Friday, May 6, 2016

Amanda Blackburn Murder Ideology Part Two

Ideology is the basis for culture.  You may not ascribe to the ideology, but you have been greatly influenced by its outworking; that is, by culture. 

Your language reflects this. 

You have a culture in your nation.  You also have a culture in your home, at your place of work, along with any religious or social societies of which you belong.  

There are some cases in which the ideology, itself, is a direct and powerful influence upon the language, more so than just the culture.  

In understanding language, the culture is important.  In understanding the culture, the ideology should be, in the very least, something the analyst is familiar with.  

In the Amanda Blackburn murder, I am preparing analysis on the ideology and the culture and it is important but I have a very different reason for doing so than most might consider. 

I have reported many times regarding Islamic crime, but I rarely post articles (and teachings) about the contextual work within Statement Analysis.  Much of it is too complex for casual reading, and is part of a much larger teaching, point by point, element by element, in which the student is presented with a statement that has obvious cultural reference points where he or she must counter our own cultural bias and projection, in order to the get to the truth.  In the criminal activity in Europe, it is important to understand the ideology first, the culture next, and how this is thus reacted to by the host nation.  Generally, projection is first noted, but when this fails, deception enters to protect the narrative.  

It is complex, which means that it takes much to cover; far more than in a blog, but also it becomes something often misunderstood, which I have learned from some 'rebuttal' posts over the years. 

"Well, if you are saying this is cultural, than that means that in this other case..."

These "other cases" that are cited are often very simple cases where guilt is indicated, but the emotions run high.  It is as if to search for a reason why the analysis can't be right.  

Statement Analysis is very complex, and its simplest forms are posted here on the blog. They serve their purposes, including inspiring some to dedicate themselves to obtaining knowledge.   Those who do not grow beyond the blog cannot put their name on analysis for very long:  the first error will be the last and credibility is lost and the science indicted.  This was the result of the UK testing I have cited in the past.  Yet speak to one who has studied at length and listen to the confidence he or she shows in solving any case where human communication is not hindered, and then move on to the actual track record.  

It is impressive.  

I am privileged to work with professionals from all walks of life, who share a desire for truth.  Narrative trumps truth for many today, but not among the professional analysts.  They don't "have a dog in the fight" but if they feel they have a 'puppy', they readily talk about it, seeking to counter its influence.  

All of us 'root' for one thing or another, including a belief that this sports hero, or that politician will 'save the day.'  

It is also unpleasant when one is seen as deceptive. 

I recall an email I received years ago from a well educated, polite and respectful gentleman who happened to be a baseball fan who's love of the game is intense. 

He read my analysis of Ryan Braun's denial of PEDs.

He thought that Ryan Braun was "very persuasive" and used so many terms to "really prove" how he did not put a needle of hormones in his rear end. 

Mr. Braun's denial has become part of the "101 teaching" that is useful in introducing principle, and leading analysts to conclusions. 

His denial was goofy.  

It was, technically, "unreliable", which does not mean "deception indicated" for us.  

In his denial was embedded information, including that his PEDs were administered via needle, not some 'random infestation of Mexican or Chinese beef'; the latest excuse in professional sports.  

The statement, in its entirety, revealed one who:

a.  Used PEDs
b.  Had a tremendous need to persuade
c.  Cared about his reputation
d.  Had used, likely, for quite some time
e.  Was willing to not stop talking until the audience gave in;

but there was something else his statement and subsequent statements showed.  

It showed a willingness to bring harm to others, even if only castigating a Fedex employee.  

It may seem to be minor ("only") but the man who made $46,800 salary to support his family has lost far more than Braun's weekly paycheck of $46,800 during his suspension.  Consider the devastation for one to lose his job in this case, or in the attacks of Lance Armstrong where he sought to (and succeeded in some degrees) to destroy men and their entire businesses.  He sought to destroy one woman by impugning her reputation as a woman.  It was cruel, petty and it also revealed his own depths of just how low he would go, instinctively, to protect himself.  He called the Irish masseur a "whore" to the public, which included everyone in her field of employment (athletics) and it is unknown how this impacted 

This is a personality trait of a habitual liar; not a panic or embarrassed liar.  

The habitual liar is a life long deceiver, who learned early in childhood years, that he, himself, is more important than anyone else in the world.  He has honed his craft his entire life and it is now instinctive for him.  In any day by day situation, it is not his impulse to, for example, put others first before him.  This is the element of 'sacrifice' inherent in all societies:  one sacrifices, or one is sacrificed due to the inequality and complexity of life.  

The habitual or "pathological liar" will, whenever called upon, harm others to protect self.  At times, this desire to harm one who dares question, or who actually contradicts (such as a witness) is realized with action.  Sometimes the action is civil, other times it is in the form of a threat, intended to intimidate, frighten, or even coerce its target. Sometimes the action is violent.  But there is another element that is important in advanced analysis and profiling, to consider:  

Sometimes, this action of harm was not even necessary in the overall case, elevating the emotional demand for some form of 'satisfaction' over the insult.  

In interviewing pathological liars, it seems that no payment is enough.  They do not feel 'full' or 'complete' and the animosity may go underground (passive aggressive) and the need to insult remains.  This is sometimes evident in the words of praise:  a touch of vinegar masqueraded by a strong intellect. 

It was for revenge, and the emotional satisfaction the liar receives in seeing what he calls "justice."  It is not justice.  

Liars will emotionally bristle, for years, over those who dared disagree with them.  They harbor, nurture, and protect this bitterness, even as it may be taking years off their own lifespan, as something of great value. 

You lie. 

I lie.

We feel it, within, and have a need to "make things right." Sometimes this desire to make things right even takes years where we have put it out of our mind, but something arises and we feel a need to straighten that which our tongue made crooked.  This is a reflection from childhood. 

It is precisely what I use to protect companies against illicit claims.  

We cannot project this childhood lesson upon others lest we err in our final analysis and leave ourselves, the company, or the public at large, at serious risk. 

The liar lies, and he, too,  also has a need to "make things right" but not as you and I do.  He needs to 'even the score' or 'balance the books.'


Because the insult of not being believed is more than just an insult; it is an insult that brings him right back to childhood, and it strikes at the core of his very being. 

You have not disagreed with what he said:  you have exhaustively condemned who he is, as a human being. 

You and I do not 'hear' what he hears and with this in mind, consider the ancient proverb that talks of those who do not sleep unless they have brought trouble to someone. 

In the murder of Amanda Blackburn, the language of the victim's husband has not only been cited for deception, but noted for its bizarre nature.  Simply put, it is not expected for a grieving husband to use such distancing language from his wife that it appears "extreme", just as it is most unexpected for someone, in any field, to talk about 'business success' above and beyond linguistic concern for the two victims of this brutal murder.  

Religious Context 

Some have dismissed this as cultural (or ideological) while others think it is psychological disturbance, such as extreme narcissism joined to religious language. 

It is not. These do not understand the dynamics of a clash between ideology and personal gain.  

It will take some time to reach this point, and some effort on the part of readers to wade through detail.  I recognize that as a "blog", the expectation is short and to the point.  In this case, I think the high level of interest and emotions (note the length of sentences within the comments) justifies the content.  

This is what I hope to get readers to consider:

When one knows the truth of an ideology but deliberately treats it with deception ("deception" must include intent; as error or inaccuracy doesn't necessitate deception) for a discernible purpose, this activity reveals a very specific personality trait.  

When it is coupled with a strong intellect, it is even more pronounced. 

Without grasping this clash,  or contradiction, one will not understand the 'why' of the language in this murder case.  The theme of the upcoming article is this very thing:  what type of personality does it take to know the truth, and deliberately alter, edit, destroy, imbalance, or even negate, for a singular purpose, publicly, employing all of his skills and energy to do so?

Although this will be addressed in detail, it is not about legitimate differences and arguments among those who genuinely seek the truth.  

It is a pragmatic lie that is distinctly deceptive and it is for a singular purpose, and this purpose is employed publicly.  

For this classification, these elements must be present:

1.  Direct Knowledge
2.  Purposeful goal (pragmatism with resolve)  
3.  Very Strong Intellect 
4.   Courage, or element of fearlessness; not easily discouraged
5.   Unyielding position
6.  Public stance (which allows for public challenge).  This is important because any pragmatic view can be adopted without being challenged.  Consider what politicians have done the last few years when caught, hypocritically going directly against their words previously embraced.  Instead of being in the spotlight and being condemned as a hypocrite, they are praised.  Why?

"My position evolved."

This leaves one with no reference point, ever, for anyone, on any issue.  

With the element of religious ideology, it takes a very specific personality type to stand before public scrutiny and use deception.  

As we look at the ideology first, the deception second, and the results of the deception, we see a personality type emerge for us.  We take this with us as we analyze the words within the murder case to learn:

Do the words affirm this type?
Do the words deny this type?
Are the words indifferent?

With this answer, we then move on to the final analysis and conclusion. 

It gives a large portrait, yes, but more importantly, it allows the truth seeker to enter the shoes of the subject and understand his verbalized perception of reality in a much deeper and accurate manner.  

That which appears 'mysterious' loses some of the 'unknown' when the ideology conflict is recognized.  

It rectifies much for the listener.  

It is worth the study.  


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Bingo3 said...

From Instagram, It looks like Davey has a new, fancy mower (I guess for his huge yard), a new pool, new house being renovated, he is enjoying great vacations. He also is still taking donations! The option to donate to Davey (not for a cause, just to Davey for more toys and trips) is still on the center of the home page of the Resonate website. If people are giving their hard earned money, should he really be buying all of this lavish stuff? It just really bothers me. He and Amanda did not live this way as she had to sell used furniture to help make ends meet. Now he is living the life. I think they can remove the donate now from the site. SMH

Me2l said...

Leslie, at 9:57:

You made a good point regarding culture and how people use phrasing.

It's similar to what Peter wrote about ideology and culture. Ideology does dictate how we speak and even respond. For instance, what appears as uncaring and callous on the part of Amanda's dad appears to be more the expected "party line" of certain Christian groups/churches. It is because of lifelong indoctrination and scriptural interpretation which is designed to illustrate a total trust in God and His plan. It isn't contrived; it's the way pastors, leaders, and "good" Christians are expected and indoctrinated to behave. Always trust God's plan; attribute everything to it and how it ultimately is for a personal best. It is likened to Job or other biblical examples and is expected of those of strong faith. I'm speaking, of course, of those with a specific ideology.

Those of us who may see things quite differently often have difficulty rationalizing that, and often, the guilty are able to hide behind it. That is why creating multiple theories generated from a personal bias rather than application of SA results in what has been occurring here with a few posters -- quite fantastical and unrealistic hypotheses, theories, and complete conjecture, which implicates almost everyone close to Amanda as if there is a giant conspiracy that includes even the thugs who have been charged.

It appears to be interestingly revealing of the arm chair analysts' mindset and shows their utter inability to objectively apply the proper analyzation through SA.

Anonymous said...

DB wants his reality to look a certain way.

His ideal reality?

MTV cribs. A bunch of overgroomed bros hanging by the pool, with some pathetic assistants/servants (Meg, Derek, Ashley) to abuse always nearby.

No fat preggos allowed.


Isn't it hilarious Davey?
Cue spam in 5,4,3,2,...

HISG said...

No MB,

I havent read Peter's analysis of Phil and didnt know he did one. Do you ever contribute anything here besides criticism that you cant back up, because although you act unbelievably condescending Ive never seen you even attempt to do any statement analysis. I stand by my analysis of the Phil video that he is insincere about feeling any loss. Peter would not like the fact he called her "something". And I dont care how "religious" Phil is, his "to tell the truth" he feels anger, but then talking about how anger can lead to bad things like rage, bitterness, and he chooses not to "live there" in those emotions 2 WEEKS AFTER HIS DAUGHTER WAS KILLED! Like he is too "precious" to feel anger right after his pregnant daughter was shot in the head. Are you goddamn kidding me that you think that is normal and I am a bad guy for pointing it out?!?! Have a nice day, good talking to you, I have to get back to planet earth now!

ps. Very telling how you got very angry that I showed empathy for Weston losing his mother. IMO you are probably close to the case.

Me2l said...


Just to set you straight in yet another of your fallacies/incorrect ASSUMPTIONS--I am MB when I'm not logged into my account, and I'm not the anon who asked you if you'd read Peter's analysis.

It IS a good question, though, and your response is quite revealing.

Me2l said...

Bingo at 12:17

I've noticed how materialistically profitable Amanda's death has been for Davey. I'm sure many have taken note. It's been good for his church, too, putting people in seats and elevating his pastor status.

Leslie said...

It's in such poor taste and so telling that the donate page for Davey is still on the church's website. It was bad enough that it went up the day Amanda died, and that it never specified what the money was for (ie: a lot of pages in such situations say that the donations go towards the child's college fund, or burial expenses, etc). Yes, it's for Davey to live more lavishly, and he doesn't appear to give it a second thought. He is profiting, big time, from Amanda's death, and so is Resonate.

It still seems uncanny to me that DB and Amanda watched Levi Lusko's video (about the death of his young daughter, and God used that as a springboard for his ministry) on their way to their anniversary getaway in Chicago. They were filmed in the train for their Love Story Q & A, that's been mentioned frequently. Davey seemed incensed with Amanda, tightened his lips, and had even a different voice and demeanor than usual. Amanda did not look like a happy camper in most of the video.

There are WAY too many coincidences.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that HISG and ima.grandma are posting theories which could share DB's (and the thugs) guilt with everyone around him, as well as churches similar to his own.

Kind of like when DB upended the game of Risk.

PN might be wise to publicly cut all ties asap.

Leslie said...

I'm not certain which Levi Lusko video they watched, as there are a ton on youtube. Here are some options:

A short promo from the book publisher, that mentions training for a trial:

Book Tour

Elevation Church

Calvary Albuquerque (Levi asks if people feel like they're receiving strength today for trouble coming your way tomorrow- sound familiar?)

HISG said...


So the fact that you post under 2 different names by your own choice...noone forces you to sign your anonymous posts MB instead of Me2l when you are not signed in under you account...proves my "fallacies" and is "very telling" about me? OK, have another cup of crazy. That makes absolutely NO SENSE.

Now that you have me thinking about the Phil video though, something I should have also pointed out is Phil's "generalization" of the experience of having his pregnant daughter murdered execution style. Phil says "YOU (generalizing--making it sound as if this is something that happens to most people) dont think your KIDS (PLURAL) are going to go before you do."

Fm25 said...

New Instagram quote...
Sometimes a PIT and a PRISON isn't prison....
Its preparation for the PALACE
Ok, davey really needs to think more before he posts quotes like this. Maybe it is just a religious or inspirational quote but in context with his current situation and how he got to his "palace", this is just incredible.

Anonymous said...

"HISG said...

I havent read Peter's analysis of Phil and didnt know he did one. Do you ever contribute anything here besides criticism that you cant back up, because although you act unbelievably condescending Ive never seen you even attempt to do any statement analysis. I stand by my analysis of the Phil video that he is insincere about feeling any loss. Peter would not like the fact he called her "something". And I dont care how "religious" Phil is, his "to tell the truth" he feels anger, but then talking about how anger can lead to bad things like rage, bitterness, and he chooses not to "live there" in those emotions 2 WEEKS AFTER HIS DAUGHTER WAS KILLED! Like he is too "precious" to feel anger right after his pregnant daughter was shot in the head. Are you goddamn kidding me that you think that is normal and I am a bad guy for pointing it out?!?! Have a nice day, good talking to you, I have to get back to planet earth now!

ps. Very telling how you got very angry that I showed empathy for Weston losing his mother. IMO you are probably close to the case."


The bolded part: How obnoxiously presumptuous of you to think you can speak for Peter. You're a real piece of work. Maybe you should ASK him before you put words in his mouth.

It's not as if Phil Byars used "something" instead of her name. Besides, if he had said the thugs took "someone" very dear to us, you'd find something else to rip on him about.

Also, Peter has addressed many times what "to tell the truth/to be honest etc" can mean, yet somehow you seem clueless. Do you even read Peter's posts or do you just come here to bloviate?

And no, I'm not MB/Me21.

Concerned said...

Fm25 at 3:28
Sounds like Davey's revving up for his visit to save the thugs.

Fm25 said...

I didn't even think about it in that context. I was thinking more of his situation before and now after Amanda's death. What you said makes sense too though especially since their due in court on Tuesday. Also I made typo on quote, last word of 1st line should be "punishment" not "prison"

Leslie said...

Fm25 said...
New Instagram quote...
Sometimes a PIT and a PRISON isn't prison....
Its preparation for the PALACE


Fm25 & Concerned-

I drew the exact same conclusions you both did. Davey wants more of a palace (here on earth- I don't think he means in heaven), and he's gearing up to try to "save" the thugs. If he truly cares for their souls, he could pray for them, ask others to pray for them, and check in with the prison chaplain. God can work through others, afterall. But, he makes it The Davey Show. More material for his book that is bound to be in the works soon, if not already. Oh, and his movie, of course, all about how God used his Brave Heart to reach others, after Amanda was sacrificed for the church.

smh said...

Don't be surprised if the pre-trial conference is held in chambers and is not open to the media/public. There will be no testimony or evidence presented. It's not the same as a preliminary hearing.

Concerned said...

Davey would die for an Instagram of him hugging the thugs
'cause anything not photographed and flashed to the world is Wasted!

But I am surprised it hasn't registered with his pack that putting photos of his new donor-contributed
lifestyle cannot be making said donors happy. I still don't understand why they started fundraising due
to Amanda's death.....NewSpring paid for the funeral, Davey was the breadwinner (so to speak), and, of
course, childcare is free.
I remember reading on Facebook that people could donate for Weston's education.
I hope he becomes a swimmer since the money obviously went for a new house with a pool!

Leslie said...

True, Concerned, there was NO NEED for a donation page. None. Davey is the most opportunistic person I've ever heard of.

Davey sure didn't let any grass grow under his feet before purchasing a new car and bigger house, with land and a pool!

The Best Is Yet To Come....

rosy said...

HISG said...
May 14, 2016 at 3:19 PM
something I should have also pointed out is Phil's "generalization" of the experience of having his pregnant daughter murdered execution style. Phil says "YOU (generalizing--making it sound as if this is something that happens to most people) dont think your KIDS (PLURAL) are going to go before you do."


Have you have no pity, no shame, no empathy, no imagination, no comprehension of life? And no understanding of language? I think you might have fitted in well at Salem.

If you listened without your accusatory bias you might realize that PB acknowledges that others in the congregation have gone through the experience of losing a child. He chooses to say "You" because he knows he one of a plural number in this loss.

People all over the USA and all over the world have lost a child.

- Children die in accidents, and too many children die by violence, adult children and young children. In Indianapolis last year a 9 year old boy was shot dead when gangsters thought he had given a sign to their rivals.

- Children die of illness. The FB group Humans of New York is running a series on children with cancer with posts from Pediatrics Department of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. These posts are receiving hundreds of thousands of "likes" a day.

- Adult children in places like the community PB serves are dying of addictions.

PB like other ministers is called on to provide comfort and counsel to parents after the loss of a child. He knows that parents do not expect their child to die before them - and knows it hurts more than loss of any adult relative or friend.

Freud lost a 23 y/o daughter and a 4 y/o grandson and said years after said "we remain inconsolable."

We could go back to the Greeks and read inscriptions they wrote on the gravestones of children who died before their parent. A bit too far? I'll leave you with 2 poems Ben Jonson wrote in 1616, 400 years ago, on the deaths of his 6 mo old daughter and his 7 y/o son. Look into your heart and soul and analyze these.

On my first Daughter

Here lyes to each her parents ruth,
Mary, the daughter of their youth:
Yet, all heavens gifts, being heavens due,
It makes the father, lesse, to rue.
At sixe moneths end, shee parted hence
With safetie of her innocence;
Whose soule heavens Queene, (whose name she
In comfort of her mothers teares,
Hath plac’d amongst her virgin-traine:
Where, while that sever’d doth remaine,
This grave partakes the fleshly birth.
Which cover lightly, gentle earth.

On my first Sonne

Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy;
My sin was too much hope of thee, lov'd boy.
Seven yeeeres tho’wert lent to me, and I thee pay,
Exacted by thy fate, on the just day.
O, could I loose all fathe, now. For why
Will man lament the state he should envie?
To have so soon scap’d worlds and fleshes rage,
And, if no other miserie, yet age?
Rest in soft peace, and, ask’d, say here doth lie
Ben. Jonson his best piece of poetrie.
For whose sake, hence-forth, all his vows be such,
As what he loves may never like too much.

HISG said...

Anon 3:48,

Although I hesitate to respond to you, someone (or should I say "something" since you feel the words are interchangeable when talking about a human) who calls me obnoxious while using the word "biovate", here goes

I have read Peter's blog faithfully for over 4 years. I have read all of Peter's lessons in analysis and have also read Mark McClish's site, although I prefer Peter's lessons. I have great respect for Peter as an analyst, and yes I do feel comfortable saying that Peter would not "like" the father of a murder victim referring to his daughter two weeks after her death as "something" instead of "someone".

HISG said...

Rosy, what is your point?

You talk about parents who are inconsolable years after their child dies? Yes, that is the expected and that is my point.

Phil states that he is NOT inconsolable. Phil states that he is not even angry. He states that he would give a message of love to her alleged killers. He states two weeks after his daughter's brutal execution style murder that he would tell the 2 thugs who are being charged with his daughter's murder that he chooses "love and not hate" and that he chooses not to be angry.

He is also not speaking to a congregation, which shows you haven't even watched the video. He is speaking one on one with a reporter in what appears to be a house.

If you think his response is the "expected" you are literally not playing with a full deck.

Can you even imagine the intense rage any normal man (or woman) would feel upon learning that people broke into the privacy of his daughter's home, hit her in the mouth with a gun knocking out her tooth and then finished her off execution style with a bullet to her head. While she was pregnant, while her 1 year old was upstairs. A normal man would want to get his hands on them and would need to be sedated because of explosive rage not to mention overwhelming grief.

Even Jesus raged at the money-changers in the temple. Phil's response is far from holy or Jesus-like. Phil's response is absolutely creepy and his response is also FAR outside the range of the expected.

Anonymous said...

HISG, I didn't say "biovate," I said BLOVIATE, nitwit. It's a real word.

And if Peter didn't "like" Phil using the word "something," he would have said so when he posted about that video. If you truly respect Peter, you'll stop speaking for him. You should be embarrassed that you keep doing it.

I don't believe for one second that you've read all his posts, because if you had, you wouldn't make such a mockery of SA.

Me2l said...

"HISG said...

So the fact that you post under 2 different names by your own choice...noone forces you to sign your anonymous posts MB instead of Me2l when you are not signed in under you account...proves my "fallacies" and is "very telling" about me? Ok, have another cup of crazy."

Ok, you're providing yet another ideal example of how you think--anything that does not fit or conform to your perspective; anything that is unexpected by YOUR perspective (not necessarily society's), is cra-cra and obviously means the other person is trying to deceive.

You know, simply because you have life expectations based completely (apparently) upon your biases does not make the other person wrong or guilty. This is why you're bastardizing SA. You have no idea how to apply it, preferring to rely instead upon your packaged little approach to life.

I'll point out that you (I guess it's you) have posted here under three names to my knowledge: heisgay; heisstillgay; HISG.

Why? Are YOU crazy? (Well, of course, you would not recognize it if you were, but it's a rhetorical question.)

Oh please said...

"HISG said...

Rosy, what is your point?

You talk about parents who are inconsolable years after their child dies? Yes, that is the expected and that is my point.

Phil states that he is NOT inconsolable. Phil states that he is not even angry. He states that he would give a message of love to her alleged killers. He states two weeks after his daughter's brutal execution style murder that he would tell the 2 thugs who are being charged with his daughter's murder that he chooses "love and not hate" and that he chooses not to be angry.

He is also not speaking to a congregation, which shows you haven't even watched the video. He is speaking one on one with a reporter in what appears to be a house.

If you think his response is the "expected" you are literally not playing with a full deck.

Can you even imagine the intense rage any normal man (or woman) would feel upon learning that people broke into the privacy of his daughter's home, hit her in the mouth with a gun knocking out her tooth and then finished her off execution style with a bullet to her head. While she was pregnant, while her 1 year old was upstairs. A normal man would want to get his hands on them and would need to be sedated because of explosive rage not to mention overwhelming grief.

Even Jesus raged at the money-changers in the temple. Phil's response is far from holy or Jesus-like. Phil's response is absolutely creepy and his response is also FAR outside the range of the expected."



Peter says Phil Byars statement is an example of the "expected," while Davey's statements are "unexpected."

First a video of what genuine emotional struggle sounds like from Amanda's father. This should be contrasted with the statements of the husband. He is:

a.  Closely related

b.  Faith based

c.  A good example of "the expected versus the unexpected"

Do you think Peter is wrong, HISG? Are you saying Peter isn't "playing with a full deck"? That's really rude.

What formal SA training have you had?

Fm25 said...

Smh, I understand what a pre trial conference is. Of course there will be no testimony from the defendants and I don't even know if they would be present. There should be discussion as to the status of discovery and the readiness of the case for trial. There could also be discussions on any plea deals. I do not know if criminal pre trials are open to the public but we shall see soon enough.

HISG said...

To the individual trolling me under 4 or 5 different names:

Isn't it time for you to take a break from this site and go study for your SATs? There are more words than "Bloviate" on them, and you'd better go memorize them.

You are a very immature person, literally throwing a hissy fit because I gave an opinion that doesnt exactly match Peter's opinion which he supposedly shared in a post that I haven't read. After I state that I have great respect for Peter, and have been following his site for 4 years, you again throw an immature little fit telling me I am disrespecting Peter because I don't have a good impression of Phil and stated 3 things I don't like about the Phil interview.

I haven't even read Peter's Phil post, so how the hell is anything I said a reflection on what I think of Peter?

You are very annoying, and this is the last time I will respond to you, because you are nothing more than a distraction for people who are trying to have some continuity in what they are discussing.

Me2l said...

From HISG:

"You are very annoying, and this is the last time I will respond to you, because you are nothing more than a distraction for people who are trying to have some continuity in what they are discussing.
May 14, 2016 at 6:38 PM"


Really? Continuity? You have vascillated between Davey hiring thugs to murder his wife, to Meg being involved, to DB being gay, to Ashley being evil and also involved, to Amanda's dad sexually abusing her, then sacrificing her. And much more.

CONTINUITY? What a joke! With all your mindless blathering and fairytales, you sound like someone who is watching far too many TV crime shows or reading cheap crime paperbacks. Whatever it is, it bears NO resemblance to what Peter has tried to teach about SA.

HISG said...

I am not able to watch the video Peter posted regarding Phil Byers from this site because it won't load, so I went to the news channel to try to find it...again I do not know which one it was that he referred to.

I did find this one, however, and I am 3 min into it.

Multiple samples are always very helpful which Peter has said MANY times:

So, in this video, Phil is initially asked how does he feel about what has happened?
It takes him 2 and a half minutes to NOT answer the question and NOT tell us how he feels. Not good.

HISG said...

How come when Phil is talking about all the things he "would" be feeling if he weren't so enlightened by God, one of the things he says is "I would be feeling rage towards individuals (and then he catches himself and says)...THESE individuals.

IN other words, it's comparable to if I had a loved one killed by a drunk driver, and I was talking about all the emotions I'd be feeling if I wasn't so religious, and I were to say "I would be feeling anger towards some individual", and then I caught myself and said ..."THAT individual".

This guy's hiding shit.

HISG said...

Wow! Around 5:45, He gets VERY uncomfortable and elusive when asked if the thugs should get the death penalty. VERY uncomfortable!. Like any father wouldn't want the thugs who killed their daughter to get the death penalty when it is only 2 weeks after it happened.
Christ, a normal father would want to kill them with his bare hands.

His response is incredibly elusive.

Me2l said...

Again, this is how your bias and perspective dictates "normal" people should respond.

You're wrong.

And you're simply incapable of applying SA, aren't you? You're applying "life according to HISG."

HISG said...


I have applied SA. It is not my fault if you just keep stomping your foot over and over saying "You don't apply SA!!!"

Yes, I did apply SA. Go back and reread if you are blind.

Phil attempts to tell us what he "would feel", "would think" not what he "does feel" or "does think" while giving elusive, wordy responses that actually don't tell us what he would feel or would think. The shortest response is always the most truthful, that is what Peter always says, and as with most things, Peter is right about that.

Phil's response to whether Amanda's killer's should get the death penalty is alarmingly elusive. Phil does not even state. "My answer is no, because I am against the death penalty" which would be an OK response in my book. Oh, no. Phil becomes very uncomfortable and begins rambling about how we have a justice system, he's glad about that whether it is broken, working, blah blah, leave things in God's hands, blah blah, he doesn't have an opinion blah blah. There is NO semblance of an answer given.

Where is the sadness? Where is the anger? Where is, at minimum, a desire for justice?

Phil also refers to Amanda's killers as "these individuals" twice when it should be "those indivudals" (distancing). I'm sure Peter would agree it is not ideal that he called Amanda's killers "these individuals" drawing them closer to him.

He also get confused about who he "would" feel bitterness towards if he felt such things saying he would feel bitterness "towards individuals" and then stops himself and says "towards these individuals". Phil can't even state WHO he WOULD feel anger or bitterness towards if he in fact felt such "unholy" emotions. And if he can't say it, I can't say it for him.

Anonymous said...


I think you are DB in disguise, trying to take the focus off yourself and put it onto anyone else but you.

SA: trying = failing

Me2l said...


I know you THINK you're applying SA, but you aren't. All you're doing is quoting sentences...phrases, then assigning some kind of analysis that emanates from your "feeling", "intuition", or "this is how I would see/do it."

You really don't understand SA, nor do you pick up on Peter's many patient lessons, trying to teach us the fundamentals.

You're not applying SA; you're applying "life according to HISG."

Me2l said...


"HISG said...
How come when Phil is talking about all the things he "would" be feeling if he weren't so enlightened by God, one of the things he says is "I would be feeling rage towards individuals (and then he catches himself and says)...THESE individuals."

Does Phil understand SA? Is that why you think he "catches himself"?

"IN other words, it's comparable to if I had a loved one killed by a drunk driver, and I was talking about all the emotions I'd be feeling if I wasn't so religious, and I were to say "I would be feeling anger towards some individual", and then I caught myself and said ..."THAT individual".

This guy's hiding shit."

There you go again....applying your personal perspective, or 'what would HISG do?' Analysis; not SA.

May 14, 2016 at 7:20 PM
HISG said...
Wow! Around 5:45, He gets VERY uncomfortable and elusive when asked if the thugs should get the death penalty. VERY uncomfortable!. Like any father wouldn't want the thugs who killed their daughter to get the death penalty when it is only 2 weeks after it happened.
Christ, a normal father would want to kill them with his bare hands."

Here again, to you, he seems 'very uncomfortable.' Yeah, well, he's talking about his murdered daughter. So there's that. But then, you start with the, 'life as HISG sees it says he should say/do this. Any 'normal' father would.'

You just can't help yourself. It's not SA

HISG said...

Oh wow, we posted at the same time! Here I was responding to you and you were already busy writing another attack! How delightful!!! And I haven't even read it yet! I can hardly wait!

HISG said...


you wrote

HISG said...
How come when Phil is talking about all the things he "would" be feeling if he weren't so enlightened by God, one of the things he says is "I would be feeling rage towards individuals (and then he catches himself and says)...THESE individuals."

Does Phil understand SA? Is that why you think he "catches himself"?

No. I don't think Phil understands SA and that's why he catches himself. He catches himself because he realizes that in a normal (genuine) response about his murdered daughter his rage should not be directed at diffuse "individuals" but rather at the specific individuals who allegedly killed his daughter-- "these individuals", and there again, he should be referring to them as "those individuals". Picture yourself saying it were you in his shoes.

Go watch interviews with Laci Peterson's mother and see if she ever directs her anger towards generalized "individuals", or does she direct it at a single, specific target named Scott Peterson?

The answer is she directs it at SCott Peterson, very specifically, because her rage/bitterness is not just free-floating, of course not! It is directed at her daughter and unborn grandson's killer, which is absolutely what we would expect!

And we do not see that here with Phil.

HISG said...


You wrote

May 14, 2016 at 7:20 PM
HISG said...
Wow! Around 5:45, He gets VERY uncomfortable and elusive when asked if the thugs should get the death penalty. VERY uncomfortable!. Like any father wouldn't want the thugs who killed their daughter to get the death penalty when it is only 2 weeks after it happened.
Christ, a normal father would want to kill them with his bare hands."

Here again, to you, he seems 'very uncomfortable.' Yeah, well, he's talking about his murdered daughter. So there's that. But then, you start with the, 'life as HISG sees it says he should say/do this. Any 'normal' father would.'

OK, so in your opinion, he is completely elusive and completely uncomfortable about giving any opinion about whether the men who killed his daughter should get the death penalty because he is, according to "uncomfortable because his daughter was killed". Really?

That makes absolutely no sense, because he is speaking quite comfortably, he is in fact used to speaking in front of large crowds is the topic that makes him uncomfortable, and as I pointed out, it is not because he is anti death-penalty, it is because he does not like the question.

IN fact, I believe Scott Peterson was asked that very same question about whether Laci's killer should get the death penalty and he responded very similarly with that "I don't know, I"m not sure" elusive response.

Me2l said...

You see him as uncomfortable with the question. I don't.

But then, you see what you want to see; not what is actually there.

Me2l said...

BTW, that's not SA.

Please try to learn it if you insist on pretending to use it.

HISG said...

You know what's funny Me2l, I've never seen you comment on this site before, so how very odd that you are spewing all kinds of self-righteous orders about SA when you do not even participate on this site. Why don't you put a lid on it and go finish studying for your SATs.

snap said...

Banana talk salting the waters.

Psychodramatic pointless endless trolling within the murked Florida waters. Troll feeding. Troll feeding creates more troll breeding which leads to a never ceasing of....

Consider leaving the "I" out of analysIs;

Ignoring thems that don't: Ann stay on the topic of analysis.


A version of the serenity prayer for troll dealership when attempting to actually learn some point(s) of statement analysis instead of abusing the privilege, or as oft claimed "right" we have to express our many different flavored opinions===perhaps==== in lieu of growth.

Abbreviated: Dear god: please help me completely ignore distractions (AKA: not feed the troll(s)).

Anonymous said...

Oh snap, shut up.

Anonymous said...


Learn how to spell, learn about punctuation, and please don't create your own words like "psychodramatic".

What, really, could be more insulting to this blog than your abuse and misuse of the English language and the laws by which it is governed?

Me2l said...

"HISG said...
You know what's funny Me2l, I've never seen you comment on this site before, so how very odd that you are spewing all kinds of self-righteous orders about SA when you do not even participate on this site. Why don't you put a lid on it and go finish studying for your SATs.
May 14, 2016 at 10:56"

.....and I've never seen YOU comment on this site before, unless, of course, you used another of your multiple screen names. You seem to have about as many of those as you have ludicrous theories on the murder of Amanda Blackburn.

There you go've never seen me on this site "before" (before what?), therefore, it's "odd." Once more, the world and analysis according to HISG.

Annie DeBroker said...

I love talking about Jesus almost as much as I love talking about gay sex.

Annie DeBroker said...

Where did Violet go?

Violet said...

Me2l aka MB aka anonymous, are you Mel?

Violet said...

Annie, I am here! :)

Violet said...

@ 11:50, sorry, I meant to ask, are you MEG?

Anonymous said...


Me2l is definitely related to the case. In fact over on the Katelyn Markham 911 thread he is still bringing up this case, theories posters have come up with about the case, and how supposed dumb criminals are able to outsmart police.

Anonymous said...


Are you Davey?

Anonymous said...

And HISG is Donae Mitchell, the poor dear.


HISG said...

Me2l wrote

and I've never seen YOU comment on this site before, unless, of course, you used another of your multiple screen names. You seem to have about as many of those as you have ludicrous theories on the murder of Amanda Blackburn.

Really? So, me using the screen names heisgay, heisstillgay, and HISG which means heisstillgay is considered equivalent to you disguising yourself under multiple accounts?

What are you hiding?
Why don't YOU tell us what really happened to Amanda especially since you are so skilled in statement analysis. I'm all ears......

Me2l said...

HISG now flying into a thousand fragmented pieces.


HISG said...

What do you know Davey?

Is that how you taunted Amanda?

HISG said...

HOw's your new house and your disgusting algae-filled pool?

davey b said...

I wish you people would stop making fun of my hair. My hair is tight ... like my pants.


Me2l said...


"Really? So, me using the screen names heisgay, heisstillgay, and HISG which means heisstillgay is considered equivalent to you disguising yourself under multiple accounts?"

If I were "hiding", I'm pretty transparent, having told everyone which two screen names I use here, depending upon whether or not I'm logged in. These screen names really aren't so different: Me and MB. why don't you apply your expert analysis to them and figure it out? have, and although you know both my screen names, somehow I'm "hiding."

More brilliance from you there, heisgay/heisstillgay/HISG/whoknowswhoelse

Is HISG your real name, or are you hiding?

Me2l said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me2l is definitely related to the case. In fact over on the Katelyn Markham 911 thread he is still bringing up this case, theories posters have come up with about the case, and how supposed dumb criminals are able to outsmart police."

Oh, this is brilliant. Because I commented on another thread and referenced some of the tripe you people spew, asking why LE are obviously (according to those of you here with your ridiculous theories) so easily outsmarted, I'm related to the case (whatever that means).

A bunch of geniuses here.

HISG said...

I'm laughing too hard at "davey b's" comment to answer your latest harrassment Mel2

HISG said...


You asked me to "spew" out more brilliance.

Here's my take on you: You are angry, you are alcoholic, and you have mother issues. Am I right?

HISG said...

Did I hit a nerve? Sorry!

davey b said...

HISG, meet me in the gym locker room tomorrow before church like always. Wink wink xo

Violet said...

OMG Davey B @ 12:15, I literally LOL at that! Ha ha ha!

Me2I, you also post as anonymous as well. It was easy to tell it was you when you were berating me yesterday, switching between MB and anonymous. All of the anger was there, along with the gouging insults that you couldn't seem to turn off.

You seem intelligent, but your emotions rule your behavior. You get VERY wound up over minor things. Take a deep breath, and chill.

HISG does have a lot of theories, but also hits a lot of good points that should be examined by LE. It is LEs job to sort through fact and fiction, but at least somebody is trying to find justice for Amanda.

I was reading a former pastor's blog yesterday and he talked about how his sister in law's death was treated, and how her family immediately decided it was God's will, and how if her death brought one person to christ that it was worth it. He said NO, it wasn't. That it wasn't right to expect someone to give up their life so another could find salvation, and he said he was ashamed of promoting those values. He had spoke of how he turned funerals into calls for salvation, and that he was ashamed of those actions. (Remember he is a FORMER pastor). He said it is very common for church leaders to act the way Amanda's family has.

I feel Amanda's dad was using this as one of those opportunities, that he is blinded by his faith and instead of mourning her death, and getting angry, he just immediately accepted it as God's will. Evidently it is very common to accept death this way in the religious world.

HISG said...

Laughing so hard my stomach hurts. You are funny!

HISG said...

My laughing comment was directed at Davey B's comment

HISG said...

Violet said

HISG does have a lot of theories, but also hits a lot of good points that should be examined by LE. It is LEs job to sort through fact and fiction, but at least somebody is trying to find justice for Amanda.

Thank you, and I enjoyed reading your post. You are spot on in your observations about the way in which Amanda's death was treated.

Me2l said...

No, violet, I rarely post as anonymous--only when I forget to add MB, but so what? I'm very open about it; not trying hide. BTW, who are you? Most people here are probably not who they say they are.

I'd like an example of this anger of which you speak. Go ahead, because you have nothing to back it up. I'd like to see your example(s), because I believe I know what you're referencing, and if it's what I think, it just reinforces your ineptitude at analysis, let alone SA.

Me2l said...

"Anonymous HISG said...
I'm laughing too hard at "davey b's" comment to answer your latest harrassment Mel2"

Since you ARE davey b., don't you think that's a little.....well....uh....nutso?

Violet said...

MB,my apologies, it wasn't yesterday I was referencing, it was the morning of May 12. That is when I felt your anger come out towards me.

Also, I never said I was a SA superstar. Yes, I OWN being inept at it. By what I am seeing with you, you are not too far ahead of me, either.

I am not starting a pissing contest with you, by the way. I just wish you would back off of others bouncing their ideas out there, because one day one of the theories will stick. This blog is about SA, but it is also about discussing possible theories and getting feedback from them.

I realize your next comment to me will be derogatory and offensive. Just an FYI, I am not easily affected by a stranger's words, and yours do not bother me whatsoever. So spout what you want, it falls on deaf ears. That is all.

Anonymous said...

If everyone ignored "he is violet gay davey b", who are obviously one and the same, we could get back to a civilized discussion instead of the back and forth silliness of the past few days.

Me2l said...


I knew what you were talking about; I knew at the time it flew right over your head.

I told HISG and others who have been throwing out wild, out-of-the-blue theories that they were loonies, meaning they were acting foolishly. Without knowledge of the various definitions of that word, you chose to self righteously lecture me about calling others crazy, because that meant I was doing the same thing they were. I corrected you about the context in which I used the word and applied it to those who have been completely disrespectful of SA.

I did it for emphasis, so you would UNDERSTAND the word and my usage of it.

I will reiterate: those of you who have departed so wholeheartedly from SA and are now overrunning this site with daily multiple off-the-wall, inane theories which are based solely upon vivid imaginations and nothing more are FOOLS, and you need to be careful about accusing various and multiple people of being complicit in murder when there's literally NO reason to go there. NO reason, except self indulgence.

By monopolizing this site with that tripe, you have turned it into a joke that certainly shows you've learned nothing from Peter's teachings about SA.

To Anon C, you are absolutely correct; I hope this discussion can move back on track without the hysterical theories that make a mockery of SA. I have felt I should call out that type of behavior, because the Internet is forever, and these words accusing innocent people of incest, murder, and other unfounded and certainly unproven "charges" is simply over the top for many reasons.

Leslie said...

Moving on....

Statement Analysis Blog said...

This is a case that has triggered such emotional responses that it appears that some are attempting to use the science of Statement Analysis to read into statements that which is not there.

We all reveal ourselves, even in our comments.

For those with a vendetta against Christianity, this has been an opportunity to air it out.
Others may have been hurt, by a Christian, by one who professes to be a Christian, or even by a church, and this, too, will impact clear thinking.

I leave readers with this very thought:

Although a man can murder, rape and do many other crimes, it is nigh impossible for him to lie outright. This is how rare it is and why we much anchor ourselves to principle, and for those of you who are serious about the science, enroll in training.

If the material here is too much for you, start with the very inexpensive and introductory course Mark offers. If you complete it, you will know whether or not you wish to pursue the science. It is like a basic math class for everyone; no previous knowledge of math needed.

When you see that 2 plus 2 equals 4, and it excites you, you will know your wish to go on to learn that 2 plus 2 equals 4 is necessary, but it is not in real cases. 2, to the 2nd power, x 2 to the 2nd power...and so on, is needed in tough cases but your thrill over learning 2 plus 2 will now be taken for some challenging material.

The blog is a tool to highlight basics and advertise for analysis work while calling attention for justice. It is rare to ever post complete analysis.

Blackburn is deceptive. This is clear, and I am hoping to show a specific personality type, within the context of religion, that will call readers' attention. However, as I read the comments, I recognize how inflammatory my article is going to appear to many.


Me2l said...

From Peter:

"Blackburn is deceptive. This is clear, and I am hoping to show a specific personality type, within the context of religion, that will call readers' attention. However, as I read the comments, I recognize how inflammatory my article is going to appear to many.


This should be great!

Having grown up in a Southern Baptist church in the south, many preachers/pastors and evangelists visiting our church spoke in similar word patterns, phrases, and tone as does DB. Even as a child, I recognized there was an insincerity....hypocrisy, even.....about several of these "men of God" (at that time, it was comprised of men; not women). To be sure, I had the privilege of receiving wonderful Bible teachings from sincere and Christian people, however. They were not all prone to inflated egos, greed, and personal ambition as a were a few, but those few do stand out in my mind, and those traits I noticed so long ago are prevalent among TV preachers of recent years.

Bingo3 said...

Peter, we are all very much looking forward to it. This thread has gotten a little crazy! I am not an SA expert but have learned so much from this case and following your response to DB statements. I tend to even analyse myself when I speak now and my kids,ha! I tend to think he is not only deceptive but also guilty of being involved in the crime. (the coincidences are alarming) However, I am baffled that no one close to him seems to have any doubts about him or his involvement. His dress has changed and become more feminine, his blogs have been troubling and he is living very lavishly and still everyone seems to be on his side. Does he mourn and act completely differently in private settings? That is one thing we just don't know but I have a feeling the ideology of his followers will come into play further in your SA. I am excited to see where this analysis will go and I plan to read and reread with a very open mind!!

Leslie said...

Yes, Peter, many anxiously await your next Davey Blackburn post!

Bingo3, I'm in agreement with all you expressed, above. And, it's true that we don't know how people grieve in private.

Someone a while back posted the comparison of DB to the old-time swindlers and con artists, such as the fake preachers that did tent revivals, and Professor Harold Hill, from "The Music Man." What I didn't realize is that a con man shares the same traits as a sociopath. And, many a preacher has turned out to be a con man, or, rather, a sheep in wolves clothing. Although con men usually deceive to get rich, they are not normally violent. So, if DB was involved in planning or executing Amanda's murder, he'd be more than a con artist (psychopath, I guess?).

I acknowledge that this is not SA, but, Googling "con artist preachers," or "con artist christians" brings up some interesting reads.

If you scroll down to the lists of traits, there is interesting info:

Me2l said...

There has been speculation here that DB worked in conjunction with the killers in his wife's murder. There is also speculation that he may meet with the arrested thugs who are charged with the crime. My question would be: can both these things be true? Why would he take a chance meeting with and publically "forgiving" the murderers if he is one if them? Would they not give him away? In fact, if DB IS/was in collusion with them in the murder, why have they not indicated this previously?

I know that question has been asked here before, but to me, it seems basic.

Leslie said...

Me21, if Amanda's death was a "hit," the killers got their orders from higher up. If this was the case, they wouldn't know it was Davey who arranged the hit. The marketing potential of him meeting with her murderers, to prove he's forgiven them, and to try to change their hearts for God, is huge, so I expect that will take place.

Leslie said...

I just ordered Steven Varnell's book, Statement Analysis: An ISS Course Workbook, that Peter recommended in his Dec. 14, 2014 post. (I sometimes do better with being able to hold an actual book, and to write in it, highlight, etc, instead of online courses.)

After working through that, perhaps I'll sign up for Peter's basic course. There's so much to learn!

A link to the book:

Me2l said...

I'm not trying to be inflammatory, but that is the stuff of fiction and TV/movie crime shows; it's not necessarily reality. It is, however, one way to explain it away.

If DB had some thugs as friends on his FB, I'm not so sure they wouldn't be aware of what went down. Gangs usually know very well who among them is doing what for whom.

(I have a bit of knowledge about this behavior because of some unfortunate incidents with a friend's family that endured for years, culminating in a hit, but all those years, according to my friend, the people with knowledge of the gang knew what it took LE years to discover, and it was freely discussed among them--very frustrating for the victims.)

HISG said...

I am pressed for time...I will catch up on all comments tonight. However, I just wanted to say that I know Peter has flagged Davey for deception, and I hope Peter and LE are both made aware of the Anthony MacDonald tweet sent out the day before Amanda was killed. Good luck to all with your analysis today...glad to see the case is still being discussed.

Bobcat said...


"Blackburn is deceptive. This is clear, and I am hoping to show a specific personality type, within the context of religion, that will call readers' attention. However, as I read the comments, I recognize how inflammatory my article is going to appear to many.


Regardless of the comments that will surely follow, your sound analysis needs to be shared.

I am looking forward to it!

Leslie said...

Me21, I understand what you're saying, and you could very well be correct. But, if the thugs were "just" people Davey knew, and this was not an arranged hit from higher up in a gang, then, wouldn't the thugs rat on DB?

Honestly, in spite of the MANY coincidences, I'm starting to wonder if Davey had nothing to do with Amanda's death, but has other deception to hide. Either way, he certainly acted blessed to have her gone, did not appear shocked or shaken or sad, and didn't waste one moment to start capitalizing on her death.

Anonymous said...


You attention shifting away from DB is so blatantly obvious it's HILARIOUS.

Are you "pressed for time" because you are busy with Resonate load out?

Anonymous said...

Sociopathic Charmers . . .
- are often described as “the nicest person you could ever know,” but – in relationships they are very controlling, self-serving, and irresponsible.
– Seldom agree to therapy; they don’t see a problem with themselves so why should they change? If they go to therapy, they try to charm the therapist.
– look good on the outside, but an ulterior motive lurks on the inside
– see themselves as victims rather than those they hurt
– believe they are special and entitled to special behavior; rules that apply to others do not apply to them
– have their own brand of logic and an excuse for everything
– appear to be very giving, but there is always a price to pay for their attention
– can apologize easily, but there is no true repentance
– don’t feel love or guilt deeply, tend to minimize the pain of those they have hurt
– discredit their accusers when they are confronted
– cope by making themselves the hero in the worst situations
– are very clever, and often able to keep from being caught
– have extreme shifts in personality, may be kind and sarcastic in the same instant
– are very needy, and blame others for not being able to meet their needs
– appear to be very sensitive to others, and use their sense of humor to make others laugh or feel good
– shift attention off themselves onto others to keep from being found out
– depend on lies and deception to maintain a good image
– need power and control to bolster their low self-esteem and very fragile ego
– have a distorted sense of shame, and feel no embarrassment in – doing whatever is necessary to get their needs satisfied
– are narcissistic, and need to believe they are superior to others
– are intimidated by intelligent, perceptive women
– live in constant fear of discovery
– find and use those who will appreciate and adore them
rationalize their behavior with no remorse for the pain they cause
– are one frustration away from violence
– will not change as long as life works for them and there are no consequences to face
– are the center of their world and need constant praise and adoration from others
– know how to win the confidence of others, and use personal information against them later to make themselves feel better or superior
– view their own thoughts and words as ultimate truth
– use kindness as a smoke screen to solicit silence or lack of confrontation of their actions
– are master manipulators who zero in on others’ point of weakness
– lay heavy guilt trips on anyone who confronts their bad behavior
– twist the truth, lie, distract, accuse and use irrational and irrelevant arguments if confronted
– lack healthy shame
– mess with your mind to make themselves look normal—twist, distort, and tarnish your reputation
– know how to play the courtroom game and come across more credible than their victims

Sociopathic Con Artists . . .
- are motivated by greed for material gain
– choose those to whom they show genuine love and affection, with -the capability of killing a stranger or enemy without regret
– have a selective conscience with their own code of ethics
– know right from wrong, but choose to do wrong to get what they want
– seek trusting or naive people to con
– often back off or move on to con someone else when they don’t get what they want
– will resort to violence when they cannot escape
– make the conscious choice to do evil
– don’t mind hurting others as long as they get what they want

Me2l said...

Leslie, I so totally agree with you regarding Davey's behavior after amanda's death! It appears unorthodox to many, but it doesn't mean he killed his wife.....necessarily.

It's odd to me that Davey's friends, family, parishioners, and others who know him well are very trusting of him. Amanda, herself, posted glowing things about Davey. Some of what happens here is the overwhelming bias toward Davey's guilt that is discussed. When something is repeated many times over, it becomes believed, especially by those doing the repeating. It's in direct contrast, however, to Davey's closest people's opinions about him.

Although, as Peter said, Davey's statements show deception, we aren't sure what generates that deception. I have a hunch Peter will provide much food for thought.

Me2l said...

"HISG said...
I am pressed for time...I will catch up on all comments tonight. However, I just wanted to say that I know Peter has flagged Davey for deception, and I hope Peter and LE are both made aware of the Anthony MacDonald tweet sent out the day before Amanda was killed. Good luck to all with your analysis today...glad to see the case is still being discussed."

Why wouldn't the case still be discussed? You dropped the pronoun, I, in the last part of your comment. I think you're being a little deceptive there.

Interesting to note you posted as Anonymous after that comment.

Bad Juju said...

Anon @ 1:05, I seriously doubt Heisgay/Heisstillgay/HISG is Davey or any of his buddies, because he/she previously accused Davey multiple times of shooting Amanda, possibly somewhere other than their home, then torturing her all night. He/she has repeatedly claimed that the thugs never laid a hand on Amanda and were framed by Davey ... and that the scream heard by the neighbor was one of the thugs screaming in horror upon discovering Amanda near death in the Blackburn home.

Here's one of numerous examples:

Heisstillgay said...

I read what was posted here from the probable cause. Thanks for filling me in. Unusual that the bullet to the back would go straight through. Where did it exit?

I would focus on the fact that one of the gunshots was not heard and therefore occurred prior to the 2 morning gunshots heard by the neighbor who was in the shower (I'm sure the time is real accurate on that...did the showering neighbor have a shower clock?).

Amanda was shot in the arm first as a form of torture and was kept alive for some time.
Amanda's journal entry from the night before her death has handwriting which deviates dramatically from all other entries in the form of extreme left letter slant.

I believe Amanda was tortured by Davey. Shot to the arm and knocked out tooth.

You may want to analyze his "chitchat with God on the sofa" rambling more closely. It reveals he lied about time and that he did not sleep that night. Much like the Ramsey's. We have a similarity in Davey and Patsy's false "wake up" story. Might want to wonder was body moved as with Jon Benet? Also the feigning of ignorance about what had happened to the victim although perpetrator realizes police will discover shortly after entry into home the truth(Jon Benet--kidnapped; Amanda--something horrifically wrong with pregnancy)
Also similarity in Davey and Patsy with the "Patsy did laundry": Davey grabbed gym bag...both of them speak of clothing almost immediately in their wake up story.

Davey is a monster. I believe he tortured Amanda.

May 6, 2016 at 10:15 PM

Statement Analysis Blog said...

We are going to look at what type of person is willing to embrace an ideology, claim it to be divine, but be willing to alter it to fit their own agenda.

It is a very specific personality element (one element of many in type) that is willing to do this, but it is an element that is more common today, in which some may be offended.

HISG said...

Anon/ Me2l,

You wrote:


You attention shifting away from DB is so blatantly obvious it's HILARIOUS.

Are you "pressed for time" because you are busy with Resonate load out?

This comment is just outright stupid. Because I had stuff to do today and said that I was glad the case was still being discussed, that means my attention shifted away from DB and led you to accuse me of working for Resonate. Your thinking is desperately convoluted and illogical.

HISG said...

Bad Juju,

The important thing is I found info that could incriminate DB, and how do you know WHAT Davey did?
Maybe that scenario is true. I read the thugs do NOT want a speedy trial, because they want all evidence tested which may take quite a while. Kinda makes me think they are convinced that the evidence may incriminate someone else in Amanda's death.

Me2l said...


I did not ask you if you were pressed for time. Why are you addressing that post to me?

HISG said...

Also Mel2,

Just because those around Davey, according to you, thought he was great, means NOTHING. You need to learn a little more about criminology. There were people who thought Ted Bundy was a sweetheart, and a few who detected a darker side. This is typical. Amanda did not look too smitten with Davey when he was going off about how wives should have sex w their husbands even when they are not in the mood. I detected great pain on her face and revulsion towards him as a person.

Me2l said...


I don't think HISG is Davey, either. I also don't think he will ever get the concept of SA.

HISG said...


Because you wrote it.

Me2l said...

"Anonymous HISG said...
Also Mel2,

Just because those around Davey, according to you, thought he was great, means NOTHING. You need to learn a little more about criminology. There were people who thought Ted Bundy was a sweetheart, and a few who detected a darker side. This is typical. Amanda did not look too smitten with Davey when he was going off about how wives should have sex w their husbands even when they are not in the mood. I detected great pain on her face and revulsion towards him as a person."

You, of course, missed the point.

BTW, how does a person "look" smitten or not too smitten, according to your powers of SA and/or criminology? You detected great pain and revulsion from Amanda? I think you're projecting. I watched the same video and did not detect pain and revulsion. It's just more of your skewed perspective. just can't help but look foolish.

Me2l said...

No, I didn't write it. If I did, why would I deny it?

This is just a perfect example of how wrong your perspective and analyses are--just like with your screwed up Davey ramblings.

HISG said...


You wrote

BTW, how does a person "look" smitten or not too smitten, according to your powers of SA and/or criminology? You detected great pain and revulsion from Amanda? I think you're projecting. I watched the same video and did not detect pain and revulsion. It's just more of your skewed perspective.

Her look was a pained look. It's really not complicated. Her facial expression was one of disgust and pain.

You are apparently are foolish if you cannot recognize basic human facial expressions.

If you want me to mimic your type of argument, I could say the same thing "What do you mean that the people who knew Davey thought he was great? How can you tell?"

HISG said...


You wrote "If I did"

Recall OJ Simpson's "If I did it."

Thank you for providing us with a classic example of an embedded confession.

Me2l said...


Well, you have now proven to me that you absolutely don't have a clue what you're talking about on here, because since I'm aware you're wrong about me, it leads me to believe (as if I didn't already) that you're wrong about everything else you post here. No credibility at all.

Do you have any understanding whatsoever of context?

Are you really do stupid that you can't see I've been logged in for all my posts? I've never failed to acknowledge any post I've made here. It's the only way you know I gave posted as anon.....because I've told you. However, you are not too bright, and you can't discern. That's why your "analysis" gets us utterly worthless.

Me2l said...


Thank you for providing us with a classic example of an embedded confession"

Us? Is that like the Davey "we"?

HISG said...


Well, you have now proven to me that you absolutely don't have a clue what you're talking about on here, because since I'm aware you're wrong about me, it leads me to believe (as if I didn't already) that you're wrong about everything else you post here. No credibility at all.

It is hilarious to me how you feel you are an authority on SA and your sense of arrogance that your opinion about my credibility is of any importance.

I guess Mommy and Daddy made you think you were super important when you were growing up. that you could do no wrong, and clapped like seals when you used big words like "bloviate".

Please stop trying to dominate others here. Your opinion is just of many and it is of no more importance than anyone else's including my own.

Me2l said...

My opinion is important to you, or you wouldn't resort to these tactics.

I didn't use the word bloviate to you. And BTW, it's not a "big word." In fact, there is no such thing as a "big word" except in the small minds of non-thinking, uneducated, and unintelligent people. Please try not to show your ignorance.

Me2l said...


Please stop trying to dominate others here. Your opinion is just of many and it is of no more importance than anyone else's including my own."

Who are these 'others' of whom you speak? Are you trying to gain strength by including others in support of you? That's pretty weak.

It isn't 'others' who are having this conversation with me; it is only you, and if you're going to throw out wild and controversial comments and theories, expect to be challenged.

HISG said...


You wrote

I didn't use the word bloviate to you. And BTW, it's not a "big word." In fact, there is no such thing as a "big word" except in the small minds of non-thinking, uneducated, and unintelligent people. Please try not to show your ignorance.

And to address your other post also,

I have no problem being challenged. You , however, are someone who attacks with insults in an attempt to annihilate the other person. After dealing with it nonstop for days, yes, a portrait of you is becoming clearer, in regards to what actually motivates you. I would be shocked if you were not a male in your mid-forties, alcoholic, you probably were one of the brightest in your class at an elite private school and got all kinds of "praise" from Mommy, Daddy and your teachers and classmates. Now that real life has sunken in, you've picked up the bottle, your relationships end due to your insulting and undoubtedly misogynistic nature, your alcoholism deepens, and the only thing you know how to do is insult others due to your own bitterness even though your problems are entirely your own fault.
Your welcome. You probably would have had to pay a psychiatrist thousands of dollars for that info.

Me2l said...


Prepare to be shocked.

You see? You're so completely wrong about your analysis of me. You have absolutely no idea. But what does it have to do with anything anyway? You use the word annihilate. Is that what you feel I've done to you? And insults? You're the master of mindless insults, and it is the first line of attack for you. No one has thrown around insults the way you have.

You're lousy at analysis, and your ability to apply SA is nonexistent.

Leslie said...

Me21 & HISG,

Warning: I'm wearing my Mom or Teacher Hat.

PLEASE just scroll past each other's posts.

Others would probably be joining in with their thoughts and analyses if continuous bickering wasn't going on. It's currently a lose-lose situation. Neither of you are going to change the other person, or their theories, etc. PLEASE, for the sake of this discussion thread, disengage.


Peter's given us new clues to ponder:

Blogger Peter Hyatt said...
We are going to look at what type of person is willing to embrace an ideology, claim it to be divine, but be willing to alter it to fit their own agenda.

It is a very specific personality element (one element of many in type) that is willing to do this, but it is an element that is more common today, in which some may be offended.

May 15, 2016 at 2:55 PM

HISG said...


You wrote

You see? You're so completely wrong about your analysis of me. You have absolutely no idea. But what does it have to do with anything anyway? You use the word annihilate. Is that what you feel I've done to you? And insults? You're the master of mindless insults, and it is the first line of attack for you. No one has thrown around insults the way you have."

I'll leave it to others who can easily analyze this response beginning with how you attempt to refute my psychoanalysis of you with a question. From there they will notice the EXTREME sensitivity contained in your statement "YOu have absolutely no idea".

You closed by writing "You're the master of mindless insults, and it is the first line of attack for you. No one has thrown around insults the way you have."

Unless you are Davey, I don't know why you would feel I "throw insults around " or that it is "my first line of defense". The only person I have insulted is Davey and a few of his associates.

You have the typical nature of an abuser where you accuse me of doing what you actually do.

Also, the emptiness of your declarations that I know nothing about statement analysis, etc etc. Wouldn't a normal person back that up with some level of credibility by showing that you yourself are knowledgeable about statement analysis? I haven't seen you analyze anything pertaining to this case or even come up with any ideas. Over on the Katelyn thread, you also did no analysis, just asking general questions like how could criminals ever come up with complicated plans to outsmart police? Therefore, Your statements to me have no credibility. I'd love to see you take any video, statement, etc pertaining to this case and analyze it. Until you do, you will get no further responses from me.

HISG said...


You are absolutely right, I am just now reading your post. I will disengage from Mel2 and hopefully further analysis on the case can resume.

Concerned said...

My mother had a saying and I'll pass it on to the bickerer:
"If you're right and everybody else is wrong, it's time to come in and take a nap."

We had a brief season of peace when a couple of others who threw out one nonsensical theory after another left us.
Maybe after Peter's new SA we can get back to that.

Thank you, Bingo3 and Leslie for today's thoughtful posts.

Please, HISG/Violet/HIG, a nap!

Me2l said...

You're right, Leslie.

I'm looking forward to Peter's new post.

Leslie said...

If I picked one trait of DB's which describes him, it would be manipulative:

1.characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person.
"she was sly, selfish, and manipulative"
synonyms: scheming, calculating, cunning, crafty, wily, shrewd, devious, designing, conniving, Machiavellian, artful, guileful, slippery, slick, sly, unscrupulous, disingenuous; informal foxy

But, when I looked up lists of personality traits, I didn't see that listed as a trait. Most such sites list 600+ traits, including positive, neutral, and negative personality traits. From the negative traits, I chose those that most stood out to me, that DB has displayed (in my interpretations). There were others that could also apply to him. My list includes:

Insincere, callous, selfish, deceitful, dishonest, decadent, devious, unprincipled, narcissitic, opportunistic, scheming, greedy, shallow, superficial, self-indulgant, uncaring, calculating, unrestrained, willful, domineering, flamboyant, inconsiderate, imitative, impulsive, impatient, fraudulent, arrogant, envious, libidinous, sneaky, unreflective, unappreciative...

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Once, again, Peter's latest hints, or tips:

Blogger Peter Hyatt said...
We are going to look at what type of person is willing to embrace an ideology, claim it to be divine, but be willing to alter it to fit their own agenda.

It is a very specific personality element (one element of many in type) that is willing to do this, but it is an element that is more common today, in which some may be offended.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The first trait I listed, "insincere," encompasses a few other traits I also listed:

not expressing genuine feelings.
"she flashed him an insincere smile"
synonyms: false, fake, hollow, artificial, feigned, pretended, put-on, inauthentic; disingenuous, hypocritical, cynical, deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, double-dealing, two-faced, Janus-faced, lying, untruthful, mendacious; informal, phony, pretend.

But, and insincere Christian pastor doesn't necessarily try to exploit people. However, a manipulative person IS always insincere, but, an insincere person is not always a manipulative person.

I think Davey is manipulative, and greed is what drives his manipulations. He thirsts for power, the feeling of control and importance that it brings, and, money. So many of his early blog posts were on "leadership." Davey wants craves more and more power. He feels entitled to get what he wants, when he wants it. So, he crafts ways (manipulates) to get more donations, to have more public exposure (marketing), whatever it takes.

A manipulator would be "willing to embrace an ideology, claim it to be divine, but be willing to alter it to fit their own agenda."

My word for the day is manipulator. But, that seems too obvious and basic. Hmmm....

snap said...

Thank you, Leslie.
Thank you, Peter.

HISG said...

Leslie, you wrote

"My word for the day is manipulator. But, that seems too obvious and basic. Hmmm...."

No, Leslie, it anything but basic. You hit the nail right on the head.

In fact, Davey's performance in this video shows manipulation in it's pristine form. I think no word could better summarize him. I wish I could explain it better than saying that he demonstrates manipulation in it's pristine form, but I am not as good with words as I used to be, before I started suffering from PTSD and my mind became not as able to concentrate. All I can do is say that an individual like Scott Peterson was not as good at manipulation, Ted Bundy was too good at it (and by this I mean when you watch interviews with them). Davey, however, demonstrates manipulation is it's purest form, where there is sophistication but still a small degree of transparency, and one it able to watch manipulation in action. Like a perfect specimen, a perfect demonstration of the word.

Leslie said...

Thanks, Me21 and HISG, for being receptive to my interference, and to the others that were supportive.

Concerned, I love your mother's quote, "If you're right and everybody else is wrong, it's time to come in and take a nap." I wish I had that one ready when my children were young!

HISG, I'm sorry that you struggle with PTSD, and hope you're getting help.

YES, there's no doubt in my mind that Davey was being totally manipulative, fabricating God talking to him in the shower (sensitive), referencing bible verses and twisting them in such a way that what he said was heretical, blasphemous, for his own purposes (while criticizing his father-in-law's church, those dead bones), and then made sure to blame the church, should world revival of historical proportions doesn't take place, it's the church's fault. He made sure he had an out and wouldn't catch the blame. And, yet, he claimed he hadn't planned to ask to speak, yet he covered all the bases. Yes, he's good.

What other types of person could "be willing to embrace an ideology, claim it to be divine, but be willing to alter it to fit their own agenda", as Peter said. Ideas?

Leslie said...

...should world revival of historical proportions *NOT* take place...

Anonymous said...

One other trait that much of the younger generations have is too high of self-esteem. Research shows it can be as detrimental as low self-esteem. There are a lot of pages that discuss it. Here are some signs:

Is This Really a Problem?
Yes. Just like low self-esteem can create all kinds of personal problems, high self-esteem can too. Teens with extremely high self-esteem can have serious problems with relationships, addiction and criminal behavior. These characteristics are often accompanied with impulse control problems, lack of empathy, and risky behavior. Teens with too high self-esteem tend to be arrogant, manipulative and bullying. Thinking only of themselves, these teens often take what they want not caring how it affects the people around them.

Some Characteristics to Look For
Arrogant and self-Indulgent
Abusive behavior in relationships
Bullying and manipulative
Impulse control problems
Unable to recognize own faults
Unwilling to change
Unrealistic view of abilities
Prone to risky behavior
A sense of entitlement
Reacts angrily to criticism
Deceive themselves and others

This could play a part in DB, but, I don't know if it's his biggest issue, or flaw.

Anonymous said...

My word is Psychopath. They are great liars AND great manipulators.

HISG said...


I'm not sure exactly what Peter is looking for but for some reason this case and some of the dynamics I suspect contributed to it, made me think about the case of that cult that was around years ago. Does anyone was led by 2 people named "Bo" and "Beep" and they convinced dozens of their followers that they all needed to commit suicide while wearing Nike sneakers because Haley's comet was supposedly going to fly by and give them a ride to heaven. And, in fact, they all did commit suicide, although I can't remember if the leaders did.

The similarity I see in this case is that I believe there is some kind of cult-like "groupthink"... brainwashing, if you will, widespread among the members, surrounding a belief in the need for a "sacrifice" which came in the form of Amanda being killed.

But to tie this back to Peter's question, the best I can think of is someone with a "messiah" maybe someone with "grandiose" thinking, although the individual would need to be very manipulative also, so I can't say that I can pinpoint exactly the descriptor Peter is looking for. Hmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

Slightly OT but related how a pastor divorce can be destructive to ministry. Interesting story about Pastor Tony Jones and his ugly divorce from Julie McMahon.

"I have never once physically assaulted Julie McMahon. I say this unequivocally, without reservation, and in the strongest possible terms. Any allegation to the contrary is a lie.
Further, I have never even spanked my children, much less abused them in any way. Any allegation to the contrary is a lie.
While I obviously made mistakes, as every spouse does, Julie’s behavior grew increasingly erratic over time and continues to be highly erratic today"

His career as a pastor is over.

Me2l said...

Blogger Peter Hyatt said...
"We are going to look at what type of person is willing to embrace an ideology, claim it to be divine, but be willing to alter it to fit their own agenda. "

Tony Jones may exemplify what Peter referred to.

TJ cheated on his wife, then created a theology to justify it, differentiating between his earthly marriage and his spiritual marriage. At one point, he was forced through circumstances of his problems with ex wife to undergo a thorough psych evaluation, where the results were revealed in a 22 page analysis, showing him to be, among other things, a narcissist.

The current societal tendency to be self centered/self indulgent contributes to the Tony Jones-types.

Leslie said...

Interesting, Me21. I was not familiar with Tony Jones.

If I'm interpreting Peter's words correctly, and if order is important, then the type of person we're looking for first "embraces(s) an ideology," and, "claim(s) it to be divine." That part is stumping me, for a particular "type." Davey seemed to embrace Christianity, particularly after "the big lie," choosing "Zealot" as his screen name on his early blog, and planning a free Christian music festival after transferring to his new high school. And, according to things he tells us, he rises early to study the bible and have quiet time with God, daily. I must say that I think he truly embraces Christianity (or, NewSpring's version), and considers it divine.

So, we're looking for a type that, seemingly, totally (and authentically?) embraces an ideology, or religion. It becomes their total identity. I'd have to say that this type is bordering on extremism in their ideology, if not actually an extremist.

There are a lot of people who are "willing to embrace a theology, claim it to be divine," but the next part is not as common, "but be willing to alter it to fit their own agenda." Davey certainly did that, as well as many cult leaders.

From the snippets shared, it sounds like Tony Jones didn't really believe his ideology, since he "created a theology to justify" his cheating on his ex.

HISG, the "Bo and Beep" cult you mention sounds familiar, but, I'm not up on details. Did they truly FIRST embrace an ideology, and then twist it for their purposes?

Maybe I'm splitting hairs. It's kind of like, Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

But, I agree that all of these groups, cults, and churches mentioned seem to include like-minded people who totally throw themselves into the cause, buying what's being sold, and drinking the koolaid.

So, my word for this morning (I might have another one later today), is EXTREMIST. Davey is an extremist who warps this particular brand of Christianity for his own purposes. An extremist with a personal, self serving, agenda. A manipulative, narcissistic extremist. And, yes, Anonymous at 10:55, imo, he is most likely a psychopath.

Bobcat said...


Your "chicken or the egg" thought brings to mind this "thug or theology" article.

Bingo3 said...

It seems in general, there is a trend of watering down scripture all around. Nothing is Wasted replaces Romans 8:28. There is more sharing of pastor's quotes from church members than ACTUAL scripture. We can see this now as Davey and his followers are sharing pretty pictures with his new crazy quotes such as "God gives us everything we would have asked for if we knew everything he knows." CRAZY, twisted thing to say after your wife suffered a brutal murder and give Davey's made-up jesus the credit. There is also a lot more #Ilovemychurch and a lot less I love God. The trend is frightening and the pastor's of these churches love it. It gives them rock-star status, money and easy ability to manipulate.

Fm25 said...

Leslie, I too am stumped by peters word choice. He says willing to embrace an ideology so I'm taking it more as willing to take on the persona of a devout Christian vs actually believing in the ideology. I'm still thinking narcissistic sociopath but I don't think that is where Peter is going.

Leslie said...

Bobcat said...

Your "chicken or the egg" thought brings to mind this "thug or theology" article.

May 16, 2016 at 7:14 AM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wow, Bobcat, the nakedpastor article on thug-or-theology is excellent! Additionally, so are the comments that I've read, and apply to this topic, and the whole case. Here's a sampling of the first ones (top of comments) that popped out at me:

Kenton September 5, 2014 at 8:56 am
....Mindset (of which theology is a part) and behavior can’t be divorced from each other. To say we need to intervene on the behavior and not address the theology inherently makes that mistake....

Sabio Lantz September 5, 2014 at 8:57 am
....The person finds a theology, an expression, webs of belief to hide within or use for their advantage.
Love your form of a Ouroboros-Chicken

Jeff P September 5, 2014 at 8:58 am
Well if it wasn’t for the bad theology Driscoll would have just been bullying a handful of people. Mix in theology (claims to supernatural justifications) and the bullying gets amplified many fold.

K.W. Leslie September 5, 2014 at 8:59 am
I’d also say the thuggery came first. But here’s the caveat: When we first come to Jesus, we all come broken. Good theology is meant to fix that.

Bad theology defends the broken parts, and justifies them to ourselves. Toxic theology says, “It’s okay to be terrible to people; I’m doing it in Jesus’s name.” If we’re really following Jesus, instead of following ourselves and disguising it as following Jesus, we’re not gonna stay thugs for long. We’ll repent, seek help, and avoid leadership roles unless we have strong and safe accountability structures to keep our unhealthy tendencies in check....

Sabio Lantz September 5, 2014 at 10:12 am
That was fantastic! That is the power of theology/religion, it is marketable — it hits peoples triggers, which is why it is so dangerous....

Cecilia Davidson September 5, 2014 at 11:48 am
I’m actually going to go ahead and say that the theology came first, followed IMMEDIATELY by the thug. It makes sense to try and suggest answers for what we don’t know how to describe, but I would think the belief would have to come first before it gets violently pressed against others.

Granted, the more instances of theological violence, the more theology that is created either to dispel/end or continue the violent rhetoric and action. It constantly feeds into itself. As Kenton said, mindset and theology aren’t easily divorced if at all and they each reinforce the other.

Terry Hedges September 5, 2014 at 1:55 pm
Driscoll believes in a God who must punish. A Jesus who comes with a sword to spill blood. It’s quite possible the theology came first, because you become what you worship. If you worship a “thug” god, then…

Alright, I'll stop there. Onto your next link.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing he will say that Davey is a liberal. He thinks liberals twist the "truth" to suit their agenda. Peter knows the "truth" of God's teachings and everyone who has a different belief is wrong.

Bobcat said...

What about actors? Not the ones content to have a side career and do community theater, but those who are willing to do whatever it takes to be on camera.

DB may not be able to do Hamlet, but he can "do" Pastor.

Actor Bradley Cooper (not Pastor Brad Cooper) is described as a Master Manipulator.

Acting as Pastor is an interesting overlay that could be applied to DB.

mom2many said...

I just lost a comment about the consequence of placing the Bible above the church, particularly in our culture of ego-centrism. I wasn't going to repeat it, but I opened my rss reader to this reposted article from the iMonk which speaks to an aspect of this issue.

Bobcat said...

"If a pastor's heart is to be famous first, then s/he will make it happen—with or without God."

Anonymous said...

Despite all of our hard work wracking our brains and plumbing the depths of our consciousness to figure this out, Im afraid Peter's adjective he is looking for could be the word "Muslim". Could Davey be an undercover ISIS operative?

Concerned said...

There is a snarky, devious quality about Davey that shines through any time I see him on video.
I believe Davey decided early on that being a preacher like Dad would mean he would get to be front and center
performing and being paid well for it. I haven't seen any evidence that he bought into the true tenets of Christianity.
For all we know, his father behaved differently at home than he did in front of "his" flock and this instilled disdain
for true Christianity in Davey.

For whatever reason, he has decided to play fast and loose with God's truth and never look back. He found Perry Noble and the New Spring weirdos and hitched his wagon to a train that can make up their own "truth" one meme at a time, entice the masses with sexy talk and clothing while spending money ostentatiously.
They have no shame because there is no oversight and there is complete power.

Some of them fall and fall hard but they usually pick themselves up, dust themselves off and find another flock to hoodwink.
I believe they are more dangerous to the cause of Christianity than devil-worshippers. Actually, I guess they are the true devil-worshippers!

Bobcat said...

"For all we know, his father behaved differently at home than he did in front of "his" flock and this instilled disdain for true Christianity in Davey."

DB's old blog has a quote about how his father "laid into" him and his brother "more times" than he "cared to remember". I don't have the exact quote right now.

I wonder how many times DB observed a change in others' reverential treatment/respect whenever they heard the words "I'm a Pastor" uttered by his multiple ministry relatives.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

Concerned said...
There is a snarky, devious quality about Davey that shines through any time I see him on video.
I believe Davey decided early on that being a preacher like Dad would mean he would get to be front and center
performing and being paid well for it. I haven't seen any evidence that he bought into the true tenets of Christianity.
For all we know, his father behaved differently at home than he did in front of "his" flock and this instilled disdain
for true Christianity in Davey.

For whatever reason, he has decided to play fast and loose with God's truth and never look back.>>>

I ask readers to consider an element within a person's make up; within the personality, that in order to "play fast and loose with God's truth", they must first believe it to be Divine, and then they must know that what they are doing is, in deed, "playing fast and loose" deliberately, for personal gain.

This is NOT disagreement with a specific teaching within the ideology: it is, most specifically, taking the ideology and even while calling it "Divine", altering it to suit one's own purpose.

It reveals a very specific element of a personality that is relevant in this case and in others. I hope to have the article up soon.
Once that is up and discussed, the final overview and analysis of the murder case.

I do believe that this case has revealed deception ,and that the truth will one day come out. (I speak not of my earthy departure...I mean in the here and now). These things have a way of making it to the surface.


Me2l said...


Center of the universe

Fm25 said...

I the other personality type I keep coming back to is Machiavellan. I'm still confused about where Peter is leading us. The references to Islamic crime have me a little stumped. Looking forward to the new thread as scrolling through 700+ comments is starting to drive me crazy ;)

Bad Juju said...

Fm25, just bookmark this page of comments. Your bookmark will probably even take you right here to the newest comment as opposed to the top of the page (mine does in Chrome.)

rosy said...

There are studies of opportunism in the form of religious or "spiritual" opportunism as an anthropological or ethnographic phenomenon, i.e. one that runs through the customs of individual peoples and cultures.

Spiritual or religious opportunism was originally pointed out in a small remote tribe Western colonial anthropologists studied in Surinam. But it is pervasive worldwide.

A. J. F. Kobben writes: "The belief that the supernatural can be manipulated serves to reduce or to prevent cognitive dissonance." In a culture that has "untold religious obligations . . . . they simply cannot think that every infraction brings swift and harsh retaliation because this is contrary to daily experience." Some societies seem free of religious opportunism compared to others. Why? Koben suggests: "One hypothesis would be that the manipulation of superhuman beings is concomitant with the manipulation of human beings. In other words . . . religious opportunism is related to the individual's latitude vis-a-vis his fellow man."

HISG said...


The cult was called "Heaven's Gate" and you can read about their belief system on the wiki link

Quite fascinating: They were able to brainwash their members into mass suicide: one technique was everyone referring to their and other's bodies as "vehicles".

Also, To the poster who felt Davey is "acting" the role of a pastor. I agree! To the point where when I was watching his "shower" sermon, at points, the body language seemed "rehearsed" like someone in a high school play ie. at this point, I will turn; at this point., I will cast my eyes down, etc. This is something beyond "manipulation". I guess you could say it is the height of "phoniness"...he is a fraud, but you almost wonder if he secretly wishes someone would applaud and say "Great job acting Davey!" There is something in him that does not want to be fully convincing, there is something in him that wants to be caught as an imposter.

Bobcat said...

DB also is a salvation salesman. He devours books on business and leadership.
His product is the answer to everything.

He may be a Hallelujah Huckster

Leslie said...

I am stumped. But, Davey is arrogant.
- - - - - - -
What is arrogance?

Arrogance means “bigging yourself up”—whether publicly or just inside your own mind. Often it involves knocking others down at the same time.

It is generally defined as:

The act or habit of making undue claims in an overbearing manner;

that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree;

proud contempt of others. [1]

Other names for arrogance are: egotism, conceit, grandiosity, and self-importance.

Ancient Greek literature refers to hubris, a form of arrogance in which a person thinks himself to be higher in status than other ordinary mortals. In other words, a god.

As with the opposite chief feature of self-deprecation, arrogance is a way of manipulating others’ perceptions of yourself in order to avoid taking a “hit” to your self-esteem. In this case, however, the basic strategy is to get others to see you as special, perfect or flawless — diverting attention from your ordinary imperfections, weaknesses and failings — and thereby keeping your self-esteem artificially inflated.


Leslie said...

HISG, I definitely remember Heaven's Gate (but hadn't recognized the names Bo & Peep). Yes, they were bizarre and harmful, but, make a fascinating study. Also, I agree that Davey's "impromptu" Shower Sermon and sabotaging behavior towards his F-I-L's church appeared VERY rehearsed. I've also noticed his acting talent.

Rosy, I had never before heard of spiritual opportunism until you posted about it. I read up a little, and it's very intriguing, as well.

Concerned, I agree that Davey's snarky, and that people and groups similar to him are, in fact, dangerous to Christianity.

Bobcat, the quote, "If a pastor's heart is to be famous first, then s/he will make it happen—with or without God," is profound, but true in DB's case, and many more. Scary stuff.

This isn't really a trait, or element personalities, but, Davey must be able to justify his manipulative behavior. Self-Justification.

Leslie said...

I apologize for posting so much. This is my last try for tonight:

the ability to compartmentalize

CuriousGeorge said...

Could it be an authoritarian element to the personality?

Bingo3 said...

Clip posted on Resonate FB page. At least DB has a jacket on but he also has the tightest, rolled up jeans on that you can't see in this clip. Here is DB speaking, comparing himself now to Joseph and trying to convince us he had no idea all of this was going to happen. I also love how he talks about cameras being shoved in his face. Give me a break.

I started transcribing about halfway into this clip. He starts by saying "Boom" then your elevated to that platform." He loves saying Boom!
"When he snaps his finger and he elevates you to that place, you are ready to help as many people as you can. Can I tell you something guys? (replaces can I be honest with you?) I wasn't ready for any of this? (shoulders go up and he tenses up just like he did last week when he said how hard it was doing life without Amanda) I didn't know this was going to happen. I didn't know I was going to find my wife on November 10th. I didn't know that National Media cameras were going to be shoving video cameras in my face. (laughable!!! Davey did sit down, planned interviews and loved every second of it! His CHOICE! He could have gotten a family spokesperson! He could have said "No, we are grieving!" He is such a liar) I had no idea, (shaking his head, trying to convince) Sometimes it can happen just like that, (snaps) Sometimes it is a really painful path that you would never choose but Joseph was putting in a place ( here is goes comparing himself to another biblical great) where he was able to share salvation with thousands, hundreds of thousands of people. (soft music playing the whole time speaks)

Again, he is blaming it on God, comparing himself to Joseph and hundreds of thousands will be reached.

Bobcat said...

Thank you Bingo! He has a strong need to persuade.

He is SUCH a LIAR!!!

Bingo3 said...

Indeed he does Bobcat.

Bobcat said...


I want you to believe me, because I am a habitual liar.
I was ready for this.
I knew this was going to happen.
I knew I was going to find my wife on November 10th.
I knew that National Media cameras were going to be shoving video cameras in my face.
I had all kinds of ideas.

(Oh, I know, I can't say these things for him...I'm venting)

Leslie said...

Just, WOW....

Anonymous said...

The newest post in DB self celebrating website is (supposedly) written by one of his flock.. The post is entirely about how DB saved her life and marriage and is like a testament to his greatness. It is so sick that he would be so self aggrandizing and post it as an example of how Amanda's story changed lives.. But in fact it has very very little about Amanda and is all about Davey. She writes "THEN. Enter Davey." And, ( shudder) "Davey opened something up in me".... But I guess she does add that she is grateful for "Amanda's sacrifice..." Wow. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

Shoot my apologies if my previous post shows up a few times.. I didn't think it had gone through and may have accidentally posted it again. Oops.

Leslie said...

Anonymous at 9:21, it only posted once. Thanks for the headsup on this nauseating promotional blog post:

Fm25 said...

Talk about ideological conflict. Davey's church exists because of pastor idolatry and he embraces it. I'm concerned about the people he is targeting and how they are going to feel when the truth comes out or when they realize they are being used. He will drop them in a hot minute if a better opportunity arises. I don't think the blog entry he chose was wise as It doesn't seem that the author has been positively influenced by Amanda's story which was supposed to be the point. I don't know enough about her relationship to be sure, but it seems she was influenced to go back to an unhealthy relationship just because her husband "loves" her. Davey is front and center in her story with God taking a backseat. That Davey would choose this as his first story in the "Nothing is Wasted" series is a clear indication of what his true intentions are. This should I hope be another thing that helps Amanda's family see things a bit clearer.

Leslie said...

Fm25, YES, yes & yes! That blog post was not about how Amanda touched someone's life, which is what the link on the church's website says (Said? I can no longer find that page on the website, but, I'm in a hurry) it's for.

A calculated move, on DB's part, but, you're right, it wasn't wise, and could backfire. I hope Amanda's family & others will have their eyes open...soon.

Leslie said...

Davey's newest "sermon" is up:

I haven't watched the entire video yet, but, heard DB call he & Amanda "crazy," because they ran a marathon....At 12:33, Davey admits that he's a control freak.

I'll listen to the rest later, there could be interesting things in it...

Bobcat said...

"Here I am giving this man an ultimatum before I will even try…but he had NEVER given up me one."

“I don’t want a divorce. I’ve been stupid. So stupid and I’m sorry”

"It was that day that I decided my marriage was worth running TOWARDS the roar…that my marriage was worth it to me to save."

That blog sounds a total fabrication. Too many ..., ..., ...
Missing word and a typo - he had NEVER given up on me once
Amanda is only mentioned once at the very end.

Interesting topic as well, marriage.
It is likely that Amanda was ready to divorce DB.
He wanted her to stay with him, crazy and all, even after trying for seven years.

Bad Juju said...

New article previewing Taylor's court stuff today.

"Prosecutors said several informants tipped detectives off to Taylor’s alleged criminal activity."

Bad Juju said...

Forgot to add ... they scheduled another pretrial conference for Friday. I doubt we'll hear anything about what happens at the pretrial conferences, though.

Fm25 said...

"I will forever be grateful for that day, for davey, for his faith, his story... "
So it's all about davey"s story.
"I also am grateful for Amanda's sacrifice..."
1st mention of Amanda by name. Amanda did not make a sacrifice, she was murdered! She was not sacrificed by God. This is so infuriating. If they want to use the "nothing is wasted" line that's fine but rewriting history to say Amanda's sacrifice is wrong on so many levels. It's blasphemous. I don't understand the people that are moved by this. Nothing about this story was moving. I hope things work out for this girl Heather but I think she made a rash decision based on the words of a very charismatic but manipulative and deceitful man.

Bobcat said...


Don't worry about Heather. She is very like a total fabrication used to sell DB's Running Toward The Roar and Nothing Is Wasted inspirational speaking engagements.

Book him now to inspire your group!

Bingo3 said...

Yep, the blog is all about Davey and his great faith. Throw the sacrificial Amanda into the blog at the very end.

I am sure there have been many stories shared ONLY praising Amanda. However, he is only going to share the ones that extol his Daveyness. It is all so predictable.

Concerned said...


HISG said...

That is such a stupid expression..."running towards the roar"...

OK, now I will watch video.

HISG said...

I watched 3 min of video so far...Davey wearing one of his gayest outfits ever. I also noticed that he has sped up the rhythm of his speech like he is trying to sound like a sports commentator.

Leslie said...

Bingo3, thanks for sharing this link this morning-

-and the transcript to most of it, as well as interjecting your thoughts. I went ahead and transcribed it (my first time- needed the practice):

"You know, God's got an elevation plan for every single person in this room, every single person. And you have no idea when God's snaps his finger and then, BOOM, all of a sudden you're elevated to that platform. You have no clue, no clue. The question is this: Are you training for it now? Are you ready? Are you, are you practicing the principles of trusting God first, and trusting him to produce the results. So when he snaps His finger and he elevates you to that place, you're ready to help as many people as you can. Can I tell you something guys? I wasn't ready for any of this. I didn't know this was going to happen. I didn't know I was going to find my wife Nov on 10th and I didn't know that national media outlets were going to be shoving cameras in my face two days later. I had no idea. You see, sometimes it can happen just like that. Sometimes it's a really, really painful path that you would never choose. But Joseph was put in a place where he was able to share salvation with thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of people."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

There's SO much rich material in this short video. He protests too much ("I had no clue, no clue." "I didn't know," 3 times). And, yes, he's blaming God for taking Amanda AND elevating him! And, as Bingo said, he says he wasn't prepared, but, what about that Lusko video that he and Amanda watched on the way to their Chicago romantic getaway, which, he realized in retrospect, prepared his (their?) heart? And, what is he really saying? That God has elevated him to a platform, due to Amanda being brutally shot and murdered...And others need to prepare for God to elevate them to their platforms. So, just what is this platform Davey speaks of- speaking engagements, marketing himself, an upcoming book, most likely, and more money....

Bingo, I didn't mean to repeat your points, but, I'm processing and still just floored. Never a dull moment when Davey keeps talking.

snap said...

Amanda's sacrifice.

The sacrifice of Amanda.

As if the two concepts were the same.

Does it beg the question that:

Amanda agreed to be sacrificed? Really, sounds like she did not surrender. Brave woman who knew she still had work to do here.

Is it a sacrifice if it was not intended? Sacrifices seem real intentional to me: eg-- Lent. I think a sacrifice has to be intentional.

Was that murder scene what Amanda intended?

Again: could the timing of the birth of the new baby have conflicted with the launch plans of the pre-planned trip to Israel. A trip to Israel has had a lot of bragging rights with it lately- even/especially with celebrities. From what I gathered; that trip was in the works well before the murder. Perhaps the pregnancy was not.

And that coinciding book reading videos. Loss = "Character" building....= name recognition/brand/money/power/influence.

If a beautiful, Jesus-hearted minister's daughter does not launch your dream plans, how about a great loss to build your mansion on.

As mentioned: If someone wants to be popular and (or) thence wealthy; they will do it with or without God...

Leslie said...

Snap, I agree, Amanda did not ask, or agree to being sacrificed. And, she is not God's sacrificial lamb, Jesus is.

Davey mentions it so much...I guess he must feel like he sacrificed Amanda- he was willing to say goodbye to her (rather easily, by all appearances), to slingshot his ministry, his rise to this (supposedly) unexpected platform, where God is rewarding him, even though Davey didn't prepare, and had no idea it was coming, no idea....

It's so twisted.

Bobcat said...

I put the transcribed snippet on the Blackburn Discussion blog (for transcripts) here:

I haven't had time to transcribe lately, but I will add any bits others do, so they can be easily referenced when needed.

Leslie said...

Bobcat, if you can edit on the discussion page, I just realized I transposed "Nov on 10th," instead of "on Nov 10th."

snap said...

It is so twisted.
So twisted.

The concepts are all being twisted.

Minds are being twisted.

And he does not even do proper laying on of hands.
Just a cult of personality.

Because he is multi-generational (minister) and so good looking. And above average intelligence and vain. Star(buck)s in his eyes.

Trumped again.

Leslie said...

Snap said

...Again: could the timing of the birth of the new baby have conflicted with the launch plans of the pre-planned trip to Israel. A trip to Israel has had a lot of bragging rights with it lately- even/especially with celebrities. From what I gathered; that trip was in the works well before the murder. Perhaps the pregnancy was not.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Snap, do you know how long Davey's trip to Israel had been planned? I wrongly assumed he decided to join the NewSpring group once he suddenly had a windfall of donations and insurance money. I also pondered if others felt pity for the widower and sponsored him. If it's been established that he'd planned to go on the Israel trip before Amanda's death, and even before they learned of her pregnancy...then, yes, that baby was really a bother, interfering with his big trip. He has posted quite a bit about it, and appeared to enjoy preaching and baptizing there amongst his audience, I mean amongst other tourists who made the pilgrimage. This trip was very important to him.

Twisted, indeed.

Clues Piling Up said...

Could Davey have wanted all this publicity so the world would know how super gay he is? Does he gesticulate so much when he is preaching to his flock so his sheep can see his Beach Body muscles flex? Did he kill Amanda so he could steal her jeans jacket and jeans pants and wear them in front of his flock? Does he think baseball is a gay sport? Does he use hair pommade? Does he like taking trips because it makes him feel gay(er)?

Clues Piling Up said...

Could "running towards the roar" be code for I am gay? Could Davey's pool be filled with algae and green as a go-light because he does not want to nick his manicure pouring in algae-fighting pool chemicals? Could Davey have been feeling special vibes talking to his flock because he realized it was Madonna night at the local gay bar?

Breaking it Down said...

Does Davey realize gay men are not going to want to swim in his algae-filled pool? Does Davey realize "twinning" outfits is stupid? Does Davey know Kenneth Wagner, driveway Diva, once said "There is something not right with that boy!" Does David plan on bedazzling Weston's outfits? Does Davey ever get spooked when Perry Noble's eyes bug right out of his head while he is talking? Did Davey force Amanda to paint her vintage furniture cream because he felt the color was "tasteful"? Does Davey keep talking about Joseph because he envies-- which is a mortal sin--his many-colored coat?

Final Thoughts said...

Did Davey think he was too gay to father a child but when he did he could think of nothing more than to squeezing into the tightest jeans jacket he could find and going on trips? Did he then plan on hosting pool parties but forgot to pour in algea-be-gone? Did he then begin a series called "running the bases backwards" and posting on his blog pictures of inspirational stories resulting from his wife, Amanda's death? Did Kenneth Wagner enable him telling him that his corny series was a hit? Did Perry Noble's eyes bug out with delight when he saw Davey begin preaching his baseball lectures to his eager flock?

Imagrandma said...

I may have figured it out

I am thinking through the clues


First Davey
Then Kenneth
Then Perry Noble

I am thinking that together
They formed a tapestry of deceit

Fooling a flock of sheep
Even as their flock
Grew Bigger.

One two buckle my shoe
Davey is over there, now he's taking a trip

Three Four
I can't think anymore.

Foolsfeedonfolly said...

So, what do Ezekiel and Joseph have in common that Davey is practically plagiarizing their life stories as his own? Ezekiel's wife was killed and he was a prophet to Israel. Joseph's brothers were jealous of him and he went from jail to second in command of Egypt. There's a reason Davey's cherry-picking the Bible people he's using.

So, Davey fancies himself a prophet and went to Israel to launch his "global ministry"? So, Davey fancies his "Christian brothers" are jealous of his ministry gift and sees himself becoming famous, important, and influential in charge of a large ministry, second only to God/Jesus? IMO, Davey envisions himself a Hall of Fame-r, with visions of grandeur (grandiose, actually).

The only problem is that God promotes, not four thugs. It had to be Davey's "god" that elevated Davey because God Almighty, Jehovah, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob said "Thou shalt not kill [literal translation is to murder]." and imposed stiff penalties for doing so. He certainly would not have planned, orchestrated, or ordained Amanda's and her baby's murder. -smh

Davey's investing a lot of time and effort trying to convince his followers that he's God's annointed and an up and coming Bible Super Hero. I've never seen a single pastor with the bravado or arrogance to equate themselves by turn to Paul, David, Ezekiel, and Joseph.

Peter- Like many other here, I've been wracking my brain and reading up on all kinds of psychological traits/personality disorders. I can hardly wait for that new article! LOL Bring it on!

Imagrandma said...

Five Six
Ezekial 6

Seven Eight
Davey's not straight

Nine Ten
What I want to know is When

Will Peter tell us what trait
Someone who bends scripture to their liking

I know he is busy
I know he is wise

I know he wants us to think
Our brains form constellations
And galaxies

Of Thought

About Davey
Strutting like a Peacock

His Flock Fixated
HIs Sheep Awe-struck

Peter Tell US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you make us wait?
An act of discipline

A brain exercise
Leading us directly

To gentle thought
And careful wisdom

IMagrandma said...


Please tell me
That whatever trait Davey has

Does not relate to the Islamitization of Europe

That would shatter
What little
I have left

LOve, Imagrandma

Me2l said...


Sanity prevailed for a short time, but imagrandma and HISG are back in all their glory. I suppose people are what they are, and it was only a matter of time until they monopolized the thread with their regurgitations of utter nonsense.

Please hurry, Peter. :-)

Leslie said...

Breaking it Down said...

Does Davey know Kenneth Wagner, driveway Diva, once said "There is something not right with that boy!"

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Your posts (including Clues) made me giggle! But, it was actually Perry Noble who thought that something was wrong with that boy, Davey, until Amanda came in (for Davey's NS interview) after him and lit up the room. Perry relayed this at Amanda's celebration service (funeral).

It would be interesting to know Kenneth Noble's true thoughts about Davey. They're bff's, but, I wonder if he's ever had fleeting doubts about him?

Inquiring minds want to know....

Bingo3 said...

Leslie, I agree!! There is so much in just that short clip. Why is it even necessary to say you didn't know it was going to happen. Why was it necessary to OVER and OVER say you had no idea it was going to happen!! It is like him calling 911 as soon "as he could". Why does that even have to be mentioned. We all assume (well, not us on SA, but most) assume you didn't know it was going to happen and we all assume you called 911. Why even bring those two things up?? I would also love to do a body language study on those shoulders rising up like a guilty person.
My very favorite on the clip cameras was DB referencing cameras being shoved in his face! What a laugh! The day after he buried his wife, he sat in that GMA interview with a smile across his face, hair perfectly in place and dressed oh so nicely! (mute that video and you would think he was talking about a fun trip to Disney) George S looked baffled as DB kept changing the subject and showed no signs of grief. It was all so awkward. Don't even get me started on the Inside Edition interviews. No One shoved a camera in his face. He shoved cameras in his own face.
Add all of the above to the continued comparison of himself to Bible greats and the reference to reaching hundreds of thousands. I am very curious what Peter concludes. I think this guy is completely cray-cray! Grandiose thinking, compulsive lying, Bible distorting, preacher stinking, wealth and fame seeking, Nov 10 morning events continued tweeking, should I go on? Ha!

Me2l said...

Who is Kenneth Noble?

Leslie said...

Yes, Bingo, he sought out the cameras, particularly those with national media coverage.

Btw, in my 8:59 post about the snippet of that video, I said:

"And, yes, he's blaming God for taking Amanda AND elevating him!"

I worded that incorrectly. Obviously, Davey doesn't BLAME God for elevating him. He blames (or credits) God for taking Amanda, as a sacrifice for the world, but credits God for (almost immediately) providing his "elevation plan," and (immediately) elevating him "to that platform," "that place..."

I realize Davey was giving an explanation for his sudden rise to "fame," should anyone question- it was all God, it has had nothing to do with him marketing tee shirts at Amanda's celebration service, the donation page for Davey that went up before Amanda was legally dead (if I remember correctly), PN speaking mainly of Davey at Amanda's funeral service, the photo stream / slideshow that almost always included Davey in them, the many posts, photos, and videos of himself preaching, baptizing, traveling, and pimping Weston, while strutting his tighter clothes, on Resonate's website, facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, his promotional website/blog, in addition with the nifty little (unscriptural) sayings that look like posters, which justify his actions, exploit his circumstances (trying to garner empathy and sympathy, as he misses Amanda so much, he's now a single father, nada nada), also posted on social media, coupled with him creating his new blog to drum up speaking engagement business, his professional photographs on that website, promoting him as a speaker (with his poofier hair curled, sprayed, or jelled, more than ever, his white skinnier jeans, what appears to be Amanda's jean jacket, and his newly grown facial hair- a "hip," gay Jesus wannabe appearance), where he's trying to look serious in two photos, but, can't contain his joy in the other two, as his happiness at this new life spreads across his face, while broadcasting his instantaneous forgiveness of the thugs in jail who were involved in Amanda and her unborn baby's murder, as well as his desire to engage them in conversations about Jesus, not to mention purchasing a new car within weeks (if that rumor was substantiated), as well as buying a large home on what appears to be acres, with a swimming pool (green algae and all), flaunting his new lifestyle as he jets to the beach, Israel, and speaking at various churches, including NewSpring, having the need to blog about his reflections on his guest appearance at NewSpring, in addition to his blog post about his interview at NewSpring, while bastardizing scripture to his liking- putting a positive spin, or twist on his actions and life and flaunting taking the now stylishly dressed (twinnie, or not) Weston for the first time to Amanda's grave....

That was the longest run-on sentence of my life, and I know I left out many opportunistic things Davey promptly put into place, within moments after Amanda's last breath (some before).


HOW can others not see that Davey orchestrated his "promotion" to this platform, in a very calculated way, whether or not he had anything to do with Amanda's brutal murder?

Leslie said...

Blogger Me2l said...

Who is Kenneth Noble?

- - - -

Whoops! I meant that it would be interesting to know Kenneth WAGNER's true thoughts on Davey.

I need more coffee. (I don't think Wagner and Noble morphed into one person, ha ha?)

Bobcat said...

Pull up two screens and look at these side-by-side:

"Written" by DB:

"Written" by "Heather"

Bingo3 said...

I see where you are going Bobcat. Similar writing styles. I certainly would not put it past him. He is a con artist. I love the "THEN. Enter Davey. Suddenly, my life was changed forever, blah, blah, blah!" I can hear the super hero music playing in the background. Gag me!

Me2l said...

Leslie.....I sympathize. Not enough coffee for me is paralyzingly! Lol

Bobcat, I do see your point with the writing. Absolutely.

Imagrandma said...

Leslie my dear

Thank you for pointing out
My discrepancy with Kenneth Wagner and Perry Noble-Noble he is not!

I try to keep track
Of the "oddities" of these cases

But rely on you young people
To keep track of the facts

When I was younger
I lived on a farm
And had 2 cows and 10 chickens and knew them each
By name

According to their individual clucking patterns

What's that?

Sorry I need to go
My toaster is calling me.


Leslie said...

Yes, Bobcat, I see the similarities, as well. And I just love the bold statement:

"THEN. Enter Davey."

Whatever happened to people (pastors and their flocks) giving God the glory? If I was in an unhappy marriage, and my minister gave great marital advice, I'd be thankful to him. But, I'd view it as God working through the minister. My minister wouldn't become my hero. Not even if his wife had been murdered months before.

I also find it interesting that Nothing Is Wasted Story #1 was, not only irrelevant to Amanda, and how Amanda affected her life, but, "Heather" references the timing of the sermon that helped her so much:

"I sat listening to Davey talk about losing the love of his life..."

The page/form that was on Resonate's website was put up shortly after Amanda's death, and asked for people to submit stories of how Amandad affected, or touched their lives. So, Davey's first Nothing Is Wasted Story posted on his blog is about how DAVEY's words helped someone.

Leslie said...

Ima, no apologies necessary. I'm not young, and am making many mistakes on here!

Imagrandma said...

Snap crackle pop
My rice crispies
Are telling me
These guys should

Do any of you young people
That the gun
Found in the neighbors yard
Did not match the murder weapon

I feel it was related to the crime
And may relate to a second gunman
Who fled

This is a clue
You young people can use
In my day I was quite the Sherlock

Bobcat said...

"Heather" is deceptive in her writing. What a shocker.

Bobcat said...

Amanda's sister Amber has written another beautiful story. DB is NOT tagged.

Bobcat said...

A little OT but this might explain why the Byars aren't looking sideways at Davey - yet. They've been drinking his koolaid.

"I truly believe that the longing I have pales in comparison to the eternal hope we have in a Creator God who ordained every single day of Amanda and Evie's life."

God did NOT ordain Amanda's brutal death.

Imagrandma said...

Sorry kids
It took a while
For my arthritis meds to kick in
So my fingers could loosen up

For Typing

Do you kids think that Kenneth Wagner's tweet
Could have been
To establish an

For himself?

And that maybe
He is the one
That threw the gun in the neighbor's yard?

And that Davey was talking to him on the phone
From his driveway
To tell him what to do
Do you think
Kenneth Wagner
May have been at the scene after the thugs
Or Before
Perhaps he was the hit man
Or maybe he was supposed to do something
Like render Amanda

Anonymous said...

Sure, why not? It's no more stupid than many of the other theories floating around here for months now.

Bobcat said...

Retweeted by Amanda Grace 9/15/2013:

Do not be disheartened when the enemy (troll) attacks. It's one of the clearest indications that you're onto something good.

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