Thursday, May 19, 2016

Amanda Blackburn Murder Part Three: Ideology and Deception

While pregnant, Amanda Blackburn and her pre born child were murdered.  
The husband, Davey, made many statements and was interviewed on television shortly after the murder.  

 Police eventually arrested and charged 3 gang members with her murder.

Blackburn, as husband, had a strong alibi:  he was at the gym when the home invasion and murder took place. 

 It appears that he was not polygraphed

His language shortly after the murder shocked the public.   

I have heard two dismissals of Blackburn's words, both using the ideology:

1.  He did not grieve his losses and concentrated on numbers because he loves lost souls so much.  

This was to defend his bizarre language using the ideology.

the second is equally wrong:

2.  His language was due to his ideology.  It is not that he is showing guilt, or even a need to be found among others in a plurality to assuage guilt, it is just that he sees himself and his 'god' in such close proximity that it went into the intuition of pronouns. 

Both of these claims dismiss the analysis due to the ideology that Blackburn affirms.   

Both of these claims are wrong as I will exhibit in this lengthy article about ideology.  

To understand much of the language used by the victim's husband in the Amanda Blackburn murder, it is essential to grasp the ideology.  This is true in any analysis, though it is often not noticed until a cold case is presented:

Ideology; culture; behavior; language.  The language is not reality, but the subject's verbalized perception of reality.  

I will give an overview (general) of the ideology first, 
then, I will raise the question:  

Is the husband's affirmation of this ideology done in a deceptive manner? 

 Lastly, I will bring forth analysis of his language, while referencing the ideology in a separate article. 


Why the need to show the ideology first?

It is more than to just understand his language; which is important enough. 

There is something far more important in this murder case where the statistics tell us that when a pregnant woman is murdered, the number one suspect is the husband/father of the child. 

Much of what the victim's husband has said has been dismissed due to the ideology that produced it.  This is to show ignorance, both of criminal analysis, and of the personality embracing a specific ideology who deliberately exploits it.   Here, we will take a basic look at the ideology and then the subject's view towards the ideology and how this may impact the analysis.  

The central question is this:

Is the subject honest or  deceptive, regarding his use of the religious ideology that he publicly espouses?

Is he honest about it?  This is vital for analysis of this case; not is he 'incorrect' about any part of the ideology, but is he deliberately altering, deleting, adding, or outright changing that which he states is unalterably divine?  To affirm divine origin is not only to affirm inerrancy, but it is to hold something to a level of "sacred"; that is, set apart from all else.  

Is he, somehow, deceptive, which means, 'knowingly' changing the ideology for a specific purpose. Is this purpose narcissistically based? 

 If so, it provides strong insight into his personality and subsequent language.  

In researching this element, these factors must be present:

*The ideology must be believed (and stated) to be of divine origin.  This means it is unchanging truth, given to us by God, and cannot be changed or altered to fit human opinion.  Truth, by definition, is not impacted by external influences, including time.  For what I am looking for here, the premise must be that the ideology of the victim's husband is that it is divine truth which cannot be altered.  

What type of personality element can claim that their ideology is of divine origin yet alter it, or even have a need to alter its presentation, in spite of believing it to be divine? 

*The alteration must not an error, misunderstanding, or disagreement.  The alteration must be deliberate.  

If one says "this ideology is divine" and then adds, subtracts or does any alteration of it, in application, presentation, or core belief, the personality is being revealed to the audience, and where the self places his view in comparison to divinity.  In a murder case, it is vital.  

It is as to say, "God is good; but I, that is, me, myself, I am better" in a sense of narcissism that is all but impossible to contain, even by the most talented egotists.  The filter simply gives way once he enters the free editing process of speech where he chooses his own words.  

Question for consideration:  Does Blackburn alter the ideology, in any way, to fit a specific agenda that belongs uniquely to him?

This alteration can be in design, scope, presentation or application, but it must be deliberate, of which I offer a few examples, which would then allow us to gain some insight into the personality.  

We also need to have a basic grasp of the ideology to understand the language in a deeper, more concise manner for the purpose of analysis.  

By understanding the ideology, we may be given insight into personal conflict within the victim's husband.  

This now will give you insight into the element within the personality.  We must step  back in ideology, and then on to the subject's variant on this ideology including any cultural 'adjustment' or compatibility towards it.  This, alone, will provide insight into the personality and temperament of the one person who has done much to foster suspicion that he is connected to the murder, though the case may be 'closed' by police. 

Please consider that everyone is under the influence of an ideology whether we embrace it or not.  

If you were raised in "Western civilization", Judeo Christianity, as an ideology, shaped your own thinking, inherited from your parents, who inherited this from their parents, and so on, regardless of the element of "faith" or personal conviction. Even if you do not believe in either Judaism or Christianity, you are a product of a Judeo-Christian culture, that is, the practical and measurable outworking from the ideology from the Bible. 

 It does not mean you believe in the Bible nor claim to be Jewish or Christian.  It means you were raised in a culture that had its roots in the Bible's ideological positions, even as, generationally, the culture shifts further and further away from it.  Today, it may be fair to estimate, Judeo Christian ideology is no longer the influence it has been, but in many ways, it is even despised, even as some have altered it to make it culturally compatible.  Yet, even in a 'post Christian' generation, its influence remains with us.  The fascinating element of this alteration is that they still claim the ideology to be "divine", meaning, it needs no change, no dressing up, no persuasion, and so on, to be relevant because the divine message, if divine, is perfection, and without "need to persuade" found outside itself.  

In other words, if it is divine, those who alter it, even if in presentation, are showing great weakness.  They either do not believe it is divine, or...

they note that 'divinity needs help' and you can guess just who it is who is bright enough to offer divinity a hand.  

Now, if divinity 'needs help', can you guess the personality that is willing to 'fix divinity' to make it relevant or culturally compatible today?

This is essential in understanding the history of thought (and language) and where specific arguments come from.  

For example, if you dwell in relative safety between your neighbors on the left and neighbors on the right, this may be due to a cultural external adherence to "thou shalt not" of Judeo Christian thought.  To dismiss this as 'common sense' is to deny one's own history and to show ignorance of how others, in other cultures, think about this.  

Here is a more practical and easier to spot example:  

While at work, when you are insulted or humiliated and withhold your anger, it is as a result of culture which was shaped by an ideology that prized self-governing of your emotions.  You presented an idea at your work in which one person disagreed and when you asked him why he disagreed, he ridiculed your appearance, or some arbitrary position, while avoiding giving any practical reason for his disagreement.  

You remained silent and were viewed as 'strong' in your position; admired by coworkers. 

Other ideologies (and the subsequent cultures) would not admire you for your restraint, but would hold you in contempt for your weakness.  This is a basis of the Islamic ideology and its impact upon eastern culture.  What we saw in Cologne was not so much misogyny, (though rape is) but a powerful contempt of European men who are incapable or unwilling to protect their women, lest they be called names such as 'racist' or 'right wing' or now, the new insult, 'nationalist.'

The same event has two very different opinions due to differing cultures, which are due to very different ideologies which impacted the cultures.  

When you show a sense of justice; you are not a 'blank slate' of 'new ideas' but as a result of your upbringing, your parents' upbringing, their parents' upbringing, and so on and how they were influenced by the world around them.   Example:  

The 'West' loves children.  Think of 'nativity' scenes where they bow down before a child in a manager, and how they talk of childhood innocence and such.  This is juxtaposed next to Islamic nations where children are human shields, strapped with bombs, or used for propaganda purposes by migrants.  

This photo is upsetting to the western mind.  To the Islamic mind, there is nothing wrong, nor inappropriate about it, and they question why this would upset any western male.  To them, it is the cultural outworking of the Koran's teaching of the value of woman.  

Iconic photo of Islamic culture invading Europe 

All throughout northern Africa, the middle east and parts of Asia, women and children are denigrated culturally even though these are different peoples, nations, tribes and languages. What is the common denominator?  The ideology;  Islam.  

Westerners project their culture onto a people who hold the ideology of the west in contempt.  It does not work. 

Let's take a look in American culture and ideology and see the waning influence of Judeo-Christian thought. 

Another example is the Titanic Society that heralded the "women and children first" ideology that is distinctly opposite of the dominant Islamic ideology that encompasses much of the world.  The notion that "women and children" are placed first is due to the physical weakness of both.  Rather than "survival of the fittest" (including Marxism today), the distinctly Judeo-Christian thought is that when one is given strength, he is expected to sacrifice his strength to protect those without.  This was the historical definition of "masculinity" that arose from the ideology.  A "patriarchal" society, in this definition, meant that the male sacrifices for the female.  It has been redefined to mean male exploitation of the female, as ancient ideological beliefs are now replaced with "more progressive" beliefs, which are not, as claimed, new to history.  

Here is a rather superficial example, yet for analysis, it is important. 

In the late 50's, Elvis shook his hips on TV and was roundly condemned for being "vulgar" because the culture (outworking of ideology) felt that sex was personal and private.  The word "obscene" means 'off-stage' or 'private.'  Today, this same video clip is used for humor to ridicule another culture.  It was not that sex was wrong, it was private and the performer was mimicking in public that which the culture held as private.  It was 'in the wrong place' but not wrong, itself.  
Not exactly Madonna's dog 

Let's say you were assigned a cold case of a murder where the subject was a young teenager when he heard his parents' anger at Elvis on The Ed Sullivan Show.  He was impacted by something you are not impacted by.  You need to enter the 'shoes' of the subject who was raised to believe that Elvis was, in deed, vulgar, though you, the reader/analyst, may not personally agree.  If you cannot 'see' what the subject 'sees', you might completely miss valuable elements.  This was the recent work done by our top analysts in a cold case murder investigation of which I expect a conviction.  

When a pregnant woman is murdered, statistics point to the husband/boyfriend/father of the child.  

To understand the language of Davey Blackburn, look at:

1.  The ideology
2.  The culture
3.  His public reaction to the ideology
4.  His public reaction to the culture 
5.  Any contempt of the ideology.  

Remember: he is a professional public speaker.  His business is that he sells an ideology and has stated his desire to see his audience grow.    

Then, take yet another look at his language:  It is intended to be understood.  When he was alone, and used the word "we", it was not a signal of psychosis, nor was it a belief that it was him and Jesus.  This is a bit of a journey, but for those who wish to learn analysis, it is indispensable.  It is why I have been prompting study of Islamic ideology, Islamic culture, and the criminal outworking of both.  It is an excellent exercise for those who wish to become analysts.  Listen to Dr. Nicolai Sennels, for example, as a criminal psychologist who treats Muslim men in Dannish prisons.  He was given an amazing education over the years as he learned that their thinking and subsequent impulse was nothing like his own nor the average European.  I disagree, personally, with some of his ideology, but respect his study.  

Those who, for example, can only project their own thought and culture, cannot work cold cases from yesteryear when culture was different from our own. (they fail for a variety of reasons not listed here but of the same theme:  projection).  The dramatic shift (rapidity) today, whether due to political influences and/or the speed of transmission of information, means we must adapt to analyze.  

You must hear Blackburn from Blackburn's own language. 

I ask readers to attempt to understand this ideology apart from any personal belief or faith.  No disrespect is intended in the language, nor in the punctuation.  It is an attempt to bring understanding and clarity to 'enter into the shoes of the subject.'  


I would like all readers to consider, for this analysis,  that Judaism and Christianity are utterly false superstitious stories in an attempt to explain that which cannot be explained, though every human asks the question as to "why" they are in existence.  I want them to view the ideology separate from belief, faith, loyalty, and so on.  This is an exercise for analysis and it is about moving deeply into language; language nurtured by culture, born of ideology.  It is a hypothetical exercise, similar to what we do in expectation to every statement we approach.  

 What you are being asked to do is this:

Is Davey Blackburn, husband of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, true to the ideology he sells, or is he one who knowingly and purposefully does 'violence' to the ideology to pursue his own personal goals and agenda? 

This is not "Is Blackburn perfect?" as a question.  No human is. 
This is not "Is Blackburn correct in his understanding?" as a question. 

 The best human beings fail in all things in life.  These failures are spectacularly published when one claims to be a Christian though they are the failures that the accusers, themselves, participate in without public reproach.  

 When you meet a perfect family, you are meeting one that hides their frailties well.  When you hear of the perfect marriage, you are hearing elements of fiction.  The Bible's books that are biographical are considered unique as they never present anyone (sans Christ) in a perfect (or even good) light whereas biographies throughout history have traditionally been white washed, lest they are "tabloid tell alls" of today.  

We are in a murder case analysis. 

 It matters not if we disagree about this understanding or that understanding.  We are interested in his understanding, the subject, himself, and what he does (or does not) do with it.  I see the evidence of emotion in the comments of this case. There is deep shame, embarrassment, anger over misrepresentation, as well as the usual anger of believing this to be a miscarriage of justice. 

The Basic Ideology 

It is difficult in choosing the distinctives within this ideology, so I have chosen some basics, and, most deliberately, I have chosen some that are provocative as they are in direct opposition to what is culturally accepted today.  This is vital to our analysis:  where the ideology is in conflict with popular opinion today. 

Short Historical Sketch 

In the middle east, a man of no renown, education, money, nor place in society, stepped into the pages of history and made stupendous and exhaustively intolerant claims.  This was more than 20 centuries ago, predating modern methods of communication, including the printing press, cameras, video and the internet.  Word of mouth and carefully copied parchments alone would rehearse his biography and ideology. 

He claimed that the entire religion of the tiny nation of Israel, "Judaism" was all about him.  He claimed to be present at creation where it is written "Let us make man in our image" (Elohim, plural), in the establishment of all living things.  He claimed that each book in the collection of ancient works that had been used to construct the tiny nation's laws, were written about him and that each ceremony and even historical event, reflected, mirrored or had at its essence, him. He claimed that predictions made, over the course of centuries, in different languages and by different authors, was accurately fulfilled in him, from his birth, exact geographical location, chronology,  betrayal, trial, to the actual detailed forensics of his death, hundreds of years prior to the event.  He claimed to be the unique fulfillment of every prediction.   

To have such an impact as He has, we note his His career was very short; about 3 years.  He claimed not simply to know God, but to be God, as the unique Son, and this, his view point, was utterly intolerant. He claimed to be the exclusive avenue of access to God and that every other means was to indicate deception and fraud.  

He also made historical predictions, including the destruction of the famous temple, and the utter description of Jerusalem, 70 AD, by Titus of Rome, giving both dating and detail which, 40 years later, happened as predicted.  

He gave revolutionary ideas to the small crowds and the distinctions are well known.  Justice would be limited and mercy endorsed.  We grew up, whether we believed (faith) in this ideology or not, influenced by it.  Our nation was founded upon its influence and its influence was in all of the textbooks of the schools, as well as in the legal language of the founding (s) of the country.  Oaths of allegiance were sworn to him by those elected as rulers and even in the legal language of colony, territory and state constitutions, he was referenced. 

He taught and upheld the Old Testament (Judaism) and His explanation of its meaning, pointing to Himself as the fulfillment of all the promises, and then gave explicit instruction to 12 men to spread His message.  He predicted his trial, death and that he would live again.  

On the third day after his illegal trial and execution, eye witnesses claimed to have seen him, at different times, and by different numbers of eye witnesses.  This added a little more than a month to his overall short career.

This poor obscure blue collar man from the middle of nowhere, 20 centuries ago,  claimed to be complete "king" over every nation on earth.  His rule was also laid out:  his followers were to spread His ideology by example of doing good to others, with the consequence of rejection being eternal rejection, but not temporal, nor violent.   

The entire Western world was forged with this powerful and revolutionary ideology.  To "treat one as you want to be treated" was, in history, something that was revolutionary and in lands where it was accepted, progress was seen.   The list of "thou shalt nots" put great restraint upon mankind.  Even the "eye for a eye" was shocking, as it limited justice in a most violent and dark world.  He predicted that his followers would be hated and persecuted, which began in earnest shortly after his death and was the norm for more than 300 years where those who held to this ideology suffered horrific deaths.  Even so, the ideology grew. 

  He was obscure and his local fame, numerically small, was resented by politicians and religious leaders who felt the best way to end the revolution was to kill him.  This became the norm for society, including the powerful Roman empire who would, for hundreds of years, make those who embraced (faith, belief) the obscure man's ideology, targets for violent and cruel death.  Eventually, a merger of his ideology and Roman culture took place.  

How violent was the world outside of this ideology?

Did you see the movie, "Gladiator"?  In one seen, after a brutal battle in which the Roman legion invaded Europe for the purpose of exploitation, the lead character, a general, was asked what he wanted to do next in life.  He stated that he wanted to go home and raise crops with his wife and son, of whom he had not seen at length.  As an invader of foreign lands, he said that he had "seen the rest of the world and Rome is the light!" 

Rome had many Jewish slaves and were influenced by the ideology that came from Israel.  If you view the complex ceremonial descriptions you see the basic ingredients of soap, for example.  In the movie, we view Rome as 'horribly violent' with the multitudes enjoying violence as entertainment and the brutal chattel slavery as its norm.  Yet, this movie had much historical and linguistical accuracy.  Rome, which had brutal slavery, was not as dark as the rest of the world. The ancient world was far more violent.  As the Judeo-Christian ideology spread, things changed, but where there was little or no Judeo-Christian ideology there was almost indescribable brutality.  
The search for Dr. Livingstone

Early slave traders, fame seekers, missionaries and those who simply loved exploration, wrote first hand accounts of African villages that is close to being unreadable.  The writers were of varying motive, which makes it better for us to read, but what did they write?  What was the world outside of this ideology like?  A typical description of a village in Africa, for example, showed that slavery was the norm, with 70% of a village in slavery, and that food stores had specific meat selling, with human meat being the most expensive.  One slaver-wanna be wrote that he watched a fat girl run through a pathway where men jumped her, tore her apart, and ate her alive.  Another wrote that one wealthy owner was having friends over for a dinner and did not have enough meat.  His most loyal slave volunteered to be the host's main course, due to his 'devotion' to his master.  

They found no books, no poetry, no literature, no plays, theaters, hospitals, nor schools, and this was similar wherever in the continent they landed.  Missionaries lamented that they could not convince the native Africans "thou shalt not kill", as it seemed bizarre and silly to them.  The cruelty they exhibited one to another, especially to children, was unwatchable, but it was their norm. If a baby developed teeth in one side of her mouth before the other, she would have to brutally killed to appease the 'gods' they feared.  Although locale by locale the beliefs changed, brutality and filth, with little reverence for life, was the same.  The white man who came as a missionary was targeted by the Africans because, they learned quickly, he was destructive to the lucrative slave trade.  He was targeted by Africans, Arab slave traders, and European slave traders besides the general danger from cannibalism that was the norm in the entire continent.  Please consider the number of missionary deaths, including family, as well as their testimony of celebration over just one convert to their ideology.  This is something Christians point back to proudly, and must be compared to Blackburn's anger at his followers' failure to meet his pre-set target for numbers "even though" some people professed conversion.  This was stated in the form of minimal comparison, structurally.  It also showed what topic (failure) would produce the pronoun "I" for him.  

If European descendants wish to consider themselves superior to the Africans, one only need to consider some of the testimonies of the Roman invaders to see filth, brutality, and 'the law of the jungle', that is, the survival of the strongest, to know that my background, Irish, for example, without the influence of Judeo-Christian ideology, was as brutish as any other in Europe, which was similar to the barbaric African.  

In fact, this beginning is something we all share in common.   

As this obscure middle eastern man's ideology spread, it was accepted, in measure; (some higher measure, some lower), while some mixed with the local culture.  Improvement in life was slow, but steady, with some setbacks, errors and then recoveries.  

Yet, today, the world around us has been utterly shaped by the ideology presented, so much so, that it divided the world into 2 basic parts:  those areas that accessed his ideology and those which did not.

In general, those that had this ideology went on to create "Western civilization" with advances completely beyond any and everything else, especially at the major turning point of the Reformation, including:

Equal rights,  innovation, freedom, Shakespeare, Architecture, Music, Bach and Beethoven, justice, dignity, human rights, and led to the most bizarre human experiment ever conducted;  the founding of a new nation, of all immigrants, that would come to, in short order, be the most dominant and powerful nation in history. This was unprecedented.  America stood alone having its foundation from the flow of intelligence out of England, where the early charters of the settlements (colonies, states) professed loyalty to the single middle eastern man who lived almost 2000 years prior, and had the short, 3 year career.

It is interesting to note that innovation, itself, is prized by western civilization, while Islamic nations see the 7th century as the "golden age" and hold no noble thoughts of innovation, outside of pragmatism.  

This does not mean that everyone was Christian, nor even claimed to be,  but that the basic ideology drove the general population, while the nations and continents that did not have this ideology, did not advance, but remained well behind, impoverished, rife with criminal violence, and so on.  The "Protestant Work Ethic" became a driving force of innovation and the age of exploration was fueled not only by the desire for wealth, but under this sole man's marching orders to spread his message to the utter parts of the world.  Some went out to spread the message, while others, under the guise of spreading the message, went for wealth, no matter how gained, including theft and murder. 

In history, killers and despots have used the ideology to justify killing and abuse, but this, too, was in contradiction to the ideology.   Even the rules of engagement in war, how Prisoners of War were to be treated, and how treaties would be conducted,  were influenced by this  ideology.

It is interesting, for example, to listen to UK's comedian Pat Condell, as he decries the illogical destruction of his homeland by criminal  Islamic ideology and feminism's castrative impact.  

Listen to his reasoning on his pointed you tube videos and watch his argument develop:  

He takes Judeo Christian ideology and employee it to argue why Islam is counter productive and when his argument is complete, (and successful) he turns and condemns Judeo Christianity.  He borrows from it, has inherited a culture influenced by it, and speaks its language, while then condemning it.  Again, coming from the position of historical thought, it is fascinating, and another example of a talented performing intellectual narcissist making videos to analyze.  

The Middle Eastern Man's Morals

It can be argued as such:  if there is no god, and jesus was a liar, and all of this simple superstition, history  has never produced a more conducive ideology for prosperity, freedom, health and safety than the ideology that the obscure middle eastern man presented 20 centuries ago.   

As an atheist, who would you rather live next door to?

One who 'knows' that the only possible consequence from breaking into your house is the possibility of getting caught by police or...

The one who not only fears the same consequence of being caught by police, but has a 'superstitious' belief that in doing so, he will be punished when he dies?  

In Statement Analysis in hiring, we have a visible barrier to theft and exploitation:  video cameras, eye witnesses, forensic computer footprints, and so on.  

It is not enough.

We see those who also have the invisible barriers, such as the tender conscience, taught in childhood, that theft and exploitation are morally wrong, and have a negative internal consequence upon the employee.  

The results for businesses are amazing; not just less theft, but less unemployment, less fraudulent claims, and an increase in morale, which leads to an increase in sales.  

While young and strong, it is easy to dismiss anything about the afterlife; but not so easy when one gets older, as the philosophers lament and envy those of faith, while in advanced years, getting older, slower, with more limitations, aches, pains and ability to enjoy life; looking forward to...nothing.  This is why I wrote earlier, that the question of "why?" in life is asked by all thinking human beings.  

It is fair to say that Jesus Christ was either Who He said He was, or he is history's greatest liar and perpetrator of fraud.  Please presuppose in the analysis that the victim's husband asserts the former.  

This is an overview of the ideology publicly espoused and used in business by the victim's husband.  I wish for readers, again, to separate themselves from belief or faith and consider the business side:

The husband of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, works full time to sell the ideology of the middle eastern man, for a living.  Like most men, he works, and wants to be successful in what he does.  This is a 'neutral' for analysis.  In analyzing employment applications, we look for employment motive:  earning money, building a resume, gaining experience, and so on, are all appropriate motives for seeking a job.  In the case of Blackburn, he has spoken extensively about this business aspect:

He has allowed us to know, in analysis, what his priority is.  This will be revisited in the actual analysis of the statements, but it is easy to assert now, to anyone who has either listened to him or read his statements, his priority is numerical success in his business.  It was in his most immediate statement made to his "fans" (his word) when Amanda was murdered, and it was not only analyzed as a priority due to order, but repetition and context.  It is an overwhelming priority, so much so, that it, alone, caught the attention of the public with such questions as, "How could he be talking about publicity for his church while his wife's killers are on the loose?" and "Why does he care about these things while his baby is murdered and...?"  and so on.  

The defense is to use the middle eastern man's ideology, is it not?  Have we not heard something along these lines?  "He is so concerned for the souls of others that he concentrates..."?  

Have we not heard dismissal where some say he is so 'delusional and lost in religion that you cannot take his words seriously'?

These are two attempts to discredit the analysis of the murder case; one from within, and the other from without, the ideology itself.  

Deception Within the Ideology

What about those who "change the rules"?

There have been murderous rulers who have committed atrocities in the name of the ideology but in doing so, they were deceptive.  They were not commanded in the ideology to steal and if you get beyond the propaganda of wars, you will find at all the non Islamic wars there was a consistency beneath motive:


Money, land, power...Greed.

"I will have my tariffs!" from Lincoln, led to 600,000 dead.  Eventually, the argument from tariffs went to "save the union" and eventually slavery.  Lincoln's racist statements are all but forgotten in history books today, and even the Emancipation Proclamation is edited for not fitting the narrative today.  

 England had freed its slaves without the need for bloodshed.  

"We need living space!"  Hitler, though he began with a false flag bearing in Poland and had to "intervene" to "save" the innocents.  If you were a citizen of Germany in 1939, you read daily accounts that made your blood boil with anger:  innocent German citizens being attacked by criminal elements within Polish society, manipulated by Polish aristocracy, while Jews were profiting from the blood shed.  You believed main stream media and you wanted your government to intervene.  You knew nothing of Hitler's plans of theft and death.  (Another good reason to study deception detection)

Generally, but not always, the invader or aggressor, was the guilty party, and generally, too, was the quest for wealth, including power that generates wealth, or land that generates wealth.  Religion becomes the pre text and cover for greed. 

This is to go directly against all those unique "thou shalt nots" in Judeo Christian ideology.  If you live in relative peace thinking that while you are at work that your neighbors will not enter your home and steal, it is because an ideology of "thou shalt nots" became part of a culture and even if only superstition, you have benefited from it. 

If you argue that this cultural or ideological influence is in wane, you are not going to meet many who will disagree.  It is said that "Democracy only works" with people of good will.  Your neighbor may not break into your house and steal, but he might hack your computer and steal, or file a false lawsuit against you as the influence is in retreat.  Prisons filled, and once where the Protestant Work Ethic meant personal, internal responsibility, socialism and government dependency re-defines what "compassion" is, for the purpose of voting blocks.  

Judaism gave the origin of marriage, plainly, by painting a portrait of nature, with first plant life, bearing "seed after its kind", so that an orange tree reproduced an orange tree, and then on to animals, so that a horse would "bring forth after its kind", a 'baby' horse.  Then it was time for man in the creation account of this ideology, with "woman" taken from the man, with the pronunciation of what marriage is.  "Therefore a man shall leave his family and cling to his wife and they shall be one..."

Marital laws have, in following this, not only affirmed this definition but added limits (which came from the same ideology) including any union that would harm the offspring, such as siblings.  

The very word "husband" only works as it relates to one created to react to the design of the male.  In statement analysis, it is a dependent word, indicating that while used, another thought is in play.  One can "husband" only a female, with scientific reciprocal physiology; physically and emotionally, in the historical and creative definition of "marriage."  

We, today, have re-defined the word "marriage" as a cultural shift.  It puts things into perspective:

The middle eastern man's ideology affirms the definition of marriage as "one man and one woman" exclusively.  If you make public claim to represent this man's ideology (which presupposes Divine Authorship) yet are willing to publicly oppose his ideology, for the purpose of profit,  it is a form of 'deception', which is commonly called "hypocrisy", but has powerful emotional elements within it regarding truth and exploitation.  

Consider this:  someone who claims to be a "minister" (professional) of this ideology cannot say "it is divine" and then affirm a new definition of marriage, and be truthful.  If it was divine, it was perfect, is perfect, and cannot be altered.  If it was human, it could have been wrong, and the change acceptable.

This, too, begs the question, Why not embrace a different ideology that one is more comfortable with?  Why the need to do violence to this particular historic ideology and demand it yield to personal agenda?  This is a question repeated due to its importance.  What kind of personality is willing to claim divinity and then claim authority over the divine ideology?  This is not one who does not understand, or is in error to the ideology.  It must be deliberate in order to be deceptive.  

This is where 'truth seekers' end up; an almost indifferent external view that observes and questions.  The relevancy is critical in the investigation into the murder of Amanda Blackburn.  The re-definition of "marriage" is just a sample of deception by those who claim the ideology has divine inerrant origins.  It is not a disagreement of interpretation; it is to make an entirely different claim on a statement.  

My assertion here, in context, is about a specific psychological form of deception that takes a unique personality type to employ.  

II.  Ideology and Deception

It is fascinating to listen to people who want to 'own' as theirs the ideology of this obscure man from 20 centuries ago, but at their own recipe.  These are those who see the claims, know the claims, but deliberately present deception. This deception is by re-defining language, which is to pass counterfeit currency, linguistically, or by 'amputation', which is to directly contradict the claims of that man's own claims. 


Why bother?

If they do not agree with the man, why not simply adopt another ideology entirely?  

It seems genuine to say, "Christianity limits sexuality to heterosexuality; therefore, I have no need of it" than to say, 'that's not what it really teaches" or "jesus and the apostles did not have the understanding of genetic sexual attraction as we do today" which assaults his claim to be God and his word being perfection.  

Statement Analysis:  "thou shalt not lie with man as with woman..." as a prohibition that is from Judeo-Christian ideology.  A truthful one can say, "I do not agree" and be done.  A deceptive person has a need to deceive and change the intent of meaning.  This refers to a specific personality type.  

What happens when this deceptive personality type has talent?

What happens when this deceptive and talented personality type has  a single-minded obsession for something?

Most people have respect for honest disagreement. 

 I've had fascinating discussions and interviews with homosexuals who have said, "Of course I am not a Christian.  Christianity  is against my belief in my sexuality."  Yet others have said "I am a Christian.  The Bible didn't really mean that..." and retail the deceptive responses  they have heard from others.  

It is not Statement Analysis of the texts. 

This is why I often state that Statement Analysis has a "freeing" affect; we let the statement speak for itself; what is true is true; what is not true, is not.  It is as if we are outside looking in, with scientific indifference.  

Some have made the latter claim due to ignorance of the ideology.  
Others have made the claim while knowing the ideology.  This brings us closer to what it is we need to find out.  

Honest Debate Versus Willful Destruction 

There are lots of issues that faith debates over, but issues that are debated are done so to learn.  When one takes a plain, "thou shalt not" and say, "no, that is wrong, it should say, thou shalt!" while claiming to hold to the ideology do so as one who deceives.  He may deceive himself, or he may put himself in a public position (such as in a business to sell this ideology) and knowingly state:

1.  The Bible is Divine
2.  The Bible is Wrong
3.  Please come to my business establishment where I share this ideology 
4.  I am superior to Divinity

In other words, they know what ideology A teaches, but instead of simply disagreeing with it, and moving on to ideology B, or C, they demand ideology A bend to their own beliefs or bias. 

This is where the personality must be in view of the one who takes upon himself (or herself) the public bearer of the ideology of the man from the middle east 2000 years ago.  

This is why it is important to highlight topics of disagreement in this pre-analysis study.    

Another example.  The ideology and women 'business owners' of the ideology:

1.  The ideology claims to be divine; therefore inerrant. It cannot be wrong and it cannot be changed by time, culture, or any outside influence.  Truth remains what it is.  
2.  The middle east man behind it chose 12 men to carry his ideology to the world.  They, in turn, kept the leadership restricted to men.  
3.  The ideology forbids woman to be pastors.  
4.  The ideology reported why this prohibition existed.  
5.  The ideology said that the prohibition was not due to culture. 

Therefore, if I am a woman and I want to be a public representative of this ideology, I am faced with some choices. 

I can, of course, be honest and say that I will find a different ideology to cling to.  I disagree with this middle eastern man's ideology, though it has many fine points, because it excludes me.  I will find something else to sell...or

a.  Ignore the ideology as temporary solution until challenged;
b.  Oppose the ideology by various arguments including-the ideology is wrong, which then leads to, the "what if?" problem.  

One cannot claim divinity and error and be truthful.   

This then leads to the genuine question that says, "Why not find a different ideology to follow?"  

Instead, we find people willing to publicly demand the ideology change to fit their own personal bias. This is heightened if the person wishes to publicly 'sell' the ideology as a business.  The business owner wants to make money off of the ideology which he states is of divine origin, yet:  

 'The ideology, which claims to be divine,  will bend to my will.

This takes a very specific personality type.  It is not the personal or private opinion that I address, but one who is making a public declaration against the ideology while making a public declaration to represent the ideology. 

This next part is a bit difficult to explain, but I attempt to do so in order to allow you, regardless of your own position in any of these matters, to enter into the shoes of the subject, who is a public figure, publicly stating to be a true representative of the middle eastern man's ideology.  

This person is deceptive.  It goes beyond what most people understand psychologically:

'This book is the Word of God; It cannot be wrong.  
I know it says, "this", but I still choose "that" personally.  
I do this because, in essence, I am smarter than God."

Any claim to state the Bible is the inerrant Word of God but then changes it to fit one's own bias or agenda, is to show a personality that is not only unafraid of lying, but he (or she) unafraid of lying publicly, and even unafraid of divine retribution.  Take this a quantum leap further and place the person as one who, publicly and professionally (for money) asserts the ideology in his 'business' or church setting.  

Even if you believe it is all fairy tales from thousands of years ago, you should be able to see the inconsistency in those willing to change the message in order to be popular or successful.  Yet, can you see, from their own perspective, that they see themselves as superior to the god they claim to bow to?

For some, it is to claim the Bible to be God's Word, but it is "wrong" in limiting marriage to one man and one woman. 

Truth is not changed by time.  If something is true, it was true yesterday, and it will be true tomorrow.  Consider that a minister studies philosophy, so these are not new assertions to them.  

The ideology instructed him to teach the message.  When someone claims the message to be authentically Divine, it is submitted to.  

For another, it is to claim that the message is divine (note the capitalization change to reflect the internal)  needs to be altered to fit the person's own agenda.  

If the person adheres to the ideology being perfect, that is, 'complete' because it is divine, does not the person set himself up to be above the divine author?

Does this person now place himself as judge over the divinity?

It is easy to ask, 'Why not just embrace a different ideology altogether?  Why not start her own?' because this would be genuine and being genuine, or true to one's own self, is something humans respect.  

I do not speak to those in ignorance, nor those who have honest disagreements one with another:  I want readers to see that there are those who know what it teaches, but are of a personality that demands the ideology change to fit his or her own opinion rather than adopting a different ideology.  

They demand, for example, that 4,000 years of ideology change, instead of simply saying, "I am not a believer in Judaism or Christianity. I believe..."  

These are people who deliberately "lie" about the ideology are revealing a personality type that is very important to get to know:  profiling.

If the ideology says "thou shalt not lie with man as with woman" you can either:

1. Accept it
2.  Linguistic gymnastics
3.  Ignore it
4.  Truthfully, condemn it and adopt a different ideology in a "live and let live" philosophy.  

To be "truthful" would be to say, "Hey, I don't buy this.  Therefore, I am not going to cling to this ideology started by a man from the middle east 2000 years  ago.  Instead, I will find something else more suited to what I like regarding a man having sex with a man."

This is truthful.

You may or may not like it, but it is authentic. 

 If Jesus claimed to be God, and God, by definition, cannot change nor be wrong, why not bail out instead of claiming to believe Jesus is God, but Jesus is also wrong?  

*It takes a very specific element within a personality to place himself or herself above that which they consider divinity.  

The answer is not singular, but I implore readers to consider one particular element.  I recognize the hatred and the antagonism but in context, consider that those who alter the message may do so to personally profit from the ideology.  

Readers come here for truth.  They are, more than in other places, perhaps, open for the truth to be told than the general public.  They want to hear what analysis shows.     

"Hey, I'd like to have 3, maybe even 4 wives.  I see that the precept in Creation says, "nope" to my idea, so I am going to adopt a different ideology so that I can practice polygamy. " 

You may not like this person, but he is, in the least, being truthful.  It is completely different from the person who says "I want multiple wives and the Bible teaches it."  If (and the word "if" is critical) the subject knows the Bible both condemns polygamy while historically reporting it historically, he is deliberately twisting historical recognition to justify his own desire.    

Over the years, I have had gay friends who have been open about this and I respect them for it.  "I'm not interested in assaulting the beliefs of others; it is not for me."  

"Why would anyone join a religion with so many restrictions, anyway?"  This is a good question and an honest question.  It is asked in sincerity.  

It is not, however, the question for this analysis.  It is sometimes helpful to see the shadow before we see the original.  

It is most fascinating to see people who rush to an ideology that condemns them, demanding that the ideology bend to them, rather than they find something else to hold to.  We see this in the news almost daily today, as it has become increasingly popular to hold people in faith in contempt and to call their sacred beliefs 'phobias' and 'immoral hatred' not while walking away from the ideology:  but while walking into the ideology, with demands in hand.  

There is something within the personality that lies in this manner.

If it says "thou shalt not", why not just be honest and start a new religion or ideology?  Why the need to input oneself into something that disagrees?

Since this question has been posed several times for impact, it is now time to ask:

"What kind of personality walks into an ideology demanding it bend to fit one's emotions?"

Now we are moving closer to the object, away from the shadow.  

We must consider it from a professional point of view.  

There are a lot of reasons for this, but it is important to note those who are, publicly, willing to deceive even their own profession, for personal gain.  This is what it comes down to:  altering the message to propagate myself.  

On the obvious level:  It takes a very selfish person to do this, yes, but there is still more. 

It takes a very selfish, and talented person, to do this and do it successfully.  

Over the years, most, though not all, of the "televangelists" have done this very thing.  They have a powerful desire for money, and fame makes money.  Those who hold to the ancient ideology as "faith" or "belief", cringe. 


Most of what is offered is accurate.  

It is the drive for money, one way or another, that causes them to 'alter' the message even if it means creating an imbalance in the message.  

Let's call these who change or alter the message knowingly to be "pragmatic" for the backdrop of this understanding. 

These are individuals who use this man's ancient ideology for personal gain.   They know that it is easier to get the masses to brace a bumper sticker slogan than complicated truth.  They will say and do pragmatically whatever it takes to gain what they seek.  This is almost always money, and when it appears to be fame or power, remember that these are steps towards wealth.  

In the 1970's, there was an attempt to bring the "hippies" to Christianity.  

What would be presented to them?

Consider the choice faced.

Person A says "I will deliver the same message as always, "Repent and live" and call them to live a life forgiven and now intent on keeping the "thou shalt nots", while "loving thy neighbor" and working hard to provide for self.  As society has gotten more and more wealthy, this message has lost some of its popularity.  

Person B says, "If I deliver the same message, few are going to come.  Therefore, I will just present one particular side of the message and once they are in, then I will tell them the other side.  So for now, I will tell them, "Be forgiven" but I won't tell them those "thou shalt nots" which turn them off. They want to do their own thing.   I will tell them to "love their neighbor" but the word "love" needs a bit of tweaking."

Person C  has been watching the others and he says, 

"I see Person A has 10 people and is impoverished.  I see Person B has 100 people and he is feeding his kids.  I'd sure like to surpass him and get 200 people, so I will further "tweak" the meaning of "loving thy neighbor" and this 'jesus' that John the Baptist said would judge...he's got to go.  The guy who went violent in cleansing out the temple...I will emasculate and instead, he is going to have long hair, because my hippie audience does this, and..."

The message of "repent" gave way to new "prosperity" messages and so humorous songs like The Rolling Stones' "Girl With Far Away Eyes" has a comical, but accurate look at the silly message that says if you send money to the evangelist, you're going to find wealth. The key is it is deliberate.  

This ideology progressed in affluent America and with each wave of "political correctness", many willingly changed the teaching of the man's ideology and did so in a rush of competition. 

When the person knows that what he or she is saying is in contradiction to the ideology but do it anyway, the person is  lying and is doing so for profit margin.  

Remember, lie detection has to do with intent.  Simply repeating what one believes is not to lie, even when the information is incorrect. 

When an English Iman said, "Islam is not consistent with democracy" he was countered by non Muslim English politicians who said, "that's not true."  

The Iman told the truth.  Love him or hate him, he was truthful, in a stark moment where he embarrassed the "multi cultural" politicians but he told the truth.  He actually showed the influence of the UK's culture upon him.  He was 'goaded' into the truth, instead of the cultural 'tacquia' that honors deception.  

Baptist and Presbyterians have disagreements on baptism.  These are genuine disagreements, but what of the personality who says,

"I know baptism, by either means, is in the Bible, but today, people hate the water thing, so I am going to change it and say, "there is no such teaching of baptism today.  This was culturally due know, how people in those days rode on smelly camels and they got camel poop on their, well on their heads if they were short, and in those days, everyone was short, so baptism was just needed to wash off the camel poop.  Uh, check history.  It's all there.  In fact, in the original Greek, there were some words found in ancient philosophers that held to camel poop as sacred and it really caused disease so the church invented this baptism as a way of washing off the poop!"


The more intellectually clever the deceptive one is, the more he can explain off anything that might hinder his goal of fame and fortune.  Here we come to the personality of pragmatic success, even while claiming the ideology to be of divine, unalterable character.  

In understanding this murder case, you must see how powerful this pragmatism really is, no matter your opinion of Judaism or Christianity.  

Many (not all) murderers feel a need to put their victim on trial, which both condemns the victim but it also justifies the action.  This is crucial in analyzing a statement.  It is found to slip into statements where accidental death is claimed.

"The baby wouldn't finish her dinner."  

Now, she is dead, claimed as an accidental death. 

 In the Blackburn case, we had one who:

has embarrassed those who want justice for this case, with his change of Christianity, an ideology many  hold sacred. 

People have become obsessed with Amanda Blackburn's murder, which some interest can be explained in the obvious circumstances but there are other elements:

a.  Blackburn's seeking of attention.  This almost always triggers anger. No one likes being 'played the fool' with liars.  Recall how anger brewed at Falcon Lake 'widow' who emerged from Falcon Lake, Texas, sans husband, with an outrageous theft of the modern "Titanic" hollywood version.  She could barely contain her zeal, going from network to network, while the public insisted that she be polygraphed.  She never was and even made it as far as the Governor's front steps.  Attention seekers hold their audience in contempt, even if they are only appearing in an attempt to control information as was the case of Billie Jean Dunn, in the murder of her daughter, Hailey Dunn. 

b.  Blackburn's crass commercializing of her death. 

This is key to understanding, not only who he is, but who we are.  This irritated people and for some, gave them more resolution to learn the truth in this case.  

In doing so, people of positions of justice-mindedness were (and are) enraged that he would take her death and use it for fame and subsequent fortune.  

c.  The circumstances, including:

1.  Complaining about her publicly.  
2.  Telling the public how his business would be better without her
3.  Making distancing and deceptive statements 
4. Circumstantial Evidence including the conclusion of "no one can be this lucky!" from many seasoned investigators.  The 'odds' of all of the factors coming together on the very day he did not lock the door and stayed on the phone, days after waving around a gun...
5. Flamboyancy as an irritant to audience seeking truth. 

6.  Faith

Some are likely obsessed with this case for all of the above, but have an additional emotional component:  anger at one who holds their faith in contempt for the purpose of exploitation.  In this sense, it is rather personal and it is reflected in the length of comments about this murder case.  

Everything he says, does, and even in appearance, is not only flamboyant, but is designed to entertain, entice, convince and bring fame and fortune that numbers bring. 

He is, at the core of his being, one obsessed with success and his chosen area for this end is the ideology of a middle eastern man from more than 20 centuries ago.  

I suggest to you that Christianity, as an ideology, presents the perfect platform for exploitation by Blackburn, and all others like him, who know plainly, that they are presenting only portions of truth, changing other portions, and deliberately presenting to people a specific personal version of truth, pragmatically designed, to make him famous and wealthy. 

This is all "justified" by the religious veneer.  

Years ago there was a 'televangelist' who said 'God' told him people's woes and he would wow the crowd by revealing,

"Your aunt Polly is sick with cancer.  She will be healed!" to the amazement of the subject and audience. 

Later, it was found that he had a small blue-tooth pre-blue tooth like device in his ear and was exposed as a fraud.  

He lost it all.

How gullible and vulnerable are Americans?  He made it all the way back to TV.  This does not affirm nor deny the ideology, but it does affirm the thief.  

It is this justification that I hope readers will bear with this lengthy article and give consideration to, as I move from backdrop of ideology, to analysis. 

My assertion is that these exploiters know and deliberately alter the message, present an imbalanced message, and withhold truth for the pragmatic purpose of personal gain, no matter what they feel needs to be changed.  For some, it is mild changes, while for others, it is wholesale changes, but the common denominator is deception; that is, the willful knowing that what he (or she) is doing is contrary to the middle eastern man's ideology that is claimed to be perfection.  

Next, consider the personality type who knows, lies, and goes public with it.  Again, this is not one who is in error, but sincere; it is one who knows precisely what he is doing and does it, anyway. 

How much talent does this deceiver have?

What of his presentation's design?

What does his language reveal as his priority?  

For those who hold to this ideology in sincerity, differences are presupposed and accepted among people of good will; while recognizing how many are motivated by personal gain.  

It is within the personality of one bold enough to:

1.  Learn the Ideology
2.  Deliberately twist, pervert, change,  imbalance, manipulate the ideology for personal gain. 
3.  Have the nerve to go 'public' on a large scale, including fearlessness in the face of scrutiny
4.  Remove any hinderance to this 'mission' for success. 
5.  Resolve:  under the public scrutiny, the personality digs his heels in, no different than the liar who backs up his lie with yet another lie, rather than own the truth and admit fault.  

I warn employers incessantly that liars will always put themselves before the material needs of their companies, as well as their employees and customers.  Liars destroy.  It is what they do.  If one is a habitual liar, one has a trail of broken lives, broken promises, and losses for as long as they have practiced their deception.  

From "King" to "weepie, effeminate affirming therapist" 

When the 70's turned into the 80's and 90's, there was a disappearance of "Christ the King" and His rule over the nations, demanding repentance and obedience from them as His subjects, as He claimed the crown rights  both for Himself, and from the Old Testament scriptures, while there was an appearance of a new 'jesus', who is not king, but weak, weeping, beggarly, just asking people to 'accept' him, and have some form of "personal relationship", as if they were having coffee together while seated in a sunny porch on a lazy day. This new 'jesus' existed to 'meet your needs'...what needs?  "All" your needs.  It is easy to do this by destroying context, and history.  Blackburn is not the first, and he won't be the last to use pragmatism to promote his business venture.  He is, however, very talented in what he does.  

It takes a certain personality to first know the truth, and then to pervert it to fit a particular aim, but it takes someone with a deeper commitment to self to take the ideology, bear it in contempt, and then go "public" with it for personal gain. 

Blackburn Videos 

This 'personal relationship' is presented in a sexualized manner, including tight pants, pop haircuts, and an overall "front and center" narcissism of a showman. It includes the open indictment of the victim, Amanda, to 'make a point' which statement analysis shows: 

the need to persuade his audience that he has a powerful heterosexual drive for sex.  

Audience Expectation 

They produce studies and expensive workshops on how to grow their "business", with "example models" and "the latest techniques" on how to "grow your church", with the chief end being numerical success.  

They are taught in seminars how to use the "bumper sticker" education so popular in the United States today where catch phrases supplant the hard work of education.  This, too, is not new or unique to "the best is yet to come" we heard after the murder.  

Remember the bracelets, "WWJD"?  This stood for "what would Jesus do?" for teens who were at R rated movies.  The inherent issue of this bracelet is that it is speculative and it encourages one not to study and learn.  Instead of taking the time (and effort) to learn what Jesus did, and what He taught, and what His disciples taught, one could simply speculate.  For some, "jesus" would steal, assault and even murder. This appeals to the lazy minded audience who craves entertainment over instruction.

 Recall the sad account from the attorney who's client was being sentenced for armed burglary and assault listening to the client's mother and aunts "claiming in jesus' name!" that the guilty violent young man would "have the victory", which meant:  he would get away with his crime.  The attorney lamented that there was no prayer for the young woman he beat up, nor for victims in general.  For them, this 'jesus' existed to bypass justice and help criminals remain as criminals and not learn from mistakes.  

Without getting into what specifics Blackburn twists to further his cause, one can simply choose any video of his and instead of studying it, one can simply listen for a few minutes.  There will be no argument.  Better still?  Look at several videos, just a few seconds of each, to get an even wider portrait.  If you can listen, go to those with Amanda, or about marriage and note how often he talks about himself and his sexuality.  How many times must he tell you that he is heterosexual before you ask, "Why the need to persuade?"  

His presentation of an ideology, precious and sacred to some, is an affront.  

This bothers people, all by itself, but to have video where he insults his victim, complains about his victim, and finally, waves a gun around, compounds with the inherent insult of public lies, to cause a powerful reaction within people; especially people who love the very words he twists or uses for exploitation.   The murder case, itself, fascinates, but to give an in-depth analysis means to understand the ideology, and the 'violence' done deliberately to the ideology, as it reveals the personality. 

Liars are destructive.  This means that they destroy. It is what they do.  "When push comes to shove..." always happens in life:  push will come to shove and when it does, expect the liar to fulfill his pattern in life:  he will protect himself with lies, even if it destroys others.  He will also lie so that it destroys others.  Get him some success and he will lie some more, but get him a lot more success in his ambitions and watch his ambitions grow to levels of ruthlessness.  

Ruthlessness?  Talk to those who have dared to disagree with Blackburn's mentor, the one who described Blackburn as sexy at Amanda's funeral.  

Honest people lie

When they lie, they hurt, they repair the damage but most impressively, they learn from their mistakes.  When they hear a sermon, for example, about theft, they do not say, "I am glad I am not a thief", instead, they look within and say, "I told the ticket puncher that my daughter was 12 when she was 13.  I stole" and seek to amend this, while learning from it.  The 'shaming' of thievery, therefore, is something they found inspiring and helpful because they seem themselves as personally responsible and with the ability to change.  Those that seek to blame others, blame society, blame external forces, cannot make such amendments.  

These hear Blackburn's messages, or worse, watch his carefully choreographed video appearances, and they react with such words as "nauseating", "infuriating" and it fills them with a desire to see justice for Amanda, even though there are thousands of victims of murder that have not received justice.  

They are particularly upset because he has deliberately invaded an ideology they hold sacred, for his own gain and state that the message he gives uses similar language from their ideology, but is very different.  

My assertion is this:

The spouse of Amanda Blackburn has spoken a great deal.  What he has spoken about the murder indicates deception.  Some of the deception appears to be, in context, about sexuality.  When this is coupled with his videotapes messages about his own sexuality, with its specific choreography and costumes, it further asserts deception about his much affirmed heterosexuality.  

But that is not all.  

He is one who is not afraid to deliberately tailor the ideology precious to many to fit his own agenda, nor is he afraid to talk about his agenda; he does it boldly.  His wife had not yet been buried and he was already publicly celebrating an early success in his agenda of numerical success.    

He is more honest and upfront about his "numbers" agenda than he is about his sexuality, and about what happened to Amanda, even though he talked a great deal about his own sexuality, on video.  

To understand his language, and how he puts everything in the context of this ideology, you must first understand the ideology and then understand the personality type that is dishonest enough to alter the ideology to fit popularity and success.  Then, you must see and estimate the measure of his intellect, along with his boldness in the face of scrutiny.  These are all elements of personality emerging.  

Take that another step up and see the boldness of one who not only isn't afraid of television and exposure, but seeks it.  

Take that yet further:  he can read analysis and still be unafraid to attempt to explain away that which is consistent with both guilt and deception.

Let's say that you were in a very unhappy marriage, even to the point where you considered lucky, blessed or fortunate to be freed, even in horrible circumstances, from this marriage. 

Would you use such distancing language?

I affirm that you would not.  In fact, you would feel guilt over having wanting a divorce.  This is called "survivor's guilt" by some in psychology.  "Why Amanda?"  

If your wife, even if you wanted with all your heart and even your sexuality, wanted out of this marriage, was brutally murdered and the killers running free, 

would you express no concern for your son, or your own life?

This article is written, in part, for those who foolishly dismiss human nature and say, "Davey was fearless because he trusted God" and "Davey did not mourn because he knew he would be with her again", and finally, "Davey's use of "we" is because he sees himself and Jesus as one."

He does not. 

I assert that he sees himself as superior to Christ.  I assert that he sees himself superior to the Apostles and to the message they carried.  I assert that he feels the need to 'coach', and 'guide' and give a 'new presentation' to the ideology that he claims and believes to be divine and perfect. 

He sets himself up above perfection.  

This is a form of narcissism that is combined with a well above average intellect and a talent for deception, manipulation and persuasion.  This is wrapped up within a desperation for relevancy that drives him to success.  When he said that he would have been content with x number of congregants, this statement was, in the context of Christianity's ideology, an unnecessary statement.  It is why we have "Negation" in Statement Analysis, and why that which is in the negative is elevated in importance of that which is in the positive.  

He portrayed this number in the context of 'humbly accepting less', which is distinctly negative, and he did so in the wake of his wife's murder.  

The more one speaks, the more we know. 

If he knew his own ideology he would know that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

So from this abundance, I can simply count words. 

How many times did he use Amanda's name?

I can do the same thing at the Amanda memorial service.  

What did his mentor talk about?

The resurrection from the dead, as the ideology teaches, based upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Question:  How many times did you hear the word "resurrection" used from one who is ordained as a minster of this ideology?  If you are familiar with the ideology, the resurrection from the dead is "front and center" not only ideologically, but at every funeral and memorial service where the subject represents the ideology.  

How many words did he dedicate to tell us about the victim's husband's physical appearance?

He told us that something "wasn't right" about Blackburn and that the "fix" or "repair" would be a woman; Amanda.  

My assertion is that this ideology, from an Israeli man of obscurity, more than 20 centuries ago, is used for personal gain; not as so much a primary motive, but also from a pragmatic viewpoint:  to change whatever portion of the ideology that might hinder the goal. 

Where the ideology teaches that there is joy in Heaven over one sinner repenting, we saw and heard the strong introduction of the pronoun "I" from Blackburn, berating his followers so that they would not celebrate any turning from sin to Christ, but because they failed to reach his expectation of numbers; a mandate he set, himself.  

He is unafraid to challenge and change anything in order to accomplish his goal. 

He told us that Amanda and her pregnancy hindered him from his goals just a few short years ago and from there, he went on to complain about his wife not fulfilling his heterosexual sex drive. How obsessed did he present himself?

He claimed that he could not "concentrate" on a dinner date with Amanda, lest he had sexual intercourse first.  

This he gave to an audience of young people, including females, who could watch him strut back and forth, allowing their imaginations get ahead of them:  perhaps they could satisfy him since she can't.  Couple this with his complaints about her and you get the picture:

Focus upon him.  Focus upon his sexuality.  Him:  good.  Amanda: bad. 

We listen very carefully for one to justify his own actions.  See the short article on this where murderers sometimes play the role of prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner, of their victims, verbally. 

Step back from this and place it all within the contextual language of the ideology of Judeo Christianity.  Christianity actually gives him justification of his complaints. 

What did he complain about her?

Was it about her ears?  Her family?  Her money?

Think of how he took complaints and indictments against her back to his twisted view of the ideology.  

If one can, whether or not belief in Christianity is held, see the ideology, his alterations of the ideology and his use of it in his narrative, you can begin to understand the language and the analysis.  

It is convenient, in hindsight, to say "we" is "me and jesus" yet Pronouns are intuitive and are used...

after making such a claim.  When he returned, 6 months from the murder, the same pronoun pattern appeared, including distancing language and the dropped pronoun. 

This is a talented, well above average intellect, and showman who has placed himself, naked, in the location of needing to be washed, with Divinity, Himself, having taken "instructions" from the Creator, to go out and receive his fame. 

He is not delusional.  "Crazy Davey", as his mentor called him, does have something "wrong" and that is "very wrong" with him, and it is something that his mentor said would be fixed by a "woman." He knows what he is saying, and he is consistent in both his priority and in his guilty use of pronouns. 

This message, given 'off the cuff', that is, from the Free Editing Process, was a brilliant form of manipulation that included 'preparing the soil' for the message, taking authority over his father in law, his father-in-law's work, the entire congregation, and then to take his wife's murder to boldly give himself a status that demands either submission with all reverence, or... scorn.  

Whether you or I believe him, his message, or in Judaism or Christianity, is not relevant here. 

It is what he believes. 

It is within his assertion.  

Those more familiar with the ideology can have a better understanding and insight into the spouse of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, when he speaks.  

It comes down to this:  

Is he true to the ideology?


Does he affirm the ideology to be perfectly divine, only to set himself up, slightly above it, for the purpose of achieving his personal agenda of success?

How far will he go while driven for success.  

He told us.

Amanda died so the church would live.  

Consider this, aside from blasphemy.  

Consider that this was the claim of Jesus Christ.  Years later, Paul pointed to science. 

A tiny seed must be given a burial and from this burial in the ground new life would come, highlighting that humans, too, with all life, experience life from death, in the resurrection.  The little tomato seed is buried in the dirt as to 'die' symbolically, with 4 months later, a 5 or 6' plant yields much fruit.  

Amanda died for the church, he claimed.  

She was not dead but a few days and he already was counting the 'tomato' production, to the point of giving an actual number of people who tuned in to the memorial via the internet. 

Do you see what he is doing?

This is a form of justification of her death.  It uses specific language from an ideology of which he sets himself up as "over" it, or superior to it; in need of his theatrics, as well as his picking and choosing which to emphasize and which to withhold.  

Distinctly within this narcissistic like personality trait is a belief that he is superior to the god he claims to represent.  He takes the ideology for business success reasons, and alters it to fit his compulsion and drive for the fame and fortune of numerical success. 

Whether this is done in theatrics of presentation, or by imbalance, it is clear that the analysis of his priority is correct.  When facing the greatest tragedy a man can face:  losing his own "person"; that is, one half of the "full person" that Creationism teaches, his response was to happily report the numbers coming in.  "Jesus" is just a buzzword to cover this insatiable drive for fame.  "Jesus" bears no resemblance, linguistically, to the middle eastern historical figure.  

There are those who alter the ideology to fit their agenda, revealing an element of narcissistic thinking within themselves, demanding that the ideology be accepted as Divine, while demanding it bend to their will.  This, alone, helps us understand their motive.  

Yet when the need to assert both elements couples with the single minded purpose of drive for fortune as well as the talent of public speaking and the flair of theatrics, it reveals a personality that says:

Nothing will stand in my way for greed.  Nothing.  

This is why we saw no grieving but an almost inability to conceal his giddiness at the free publicity he received and why he was able to say that the murder victim died for this success.  

Fear of the unknown killers?
Fear that they would return to silence him and kill his son?
Bereft of his "better half"?  

No, she was the albatross slowing him down, along with a pregnancy, from his very publicly stated goals.  The memorial was, in deed, celebratory, with the reason for celebration claimed to be a resurrection that was not even mentioned. 

Our words give us away.  

The reason men die throughout history is from greed.  It is the source of wars and it is the source of murders.  True, they hide behind religion to masquerade their greed, or, as in the case of criminal Islamic ideology, violence is prescribed, but to what end?  To the end of taking what others have, including their land, their homes, their wives and their possessions.


Greed kills.  

It is not that money is the root of all evil; it is the love of money that is not all evil, but its root cause. 

Power is intoxicating and it, as fame, brings great wealth. 

Some wars are necessary to stop the greed of others and are fought defensively or to free those taken away by greed.  The number one cause for the American War for Independence was "duty."  Men believed it was their "duty" from this specific ideology, to provide for their families and that when the king of England did not stop the tyranny of a parliament that held no legal representation of the colonies, the decision to fight was that the oppressive taxes caused men to be incapable of providing for their families.  It was the call of duty to resist greed and the tyranny that facilitates greed. 

Greed drives men to insanity, or in the least, to illogical and even murderous decisions,  

 One can claim that good things come from tragedy and this is precisely the teaching of the ideology, yet, there is no suspension of human nature.  This does not explain away the incessant complaints against his wife, or how she held back the growth of his business.  This does not justify the extreme nature of distancing language.  This does not clarify the childlike guilt found within the plural use of "we", when he was alone.  This does not explain any of it. 

For some, he is hiding his sexuality behind the magnificent heterosexual sex drive his wife could not satisfy and is crassly cashing in on her death of which he was just incredibly lucky.  

For others, the language of guilt far exceeds any guilt felt from commercializing her death.  

My conclusion of his language in this ideological setting is this:

The husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn has revealed, linguistically, a personality that is so narcissistic in scope, that he demands that his audience accept that the ideology he sells is both divine in nature, and that he thus reveals that he, himself, is a counselor and advisor to divinity, and the purpose of such is to advance his ambitious agenda of greed.  

When he claimed that he was personally spoken to by divinity, standing naked in his shower, he deceived his audience, deliberately, to propagate an authority that leads to numerical success.  When he said he received the news that he would be part of a history making event, he was not simply showing his narcissism, but he was deceptive.  

The coincidental nature of the murder is next examined in light of the statements he has publicly made.  


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Leslie said...

Rosy said...

"I do agree with you that Amber's narration of the timeline may indicate suppression of talk about conflicting emotions or marital troubles."

- - -
I agree, as well.

Rosy said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hasnt it been established that Davey uses religion to "get ahead", that he uses it and teists it for his own purposes? This fact seems to have been so ckearly established at this point. Why is this being reiterated over and over again?
May 24, 2016 at 4:16 PM

Yes, it's a given that Davey Blackburn is relentlessly self-promoting. We live - as 50,000 items turned up by search engines affirm -- in a "relentlessly self-promoting" age. The very words relentlessly self-promoting constitute a meme in the global cultural lexicon.

In connection with the killing AB, it's only worth documenting this trait or activity in him so far as his self-promoting go-getter behaviors combine with or cover over other traits and behaviors that might indicate violence or orchestration of violence.

Nic said...

Anonymous said...
Hasnt it been established that Davey uses religion to "get ahead", that he uses it and teists it for his own purposes? This fact seems to have been so ckearly established at this point. Why is this being reiterated over and over again?

Peter asked us to consider a few things, such as "Does Blackburn alter the ideology, in any way, to fit a specific agenda that belongs uniquely to him?" Hence the reiteration throughout the thread.

Nic said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
DB is not being investigated because of the lack of evidence against him. If evidence is discovered, then they will investigate. Hecovered his tracks well.

Did they investigate him? From what I recall, they cleared him right out of the gate "100%" because he was at the gym. Period.

Did they investigate his habits? i.e., is that the time when he usually went to the gym? Does cell phone records show him on the phone when he said he was? Was it a conference call (between whom)?)

Did they investigate "murder for hire"/bank records?

Did they look at video to confirm he was where he said he was? What was he wearing when he arrived? Was he in gym clothes already? Did he work out or did he just shower? Video would say for sure.

By the looks of it, they have three suspects and that's where the case sits.

Nic said...

I have a question.

Why are God/Lord/Jesus interchangeable?

Lord = father

God = father

Jesus = son

Jesus = holy ghost ?

Is the question: does DB consider himself above Jesus Christ but below God? Or does DB consider himself above JC and a "godhead" (supreme).

I find this very confusing.

Rosy said...


No abortion took place, we know that. Amanda was pregnant and the autopsy showed a female fetus age about 12 weeks. As you note, one thing that pops out from Amber's narrative of the Monday events is how mention of breaking the news to Davey comes disarmingly late in a catalogue of topics which Amber says Amanda brought up in the conversation:

We had the BEST day on Monday. We met after Weston's morning nap at our most favorite place - the indoor PARK at Trader's Point Church. We have been there so many times. We sat on a park bench as we watched our kids play and talked about everything - life, Resonate, her precious baby and how sick she had been feeling this pregnancy, baby names, baby nursery ideas, Thanksgiving, Vanilla Wafers, the $15.00 GIGANTIC Christmas tree she bought at a garage sale and just put up a few days before, how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby, how MUCH Weston loves to play basketball, how much fun she's been having being a mom, updates on our entire family and trip to Cali....I could go on and on. It was one of the last, real conversations we had - and one I will ALWAYS remember.

I was wrong to limit a time frame for Davey hearing about the pregnancy to a week before he announced it in his sermon. He and Amanda were absent from Resonate for 2 Sundays before Nov 8, part of that time in Cincinnati with their crew. She may have told him a week or two before his Nov 8 announcement to the church or even earlier.

But how long did she wait to tell him after she herself knew? To go back to Amber's narrative, what stands out to me is that Amber silently takes it for granted that she herself knew before Davey. Amanda recalls "how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby" - and does NOT recall, as first and foremost topic of this conversation, that Amanda told me she was pregnant.

Why? Amber makes no secret of it - she knew as soon as Amanda did, since September 14:

It was September 14, and this time we were spending the entire week together in Indianapolis! Amanda, Angela, and I drove to Walmart to pick up some groceries and snacks for the week. We all had a list, and were about to go our separate ways, when Amanda told us she wasn't feeling well. I didn't even care what her symptoms were, I just jumped to the conclusion that THIS TIME she was pregnant! She calmly said - "You guys, I think I actually MIGHT be.... We walked straight to the pharmacy section and bought a pregnancy test for Amanda. I almost made her take it in the Walmart bathroom, but we decided one time in a public restroom was enough. We drove home, walked in the door, said hello to my mom and grandma, and then giggled as we snuck in the bathroom without telling them what we were up to."

Between September 14 and the morning of November 8, at which point did Amanda tell Davey she was pregnant? Why was breaking the "news" to him NEWS in itself to be told to Amber on Nov 9th?

To me that suggests that when Amber left for California, a week before, Amanda still had not told Davey.

Did Davey find out that other people knew Amanda was pregnant before he did? Was he angry about this? Is this one reason why he made such a backhanded announcement of thepregnancy to his congregation on Nov 8?

HISG said...


It would make perfect sense that DB would announce the pregnancy, as people already knew about Amanda's pregnancy when Davey announced it (Amber knew and the parents seem to have known and maybe others knew too). By announcing it, it makes him look like he was excited about the pregnancy. If he planned on having her abort the pregnancy, and I think it has already been established here that he did not want the pregnancy, he could just say she miscarried. Thank of how he announced the pregnancy: Was it not by saying "I worry about my kids." and then he said something to the effect of 'yes that's right I said kids plural, Amanda's pregnant.
I checked and Planned Parenthood is open on Saturday and Sunday in Pennsylvania. HOw close is the airport to the Pennsylvania border? I did not check other surrounding states and imagine there may be other abortion providers in INdiana but I don't know. I do know that they could have easily just crossed state lines. I have known several people who have gone out of state to have an abortion, sometimes because they wanted a specific person to accompany them and that person lived in another state. I have known people who have flown to another state to have an abortion so their best friend could accompany them. It is perfectly conceivable that they crossed state lines due to the time Amber was coming in if she wanted Amber to accompany her and there were only abortion clinics open in neighboring state.
There is hours of missing time from when Amber says that she got the text at 1:30 and had been already traveling 12 hours and when Amanda picked her up that night. Amber says "a different route was taken" so we know that they deliberately did not follow a familiar route back to Grandparents. Amber says Amanda "sat" in the car which strongy suggests the car was not moving as Amanda "sat so intently listening to her". The word "sat" also indicates "internal tension".

I have yet to analyze the end of Amber's FB passage but her description of the Grandparents' dinner is very lacking in detail as compared to their "day together" description. It concerns me that the only description is of Davey's actions and these are some of the only action verbs we see in the entire post. The 2 actions words she uses to describe Davey's actions are CHASING and LOADED. She also laments not being able to give Amanda a hug because her arms were full (she does not tell us what they were full with). What I am concerned with is whether there is a possibility Amber witnessed the shooting. The description at Grandparents is so starved for detail...there is no mention of grandma, grandpa, what grandma made for dinner, Amber's kids...the only mention is of Davey, Amanda on the couch, and Weston.

Davey describes in "let me tell you about your Mommy" that (apparently when they got home from dinner at Grandparents although he does not mention this dinner) that Amanda went through an elaborate bedtime ritual with Weston. (He didn't fall asleep on the car ride home????) He says Amanda sang to him, read to him, prayed with him, and tucked him into bed and that "that was the last time you ever saw Mommy". Did she do this elaborate ritual with a tired baby who would have just been driven 45 minutes at night from Grandma's? Or was she already dead at that time?

ONe of the problems in the case is that they cannot establish time of death.

HISG said...

Rosy, sorry just now seeing your second post. I have to drive home but will read it when I get there and then respond. Thank you for addressing this important matter. Discussion facilitates thought.

Me2l said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Me2l said...


Because of Amanda's religious background and Christian ideology, I would be very surprised....shocked, in fact.....if she would entertain even talk of an abortion.

Fm25 said...

Me21 said
"(For the record, from reading this blog, it makes sense to me that Davey is involved in Amanda's murder, but maybe only here? I can't imagine that to be true, though)"
how could davey being involved make sense to you only on this blog? Perhaps it's because with everything you have learned about him from his words and peters analysis, you agree davey is capable of planning Amanda's murder. With everything you have learned here, do you believe davey was capable?

poppycock said...

Oh come on, Me2l, it's so BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that the reason Amber didn't include any details about dinner with the grandparents is because they went to an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania -- with the kids, no less -- but didn't get an abortion. My friends always take their kids with them to get abortions, so it must be true! Are you blind???? There is no other explanation! Hahaha

In fact, there's a good chance they went for a double abortion -- just like their double wedding -- but Amanda backed out. I know lots of people who travel out of state for double abortions with their sister. Solved!

Nic said...

How about pride? We all have it to some degree, but to the extreme:

Why did Satan fall from heaven? Satan fell because of pride. He desired to be God, not to be a servant of God. Notice the many “I will...” statements in Isaiah 14:12-15. Ezekiel 28:12-15 describes Satan as an exceedingly beautiful angel. Satan was likely the highest of all angels, the anointed cherub, the most beautiful of all of God's creations, but he was not content in his position. Instead, Satan desired to be God, to essentially “kick God off His throne” and take over the rule of the universe. Satan wanted to be God, and interestingly enough, that is essentially what Satan tempted Adam and Eve with in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-5). How did Satan fall from heaven? Actually, a fall is not an accurate description. It would be far more accurate to say God cast Satan out of heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17). Satan did not fall from heaven; rather, Satan was pushed.

HISG said...


You wrote


Because of Amanda's religious background and Christian ideology, I would be very surprised....shocked, in fact.....if she would entertain even talk of an abortion."

Terror. Terror could cause someone to consider going against their religious beliefs about abortion, feeling terror for themselves and also for their unborn baby what he/she would experience when he/she was born.

Didn't Davey announce the pregnancy DURING the gun sermon?
Do you think that the terror we feel when watching that sermon was not felt by Amanda?
Are we so naive to think he had not also terrified her in person?
I for one believe he had terrified her in private as well as communicating terror through his sermon.

HISG said...

poppycock/Me2l said

"Oh come on, Me2l, it's so BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that the reason Amber didn't include any details about dinner with the grandparents is because they went to an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania -- with the kids, no less -- but didn't get an abortion. My friends always take their kids with them to get abortions, so it must be true! Are you blind???? There is no other explanation! Hahaha

In fact, there's a good chance they went for a double abortion -- just like their double wedding -- but Amanda backed out. I know lots of people who travel out of state for double abortions with their sister. Solved!"

This is an absolute distortion of what I wrote...I did not say any of the things you wrote above from the lack of detail at Grandparents dinner being attributed to getting an abortion (she did not even get an abortion and abortion was not connected by me in any way to the lack of detail at Grandparents dinner) to the "double abortion".
You made all that up Me2l. Very weak of you.

May 24, 2016 at 6:59 PM

Me2l said...

Fm25 said...
Me21 said
"(For the record, from reading this blog, it makes sense to me that Davey is involved in Amanda's murder, but maybe only here? I can't imagine that to be true, though)"
how could davey being involved make sense to you only on this blog? Perhaps it's because with everything you have learned about him from his words and peters analysis, you agree davey is capable of planning Amanda's murder. With everything you have learned here, do you believe davey was capable?
May 24, 2016 at 6:55 PM

I must not fave been clear.

From reading this blog, I believe it would appear Davey is involved in the murder of Amanda; however, I'm not seeing this assumption or even suggestion of his guilt apart from people who have been involved here. As I said, his friends, family, church one else seems to be on board with that theory.

Me2l said...

Anonymous poppycock said...
Oh come on, Me2l, it's so BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that the reason Amber didn't include any details about dinner with the grandparents is because they went to an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania -- with the kids, no less -- but didn't get an abortion. My friends always take their kids with them to get abortions, so it must be true! Are you blind???? There is no other explanation! Hahaha

In fact, there's a good chance they went for a double abortion -- just like their double wedding -- but Amanda backed out. I know lots of people who travel out of state for double abortions with their sister. Solved!

May 24, 2016 at 6:59 PM

Yep. It's simply another completely off-the-wall theory that is neither based upon SA nor any other form of legitimate analyzation tool. It's simply another of HISG's multiple daily "tangents" that make absolutely NO sense in relation to what is known about events.

HISG said...


You wrote

"As you note, one thing that pops out from Amber's narrative of the Monday events is how mention of breaking the news to Davey comes disarmingly late in a catalogue of topics which Amber says Amanda brought up in the conversation"

Absolutely, Amber mentios it towards the tail end of a laundry list of topics although it would seem to be the most emotionally laden topic that was discussed.

You wrote

"But how long did she wait to tell him after she herself knew? To go back to Amber's narrative, what stands out to me is that Amber silently takes it for granted that she herself knew before Davey. Amanda recalls "how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby" - and does NOT recall, as first and foremost topic of this conversation, that Amanda told me she was pregnant.

Why? Amber makes no secret of it - she knew as soon as Amanda did, since September 14"

Yes, and it seems she waited close to 2 months past Amber knowing to tell Davey. This indicates it certainly was not something that she felt comfortable telling Davey. To hold a secret in that long, I would guess she felt fear about telling him, and perhaps terror.

When Amber wrote of Amanda thinking she might be pregnant when Weston was 9 months and taking the preg test in the Dollar Store, Amber says that Amanda immediately said she hoped she was not pregnant because January was going to be a busy month at Resonate. Linguistically, Resonate is intimately connected to Davey since he feels that he is the Lord of Resonate, and her fear may have actually been of Davey's response to a pregnancy.

You asked "Did Davey find out that other people knew Amanda was pregnant before he did? Was he angry about this? Is this one reason why he made such a backhanded announcement of thepregnancy to his congregation on Nov 8?"

Yes, I think he probably was angry she told other people first, one reason that the pregnancy was allowed to progress almost until the time when an abortion would be illegal (past 3 months in some states). Her delay in telling him about the pregnancy took power out of his hands to some extent. And yes, that is astute of you to notice the backhanded way he announced it...something was very off about how he announced it.
I think that the delay in telling Davey, having got to the point where if she had waited much longer an abortion would be much more difficult to attain, probably enraged him and may have made him lash out at her strongly insisting, forcing, commanding her, terrifying her even (gun sermon-it scared us how did it make her feel?) into getting one as soon as possible!
Of course she did not end up getting one as we know. But I think there is a strong possibility, she told him she would, considered it and even went through the motions of doing it when Amber came, perhaps even driving to a clinic, knowing in her heart of hearts she would not follow through and using the time with Amber to discuss what she was facing with Davey's rage towards the pregnancy.

And Me2l,

To your latest sarcastic comment, you will note that Amber says that Amanda stated that Amber's baby crying 'was not bothering her one little bit' is not that she wanted the baby along on the ride, but the baby was along and she was making the best of it.

HISG said...


You wrote

"Yep. It's simply another completely off-the-wall theory that is neither based upon SA nor any other form of legitimate analyzation tool. It's simply another of HISG's multiple daily "tangents" that make absolutely NO sense in relation to what is known about events."

It's based on statement analysis that shows hours of missing time after Amber got to the airport and SA that indicates deception about what happened during the car ride and the fact Amber tells us flat out that a "different route" was deliberately taken and that they "got lost". It's based upon the fact that Peter has said that the pregnancy is critical in this case, and that Amanda withheld the news of her pregnancy up until a short window before her death. There is nothing off-the-wall about my theory. SA says they went somewhere in that car for hours and that Amber does not want it to be known where they went. There are only so many possibilities of where that is Me2l, and we know you certainly don't have the brain power to think of any since clearly all you do is sit there and criticize, contributing no analysis or thoughtful original ideas.

HISG said...

And Me2l,

There is something very "sensitive" about your very presence on this blog...the fact that you regularly tout the "legitimacy of the SA tool" yet don't seem to believe in SA and do not have any knowledge of how to do SA...very interesting...very very interesting.

Me2l said...

"Hours of missing time"????

How is it "missing"? Do you expect Amber to chronicle every minute; every spoken word?

Me2l said...

.....and you continue to miss the mark where I'm concerned. So far, you've been wrong across the board about me. You're batting 100%! Congrats.

I'd say, based upon your analysis of me, your skills in that area are useless.

Nic said...

Actually, I wouldn't count abortion out of the picture (that DB would demand she have one).

Me2l said...

"And Me2l,

To your latest sarcastic comment, you will note that Amber says that Amanda stated that Amber's baby crying 'was not bothering her one little bit' is not that she wanted the baby along on the ride, but the baby was along and she was making the best of it."

....or it could be that she was illustrating her patient nature, because, you know, a baby crying is disconcerting to most people.

But you go ahead with your "life according to HISG" analysis.

Me2l said...

Blogger Nic said...
Actually, I wouldn't count abortion out of the picture (that DB would demand she have one).

Absolutely. It's not a part of who these people are.

Nic said...

No, I meant, that DB would demand it, Amanda would not submit.

Amanda had the ultimate power (control) to create as long as she did not abide by his demand to abort. Her defying him undermined his reality.

Nic said...

Ayla Reynolds family plans to bring civil suit:

Rosy said...

Nic said
Actually, I wouldn't count abortion out of the picture (that DB would demand she have one).

I think is unlikely that Davey demanded an abortion.

Why would he publically announce the pregnancy to the Resonate congregation if he wanted Amanda to have an abortion? On the contrary, if that's what he were to have wanted, he would have done everything possible to keep the pregnancy secret.

More feasible, they had a big row when he found out that not only was Amanda pregnant but that Amber (and possibly others) had known this for weeks (or months?) before Amanda "broke the news" to him.

If a woman keeps a pregnancy secret from her husband, what does that do to their intimacy? If this is a husband who likes to control decisions, might this trigger anger?

If the secret is kept beyond a couple of weeks, might a husband, even if he would not actively propose abortion, feel anger that now there's nothing we can do about? No chance of taking the morning after pill and undergoing "miscarriage"?

In her Monday November 9 conversation with Amber, did Amanda focus on "how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby"? Or did she focus on how Davey reacted when she told him the news that she pregnant?

Me2l said...

Nic said...
No, I meant, that DB would demand it, Amanda would not submit.

Amanda had the ultimate power (control) to create as long as she did not abide by his demand to abort. Her defying him undermined his reality.

Sorry, Nic. I misread your comment.

HISG said...

Me2l said

.....and you continue to miss the mark where I'm concerned. So far, you've been wrong across the board about me. You're batting 100%! Congrats.

I'd say, based upon your analysis of me, your skills in that area are useless.

"You're batting 100%"

VERY sensitive to use an expression normally indicative of someone hitting every ball to try to say they are getting everything wrong. Deception indicated. More like I got everything about you right, but it wasnt difficult.

Nic said...

Why would he publically announce the pregnancy to the Resonate congregation if he wanted Amanda to have an abortion? On the contrary, if that's what he were to have wanted, he would have done everything possible to keep the pregnancy secret.

He announced it because she left him not choice.

There is the first trimester to get through. (Many couples choose not to say anything until the three month mark incase "they" lose the baby.) It could be that Amanda asked the girls to keep quiet for this very reason. I would think she told DB straight away because of who was with her when she found out. I wouldn't discount DB demanding anything, including an abortion even if it was suggested in passing. In any event, all DB asked was that Amanda submit and put him first. Putting the baby first was disobeying him. Wanting sex and denying him because it was uncomfortable and "hurt" meant the baby came first. The baby violated "his place". Wanting money for a new nursery, put the baby first. Then there was JC, whom she loved and wrote to every day and gave thanks to for getting them to Indy safe and sound, etc.

Where was DB in all this?

Amanda undermined his ultimate, supreme authority. The new baby was a pivoting moment and represented a power struggle.


Nic said...

3 months is the first trimester. It also represents the duration of a season (3 months). I have to go back in the thread....

HISG said...

Rosy, you wrote

If a woman keeps a pregnancy secret from her husband, what does that do to their intimacy? If this is a husband who likes to control decisions, might this trigger anger?

If the secret is kept beyond a couple of weeks, might a husband, even if he would not actively propose abortion, feel anger that now there's nothing we can do about? No chance of taking the morning after pill and undergoing "miscarriage"?

I am right on board with your train of thought, his anger surrounding his desire to control the decision BUT I absolutely believe it is possible he attempted to force her into abortion. I know people who have been physically assaulted by their partners in an effort to force them to abort.
The fact is him publically announcing it A) makes him look like he's an excited Dad and gets him attention B) if it ever leaked out she had an abortion, then he could also divorce her saying she went behind his back and got an abortion (lie)

Rosy said...


do you see any evidence that DB knew Amanda as soon as she and Amber did, from September 14 onwards?

Why would Amanda wait 3 months to tell her sister "how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby"?

Rosy said...


do you see any evidence that DB knew Amanda was pregnant as soon as she and Amber did, from September 14 onwards?

Anonymous said...


"You're batting 100%!"

It's interesting for SA that you chose a baseball expression.

HISG said...

Here is a possible scenario of what happened at the murder scene:

Amanda was found with her underwear removed lying next to her but not sexually assaulted.

Could Amanda have told Davey that she had an abortion but he became suspicious she was lying to him, perhaps she had no cramps and seemed fin and so he demanded that she show him her panties to prove she was bleeding which she would have been if she had had an abortion on Sunday. Amanda refuses to show him and he pushes her down on her stomach lying flat and begins trying to force her underwear off to attain "proof" and she is swatting him away, holding her underwear up, and this is when he shoots her in the arm to stop her from doing that. He takes off her underwear and sees there has been no abortion and then shoots her in the back and then finally in the head.

Could this explain his statement when he found her that "she was 3 months first I thought something had gone horrifically wrong...she was still breathing" Then he also says "he just had a feeling they were going to lose the baby" could he even have developed that type of feeling if he had only known of the pregnancy for under a week?

Anyway, just an idea.

Nic said...

‘Cause you know what support does? Support says “Oh, I’m here for a season, and then when everything looks like it’s OK, I’m backing out

HISG said...

Anon 8:51,

Great point about Me2l choosing a baseball expression! So many tells from Me2l....

Nic said...

Rosy said...

do you see any evidence that DB knew Amanda was pregnant as soon as she and Amber did, from September 14 onwards?

No. Is there any evidence to Amanda waiting weeks or months?

I believe she was apprehensive about telling him but that she wouldn't have waited weeks. Especially if she was feeling as bad as what was reported.

Nic said...

Some things you just can't hide, especially if you're married to a horn dog.

Rosy said...

Why does Amber say that on Nov 9, she and Amanda:

... sat on a park bench as we watched our kids play and talked about everything - life, Resonate, her precious baby and how sick she had been feeling this pregnancy, baby names, baby nursery ideas, Thanksgiving, Vanilla Wafers, the $15.00 GIGANTIC Christmas tree she bought at a garage sale and just put up a few days before, how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby,

why would this be news if Davey knew about the pregnancy early on?

Bobcat said...

1. life
2. Resonate
3. baby/pregnancy sickness
4. baby names
5. baby nursery ideas
6. Thanksgiving
7. Vanilla Wafers
8. Good deal on a big Christmas tree (garage sale find!) and set up
9. breaking news of pregnancy to DB

Leslie said...

Nic, I understand what you're saying, but, Amanda and Amber talked and saw each other frequently. But, why would Amber have included in the list of things they talked about on that last day / indoor play park, that Amanda told her how she broke the pregnancy news to Davey, if he'd known since September, or even October?

HISG said...

I think she definitely delayed telling him because of what Amber relayed about the indoor park conversation.

Rosy said...

Nov 8, Davey broke the news of his wife's pregnancy to a roomful of people at Resonate, knowing the video would go on the internet. It was a graceless, backhanded announcement, without Amanda by his side. Probably took her by surprise and clearly deprived her of a her part in receiving good wishes and congratulations in the form of applause. Even the church members seemed taken aback.

Rather than making an actual announcement he plays cute, letting it slip out.

Yet just before this he says he wants to celebrate something - which turns out to be numbers, record attendance, "23 students showed up to the basement of a house! ... Come on! That's awesome!" plus one "salvation" of a girl by way of video.

This makes the form or style of his announcement, when it does slip out, a kind of insult. As if the pregnancy was an accident which no one (least of all his wife) bothered to tell him about before it could no longer be easily hidden.

At this point in Nov 8, Davey announced that he was looking forward 2 weeks ahead to the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Nov 22, when he planned to report on progress in efforts to find a local facility for the youth group.

This suggests that any flare-up that had occurred before the morning of Nov 8 was one he hoped to keep under control. He expected a return to normalcy.

A few hours later, at 1.30 (Indiana time or California time?) Amanda texted Amber: "SISTER! I'm coming to pick you up from the airport tonight! What time do you fly in? I can't wait to see you!!!"

This text might simply express loving, sisterly eagerness - but it might bespeak urgency.

Nic said...

But, why would Amber have included in the list of things they talked about on that last day / indoor play park, that Amanda told her how she broke the pregnancy news to Davey, if he'd known since September, or even October?

I guess I don't understand the question except to say why assume that Amanda would immediately call Amber to say she broke the news to her husband once she had. It could be that DB's reaction really hurt Amanda and if Amber asked her if Davey knew yet, she'd say yes and underplay his reaction. That specific reference might have been that she shared all because she finally felt she had his "support".

"‘Cause you know what support does? Support says “Oh, I’m here for a season, and then when everything looks like it’s OK, I’m backing out."

Rosy said...

Vanilla wafers are pregnancy-related - as a popular remedy for morning sickness.

HISG said...


You wrote

"A few hours later, at 1.30 (Indiana time or California time?) Amanda texted Amber: "SISTER! I'm coming to pick you up from the airport tonight! What time do you fly in? I can't wait to see you!!!"

This text might simply express loving, sisterly eagerness - but it might bespeak urgency."

VERY interesting.

(Also when the text was received Amber had been traveling for 12 hours, so I am assuming that it was Indiana time. I believe the text was received in the airport after her flight.)

Leslie said...

Sorry, Nic, I kind of jumbled my words with my previous post, to which you replied. I see what you're saying- it is possible that Amanda filled Amber in on the details of how she "broke the news" to Davey about the pregnancy.

Bottom line, whether Davey knew about Amanda's pregnancy in Sept, or Nov, it's obvious it was an issue...enough of one to make him snap, IMO, for all of the reasons already listed, such as controlling, he goes to the bottom of Amanda's priority list (right above Mel), etc.

And, Nic, Davey's quote you've been posting:

"‘Cause you know what support does? Support says “Oh, I’m here for a season, and then when everything looks like it’s OK, I’m backing out."

It's very telling and is kind of prophetic....

Nic said...

Does anybody wonder what the Blackburn's life would be like if Amanda still walked among us?

They would be a family of 4. Four hungry mouths to feed and a flailing church. Does anyone wonder if DB would continue on the same path, or be forced to switch gears and get a j.o.b. with a dependable pay cheque. I do. What happens to pastors who can't make it? Do they relacate back to their home church with their tails between their legs to a subordinate position, or do they find a job and pay off their investors?

Nic said...

Re: quote.

Bobcat dug it up.

Resurrection isn't just for Jay-sus.

Rosy said...

What if "how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby" is a Amber's upbeat, happy Christian families euphemism for "how Davey reacted when she broke the news she was pregnant"?

If Davey's first reaction was negative or even angry, Amanda might have DELAYED disclosing this to Amber or anyone else.

But if for several weeks they'd been in conflict, or turmoil, over financial troubles, failure to attract big numbers, plus the pregnancy, Amanda might have felt a strong need to confide.

HISG said...

Reviewing the indoor park conversation the phrasing of this jumped out at me

"how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby

Why does Amber say it like this?
Most people would say "she broke the news to Davey about them expecting a baby"


"she broke the news to Davey that she was pregnant"

What she says is: how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby

1) how she broke the news

negative connotation

2) to Davey

Davey is given priority above the subject of the news, the pregnancy

3) about their new baby

Amber does not say that Amanda announced her pregnancy, and we can't say it for her...she says she broke the news "about their new baby"...what was the news ABOUT their new baby? Could Amanda have told her that she told Davey that she aborted the baby? Again, Amanda does not say she told Davey she was expecting a baby...she tells him that she "broke the news" (negative connotation) about "their new baby".

Rosy said...

HISG said...
Amber does not say that Amanda announced her pregnancy, and we can't say it for her...she says she broke the news "about their new baby"...what was the news ABOUT their new baby?


Thanks for your close reading of those words.

Here's another possibility, I think perhaps more realistic than anything immediately to do with abortion.

The First Trimester Screen is performed between the 11th and 13th week of pregnancy. It tests for defects including Down syndrome and early indications of spina bifada.

Perhaps Amanda had this test done and wanted to discuss the results privately with Amber, who in a R.N.

Nic said...

Leslie, no problem!

Leslie, Rosy, I haven't paid as much attention to Amber because I don't believe anything she said or did made any difference to what happened to Amanda that day. As a result, I'm not clear on details about the time they were together. Still I don't believe she holds any revelations. Being married to DB meant not much was secret. Listening to the early videos made me mortified for Amanda. For example, Amanda was publicly forthcoming about the marriage counselling they went through with their congregation and admitting that she came to the conclusion that giving into sex before dinner, so that they could both have a good time was shared after they reconciled the "problem". I think she would manage DB's (negative) reaction to another pregnancy the same way, I think she'd keep that to herself until she felt she had his support and then present the happy ending/positive light.

Rosy said...

^ bifida

^^who is an R.N.

Concerned said...

Donae Mitchell is up and running again on Facebook, definitely not pregnant, in short shorts and updating her status to Single. Alonzo still lists himself as Married.

I still hope Donae will end up telling all she knows at the trial.

Concerned said...

Nic at 10:20
You reminded me of Davey's inability to listen to his wife's conversation on Date Night if they didn't have sex first.
This must have been an awfully long six months!

Nic said...

Concerned, according to DB's Mother's Day letter, Weston can look forward to having a "plethora" of mommies.

Rosy said...

Nic said....
at 10:20 PM

I think she would manage DB's (negative) reaction to another pregnancy the same way, I think she'd keep that to herself until she felt she had his support and then present the happy ending/positive light.

By announcing the pregnancy at Resonate on Nov 8, Davey pre-empted Amanda's choice as to who would know.

As it happens, his talk of "kids" often included mention of "medical bills." Childbirth costs money but what if he foresaw bills beyond that?

If Amanda was in process of undergoing First Trimester Screening tests, she might not have wanted the public to know she was pregnant.

The test does NOT screen for risk of spina bifida (I was wrong about that), it screens only for risk of Down syndrome and risk of trisomy 18.

Nic said...

Rosy, was Nov 8 the day of the sermon with the gun prop?

Rosy said...


Yes. Published Nov 19, recorded November 8. DB announces "we are expecting" at around 9 mins in. I think he may have announced it in one of the Love Song videos too, with the phrase "smoking what we're selling."

Rosy said...

Does anyone recall when Davey said they were "smoking what we're selling"? Re; pregnancy and the Love Song series

HISG said...

Rosy you wrote

HISG said...
Amber does not say that Amanda announced her pregnancy, and we can't say it for her...she says she broke the news "about their new baby"...what was the news ABOUT their new baby?


Thanks for your close reading of those words.

Here's another possibility, I think perhaps more realistic than anything immediately to do with abortion.

The First Trimester Screen is performed between the 11th and 13th week of pregnancy. It tests for defects including Down syndrome and early indications of spina bifada."

Absolutely. Brilliant!

I take your interpretation hands down. When she says "broke the news to Davey about their new baby" that is how it struck me as this is how someone would phrase it if they were telling Davey that there was something WRONG with the baby. (It also brings to mind a delivered baby "new baby".) I didn't realize that was an "option" in the interpretation because I didn't know they screened that early for anything.

This is what I believe happened then...that she told Davey the tests were showing something was wrong with the baby.

A perceived "flaw" in the baby by someone so preoccupied with physical perfection may have been intolerable.

Of course, Davey pressuring for an abortion becomes even more likely in this scenario.

Is it too far out to wonder if he was actually going to attempt to abort the baby himself when Amanda was assaulted? The thought of something being "wrong" with his baby and that he would have a "flawed" baby may have led him to erupt with rage and want to get rid of it?

Rosy said...

OK, it is in the same Nov 8 sermon at 9:05 that he said "I just want you to know that your pastor in smokin' what he's sellin'"

So Nov 8 was the 1st time he announced this at Resonate. And immediately goes back to worry.

HISG said...

Rosy, I just watched parts of the video...yes he says your pastor is smokin what he's selling in the Nov 8th gun sermon video where he announces the pregnancy.

The whole video is about worry, extreme pressure

He says repeatedly "I don't know what I am going to do but I'm going to keep my eyes on you"

When he pulls out the gun and starts "firing"

He fires after saying

1 when you get that phone call (pretend fires gun)

2 when you get that medical bill (pretend fires gun)

and then 4 other pretend firings

I think the phone call seems sensitive.
Did Amanda tell him some bad news over the phone? Did her doctor relay some type of test results over the phone? I just don't know but he is worked up and that is the first thing that comes out of his mouth is the phone call and the first thing he fires the gun about.

Bobcat said...

The phone call could have been a bill collector.

Rosy said...

If "the news about the new baby" pertained to results of a First Trimester Screening Test, those results could have gone either way.

The news might have been that the baby showed a genetic risk factor for a problem (Down syndrome or trisomy 18)

Or the news might have been that the baby showed NO such risk factor.

In March this year (2016) Mike Pence, Republican governor of Indiana, "signed a bill into law ... making Indiana the second state to ban abortions because of fetal genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome."

Mike Pence attended Amanda Blackburn's celebration of life service.

Even before this ban, for an Evangelical pastor's family to entertain first trimester medical termination, in or out of state, would present them with problems of conscience and practical problems of privacy.

Assuming Amanda even went as far as to have the test done, if the news was good, would both of them have been joyfully relieved? If the news was not good, what then?

How might breaking the news to Davey relate to the way in which he broke the news of the pregnancy to his church that morning of Nov 8?

Rosy said...

From a few mentions online it appears it takes only a couple days to receive the results of a First Trimester Screening test. It can be done as early as 11 weeks after conception. IU Medical Center ran a clinical trial on the procedure.

Bobcat said...

He says repeatedly "I don't know what I am going to do but I'm going to keep my eyes on you"

Negative is doubly important.
But negates what came before.

I know what I am going to do.

Rosy said...


I don't think you can pin that on him. He repeats it because it is a verse in 2 Chronicles 20:12 (with the but):

Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."

NIV and several other versions:

This passage in Chronicles gave rise to the standard theme of Worship as a Weapon long before Davey took it up.

It's been turned into a popular song available on Y/Tube

"I Don't Know What to Do (But My Eyes are Upon You Lord)" is a song by Jim Sitter .

Bobcat said...

Thank you Rosy.

DB didn't originally write it, but he chose it as a theme (before and after the event) for a reason.

More recently, he said:

"Boom" then your elevated to that platform."
"When he snaps his finger and he elevates you to that place, you are ready to help as many people as you can. Can I tell you something guys? I wasn't ready for any of this? I didn't know this was going to happen. I didn't know I was going to find my wife on November 10th. I didn't know that National Media cameras were going to be shoving video cameras in my face. I had no idea, Sometimes it can happen just like that, Sometimes it is a really painful path that you would never choose but Joseph was putting in a place where he was able to share salvation with thousands, hundreds of thousands of people."

The above is an incomplete transcription by Bingo.

Fm25 said...

The free dna testing you all are talking about is not typical prenatal testing. Its normally only done in mothers over 35 or with certain risk factors. It can be done as early as 10 weeks. Most Drs here in Indy do not do them until 12 weeks. It then takes a week for results. The test is pretty expensive if insurance doesn't cover it. It's possible she elected to have it done, but imho doesn't seem likely. Pence' slaw on abortion had not gone in effect yet, I think that it goes into effect in July. I also get the impression that Amanda waited a while to tell davey since they were discussing how she broke the news to him in November. That should have been old news by then. Maybe she told him on their trip to Chicago?

Anonymous said...


Indiana is not near Pennsylvania - re: an earlier post speculating about abortion clinics nearby.

lynda said...

There would be no reason for Amanda to undergo any prenatal genetic testing. She was a healthy young woman who already had one healthy baby.

There was no way Amanda would have an abortion and I don't think DAvey suggested it. He's a diabolical guy, there's "natural" remedies/plants that you can brew into a tea that will induce an abortion, dangerous, but Davey would give no thought to the danger. I think he would have done that before he suggested an abortion.

Davey said,

He says Amanda sang to him, read to him, prayed with him, and tucked him into bed and that "that was the last time you ever saw Mommy"

How does Davey know this was the last time Weston saw his mommy? She wasn't dead until approx. 7 am the next morning. Davey left at 6AM. How does he know that Weston maybe woke up and Amanda held him and cuddled him till he went back to sleep. How does he KNOW?

Me2l said...

Nic at 10:20
You reminded me of Davey's inability to listen to his wife's conversation on Date Night if they didn't have sex first.
This must have been an awfully long six months!
May 24, 2016 at 10:25 PM

This means.......what?

Me2l said...

Lynda @8:51

That is one of the few legitimate and maybe, crucial, observations regarding Davey's many statements.

Very good point.

Fm25 said...

Lynda, that is a very good question. His lack of concern over what Weston may have seen or heard is unusual for sure. Imo, he may have been given Benadryl or melatonin before davey left for the gym. Otherwise I can't imagine a baby sleeping through yelling and three gunshots, especially towards the end of his sleep cycle.

Me2l said...

Anonymous said:


Indiana is not near Pennsylvania - re: an earlier post speculating about abortion clinics nearby.


Sigh......geography lessons required for some in this forum.

Leslie said...

Lynda, I also found it presumptuous for Davey to put in the Mother's Day letter (blog post)) to Weston about the last time his mother saw him.

- - -

Amanda's last pregnancy was, obviously, a sensitive subject, and possibly (probably, imo) triggered a strong and negative reaction from DB, regardless of any possible genetic testing.

Was DB's Nov 8th sermon on worry not the one where he threw out pregnancy (like when you find out you're pregnant) in a list of examples of worries? It might have been in another one in that series, or another sermon series.

- - -
It's a conundrum

Fm25 said...

Worship is a weapon 11/08/05
"Maybe instead of worrying so much about your kids, you need to lift it up and surrender it to Jesus" (shoots prop gun at man in hoodie)
Bring me the ephod 01/31/16
"Man, you really do find out who your friends are when you go through really tough stuff. Man, people were like “I got your back, bro,” and there all of the sudden something happens, and you wind up pregnant, and you’re…OH, gone. "

Bobcat said...

Lynda - Excellent observation! Thank you!

She walked you upstairs the night before, sang to you, prayed with you, kissed you and tucked you into bed. And that was the last time you saw her. I know it is really difficult without her, buddy, but you should know she would have done anything to protect you. She loved you more than life itself. I found a quote on her phone that read, “Sometimes your greatest assignment in life isn’t what you do, but who you raise.” She embraced that assignment to the fullest extent. She gave her life so you could have yours. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt she did what she had to do that morning to protect you. She loved you that much.

Sentence begins with "And" Missing information.
He knows beyond a shadow of a doubt what Amanda did that morning?

Davey is a self-admitted control freak.
Nothing was left to chance after Weston was safely in bed on November 9.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

Anonymous said...
Why haven't the two incarcerated black males made a deal with the district attorney and snitched on cracker Davey?

The only logical answer is: Davey didn't hire them.

What makes you think they knew?

Me2l said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Me2l said...

Why doesn't LE pursue that avenue?

Assumption of corruptness or incompetence (or both) on the part of law enforcement?

Me2l said...

Davey's sermons......Peter is so right in about pregnancy being a crucial issue.

Nic said...

Peter Hyatt said...
Anonymous said...
Why haven't the two incarcerated black males made a deal with the district attorney and snitched on cracker Davey?

The only logical answer is: Davey didn't hire them.

What makes you think they knew?

It's interesting in the Affidavit it is reported (via third party), at a prior residence they were robbing, #1 said to the other, "we're not here for that" when #2 was raping the resident. That left me with the impression not each assailant was given the same marching orders. In fact, I suspect the 'leader' is probably the only one who actually knew what the agenda was (to rob three residences), the third being they're "pay" for staging (making the cut de sac robbery look random). I strongly suspect that these young, men are full of braggadocio in need of approval from the man they're taking orders from/who "father's" them. Including going to jail for him (loyalty). They won't snitch about anything. Especially if one or all were dispatched "just" to rob certain addresses. They will not incriminate their "father".

The only hope for justice is the prosecutor going for the brass bell when DB stands as a witness to what he saw when he found Amanda that morning.


Bad Juju said...

I thought the "we're not here for that" comment was made during the rape/robbery that was days before Amanda's murder?

Leslie said...

YES, thank you for this:

Bring me the ephod 01/31/16
"Man, you really do find out who your friends are when you go through really tough stuff. Man, people were like “I got your back, bro,” and there all of the sudden something happens, and you wind up pregnant, and you’re…OH, gone. "

May 25, 2016 at 9:23 AM
- - -

Blogger Me2l said...
Davey's sermons......Peter is so right in about pregnancy being a crucial issue.

May 25, 2016 at 10:16 AM

Absolutely, Me21.
- - -

Nic, thanks for reviewing the affidavit. Wasn't there also something about #1 instructing #2 NOT to kill the woman he was raping? Or, maybe I'm remembering that #2 mentioned he wanted to murder and had to be talked down....

(And- I'm afraid to start a sentence with that word, now!), Thanks for this:

The only hope for justice is the prosecutor going for the brass bell when DB stands as a witness to what he saw when he found Amanda that morning.

Holding Out Hope
- - -

Exactly, Bobcat:

Davey is a self-admitted control freak.
Nothing was left to chance after Weston was safely in bed on November 9.

Fm25 said...

Regarding le, we have to remember the uniqueness of this case. Davey is uniquely capable of planning his wife's murder and then using the publicity to elevate his career. and it was planned well, leaving a chain of evidence to link all 3 crime scenes.

Nic said...

Bad Juju said...
I thought the "we're not here for that" comment was made during the rape/robbery that was days before Amanda's murder?

Yes, I was using the reported incident as a point of illustration

Anonymous said...

Alonzo Bull is key. I don't think these guys are loyal to him. He appears to be a self appointed "leader" of kilt gang that was a walk in when Gordon's cousin went to prison. Him and his baby's momma are in this thick and sold out the others so there is a good chance they will tell what they know. I hope there is at least one court appointed attorney that sees what is going on and can get to the bottom of it. It would take someone very clever and willing to work. I could see this either being someone who wants to do this to get justice or just someone doing it for the publicity and notariety. Someone said Gordon's attorney seems to be filing a lot of motions for evidence. Here's hoping.

Fm25 said...

Gordon and Watson may not be geniuses, but they don't seem like complete idiots either. They knew Watson shot and killed a young Caucasian woman in her own home, it doesn't take a genius to know that's not going to go over well. And yet they abandoned the car from 1st robbery that night with atm receipts, pink sweater, bag of oranges... Connecting all 3 crime scenes. So even if they left no evidence at the blackburn house, they had 2 other crime scenes they could have left evidence at.

Bobcat said...

Davey has a new blog up - it's a mess and full of SA material.

His storytelling includes multiple body positions and his tenses are all over the place.

He references:
the Lord (without capital T)
The Lord
he (no capital)
him (no capital)
The One

9 different titles for a religious superior.

"The more life ebs and flows for me the more I realize I have zero control, but I trust The One who has complete control. I trust The One who has my best interest in mind. I trust The One who wants more for me and Weston (and Amanda and Evie) than we could ever ask for or imagine."

The above paragraph is the only time he uses The One as an illusion to a religious superior.
ebs and flows (misspelled ebbs, water reference)
but (negates having "zero" control)
Davey trusts The One who wants more for him than he could ever imagine.

The One ... who can satisfy Davey's greed? That sounds like Satan.

He closes with two slogans and the serenity prayer.

Me2l said...

Fm25 said...
Regarding le, we have to remember the uniqueness of this case. Davey is uniquely capable of planning his wife's murder and then using the publicity to elevate his career. and it was planned well, leaving a chain of evidence to link all 3 crime scenes.
May 25, 2016 at 11:10 AM

Still.....if we can connect the dots re Davey, why can't LE?

Nic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nic said...

Re Affidavit of Probable Cause

Perkins spoke with David Blackburn at Methodist. Blackburn said he left his home around 6:00 AM in his black 1997 Honda Civic to work out at L.A. Fitness … Blackburn stated that he left the front door unlocked when he left. He left the gym at approximately 7:10 A.M and was talking on the phone with his friend, Kenneth Wagner. Blackburn stated that he remained on the phone on the way home and was still on the phone when he arrived home at approximately 7:30AM. He stayed on the phone in the driveway until he entered around 8:20AM. David Blackburn entered his home through the front door and found Amanda Blackburn face down in blood on the living room floor. She was nude with her panties next to her and her shirt pulled up as if someone tried to pull it off; however, it was not clear Blackburn had been sexually assaulted. Blackburn noticed her credit cards and wallet on the floor. He noticed her purse on the kitchen counter and a Swisher Sweet cigar package on the counter …..A decorative ladder and a lamp were knocked over in the living room …

Crime Scene Specialist Colleen Clark documented the scene with the scene with video, …..She recovered change from he landing floor, gray panties, a roll of duct tape and earphones from the living room floor. She recovered a Swiisher Sweets package from the kitchen counter. Amanda Blackburn’s purse and wallet were recovered from the counter.


*** DB reported noticing the wallet in a completely different room of the house from where it was documented by CSI.

I did some analysis the other day where DB said some things "looked" out of place and I analyzed his reporting as "staged". He was the last one in the house before the fire department/LE arrived.

I've always wondered how the assailants had gotten Amanda's PIN. What if it was written down for them and it was rejected because they weren't able to read the handwriting.. and then they had to follow-up for clarification (why they were calling for "numbers").


Bobcat said...


"Still.....if we can connect the dots re Davey, why can't LE?"

I wouldn't assume they can't.
They still haven't released the 911 call.

mom2many said...

This is a doozy!

"I’ve found that I have always had a tendency to idolize ideals. In other words, my entire life has been built around a false pretense of cause and effect."

In "idolizing ideals" has he also created a "false pretense" of who he is and what he is about?

He admits his entire life is a false pretense!

He also admits to "should haves" and shouldn't haves" directly impacting Amanda's murder, but lacks specificity of what those are. He wants to let it go. Someone needs to ask him what he should have done, and what he shouldn't have done!

HISG said...

I am at work, so I only had a chance to read a few comments...I will read all when I get freed up.


Yes, Im thinking "broke the news about their new baby" could go in different directions
A) Did the test show something wrong or possibly wrong? Did it NOT show anything wrong and DB was made about that bc then there was no "reason" abort?

My intuition is that "something" was wrong.

They could go out of state for abortion...and the info would have to be kept confidential.

Re: Davey's comment 'You're friends have your back but then when you get pregnant, you're gone"

Could he be talking about Amanda herself no longer "having his back" once she got pregnant?

Nic said...

Something else that I found sensitive in my earlier analysis.

DB grabbed his gym clothes, (not bag) which I determined sensitive. In the Affidavit:

On or about November 10, 2015, Larry Jo Taylor Jr. did knowingly exert unauthorized control over the property of David and/or Amanda Blackburn, to wit: a blue bag containing a Macbook Pro and books with he intent to deprive David and/or Amanda Blackburn of any part of the use of value of the property…


I know both ran together, do both of them workout at LA Fitness or just DB? In other words, did both of them have a gym bag? If no, would credit card receipts document whether DB bought another gym bag?

Was the PC ever recovered? If no, I suppose one couldn't scan it for anything.


HISG said...

Fm 25, That is not true.

Young women are screened for Down Syndrome if they accept the testing being done.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell the height of the person walking on surveillance? Watson and Taylor are 5'7 and 5'8" 140 lbs, Gordon is 5'10" 145 lbs and Bull is 5'4" 120 lbs. The person appears to be little,like Bull. All of them pointed their fingers at Taylor when I actually think it was Bull that knew to enter that house and was seen leaving. One of the many reasons I think this is that it's his $400 Pelle Pelle jacket and it appears to be big on the person walking. Also I don't believe this is something he would have lent to Taylor and if it was it would have looked smaller on him. It would be interesting to know if this jacket showed trace of gunshot residue.

Rosy said...

Anonymous at 1:02 said
I actually think it was Bull that knew to enter that house and was seen leaving. One of the many reasons I think this is that it's his $400 Pelle Pelle jacket and it appears to be big on the person walking. Also I don't believe this is something he would have lent to Taylor..

* * * *
I've always wondered why Bull would lend out that jacket, the Pelle Pelle jacket, by which he could be identified.

Rosy said...

Anonymous at 1:02 said
I actually think it was Bull that knew to enter that house and was seen leaving

Jacket aside, what does the phone call evidence say?

Bobcat said...

"In our groggy, newborn-no-sleep, “what have we done” stupor Amanda and I would look at each other and feel an even deeper sense of friendship, intimacy, and anticipation for this new adventure. We would sit on that bed and cuddle for the morning, watching Curious George with Weston and knowing our team had everything taken care of at church that day."

Still no love for Amanda. Only friendship.
Sit ON THAT bed and cuddle... not OUR bed, not IN bed, but ON THAT bed

Anonymous said...

Particular phones could have been switched around and used by different people that morning. Taylor said he was wasted so he could have easily had his phone taken and used. He gave another # of a phone that he also used and that phone was found in Donae's possession at Bull's apt. Anothet question I have is that cell towers do not pinpoint exact addresses just a general area, so I don't understand how they are determing when each phone moved a couple doors down.

Bad Juju said...

Anon at 2:02, if they have Taylor's phone, they can pinpoint exactly where he was. There are many apps that keep track of everywhere you go and some that people don't realize keep track of their exact location.

If I opened Google maps on my phone or tablet right now, the pin would show that I'm right in the middle of my house. Always does.

I have no doubt the police know that Taylor ... or at least Taylor's phone ... was in that house when they say so in the affidavit.

He's already admitted to being in the car that day.

Me2l said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Me2l said...

If Amanda had not been murdered:

"Our church would be half the size that it is now, and I'm sure most of me would be completely ok with that."

Mostly. So, I guess it's partly worth it.

Nic said...

Per the Affidavit I found something very interesting. Four cell phones were in play the morning of November 10th and a fifth unknown number comes into play as well.

Watson - 0802 (sister's) According to Sprint this number was in the vicinity of E 56 & I-465 during period of burglaries and homicide. This is the only # the Affidavit does not give a detailed history.

Gordon 6567 (4:36am 5756 San Clemente, 4:40am E. 56th, 6:25am 2812 Sunnyfield, 6:39am falled ATM, 6:54am successful ATM)

Gordon 0147 (this number is called FROM the first burglary @4:36AM -- which conflicts with what the victim reports happening.)

Taylor 7125 - 6:38 to 7:10 in the vicinity and only communicates with Gordon @ 6567

6567 calls 3175 (unknown) five times, from the initial burglary to the successful ATM transaction. In other words after each event.

Gordon @ 6567 moves back to pick up Taylor @ 7125

HISG said...

I will be analyzing last part of Amber FB post to help in any way I can to try to pinpoint time of death.

Linguistically, we have indicators of potential violence occurring the night before with the action verbs "chasing" (around living room...Amanda was found in a living room) and the actionverb "loaded" attributed to Davey the one showing actionr at Grandparents...

We have few linguistic indicators of Amanda actually definitively being alive at Grandparents dinner.

We are told she was 1) "laughing and looking" on couch
2) her arms were full (failure to hug)

More later....

Leslie said...

HISG said...

Re: Davey's comment 'You're friends have your back but then when you get pregnant, you're gone"

"Could he be talking about Amanda herself no longer "having his back" once she got pregnant?

- - -
HISG, I was thinking the other way around-

Could he be saying since Amanda was pregnant, he no longer had her back.

- - -

A lot of good info and insight today! Thank you to all that have been busy searching, analyzing, and shedding light.

Nic said...

Donae Mitchell told LE that Watson, Gordon and Taylor left her apartment at 3:30AM <-- and that her boyfriend owned a black vest but that Watson often wore it. She showed LE a pistol under her bed which she said either Gordon or Taylor left in her room. Alonzo Bull was interviewed and he admitted that Gordon, Watson, Taylor left his apartment shortly before the first burglary and one of them was wearing his black Pelle Pelle jacket.

Anonymous said...

Amanda was declared dead Nov. 11 at 7:55 a.m. the time of death has already been "pinpointed."

Nic said...

4:36am - 6567 (Gordon) at first burglary: San Clemente, was calling 0147 (also Gordon). The Affidavit doesn't give a location of 0147.

Unknown suspect #4 (0147)

Nic said...

6567 (Gordon) only communicates with 3175 (unknown)

Unknown suspect #5


So we have five players, three known and in jail, two unknown and roaming free.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous@2:02, the phone found at Donae and Alonzo's was the phone listed for Watson, not Taylor. And they were able to find its exact location at that apartment, which is why LE showed up there.

Bingo3 said...

Davey is telling a creative story not a truth. He is mostly sticking with the main points that he highlighted at the beginning of his creative writing journey.

1.He must remind everyone about the romantic trip with Amanda where they answered questions in the train station and watched Levi Lusko. (being married to him must have been a real drag! Forget champagne and strawberries, let's do a Q & A and watch sermons)
DB"Two weeks before Amanda was killed, she and I were on a train to Chicago for a romantic getaway listening to Pastor Levi share his story with Elevation Church. We sat on the train with tears streaming down our faces as he explained how the Lord had been carrying them through their season of suffering after losing their 5-year-old daughter. At that moment I had a strange sense that Jesus was preparing our hearts for our own season of suffering."

2.Highlight the point about being absolutely content! DB finally decided to be perfectly joyful as a nobody pastor in a tiny church. Yeah, right! If anyone watches his sermons and desperation leading to the murder, one knows he and his crazy, gun-slinging self was anything but content.
"Our church would be half the size it is now, and I’m sure most of me would be completely ok with that. No doubt I would be pressing in and trying to get us to reach further as an organization, but Amanda and I had arrived at this place of contentment with where everything was. I think in that moment, surrounded by my little family there would not have been anywhere else I’d rather be."

3.Continue with the message that it was God ordained for AB to be brutally beaten and murdered in the house with her baby upstairs and an unborn child on the way.
"And for some reason The Lord has chosen to lead us into this particular season"

4.Remind everyone that her death was actually a good thing and don't ever, ever forget to throw in the slogan "Nothing is Wasted" as we were all told the day she died and he has gleefully stuck with that point!

"Instead of celebrating new life brought into my family, I decidedly rejoice over all the new lives that have been brought into the family of God as a result of Amanda’s death.
Nothing Is Wasted"

HISG said...

Leslie you said

Could he be saying since Amanda was pregnant, he no longer had her back.

It could be!
When exactly did he say this? Do you know?

Last night I was also pondering an interview with Amber where she had said (paraphrased) that Amanda was her little sister and she always felt like it was her job "to look out for her and protect her" (in other words it was her job to "have her (Amanda's back)"'s an unusual thing for an adult woman to say about another adult woman UNLESS Amber knew Amanda was in some kind of danger). Possibly, she no longer had Amanda's back?! And Davey did not either?


Yes Im sorry I should have said I believe there are indicators that Amanda had been shot and rendered unconscious the night before. They have not been able to pinpoint time of shooting.

Leslie said...

Thoughts from the first few paragraphs of DB's recent blog post, "May 22nd From Whitefish Montana" (boast much?):

"Two weeks before Amanda was killed, she and I were on a train to Chicago..."

It would have been easier to say we. Distancing?

"At that moment I had a strange sense that Jesus was preparing our hearts for our own season of suffering."

As reported when PN interviewed DB at NewSpring, six months after Amanda's murder, "Pastor Davey Blackburn revealed that the "Lord had been preparing" him and his pregnant wife Amanda "to walk through a season of pain" and that he had feared losing their baby days before her wife and their pre-born child were brutally assaulted and fatally shot inside their home in Indianapolis, Indiana on Nov. 10 last year."

On DB's newest blog post, he further describes, the feeling that God was preparing he and Amanda for a season of pain, to adding, strange sense.

Of course, he never said anything about this season of pain until six months after Amanda's murder. Strange, indeed.

On his blog post, DB says, "As I sit here all I can think about is what I WOULD have been doing right now.... It’s 7:42am and I’m sure I would be finishing up my morning coffee, readying myself to wake Weston up while Amanda tends to Evie. I’d bring Weston his milk and take him into the bedroom...."

Specifying "sitting" was unnecessary.
He wonders what HE would be doing, and eventually gets around to the rest of the family (no surprise there).

Bad Juju said...

Nic, I think one of the people has to be Alonzo, perhaps using one of Gordon's listed phones (if it's true the perps were communicating with Alonzo that day, per the cooperating individual).

I still think the dark SUV is important and that the fifth number could be the driver of (or a passenger in) the SUV. I think the SUV came to pick up the larger items (like TVs), because it's unlikely Taylor was carrying ALL the stuff from the three burglaries when he was dropped off at 56th and Guion.

The fifth person/phone number could be the cooperating individual (but I also think it's possible the CI is Alonzo).

The stolen white Sebring was found the day after Amanda was shot, but as late as Nov. 20, the news was still talking about the SUV:

This article saying FOUR people were in custody also mentions the SUV:

"The killer drove a dark-colored SUV and was seen on video leaving the area. Multiple TVs were stolen, and believed to be transported in that SUV."

Due to the info in the affidavit, I think it's apparent the killer was not in the SUV as the article states, but I think the info about the TVs being transported in the SUV may be accurate.

Bobcat said...

When DB was on stage with Levi Lusko, AS HAPPY AS CAN BE, a few days ago, I was thinking he looked like he'd just won the Superbowl.

Where are you going next, Davey?

"I'm going to Disneyland!!!"

lynda said...

Bobcat said,

Sentence begins with "And" Missing information.
He knows beyond a shadow of a doubt what Amanda did that morning?

Davey is a self-admitted control freak.
Nothing was left to chance after Weston was safely in bed on November 9.


Exactly.He has no idea what Amanda did that morning, or does he?

"She gave her life so you could have yours"

Now Amanda has also been murdered to give Weston HIS life.
1. Amanda is murdered to give the church life
2. Amanda is murdered to give Weston life.

I wonder who else she was murdered for? Davey has NO IDEA that Amanda "FOUGHT" for WEston. If the last time he saw her was the night before, why would she be fighting to protect him unless the thug was in Weston's room which I highly doubt.
As a mother myself, if someone confronted me upstairs where my child was sleeping, I would immediately try to get myself as far away from my childs room as possible, which supports my theory that Amanda ran down the stairs with Taylor behind her, he shoots at her and hits her in the upper back (the bullet had a downward trajectory and it was found imbedded in staircase).

I've said all along that AB is the leader. They are not snitching on DAvey because they know nothing about Davey. They took their orders from AB who DOES know Davey somehow. I also think AB is the CI and the "unknown" phone number. It was stated in the PC that they called Bull and Bull told them not to leave Taylor there cuz "he's family" but yet they do not acknowledge any of the unknown phone numbers as Bulls? Gee, do you think maybe Bull had more than one burner phone? Bull has said on FB several times what happens to snitches. Subtle threats to the hitmen.

BTW, it is not KILT gang. That is not what they are referring too. KILT is the name of an album from some rapper that they all worship. That's where that came from. They may be a gang, but the word KILT is not slang for KILL.

Davey went rogue and did a blog all by himself without his ghost writer. You can tell what with all the rambling and misspells. Idiot.

lynda said...

Don't forget "Treezy" who WAS friends with AB and DAvey before the murder and mysteriously disappeared off their friends list right after murder.

Bobcat said...

Don't forget Treezy Jones

Way back in November, Treezy was friends with Davey AND Alonzo, until it was pointed out.
Then he was no longer Davey's friend.

Bobcat said...

beat me to it lynda!

Bobcat said...

Treezy has no facebook history before 11/24/2015

Concerned said...

Treezy has had several different FB accounts.

Anonymous said...

photography analysis:

From Davey's West Coast Season of Suffering Tour - a smiling Davey seated between two men, with one of his hands on each of their thighs. They're all wearing shorts. Straight men do not pose like this.

mom2many said...

Treezy had two accounts. Maybe this is a third.

Bingo3 said...

Bob Goff is the guy sitting on one side of Davey. He wrote Love Does which is extremely popular in the Christian community. Another Christian big wig that Davey gets to cuddle up with!

I had a friend on twitter repost a Davey quote today. I about fell out of my chair!!

Fm25 said...

"It’s been an absolute honor to spend the weekend with Pastor Levi Lusko and his family. They’ll never fully know the impact their story has had on me, my family, and our church."
So true. They prob will never fully know.

Leslie said...

Lynda said...

"Davey went rogue and did a blog all by himself without his ghost writer. You can tell what with all the rambling and misspells. Idiot."

My thought, exactly (& I meant to comment on it, earlier! There's just SO much to say when he can't stop talking!)
- - -
Fm25 said...

"So true. They prob will never fully know."

That gave me comic relief :)
- - -
Anonymous Anonymous said...
photography analysis:

"From Davey's West Coast Season of Suffering Tour - a smiling Davey seated between two men, with one of his hands on each of their thighs. They're all wearing shorts. Straight men do not pose like this."

I need to check that out (more comic relief!).

Bobcat said...

Anon @6:33

Davey's West Coast Season of Suffering Tour

When you add in Israel, it could be

Davey's Season of Suffering World Tour!

Bingo3 said...

"At that moment I had a strange sense that Jesus was preparing our hearts for our own season of suffering."

I bet you did, Crazy Davey, I bet you did!!

HISG said...

Anon/Me2l wrote

"photography analysis:

From Davey's West Coast Season of Suffering Tour - a smiling Davey seated between two men, with one of his hands on each of their thighs. They're all wearing shorts. Straight men do not pose like this."

Did this really happen or just in your fantasies Me2l?

Anonymous said...

Davey modeling his gay mother's day look.

Oh please said...


Not everyone is Me2l so it's dumb for you to keep addressing all anonymous commenters as Me2l.

The person who made the comment about the hand-on-thigh Instagram photo seems to agree with you that Davey is gay. Duh.

And no, I'm not Me2l, but I'm sure you'll say I am.

HISG said...

Amber's Post: Grandparent's dinner

"We spent the rest of the day shopping, drinking our favorite Starbucks drinks, running errands, and finally finishing the day with a family dinner at my grandparent's house"

*the word finally can indicate missing time between the "day" of shopping and the family dinner at grandparent's

"I will never forget watching Davey chase Weston around the living room as Amanda sat on the couch and laughed - she truly had the BEST laugh."

*the scene at the grandparent's begins with a "memory" phrased in present tense as "watching Davey chase"
*at this point, the author begins referring to Amanda in past tense saying "she sat on the couch and laughed "she had" the best laugh

"THAT is one of the moments I replay in my mind so often - just a perfect reminder of how MUCH she loved her family. It is one of my most favorite (recent) memories of her - and one I will ALWAYS remember."

*Amber uses the word THAT, which is distancing,
to describe a "reminder" of Amanda's love for her family.

*She stresses this is a "memory".

There is sensitivity here with the repetition of "reminder" and "memory"...and it should be questioned whether this did in fact happen.

"It was finally time for her to go home."

*the word finally can indicate missing time from when the grandparent's dinner started and when it was time for Amanda to go home.

*Amber stays in past tense from her earlier description of Davey being in present tense and Amanda being in past.

"She was holding Weston in her arms as Davey loaded the car."

Amber shares extraneous information here by telling us "Davey loaded the car"..

"I didn't even hug her goodbye because her arms were full, and we would be hanging out again the next day - Tuesday, November 10.

****This sentence is VERY sensitive due to the fact that it is stated in the negative with Amber telling us what was NOT done. She did not hug Amanda.

There is additional sensitivity in Amber offering 2 reasons WHY she was not able to hug Amanda.

Amber emphasizes date

This sentence is extremely sensitive, and I wonder if Amber was not able to hug her because she was not alive at this point.

Amber has already used 2 action verbs to describe Davey's actions at the grandparents house: chase and loaded which have to be viewed as sensitive in light of the victim succumbing to gunshots from a loaded gun, one of which hit her in the back which could suggest she was being chased. Keep in mind, the chas(ing) occurs in the "living room" and Amanda was found in a "living room".

I regret that decision every single day. If only I knew that would be the last time I ever saw my precious sister. It is a moment frozen in time - and one I will ALWAYS remember.

*****This is very sensitive where Amber begins the sentence speaking of regretting not hugging her sister, but then changes gears to describe it as a "moment frozen in time" (which has positive connotations) that "(she) will ALWAYS remember.

******This statement is utterly contradictory where Amber starts off regretting a decision but then describes it in a positive way as "a moment frozen in time" that she will always remember. This raises the question of what exactly was Amanda's status when Amber did not hug her? It cannot be both something she regrets everyday and a moment frozen in time that she will always remember (in a positive way).

One of reason Amber did not hug Amanda is because her "arms were full"...again, seeing as how Amanda was shot in the arm...there is reason to look much closer at this.

HISG said...

Summary of Analysis of Amber Post: Dinner at Grandparent's

To summarize:

Extreme sensitivity surrounding events and possible missing time at grandparent's house.

Extreme sensitivity surrounding Amber not hugging Amanda with Amber recollecting the incident in contradictory nonsensical ways which call the veracity of the statement into question

Sensitive use of verbs "chase" and "loaded" during the last hours spent with the victim to describe actions of someone (Davey) possibly involved in Amanda's murder.

Leslie said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Davey modeling his gay mother's day look.

May 25, 2016 at 7:47 PM
- - -
DB's change of dress has been quite noticeable since Amanda's murder. Although it's the least of his worries, he needs to know to cut the "tacking" off the back opening of his & Weston's jackets:
- - -

Here's the real photo of Davey with a friend on either side, as well as his hands:
- - -
It's sad, but, I don't remember how I used to pass (spare) time before this case....

HISG said...

Alert: These 2 tenses should not be contradicting each other in the "memory"

"I will never forget watching Davey (present tense) chase (present tense) Weston around the living room as Amanda sat (past tense) on the couch and laughed (past tense) - she truly had the BEST laugh."

The memory begins in present tense and should stay in present tense. The changing from present to past mid-memory suggests fabrication.

It also suggests Amanda may have been dead at this point when Amber begins referring to her in past tense.

Anonymous said...

Is there a fake photo of Davey with a friend on either side, Leslie?

HISG said...

The memory should be phrased as "I will never forget watching Davey chase Weston around the living room while Amanda was sitting on the couch laughing-she truly had the BEST laugh".

HISG said...


LMAO! That is a hilarious picture! Wow!
It looks to me like maybe he's slowly coming out of the closet!
That is truly bizarre he would post with his hands on 2 mens' thighs!

I also don't remember what I did with spare time before this case lol!

HISG said...

I love the mother's day pic too shared by anon:

It looks like he's going a little overboard with leg presses at the gym...looks like lower body is getting too muscular...nice pose though...

Leslie said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is there a fake photo of Davey with a friend on either side, Leslie?

May 25, 2016 at 8:36 PM
- - -

Anonymous at 8:36, I was referring to this:

HISG said...
Anon/Me2l wrote

"photography analysis:

From Davey's West Coast Season of Suffering Tour - a smiling Davey seated between two men, with one of his hands on each of their thighs. They're all wearing shorts. Straight men do not pose like this."

Did this really happen or just in your fantasies Me2l?

May 25, 2016 at 7:30 PM
- - -
As Lynda mentioned, DB's most recent blog post appears to actually have been written by him, and not a ghostwriter. He said:

"In other words, my entire life has been built around a false pretense of cause and effect."

Since pretense means:

-an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true

Then false pretense is a double negative,
So, the true meaning=

In other words, my entire life has been built around cause and effect.

Here's hoping that if he played a part in Amanda's murder, there will be a direct and harsh effect.

Me2lloveshisskinnyjeans said...

He looks best in skinny jeans....

Bottle Cap said...


Thanks for your summary at 4:56; I totally agree.

1. The whole "preparing my heart" thing. I don't get it. What is his purpose for saying that? Is it to alleviate guilt over knowing Amanda was going to be murdered? Is it another way of saying he and God are bros? Is it to explain his bizarre reactions after Amanda's murder?

2. He doesn't commit to what he is saying about contentment, but sure is trying to persuade. "Our church would be half the size it is now, and I’m sure most of me would be completely ok with that. No doubt I would be pressing in and trying to get us to reach further as an organization, but Amanda and I had arrived at this place of contentment with where everything was. I think in that moment, surrounded by my little family there would not have been anywhere else I’d rather be."

So he's content with a church of 200?

He's so one-note, the same things over and over and over.

Bobcat said...

"I think in that moment, surrounded by my little family there would not have been anywhere else I’d rather be."

"That moment" would be just long enough to take a perfect family photo and post it online. Then he'd be off to Starbucks or the gym.


"The resurrection means he has ripped away death’s sting because those of us who are followers of Him will likewise be raised with him."

...he (lower case)
...ripped away (as in duct tape?)
...death's "sting"?
...him (lower case)

Anonymous said...

Duct tape??

Bobcat said...

A roll of duct tape was found near Amanda at the crime scene.

"ripped away" could also be clothing...

Leslie said...

Davey's hoping for a "Home Run for Life," while he's living the No More Suffering (by being bogged down in marriage, another baby on the way, responsibilities, financial problems) Life-

gettingnewthreadsforDisney said...

Davey just posted on instagram that there is a sale on for leather Daisy Dukes at TJMaxx.

lynda said...

Bobcat said,

"I think in that moment, surrounded by my little family there would not have been anywhere else I’d rather be."


So DAvey THINKS he would be happy there. He doesn't KNOW, he just THINKS it.

Concerned said...

Bottle Cap,
I don't think we can assume that Resonate has 200 people.
Didn't they have just over 100 on their very best day a couple of years ago?
That would have included babies, little children and teen-agers.
I'd be really surprised if they have 200 "owners" and would not expect they would retain
many of those as Davey may have become somewhat famous/infamous in light of Amanda's death but he hasn't
miraculously become the kind of "pastor" to draw faithful members to his "church".

lynda said...

I rewatched the big presser that was done after Amanda's murder and before anyone was arrested. At one point the Chief talks about Mel the dog saying "We opened the bedroom door" and that's where Mel was. Not in the garage, not in cage, he was shut in the bedroom. Then the Chief whips out a PICTURE of the dog! WTH? It's the strangest thing. The 2 guys standing behind him look pretty grim and unhappy.

HISG said...


That is strange. Is there any proof the dog is still alive? It just seems odd he would hold up a picture of the dog.
Like is the dog present in any of the pics Davey posts post-Amanda's death?

Anonymous said...

He was seen in the yard burying something.

Bingo3 said...

Lynda, with all the time that has passed, it would be interesting to go back and watch the presser. I remember thinking that it was a very, very odd press conference. Also, someone posted about Davey being cleared within 24 hours. Is that true? I knew it was fast but that is crazy! The first time I saw the story "Pastor's pregnant wife killed in home invasion", I thought for sure it was the husband even before watching anything. It almost always is the husband or boyfriend. How could the police be completely sure before they even caught the killers? Do we know there was no questioning or polygraph? When they said he was completely cleared, I thought they must REALLY know he didn't do it. It all changed after his media frenzy, I knew something was not right. He was not just not sad, he looked pleased and pompous.

Leslie said...

The last I read on Amanda's dog, Mel:

"Amanda Cummings, a neighbor who lives just doors from the Blackburns and attends the couple's Resonate Church, has been taking care of Mel, the Blackburns' dog, since the killing."

She was the neighbor that Amanda Blackburn introduced to Christ.

Nic said...

Fm25 said...
Gordon and Watson may not be geniuses, but they don't seem like complete idiots either. They knew Watson shot and killed a young Caucasian woman in her own home, it doesn't take a genius to know that's not going to go over well. And yet they abandoned the car from 1st robbery that night with atm receipts, pink sweater, bag of oranges... Connecting all 3 crime scenes. So even if they left no evidence at the blackburn house, they had 2 other crime scenes they could have left evidence at.

Yes, their actions are in conflict with what we are being lead to believe. I believe their lack of conscience matched their guilt. (They didn't do it, their job was to make their presence *look* like a robbery gone bad.) But Taylor ended up being the victim of insufficient funds. i.e., having to go to a second bank put a wrench in their plan by burning time and therefore being seen.

Here's something to consider: According to the the informant, Taylor, walked out of the Blackburn house and back over to the neighbour's place they had just robbed and where Gordon and Watson were sitting in the car in the drive-way waiting. Taylor gave them a "couple" of cards. (One is only used and there is no mention again of any other cards.)

They first attempt to withdraw $500. Attempt is declined. The second attempt at a second bank is for $400 and they are successful. One receipt was recovered, but I believe they "knew" that the PIN was correct and attempted a few times to syphons funds, which is why Chase security called Amanda's phone. They had to have called someone to find out there was insufficient funds in the account to meet the request. Why else successfully pull $400 at the next bank?

Case in point, in the Affidavit, the informant got his facts wrong when he tells LE that Taylor called them en route to the *first* bank to discuss numbers (plural) before they even try the card. IMO, numbers is PIN *and* balance. (Why not discuss numbers when Taylor handed off "cards" to them in the driveway, i.e., what they would think the PIN # would be?)

*ALSO*, only one card was stolen. Why plural? Could the other card be a business card with the information they would need to syphon their "pay"? As in the reason they kept attempting to withdraw from the first ATM (that they drove up to, so they were not pussy footing around) was because they *knew* the information came from a reliable source.

I think the wallet was moved from where DB said it was, to the kitchen (where the purse was located) because they might have thought they had the wrong card, making Taylor riffle through the wallet... and then Taylor misplaced the wallet by absentmindedly putting it with the purse (in his mind where it belonged,) instead of where it was in the first place (with Amanda).

IMO, Amanda was already shot and the scene staged by the time they arrived.

What I post is my opinion based on public statements and public documents in regards to the Amanda Blackburn case.

snap said...

"how she broke the news to Davey about their new baby"

"about their new baby" Sound like they both already knew of the new baby. Now what is this about the new baby.

Something about the new baby. ?A problem a complication? Maybe. Possibly.

What about the due date? The exact due date. Maybe they were unsure. Maybe they thought it was a month earlier or later.

Davey was twittering about Evie birth date last week. So he knew the exact expected birthdate for the new baby. (He is even milking that.)

He just got back from Israel a couple of weeks ago. Given Perry's very busy schedule, passports, and arrangements, I would be VERY surprised if the trip was not well in the works when Amanda was sacrificed.

Babies can come a little early. And it surely does not look good for Pastor Davey to be off giving sermons on Jesus grounds when the little lady is about to pop.

Also that Bob Goff, that is receiving some friendly thigh time from Davey, supports gay marriage.

Gay is not interesting unless in a part of a motive.

Davey's twitter is ripe; but, it is also telling of how many fools eat from his hands. He knows his audience and sings to them well.

Fm25 said...

So my thoughts on the police are, they got the call from neighbor first that their house had been broken into. So they likely went into it thinking home invasion gone bad. I can't imagine no one would have suspected davey though. I know my first thought was the husband did it, but that was before I knew about the other robberies. After the shooter was arrested I thought I was wrong and I actually felt bad for having suspected the husband. But then davey kept talking and I started watching some of his sermons from before her murder. The more I learned about the case and about davey, the more convinced I became that this was a hired hit. The police didn't have all this information initially. They cleared him 100% before it was prudent to do so. some may suspect him now and for all we know they could be investigating but I wouldn't count on it. The fact that the hit men haven't talked means little to me. I grew up in a culture where there was a lot of organized crime and i think the same principles hold true. Even if they were to talk, they'd need evidence to implicate davey which they likely don't have. I doubt any communications were done by text, davey has access to untraceable cash through resonate, and I'm pretty sure he had the laptop in his gym bag and has disposed of it.

Bobcat said...

"IMO, Amanda was already shot and the scene staged by the time they arrived."

I agree. He is a control freak and wrote that the last time Weston saw Amanda was when she put him to bed.

I think he waited for her to fall asleep and then went into action.

The "workout" could have involved silencing, wrapping, taping, moving, changing sheets, staging, packing evidence into the gym bag etc., all before "grabbing" gym clothes.

There were two shots that missed the mark. I don't think these two shots alone would have stopped a fighting Amanda. How could the execution-style head shot hit a moving, fighting target? I think the duct tape was keeping her in place.

Final staging after/during the phone call with K. Wagner and then he called 911 AS SOON AS HE COULD.

This is pure speculation on my part.

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leslie said...

Per twice the number of worshippers in attendance at Resonate since Amanda's death (Even though most of DB would be ok if the numbers remained half the size, since he and Amanda had "arrived at this place of contentment with where everything was.") The most recent numbers I can find on social media of Resonate's attendance are below (If the # didn't show up in the pictures, I didn't click on it to read his comments. Therefore, I might have missed some). Once again, he seems to be reading criticism and adjusting some of his habits. He's been focusing more on the number of of people who become Christians, and baptisms. Attendance #'s-

364 on Easter, (total of two services):

258 on Feb. 28:

Nic said...

Speculating; in the Affidavit it is reported that a decorative ladder and lamp were knocked over in the living room next to Amanda.

Does anyone think about why Amanda was obviously (in the process of dressing) half dressed when she was 'called' downstairs?

Projecting: if I was mid-dressed and I heard unfamiliar commotion, I would get my pants on lightning fast. I would not be running to danger in just panties.

So would it be much of a leap to consider that she was up before DB left and was in the process of getting ready for the day when he knocked over the ladder himself? IMO she wasn't arriving to confront danger, she was arriving to find out if DB was okay/what was going on.

lynda said:
Amanda ran down the stairs with Taylor behind her, he shoots at her and hits her in the upper back (the bullet had a downward trajectory and it was found imbedded in staircase).

One of the bullets entered and exited her upper back. Whomever the shooter was, they would have had to be in front of her and towering over her for that kind of trajectory. Or, more simply, she would have to be on her knees (bowing with her head down).


Fm25 said...

Reading the prob cause affidavit again. It seems like Dna on pink sweater matching Watson was what led to them being identified. They found watsons phone # through parole ppw and from there they got phone records and pieced everything together. Does anyone know if there was other Dna evidence? i agree with nic, the denied arm transaction upset their plans. That explains why they wanted to leave Taylor and let him take the fall as they were running out of time. Unless I'm missing something it seems they may not have been identified if it weren't for that pink sweater, coincidentally the neighbors favorite pink sweater. The video surveillance released by police was terrible.

Leslie said...

Snap said...

"Gay is not interesting unless in a part of a motive."

True, Snap. There's been a lot of speculation about what Amanda could have learned about Davey, and possibly confronted him about towards the end. We don't know what type of porn he was addicted to, and his laptop was "stolen." I've heard that some gay guys watch heterosexual porn, as they still get to see nude men.

Even if Davey's sexual orientation was not involved in his (possible) motive of Amanda's murder, closeted active gays get used to living lives of deceit. Much of their lives are a "pretense." Although not all habitual liars murder, Peter has pointed out the connection between pathological liars and murderers. Murderers are very practiced liars.

Bobcat said...

"Weston, you need to know your mommy was brave.
She walked you upstairs the night before, sang to you, prayed with you, kissed you and tucked you into bed. And that was the last time you saw her."

If Amanda were already up and in the process of getting dressed, how would DB know that Weston hadn't already seen her that morning?

Were they so strict that they wouldn't even check on him, even if he slept on a rigid schedule?

"And that was the last time you saw her."

And = missing information after she tucked Weston into bed.

Nic said...

Thinking out loud;

(paraphrasing) Who said they were preparing their hearts for what Jesus was "planning" (future tense)

Of all the men who were known to be in that house November 10th, who would "ask" Amanda to kneel and bow before him?

Who said that they presented Amanda to the Lord?


Bobcat said...

It was also odd how he blogged about finding Amanda "kneeling" in prayer (instead of normally "propped up" in bed) after "peering" through doorways to find her on the morning of November 9th.

Anticipation. Anticipa-a-tion.

Nic said...

Fm25 said:
Unless I'm missing something it seems they may not have been identified if it weren't for that pink sweater, coincidentally the neighbors favorite pink sweater. The video surveillance released by police was terrible.

I agree, unless they left DNA elsewhere and there were other CODIS hits not reported within the Affidavit. Also, too, when they arrived in the cul de sac, it was before day break. The sun was rising when Taylor exited the house (presumably) so as to not run into DB or the the neighbour upon their arrival from their shift. Not that he should have known that. (Sarcasm intended.)

When I was reading what they were steeling, I was left with the impression that one of them was "shopping" for their girlfriend/celebratory night together. Pearls, pink sweater and (presuming, good quality) bed sheets.


Nic said...

Bobcat said:
It was also odd how he blogged about finding Amanda "kneeling" in prayer (instead of normally "propped up" in bed)

"On Monday morning, November 9th ... there she was, on both knees, bowing .... Leading the way in surrender."

surrender - submit to authority

"I also believe Amanda is among the martyrs. Do you know why? Because she and I moved up here to reach people just like the people who killed her."

martyr - a person killed because of their religious beliefs.

What did DB say happened to Roman Christians who did not put Nero "FIRST"? They were killed for their religious beliefs.

How does DB know Amanda to be killed for her "religious belief"? The robbery was random!

Why does DB say "just like the people " (at this point he knows who have been arrested for her murder, but he withholds the identity of her killers.) Why distance?

The people who kill martyrs are Nero-esque, per his own reference to Nero and his actions on his blog. The people sitting in jail are thugs/minions/subordinates not "Nero".


Nic said...

Anonymous Bobcat said...
It was also odd how he blogged about finding Amanda "kneeling" in prayer (instead of normally "propped up" in bed) after "peering" through doorways to find her on the morning of November 9th.

Anticipation. Anticipa-a-tion.

He blogged that day after the fact. What he blogged was "memories".

lynda said...

lynda said:
Amanda ran down the stairs with Taylor behind her, he shoots at her and hits her in the upper back (the bullet had a downward trajectory and it was found imbedded in staircase).
Nic said,
One of the bullets entered and exited her upper back. Whomever the shooter was, they would have had to be in front of her and towering over her for that kind of trajectory. Or, more simply, she would have to be on her knees (bowing with her head down).

Nic, I meant that Taylor was at top of stairs and Amanda was on the landing halfway down the stairs. He would have been high above her, pointing the weapon downwards to shoot her, thru and thru shot, lodged in stair baseboard. My theory anyway. We really don't know because they have not released any blood splatter info, I'm sure that would show exactly what happened and where she was shot.

Regardless, that dog would have been going nuts. If you look at aerial map you can see how close houses are together. It is stunning to me that in this small clustered cul-de-sac that no one saw these guys strolling from 2 doors down, to Amanda's house. Nobody saw the guy just sitting in the neighbors driveway waiting. We're talking they were in that space for over an hour! Unbelievable. Did the woman who was robbed 2 doors down notice Davey sitting in his car when she got home? It was November, his car was probably running to keep warm. Davey noticed her because as soon as she came home and went inside, Davey went into his house to and called police 2 minutes after she did. Perfect timing.

Speaking of perfect timing, if you look at PC, Davey was leaving the gym at 7:10 am, which just so happens to be the same time that the thugs were leaving his house.

lynda said...

Amanda was not a martyr. She was a good Christian woman, but she was not murdered for her religious beliefs. DAvey is an idiot when he uses that term to describe what happened to her.

Fm25 said...

Yes, they seemed quite confident of how much time they had on that random cul de sac they chose that morning. God must have spoke to their heart and helped them along. Or something...

Bobcat said...

Nic @ 10:16,

Memories of anticipation?

Nic said...

Bobcat, no, memories (leakage).


Nic said...

Amanda was not a martyr. She was a good Christian woman, but she was not murdered for her religious beliefs. DAvey is an idiot when he uses that term to describe what happened to her.

IMO, DB is leaking information about the kind of person who killed Amanda.

More than once he has described Amanda as a martyr and each time he uses this adjective, he is describing the reason why she died (motive) and the kind of person who would be motivated by putting "her God" first (before or above the killer themselves/Godhead).

He is also revealing the number involved in her killing. (There is only one God.)


Bobcat said...

The thing is...

Even if Amanda had played along and worshipped Davey (role playing - anything goes in the bedroom as long as it is articulated), and still worshipped Jesus...

She and Evie would still be dead.

The pregnancy was the trigger.

Him trying to explain it away reveals so so much.

Please forgive me for hashing/rehashing. I need to get outside and enjoy the weekend!

sore thumb said...

I can't believe anyone would call Taylor a "victim" of anything. He left his DNA on the earlier rape victim. Did his "lack of conscience match his guilt" on that one, too?

I get why people think DB arranged the murder, but I don't get why people are trying to exonerate the three thugs. Why do so many people dismiss the gunshots heard while DB was at the gym? Because it doesn't fit your narrative?

We don't know that the first ATM transaction failed due to insufficient funds. It could have been that the attempted withdrawal was more than was allowed at one time on the account, if Amanda had it set up that way, which is allowed on certain accounts. She received a message from the bank of "suspicious activity."

No one can say the cooperating individual got the facts wrong -- you weren't there! Maybe the CI was right. Or maybe Taylor didn't communicate the events clearly to the cooperating individual. The fantasy writing is starting up again.

When Watson and Taylor robbed the rape victim, they were not in a hurry. Read the affidavit. They only left because something eventually "spooked" them, according to the victim. Taylor took the time to rape the victim with his fingers, later a sex toy, and then spent five minutes raping her with his male appendage -- with no condom. His lack of conscience matched his guilt? I don't freakin think so.

And if the guys "aren't geniuses but not idiots either," wouldn't they have realized they were being set up if Amanda was already shot and dying when they got there? Come on!

Some people seem so desperate to nail DB for this that they're losing sight of reality.

For those asking about other DNA evidence: the thugs were drinking beer at the neighbor's house, so I'm sure they left DNA on the bottles, too. I'm also willing to bet Taylor and Watson's fingerprints were found at the Blackburn house.

These guys aren't "victims." Sorry to disappoint some of you. They will spend many years in jail for this.

Bobcat said...

"When Watson and Taylor robbed the rape victim, they were not in a hurry. Read the affidavit. They only left because something eventually "spooked" them, according to the victim. Taylor took the time to rape the victim with his fingers, later a sex toy, and then spent five minutes raping her with his male appendage -- with no condom."

I hate to bring this up because I know this rape /robbery victim/participant has had a very troubled life...

What is she up to today?

This robbery/rape didn't fit the normal mold either. It was late in the day (not while people were at work), and the victim had just showered (perhaps to prepare herself?). There was no rush.

Was it planned to tie into the "string" of crimes leading up to Amanda?

Nic said...

Even if Amanda had played along and worshipped Davey (role playing - anything goes in the bedroom as long as it is articulated), and still worshipped Jesus...

She and Evie would still be dead.

Technically you're right. IMO, there is a difference between "worship" (idolize), "submit" and "surrender".

If DB asked her to abort, and if she refused to "obey" (get rid of the baby/thou *shall* kill), then she would be putting Jesus/God first, by not breaking the rules established by another. She would not be submissive "to" DB. She would not be surrendering "to" DB. She would not be sacrificing "for" DB. She would be obeying God and JC.

If he was the one who killed Amanda, he could use the words of a man he holds in contempt (he is above JC) to justify his actions:

Romans- we all sin (being human we are not perfect and are expected (my word) to sin), the save being that all our sins are forgiven through our believe in JC, "the saviour".

If he were to do this, then he would be rewriting the Devine word. He being above JC and above God, he would allow Amanda to live if she "killed"; which, is how I believe Amanda would see aborting her baby: killing a precious life. But DB would forgive her if she sacrificed her baby for him, thereby making her agenda his agenda. If would not, she would be giving her life for his agenda.

What I post is my opinion and hypothesis based on my interpretation and analysis of biblical references and public statements of DB.

Nic said...

sore thumb said;
I can't believe anyone would call Taylor a "victim" of anything. He left his DNA on the earlier rape victim. Did his "lack of conscience match his guilt" on that one, too?

I was being ironic.

Bobcat said...

Nic @ 12:41,

Thank you for your careful interpretation!

HISG said...

SA says she was shot the night before the burglary. The "memory"/"reminder" of Amanda watching Davey chase Weston...the only "happening" at the dinner is stated in mixed tenses...where Davey's actions are in present tense...Amanda is referred to in past tense...this means the "memory" is fabricated. Amber has knowledge of what happened to Ananda.
Davey telegraphed exactly what would happen...he killed her. There were NO strange fingerprints in the house! There is no proof/evidence the thugs were in the house

Also "ripping off the sting of death"

"ripping off": duct tape...stealing
"sting"....police sting

I wonder did cops have Davey's back?

HISG said...

Also, the reason Davey says things had gone "horrifically wrong" is because Amanda was laying there not dying for a LONG time..many hours.

Fm25 said...

Anonymous sore thumb said...
For those asking about other DNA evidence: the thugs were drinking beer at the neighbor's house, so I'm sure they left DNA on the bottles, too. I'm also willing to bet Taylor and Watson's fingerprints were found at the Blackburn house.
You would think they would have gotten dna off the beer bottles, but yet only the pink sweater is mentioned in the probable cause affidavit. If there was other Dna evidence, id love to know. If there wasn't, then these guys were very careful in what evidence was left. Really only enough to link the crime scenes and steer suspicion away from davey. The delay with ATMs may be why they got sloppy toward the end there. For the record, I don't think these guys are victims. I also never bought into the theory that db pulled the trigger, although nic makes some good points for that argument. If I recall the neighbors only heard 2 gunshots and Taylor only mentioned 2 shots.

Bobcat said...

"Was (the rape/robbery one week prior) it planned to tie into the "string" of crimes leading up to Amanda?"

I'm quoting myself.
DB has talked about the back side of a quilt with all kinds of strings (thinking about loose ends?), when flipped over, is a beautiful masterpiece.
He is proud of his work.

Nic said...

Bobcat said...
"Was (the rape/robbery one week prior) it planned to tie into the "string" of crimes leading up to Amanda?"

I'm quoting myself.
DB has talked about the back side of a quilt with all kinds of strings (thinking about loose ends?), when flipped over, is a beautiful masterpiece.
He is proud of his work.

I love this. (Creator)

Anonymous said...

Blaming the rape victim now, bobcat? Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

You're right bobcat, maybe it is time for you to go outside for some fresh air.

Nic said...

sore thumb said:
I get why people think DB arranged the murder, but I don't get why people are trying to exonerate the three thugs. Why do so many people dismiss the gunshots heard while DB was at the gym? Because it doesn't fit your narrative?

Speaking for myself, I don't think DB "arranged" the murder. I don't believe the three thugs killed Amanda, either. I believe they were hired to make it look like Amanda was murdered because of a home invasion/robbery. I also believe they are guilty of B&E, robbery and at least in one instance, rape. But I don't believe they killed Amanda.

DB being at the gym most certainly fits my narrative, because I don't believe that the thugs killed Amanda.

The gunshot times were approximate. And actually, (projecting,) did the person who heard the shots, wear glasses and upon being woken thought they were seeing a 6 instead of a 5? i.e., the first shot forcing them awake and hearing the screams and subsequent two shots? I know of what I speak (not being able to see the my digital clock clearly without my glasses.) But nobody knows for certain because the Affidavit doesn't say. I couldn't image the person cited wouldn't be called to witness when it's time, so we'll find out eventually.

"We don't know that the first ATM transaction failed due to insufficient funds. It could have been that the attempted withdrawal was more than was allowed at one time on the account, if Amanda had it set up that way, which is allowed on certain accounts. She received a message from the bank of "suspicious activity."

Yes it could. (I have my kids' accounts set up that way.) As a matter of fact, my nephew tried to make a purchase and his debit card was "declined" (he had forgotten an earlier purchase.) The response to his request to purchased "declined". Still, the thugs automatically went for the max usually allowed for one day and as a result Amanda's card was "declined". In banking terms that means that there are not enough funds to fulfill the request (via a correct PIN).

I have also received suspicious activity calls from my bank security. It means that the behaviour use is out of character and they want to verify the activity. (Tripped by a computer.) There was only one slip found, but I don't believe one attempt to withdraw $500 would trip the computer to warn her.

No one can say the cooperating individual got the facts wrong -- you weren't there!

Were you? :0) Their facts don't make sense, especially if they didn't get what they wanted from the first ATM.

His lack of conscience matched his guilt? I don't freakin think so.

You are speaking of a completely different crime than I am. I'm referring to any guilt associated with Amanda's murder. As in, *in my opinion*, they are ambivalent because *in my opinion* they didn't kill her. I didn't say they were not guilty. And the use of "victim" was in terms of being ironic, as in they being "duped".

wouldn't they have realized they were being set up if Amanda was already shot and dying when they got there

Only if they were not told what they would see ahead of time. The two in the car ran into "unforeseen" problems getting paid. The other one was ultimately abandoned, left to loiter the neighbourhood until the first two were ordered to pick Taylor up.

Some people seem so desperate to nail DB for this that they're losing sight of reality.

Actually, what I posted was based on cell phone records reported in the Affidavit/narrative of the Affidavit itself.

Nic said...

wouldn't they have realized they were being set up if Amanda was already shot and dying wh

I forgot to add that if they felt they were walking into a set-up, they had ample opportunity to turn on heel, wipe the door knob of their prints and vamoose. They did not.


HISG said...

Amber KNOWS what happened...I think she was there when it happened.

The shooter "chase(d)" Amanda down the stairs...obviously...she was shot in the back and the bullet was embedded in staircase. What is the last thing Amber notes seeing Amanda do? Watching Davey "chase" Weston. Coincidence?

Amber sees Davey "loading" the car.
Might she have seen him "load" the gun?
And "load" his gym bag into the car?

Think of ALL the different verbs Amber could have potentially used to describe Davey's actions at GP....
playing, eating, helping, talking, joking, smiling etc etc etc

But she chose the verbs "chase" and "loading".

She describes the happenings in a "living room'".
The happening is described in mixed tenses.
Amber cannot hug Amanda bc her "arms are full".
She also would not be able to hug Amanda if Amanda had been shot in the arm, back, head and was lying in a pool of blood.

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