Thursday, May 19, 2016

Amanda Blackburn Murder Part Three: Ideology and Deception

While pregnant, Amanda Blackburn and her pre born child were murdered.  
The husband, Davey, made many statements and was interviewed on television shortly after the murder.  

 Police eventually arrested and charged 3 gang members with her murder.

Blackburn, as husband, had a strong alibi:  he was at the gym when the home invasion and murder took place. 

 It appears that he was not polygraphed

His language shortly after the murder shocked the public.   

I have heard two dismissals of Blackburn's words, both using the ideology:

1.  He did not grieve his losses and concentrated on numbers because he loves lost souls so much.  

This was to defend his bizarre language using the ideology.

the second is equally wrong:

2.  His language was due to his ideology.  It is not that he is showing guilt, or even a need to be found among others in a plurality to assuage guilt, it is just that he sees himself and his 'god' in such close proximity that it went into the intuition of pronouns. 

Both of these claims dismiss the analysis due to the ideology that Blackburn affirms.   

Both of these claims are wrong as I will exhibit in this lengthy article about ideology.  

To understand much of the language used by the victim's husband in the Amanda Blackburn murder, it is essential to grasp the ideology.  This is true in any analysis, though it is often not noticed until a cold case is presented:

Ideology; culture; behavior; language.  The language is not reality, but the subject's verbalized perception of reality.  

I will give an overview (general) of the ideology first, 
then, I will raise the question:  

Is the husband's affirmation of this ideology done in a deceptive manner? 

 Lastly, I will bring forth analysis of his language, while referencing the ideology in a separate article. 


Why the need to show the ideology first?

It is more than to just understand his language; which is important enough. 

There is something far more important in this murder case where the statistics tell us that when a pregnant woman is murdered, the number one suspect is the husband/father of the child. 

Much of what the victim's husband has said has been dismissed due to the ideology that produced it.  This is to show ignorance, both of criminal analysis, and of the personality embracing a specific ideology who deliberately exploits it.   Here, we will take a basic look at the ideology and then the subject's view towards the ideology and how this may impact the analysis.  

The central question is this:

Is the subject honest or  deceptive, regarding his use of the religious ideology that he publicly espouses?

Is he honest about it?  This is vital for analysis of this case; not is he 'incorrect' about any part of the ideology, but is he deliberately altering, deleting, adding, or outright changing that which he states is unalterably divine?  To affirm divine origin is not only to affirm inerrancy, but it is to hold something to a level of "sacred"; that is, set apart from all else.  

Is he, somehow, deceptive, which means, 'knowingly' changing the ideology for a specific purpose. Is this purpose narcissistically based? 

 If so, it provides strong insight into his personality and subsequent language.  

In researching this element, these factors must be present:

*The ideology must be believed (and stated) to be of divine origin.  This means it is unchanging truth, given to us by God, and cannot be changed or altered to fit human opinion.  Truth, by definition, is not impacted by external influences, including time.  For what I am looking for here, the premise must be that the ideology of the victim's husband is that it is divine truth which cannot be altered.  

What type of personality element can claim that their ideology is of divine origin yet alter it, or even have a need to alter its presentation, in spite of believing it to be divine? 

*The alteration must not an error, misunderstanding, or disagreement.  The alteration must be deliberate.  

If one says "this ideology is divine" and then adds, subtracts or does any alteration of it, in application, presentation, or core belief, the personality is being revealed to the audience, and where the self places his view in comparison to divinity.  In a murder case, it is vital.  

It is as to say, "God is good; but I, that is, me, myself, I am better" in a sense of narcissism that is all but impossible to contain, even by the most talented egotists.  The filter simply gives way once he enters the free editing process of speech where he chooses his own words.  

Question for consideration:  Does Blackburn alter the ideology, in any way, to fit a specific agenda that belongs uniquely to him?

This alteration can be in design, scope, presentation or application, but it must be deliberate, of which I offer a few examples, which would then allow us to gain some insight into the personality.  

We also need to have a basic grasp of the ideology to understand the language in a deeper, more concise manner for the purpose of analysis.  

By understanding the ideology, we may be given insight into personal conflict within the victim's husband.  

This now will give you insight into the element within the personality.  We must step  back in ideology, and then on to the subject's variant on this ideology including any cultural 'adjustment' or compatibility towards it.  This, alone, will provide insight into the personality and temperament of the one person who has done much to foster suspicion that he is connected to the murder, though the case may be 'closed' by police. 

Please consider that everyone is under the influence of an ideology whether we embrace it or not.  

If you were raised in "Western civilization", Judeo Christianity, as an ideology, shaped your own thinking, inherited from your parents, who inherited this from their parents, and so on, regardless of the element of "faith" or personal conviction. Even if you do not believe in either Judaism or Christianity, you are a product of a Judeo-Christian culture, that is, the practical and measurable outworking from the ideology from the Bible. 

 It does not mean you believe in the Bible nor claim to be Jewish or Christian.  It means you were raised in a culture that had its roots in the Bible's ideological positions, even as, generationally, the culture shifts further and further away from it.  Today, it may be fair to estimate, Judeo Christian ideology is no longer the influence it has been, but in many ways, it is even despised, even as some have altered it to make it culturally compatible.  Yet, even in a 'post Christian' generation, its influence remains with us.  The fascinating element of this alteration is that they still claim the ideology to be "divine", meaning, it needs no change, no dressing up, no persuasion, and so on, to be relevant because the divine message, if divine, is perfection, and without "need to persuade" found outside itself.  

In other words, if it is divine, those who alter it, even if in presentation, are showing great weakness.  They either do not believe it is divine, or...

they note that 'divinity needs help' and you can guess just who it is who is bright enough to offer divinity a hand.  

Now, if divinity 'needs help', can you guess the personality that is willing to 'fix divinity' to make it relevant or culturally compatible today?

This is essential in understanding the history of thought (and language) and where specific arguments come from.  

For example, if you dwell in relative safety between your neighbors on the left and neighbors on the right, this may be due to a cultural external adherence to "thou shalt not" of Judeo Christian thought.  To dismiss this as 'common sense' is to deny one's own history and to show ignorance of how others, in other cultures, think about this.  

Here is a more practical and easier to spot example:  

While at work, when you are insulted or humiliated and withhold your anger, it is as a result of culture which was shaped by an ideology that prized self-governing of your emotions.  You presented an idea at your work in which one person disagreed and when you asked him why he disagreed, he ridiculed your appearance, or some arbitrary position, while avoiding giving any practical reason for his disagreement.  

You remained silent and were viewed as 'strong' in your position; admired by coworkers. 

Other ideologies (and the subsequent cultures) would not admire you for your restraint, but would hold you in contempt for your weakness.  This is a basis of the Islamic ideology and its impact upon eastern culture.  What we saw in Cologne was not so much misogyny, (though rape is) but a powerful contempt of European men who are incapable or unwilling to protect their women, lest they be called names such as 'racist' or 'right wing' or now, the new insult, 'nationalist.'

The same event has two very different opinions due to differing cultures, which are due to very different ideologies which impacted the cultures.  

When you show a sense of justice; you are not a 'blank slate' of 'new ideas' but as a result of your upbringing, your parents' upbringing, their parents' upbringing, and so on and how they were influenced by the world around them.   Example:  

The 'West' loves children.  Think of 'nativity' scenes where they bow down before a child in a manager, and how they talk of childhood innocence and such.  This is juxtaposed next to Islamic nations where children are human shields, strapped with bombs, or used for propaganda purposes by migrants.  

This photo is upsetting to the western mind.  To the Islamic mind, there is nothing wrong, nor inappropriate about it, and they question why this would upset any western male.  To them, it is the cultural outworking of the Koran's teaching of the value of woman.  

Iconic photo of Islamic culture invading Europe 

All throughout northern Africa, the middle east and parts of Asia, women and children are denigrated culturally even though these are different peoples, nations, tribes and languages. What is the common denominator?  The ideology;  Islam.  

Westerners project their culture onto a people who hold the ideology of the west in contempt.  It does not work. 

Let's take a look in American culture and ideology and see the waning influence of Judeo-Christian thought. 

Another example is the Titanic Society that heralded the "women and children first" ideology that is distinctly opposite of the dominant Islamic ideology that encompasses much of the world.  The notion that "women and children" are placed first is due to the physical weakness of both.  Rather than "survival of the fittest" (including Marxism today), the distinctly Judeo-Christian thought is that when one is given strength, he is expected to sacrifice his strength to protect those without.  This was the historical definition of "masculinity" that arose from the ideology.  A "patriarchal" society, in this definition, meant that the male sacrifices for the female.  It has been redefined to mean male exploitation of the female, as ancient ideological beliefs are now replaced with "more progressive" beliefs, which are not, as claimed, new to history.  

Here is a rather superficial example, yet for analysis, it is important. 

In the late 50's, Elvis shook his hips on TV and was roundly condemned for being "vulgar" because the culture (outworking of ideology) felt that sex was personal and private.  The word "obscene" means 'off-stage' or 'private.'  Today, this same video clip is used for humor to ridicule another culture.  It was not that sex was wrong, it was private and the performer was mimicking in public that which the culture held as private.  It was 'in the wrong place' but not wrong, itself.  
Not exactly Madonna's dog 

Let's say you were assigned a cold case of a murder where the subject was a young teenager when he heard his parents' anger at Elvis on The Ed Sullivan Show.  He was impacted by something you are not impacted by.  You need to enter the 'shoes' of the subject who was raised to believe that Elvis was, in deed, vulgar, though you, the reader/analyst, may not personally agree.  If you cannot 'see' what the subject 'sees', you might completely miss valuable elements.  This was the recent work done by our top analysts in a cold case murder investigation of which I expect a conviction.  

When a pregnant woman is murdered, statistics point to the husband/boyfriend/father of the child.  

To understand the language of Davey Blackburn, look at:

1.  The ideology
2.  The culture
3.  His public reaction to the ideology
4.  His public reaction to the culture 
5.  Any contempt of the ideology.  

Remember: he is a professional public speaker.  His business is that he sells an ideology and has stated his desire to see his audience grow.    

Then, take yet another look at his language:  It is intended to be understood.  When he was alone, and used the word "we", it was not a signal of psychosis, nor was it a belief that it was him and Jesus.  This is a bit of a journey, but for those who wish to learn analysis, it is indispensable.  It is why I have been prompting study of Islamic ideology, Islamic culture, and the criminal outworking of both.  It is an excellent exercise for those who wish to become analysts.  Listen to Dr. Nicolai Sennels, for example, as a criminal psychologist who treats Muslim men in Dannish prisons.  He was given an amazing education over the years as he learned that their thinking and subsequent impulse was nothing like his own nor the average European.  I disagree, personally, with some of his ideology, but respect his study.  

Those who, for example, can only project their own thought and culture, cannot work cold cases from yesteryear when culture was different from our own. (they fail for a variety of reasons not listed here but of the same theme:  projection).  The dramatic shift (rapidity) today, whether due to political influences and/or the speed of transmission of information, means we must adapt to analyze.  

You must hear Blackburn from Blackburn's own language. 

I ask readers to attempt to understand this ideology apart from any personal belief or faith.  No disrespect is intended in the language, nor in the punctuation.  It is an attempt to bring understanding and clarity to 'enter into the shoes of the subject.'  


I would like all readers to consider, for this analysis,  that Judaism and Christianity are utterly false superstitious stories in an attempt to explain that which cannot be explained, though every human asks the question as to "why" they are in existence.  I want them to view the ideology separate from belief, faith, loyalty, and so on.  This is an exercise for analysis and it is about moving deeply into language; language nurtured by culture, born of ideology.  It is a hypothetical exercise, similar to what we do in expectation to every statement we approach.  

 What you are being asked to do is this:

Is Davey Blackburn, husband of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, true to the ideology he sells, or is he one who knowingly and purposefully does 'violence' to the ideology to pursue his own personal goals and agenda? 

This is not "Is Blackburn perfect?" as a question.  No human is. 
This is not "Is Blackburn correct in his understanding?" as a question. 

 The best human beings fail in all things in life.  These failures are spectacularly published when one claims to be a Christian though they are the failures that the accusers, themselves, participate in without public reproach.  

 When you meet a perfect family, you are meeting one that hides their frailties well.  When you hear of the perfect marriage, you are hearing elements of fiction.  The Bible's books that are biographical are considered unique as they never present anyone (sans Christ) in a perfect (or even good) light whereas biographies throughout history have traditionally been white washed, lest they are "tabloid tell alls" of today.  

We are in a murder case analysis. 

 It matters not if we disagree about this understanding or that understanding.  We are interested in his understanding, the subject, himself, and what he does (or does not) do with it.  I see the evidence of emotion in the comments of this case. There is deep shame, embarrassment, anger over misrepresentation, as well as the usual anger of believing this to be a miscarriage of justice. 

The Basic Ideology 

It is difficult in choosing the distinctives within this ideology, so I have chosen some basics, and, most deliberately, I have chosen some that are provocative as they are in direct opposition to what is culturally accepted today.  This is vital to our analysis:  where the ideology is in conflict with popular opinion today. 

Short Historical Sketch 

In the middle east, a man of no renown, education, money, nor place in society, stepped into the pages of history and made stupendous and exhaustively intolerant claims.  This was more than 20 centuries ago, predating modern methods of communication, including the printing press, cameras, video and the internet.  Word of mouth and carefully copied parchments alone would rehearse his biography and ideology. 

He claimed that the entire religion of the tiny nation of Israel, "Judaism" was all about him.  He claimed to be present at creation where it is written "Let us make man in our image" (Elohim, plural), in the establishment of all living things.  He claimed that each book in the collection of ancient works that had been used to construct the tiny nation's laws, were written about him and that each ceremony and even historical event, reflected, mirrored or had at its essence, him. He claimed that predictions made, over the course of centuries, in different languages and by different authors, was accurately fulfilled in him, from his birth, exact geographical location, chronology,  betrayal, trial, to the actual detailed forensics of his death, hundreds of years prior to the event.  He claimed to be the unique fulfillment of every prediction.   

To have such an impact as He has, we note his His career was very short; about 3 years.  He claimed not simply to know God, but to be God, as the unique Son, and this, his view point, was utterly intolerant. He claimed to be the exclusive avenue of access to God and that every other means was to indicate deception and fraud.  

He also made historical predictions, including the destruction of the famous temple, and the utter description of Jerusalem, 70 AD, by Titus of Rome, giving both dating and detail which, 40 years later, happened as predicted.  

He gave revolutionary ideas to the small crowds and the distinctions are well known.  Justice would be limited and mercy endorsed.  We grew up, whether we believed (faith) in this ideology or not, influenced by it.  Our nation was founded upon its influence and its influence was in all of the textbooks of the schools, as well as in the legal language of the founding (s) of the country.  Oaths of allegiance were sworn to him by those elected as rulers and even in the legal language of colony, territory and state constitutions, he was referenced. 

He taught and upheld the Old Testament (Judaism) and His explanation of its meaning, pointing to Himself as the fulfillment of all the promises, and then gave explicit instruction to 12 men to spread His message.  He predicted his trial, death and that he would live again.  

On the third day after his illegal trial and execution, eye witnesses claimed to have seen him, at different times, and by different numbers of eye witnesses.  This added a little more than a month to his overall short career.

This poor obscure blue collar man from the middle of nowhere, 20 centuries ago,  claimed to be complete "king" over every nation on earth.  His rule was also laid out:  his followers were to spread His ideology by example of doing good to others, with the consequence of rejection being eternal rejection, but not temporal, nor violent.   

The entire Western world was forged with this powerful and revolutionary ideology.  To "treat one as you want to be treated" was, in history, something that was revolutionary and in lands where it was accepted, progress was seen.   The list of "thou shalt nots" put great restraint upon mankind.  Even the "eye for a eye" was shocking, as it limited justice in a most violent and dark world.  He predicted that his followers would be hated and persecuted, which began in earnest shortly after his death and was the norm for more than 300 years where those who held to this ideology suffered horrific deaths.  Even so, the ideology grew. 

  He was obscure and his local fame, numerically small, was resented by politicians and religious leaders who felt the best way to end the revolution was to kill him.  This became the norm for society, including the powerful Roman empire who would, for hundreds of years, make those who embraced (faith, belief) the obscure man's ideology, targets for violent and cruel death.  Eventually, a merger of his ideology and Roman culture took place.  

How violent was the world outside of this ideology?

Did you see the movie, "Gladiator"?  In one seen, after a brutal battle in which the Roman legion invaded Europe for the purpose of exploitation, the lead character, a general, was asked what he wanted to do next in life.  He stated that he wanted to go home and raise crops with his wife and son, of whom he had not seen at length.  As an invader of foreign lands, he said that he had "seen the rest of the world and Rome is the light!" 

Rome had many Jewish slaves and were influenced by the ideology that came from Israel.  If you view the complex ceremonial descriptions you see the basic ingredients of soap, for example.  In the movie, we view Rome as 'horribly violent' with the multitudes enjoying violence as entertainment and the brutal chattel slavery as its norm.  Yet, this movie had much historical and linguistical accuracy.  Rome, which had brutal slavery, was not as dark as the rest of the world. The ancient world was far more violent.  As the Judeo-Christian ideology spread, things changed, but where there was little or no Judeo-Christian ideology there was almost indescribable brutality.  
The search for Dr. Livingstone

Early slave traders, fame seekers, missionaries and those who simply loved exploration, wrote first hand accounts of African villages that is close to being unreadable.  The writers were of varying motive, which makes it better for us to read, but what did they write?  What was the world outside of this ideology like?  A typical description of a village in Africa, for example, showed that slavery was the norm, with 70% of a village in slavery, and that food stores had specific meat selling, with human meat being the most expensive.  One slaver-wanna be wrote that he watched a fat girl run through a pathway where men jumped her, tore her apart, and ate her alive.  Another wrote that one wealthy owner was having friends over for a dinner and did not have enough meat.  His most loyal slave volunteered to be the host's main course, due to his 'devotion' to his master.  

They found no books, no poetry, no literature, no plays, theaters, hospitals, nor schools, and this was similar wherever in the continent they landed.  Missionaries lamented that they could not convince the native Africans "thou shalt not kill", as it seemed bizarre and silly to them.  The cruelty they exhibited one to another, especially to children, was unwatchable, but it was their norm. If a baby developed teeth in one side of her mouth before the other, she would have to brutally killed to appease the 'gods' they feared.  Although locale by locale the beliefs changed, brutality and filth, with little reverence for life, was the same.  The white man who came as a missionary was targeted by the Africans because, they learned quickly, he was destructive to the lucrative slave trade.  He was targeted by Africans, Arab slave traders, and European slave traders besides the general danger from cannibalism that was the norm in the entire continent.  Please consider the number of missionary deaths, including family, as well as their testimony of celebration over just one convert to their ideology.  This is something Christians point back to proudly, and must be compared to Blackburn's anger at his followers' failure to meet his pre-set target for numbers "even though" some people professed conversion.  This was stated in the form of minimal comparison, structurally.  It also showed what topic (failure) would produce the pronoun "I" for him.  

If European descendants wish to consider themselves superior to the Africans, one only need to consider some of the testimonies of the Roman invaders to see filth, brutality, and 'the law of the jungle', that is, the survival of the strongest, to know that my background, Irish, for example, without the influence of Judeo-Christian ideology, was as brutish as any other in Europe, which was similar to the barbaric African.  

In fact, this beginning is something we all share in common.   

As this obscure middle eastern man's ideology spread, it was accepted, in measure; (some higher measure, some lower), while some mixed with the local culture.  Improvement in life was slow, but steady, with some setbacks, errors and then recoveries.  

Yet, today, the world around us has been utterly shaped by the ideology presented, so much so, that it divided the world into 2 basic parts:  those areas that accessed his ideology and those which did not.

In general, those that had this ideology went on to create "Western civilization" with advances completely beyond any and everything else, especially at the major turning point of the Reformation, including:

Equal rights,  innovation, freedom, Shakespeare, Architecture, Music, Bach and Beethoven, justice, dignity, human rights, and led to the most bizarre human experiment ever conducted;  the founding of a new nation, of all immigrants, that would come to, in short order, be the most dominant and powerful nation in history. This was unprecedented.  America stood alone having its foundation from the flow of intelligence out of England, where the early charters of the settlements (colonies, states) professed loyalty to the single middle eastern man who lived almost 2000 years prior, and had the short, 3 year career.

It is interesting to note that innovation, itself, is prized by western civilization, while Islamic nations see the 7th century as the "golden age" and hold no noble thoughts of innovation, outside of pragmatism.  

This does not mean that everyone was Christian, nor even claimed to be,  but that the basic ideology drove the general population, while the nations and continents that did not have this ideology, did not advance, but remained well behind, impoverished, rife with criminal violence, and so on.  The "Protestant Work Ethic" became a driving force of innovation and the age of exploration was fueled not only by the desire for wealth, but under this sole man's marching orders to spread his message to the utter parts of the world.  Some went out to spread the message, while others, under the guise of spreading the message, went for wealth, no matter how gained, including theft and murder. 

In history, killers and despots have used the ideology to justify killing and abuse, but this, too, was in contradiction to the ideology.   Even the rules of engagement in war, how Prisoners of War were to be treated, and how treaties would be conducted,  were influenced by this  ideology.

It is interesting, for example, to listen to UK's comedian Pat Condell, as he decries the illogical destruction of his homeland by criminal  Islamic ideology and feminism's castrative impact.  

Listen to his reasoning on his pointed you tube videos and watch his argument develop:  

He takes Judeo Christian ideology and employee it to argue why Islam is counter productive and when his argument is complete, (and successful) he turns and condemns Judeo Christianity.  He borrows from it, has inherited a culture influenced by it, and speaks its language, while then condemning it.  Again, coming from the position of historical thought, it is fascinating, and another example of a talented performing intellectual narcissist making videos to analyze.  

The Middle Eastern Man's Morals

It can be argued as such:  if there is no god, and jesus was a liar, and all of this simple superstition, history  has never produced a more conducive ideology for prosperity, freedom, health and safety than the ideology that the obscure middle eastern man presented 20 centuries ago.   

As an atheist, who would you rather live next door to?

One who 'knows' that the only possible consequence from breaking into your house is the possibility of getting caught by police or...

The one who not only fears the same consequence of being caught by police, but has a 'superstitious' belief that in doing so, he will be punished when he dies?  

In Statement Analysis in hiring, we have a visible barrier to theft and exploitation:  video cameras, eye witnesses, forensic computer footprints, and so on.  

It is not enough.

We see those who also have the invisible barriers, such as the tender conscience, taught in childhood, that theft and exploitation are morally wrong, and have a negative internal consequence upon the employee.  

The results for businesses are amazing; not just less theft, but less unemployment, less fraudulent claims, and an increase in morale, which leads to an increase in sales.  

While young and strong, it is easy to dismiss anything about the afterlife; but not so easy when one gets older, as the philosophers lament and envy those of faith, while in advanced years, getting older, slower, with more limitations, aches, pains and ability to enjoy life; looking forward to...nothing.  This is why I wrote earlier, that the question of "why?" in life is asked by all thinking human beings.  

It is fair to say that Jesus Christ was either Who He said He was, or he is history's greatest liar and perpetrator of fraud.  Please presuppose in the analysis that the victim's husband asserts the former.  

This is an overview of the ideology publicly espoused and used in business by the victim's husband.  I wish for readers, again, to separate themselves from belief or faith and consider the business side:

The husband of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, works full time to sell the ideology of the middle eastern man, for a living.  Like most men, he works, and wants to be successful in what he does.  This is a 'neutral' for analysis.  In analyzing employment applications, we look for employment motive:  earning money, building a resume, gaining experience, and so on, are all appropriate motives for seeking a job.  In the case of Blackburn, he has spoken extensively about this business aspect:

He has allowed us to know, in analysis, what his priority is.  This will be revisited in the actual analysis of the statements, but it is easy to assert now, to anyone who has either listened to him or read his statements, his priority is numerical success in his business.  It was in his most immediate statement made to his "fans" (his word) when Amanda was murdered, and it was not only analyzed as a priority due to order, but repetition and context.  It is an overwhelming priority, so much so, that it, alone, caught the attention of the public with such questions as, "How could he be talking about publicity for his church while his wife's killers are on the loose?" and "Why does he care about these things while his baby is murdered and...?"  and so on.  

The defense is to use the middle eastern man's ideology, is it not?  Have we not heard something along these lines?  "He is so concerned for the souls of others that he concentrates..."?  

Have we not heard dismissal where some say he is so 'delusional and lost in religion that you cannot take his words seriously'?

These are two attempts to discredit the analysis of the murder case; one from within, and the other from without, the ideology itself.  

Deception Within the Ideology

What about those who "change the rules"?

There have been murderous rulers who have committed atrocities in the name of the ideology but in doing so, they were deceptive.  They were not commanded in the ideology to steal and if you get beyond the propaganda of wars, you will find at all the non Islamic wars there was a consistency beneath motive:


Money, land, power...Greed.

"I will have my tariffs!" from Lincoln, led to 600,000 dead.  Eventually, the argument from tariffs went to "save the union" and eventually slavery.  Lincoln's racist statements are all but forgotten in history books today, and even the Emancipation Proclamation is edited for not fitting the narrative today.  

 England had freed its slaves without the need for bloodshed.  

"We need living space!"  Hitler, though he began with a false flag bearing in Poland and had to "intervene" to "save" the innocents.  If you were a citizen of Germany in 1939, you read daily accounts that made your blood boil with anger:  innocent German citizens being attacked by criminal elements within Polish society, manipulated by Polish aristocracy, while Jews were profiting from the blood shed.  You believed main stream media and you wanted your government to intervene.  You knew nothing of Hitler's plans of theft and death.  (Another good reason to study deception detection)

Generally, but not always, the invader or aggressor, was the guilty party, and generally, too, was the quest for wealth, including power that generates wealth, or land that generates wealth.  Religion becomes the pre text and cover for greed. 

This is to go directly against all those unique "thou shalt nots" in Judeo Christian ideology.  If you live in relative peace thinking that while you are at work that your neighbors will not enter your home and steal, it is because an ideology of "thou shalt nots" became part of a culture and even if only superstition, you have benefited from it. 

If you argue that this cultural or ideological influence is in wane, you are not going to meet many who will disagree.  It is said that "Democracy only works" with people of good will.  Your neighbor may not break into your house and steal, but he might hack your computer and steal, or file a false lawsuit against you as the influence is in retreat.  Prisons filled, and once where the Protestant Work Ethic meant personal, internal responsibility, socialism and government dependency re-defines what "compassion" is, for the purpose of voting blocks.  

Judaism gave the origin of marriage, plainly, by painting a portrait of nature, with first plant life, bearing "seed after its kind", so that an orange tree reproduced an orange tree, and then on to animals, so that a horse would "bring forth after its kind", a 'baby' horse.  Then it was time for man in the creation account of this ideology, with "woman" taken from the man, with the pronunciation of what marriage is.  "Therefore a man shall leave his family and cling to his wife and they shall be one..."

Marital laws have, in following this, not only affirmed this definition but added limits (which came from the same ideology) including any union that would harm the offspring, such as siblings.  

The very word "husband" only works as it relates to one created to react to the design of the male.  In statement analysis, it is a dependent word, indicating that while used, another thought is in play.  One can "husband" only a female, with scientific reciprocal physiology; physically and emotionally, in the historical and creative definition of "marriage."  

We, today, have re-defined the word "marriage" as a cultural shift.  It puts things into perspective:

The middle eastern man's ideology affirms the definition of marriage as "one man and one woman" exclusively.  If you make public claim to represent this man's ideology (which presupposes Divine Authorship) yet are willing to publicly oppose his ideology, for the purpose of profit,  it is a form of 'deception', which is commonly called "hypocrisy", but has powerful emotional elements within it regarding truth and exploitation.  

Consider this:  someone who claims to be a "minister" (professional) of this ideology cannot say "it is divine" and then affirm a new definition of marriage, and be truthful.  If it was divine, it was perfect, is perfect, and cannot be altered.  If it was human, it could have been wrong, and the change acceptable.

This, too, begs the question, Why not embrace a different ideology that one is more comfortable with?  Why the need to do violence to this particular historic ideology and demand it yield to personal agenda?  This is a question repeated due to its importance.  What kind of personality is willing to claim divinity and then claim authority over the divine ideology?  This is not one who does not understand, or is in error to the ideology.  It must be deliberate in order to be deceptive.  

This is where 'truth seekers' end up; an almost indifferent external view that observes and questions.  The relevancy is critical in the investigation into the murder of Amanda Blackburn.  The re-definition of "marriage" is just a sample of deception by those who claim the ideology has divine inerrant origins.  It is not a disagreement of interpretation; it is to make an entirely different claim on a statement.  

My assertion here, in context, is about a specific psychological form of deception that takes a unique personality type to employ.  

II.  Ideology and Deception

It is fascinating to listen to people who want to 'own' as theirs the ideology of this obscure man from 20 centuries ago, but at their own recipe.  These are those who see the claims, know the claims, but deliberately present deception. This deception is by re-defining language, which is to pass counterfeit currency, linguistically, or by 'amputation', which is to directly contradict the claims of that man's own claims. 


Why bother?

If they do not agree with the man, why not simply adopt another ideology entirely?  

It seems genuine to say, "Christianity limits sexuality to heterosexuality; therefore, I have no need of it" than to say, 'that's not what it really teaches" or "jesus and the apostles did not have the understanding of genetic sexual attraction as we do today" which assaults his claim to be God and his word being perfection.  

Statement Analysis:  "thou shalt not lie with man as with woman..." as a prohibition that is from Judeo-Christian ideology.  A truthful one can say, "I do not agree" and be done.  A deceptive person has a need to deceive and change the intent of meaning.  This refers to a specific personality type.  

What happens when this deceptive personality type has talent?

What happens when this deceptive and talented personality type has  a single-minded obsession for something?

Most people have respect for honest disagreement. 

 I've had fascinating discussions and interviews with homosexuals who have said, "Of course I am not a Christian.  Christianity  is against my belief in my sexuality."  Yet others have said "I am a Christian.  The Bible didn't really mean that..." and retail the deceptive responses  they have heard from others.  

It is not Statement Analysis of the texts. 

This is why I often state that Statement Analysis has a "freeing" affect; we let the statement speak for itself; what is true is true; what is not true, is not.  It is as if we are outside looking in, with scientific indifference.  

Some have made the latter claim due to ignorance of the ideology.  
Others have made the claim while knowing the ideology.  This brings us closer to what it is we need to find out.  

Honest Debate Versus Willful Destruction 

There are lots of issues that faith debates over, but issues that are debated are done so to learn.  When one takes a plain, "thou shalt not" and say, "no, that is wrong, it should say, thou shalt!" while claiming to hold to the ideology do so as one who deceives.  He may deceive himself, or he may put himself in a public position (such as in a business to sell this ideology) and knowingly state:

1.  The Bible is Divine
2.  The Bible is Wrong
3.  Please come to my business establishment where I share this ideology 
4.  I am superior to Divinity

In other words, they know what ideology A teaches, but instead of simply disagreeing with it, and moving on to ideology B, or C, they demand ideology A bend to their own beliefs or bias. 

This is where the personality must be in view of the one who takes upon himself (or herself) the public bearer of the ideology of the man from the middle east 2000 years ago.  

This is why it is important to highlight topics of disagreement in this pre-analysis study.    

Another example.  The ideology and women 'business owners' of the ideology:

1.  The ideology claims to be divine; therefore inerrant. It cannot be wrong and it cannot be changed by time, culture, or any outside influence.  Truth remains what it is.  
2.  The middle east man behind it chose 12 men to carry his ideology to the world.  They, in turn, kept the leadership restricted to men.  
3.  The ideology forbids woman to be pastors.  
4.  The ideology reported why this prohibition existed.  
5.  The ideology said that the prohibition was not due to culture. 

Therefore, if I am a woman and I want to be a public representative of this ideology, I am faced with some choices. 

I can, of course, be honest and say that I will find a different ideology to cling to.  I disagree with this middle eastern man's ideology, though it has many fine points, because it excludes me.  I will find something else to sell...or

a.  Ignore the ideology as temporary solution until challenged;
b.  Oppose the ideology by various arguments including-the ideology is wrong, which then leads to, the "what if?" problem.  

One cannot claim divinity and error and be truthful.   

This then leads to the genuine question that says, "Why not find a different ideology to follow?"  

Instead, we find people willing to publicly demand the ideology change to fit their own personal bias. This is heightened if the person wishes to publicly 'sell' the ideology as a business.  The business owner wants to make money off of the ideology which he states is of divine origin, yet:  

 'The ideology, which claims to be divine,  will bend to my will.

This takes a very specific personality type.  It is not the personal or private opinion that I address, but one who is making a public declaration against the ideology while making a public declaration to represent the ideology. 

This next part is a bit difficult to explain, but I attempt to do so in order to allow you, regardless of your own position in any of these matters, to enter into the shoes of the subject, who is a public figure, publicly stating to be a true representative of the middle eastern man's ideology.  

This person is deceptive.  It goes beyond what most people understand psychologically:

'This book is the Word of God; It cannot be wrong.  
I know it says, "this", but I still choose "that" personally.  
I do this because, in essence, I am smarter than God."

Any claim to state the Bible is the inerrant Word of God but then changes it to fit one's own bias or agenda, is to show a personality that is not only unafraid of lying, but he (or she) unafraid of lying publicly, and even unafraid of divine retribution.  Take this a quantum leap further and place the person as one who, publicly and professionally (for money) asserts the ideology in his 'business' or church setting.  

Even if you believe it is all fairy tales from thousands of years ago, you should be able to see the inconsistency in those willing to change the message in order to be popular or successful.  Yet, can you see, from their own perspective, that they see themselves as superior to the god they claim to bow to?

For some, it is to claim the Bible to be God's Word, but it is "wrong" in limiting marriage to one man and one woman. 

Truth is not changed by time.  If something is true, it was true yesterday, and it will be true tomorrow.  Consider that a minister studies philosophy, so these are not new assertions to them.  

The ideology instructed him to teach the message.  When someone claims the message to be authentically Divine, it is submitted to.  

For another, it is to claim that the message is divine (note the capitalization change to reflect the internal)  needs to be altered to fit the person's own agenda.  

If the person adheres to the ideology being perfect, that is, 'complete' because it is divine, does not the person set himself up to be above the divine author?

Does this person now place himself as judge over the divinity?

It is easy to ask, 'Why not just embrace a different ideology altogether?  Why not start her own?' because this would be genuine and being genuine, or true to one's own self, is something humans respect.  

I do not speak to those in ignorance, nor those who have honest disagreements one with another:  I want readers to see that there are those who know what it teaches, but are of a personality that demands the ideology change to fit his or her own opinion rather than adopting a different ideology.  

They demand, for example, that 4,000 years of ideology change, instead of simply saying, "I am not a believer in Judaism or Christianity. I believe..."  

These are people who deliberately "lie" about the ideology are revealing a personality type that is very important to get to know:  profiling.

If the ideology says "thou shalt not lie with man as with woman" you can either:

1. Accept it
2.  Linguistic gymnastics
3.  Ignore it
4.  Truthfully, condemn it and adopt a different ideology in a "live and let live" philosophy.  

To be "truthful" would be to say, "Hey, I don't buy this.  Therefore, I am not going to cling to this ideology started by a man from the middle east 2000 years  ago.  Instead, I will find something else more suited to what I like regarding a man having sex with a man."

This is truthful.

You may or may not like it, but it is authentic. 

 If Jesus claimed to be God, and God, by definition, cannot change nor be wrong, why not bail out instead of claiming to believe Jesus is God, but Jesus is also wrong?  

*It takes a very specific element within a personality to place himself or herself above that which they consider divinity.  

The answer is not singular, but I implore readers to consider one particular element.  I recognize the hatred and the antagonism but in context, consider that those who alter the message may do so to personally profit from the ideology.  

Readers come here for truth.  They are, more than in other places, perhaps, open for the truth to be told than the general public.  They want to hear what analysis shows.     

"Hey, I'd like to have 3, maybe even 4 wives.  I see that the precept in Creation says, "nope" to my idea, so I am going to adopt a different ideology so that I can practice polygamy. " 

You may not like this person, but he is, in the least, being truthful.  It is completely different from the person who says "I want multiple wives and the Bible teaches it."  If (and the word "if" is critical) the subject knows the Bible both condemns polygamy while historically reporting it historically, he is deliberately twisting historical recognition to justify his own desire.    

Over the years, I have had gay friends who have been open about this and I respect them for it.  "I'm not interested in assaulting the beliefs of others; it is not for me."  

"Why would anyone join a religion with so many restrictions, anyway?"  This is a good question and an honest question.  It is asked in sincerity.  

It is not, however, the question for this analysis.  It is sometimes helpful to see the shadow before we see the original.  

It is most fascinating to see people who rush to an ideology that condemns them, demanding that the ideology bend to them, rather than they find something else to hold to.  We see this in the news almost daily today, as it has become increasingly popular to hold people in faith in contempt and to call their sacred beliefs 'phobias' and 'immoral hatred' not while walking away from the ideology:  but while walking into the ideology, with demands in hand.  

There is something within the personality that lies in this manner.

If it says "thou shalt not", why not just be honest and start a new religion or ideology?  Why the need to input oneself into something that disagrees?

Since this question has been posed several times for impact, it is now time to ask:

"What kind of personality walks into an ideology demanding it bend to fit one's emotions?"

Now we are moving closer to the object, away from the shadow.  

We must consider it from a professional point of view.  

There are a lot of reasons for this, but it is important to note those who are, publicly, willing to deceive even their own profession, for personal gain.  This is what it comes down to:  altering the message to propagate myself.  

On the obvious level:  It takes a very selfish person to do this, yes, but there is still more. 

It takes a very selfish, and talented person, to do this and do it successfully.  

Over the years, most, though not all, of the "televangelists" have done this very thing.  They have a powerful desire for money, and fame makes money.  Those who hold to the ancient ideology as "faith" or "belief", cringe. 


Most of what is offered is accurate.  

It is the drive for money, one way or another, that causes them to 'alter' the message even if it means creating an imbalance in the message.  

Let's call these who change or alter the message knowingly to be "pragmatic" for the backdrop of this understanding. 

These are individuals who use this man's ancient ideology for personal gain.   They know that it is easier to get the masses to brace a bumper sticker slogan than complicated truth.  They will say and do pragmatically whatever it takes to gain what they seek.  This is almost always money, and when it appears to be fame or power, remember that these are steps towards wealth.  

In the 1970's, there was an attempt to bring the "hippies" to Christianity.  

What would be presented to them?

Consider the choice faced.

Person A says "I will deliver the same message as always, "Repent and live" and call them to live a life forgiven and now intent on keeping the "thou shalt nots", while "loving thy neighbor" and working hard to provide for self.  As society has gotten more and more wealthy, this message has lost some of its popularity.  

Person B says, "If I deliver the same message, few are going to come.  Therefore, I will just present one particular side of the message and once they are in, then I will tell them the other side.  So for now, I will tell them, "Be forgiven" but I won't tell them those "thou shalt nots" which turn them off. They want to do their own thing.   I will tell them to "love their neighbor" but the word "love" needs a bit of tweaking."

Person C  has been watching the others and he says, 

"I see Person A has 10 people and is impoverished.  I see Person B has 100 people and he is feeding his kids.  I'd sure like to surpass him and get 200 people, so I will further "tweak" the meaning of "loving thy neighbor" and this 'jesus' that John the Baptist said would judge...he's got to go.  The guy who went violent in cleansing out the temple...I will emasculate and instead, he is going to have long hair, because my hippie audience does this, and..."

The message of "repent" gave way to new "prosperity" messages and so humorous songs like The Rolling Stones' "Girl With Far Away Eyes" has a comical, but accurate look at the silly message that says if you send money to the evangelist, you're going to find wealth. The key is it is deliberate.  

This ideology progressed in affluent America and with each wave of "political correctness", many willingly changed the teaching of the man's ideology and did so in a rush of competition. 

When the person knows that what he or she is saying is in contradiction to the ideology but do it anyway, the person is  lying and is doing so for profit margin.  

Remember, lie detection has to do with intent.  Simply repeating what one believes is not to lie, even when the information is incorrect. 

When an English Iman said, "Islam is not consistent with democracy" he was countered by non Muslim English politicians who said, "that's not true."  

The Iman told the truth.  Love him or hate him, he was truthful, in a stark moment where he embarrassed the "multi cultural" politicians but he told the truth.  He actually showed the influence of the UK's culture upon him.  He was 'goaded' into the truth, instead of the cultural 'tacquia' that honors deception.  

Baptist and Presbyterians have disagreements on baptism.  These are genuine disagreements, but what of the personality who says,

"I know baptism, by either means, is in the Bible, but today, people hate the water thing, so I am going to change it and say, "there is no such teaching of baptism today.  This was culturally due know, how people in those days rode on smelly camels and they got camel poop on their, well on their heads if they were short, and in those days, everyone was short, so baptism was just needed to wash off the camel poop.  Uh, check history.  It's all there.  In fact, in the original Greek, there were some words found in ancient philosophers that held to camel poop as sacred and it really caused disease so the church invented this baptism as a way of washing off the poop!"


The more intellectually clever the deceptive one is, the more he can explain off anything that might hinder his goal of fame and fortune.  Here we come to the personality of pragmatic success, even while claiming the ideology to be of divine, unalterable character.  

In understanding this murder case, you must see how powerful this pragmatism really is, no matter your opinion of Judaism or Christianity.  

Many (not all) murderers feel a need to put their victim on trial, which both condemns the victim but it also justifies the action.  This is crucial in analyzing a statement.  It is found to slip into statements where accidental death is claimed.

"The baby wouldn't finish her dinner."  

Now, she is dead, claimed as an accidental death. 

 In the Blackburn case, we had one who:

has embarrassed those who want justice for this case, with his change of Christianity, an ideology many  hold sacred. 

People have become obsessed with Amanda Blackburn's murder, which some interest can be explained in the obvious circumstances but there are other elements:

a.  Blackburn's seeking of attention.  This almost always triggers anger. No one likes being 'played the fool' with liars.  Recall how anger brewed at Falcon Lake 'widow' who emerged from Falcon Lake, Texas, sans husband, with an outrageous theft of the modern "Titanic" hollywood version.  She could barely contain her zeal, going from network to network, while the public insisted that she be polygraphed.  She never was and even made it as far as the Governor's front steps.  Attention seekers hold their audience in contempt, even if they are only appearing in an attempt to control information as was the case of Billie Jean Dunn, in the murder of her daughter, Hailey Dunn. 

b.  Blackburn's crass commercializing of her death. 

This is key to understanding, not only who he is, but who we are.  This irritated people and for some, gave them more resolution to learn the truth in this case.  

In doing so, people of positions of justice-mindedness were (and are) enraged that he would take her death and use it for fame and subsequent fortune.  

c.  The circumstances, including:

1.  Complaining about her publicly.  
2.  Telling the public how his business would be better without her
3.  Making distancing and deceptive statements 
4. Circumstantial Evidence including the conclusion of "no one can be this lucky!" from many seasoned investigators.  The 'odds' of all of the factors coming together on the very day he did not lock the door and stayed on the phone, days after waving around a gun...
5. Flamboyancy as an irritant to audience seeking truth. 

6.  Faith

Some are likely obsessed with this case for all of the above, but have an additional emotional component:  anger at one who holds their faith in contempt for the purpose of exploitation.  In this sense, it is rather personal and it is reflected in the length of comments about this murder case.  

Everything he says, does, and even in appearance, is not only flamboyant, but is designed to entertain, entice, convince and bring fame and fortune that numbers bring. 

He is, at the core of his being, one obsessed with success and his chosen area for this end is the ideology of a middle eastern man from more than 20 centuries ago.  

I suggest to you that Christianity, as an ideology, presents the perfect platform for exploitation by Blackburn, and all others like him, who know plainly, that they are presenting only portions of truth, changing other portions, and deliberately presenting to people a specific personal version of truth, pragmatically designed, to make him famous and wealthy. 

This is all "justified" by the religious veneer.  

Years ago there was a 'televangelist' who said 'God' told him people's woes and he would wow the crowd by revealing,

"Your aunt Polly is sick with cancer.  She will be healed!" to the amazement of the subject and audience. 

Later, it was found that he had a small blue-tooth pre-blue tooth like device in his ear and was exposed as a fraud.  

He lost it all.

How gullible and vulnerable are Americans?  He made it all the way back to TV.  This does not affirm nor deny the ideology, but it does affirm the thief.  

It is this justification that I hope readers will bear with this lengthy article and give consideration to, as I move from backdrop of ideology, to analysis. 

My assertion is that these exploiters know and deliberately alter the message, present an imbalanced message, and withhold truth for the pragmatic purpose of personal gain, no matter what they feel needs to be changed.  For some, it is mild changes, while for others, it is wholesale changes, but the common denominator is deception; that is, the willful knowing that what he (or she) is doing is contrary to the middle eastern man's ideology that is claimed to be perfection.  

Next, consider the personality type who knows, lies, and goes public with it.  Again, this is not one who is in error, but sincere; it is one who knows precisely what he is doing and does it, anyway. 

How much talent does this deceiver have?

What of his presentation's design?

What does his language reveal as his priority?  

For those who hold to this ideology in sincerity, differences are presupposed and accepted among people of good will; while recognizing how many are motivated by personal gain.  

It is within the personality of one bold enough to:

1.  Learn the Ideology
2.  Deliberately twist, pervert, change,  imbalance, manipulate the ideology for personal gain. 
3.  Have the nerve to go 'public' on a large scale, including fearlessness in the face of scrutiny
4.  Remove any hinderance to this 'mission' for success. 
5.  Resolve:  under the public scrutiny, the personality digs his heels in, no different than the liar who backs up his lie with yet another lie, rather than own the truth and admit fault.  

I warn employers incessantly that liars will always put themselves before the material needs of their companies, as well as their employees and customers.  Liars destroy.  It is what they do.  If one is a habitual liar, one has a trail of broken lives, broken promises, and losses for as long as they have practiced their deception.  

From "King" to "weepie, effeminate affirming therapist" 

When the 70's turned into the 80's and 90's, there was a disappearance of "Christ the King" and His rule over the nations, demanding repentance and obedience from them as His subjects, as He claimed the crown rights  both for Himself, and from the Old Testament scriptures, while there was an appearance of a new 'jesus', who is not king, but weak, weeping, beggarly, just asking people to 'accept' him, and have some form of "personal relationship", as if they were having coffee together while seated in a sunny porch on a lazy day. This new 'jesus' existed to 'meet your needs'...what needs?  "All" your needs.  It is easy to do this by destroying context, and history.  Blackburn is not the first, and he won't be the last to use pragmatism to promote his business venture.  He is, however, very talented in what he does.  

It takes a certain personality to first know the truth, and then to pervert it to fit a particular aim, but it takes someone with a deeper commitment to self to take the ideology, bear it in contempt, and then go "public" with it for personal gain. 

Blackburn Videos 

This 'personal relationship' is presented in a sexualized manner, including tight pants, pop haircuts, and an overall "front and center" narcissism of a showman. It includes the open indictment of the victim, Amanda, to 'make a point' which statement analysis shows: 

the need to persuade his audience that he has a powerful heterosexual drive for sex.  

Audience Expectation 

They produce studies and expensive workshops on how to grow their "business", with "example models" and "the latest techniques" on how to "grow your church", with the chief end being numerical success.  

They are taught in seminars how to use the "bumper sticker" education so popular in the United States today where catch phrases supplant the hard work of education.  This, too, is not new or unique to "the best is yet to come" we heard after the murder.  

Remember the bracelets, "WWJD"?  This stood for "what would Jesus do?" for teens who were at R rated movies.  The inherent issue of this bracelet is that it is speculative and it encourages one not to study and learn.  Instead of taking the time (and effort) to learn what Jesus did, and what He taught, and what His disciples taught, one could simply speculate.  For some, "jesus" would steal, assault and even murder. This appeals to the lazy minded audience who craves entertainment over instruction.

 Recall the sad account from the attorney who's client was being sentenced for armed burglary and assault listening to the client's mother and aunts "claiming in jesus' name!" that the guilty violent young man would "have the victory", which meant:  he would get away with his crime.  The attorney lamented that there was no prayer for the young woman he beat up, nor for victims in general.  For them, this 'jesus' existed to bypass justice and help criminals remain as criminals and not learn from mistakes.  

Without getting into what specifics Blackburn twists to further his cause, one can simply choose any video of his and instead of studying it, one can simply listen for a few minutes.  There will be no argument.  Better still?  Look at several videos, just a few seconds of each, to get an even wider portrait.  If you can listen, go to those with Amanda, or about marriage and note how often he talks about himself and his sexuality.  How many times must he tell you that he is heterosexual before you ask, "Why the need to persuade?"  

His presentation of an ideology, precious and sacred to some, is an affront.  

This bothers people, all by itself, but to have video where he insults his victim, complains about his victim, and finally, waves a gun around, compounds with the inherent insult of public lies, to cause a powerful reaction within people; especially people who love the very words he twists or uses for exploitation.   The murder case, itself, fascinates, but to give an in-depth analysis means to understand the ideology, and the 'violence' done deliberately to the ideology, as it reveals the personality. 

Liars are destructive.  This means that they destroy. It is what they do.  "When push comes to shove..." always happens in life:  push will come to shove and when it does, expect the liar to fulfill his pattern in life:  he will protect himself with lies, even if it destroys others.  He will also lie so that it destroys others.  Get him some success and he will lie some more, but get him a lot more success in his ambitions and watch his ambitions grow to levels of ruthlessness.  

Ruthlessness?  Talk to those who have dared to disagree with Blackburn's mentor, the one who described Blackburn as sexy at Amanda's funeral.  

Honest people lie

When they lie, they hurt, they repair the damage but most impressively, they learn from their mistakes.  When they hear a sermon, for example, about theft, they do not say, "I am glad I am not a thief", instead, they look within and say, "I told the ticket puncher that my daughter was 12 when she was 13.  I stole" and seek to amend this, while learning from it.  The 'shaming' of thievery, therefore, is something they found inspiring and helpful because they seem themselves as personally responsible and with the ability to change.  Those that seek to blame others, blame society, blame external forces, cannot make such amendments.  

These hear Blackburn's messages, or worse, watch his carefully choreographed video appearances, and they react with such words as "nauseating", "infuriating" and it fills them with a desire to see justice for Amanda, even though there are thousands of victims of murder that have not received justice.  

They are particularly upset because he has deliberately invaded an ideology they hold sacred, for his own gain and state that the message he gives uses similar language from their ideology, but is very different.  

My assertion is this:

The spouse of Amanda Blackburn has spoken a great deal.  What he has spoken about the murder indicates deception.  Some of the deception appears to be, in context, about sexuality.  When this is coupled with his videotapes messages about his own sexuality, with its specific choreography and costumes, it further asserts deception about his much affirmed heterosexuality.  

But that is not all.  

He is one who is not afraid to deliberately tailor the ideology precious to many to fit his own agenda, nor is he afraid to talk about his agenda; he does it boldly.  His wife had not yet been buried and he was already publicly celebrating an early success in his agenda of numerical success.    

He is more honest and upfront about his "numbers" agenda than he is about his sexuality, and about what happened to Amanda, even though he talked a great deal about his own sexuality, on video.  

To understand his language, and how he puts everything in the context of this ideology, you must first understand the ideology and then understand the personality type that is dishonest enough to alter the ideology to fit popularity and success.  Then, you must see and estimate the measure of his intellect, along with his boldness in the face of scrutiny.  These are all elements of personality emerging.  

Take that another step up and see the boldness of one who not only isn't afraid of television and exposure, but seeks it.  

Take that yet further:  he can read analysis and still be unafraid to attempt to explain away that which is consistent with both guilt and deception.

Let's say that you were in a very unhappy marriage, even to the point where you considered lucky, blessed or fortunate to be freed, even in horrible circumstances, from this marriage. 

Would you use such distancing language?

I affirm that you would not.  In fact, you would feel guilt over having wanting a divorce.  This is called "survivor's guilt" by some in psychology.  "Why Amanda?"  

If your wife, even if you wanted with all your heart and even your sexuality, wanted out of this marriage, was brutally murdered and the killers running free, 

would you express no concern for your son, or your own life?

This article is written, in part, for those who foolishly dismiss human nature and say, "Davey was fearless because he trusted God" and "Davey did not mourn because he knew he would be with her again", and finally, "Davey's use of "we" is because he sees himself and Jesus as one."

He does not. 

I assert that he sees himself as superior to Christ.  I assert that he sees himself superior to the Apostles and to the message they carried.  I assert that he feels the need to 'coach', and 'guide' and give a 'new presentation' to the ideology that he claims and believes to be divine and perfect. 

He sets himself up above perfection.  

This is a form of narcissism that is combined with a well above average intellect and a talent for deception, manipulation and persuasion.  This is wrapped up within a desperation for relevancy that drives him to success.  When he said that he would have been content with x number of congregants, this statement was, in the context of Christianity's ideology, an unnecessary statement.  It is why we have "Negation" in Statement Analysis, and why that which is in the negative is elevated in importance of that which is in the positive.  

He portrayed this number in the context of 'humbly accepting less', which is distinctly negative, and he did so in the wake of his wife's murder.  

The more one speaks, the more we know. 

If he knew his own ideology he would know that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

So from this abundance, I can simply count words. 

How many times did he use Amanda's name?

I can do the same thing at the Amanda memorial service.  

What did his mentor talk about?

The resurrection from the dead, as the ideology teaches, based upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Question:  How many times did you hear the word "resurrection" used from one who is ordained as a minster of this ideology?  If you are familiar with the ideology, the resurrection from the dead is "front and center" not only ideologically, but at every funeral and memorial service where the subject represents the ideology.  

How many words did he dedicate to tell us about the victim's husband's physical appearance?

He told us that something "wasn't right" about Blackburn and that the "fix" or "repair" would be a woman; Amanda.  

My assertion is that this ideology, from an Israeli man of obscurity, more than 20 centuries ago, is used for personal gain; not as so much a primary motive, but also from a pragmatic viewpoint:  to change whatever portion of the ideology that might hinder the goal. 

Where the ideology teaches that there is joy in Heaven over one sinner repenting, we saw and heard the strong introduction of the pronoun "I" from Blackburn, berating his followers so that they would not celebrate any turning from sin to Christ, but because they failed to reach his expectation of numbers; a mandate he set, himself.  

He is unafraid to challenge and change anything in order to accomplish his goal. 

He told us that Amanda and her pregnancy hindered him from his goals just a few short years ago and from there, he went on to complain about his wife not fulfilling his heterosexual sex drive. How obsessed did he present himself?

He claimed that he could not "concentrate" on a dinner date with Amanda, lest he had sexual intercourse first.  

This he gave to an audience of young people, including females, who could watch him strut back and forth, allowing their imaginations get ahead of them:  perhaps they could satisfy him since she can't.  Couple this with his complaints about her and you get the picture:

Focus upon him.  Focus upon his sexuality.  Him:  good.  Amanda: bad. 

We listen very carefully for one to justify his own actions.  See the short article on this where murderers sometimes play the role of prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner, of their victims, verbally. 

Step back from this and place it all within the contextual language of the ideology of Judeo Christianity.  Christianity actually gives him justification of his complaints. 

What did he complain about her?

Was it about her ears?  Her family?  Her money?

Think of how he took complaints and indictments against her back to his twisted view of the ideology.  

If one can, whether or not belief in Christianity is held, see the ideology, his alterations of the ideology and his use of it in his narrative, you can begin to understand the language and the analysis.  

It is convenient, in hindsight, to say "we" is "me and jesus" yet Pronouns are intuitive and are used...

after making such a claim.  When he returned, 6 months from the murder, the same pronoun pattern appeared, including distancing language and the dropped pronoun. 

This is a talented, well above average intellect, and showman who has placed himself, naked, in the location of needing to be washed, with Divinity, Himself, having taken "instructions" from the Creator, to go out and receive his fame. 

He is not delusional.  "Crazy Davey", as his mentor called him, does have something "wrong" and that is "very wrong" with him, and it is something that his mentor said would be fixed by a "woman." He knows what he is saying, and he is consistent in both his priority and in his guilty use of pronouns. 

This message, given 'off the cuff', that is, from the Free Editing Process, was a brilliant form of manipulation that included 'preparing the soil' for the message, taking authority over his father in law, his father-in-law's work, the entire congregation, and then to take his wife's murder to boldly give himself a status that demands either submission with all reverence, or... scorn.  

Whether you or I believe him, his message, or in Judaism or Christianity, is not relevant here. 

It is what he believes. 

It is within his assertion.  

Those more familiar with the ideology can have a better understanding and insight into the spouse of murder victim, Amanda Blackburn, when he speaks.  

It comes down to this:  

Is he true to the ideology?


Does he affirm the ideology to be perfectly divine, only to set himself up, slightly above it, for the purpose of achieving his personal agenda of success?

How far will he go while driven for success.  

He told us.

Amanda died so the church would live.  

Consider this, aside from blasphemy.  

Consider that this was the claim of Jesus Christ.  Years later, Paul pointed to science. 

A tiny seed must be given a burial and from this burial in the ground new life would come, highlighting that humans, too, with all life, experience life from death, in the resurrection.  The little tomato seed is buried in the dirt as to 'die' symbolically, with 4 months later, a 5 or 6' plant yields much fruit.  

Amanda died for the church, he claimed.  

She was not dead but a few days and he already was counting the 'tomato' production, to the point of giving an actual number of people who tuned in to the memorial via the internet. 

Do you see what he is doing?

This is a form of justification of her death.  It uses specific language from an ideology of which he sets himself up as "over" it, or superior to it; in need of his theatrics, as well as his picking and choosing which to emphasize and which to withhold.  

Distinctly within this narcissistic like personality trait is a belief that he is superior to the god he claims to represent.  He takes the ideology for business success reasons, and alters it to fit his compulsion and drive for the fame and fortune of numerical success. 

Whether this is done in theatrics of presentation, or by imbalance, it is clear that the analysis of his priority is correct.  When facing the greatest tragedy a man can face:  losing his own "person"; that is, one half of the "full person" that Creationism teaches, his response was to happily report the numbers coming in.  "Jesus" is just a buzzword to cover this insatiable drive for fame.  "Jesus" bears no resemblance, linguistically, to the middle eastern historical figure.  

There are those who alter the ideology to fit their agenda, revealing an element of narcissistic thinking within themselves, demanding that the ideology be accepted as Divine, while demanding it bend to their will.  This, alone, helps us understand their motive.  

Yet when the need to assert both elements couples with the single minded purpose of drive for fortune as well as the talent of public speaking and the flair of theatrics, it reveals a personality that says:

Nothing will stand in my way for greed.  Nothing.  

This is why we saw no grieving but an almost inability to conceal his giddiness at the free publicity he received and why he was able to say that the murder victim died for this success.  

Fear of the unknown killers?
Fear that they would return to silence him and kill his son?
Bereft of his "better half"?  

No, she was the albatross slowing him down, along with a pregnancy, from his very publicly stated goals.  The memorial was, in deed, celebratory, with the reason for celebration claimed to be a resurrection that was not even mentioned. 

Our words give us away.  

The reason men die throughout history is from greed.  It is the source of wars and it is the source of murders.  True, they hide behind religion to masquerade their greed, or, as in the case of criminal Islamic ideology, violence is prescribed, but to what end?  To the end of taking what others have, including their land, their homes, their wives and their possessions.


Greed kills.  

It is not that money is the root of all evil; it is the love of money that is not all evil, but its root cause. 

Power is intoxicating and it, as fame, brings great wealth. 

Some wars are necessary to stop the greed of others and are fought defensively or to free those taken away by greed.  The number one cause for the American War for Independence was "duty."  Men believed it was their "duty" from this specific ideology, to provide for their families and that when the king of England did not stop the tyranny of a parliament that held no legal representation of the colonies, the decision to fight was that the oppressive taxes caused men to be incapable of providing for their families.  It was the call of duty to resist greed and the tyranny that facilitates greed. 

Greed drives men to insanity, or in the least, to illogical and even murderous decisions,  

 One can claim that good things come from tragedy and this is precisely the teaching of the ideology, yet, there is no suspension of human nature.  This does not explain away the incessant complaints against his wife, or how she held back the growth of his business.  This does not justify the extreme nature of distancing language.  This does not clarify the childlike guilt found within the plural use of "we", when he was alone.  This does not explain any of it. 

For some, he is hiding his sexuality behind the magnificent heterosexual sex drive his wife could not satisfy and is crassly cashing in on her death of which he was just incredibly lucky.  

For others, the language of guilt far exceeds any guilt felt from commercializing her death.  

My conclusion of his language in this ideological setting is this:

The husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn has revealed, linguistically, a personality that is so narcissistic in scope, that he demands that his audience accept that the ideology he sells is both divine in nature, and that he thus reveals that he, himself, is a counselor and advisor to divinity, and the purpose of such is to advance his ambitious agenda of greed.  

When he claimed that he was personally spoken to by divinity, standing naked in his shower, he deceived his audience, deliberately, to propagate an authority that leads to numerical success.  When he said he received the news that he would be part of a history making event, he was not simply showing his narcissism, but he was deceptive.  

The coincidental nature of the murder is next examined in light of the statements he has publicly made.  


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Bobcat said...

Prove @ 11:55

See 11:05.

Leslie said...

While trying to find DB's father's audio sermon that mentioned his younger son, Jono (as in JONOthan)), I came across a sermon from 3/13/16 where he mentions he and his wife, Brenda, jumped in the car on Nov. 10 to head to Indianapolis, after hearing from DB that Amanda had been "hurt...very, very severely injured." This starts around 19:35:
"Behabitudes Part 2"

Prove it said...

Bobcat 12:10am.....that's not proof. I want proof that you didn't make that up to fan the flames. You can't unring the bell, and you were aware of that before you posted it.

I noticed you're answering with as few words as possible. Afraid you'll give yourself away?

Are you now saying the alleged "sender" isn't legit? How did this person claim to know this information? When did the events allegedly occur?

You can't just fart in the room and walk away. Did you have the balls to post that on your own "blog" or just Peter's blog?

Anonymous said...

Why crack (pot) instead of crackpot?

Anonymous said...

Crazy Davey's description of Amanda, on the floor beside the bed, on both knees, bowing, leading the way in surrender, less than 24 hours before she was beaten and shot, is very disturbing. For him to have not seen her beside the bed, when we know he looked directly at the bed, is weird. She must have been bowing very low. Try it for yourself, it is very hard to bow when you are on both knees, unless you bend all the way over with your forehead on the ground. Sometimes, when I feel very ill, I will kneel with my forehead touching the floor, (sort of like a Muslim praying) and it gives me some relief. I wondered before and I wonder now, if she was on floor besidethe bed, with morning sickness. Amber said that Amanda had experienced bad morning sickness. If she was not in her normal position, and in fact was in an odd position, why did CD assume she was praying? Surrendering?

Anyway, what is really creepy and weird about this description of Amanda, the morning before she was attacked, is that Crazy Davey offered it in response to the (bizarre) question, "would Amanda still have chosen to move to Indianapolis if she knew what was going to happen to her?" This is CDs way of saying, "yes, she would". WTF? Unbelievable.

It is the biggest pile of steaming horse shit that a young, pregnant woman with a toddler would say "yes" to being beaten and murdered.

Alexandra said...

Bobcat wrote

"Even though Davey describes it as November 9th, he could be describing November 10th?

That she was "fully surrendered" (silenced and immobilized) in preparation for Taylor and Watson to walk in and do their dirty work...?"

Bobcat, yes, definitely, I don't believe he is telling the truth about this "search" (and I don't believe it was a search) occurring on morning of Nov had to be either like you are saying the morning of Nov 10, or, and I guess it is far-fetched, but the evening of Nov 9.

I feel like what the words of this "search" that his mind is conjuring come out of a scenario like you are suggesting where Amanda has been silenced, immobilized (or even shot), and she is not by the bed praying or he would have seen her when he says that she was not in bed propped up...she is wherever he put her. I believe him looking in the bathroom comes from once she is in the spot he put her in, when he goes upstairs to the bedroom his mind registers she is not in her normal spot propped up in bed and when he uses the bathroom or glances into the bathroom he notices her absence other words, these things remind me of when my cat died and then the next day I notice she was not in her normal spot in the morning, she is not using her litter box, she is not by her food dishes, etc. Sorry if that is a bad example but I feel his statements of the "search" comes from the mind of someone who is noticing where the dead/immobilized are not within the house once they have died.

Anonymous said...


very good, especially at a specified activity or in a specified role.
"he is a crack shot"
synonyms: expert, skilled, skillful, formidable, virtuoso, masterly, consummate, excellent, first-rate, first-class, marvelous, wonderful, magnificent, outstanding, superlative; deadly; informalgreat, superb, fantastic, ace, hotshot, mean, demon, brilliant, crackerjack, bang-up
"a crack shot"

In other words, they're not crack analysts they're crackpot analysts.

Me2l said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Me2l said...

Yes, anon, but I'm not surprised it flew right over the crackpot's head.


Anonymous said...

You and your pretentious vocabulary, haha.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how CD would answer the question "if YOU knew what was going to happen, would you still have moved to Indianapolis?"

Anonymous said...

Me21, truth is often stranger than fiction. Sometimes so -called crackpot theories turn out to be correct.

Anonymous said...

Very good point...the truth is often stranger than fiction, and I have a feeling that is true in this case we are looking at.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes crack "analysts" get it right.

Sometimes crime scenes are staged with Swisher Sweet cigar packages (used to roll pot).

Alexandra said...

Anon wrote

"She must have been bowing very low. Try it for yourself, it is very hard to bow when you are on both knees, unless you bend all the way over with your forehead on the ground"

Right! I feel like he is describing just such a pose. It is hard not to link it to the position Amanda was in when she was found shot.

He's at least giving us the info: She was not in the bedroom (she couldn't have been) and she was not in the bathroom.

What my mind is going to pick away at is the phrase "not her normal spot"..."propped up in bed"...would the human mind be more likely to conjure this phrase referring to morning or night?

The thing about morning is I just feel like if someone is waking up and propping themselves up in bed...would it be their "normal spot" or just where they had to be because they slept in the bed and then woke up.

But, at night, if someone props themselves up in bed to read, etc or just relax, I could see calling it their "normal spot".

Ah well, too tired to figure it out.

Rosy said...

The weird thing about his account of seeing her in an unusual place and position is that he did not say to her, hey, honey, are you OK? Everything all right?

He's said he was apprehensive that the pregnancy would go wrong. He had a feeling. And other sources have said Amanda had bad morning sickness.

So why would he just look at her bowing her head to the floor, not in her "normal spot," and not ask, are you feeling OK? Anything I can get you?

Why jump into a spiritual fantasy?

Rosy said...

Amanda said after a while married, she followed his example by switching the time for her devotions from last thing at night to first thing in the morning.

Possibly she read scripture or devotional passages in the early morning propped up in bed. Her sister says Amanda kept her Bible and journal on the dining room table. She may have had other devotional aids by the bed.

Just guessing based on the impression that from what DB says it was morning not night, he was already up and about.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Rosy, and how on earth is seeing her onthefloor besidethe bed the reason he knows she wouldhavesaid "yes" to moving to Indianapolis and being murdered? It doesn't make any sense. Think about it.

The counsellor asks CD "Would she still have said "yes" to movingto Indianapolis if she knew what was going to happen?"

CD says "yes. She would." Then proceeds to tell the story of her on the floor beside the bed as "proof" that she would say yes.

Now that is crackpot.

Anonymous said...

By the way, although I think the context (would she still have said "yes"?) is the most important aspect of CDs story about Amanda, the morning before she was shot, I think the story reveals CDs complete disregard for Amanda's privacy.

1: he knew she was up doing her devotionals but still thought it perfectly ok to interrupt her, or at least watch her.
2: he "peered into the bathroom" looking for her. Disgusting.

So whether she was praying, reading the bible, or inthe bathroom, he had zero consideration for her private moments.

Anonymous said...

CDs Instagram: God allows evil just enough space so that it will defeat itself.

Really? What does that even mean? I am so sick of these pathetic aphorisms. Let Meg scribble it on a plank of wood, it doesn't mean anything. Meh.

Anonymous said...

Edit: aphorisms should have been in inverted commas. Platitudes might have been a better word to use. Trite and meaningless.

Anonymous said...

The CI says the suspect shot her in the head and watched her bleed. Can they be sure the CI is telling the truth? When I heard "he watched her bleed" it brings to my mind, someone who was already shot, and since he had to wait, he just sat there curiously watching how the blood was coming out. I'm not so sure she was shot by LT. Wouldn't he have been walking around the streets with blood all over himself? But if she was shot twice and screamed, why was the 3rd shot not heard. I don't think DB shot her in the head the night or morning before the invasion, because why would someone then shoot her in the back and arm? And after the trauma to her head, I don't think she could have screamed. Thinking as I am writing this, I don't think DB pulled the trigger himself. But I do think he had contracted it. There are just too any things he has said, done, acted and leaked for him to not have arranged it in my opinion. This all just my opnion and speculation. I think the new LE was so concerned to show the public that they were getting rid of the gangs, they didn't even look for evidence of Davey being involved, and have probably lost and let be destroyed, anything that would have pointed to him. I also do not understand why the leader of this gang was not arrested when they know he was talking to these 3 on the phone and knew what they were doing. If he could make 2 go pick up the 3rd, because he was family, he surely could have stopped the murder with one word. Just a few things out of a hundred that bother Mr about the whole thing. I do believe the light will shine on the dark, it just may take a long while. I hope no one else loses their life in the meantime. SS

Me2l said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Me21, truth is often stranger than fiction. Sometimes so -called crackpot theories turn out to be correct."

Well, you crazies have produced enough theories that maybe one will be right. ?? That's rational thinking. Just throw out any irrational scenario that comes to "mind" (I use the word loosely) and run with it. Maybe one will stick. Wow, the analysis just boggles the mind! I'm sure LE is running themselves ragged following up on all these amazing theories and "clues" that they sit around on their hands and miss.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Very good point...the truth is often stranger than fiction, and I have a feeling that is true in this case we are looking at."

In this case, the fiction is hundreds of times more interesting than the truth. It's like reading a crazy new adventure multiple times daily from a different sock every hour of the day.

LE-1: "Hmmmmm. Well, Barney, what should we investigate today? I'm fresh out of clues."

LE-2: "Gee, O'Hara, have you checked the Blackburn SA thread? Their last theory may have been a little off (looks like the sister and dad have been cleared), but even though we've made three arrests, and all evidence points to the thugs we locked up, it's obvious the hubby needs to be arrested because he is a jackass and gay (SA fiction writers told us so).

Besides, O'Hara, that SA site is entertaining as hell! They'll still be writing new theories after the perps are sentenced and serving their time! If we keep up with it, we could be famous for REALLY solving the crime!

Ya never know, one o' them crackpots could be right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sometimes crack "analysts" get it right."

That eliminates this bunch here.

Me2l said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If Davey is innocent and LE have their guys, why are you still trying so hard?

If LE has made an error and you are trying to excuse him with narcissism, you fail.

Davey has shown empathy.

Me2l said...

So anon, since Peter says Davey's behavior is associated with a personality trait, which trait would you suggest? Which personality disorder would contain the trait Peter says is responsible for Davey's behavior?

Keep in mind, this is not MY theory; it is what Peter said.

BTW, it is NOT an "excuse" for Davey. Who would interpret it that way? Everyone is who they are with behaviors generated by personalities.

Me2l said...

I've never said Davey is "innocent." C'mon, crack analyst; at least be astute enough to get the point.

What I've maintained all along is that virtually every theory presented here is based upon....nothing more than people's imaginations. There has been no substantial hypothesis. Not one.

Me2l said...

When did Davey show empathy? If you're basing it upon something he said, then you must be consistent. If he appeared sincerely empathetic, then why does he appear insincere in his love for Amanda? Is it based solely upon what fits your scenario? Is it based upon your perspective of love and the "fact" that Davey hadn't said those words (a ridiculous assumption).

Leslie said...

Me21, Peter has written much about DB's narcissism, but, it's not that simple. Readers have tried to figure out which personality trait Peter refers to, which is more common today than in the past (he said that would upset some), and many of us have taken gander, and Peter has replied/commented that narcissism is not the answer (paraphrased). He directed us, numerous times, to consider a trait that can be part of many personalities, but, when coupled with an ideology (embracing, believing that it's divine), yet twists it/scriptures for his own personal gain.

There is no doubt that DB is a narcissist. Many of us have at length about narcissism, and have personal experience with narcissists. But, Peter has said narcissism doesn't explain DB's unusual actions and words. We're supposed to be digging deeper.

It would be helpful if you posted your links when you quote Peter, so others can read the entire article(s), and not just his words out of context.

From "Amanda Blackburn Murder Part Three: Ideology and Deception":

What type of personality element can claim that their ideology is of divine origin yet alter it, or even have a need to alter its presentation, in spite of believing it to be divine?

*The alteration must not an error, misunderstanding, or disagreement. The alteration must be deliberate.

If one says "this ideology is divine" and then adds, subtracts or does any alteration of it, in application, presentation, or core belief, the personality is being revealed to the audience, and where the self places his view in comparison to divinity. In a murder case, it is vital.

It is as to say, "God is good; but I, that is, me, myself, I am better" in a sense of narcissism that is all but impossible to contain, even by the most talented egotists. The filter simply gives way once he enters the free editing process of speech where he chooses his own words.


I assert that he sees himself as superior to Christ. I assert that he sees himself superior to the Apostles and to the message they carried. I assert that he feels the need to 'coach', and 'guide' and give a 'new presentation' to the ideology that he claims and believes to be divine and perfect.

He sets himself up above perfection.

This is a form of narcissism that is combined with a well above average intellect and a talent for deception, manipulation and persuasion. This is wrapped up within a desperation for relevancy that drives him to success. When he said that he would have been content with x number of congregants, this statement was, in the context of Christianity's ideology, an unnecessary statement. It is why we have "Negation" in Statement Analysis, and why that which is in the negative is elevated in importance of that which is in the positive.


My conclusion of his language in this ideological setting is this:

The husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn has revealed, linguistically, a personality that is so narcissistic in scope, that he demands that his audience accept that the ideology he sells is both divine in nature, and that he thus reveals that he, himself, is a counselor and advisor to divinity, and the purpose of such is to advance his ambitious agenda of greed.

When he claimed that he was personally spoken to by divinity, standing naked in his shower, he deceived his audience, deliberately, to propagate an authority that leads to numerical success. When he said he received the news that he would be part of a history making event, he was not simply showing his narcissism, but he was deceptive.

Leslie said...

Many of us have *read* at length about narcissism...

Anonymous said...


Me2l said...

Blogger Peter Hyatt said...
"If one argues over the ideology due to personal belief, you will miss the entire point of the article:

It is not your belief, nor my belief that matters. Here is what matters:

The subject claims divine origin but is unafraid to assert himself above divinity in order to facilitate his agenda.

This is a personalty trait critical to understanding the murder case.

For those who want to discount narcissism as being responsible for Davey's behavior surrounding and following the murder of his wife, I suggest you take a look at Peter's original post in this thread and then educate yourselves in personality disorders and their traits.After all, Peter says it matters, so you are mistaken if you say it does not.

Important distinction: narcissism is the disorder that is distinguished by very specific traits.

If you're going to analyze in the manner Peter suggested, you cannot make up your own rules.

*************************Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity(either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others.

TRAITS which define narcissism:
care only about appearances
critical of others
disappointing gift-givers
don't recognize own feelings
envious and competitive
feel entitled
flirtatious or seductive
hard to have a good time with
hate to live alone
hyper-sensitive to criticism
lack sense of humor
strange work habits
unusual eating habits
weird sense of time

snap said...

Through Resonate Facebook:

A little different for Davey. Watching the last few minutes interesting expressions/body language from team.

Alexandra said...

Anon up above,

I agree, the CI is either lying ot parroting back police language in the Propable cause regarding Taylor "shot her in upper body" (this is technical police language-he did not say this. CI saying that Taylor "leaned over her" and "watched her bleed" is the language of embellishment made by eithet CI or whoever interviewed him.

Alexandra said...


Are you saying he loved Amanda? I cried more when my pet fish died. You are very thick-headed. Go watch the Diane Sawyer interview with Scott Peterson to find a similar calm cool reaction when his wife "disappeared". That's part of your problem is you havent looked at enough cases.

Alexandra said...

Also I dont believe Davey is ONLY narcissistic....he's a psychopath also IMO and probably OCD too since he flipped out about the toilet paper roll.

Bingo3 said...

Just couldn't resist posting this picture.

It sure is Davey. Remember the "I know a guy" in the "It was a Setup sermon."

Just a little tongue in cheek.

Leslie said...

Me21, the trait Peter refers to might be listed in your traits of narcissism that you deleted and reposted, but, it might not. Peter said it's a trait that doesn't go along with a specific type of personality, or personality disorder.

Hopefully Peter will be posting his fourth installment on DB soon, and things will be clarified. Inquiring minds want to know!

Anonymous said...

Here it is Bingo!

Scroll down for the photo

flightfulbird said...

From Snap's link to Resonate appearance on June 14th -

Transcription from the start of video through 2:08 - leakage much?

Here’s what I wanna do, I wanna, I wanna open up with a passage, let’s take a look at this right here.
A passage in, um, second Timothy chapter 20 - second timothy chapter, I’m sorry, chapter two. There are not 20 chapters in Timothy, Davey (drinks from his water bottle). Just testin’ to make sure you are a good Bible scholar like me, it’s ok if you’re not, we’ve got the Bible in the sky right here, if you didn’t bring your Bible.

Timothy 2 verse 20 it says this -

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver . . .some of you are like,
ok I can’t relate right there at all cause one, I ain’t got no large house and two, I ain’t got no gold and silver, ok?, so, but hang with me, we’re gonna see if we can make some sense of this.

There are articles of, not only gold and silver, but also of wood and clay - those, that’s that’s my people, right? Vintage - wood - barn wood, clay, all that stuff. Some are for special purposes and some, for common use. N -Now, OK - I know this is a, this is a mans' series, and the reason we started this mans' series is because honestly, I just wanted t' share from my heart, um over a few weeks, this season that God’s brought me into where I’m realizing man, it’s really really difficult in this season to be a man. It’s really difficult to, to step up and man up and step into hard things when I, all I wanna do is escape. All I wanna do is kind of like, get underneath a, a rug and just, a- and tuck myself into fetal position and just, and just escape the hard things, and so I was like man, I just wanna talk about what it looks like to be a man.

But listen ladies, there’s gonna be plenty of things that are going to be very applicable to your life - we’re gonna do a ladies' series in the fall, and I thought about calling it “Beautiful”, and then I was like, naw, you know what, like, I feel like that’s very stereotypical where it's like men are WARRIORS ! - and women are beautiful, right? and I’m like, we’ve got a lot of beautiful women here.

But I, I, I thought, instead of calling it beautiful, let’s call it brave because I just wonder sometimes if even right now in the season of our church, that, man, the heart of, of a lady, like, man, it’s like, man, God made me brave, like, made me courageous. And so we’re gonna do that in the fall and there’s gonna be plenty of stuff in there for you guys if you ever wanna understand a heart of a woman?


In Davey’s house he saw himself as the article of gold and silver and Amanda the article for common use (vintage, wood, barn wood).

He does not just want to curl up under a rug and escape - if so, he wouldn’t have been making speaking appearances and traveling the world. He added “fetal position” instead of just saying underneath the rug- thinking of Evie ? And it seems like he is reaching, trying to tie a “mans’ series” to manning up and facing the hard things aka this assault and murder.

In this season of our church, the heart of a lady (Amanda) was brave and courageous to lay down her life and give herself that others would come to know Jesus throughout Indy and the country and the world.

I am transcribing more - he goes on in the very next minutes to say that those who are able to push out of their lives the things that are only "common" will be used for special purposes.

Me2l said...

That's right, Leslie. It would depend upon a proper diagnosis of NPD.....or some other personality disorder.

Peter wrote this last blog post saying that there is a personality trait involved in Davey's behaviors.

Maybe those who want to deny the personality trait connection have forgotten Peter's assertion.

sa fail said...

Thanks for that half-assed and biased SA, flightybird. Hint: You're doing it wrong.

Reading something and screaming "leakage!" is a sure sign someone doesn't know what they're doing.

Leslie said...

We're both quoting Peter and his assertion that there is a personality trait that can cross over to many personality types. So, I guess we're in agreement on that? Many have made educated guesses, but, the last time Peter commented on those, none had hit the mark. So, it's back to the drawing board. But, no matter what personality trait, Peter says that deception is indicated.
. . .

Once more, from the conclusion of Peter's article that we're all commenting under:

"The husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn has revealed, linguistically, a personality that is so narcissistic in scope, that he demands that his audience accept that the ideology he sells is both divine in nature, and that he thus reveals that he, himself, is a counselor and advisor to divinity, and the purpose of such is to advance his ambitious agenda of greed.

When he claimed that he was personally spoken to by divinity, standing naked in his shower, he deceived his audience, deliberately, to propagate an authority that leads to numerical success. When he said he received the news that he would be part of a history making event, he was not simply showing his narcissism, but he was deceptive."

flightfulbird said...

Or maybe onto something good. . .

Bobcat said...

Please add copies of transcriptions here so they don't get lost in these comments.

I'll update later.

sa fail said...

Lol you keep on thinking that if that's what gets you through the day, sweetie.

You really should do SA the right way, though. I know you have the time because you're here 24/7.

Me2l said...

Alexandra, nowhere did I say DB loved Amanda. I was responding to the poster who said he showed "empathy." My question was, why do you believe his "empathy" but not his "love"? It appears to be selective.

Me2l said...

Ok Leslie. Peter had diagnosed NPD. I'm not arguing that point.. In fact, I am emphasizing that Peter has said it plays a part. Some want to deny that.

Read Peter's post .... The very first post in this comment section.

Leslie said...

Thank you, Snap, for posting DB's sermon link.

fightful, I also found it interesting that DB mentioned wanting to curl up under a rug / in a fetal position, since he's blogged and preached about Running Towards The Roar.

"My family and I have decided to adopt Levi Lusko’s approach. Instead of running away from the pain we’ve decided to run toward it. We’ve decided to embrace it. We’ve decided to deal with it head-on."

"About 45 minutes of running toward the roar and I was better. I had released it all. The darkness that, in my mind, had hovered over that location was now taken captive by a risen savior and I wasn’t afraid of it anymore."

Seriously, I know grieving is a process. But, if DB actually grieves, perhaps he shouldn't write and preach about how he's faced his fears head-on, lots of pictures from traveling, rubbing elbows with the Christian Rich & Famous, and appear to have moved on?

daveyblackburn #livingroomdisney with @bobgoff, Hollywood BLVD, The LA Dream Center and some of my favorite people in the world. Can't get much better than this past week!

Me2l said...

Davey could also be a psychopath .... Similar on the surface to a narcissist, but beneath that, possesses very different traits.

I really am not sure, however, the casual observer (and we all are casual observers) can detect or diagnose any sort of personality disorder.

Leslie said...

Me21 said...

Read Peter's post .... The very first post in this comment section.
. . .

That's what I've been posting today. I read it before posting, and have reread it several times.

So, yes, I guess we're in agreement that Peter thinks DB has a trait that crosses over different personality types, and this trait allows him to simultaneously believe that scriptures are divinely inspired, while also manipulating the scriptures for his own gain.

Leslie said...

That DB could be Psychopath has been discussed. And, you're right that we casual observers cannot actually diagnose DB, but, whichever personality disorder he might be, we still need to figure out the important trait that Peter has referenced numerous times.

flightfulbird said...

Bobcat, I will add in comments on your link as soon as I finish the next part - a whole section about this line of thinking -

"those who are able to push out of their lives the things that are only "common" will be used for special purposes."

It's very interesting. Davey posted that Amanda wasn't well traveled, well read or well to do. He said she was computer illiterate in his blog post where he talked about when she was giving him up for Lent. She restored trash - - vintage - wood - barn wood. We haven't said or expressed the feelings that Amanda was common - Davey did.

Bingo3 said...

Thanks Bobcat. The picture of DB in that Instagram video was bit scary and then the "It's Impossible to Do Alone" just reminded me so much of that odd sermon!

Still can't comment on case discussion but I am keeping up with it and all your transcribing. Thanks so much for your hard work.

One thing I have noticed about Davey in his preaching lately is that he is not dressing quite as feminine. He is dressing more like he did before Amanda died. He def still likes to show his muscles and wears tight clothing but less white jean, blue jean jackety!

Me2l said...

Yes, Leslie. I don't think you were ever among the couple of commenters who denied a connection to personality traits or disorders.

Bobcat said...

A quick glance at this sermon shows a bulked up Davey. It's either part of the "Warrior" theme, or a show of strength/masculinity, or both.

Anonymous said...

Bingo- Is this the picture you're calling "scary"?:

Really? What's scary about it?

Me2l said...

The "warriors" at the gym are "his people."

flightfulbird said...

Transcript from 2:10 through 4:21

"We’re gonna put some stuff in there for you on that. So ladies, tune in, and lean in during this series, ‘cuz, ‘cuz you, I know you think you understand the heart of a man, because we’re real simple, but you may not understand fully the heart of a man, so I kinda wanna, I wanna unpack this a little bit
but you will ladies understand this, it says some are for special purposes, and some for common use

So kinda like when you have, like, fine china, you know what I mean? Like, like the dishes that you only break out for special occasions. Which I never understood that, like, growin' up, my mom's like 'that’s our fine china, it sits in this case and we don’t use it often'. And like, a couple years would go by and I’m like, are we only waiting for, like, like the Queen of England to show up, or somethin', like, like, l- let’s break out the fine china, for, for SOMETHIN' !

But she’s no like there's like, there’s like the everyday flatware, that you use, and then there's the fine china - so some for special occasions and, and some for normal uses

And then it says those who cleanse themself from the latter - so look -
those who are able to kinda, push out of their life the things that are only “common” (emphasis on common), those that cleanse themselves from the latter, will be instruments for special. purposes.
Now if I were, if I were to ask you this one question -
would you rather be used for common purposes, or special purposes, there’s not very many people in here who say yeah, just give me the common. Like, like everybody, probably the reason you showed up today is 'cause you’re like, I wanna be used for somethin' special. but, but what he says is, you can, you can either be used for somethin' special - or - you can go about life and do somethin' common. You can’t have both.

Because while common things may be good, they’re not great. And good is often the archenemy of great.

So there are some things in our life that are good, that’s not necessarily harmful, but maybe they’re not the great things. Like if we wanna be used for special occurrences, we, we’ve got, we’ve gotta choose t’, to do the great rather than, rather than the good.

So he says you’ve gotta cleanse yourself of the latter, the common stuff, in order to be used for special purposes."


He really believes this - and he really said it. Clearly. He is very resolute in his feeling that you have to remove things from your life which might be good, not necessarily harmful, but maybe they're not great - IF you want to be used for special occurrences and purposes, if you want to do the great rather than the good.

This isn't statement analysis and trying to find hidden meanings in words. Davey clearly wanted to be used for special purposes. From watching their interactions and his disparagement of Amanda for months on end, his talking about the right wife slingshotting your ministry or holding you back - -

It is not a stretch in the least to wonder if Amanda was the thing in Davey's life that was "good, not necessarily harmful, but maybe not great" -maybe in his mind keeping him from being used for greatness.

Fm25 said...

Wow, is he serious?

Anonymous said...

All that recycled garbage furniture HAD TO GO!!!!

How could we expect Davey to live like that when he clearly belongs in a PALACE?

Me2l said...

It's not a stretch HERE to "wonder" that, but everything that's "wondered" here is, in reality, a stretch and to fit he scenario.

Anonymous said...

The pieces actually fit very nicely together.

Like a beautiful quilt.

A masterpiece.

god allowed it.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Greed made it happen.

Alexandra said...

In a big hurry, havent had time to read comments but I had a thought: In Amber's 48 Hour piece, why does Amber give us the unnecessary info that they met at the playground "after Weston's nap"? I notice this is similar to her telling us exactly when Amber's text was sent to her supposedly the day before offering to pick her up from the airport. Amber is being careful to document time (only within certain places in her 48 hour account. The first area is when the text from Amanda offering to pick her up arrives---then time for the rest of that day becomes completely muddled--we have no idea what time she was picked up, was dropped off at Grandmas (we know they got lost which simply muddles any attempt to calculate time). The next area of careful time keeping is next morning/afternoon they meet after Weston's nap then time again becomes completely muddled. The only clarification of time we have beyond that point is the time on the surveillance camera--when was that?

The sensitivity and clues lie in these places she is attempting to clarify time. Right now, I am not even willing to believe she arrived at the airport June 8 bc of the way she makes the time so hard to figure out and the "overcompensation" of Amber stating what time exactly the text from Amanda came through. I think there is a posdibility that she arrived Nov 9, both Davey and Amanda picked her and her baby up from airport, all 3 went to playground, and then it is after the playground, with Davey driving that they "took a different route" and "got lost": this being "code" for Amanda being driven back to her house and shot by Davey.

Leslie said...

Blogger Me2l said...
Yes, Leslie. I don't think you were ever among the couple of commenters who denied a connection to personality traits or disorders.
. . .

I haven't noticed anyone disagreeing that DB has certain personality traits and / or disorder(s), but, even Peter says that personality cannot explain away DB's behavior and words. It's way more complex than that, of course.

People here should feel free to try to apply SA, give their impressions about DB and the case, or explain their theories without fear of being ridiculed, or told that everything DB does or says is because he's a narcissist or has narcissistic traits. They play a part, but, there's more to the story.
. . .
Moving on.

flightful, thank you for transcribing DB's latest sermon and for your insight!

Bobcat said...


"People here should feel free to try to apply SA, give their impressions about DB and the case, or explain their theories without fear of being ridiculed, or told that everything DB does or says is because he's a narcissist or has narcissistic traits. They play a part, but, there's more to the story."


Me2l is a tyrant who is trying to explain/discredit Peter's analysis, and mock almost all others.

Leslie said...

Thank you Bobcat.

Alexandra said...

To add onto my post at 2:30: I think Davey was with Amber and Amanda and he entered the playground right before Amanda and Amber. Notice the surveillance video is cut to begin the instant Amamda enters..,I think Davey walked in before her. This is why Amands looks at Weston when he runs down the hall away from her but does not call him back or even reflexively move toward him even a foot or two...because he is running after Davey who has entered before them. This also explains why, at the end of the 48 hour story, Amanda does not have a vehicle as she seemed to when she "met" Amber at the playground and why Davey is at the wheel at the end of the story.

flightfulbird said...

Alexandra wrote -
"Notice the surveillance video is cut to begin the instant Amamda enters..,I think Davey walked in before her. This is why Amands looks at Weston when he runs down the hall away from her but does not call him back or even reflexively move toward him even a foot or two...because he is running after Davey who has entered before them."

It was odd to me that Amanda didn't go quickly after Weston when he toddled down the hall - not only did she not chase him, she didn't really even watch him or keep an eye on him - sort of glanced down the hall and thought "oh, he's ok" and then turned back to Amber.

I, too, do not think she would have just let Weston run and especially that she wouldn't have watched him like a hawk if he hadn't been running TO someone who was already in the play area. What that means - as in, why didn't she say anyone else was with them that afternoon if there was someone else with them - remains to be seen.

Alexandra said...

Me2l is a tyrant and has been obssessed with me for over 20 yrs. I dont know what that means but it must mean he's deeply in love with me. Im sorry he has come here to insult everyone. This is why I initially broke up with him...his behavior is nothing short of awful. Recently, he tried to pretend he had his cruel personality under control and that he's kind and sensitive, luckily statement analysis allowed me to see right through his charade.

Alexandra said...


Right! There is something odd about her letting him run. Also it looks like he is running so fast and confidently after someone? Sorry Imso rushed--I will read all comments later.

flightfulbird said...

2 Timothy 2:20-21 New International Version (NIV)

20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

This is an interesting passage for Davey to choose to cover in a sermon at Resonate, especially given the context of what happened six months ago. It's important to take the transcripts together straight through because the first part begins the description of "common".

In the transcript/sermon, Davey expounds on “wood and clay” in verse 20 and adds “vintage - wood - barn wood” to the description of “common articles” - and says “that’s my people, right?” - Amanda?

Davey said (on Instagram or Twitter) that Amanda wasn't well traveled, well read or well to do. He said something was “over her head” in the Love Song Week Six video. He said she was computer illiterate in his blog post where he talked about when she was giving him up for Lent. She restored trash - vintage - wood - barn wood - in her furniture refinishing business. We haven't said or expressed the feelings that Amanda was common - Davey has.

Is it remotely possible that in Davey’s house, he saw himself as the articles of gold and silver and Amanda the articles for common use (vintage, wood, barn wood).

In his interpretation of verse 21 ("those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes"), he flat out says more than once that those who are able to push out of their lives the things that are only "common" will be used for special purposes. He emphasizes common and draws out special - purposes . It is absolutely chilling to watch this video- even if you read it - but even more so if you watch it. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing - then taking it in the context of what happened six months ago, it’s haunting. It’s less than four minutes long, easy to find at the very beginning of the video - well worth taking the time to watch if you have the time - link here -

He really believes this - and he really said it. Clearly. This isn't statement analysis and trying to find hidden meanings in words. He said it out loud, more than once.

He is very resolute in his feeling that you have to remove things from your life which might be "good, not necessarily harmful, but maybe they're not great" - IF you want to be used for special occurrences and purposes, if you want to do the great rather than the good.

- continued next post -

flightfulbird said...

- continued from last post -

Davey clearly wanted to be used for special purposes. Creating a fame page and naming himself a "public figure" on Facebook, telling in the Good Morning America interview that over 6500 people around the world caught the live stream of Amanda's "fu-funeral this past Sunday” (quote from transcript "and the nation um, there were over 6500 people tuned in across the world um,” - and this was in response to the question “do you have any idea who might have done this and why?” - see Peter’s statement analysis post

From watching his interactions with Amanda and his disparagement of her for months on end, leading up to the murder and even since then - and his talking about the right wife slingshotting your ministry or holding you back - it is not a stretch in the least to wonder if Amanda was the thing in Davey's life that was common - that was "good, not necessarily harmful, but maybe not great" -maybe in his mind keeping him from being used for greatness. And now Davey is being used for this special purpose because he is free of the common article, because he has pushed it out of his life.

Is this an attempt at justification, reasoning, an explanation for why this happened -whether he had anything to do with it or not ?

Leslie said...

At first I also thought it was odd that Amanda just let Weston run off, but, then I wondered if, since it's enclosed and they would go there fairly often, perhaps she felt it was a safe environment. I don't know. I keep vacillating between originally thinking nothing odd about Amber posting the video, and her words, to having growing suspicions, and then, back to square one. Alexandra and flightful, you have some compelling points which are causing me to once again question Amber's need to post the video, as well as what she wrote and the missing time. This is why this sharing of ideas is helpful, as it causes me to consider other viewpoints and mull things over more.

flightfulbird said...

That should've said "creating a FAN page" in the first paragraph of my last post. Now I'm leaking. I think he did want fame as well.

flightfulbird said...

From the end of the transcript -

"Like, like everybody, probably the reason you showed up today is 'cause you’re like, I wanna be used for somethin' special. but, but what he says is, you can, you can either be used for somethin' special - or - you can go about life and do somethin' common. You can’t have both.

Because while common things may be good, they’re not great. And good is often the archenemy of great.

So there are some things in our life that are good, that’s not necessarily harmful, but maybe they’re not the great things. Like if we wanna be used for special occurrences, we, we’ve got, we’ve gotta choose t’, to do the great rather than, rather than the good.

So he says you’ve gotta cleanse yourself of the latter, the common stuff, in order to be used for special purposes."

If stuttering / stumbling indicates sensitivity, the part "we, we've got, we've gotta choose t', to do the great" - was it a choice for him to orchestrate all of this - if he did?

flightfulbird said...

From Amber's Facebook (the one with the video) -

"I went back to the indoor PARK just a few days after everything had happened. The kids had been stuck inside all week and desperately needed to burn some energy - I didn't know where else to go. Weston was there, and oh how surreal it was playing with him in the exact spot I stood only a few days before with Amanda."

How did Weston get there - not by his own devices for sure. Who was he with - and why didn't she say "who" was there with him?

smh said...

In fairness, it doesn't matter what topic DB chooses for his sermons, some people are ALWAYS going to insist he's talking about Amanda. Every. Single. Time.

Another problem is that you're supposed to analyze each statement with the presupposition of truth and innocence. Most do not do that with DB's statements and instead analyze everything he says with a presupposition of guilt.

If you can't overcome your bias you will never be successful with SA.

Me2l said...

Bobcat, you are very sensitive to the application of a personality trait and/or disorder, even though Peter has said it exists.

One problem I have with some of you "analyzers" is what you said regarding me. I have never said EVERYTHING Davey says or does is becayse of NPD. however, Peter did ask us to identify the trait of personality. You want to ignore that, because apparently you think it serves as an excuse for DB's behavior. It's not an "excuse" but explains why he's different than you, than I. Narcissists can be despicable and are capable of despicable acts.

Please do not misquote me through your mis-analyzation and interpretation.

Anonymous said...

So what's the verdict on the salacious info Bobcat posted about Davey? Did Bobcat make it up or did she get totally trolled by someone who made it up?

And why did she share it here instead of her own blog?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:08,

I think the message was a troll, or, to use Me2l's word - a plant. I should not have shared the message before checking into the sender.

My blog is for transcriptions.

mom2many said...

I'm cross-posting for those who don't follow Bobcat's transcript page.

This is a good illustration of what a charlatan Davey is.

2 Tim 2:20-21
"20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."

It is utter nonsense that doing away with good, useful common things will ready you for a special purpose. What the passage says is that those who use common things for their purpose, will be ready to be used in special ways. Vessels of wood and clay would have held the things for cleansing rituals, which early Christians were still doing, and in fact, Catholics still do in a manner to this day. Water poured "from" the common vessel, purifies the washer and makes him ready for special use. Without these common vessels, one is not worthy of the gold and silver, which hold the divine.

If one is familiar with Catholic practice, this passage is acted out in the Mass. The priest sets up the altar, removing the unconsecrated bread and pouring the wine from common vessels. They are put into gold vessels, and the priest washes his hands, from water in common vessels, before praying the words of consecration and raising the consecrated host, and the gold vessels.

If Davey believes Amanda was common, she was his avenue to becoming pure, holy and good for special use. If he sees in this passage justification for her removal, he is wrong. He has removed from his life the very means that was granted to him to make him worthy.

Me2l said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Me2l said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ismellarat said...


Were you the one who sent Bobcat the info
about Davey? I bet you were the one. Very Machiavallian.

Ismellarat said...

Especially the way you accused Bobcat of "throwing her head back and laughing maniacally at what "she had done" said that bc you were throwing your head back maniacally at what YOU had done" by sending Bobcat that msg about Davey.

Me2l said...

So Bobcat, when I asked you if the response could be a "plant", do you remember your reply to me?

Me2l said...

HISG, bobcat knows who the reply was from. She told me it was not a "plant" and elaborated.

Ismellarat said...

You sent the msg to Bobcat didnt you Me2l ?

Ismellarat said...

She doesnt know who it's from and she never said she knew who it was from: she said she should have confirmed the identity before posting it after YOU gave her a hard time. That was really nasty you did that to her. You were pissed she called you out on being a tyrant.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom2many. crazy Davey should not be attempting to explain bible verses which he does not understand. Vintage wood barn wood that's my He's incoherent.

Me21, your constant screeching about the craziness of people's ideas is boring.

Rosy said...

He had to go to California to find out what an Adopt a Block is. Unbelievable.

Me2l said...

Bobcat, did I send that message to you? Don't be a coward.

Me2l said...

HISG, initially I thought you sent the message to bobcat, because you use so many fake identities ..... and especially after you went all to pieces with glee and exclamation points in multiple successive posts.

A bit of suspicious behavior on your part.

Anonymous said...

Bobcat said...
I've heard from some people who knew/know DB in high school, when the big lie is supposed to have happened.

Friend #1
"Your page seems to suggest that Davey is a "pathological liar" and may have had something to do with his wife's murder. You're wrong. No doubt about it. You should delete this, as it is slander against someone you do not know. And frankly a waste of time. For those of us who know Davey well, this page makes you look like a stranger obsessed. You're wasting quality life on a fairytale you're dreaming up."

"No doubt about it."
He leaves out "I have..." which would be expected if he truly had no doubts about it. He then insults me for my questions.

When asked to describe Davey's character:

"One of the most humble and genuine men you will ever meet. An incredibly hard worker who puts others first. Honestly, I wish I was more of the kind of man he is."

The first two sentences leave out "Davey is..." which would be expected. He separates Davey from his glowing review. The final sentence starts with Honestly, which indicates deception.

Friend #1 - Writes nice things about Davey, but is not committed to them, and exhibits deception.

June 12, 2016 at 1:48 PM

The use of the word "honestly" does NOT automatically indicate deception! Do you even read this blog?

Ismellarat said...

You sent it Me2l, you lying manipulator. I totally despise you. You come here and lie about me saying I am crazy and suck at SA to get revenge bc I called you out on your BS. Then Bobcat has the sense to stand up to you about being a tyrant, so you begin manipulating her and trying to make her look bad. Go to hell. You're a coward. You're a liar. You're a manipulator. I don't want to hear another lying word out of your mouth. COWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So what's the verdict on the salacious info Bobcat posted about Davey? Did Bobcat make it up or did she get totally trolled by someone who made it up?

And why did she share it here instead of her own blog?

June 15, 2016 at 5:08 PM

My vote is she made it up. While it is amusing to think someone trolled her, and she ate it up and rushed here to post it because it confirms what she and others already believe about Davey Blackburn, she has a mean streak, and I think she dropped that little bomb here knowing the rumor would quickly spread. I wouldn't be surprised if she or one of her little minions have already posted it in other forums, too.

Ismellarat said...


You need to go find less intelligent people to go play head games with. I for one find this crap very easy to figure out.

Fm25 said...

Anonymous smh said...
In fairness, it doesn't matter what topic DB chooses for his sermons, some people are ALWAYS going to insist he's talking about Amanda. Every. Single. Time
Every time davey gives a sermon or writes a blog, I expect he will have chosen a safer topic and been more careful with his words. However that has not been the case. davey does choose the topics for his sermons. He also draws from his own personal experience. His interpretation of scripture fit so perfectly in line with the story he is spinning that I almost wonder if he's intentionally goading people. Vintage wood/ farm wood as a symbol for Amanda. Amanda being common, lacking the ability to evangelize, not well read,... Ridding of the common to be used for special purpose. He chose this message out of all he had to choose from for his warrior series- if he is allowed to speak again during this series it will be interesting. Say what you will to discredit posters on this site, anyone who stumbles upon these transcripts is free to make their own assumptions. I think most will raise an eyebrow at the eeriness of his message.

Ismellarat said...

Me2l wrote

"My vote is she made it up. While it is amusing to think someone trolled her, and she ate it up and rushed here to post it because it confirms what she and others already believe about Davey Blackburn, she has a mean streak, and I think she dropped that little bomb here knowing the rumor would quickly spread. I wouldn't be surprised if she or one of her little minions have already posted it in other forums, too."

You're so full of shit Me2l. I wouldnt' be surprised if you wrote all 3 of the comments from the 3 friends...after all it does appear to be your writing style.

Ismellarat said...

From friend #1 to Bobcat

"You're wasting quality life on a fairytale you're dreaming up."

Hmmm, I'm trying to use SA on this and I just can't figure it out. Who would use the word "fairytale" and who uses it all the time in their rantings here? Hmmmmm....I can't figure it out, it is so hard. Is it A) Me2l B)Me2l or C) Me2l?

Anonymous said...

Gay Rat:

It's more likely Bobcat was upset that the first two respondents defended Davey, so she lied about the third one. She said SHE initiated contact, so how the heck could they have been Me21? Duh!

Rosy said...

"Church is the steroid shot in my life...."

He wants to see fathers feeling this. Oh, man. He wants men to LEAD by surrendering to his pernicious BS? This is a guy who will leak his own indecent or risqué thoughts (in this particular sermon, excrement; testes, steroid shots) as an outreach tactic. Let's talk dirty a little bit and get this cold room to give it up, SURRENDER.

"Church is the steroid shot in my life that allows me to go through the battles of Monday through Saturday."
starting around 34:30

Me2l said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gay Rat:

It's more likely Bobcat was upset that the first two respondents defended Davey, so she lied about the third one. She said SHE initiated contact, so how the heck could they have been Me21? Duh!

June 15, 2016 at 7:13 PM

......but Bobcat, being the stand-up person she is, will not stand up for what's right.

Anonymous said...

Hey Scumbag,

Maybe if she initiated contact with the first 2 it's because some scumbag was posing as 2 friends of Davey's.

Me2l said...

Hey Scumbag,

Maybe if she initiated contact with the first 2 it's because some scumbag was posing as 2 friends of Davey's.

June 15, 2016 at 7:35 PM

HISG, you sound awfully knowledgeable about this entire thing. You're the only person on this blog who would do such a thing. Running around here with so many user names gives you away.

Yep. You deceitful, insane cretin.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous fool @7:35, bobcat said the first two are REAL PEOPLE with REAL LIVES. Are you calling Bobcat a liar?

Leslie said...

OT: I don't know if the style of long tunic type tee shirt DB wears is a regional thing? I have young adult children, I work with youth, and see young folk in my neighborhood, stores, etc, but, have never seen guys wear those. Out of curiosity, I googled "men's long tee shirt tunic," and clothing with tags such as "Tyga Swag," and "Kayne West" came up, with gangsta type pictures.

I don't mean any of this to sound critical, and clothing is not the most important aspect of this case, by any means. I'd actually rather DB wear longer and looser tee shirts than the form fitting shorter ones. I'm just curious if others are familiar with this style?

Anonymous said...

Kanye frequently wears tunic tees with a hoody. He's Mr. High6 Fashion like DB is.

DB strikes me as someone who walks into The Gap or Express and says, "I want that exact outfit that's on the picture of the teenager in the window!"

Anonymous said...

That should say Mr. High Fashion.

Leslie said...

Thanks, Anonymous @ 7:55. The Gap or Express example rings true!

Rosy said...

H&M Divided line

Anonymous said...

Leslie, I didn't even realize Express still existed until recently when I read a story about the spending habits of pro basketball players. Express was one of the top expenditures, which struck me as funny. I don't think I've had an outfit from Express since I was in college in the 90s, haha.

Leslie said...

I didn't realize Express carried men's clothing. I haven't been in an Express store in decades, and only remembered it catering to ladies. I guess I am a bit out of touch with the times, ha ha. And I found the long tees in H&M, online, as well (for only $9.99!). My eyes have been opened :)

HISG said...


After having read the recent garbage you posted, I just actually pity you--someone who goes through life manipulating people, lying to them, and calling them names over and over like a schoolyard bully. It must lead people not to trust you and be very wary of you, or are there actually people you find who but into your bullcrap? What is wrong with you?!

HISG said...

should say "buy into your bullcrap"

Anonymous said...

Leslie, back in the day, at the mall closest to me, Express had men's store that was called something besides Express. I want to say it started with an "S." I bought my college boyfriend some Christmas gifts there. (On sale!) Now I think they sell men's and women's from the same store. I don't know. I'm partial to JCPenny these days :)

Anyhoo, Davey does wear some ridiculous outfits. The long tee/hoodie combo is less ridiculous than the rolled-up jeans/denim jacket combo, though, imho.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 9:51
"Structure", I think.

Leslie said...

Anonymous @9:51, I just read about Structure. Thanks for supplying that missing link.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anonymous @9:56. Structure!

Bingo3 said...

This is a good illustration of what a charlatan Davey is.

2 Tim 2:20-21
"20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."

It is utter nonsense that doing away with good, useful common things will ready you for a special purpose. What the passage says is that those who use common things for their purpose, will be ready to be used in special ways. Vessels of wood and clay would have held the things for cleansing rituals, which early Christians were still doing, and in fact, Catholics still do in a manner to this day. Water poured "from" the common vessel, purifies the washer and makes him ready for special use. Without these common vessels, one is not worthy of the gold and silver, which hold the divine.

If one is familiar with Catholic practice, this passage is acted out in the Mass. The priest sets up the altar, removing the unconsecrated bread and pouring the wine from common vessels. They are put into gold vessels, and the priest washes his hands, from water in common vessels, before praying the words of consecration and raising the consecrated host, and the gold vessels.

If Davey believes Amanda was common, she was his avenue to becoming pure, holy and good for special use. If he sees in this passage justification for her removal, he is wrong. He has removed from his life the very means that was granted to him to make him worthy.

This is is just another example of Davey distorting scripture and another seemingly good justification for AB's death. These actual verses (2 Timothy 20-21) are describing the difference between true Christians and those who are not truly consecrated to God. It is taken completely out of context. It is not about being common or uncommon. SMH. I believe that is part of Davey's downfall. He feels the need to be this extra-ordinary, uncommon, superior person but he is doing it using loose Christianity. Peter has called it Davey's jeezus. This jeezus is letting itself be formed by DB. DB believes one should be "Boom" elevated to great things. Instead of using this verse to teach people to give their hearts fully to God, he is telling them to become great, super humans like the cross-fitting Davey. Don't become the humble, consecrated to God, common, humble person that was Amanda. It is all very sad and he should not be on the pulpit (middle school stage with rock star lighting I mean)

Bingo3 said...

I meant to say before last post thanks Mom2Many for the first part above and I couldn't agree more on the distortion.

Fm25 said...

Exactly mom 2 many and bingo! He manipulated scripture to fit his story once again. and the irony is, Amanda was the gold and silver and he is the wood and clay. She was a true Christian and he is a false preacher pushing his own agenda.

Leslie said...

Great points, Mom2Many and Bingo3. DB doesn't hesitate to take scripture out of context, and twist it for his own purposes. I feel for his parishioners, as they assume he's the "real thing" and don't realize he's selling his own (shallow) brand of Christianity.
DB's latest scripture-picture on social media:

"A faith that
sees you
through the
fire begins on
your face
before God"

I thought it was only Amanda who bowed down before God?
This scripture-picture and DB's posting of scripture, was posted yesterday, but, bears repeating:

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20

"God allows
evil just
enough space
so it will
defeat itself."

I wonder who/what he's calling evil, or whom is he saying tried to harm him? The circumstances of Amanda's death? (Surely not Amanda?) And the second part of the scripture verse. Just, wow. I realize I'm reading into it, but with the way DB twists things to justify, for his own benefit, it's hard not to....

Bobcat said...

Davey's two most recent word photos are black and fiery.

It sounds like he's in a dark place.

Hey Jude said...

Peter - to address your question: I could not recall if Davey had actually claimed to believe the Bible to be the infallible word of God. if he had done so, what you says applies - if he had made no claim to believe that the Bible is God's perfect and infallible word, it would nullify some of what you wrote about his character. I could not bring myself to go through his talks again, but happily (or not so happily) remembered the website, where it is written in the section headed 'Our Beliefs':


The Bible is God's actual word to man and the ultimate authority on truth. It was written with no errors and no faults by imperfect men under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Bible consists of 66 books in what is called the Canon - the books that over time have been tested and approved to be the books that God wants his people to have as His Word to them. The Bible tells the story of God and man and how God reconciled man back to Him through His son Jesus (see beliefs on God, Man, Jesus Christ, and Salvation).

Resonate is Davey's Church, therefore this is what Davey himself holds true - it is a statement which he wrote or otherwise approves and agrees with in his capacity as Lead Pastor.

In Davey's view, the Bible is God's actual word to man and contains no faults or errors. While he claims this, i think that in common with many others, Davey uses 'the Holy Spirit' as the 'get round' to contradicting and/or misrepresenting scripture:


The Holy Spirit is given to those who receive Christ as their Savior. He is a person of the Trinity that exists to draw unbelievers to Christ and help those who are believers of Christ, either by conviction of wrong or encouragement in right. The Holy Spirit speaks to the believer in many different ways, but He is most often sensed through a nudge of the heart or conscience. He also equips believers for their role in the advancement of the Church.

'The Holy Spirit' is how Davey's 'God' talks to him in the shower, and is what leads and inspires Davey. To challenge one who has 'received a word from the Lord' is to 'deny the Holy Spirit' (the 'unforgivable' sin - so do that at your peril, sort of thing, Resonaters, Newspringers, or whoever). Thus God is remade in man's own image, and Davey attributes to 'God' whatever he wants his version of God to be saying or doing, all for the furthering of Davey's 'ministry'. Davey's God is God as interpreted by Davey through 'the Holy Spirit', which, as told by Davey is also Davey's own invention, with scriptural references thrown in to keep the trusting, the young, and the undiscerning, 'on message' and in line with 'the message'.

I find 'ruthlessness' is a strong trait displayed by Davey, but as ruthlessness is already mentioned in the article, that is probably not the trait we are being asked to identify? I think it is amongst his strongest traits.

Hey Jude said...

Continued ...

I also think Davey is a megalomaniac: he is thinking in terms not only of Indianapolis, or the 'nation' but even of the whole 'world' (revival). God himself, according to Davey, found it necessary for Amanda to be presented, by Davey, as a holy and blameless sacrifice, in order to further Davey's ministry. Amanda was brutally murdered - this we do know for sure. No-one involved in the investigation has thought to describe Amanda's murder as a 'sacrifice' - those who have a grasp on reality can see it for what it is it - a plain old horrible murder. It is only Davey who gives the additional information that Amanda was sacrificed in order to further his ministry. It is only Davey who found it appropriate to refashion his wife's murder as a sacrifice. Sacrifices are made - at first we learns Amanda was self-sacrificing: this was too much of Amanda - Davey could not resist to make it about him, so he later gave the information that it was he who was 'presenting' (or offering) the sacrifice. He also claims to have known, through the Holy Spirit, that Amanda was given to him only for a season. I believe Amanda was a sacrifice he intended to make from quite early on in the marriage, possibly he had such thoughts even before the marriage.

He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.

The sacrifice theme is astounding, not only for its blasphemy (Hebrews 10:14 - 'For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.') but also for Davey's failure to recognise it as such in view of what he claims to believe about the inerrancy of scripture, andto keep on promoting the claim, as though it is not only an acceptable idea, but actually an indisputable fact. (It may be an indisputable fact within his own mind, if he did ruthlessly 'sacrifice' Amanda in order to grow his church. He maybe cannot see what grave admissions he seems to be making through his attempt to make the story Biblically 'relevant'). Also, he gives the impression that Amanda was aware of, and assenting (fully surrendered) to her impending 'sacrifice'. She sensed something so terrible, and he appears to have been aware of it, yet he went off and left the door unlocked? Well, even if he was not involved in her murder (I think he was), his disregard whilst aware that Amanda was in a state of distress or turmoil, was certainly ruthless. (In one of his interviews he said Amanda had been struggling with some issues, and he had read her journal. I think he did not care, or speak about what had been distressing her, because he had been the cause of her distress.)

I don't think megalomania is only a character trait, it seems more character consuming - I'd say he has to be displaying megalomaniacal traits, at least:

So, I'm saying 'ruthlessness' and some degree of 'megalomania', but I'm not sure if megalomania can be only a trait - it sounds like him.

Brendal said...

I came here to find information and updates. What a long comment section!

Bobcat said...

As a result of childhood abuse, the narcissistic personality submerged and disowned his or her True Self and created a False Self to replace it. The False Self is a glorified, grandiose version of self the narcissist idealisesin order to escape the horrific inner voices ‘you are no-one, unworthy, unacceptable, and defective’.

The False Self is all-pervasive – it has taken over the individual with narcissistic personality disorders entire identity. The False Self is a bottomless pit which only ever feels alive if and when it is receiving narcissistic supply, or is engrossed in thoughts of specialness, uniqueness and being the centre influence of people who are in the narcissist’s world.

Than narcissistic personality has a true inner self which is incredibly damaged, non-functional and incapable of dealing with the onslaught of the inner wounds which the narcissist has disowned, rejected and not taken responsibility for. The False Self therefore is the absolute priority of the narcissist - keeping it fed with narcissistic supply – as a total addiction that is relentless and all consuming. Everyone andeverything in the narcissist’sexistence is mined for narcissistic supply. If the person or thing is not able to provide adequate narcissisticsupply it will be devalued and discarded by the narcissist accordingly.

There is no greater narcissistic injury than being exposed for the phony he or she really is. To lose the hold of the False Self, and have his or hermask ripped down exposing the true distorted, horrific shameful personality is akinto emotional annihilation foran individual with narcissistic personality disorder. He or she will react with incredible vengeance, retaliation and maliciousness.

Bobcat said...


The narcissistic personality may stop at nothing to exact punishment, which includes but is not limited to the destruction of a person’s reputation with vicious smear campaigns, using any pathological and even criminal method to destroy the person’s life and the narcissist will cause mayhem and havocto any other person who just happens to get in the way. Even the narcissist’s children can become casualties as aresult of him or her taking out revenge on a spouse.

The narcissistic personality has no remorse, conscience or ability to comprehend how actions affect others.As far as the narcissistic personality is concerned, he or she is the victimised one, and the disordered mind ofthe narcissist twists and turns facts into pathologically believing that what he or she did was perpetrated by the other party.

Taking down a person with narcissistic personality disorder’s mask is indeed risky business, and one should be very sure that what needs to be protected is, and there are noloose ends for the narcissistic personality to attack. Be aware that a narcissist may also react vengefully and maliciously to any slight (real or imagines) that threatens his or her False Self. Once realising someone in your life has narcissistic personality disorder, it is more appropriate to create strong boundaries of No Contact or Modified Contact and make it a mission to separate your life from this person.

snap said...

"Once realising someone in your life has narcissistic personality disorder, it is more appropriate to create strong boundaries of No Contact or Modified Contact and make it a mission to separate your life from this person."

Also to be applied to Trolls.

Hey Jude said...

Megalomania is narcissism plus - Davey seems to believe that his 'story', created at the expense of Amanda and baby's lives, is of worldsignificance. I think that's more than narcissism - more narcissism on steroids.

Bobcat said...

What about something simpler, like Selfish Ambition?

Me2l said...

Megalomania is a psychopathological condition characterized by fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem. Historically it was used as a name for narcissistic personality disorder prior to the latter's first use by Heinz Kohut in 1968, and is used today as a colloquial equivalent.[1][2] It is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)[3] or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD).

mom2many said...

Hey Jude,

I was thinking megalomania awhile back, too. But I discarded it, because it did not fit Peter's hints on two criteria. It is a mental health diagnosis, and it is not a trait that is increasingly common. I am considering egomania. What do you think?

Wiki's definition: Egomania is also known as an obsessive preoccupation with one's self and applies to someone who follows their own ungoverned impulses and is possessed by delusions of personal greatness and feels a lack of appreciation.

Anonymous said...

Is Weston safe with Davey?

Me2l said...

All personality disorders are defined by specific traits. Megalomania/NPD contains an impressive list of traits....a few which apply to Davey and fit Peter's criteria.

Hey Jude said...

Hi, all -

I am using these simple definitions rather than attempting a medical/diagnostic understanding - we are not able to diagnose Davey, but we can see how he behaves. I think megalomania is more fitting than narcissism - (I agree he has many traits found in NPD - I am not looking at his mental health, rather considering his personality).

Narcissism: too much interest in and admiration for your own physical appearance and/or your own abilities

Megalomania: an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or the belief that you are very much more important and powerful than you really are

Mom2many - yes, egomania would also fit.

egomania: the state of considering yourself to be very important and able to do anything that you want to do

Bobcat - yes, he is full of selfish ambition, his obsession is with numbers/profit - he is only interested in those who are willing to 'buy in' to Resonate.

I prefer 'megalomania' because it is that much more to do with the desire for power and control - it!s on more than the domestic/local level - his ambitions are worldwide, and the ambition is to control public perception of what and how God is, through his story about how he presented Amanda to God as a pure and blameless sacrifice - (at the wish of God, as made known to him in the shower). Davey's desire for power and control is such that he makes God subordinate to his cause. World revival will happen primarily because of Davey telling his story about how, through his great faith, he avoided the pain and suffering which should have been caused to him by Amanda's murder - of course it will not, as he failed to factor in that only some people are taken in by a con artist - he's not likely to be offered many platforms through which to spread his message to the world, not even by his fellow pastors of questionable credentials.

Somewhere along the way, Davey has assumed 'God' into his own ego. I think for that reason he is displaying more than egomania, selfish ambition or nacissism, whilst those are also present.

Anonymous said...


Are you Gavin? A simple reliable denial will do.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude

Did you read Peter's blog on incessant talkers? You're one of them with your walls of text.

Hey Jude said...

I write like an incessant talker at times, for sure - I'll give you that. :)

Hey Jude said...

I missed your point about Peter saying it was an increasingly common trait, Mom2many - I have overlooked that.

Hmm. Well, that probably puts the kybosh on megalomania - narcissism and delusions of grandeur, the wish for fame, fortune and recognition without accompanying merit are increasingly common in, and achievable by the young, but I concur - that's less than full blown megalomania - egomania is common - driven by reality TV. YouTube, social media.

Anonymous said...

Anon, Me21 cant be Gavin because she's HISG's stalker ex-boyfriend, remember?

Are you Larry Taylor's mom?

Bingo3 said...

Great posts today guys. I have tried to pinpoint what is going on with DB and his personality diagnosis but it is way out of my league! I agree with Peter and many of you that it can't just be narcissism. It is way more complex than that. Peter has put this in much better language, but DB seems to think he has a direct line to God but also that his god his moldable to his creative story. Sometimes I think he knows his creative story is a lie but other times I think he really believes it. His jeezus is squeezed, flattened, stretched and molded into the nooks and crannies of his crazy, self-serving story.

Hey Jude, you are right! Amanda may have sacrificed herself but Davey actually presented her to Jesus. (how anyone could still follow this guy after he spits out such utter nonsense is beyond me! )He couldn't even let her take the credit for her own death! He had to make the presentation. So seemingly narcissistic is this but with such a twisted religious pompous undertone. Is it any wonder that so many of us are so completely baffled and intrigued with this case.

Anonymous said...

jmo But Im really not understanding why it matters so much if he has NPD, egomania, megalomania, etc. What does it matter? Can someone explain?
He may just be a giant manipulator.
I dont even feel Davey "believes" Amanda died for the church...what makes you think he really "believes" that?

None of us can even diagnose him from afar.

Some people are also just evil pure and simple.

It just seems so irrelevant to keep debating is he narcissistic, egotistical, megalomaniac? What does it matter???

And why would anyone believe Davey really believes the crap he's saying? I dont get the impression he does! He just comes off as a bullshit artist to me.

Bingo3 said...

Resonate posted a clip today of DB sermon on Sunday. He is absolutely loving the stage so much! I find it interesting how he talks about being concerned about his own safety being in the middle east. DB seems a lot more concerned about it than he did for Amanda in Indy. This guy is just incredible. If you left the door open for your wife to be murdered, maybe talking about your own safety issues is not such a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Just to add on: I think personality disorders are overdiagnosed. For example, Ted Bundy. When you think of Ted Bundy you think psychopath and he was diagnosed as a psychopath, but I actually dont think he was one. Ted Bundy acted fairly normal and was shy and well-behaved into his early 20's. Also, I have read excerpts of a book containing interviews with Ted Bundy by prison psychologists where he has not admitted to his killings but has agreed to talk about "someone who would do what he is accused of doing", and he speaks very intelligently about how the perpetrator would have essentially minimized to himself what he was doing and also tries to explain what the perp was thinking tryimg to paint the perp in a better light. It's onvious that Ted Bundy does feel "guilty" the way he tries to explain what was going on in the perp's (his) head and the way he tries to minimize the evil nature of what the perp did. I dont think Bundy lacked a conscience, he just dulled it or didnt care.
There is no way of knowing what Davey's mental problem is or if he even has one.

Concerned said...

Bingo3 at 7:12 said:
"His jeezus is squeezed, flattened, stretched and molded into the nooks and crannies of his crazy, self-serving story."
It would be funny if it weren't so awful!

Anon at 7:12
I believe, as many commenters here say, that Davey does have a personality disorder of some kind.
He ticks all the boxes for NPD, for sure.
However, like you, I think he is evil, pure and simple and quite the manipulator. Whatever someone wants to call it,
I believe he would use any means to achieve his end of being more famous and wealthy than his mentor, Perry Noble.

I'm pretty convinced he hitched his wagon to this "jeezus star" because it was all he knew, having watched his father make
a living at it. Bingo3, his professed belief in God seems fake to me and explains the devious twinkle in his eye when he
is inappropriate from that high school "pulpit".

It would not surprise me to find he takes great joy in shocking his father and
wishes to show him up with the number of "bottoms in the seats". If I understand correctly, his father is doing another starter church at an age when others might be thinking of retirement. I don't think Davey wants to anticipate that in his future. I can't imagine how many versions of finding Amanda he will have told by then!

Once again, folks....all just my opinions!

Hey Jude said...

I agree Bingo - sometimes he believes what he is saying - other times he seems less convinced by himself.

Anon - I agree, all types of unacceptable and aberrant behaviours are so readily medicalised - perhaps people would rather, and find it easier, to think in terms of a difficult person as suffering from a condition or disorder that can be explained, somehow justified or in some measure understood, rather than accept or contemplate that actually, some people just are of a nasty or unpleasant disposition, some take pleasure in evil - it is who they are, or have become - the condition is maybe only a disorder in the sense that it is perceived as such by the rest of us, while it is normal to them. That's a very non PC thing to say - I better had shut up. Except to say some disorders feature symptoms/behaviours which equate rather closely to the cardinal sins, while sin, personal responsibility, and evil are all increasingly out of fashion in places where some important conversations take place. They've been replaced by and identified as disorders - which is not to say there are not also genuine disorders.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jude said

" to think in terms of a difficult person as suffering from a condition or disorder that can be explained, somehow justified or in some measure understood, rather than accept or contemplate that actually, some people just are of a nasty or unpleasant disposition, some take pleasure in evil - it is who they are, or have become -"

Right! It's not politically correct. Steven King said something like "Monsters arent out there...theyre inside us, and sometimes they win." Ted Bundy is a great example of that bc I think he had serious demons from early childhood from living with an extremely and senselessly violent grandfather but the mother moved him away from the grandfather and he seemed to suppress these demons and he grew up being normal but then when his girlfriend dumped him in college bc he wasnt ambitious enough, it sent him reeling and you can tell that he then let "the bad Ted" come out.

I think anyone who does not profess to Jesus Christ as their savior (and mean it) can end up following the path of the devil.

That is totally non PC to say, because you are absolutely correct, bad behavior is medicalized and considered a "disease" ot "disorder" the persin has no control of which is bull. Even with alcoholism or drug addiction it is considered a "disease" the person has no control of? Really? Who but themselves is pouring the booze down their throat? How is someone who has been sober for years still an "alcoholic"? That is like saying someone who hasnt had camcer in 10 years has cancer. Now it is en vogue to say opioid addicts have a disease and deserve compassion and understanding yet crack heads dont bc it's not the en vogue disease. Then they tell these people they are all fundamentally flawed bc they have the "disease" of alcoholism. Really? How is it a "disease" to want to be drunk off your ass? Does anyone enjoy dealing with reality? Some people just decide they are going to deal with reality and not be that selfish. Sure I am simplifying it a bit, but to make a are these things a "disease" when who the hell wouldnt want to escape reality? And how is it a "disease" or "out of their control" if they are the ones pouring the drink and drinking it? Please tell me who is in control then? It's all a load of bull. People have the capacity for both good and evil as well as to decide whether they want to deal with the shittiness of reality or drink themselves into a stupor or drug themselves.

Hey Jude said...

Would violence count as a personality trait? I think Davey has a violent spirit - even listening to him does violence to mine. He says on his website that 'the Holy Spirit is most often sensed through a 'nudge' to the heart or conscience' - yet he claimed that God smacked him in the face. He revels in the violence of the Old Testament, becoming animated when talking about rape and murder. His language is filled with violence, and his demeanour is often aggressive.

Concerned said...

Hey Jude at 9:03
My daughter was once related by marriage to someone who got her energy from being angry and getting retribution.
She got a look on her face and a tone in her voice that never showed up in other circumstances. It was akin to glee!
I see that look on Davey's face when he starts with the violent words and scenarios.
His mean streak is where his energy lies.

Hey Jude said...

He does do violence to the ideology - but I'm not quite sure if he does violence to his version of the ideology - his God smacks him in the face, orchestrates his wife's murder and speaks to him in the shower; many of Davey's ideas about God are very strange. His 'Our belief' page is very strange. His focus is often on the God of the OT. Jesus seems like a reluctant add-on necessary to the forgiveness/fundraising element - but he doesn't seem so keen on Jesus, or the God of forgiveness, as he does on the avenging God, and hell. I do think he has made God in his own image, and it so mixed up that he never will have much success in drawing people to Jesus.

I don't know how Amanda bore it, she a lover of the sustaining Jesus - he whose God smacked him in the face. It must have been difficult to reconcile their quite different perceptions of God, and what the expectations of their differing God might be of them - as in, were they even speaking about the same God? Often people are not, they just imagine that somehow they are. I can imagine they differed, and that Amanda's God was made to give way to Davey's God - the OT one, to whom (animal) blood sacrifices were offered - and so Amanda is dead, and there is somehow logic in that? I don't know, just Davey has some twisted theology going on - I am waiting for some serious and famous Christian leader to challenge his ridiculous Amanda Sacrifice claims. No-one will - Davey is small-fry, they probably never even have heard of him - for all the hype, Perry Noble is only a big fish in a small sea.

Hey Jude said...

Hi, Concerned - I think you are right - the more I think about it, the more significant his violent nature seems - just that it does seem part of his nature, and normal to him.

Anonymous said...

My guess about Davey is that Davey's father is probably much like him. Again, this is merely a guess. But I have a feeling that much of Davey's ways were formed through imitation of those close to him. Davey absolutely has a violent spirit. He revels in talking about violence delivered by God. Or an individual fighting "worries" through violence that is "God-ordained." Shooting, execution, God punching spouse in teeth...can it get much worse than that? Davey certainly does have a crazy look in his eye also. Something about the crazy look in his eye (you can really see it on one of the pictures Peter posted) can call it intuition is that Davey was severely emotionally abused as a child. I just have a feeling having been looking at this case so long and from the look in his eye which seems disturbed as well as confused and I feel like this is a clue of how he may have been treated when younger. I just have a feeling he absorbed this kind of violent God talk from those around him but I also get the feeling he was mentally/emotionally abused in some way like I feel like one or both parents "isolated" him while delivering disturbing information about this disturbing violent God as a regular part of his day. In Davey's case, I just would be very surprised if there wasn't someone close to him in his family who was just as malignant as he is.

snap said...


A book read over 20 years ago: Celestine Prophecy.

I was ticked because I thought it was Non Fiction and it was Fiction. Mistake.

But it was the best teacher for how people actually steal energy (or give to) from each other. Clarity.

Energy can be like a drug. Adrenaline Dopamine


Certain personalities prey on energy and get huge fuel from their successful hunts. And such. Master manipulators to fuel their fire. Fire.

Concerned said...

snap at 10:15
I wasn't crazy about the Celestine Prophecy either but got stuck in a discussion group about it....yep, about 20 years ago.
My one valuable takeaway was that about people stealing your energy.
I've come upon several of those folks in my life, even one family member.
It's good to recognize them and to realize you sometimes have to keep some distance between you.
I wouldn't be surprised to find there have been many in Davey's life, including family, who have
experienced his negative energy.

Bobcat said...

Davey is on record "I am a product of my dad."

(talking about Weston trying on his shoes) "He tries to walk around in my shoes. And, uh, he did this the other day while my, while my dad was in town several weeks ago, and my dad goes, jokingly, ‘cause my dad is; I’m a product of my dad, I’m, I’m, um, I apologize for the bad jokes that I lay out."

In Davey's old blog, he posted a lengthy article about how good his dad was (need to persuade?), and then his dad commented that Davey shouldn't post articles full of lies.

A line that really sticks out: "My dad has always strove to be in the center of God's will."

Is "strove" like "tried"? Meaning attempted but failed?

Anonymous said...

Bobcat, that is very interesting. I think you hit the nail on the head picking up on that leakage that the Dad "tried" but "failed".

I have a feeling the Dad was a big personality and bullied him badly, and he probably harbored revenge fantasies that may leak out in some of his sermons.

I read that thing the Dad wrote him about missing his b-day and I got a weird vibe off it like that the Dad could be extremely punitive. I know that sounds weird bc it was supposedly light-hearted, but I just get some kind of feeling like I can picture the Dad joking with him as a prelude to punching him (again this is just an intuition). There was something about his "sense of humor" that seemed "sinister" like he actually was really pissed off that Davey forgot his birthday and was subtly warning him in a language that Davey would understand.

Bobcat said...


"These are not the droids you are looking for."
Another strange conclusion. If you're talking about Meg, Ashley, Amber, Amanda's dad.....yep. Those are NOT the droids.

A very definitive statement which seems to 'clear' those listed.
What droids are left, then (aside from the thugs already arrested)?

Davey, and... Derek?

I wonder why Ashley and Derek decided not to have children yet (even though she wanted to get started)? Could his ambition for the success of Resonate be as great as Davey's?

He has heavily promoted Resonate from the very start, and is legally a Director of the Church. The name "Resonate" may actually have been Derek's (NOT Davey's) idea.

Derek has an interesting instagram on October 21, 2015: "Cheese: a dog's cocaine!"

"Larry Taylor waived his right to remain silent and admitted he was near one burglary scene in search of someone named Cheese, the court papers say. He said he might have stopped in the Blackburns' neighborhood "but claimed he was so messed up he could not remember."

What are the odds of that type of coincidence?
He also promoted Resonate services heavily immediately following Amanda's death.

He also jokes about "cropdusting" at the fashion mall.
Yesterday, someone calling themself "prove it" posted "You can't just fart in the room and walk away."

In February, after Davey said "I got it, boss. I got it taken care of. I got a guy. Don’t worry."; [ ] I 'guessed' that maybe Meg knew a guy. Almost immediately, Leave_Meg_Alone began posting in reply. And Me2l has also 'cleared' Meg.

I wonder if Derek knew a guy?

Me2l, would you like to also 'clear' Derek? Go ahead and pick my thoughts to shreds; I'm just looking for a clearance of Derek.

Bobcat said...

Anon @ 11:01

Yesterday Me2l defended Davey's dad's terminology as "joking" and "lighthearted" and "relatable" ... as if Davey wouldn't relate to appropriate father/son language. He calls Davey "dude" and "pal" and put's "dad advice" in quotes. It sounds like he was trying to be more of friend than a father, and any inappropriate behavior would be explained away as "joking."


"Blogger Me2l said...
""Weird" is subjective (as are almost all the theories floated here). It's all about a person's perspective. If you don't speak that way in your family, really, bobcat, it doesn't make it "weird" for those who do

He's posting in a lighthearted, joking, relatable (to Davey) manner."

sore thumb said...

Nobody has accused Derek of the shit they've accused Meg, Amber, Ashley and Dad of, so I'm guessing that's why he wasn't included.

What does feeding the dog cheese have to do with Larry Taylor?

Bobcat, you should know that article you quoted is inaccurate. Taylor nor the CI said they were "looking for Cheese," Taylor said they were on their way to see Cheese at 56th and Guion. That's where Taylor exited the car with his bag of loot. Maybe Cheese is the CI.

You've accused so many commenters of being so many different people, and you've accused so many different people of being involved in Amanda's murder, it's hard to take you seriously.

Anonymous said...

Are Bobcat and Me2l (sore thumb) the same person?

Anonymous said...

Bobcat is Ashley.

Anonymous said...

You are Bobcat aren't you lmao!

sore thumb said...

I'm not Me21, sorry to disappoint you. I'm also not Davey, Meg, Ashley, Derek, Amber, Perry, Ryan, Gavin, or anyone else connected to this case.

You guys think you're such awesome investigators but you're wrong SO MUCH that I'm a little embarrassed for you. Don't quit your day jobs.

Anonymous said...

I had never noticed before that Bobcat posts with her name in blue as well as black.

Did you make a list of all the names you called people and accused yourself of being a tyrant Me2l?

Something ain't right lol. And Bobcat's blog is a blog to organize "documents". Sounds like something a man would do. Sounds like something Me2l would do. Of course, I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

And my compliments to you on your blog Me2l. I particularly love your occupation "the great woman behind the great man" lmao and your profile pic of an orb over a pregnant belly.

Anonymous said...

Me2l logs in when posting.

From now on, I will log in to post.

sore thumb,

Yes, I do post incorrect guesses a fair amount, but I've also found a lot of discrepancies in transcribing Davey's changing story.

Cheese could also be cheese heroin, which is snorted like cocaine. It's an interesting coincidence that Derek made a "line" of shredded cheese for his dog to enjoy, only a few weeks before the "unexplainable situation" of Amanda's death.

Larry Taylor says he was "messed up" (under the influence of Cheese?) that morning. The CI says Larry shot Amanda and watched her bleed. Who is telling the truth? It would be interesting to see the full statements.

Derek Barrett 11/17/2015:
"So proud of this man. Couldn't be more honored and blessed to serve under Davey Blackburn and continuing to pray for him and Weston in this unexplainable situation. Love you man!"

Unexplainable situation. No mention of Amanda.

Anonymous said...

"Bobcat" said

"Me2l logs in when posting.

From now on, I will log in to post."

Lmao it must be hard for you to log back and forth into all your accounts lmao! Good one! Off to bed I am...another riddle about this case solved lmfao!

Anonymous said...

Bobcat CONVENIENTLY didn't log in when she posted that BS about Davey from the alleged high school friend. Won't post it on her own blog, won't post it here while logged into her Google profile. Hmmmm I wonder why.

Anonymous said...

HISG, so now you think Bobcat is your stalker ex, too? This keeps getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

Oh Me2l, you are very naughty. But very nice job organizing those documents if I do say so!

Anonymous said...

And you actually have more of a grasp on the case than I thought! That's good!

Anonymous said...

I am not Me2l.

Anonymous said...

No, but it's hilarious that she thinks you are, lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sorry I should have known you were not that organized Me2l or coherent in your thinking or knowledgeable about the mistake. I need to keep psychological profiling in mind when I do SA.

Anonymous said...

What a froot loop.

Anonymous said...

I do apologize to Bobcat...I don't know how I could have possibly attributed coherence or rationality to Me2l. I guess we all make mistakes from time to time unless we develop that 100% accuracy rate Peter speaks of.

Anonymous said...

The blog has been hijacked by a mentally deranged person. And the rest of you are intellectual midgets for playing into her attention seeking games.

Anonymous said...

Looney toons

Anonymous said...

Bobcat is looney toons HISG.

HISG is bobcat.

This troll is stalking herself.

Anonymous said...

I am not HISG.

lynda said...

Davey said,

"He tries to walk around in my shoes. And, uh, he did this the other day while my, while my dad was in town several weeks ago, and my dad goes, jokingly, ‘cause my dad is; I’m a product of my dad, I’m, I’m, um, I apologize for the bad jokes that I lay out."


What in the HELL does this jumble of words even mean?? It makes no sense at all. What a rambling idiot he is.

Derek Barrett 11/17/2015:
"So proud of this man. Couldn't be more honored and blessed to serve under Davey Blackburn and continuing to pray for him and Weston in this unexplainable situation. Love you man!"


Derek dropped EVERY pronoun possible in this statement. Four "I's" are missing. He takes ownership of NOTHING in this statement.

Anonymous said...

What does it mean? What does it MEAN????!!!

It means he murdered his wife! How much more plain can it be?

HISG said...

Me2l/Bobcat everyone knows you are posting as me.

Anonymous said...

Lynda, if you look at Derek's other fb posts, you'll see he frequently drops pronouns, which is common in social media. You have to keep that in mind.

My fb app isn't letting me copy/and paste the many examples for some reason, but you have the link to his fb, so you can read them.

Bingo3 said...

From Anon 9:58 just have a feeling having been looking at this case so long and from the look in his eye which seems disturbed as well as confused and I feel like this is a clue of how he may have been treated when younger. I just have a feeling he absorbed this kind of violent God talk from those around him but I also get the feeling he was mentally/emotionally abused in some way like I feel like one or both parents "isolated" him while delivering disturbing information about this disturbing violent God as a regular part of his day.


I agree and I think most of us on this thread believe something happened to DB in childhood. His dad was the preacher at his church and he almost always brings up during his sermons that he didn't enjoy church growing up. I think there is something much deeper than that which may have been physical or sexual abuse from maybe someone at church? We don't know, and I know we are going to be ridiculed for discussing. I think some of us are just intrigued by this case and his extreme personality. It really is sad to see but most adults that grow up to be narcissist, sociopaths, sexual predators, etc(or as one Anon said just evil) tend to have some trauma in their early childhood. I think most of us can agree there is something terribly wrong with DB. He claims his wife's brutal murder is a call for worldwide revival and that he personally presented her to Jesus. I think Peter could write a book just on this case!

Davey has such an arrogance about him but seems to have an extremely fragile ego. Just watch the first few minutes of Let's look at 2 Timothy Chapter 20, I am sorry, there are not 20 chapter in 2 Timothy excues me, there are not 20 chapters in 2 Timothy Davey. Just testing to see if you are a great bible scholar like me, it's ok if your not, we have the big bible in the sky right here.

Bingo3 said...

Sorry didn't finish post, meant to actually take off the last part but he acts almost mortified that he said 2 Tim 20 instead of 2:20. He stumbles and takes a big sip of water and throws it back at his church that they aren't the bible scholar he is and they can just read the screen. It was just odd. I think crushing his ego might have been very easy unfortunately for Amanda.

Alexandra said...

I did not post at 938. I also now post under the name Alexandra. Me2l I read you are calling me mentally deranged. If only people here knew the truth--that you did come here to this blog bc I told you I come here. You are just pissed I didnt fall hook, line and sinker for your lies and deception, that I wasnt passively accepting of your lies and undependability like Im sure any weak-willed woman who may have come before me. You were so appalled a woman (gasp!) was immune to your lies and manipulations. That is not my problem. It's yours. And of course you criticize my mind bc you cant fathom that a woman would not just swallow your enormous fibs all while gazing starry-eyed at what an intellectual giant you feel you are. Suck it up buttercup! That's life!

Bingo3 said...

Sorry. ANon 9:46

Alexandra said...

I did find it interesting that Bobcat was so certain that you log into your account before you post, Me2l. Im not sure how anyone but you yourself would know that. I just found it interesting.

Alexandra said...

And was any conclusion reached about whether Derek's dog eating a line of cheese meant that Taylor was messed up on "" cheese heroine" and that meant the CI might be lying?

Anonymous said...


I've seen a lot of deeply "sad" moments in Davey's sermons. They are usually quite brief, but unmistakable. He can't "act" (we've seen him try) sad.

I've been thinking about collecting quotes similar to "things that may have been done to you" which Davey regularly offers. They don't help solve deception about Amanda, but they do give clues to sensitive areas in his background.

Another word that stuck out to me in his very sensitive (and almost impossible to understand) comment regarding being a product of his dad, was "apologize".
I’m a product of my dad, I’m, I’m, um, I apologize for the bad jokes that I lay out."

In all the transcripts I have, Davey says "apologize" ONCE, when stumbling over the sensitive topic of his father.

I also searched for the word "sorry" in transcripts. It appears only two times.
Once on last Sunday when he errs in the number of books in Timothy, and once in the sermon that his father was present for (the same week he said "apologize"). He's going on about using "Siri" for directions, and Siri says "sorry." At 15:40 he goes on and on about not following directions and needing to make a U-turn.

I have not searched all of Davey's blogs for "sorry", BUT he puts "I'm sorry" into Amanda's mouth in his Would She Have Still Said Yes blog.

and...there's a new blog up:

Anonymous said...

Because, Alexandra, if the name is in blue, someone is logged in. If the name is in black, they're not. It's called using your eyes and your brain.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone "reach a conclusion" about the cheese nonsense? You can't reach a conclusion by guessing wildly, HISG/Alexandra.

Bingo3 said...

Oh Wow, Bobcat. Just skimmed it and it is a doozy. Of course as usual he tries to act like it is about Amanda but it is all about Davey and his constant need for affirmation. A whole lot of Davey and a sprinkling about Amanda. I love how Amanda would read Weston "Thank you God for Daddy." That must have just been music to Davey's ear. I am sure Amanda did tell him she was proud of him a ton and most likely did read Weston this book but I have a feeling unless his ego was pumped 24-7, it was never enough. This quote really stuck out to me since Davey is a self-professed workaholic and Amanda reminded us how she wouldn't see DB until 10 pm every night especially early in marriage.
"Ladies, a little clue into the heart of a man: Men run to environments where they feel affirmed. If they feel affirmed at work, they’ll spend most of their time there. If they feel affirmed at home, they’ll gladly leave the office to spend more time with family.

Anyone else read the blog?

Me2l said...

Bobcat, how do you determine when Davey is sincere and when he isn't? Are you claiming that you have applied SA, and this is what it tells you? Are you going beyond his words and applying your own feelings?

It appears that most these commenters' "analyses" are what is palatable to the individual analyzing and/or reinforces their particular theory (whatever it may be at the moment).

From what I've picked up from Peter's explanation of SA, I see no rhyme or reason, and that is why SA has been devalued in this particular blog post's comment section. It's become a place to exercise wild theories through vivid imaginations.

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