same "investor"/up-line to report to? Could all three (four?) of them have been on a simultaneous/conference call giving DB time to "step out"/mute his end of the conference call while the up-line was addressing DB's colleague?


HISG said...

Summary of my analysis on PART 1 of Amber's FB post

Amber says that when Amanda's text comes in at 1:30 offering to pick her up at the airport that night and asking what time her flight lands, she has been travelling for 12 hours with her 6 month old son Rowan. She tells the reader she cannot wait to FINALLY BE HOME IN Indy (the word FINALLY suggesting missing time/information. Amber does not say what her response is to Amanda about when her flight lands. Amber says she, after travelling 12 hours and receiving the text at 1:30 looks forward ALL DAY to Amanda picking her up. When Amanda picks her up, she again states that she has been travelling 12 hours and her baby is crying from it. There is missing, unaccounted for time from between the time Amber lands and the time she is picked up....hours of missing time. Amber will remark later about how "Amanda took a different route (to Grandparents) which suggests not only is Amber not revealing what happened during that missing time, but she is also hiding the location from which Amanda picked her up which caused her to take a "different route" to the Grandparents.

Nic said...

Some things looked out of place, but she was three months pregnant, and I think the Lord had been preparing me, honestly, I can't describe why this is, but the Lord had been preparing me and us that we were about to walk through a season of pain, and I had this fear we were going to lose the baby. I just did.”

Amanda's name is not used (distancing)

When DB uses the pronoun "she" or "us" (in reference to Amanda) there is no unity. He is not unified to the pregnancy or Amanda.

Some things looked out of place
Looks weaken what was out of place. The subject is Amanda, part of her head missing, her panties removed and her top up exposing her breasts as "looking like" they were out of place, not that they "were" out of place. Looking like has the connotation of being staged.

what follows the word, but, is what is important (that part of her head was blown off is less important that what follows,)
"she was three months pregnant"
The baby was in place, in her womb. What wasn't suppose to be there, was. IMO, DB did not want that baby.

weakens the "Lord"

had been
is passive, which further weakens/distances what the Lord was doing

DB is saying that he isn't always honest when he is announcing he is choosing to be honest

I can't describe why
he honestly states that he is restricted to describing why he had been prepared else there could be consequences.

preparing (to walk through a season)
preparing is sensitive, it appears twice in close succession,
the "ing" verb means that preparing was something that happened before hand and took time.

is an amount of time restricted to three months. His path of pain will be restricted to a season. He doesn't assign a time limit to Amanda's path. Amanda's duration is unknown.

me and us

there is no unity, the "prepared"(readied) paths of pain they were "about" to walk through would be separate paths.

people usually endure pain. DB says they will "walk" their path with a regular, slow pace with little to no effort, endurance or discomfort.

I had this fear
Perfectly placed emotion. Story telling.

we were going to lose the baby
Amanda was carrying the baby.
"we were going to lose the baby" is embedded.

I just did
Just indicates more than one thing in play. The opposite of fear is to accept. He (I) was prepared to lose the baby.

DB is being deceptive about his knowledge of how he found his wife the morning Amanda was killed. DB is being deceptive about his "fears" of losing the baby.

What I post is my opinion based on my analysis of public statements made to the printed and electronic media by Davey Blackburn.

HISG said...

The link going to Amanda's FB passage is no longer showing the surveillance video, at least not when I checked on my phone.

I am wondering about the video. Amber says it was sent to her in the mail, and somehow she apparently uploaded it on the computer. I remember in the corner there were numbers and I could make out the date, I do not remember the numbers showing the time changing as the video played. Could this time/date have been photoshopped on?

The reason I am asking is because after having done part 1 of my analysis, I am seeing hours of unaccounted for/missing time on night one of their encounter. I am also seeing linguistic indicators that Amanda may not have picked her up at the airport. I am also concerned that their only interaction in the car was Amanda saying "I don't mind it one bit" when her 6 month old was crying.

HISG said...

Nic, good analysis especially your observations about linguistic indicators suggesting staging.

Rosy said...


It was wonderful to spend some time this weekend with my friend @daveyblackburn. He has walked an excruciatingly difficult road and done so with grace and strength. I am so proud of him and glad to know him. Jennie and I both can't wait to meet Amanda in Heaven and know that she must be so proud of the way Davey is running his race.
May 23 2,367 likes

nicejacketDaveyreallyaccetuatesyourwaist said...

Yeah I bet he can't wait to meet Davey later also for a romp in the hay.

HISG said...

Part 2 Amber FB passage

"Needless to say, we talked the entire trip home from the airport. I realize now that I basically did all of the talking. She sat so intently in the car listening to my stories from the past week."

Note: Amber emphasizes how much talking was done, mentioning the word "talking" twice which makes it sensitive. Upon reflection she realizes she may have been the only one talking.

"Rowen was so tired of traveling that he cried the first 10 minutes of our car ride"

Amber now goes out of sequence of events returning to the first 10 minutes of the car ride. This confusion of sequence of events can indicate deception within the story.

"I remember feeling so frustrated, and she just so calmly said - "It's not bothering me one bit!"

These are the only words Amanda is quoted as speaking in the car, and I believe, at all, throughout their last times together.

We took a different route back to my grandparent's house and got lost. But that just gave me MORE time to spend with her.

"We" took a different route, and there is no explanation for why a different route was taken especially with a cranky exhausted baby.

"They" "got lost" but we are given no details about how long it took them to get unlost or how long they were lost.

The important detail is that they took a different route getting lost and adding on time to their journey...again, this can be a way of accounting for "missing time", time she and Amanda were not back at Grandma's in the amount of time they should have been there.

We got to my grandparent's house, and she gave me the BIGGEST, warmest hug and told me how much she loved me. She said - "I hate to leave, but I need to get home to Davey and Weston. But I'll see you allllllllll day tomorrow!". It was the last hug I ever gave her - and one I will ALWAYS remember.

We had the BEST day on Monday. We met after Weston's morning nap at our most favorite place - the indoor PARK at Trader's Point Church. We have been there so many times. We sat on a park bench as we watched our kids play and talked about everything - life, Resonate, her precious baby and how sick she had been feeling this pregnancy, baby names, baby nursery ideas, Thanksgiving, Vanilla Wafers, the $15.00 GIGANTIC Christmas tree she bought at a garage sale and just put up a few days before, how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby, how MUCH Weston loves to play basketball, how much fun she's been having being a mom, updates on our entire family and trip to Cali....I could go on and on. It was one of the last, real conversations we had - and one I will ALWAYS remember.

Amber says "it was one of the last real conversations that we had".
Amber gives details of many topics discussed.
In the car ride from airport, however, Amber says that she herself does all the talking and Amanda is quoted as saying one sentence.
There are also no indicators of conversation at the Grandparents dinner.

The many details given about this conversation at the indoor park contrast greatly with the lack of any details of any kind involving conversation in the car or at Grandparents which can suggest deception regarding what actually occurred during the car ride as well as the grandparent's house (I would say it casts doubt on whether either of those events actually occurred, but certainly they did not occur in the friendly joyous light she is painting).

HISG said...

It is my interpretation from the statement analysis that I have done so far that Amber is concealing events that happened after her flight arrives in Indiana. There seem to be hours of missing time. There is sensitivity and likely deception surrounding the car ride itself with Amanda. She describes the events inside the car ride out of sequence which suggests deception. The story of "taking a different route" and "getting lost" suggest a need to account for missing time. They also suggest the possibility that her and Amanda either left from a different location rather than the airport, OR stopped at a different location. Either way, there is missing time once Amber arrives in airport and gets text to when she gets picked up at night.

Anonymous said...

I have been fascinated by this case the moment I saw it.

#1 I do believe that an individual can twist ideology in an attempt to deceive self and others, and to serve a narcissistic agenda.

>I believe this because I have experienced it in a past relationship. I dated and was engaged to man that was overly concerned about appearances and status, was held in high regard in the church we attended at the time, and did and said things that made many question his claim of heterosexuality.

>When I felt deception or issues in our relationship, my concerns were dismissed with a swirl of theological babble and out of context scripture. He often quoted scriptures about the biblical story of Nathan and David's friendship to justify what he called the "appearance" of impropriety with another man in the church. His claim was that things are not always as they appear. He sought to instill doubt in the legitimate inquiries into issues that cropped up.

>When I finally woke up out of what felt like a fog and began to see the situation more clearly, I confronted him about the illusion/fantasy related interpretations of scripture. His rage caught me off guard. It was like a Jekyll and Hyde moment when I poked at the world he had created with his version of the Christian ideology.

>After the engagement was off, his primary worry was what I would tell other people. The whole relationship was about him and the whole break up was about him for that matter.

#2 The first time I read about the murder of Amanda Blackburn was a Facebook share by that very ex-fiance expressing concern for Davey Blackburn.

>As soon as I saw Davey and Amanda sitting together, I saw that personality type in his face and the struggle in hers. I tried to tell myself that perhaps I was merely imposing my own experience and bias on this particular couple. The more I read, the more I listened to Davey speak, and then finding this website have left me unable to dismiss my gut reaction to that photo.

It is possible that Amanda poked a little too hard at the carefully manicured facade Davey had built and rage erupted. If Davey is not involved in her murder, he definitely has the issues more adequately described in Peter Hyatt's analysis.

His reading of her final journal entry still sticks with me, particularly these few lines:

"What an amazing Sunday yesterday Truly filled my <3 to see so many people in your church. Learning, growing, meeting you & taking next steps. Thank you for lettingme get to see all of this w/ my own eyes. I love you Lord. Glory & praise to you."

When Davey reads this for the news reporter, he inserts the word "Jesus" after "your church"--> I initially saw this insertion as Davey trying to cover up his real desire for Amanda to be talking about him not Jesus.

Some have suggested that Amanda did not even write the last entry, and perhaps Davey was still editing his or someone else's work. Not sure where I stand on that theory.

Anyway, I definitely have not found evidence to explain away that gut reaction.

Anonymous said...

Anon @11:43,

Glad you got out before it was too late!!!

Leslie said...

Nic, and others, thank you for analyzing and shedding light on DB's "Pushing Through The Pain" blog post.

I wonder why Davey felt the need to repeat that this year was going to be special? The first time, he said "this year's race," and the second time, "this year."

"Despite the waves of emotion, I determined this year’s race was going to be special. We had 40 people in #ForIndy t-shirts running in honor of Amanda. Our Resonate Worship band was one of the featured bands along the route. 50 more of our Resonate volunteers signed up to pass out gatorade to runners. I was on track to post a personal record by running a faster time than I’d ever run a half-marathon. This year was going to be special!"

I get what he wants us to think...Even buying into the viewpoint that it was going to be special because many were running and volunteering in Amanda's honor, and that he trained hard and expected to run his best time, he said it was what Amanda most look forward to in Indy. But, the first year she's dead, it's special?! He anticipated it to be special without Amanda.

And, the wording of the last sentence from that paragraph:

"This year was going to be special"

It's been a special (half) year for him, for sure.

- - - - -

Also, many have mentioned that DB's blog posts don't sound like his writing. I agree. A friend of mine used to have a little part-time job writing blog posts for a small business person, and keeping the website updated, etc. It is, of course, very common nowadays. DB has the money now to pay a writer, but, I imagine a female friend volunteers her time. Either way, I'm curious how SA works if there is a ghost writer? Of course Davey would tell him/her his "stories," or turn in rough drafts. But, if someone else is editing his writing, SA isn't as pure or powerful, I assume, because we don't know which exact words or wording is his, and what's been added or moved around (order)?

Bingo3 said...

Anon at 11:43, thanks so much for sharing your story! I am also very glad that you were able to escape that relationship. I wish Amanda had been able to get out before it was too late.

Nic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nic said...

Anonymous @ 11:43,

I don't believe Amanda wrote that last entry. Not just because the writing style is different, but because the entry had an air of adulation, pessimism and emptiness to it. Comparatively, Amanda's journaling was upbeat, even when she was sad (silver lining/rainbow,) her entries were self- ministering and demonstrated her faith, how she saw Jesus working to guide her daily life and trusting Him. It reflected her acknowledgment and sincere thanks and usually ended praying for more guidance. You can hear her voice. Her style was very familiar, like the person she was writing to cared about her/her heart and feelings. In her thanks she often would articulate her *love* and appreciation for Jesus's guidance and support. The last entry doesn't reflect any of this. It's distant (watching, not living/experiencing in the moment). It's not reflective, i.e., how it relates to her life and struggle. There is no thoughtful verse to apply to her day except a stanza from a song about seeing Jesus face as the earth grows "strangely dim". Weird, too, that the stanza was about a place that had nothing to do with being earth bound and where she supposedly was alive "that day". It wasn't the first time she referenced that specific song, I think it was in reference to traveling/moving. But she was stationary that last Sunday. The church was *not* doing well. They were losing numbers. However, 2000 showed up to her service (of a different church/place), but that was not who showed up to Resonate the last Sunday she walked the earth. That last entry was about watching a mortal walk the stage and ministering. Note too, Amanda's journaling, if it included Davey, it was "Davey said" (3rd person/in reference to something). It wasn't "about" Davey, how much she trusted Davey, pride for him or even her love for him.

Here are a couple of examples for you to compare:

Example 1

Jesus thank you for that message yesterday. It was awesome and such a good perspective for me to be reminded of. Job 42:12 - The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s lie more than the first. Davey said the other day - God must have big things in store for us b/c we are leaving what we think is the greatest church in the world and the greatest city in the world. And it’s encouraging to me when give and you take away and yet I can say Blessed be your name b/c you are working everything out for a perfect purpose. Jesus I needed that perspective yesterday. Give me strength to not hang on to the material things. I’ve I’m starting day #1 today for packing. Help me Jesus to just trust you through these next 2 weeks. Please encourage my spirit and sustain me. Help me to remember what you have in store. I love you. Give me faith to trust what you say.

Example 2

Well… we made it!
We are officially in Indianapolis!
I can’t even believe it.
Jesus you are faithful in your promises.
Thank you for getting us here. Thank you that we are actually here.
It was so awesome as we drove in last night we saw the city scape and it was such an inspiring view. I don’t think I will ever forget that. I just felt a peace coming here yesterday and I cried while I listened to the lyrics of this song,
“I will take up my cross and follow Lord where you lead me.” I remember when Davey and I knew we were called to go to Indy (and hadn’t told any yet) we were at Face and they played that song and I just cried. Two different kinds of tears but all with the same meaning. We’re here….and it’s time to get busy. Jesus - direct us every step. I pray that we would not waste time. I pray that we would never look back. I pray that we would never lose heart. When it gets difficult and discouraging I pray that you will remind me - I will take up my cross and follow Lord where you lead me… I will take up my cross and follow where you lead.”

Nic said...

Example 3
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in his wonderful face,
and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace,

What an amazing Sunday yesterday Truly filled my <3 to see so many people in your church. Learning, growing, meeting you & taking next steps. Thank you for letting me get to see all of this w/ my own eyes. I love you Lord. Glory & praise to you."

Amanda's eyes saw, but she did not.


Nic said...

Oh, and most importantly, examples 1 and 2 are the "long version" of her feelings (per video 3 when Davey talks about asking her (wife) about her feelings (paraphrasing) 'and she will give you the long version'.

Example three is definitely the "short" version. No gushing, just thankful for the "privilege" of witnessing "so many people", not listening to the spoken word, not meeting each other, but "meeting you".


Bingo3 said...

I found it interesting how important it was for Davey to have his "best time". Why would that even matter this year? Why can't he just honor his wife and not worry about yourself for just one race? He just had to throw in how he had Never! had any trouble running his marathon and half marathons before. He didn't want to be "that guy" who was on the sideline. (he obviously so much better than That Guy) He also HAD to mention his Israel CrossFit workouts. At least with Jesus talking to him it was a small voice until the end when Davey will change the world. Also, I agree Nic, why go back to your car? Be a decent human being and go help your church. It came across to me that if he wasn't going to finish with his best time, then he was going home. He is such a tool.

Bingo3 said...

I agree Nic. I have always thought the last journal entry was extremely suspicious. Just the fact he was so determined to use that entry immediately in the interviews, you know the ones where all those cameras were being shoved in his face. Just like his (most likely pre-prepared public statement) it was way too scripted.

Bobcat said...

Compare DB wussing out and not even hobbling to the finish (which would have gained him MORE and BETTER publicity if he had done it "for" Amanda) to his blog from just over a month ago on April 15.

Also, his sermon on March 13 at 12:45 talks about playing through a bloody hand injury.

He never intended to finish the race for Amanda. If he had, he would have (and should have) done WHATEVER IT TOOK TO CRAWL ACROSS THE FINISH LINE.

You blew what could have been some AMAZING publicity, Davey.

Nic said...

Leslie said:

I wonder why Davey felt the need to repeat that this year was going to be special? The first time, he said "this year's race," and the second time, "this year."

'Running this race together each year availed us fresh memories and new friendships. So, needless to say, as I walked to my starting corral without Amanda I felt overcome with nostalgia and sorrow. Despite the waves of emotion, I determined this year’s race was going to be special. We had 40 people in #ForIndy t-shirts running in honor of Amanda. Our Resonate Worship band was one of the featured bands along the route. 50 more of our Resonate volunteers signed up to pass out gatorade to runners. I was on track to post a personal record by running a faster time than I’d ever run a half-marathon. This year was going to be special!

I think "this year" is that resonate was there in numbers. Before Amanda's death it was just the two of them making memories and friends. This year, it was about Resonate's (his) "presence".

"Despite the waves of emotion, I determined this year’s race was going to be special. We had 40 people in #ForIndy t-shirts running in honor of Amanda.Our Resonate Worship band was one of the featured bands along the route. 50 more of our Resonate volunteers signed up to pass out gatorade to runners. I was on track to post a personal record by running a faster time than I’d ever run a half-marathon. This year was going to be special!"

without being affected by nostalgia and sorrow
he talks about nostalgia and sorrow, but then subsequently refers to other non-specific emotions
There are many kinds of emotions that motivate for or against doing something, (running,) to which does DB speak of here? Dread? Is it the first place he wants to be (running in "honour") of Amanda, or the last?

Two other things come to mind: 1) Amanda is no longer with him to hold him back. 2) He was running for himself while others were running "in honour" of Amanda.

While walking back Jesus and I exchanged some words. Well, it’s probably more accurate to say I vented out loud to Him and He listened. When I was done venting I felt the still, small voice of the Lord whisper to me, “Davey, you need to learn when it’s appropriate to push through pain, and when you should admit you’re hurt.”'

Still, small voice of the Lord
I Kings 19:12, is the voice of rebuke.
Is this leakage? DB did not "belong" at the race running in 'honour" of Amanda? Or is he referencing the "still small voice" as as Devine intervention that the Lord is saying he should not be "sacrificing" his physical health for Amanda's "honour"

I have a tendency to look-up biblical references whenever DB refers to passages. It's interesting to see when he injects the written word.


Bobcat said...

DB also could have tied in RUNNING TOWARD THE ROAR by running through the pain for Amanda.

So much great sympathetic publicity WASTED.

Me2l said...

Peter Hyatt said:

Statement Analysis begins by asserting that the person speaking (or who has written) does not exist to us. His background, personality, emotions, sarcasm, humor, intelligence, education, and so on, are not taken into account as we analyze the statement, itself. The best example of this is this, as written in response to a criminal investigation

Most discussion here is not that ^^^^^^^^^.

Although many posts and comments on this case are thought-provoking, a couple of posters here (or maybe one with various screen names) take pride in their "analysis" that is based on anything BUT SA, including what is their norm in specific situations; how they would react.

Pretty worthless, and yet, these are the most frequent types of commenters in this Amanda Blackburn murder discussion. And Peter, himself, put forth the idea of a common element present in more than one personality type (as I understand it) that would espouse divine source but be willing to change it to fit, elevating self.

Admittedly, I'm a statement analysis novice, and enthralled with what Peter has taught here.....powerful stuff. But are deceptive/sensitive
words and phrases commonly used by people with defining personality elements, or are these words and phrases an indicator exclusively present within the "guilty", regardless of personality type?

Me2l said...

Anonymous Bobcat said...
DB also could have tied in RUNNING TOWARD THE ROAR by running through the pain for Amanda.

So much great sympathetic publicity WASTED.

May 24, 2016 at 9:28 AM

Davey is quite the hypocrite!

Good example, Bobcat.

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leslie said...

Nic, good points about DB and the race. He is numbers conscious, as always, per the # of Resonate runners, volunteers, and his (supposed) attempt at his best time. Like others, I doubt he ever expected to finish. Showing up brought him enough photo ops and attention, and his tight calf pain, and thus the need to drop out of the race early lent itself to the perfect blog post. Only, it's doubtful that DB truly is pushing through emotional pain, but, possibly physical, imo.

I know everyone is different, but in my younger days I ran distance, completed some half marathons, one full, and had an injury or two over the years. The 6 mile mark strikes me as odd timing for an almost-injury, since he says he trained hard for it, and his muscles had obviously warmed up by then. But, it is possible he over-trained (although he was able to jump up to the stage after Israel). I'm probably splitting hairs.

Pretty much everything Davey writes (or his ghost writer) is suspect to me at this point.

Even if I've read too much into his repeated comment that "this year was going to be special," I find it symbolic. He's had the year of his life.

- - - -

Nic, that's great that you look up the Bible verses DB quotes. I was actually surprised he didn't sparse the first part of Isaiah 30:15,

In repentance and rest you will be saved; in quietness and in trust will be your strength.”

- - - -

As for DB hearing "...the still small voice of the Lord whisper..," it made me wonder if he's trying not to flat out say that God Told, or Spoke to him, as in the shower, due to negative feedback he's read (here and/or elsewhere).


"On that day limping back to my car, the Lord left me with this thought, “Davey, I have plenty more races for you to run in this lifetime."'

He seems to be toning down God directly speaking to him, imo.

- - - -

Any thoughts if SA can still be applied to DB's blogs, if he in fact has someone helping him write and edit?

Leslie said...

Me21 said...

"But are deceptive/sensitive
words and phrases commonly used by people with defining personality elements, or are these words and phrases an indicator exclusively present within the "guilty", regardless of personality type?"

I keep ruminating on that, too. It seems another chicken / egg situation. But, when I reread Peter's words, I get the impression that a certain trait that can go along with various types of personalities, is present and necessary for DB to be able to simultaneously believe scripture to be inspired, yet he doesn't hesitate to alter scripture for his own purposes. That makes me think that this trait, and therefore the language DB speaks, is not present in all guilty people or killers (as not all guilty people believe scripture to be divinely inspired).

Hopefully others will chime in.

Me2l said...


The more I read this blog, along with Peter's lessons, the more complicated it seems! Yet, that is probably just me.

Davey exemplifies narcissistic behaviors, including the god syndrome, which would make him capable of amending scripture as he knows it to adjust to his circumstances....or to justify his circumstances.

I am an impatient person! LOL. I would like to know right now what Davey's deceptiveness encompasses....Amanda's murder? Something else? If, indeed, he is involved in his wife's murder, and if, indeed, his words are deceptive/sensitive in nature, it seems as if the case would include investigation of him, leading to his arrest, along with the thugs. If we on this blog find it so simple to implicate him, why does LE not?

I know I'm being simple.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

The analysis at the blog is, for the most part, "101" in nature. At times, I go deeper, as you can see in the Deputy Jeremy Banks profile, though even this is limited.

Statement Analysis is quite complicated and the blog is more of a showcase for those interested, but the course, itself, goes much deeper. Those who complete this course are eligible for the ongoing confidential work, as well as the Advanced Course.

Blackburn case most recent article was lengthy, but not in depth with analysis; just the setting of his language, with a long article with a single point:

It takes a certain personality to betray an ideology he claims to be divine.

It will make sense as we examine more of his words.

I, too, agree, that the 911 call will be telling.

Study the Jeremy Banks article for some insight into how this is done.

Long term readers go through a 'crisis of confidence' when they begin formal training, and then recover themselves and do quite well. It is just that they did not think the challenges were as they really are, particularly in tough cases. Staying "101" will lead to error.


Statement Analysis Blog said...

Another point of advanced work.

Analysis is done, initially, with no case information so that nothing influences the work. The allegation is needed to be known, and anything extraordinary such as acute mental retardation or English a second language.

The subject does not exist to us; only the words.

When the analysis is complete, it is now reconstructed, with allowing the subject to be 'resurrected' from non existence into existence as his words promote a "profile" of sorts:

his background,
personality and priority

Fm25 said...

Is davey honest or deceptive in this statement he posted on Instagram?
"Today was Evie Grace's due date. Although I never met her I loved her more than I ever thought I could love a little one. I never could wrap my mind around how one could love 2 kids equally until the day Amanda told me she was pregnant again. In that moment my heart expanded to twice it's original capacity. I love you Evie Grace and I can't wait to see you and your beautiful mommy again one day. Happy Birthday, sweetie!"
He claims he loved Evie as much as he loves Weston from the moment Amanda told him she was pregnant. Literally the same day, that moment. Yet he didn't even mention the unborn baby in his statements after her murder. And he tells us he had a feeling she was going to lose the baby. He has a need to convince people that he was happy about the pregnancy.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

"Today was Evie Grace's due date. Although I never met her I loved her more than I ever thought I could love a little one. I never could wrap my mind around how one could love 2 kids equally until the day Amanda told me she was pregnant again. In that moment my heart expanded to twice it's original capacity. I love you Evie Grace and I can't wait to see you and your beautiful mommy again one day. Happy Birthday, sweetie!"

In fact, he loved her so much he forgot to mention her when he talked about the murder.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

"On that day limping back to my car, the Lord left me with this thought, “Davey, I have plenty more races for you to run in this lifetime."'

He seems to be toning down God directly speaking to him, imo.

You are correct. This began shortly after analysis of his naked in the shower meeting with the Almighty.

I felt like God, too, was whispering to me after Crime Watch Daily.

"We don't hire those with 3 chins, my son...the camera didn't put 30 pounds on you, Twinkies did."

But that's just me.


HISG said...

I have a question: Is there any possibility that the "missing time" after Amber arrives in Indy, the sensitivity of Amanda offering to pick her up
and the "different route" needs to be looked at? What I think may have happened: Could this arrangement have been done and the "different route" been to an abortion clinic to try to pressure Amanda to get an abortion at the request of Davey? Keep in mind, Amber states she has been travelling for 12 hrs when she gets Amanda's text at 1:30....supposedly she was picked up "at night" becauss she states she "looked forward to it all day, but this makes no sense because the 12 hours of travel had been completed at 1:30. Also, Amanda was 12 weeks and this is generally when a person is allowed to get an abortion. Amanda Im sure resisted this. But I think Amber made her go somewhere during the "different route". Who knows? Maybe Davey was the one driving the car?

Bobcat said...

Phil Hartman Sally Field Jesus SNL

Davey needs to give The Lord/Jesus/God a vacation day!
How is he going to reach those far from him if he is always whispering to Davey?

eye strain from all the rolling @@@

Me2l said...

There is a difference---vast, yet subtle---between a quest for something and an obsession with something.

Concerned said...

I keep thinking about Davey and his comments about never liking church as he grew up, only finding the real thing at New Spring. Since his father was a preacher and Davey was made to attend every service and all church-related activities, that says a lot. I have to presume that he would be quite angry and anti-religion/God by the time he had his epiphany in college.

I look forward to the conclusion of Peter's SA on Davey as I continue to wonder whether Davey truly believes that the Bible is inspired. I wonder if he just chose a "pastoring" career designed to drive his religiously conservative father crazy, what with all the sex and rock 'n' roll in this new "church of what's happening now" he had discovered. It also fit with his desire to be the powerful center of attention. He could gain the fame and money his father never did, show up his father and thumb his nose at the God he had been forced to "worship" all his life.

There was such an undercurrent (and often, downright blatant) anger in Davey's message. (The current blog with its female ghostwriter has somewhat softened his voice in preparation for the book.) I'm not convinced yet that Davey has exhibited any true belief in the message of Jesus. I see anger and disdain in his words and his countenance. Playing fast and loose with scripture makes me doubt that he sees it as divinely inspired.

Perry Noble nailed it when he said Amanda brought what Davey needed to the "ministry" table. That had to make Davey even madder though he knew that's why he chose her in the first place. It makes sense to me that in the midst of Resonate's failure, Amanda was pointing out Davey's shortcomings and perhaps, planning to leave. We all know that the most dangerous time for a woman is when she decides to escape a controlling man and I believe that the meds Davey took to build muscle were contributing to his inability to control his anger.

To those who criticize the commenters here for being too focused on the Blackburn case, I stand convicted...the damage to God's church and to searching souls by men like Davey disturbs me tremendously. I take breaks from reading here but find myself coming back and I look forward to Peter's final SA and hope it helps lead to Davey's demise!

Anonymous said...


"I'm not convinced yet that Davey has exhibited any true belief in the message of Jesus."

I think DB does believe in the message. His blog writings from 2007-08 especially show his desire to evangelize to his baseball teammates etc. I will find a post to copy here in a few hours.

I think DB has faith that he will be forgiven. He will be.

What I would like to see is earthly Justice for Amanda.

I don't care if DB starts a prison ministry while he is serving his time.

He alluded to that when he was visiting NewSpring with Perry Noble. I don't know if it was transcribed, but it is in one of the videos. I don't think he will ever stop evangelizing.

Anonymous said...

As the wife of DB's best "friend", I think Amber had been strongly swayed to his corner.

On top of this, I believe she was under a lot of pressure to portray a certain image of Amanda's state of mind in the days leading up to her murder. For many reasons, I find it impossible to believe that Amanda communicated the joy and exuberance that is reported.

That Amanda supposedly talked about ALL the "fun" she was having being a mom, strikes me particularly odd.

I believe Amanda was dealing with a lot of turmoil about the future. Even if this was not the case, she was struggling with severe sickness with this pregnancy. Anyone who has had the responsibility of caring for an active toddler while dealing with the misery of severe morning sickness and extreme fatique caused by dehydration and pregnancy would be hard pressed to describe the experience of being a mom at that point as fun in any way, much less be able to go on and on about ALL the fun they are having being a mom.

Concerned said...

Bobcat at 1:27

I'm not saying I can't be convinced of Davey's belief, but I don't see it so far.
There is much warning in scripture about adding to or taking away from God's word. How could a seeking student miss that?
Also, the emphasis on being Jesus-like can't be missed. Davey is anything but that. (Jesus' one time turning over the tables in the temple hardly compares to Davey's angry anecdotes.)

I have met more than a few "evangelizers" who were really just seeking more personal supporters than Jesus followers. Davey has a lot in common with them. I totally expect him to be exploiting the "forgiveness of Amanda's killers" in jail. It will make a meaty chapter in the book.

I too believe in the possibility of Davey's forgiveness but I also know there will be some on the judgement day who will hear, "Depart from me; I never knew you." He might be one of them. Hopefully, someone else with a prison ministry will get to confront him in his cell and teach him the truth. Justice for Amanda at last!

Me2l said...

concerned said:
To those who criticize the commenters here for being too focused on the Blackburn case,

It's not about being "too focused; it's about detracting from the real focus by flying off into irrelevancy and tangents.

Bobcat said...


Yes, what we see/hear from DB often appears very far from what one would expect from a man of God.

Which I why I am looking forward to Peter's analysis!

"Depart from me; I never knew you." ...
I hadn't thought of that angle.

I do give DB credit for facilitating baptisms. He is very flawed, but people have been reached through (or in spite of) him.

Concerned said...

Me21 at 1:55
I'm guessing you don't think Davey's true religious beliefs are not relevant to this case.

Bobcat said...


"I'm not saying I can't be convinced of Davey's belief, but I don't see it so far."

To further elaborate on my last post.
I think I have seen it, only because I have transcribed so many of his sermons.

I could be wrong, but my take is this:

He has faith.
He is VERY flawed.
He needs to serve Justice for Amanda.

concerned said...

Bobcat at 2:01

The Bible clearly warns of wolves in sheep's clothing.
I think Davey probably has a (very tight) sheep suit on under the skinny jeans and girly jacket!

I'm thankful for all baptisms but I worry about these new Christians moving forward.
Where will they learn the meat of God's word?
Certainly not from someone who is making it up as he goes along.

I might add that the New Spring "churches" baptize the same people over and over...
and add them to the count. I'm sorry I didn't make note of the sources for that info...pajamapages, perhaps.

Concerned said...

Bobcat at 2:05

And I do thank you for those transcripts, Bobcat...
What a labor of love!
I don't know how you could stand it for so long.
I read as many of the transcripts as I could tolerate but I couldn't
get past the thought that wounded people were seeking wisdom in Davey's deceiving words.
That breaks my heart every time.

Fm25 said...

Me21 said " If, indeed, he is involved in his wife's murder, and if, indeed, his words are deceptive/sensitive in nature, it seems as if the case would include investigation of him, leading to his arrest, along with the thugs. If we on this blog find it so simple to implicate him, why does LE not? "
And that's the million dollar question. I'd have more confidence in LE if they hadn't 100% cleared him within the first 24 hours. They found the shooter and are satisfied with that. They have moved on to the next case. I'm glad Peter has taken an interest and kept the conversation going. I hope it leads to renewed interest from the case by media or other investigators. It's frustrating but not surprising given the crime and gang activity in Indianapolis.

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bobcat said...


I hope the new Christians who want to grow (instead of just be entertained) will find a way.

Everyone grows and matures spiritually at their own pace. You can't rush someone who is not ready.

I think this is a big reason Resonate is not growing like Db had hoped. DB expects new Christians to sit through ONE HOUR sermons, and start evangelizing/bringing in new recruits right away.

Bobcat said...

Leslie @ 2:22

Anon @ 1:38 is NOT an insider.

They were describing Amber as Gavin's (friend of DB) wife (in addition to being Amanda's sister).

Fm25 said...

Adding to my post about le, there very well may be people in impd who do have their doubts about davey. However, they may have been told by higher ups to just leave things alone. They have shooter in custody and he absolutely belongs there. It may be easier for the department as a whole to just let sleeping dogs lie.

HISG said...

Anon 1:38,

Great observations especially regarding Amber emphasizing how "fun" being a Mom was for Amanda at that challenging stage.

Undoubtedly, Amber was very swayed in Davey's corner as you said bc of her marriage to his best friend.

One thing I noticed analyzing Amber's statement last night is when Amber says

"Needless to say, we talked the entire trip home from the airport. I realize now that I basically did all of the talking. She sat so intently in the car listening to my stories from the past week."

it jumped out at me that it is a peculiar way to describe someone driving a car (Amanda) as she sat so intently in the car

A lot of times someone will be described as "sitting" in a car when the car is stationary OR if they are a passenger in the car, but when a car is moving one does not normally describe the driver as "sitting" in the car. Usually one would say "While she was driving she listened so intently."

I don't know what to make of this.
It seems wherever they were where Amanda was "listening so intently" they were not, at that time, in a moving car. They may have been in a parked car.

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HISG said...

Peter has said that the pregnancy is critical in this case.

One thing that occurred to me: According to Amber, Amanda tells her about "breaking the news to Davey that she is pregnant" and she tells her this the day after the car ride from airport which seems to suggest she told him about the pregnancy the night before?

"Breaking the news" has a negative connotation like you're telling someone something the don't want to hear.
And why would she have "broken the news" at night after driving her sister to Grandma's from the airport?
Is there a possibility that the news she actually "broke" to DAvey is that Amber did not convince her to have an abortion and that she was going to go through with the pregnancy?

Most women do not wait until 12 weeks to tell their hubby they are pregnant.
What news did she really "break" to him?
Keep in mind, the next night/morning she is killed.

HISG said...

Or perhaps what may have happened is that Amanda considered abortion due to terror of Davey (if this happened it is absolutely understandable...imagine if he had been telling her she needed to get an abortion, she had been resisting the idea and then the terror she felt during his gun sermon combined with whatever he was doing to her in private...imagine the terror she would have felt even to bring another child, the child his wrath was directed at, into that situation) and Amber had agreed to accompany her and Amanda decided not to go through with it. Maybe the news she broke to Davey that night was that she was "still pregnant".

I will tell you there is missing time the day Amber flies in where they went somewhere...hours of missing time...whether they were driving around, parked somewhere, discussed something, perhaps even entered the abortion clinic to discuss conflicting emotions with a counselor, or perhaps sat in the parking lot talking and then turned away after deciding against having one....

Leslie said...

Concerned, I also have a difficult time wrapping my head around the notion that Davey believes in God, yet, thinks he's higher than, and therefore it's okay (in his mind) to manipulate scripture for his own gains.

I keep going back to Peter's tips, hints and summaries, like this one:

"I assert that he sees himself as superior to Christ. I assert that he sees himself superior to the Apostles and to the message they carried. I assert that he feels the need to 'coach', and 'guide' and give a 'new presentation' to the ideology that he claims and believes to be divine and perfect."

Once again, if I'm interpreting Peter's intriguing article(s) correctly, Davey embraces the ideology, believes scripture to be divinely inspired, but feels justified in putting his spin on things, for his own greedy gains.

But, I could be barking down the wrong path....

Leslie said...

More self-promotion:

"daveyblackburn Follow for some West Coast treats this week!"

Along with his "+ added me" photo.

- - -
And some "Weapons of Righteousness" notes:

Nic said...

I have to presume that he would be quite angry and anti-religion/God by the time he had his epiphany in college.

I agree with what you’re saying. Didn’t he switch majors in college? He switched to a communications major near the end which, I was thinking, would make him a better candidate for business. So maybe he was planning ahead and he went with what he "knew".

I’m not convinced DB will ever be investigated for a couple of reasons. 1) Part of LE follows/ed Resonate, so he has an “in”/sympathetic and biased advocate. 2) Amanda’s family doesn’t appear to be concerned or pushing for LE to take a closer look at DB. If they were vocal I could see some movement, but unless an advocate for Amanda ‘demands’ further investigation, I’m not confident DB will be held to account for anything more than his time in/at the gym.


Bobcat said...

From DB's old blog, March 2006:
Ten years ago, he linked to a porn addiction website on his blog.

"I got into a deep, DEEP discussion about Christianity and Jesus with this one guy on our team, Ben, who is a self-proclaimed agnostic. This guy had some SERIOUS questions—Questions that boggled my mind. I mean they were loaded, cocked and ready to explode! Our conversation was a couple tiers above my intellectual capabilities but amazingly I was able to give Him challenging and sufficient answers. PRAISE GOD! I could feel the Holy Spirit’s words flowing through me as I offered up answers to some of his questions. After Ben left my apartment (well after 1:00 in the morning) I remember saying out-loud, “Jesus, where did those answers come from!?” Jesus simply replied back, “You didn’t think I’d leave you alone with Him did you? You’re crazy if you think I’d trust you to answer those questions by yourself!” Haha!

I had ample time to sit and ponder this conversation and these questions (especially after I received an email from this guy with 4 more typed pages of questions that he wanted answers for). And as I was thinking I began to thank God for people like Ben, who are searching. I love it that he’s not taking this Christianity thing at face-value and mindlessly accepting Jesus as THE WAY. If he ever accepts Jesus as his Savior (which I believe whole-heartedly he will) he will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus is REAL, ALIVE, and ABLE to transform his life and his traditional way of thought—he will experience Him unlike many people have been able to!"

Nic said...


Once again, if I'm interpreting Peter's intriguing article(s) correctly, Davey embraces the ideology, believes scripture to be divinely inspired, but feels justified in putting his spin on things, for his own greedy gains.

Again I agree, with you. When combining business practices with religion I discovered an overlap:

bad faith (in business)
Deceptive practices or deliberate misrepresentations

bad faith (in religion) James 1:8
being of two souls, i.e., using religion, not as a way of life, as they project themselves to be living, but as a business proposition (growing a church/generating numbers)

As an example, preaching the word of the Lord, but breaking one or more of the 10 commandments (laws/instructions by which the church is governed and lives) to further one’s agenda. Such as, “Thou shalt not make for yourself an Idol”, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”, “Thou shalt not kill.”, “Thou shalt not covet…..” (which could lead to breaking other commandments (a motivation), i.e., kill.

But then being able to excuse this bad faith to themselves with religion (Romans 7:7-11) wherein it says they cannot perfectly obey the law and we all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and are in need of God’s mercy and that mercy is granted only through faith in Jesus


It’s a defence.

Anonymous said...

Hasnt it been established that Davey uses religion to "get ahead", that he uses it and teists it for his own purposes? This fact seems to have been so ckearly established at this point. Why is this being reiterated over and over again?

Leslie said...

The overlap between business and religion is interesting. Thanks for the explanation.

- - -

Per Perry Noble's infamous "sermon" about Davey, at Amanda's memorial service / celebration of life-

"They walked in, and I said that thing that hasn't been quite right with Davey just got made right when she walked in. She truly was the person that completed him and made him a better man."

If meeting Amanda made PN lose his reservations about "Crazy Davey," how must he feel about DB now?

Anonymous said...

DB is not being investigated because of the lack of evidence against him. If evidence is discovered, then they will investigate. Hecovered his tracks well.

Me2l said...

Concerned said...
Me21 at 1:55
I'm guessing you don't think Davey's true religious beliefs are not relevant to this case.
May 24, 2016 at 2:02 PM

.....somewhat true. His beliefs aren't, as far as they relate to what you, I, or anyone else here believes to be Biblical truth; DB's beliefs and what he does with them are potentially very important to the case.

From Peter:
You must hear Blackburn from Blackburn's own language.

I ask readers to attempt to understand this ideology apart from any personal belief or faith. No disrespect is intended in the language, nor in the punctuation. It is an attempt to bring understanding and clarity to 'enter into the shoes of the subject.'

Me2l said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
DB is not being investigated because of the lack of evidence against him. If evidence is discovered, then they will investigate. Hecovered his tracks well.


But we already have him convicted here.

What do we know that LE, his family, his friends, his co-workers don't?

(For the record, from reading this blog, it makes sense to me that Davey is involved in Amanda's murder, but maybe only here? I can't imagine that to be true, though.)

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leslie said...

While DB was at Fresh Life this past Sunday, a NewSpring preacher, Kaleb White, filled his spot at Resonate. Here's an article from his blog, "Advice for Young Preachers," that would be helpful for DB (if he was someone else):

Rosy said...

HSIG I think you are correct about some sensitivity connected with time. Maybe your intuitions can be shrunk down a bit (no offense meant).

HSIG said: "One thing that occurred to me: According to Amber, Amanda tells her about 'breaking the news to Davey that she is pregnant' and she tells her this the day after the car ride from airport which seems to suggest she told him about the pregnancy the night before?"

No, Davey knew about the pregnancy and announced it his church members 9 mins into his sermon on morning of Nov 8.

When did he first learn Amanda was pregnant and how? We can't assume she told him about the pregnancy the night before the sermon, but I think we can assume she (or possibly someone else) told him at some point between the previous Sunday and the morning of Nov 8.

Why would he announce the pregnancy in PUBLIC if he was pressuring her to get an abortion? Makes no sense.

At 3:04 HISG suggests re: timeline that perhaps on the way back from the airport they (the sisters) "perhaps even entered the abortion clinic to discuss conflicting emotions with a counselor."

Do you know of any abortion clinics in Indiana that are open on Sunday, day or night? Planned Parenthood is closed Saturday and Sunday and does not offer abortion services (only referral):

This is off the scale of likely action by the people concerned.

I do agree with you that Amber's narration of the timeline may indicate suppression of talk about conflicting emotions or marital troubles.

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